THE FLIGHT I HAVE FIRST ENJOYED Any new experience bears enormous curiosity to every human being. I am not rare in this case. As my elder brother worked in Barisal who asked me to stay with him for a few days. I have got the chance to avail flight. It was to me a thrilling experience. Fly brother sent me ticket. I reached at the airport one hour before the schedule time. I waited at the passengers lounge. After 15 minutes the flight from Barisal reached the airport. When the passengers were unbearable, the flight for Barisal was adnormal. I have got a bearding card. After a while we were asked to handover the baggage. Then the departure of the plane was announced. I get boarded on the window when all the passenger were boarded the greet to Bangladesh Biman was heard over microphone. We were also asked to fasten the seat belts as there was flying. I was spellbound with joy. The people in land seemed to me as lilliput and the vehicles, buildings seemed to me as toy, the rivers were like a canal. Time Flew on rosy wings. I woke up from meditation when we were pushed as the plane reached Barisal. I got down from the plane with great experience that I bear till now. ARSENIC PROBLEM OF BANGLADESH Arsenic is a natural element. It is geological found is sediments and rocks. It cannot be seen, tasted or smelled when it is present in water. Arsenic contamination of ground water has became a serious threat. About 20% population of the country is at a 1


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Any new experience bears enormous curiosity to every human being. I am not rare in this case. As my elder brother worked in Barisal who asked me to stay with him for a few days. I have got the chance to avail flight. It was to me a thrilling experience. Fly brother sent me ticket. I reached at the airport one hour before the schedule time. I waited at the passengers lounge. After 15 minutes the flight from Barisal reached the airport. When the passengers were unbearable, the flight for Barisal was adnormal. I have got a bearding card. After a while we were asked to handover the baggage. Then the departure of the plane was announced. I get boarded on the window when all the passenger were boarded the greet to Bangladesh Biman was heard over microphone. We were also asked to fasten the seat belts as there was flying. I was spellbound with joy. The people in land seemed to me as lilliput and the vehicles, buildings seemed to me as toy, the rivers were like a canal. Time Flew on rosy wings. I woke up from meditation when we were pushed as the plane reached Barisal. I got down from the plane with great experience that I bear till now.


Arsenic is a natural element. It is geological found is sediments and rocks. It cannot be seen, tasted or smelled when it is present in water.

Arsenic contamination of ground water has became a seriousthreat. About 20% population of the country is at a risk of arsenic.

Arsenic can damages nerves, the stomach and skin. Ingestion of Arsenic contaminated water for a long time causes arsenicosis. Some members of a family or community are affected. But others in the same family or community, who consume the same water, may not be affected. The most common early signs of chronic arsenic poisoning are muscle weakness and aching. It is causing serious health hazard to the people.

The farmers use contaminated ground water. For this the sail is being polluted. Arsenic is also found in Vegetables, fruits and crops. The entire population may be in danger. Because of Arsenic, the quality of food decrease. High level of arsenic contamination cause tremendous health hazards.

We must deal with arsenic problem. We have to provide arsenic free water. Public awareness can over come this problem. Surface water or rain treatment plants should be established. This water should be uses for all domestic purpose. A scientific and comprehensive national water policy is necessary. Government must create public awareness. Better medical facilities should be provided.



Bangladesh has become a grand place because many saints are enjoying eternal sleep here and there in Bangladesh. Their burial places are one of the historical interest. Last January, I had an opportunity to visit a place of historical interest with my parents. I visited the Mazar of Pir Khan Jahan Ali and the Shatgambuj Mosque in Bagerhat.

Pir khan Jahan Ali died on the 25th October 1459 and was buried at Bagerhat since then it has been regarded as one of the famous historical places in Bangladesh. This tomb is visited by all classes of people from different parts of the country throughout the year. The mazar is made of cut out stones and on the tomb there are inscription in Arabic. On the full moon night of the month of Chaitra, a big fair is held beside the tomb.

There runs a big lake like tank in front of the tomb. It is called Darga dighi. The tank never dries up and its water is sweet. It has several crocodiles in it there is a believe among the people that if they satisfy, the hunger of the crocodile with their offering, their desires and dreams would be fulfilled. After three hours long stay there, we left for Shatgambuj Mosque, about two miles away form the mazar.

The Shatgambuj mosque in one of the best architectural beauties of the country. It was built in 1440. It stands on sixty massive pillars. It is one of the greatest tourist attraction of Bangladesh We also visit another tank beside Shatgambuj mosque named Dargha Dighi. After two hours long a visit there we got back home.

While visiting these two historical places in Bagarhat. I felt my self thrown back to the days of Pir Khan Jahan Ali. The past history came before my minds eye. I came to know about the pious intention of the people of that time. As it was my first visit to a place of historical interest, I was delighted to recollect the memory of this visit which will remain ever fresh in my mind


Examination is a system to evaluate the student's merit especially oriented to subjects. That's why it is a vital thing to write properly in the answer script. Answer is a some total of arguments that always goes on according to required questions. So answer should be argumentative.

In the examination, students must budget their time. After getting question paper, he must go through it twice carefully. Then think a while which questions are best prepared to him. While start writing, he must select the best answers


written first. He must not exaggerate or write irrelevant thing which is not related to questions. He would write the questions learnt best respectively. He will not elaborate any answer if he has more questions to attempt. Because the equal answers in the answer script carry good marks. While writing answers, he must keep in his mind what kind of argument he will represent for the respective questions. lf he has little hand writing, he would keep enough space between the lines so that the examiners can easily read his answers. To keep the answer script neat and clean bears a good impression on examiner. A student must stop writing at least five minutes before the last bell rings. This is how one can answer in the answer script.


Our total environment is consisting of natural and man madeobjects. There is a close relation among the elements of nature. But rnan made objects are violating the harmony. Our earth is going forwards disaster for environment pollution. Five basis elements of nature are being polluted through water pollution, air pollution and sound pollution. Water is being pollution in many ways, like throwing wastage from mills and factories, washing away, chemicals from chemical fertilizer and pesticides. It causes a threaten to water beings. Air is also polluted in various ways like the emission of Carbon-di-oxide, Carbon-mono-oxide and lead from motor vehicles and CFC from green houses. Moreover the wastage our climate day by day. Sound is also another type of pollution that comes from the loud speakers, horns of vehicle and causes a great harm to our mental as well as general health. We have to stop the environment pollution for our existence. Laws should be strictly imposed to stop throwing waste mate rails directly. Moreover the use of chemical fertilizer should be discouraged. We can save our air be taking various steps. The emission of CFC gas should be decreased. Besides we have to stop cutting down of trees at random. Environment can take steps to use CNG in motor vehicles. Sound pollution must be stopped and it might be done with sincerely .We have to campaign against environment with fresh water, air and audible sound.



Sound is one kind of wave that hits the membrane of our ears. It usuallycreates from the vibration of things. The normal tolerance limit of sound is decibels. But when it exceeds the limitation then it is turned into a noise. Serious harm can be caused to people if they are faced to sounds exceeding 70 decibels. It affects our mental as well as general health. The main causes of sound pollution are the fulminating of people the horns of the vehicles, the sound of the mills and factories and also tone of loud speaker. Sound pollution makes life very uncomfortable. It interrupts our daily activities specially the arena educational institutions. It tells heavy on the serious patients in the hospitals by increasing hyper-tension. The indirect effects of sound pollution are the gradual deafness, rising blood pressure, irritability increasing in normal rate of heart beat, lack of contraction to any and so on. It has numbers of adverse effect but people are not equally concern about it. This problem is very acute in big towers and cities. So people of all walks of life must take it as a great concern and try utmost to stop the cause of sound pollution. The government can also impose laws strictly to keep the release of sound in limitation. If we are conscious enough to the sound pollution, then we will be able live happily with audible sound.


Our environment is polluted by man made elements. Polythene is one of them. It is a kind of poly-strene compound which cannot be vanished in soil. If it is burnt it cannot be vanished. This polythene pollutes our environment in many ways.

Water one of the most vital elements of nature is being polluted in many ways. Polythene is the main of them. Polythene is thrown everywhere. This polythene creates a blockage at sewerage line and interrupts the easy circulation of sewerage system. As a result water clogging happens in some areas especially in low-lying areas. Water clogging creates water pollution and it becomes the breeding ground for the mosquito which is responsible for many kinds of diseases. At the same time it can cause serious environment pollution.

Soil is one of the vital elements of nature. The top soil or surface is the place which is very fertile and various types of crops, vegetables and many other things grow them. But the thrown wastage, torn polythene creates soil pollution. As it can not be vanished in soil, it covers the surface soil and goes deep into it. No plant grows on it. So polythene becomes a threat for any type of plants. This can even loose the fertility of soil which results shortage of food that leads to famine.

So polythene problem creates a have to our environment and it becomes the threat to the very existence of any being any this world. We have to avoid it


whole heartedly. It is a matter of great joy that the government has taken it as great concern and taken epoch making effort by banning polythene which is very thin in layer. But still now the production of polythene is going on and it has been used any way. So the effected step would be to create mass consciousness against polythene so that the people of our country avoid polythene unanimously. At the same time alternative things must be provided so that people can easily use it without any second though. As a whole we have to make united effort to ban the production, marketing and use of polythene to make our environment polythene free.


Unemployment means the state of being without any opportunity of earning one's livelihood. This condition is very acute in our country and it becomes a course for social life. As physically fit person haven't proper scope to earn their livelihood so they are involved in illegal activities that destroys social harmony. There are many reasons for unemployment. The rapid growth of population, agriculture based economy, less industrialization, illiteracy, poverty, system of education are mention able reason for unemployment. Population is a gift for a nation if she can utilize population. If excessive to land area then it becomes curse. Our economy is based on agriculture. We have less factories mills and industries. That's why people have less scope for employment. Moreover with the advancement of science and technology, the use of manpower is decreasing for automation. Illiteracy is also one of the main reasons for unemployment. According to a great economist John Mill "A country is poor as it is poor". Poverty grasps us in circle, but we can't come out from this circle and create New Hope for nation.

Though we are in trap of unemployment, we have to overcome this evil situation. We have to control our excessive birthrate. To control our birth rate we have to educate ourselves. If we were literate then we would be skilled laborers and our Govt. would export this manpower to abroad. The Govt. has conducted economic diplomacy to ensure foreign entrepreneurs, as Bangladesh are safely place for their investment. The most vital thing that our Govt. can do is to encourage self-employment for young people by sanctioning loans, training of farming, Poultry and hatchery through relevant organization. Thus we would get rid of this curse.



Traffic jam is a common phenomenon in our country. It is very acute in big towns and cities. Traffic jam has become a part in our city life. Every day we have to face the bitter experience of traffic jam which makes our life disgusting and intolerable. Last Wednesday I had the bitter experience of traffic jam. Our family went to attend a marriage ceremony at Mohammadpur area. We started for the destination by a car. When come to English road we become jam prone. A large row of motor vehicles, rickshaws and vans were seemed to stuck together. It was noon and the sun was shining brightly. As the day was too hot, we were sweating. I found the passengers thrashed their shoulder at the outside of their vehicles and eagerly looking ahead in impatience. In this way one hour gone by and there was no interest left to attend the ceremony. After one hour the traffic started to move. When we came near Ramna garden, we had to face another traffic jam which extended up to Shahabag. As there were hundreds of vehicles stuck together we had to face traffic jam at every crossing point. It took two hours to reach our destination. We are informed that the large procession of election in favour of one candidate was moving on road. For that we had to face that bitter experience. So far as we can say that some how we have to face traffic jam in our day to day life.


Development of a country depends on the united effort of all classes of people. Labourers are one of them who work day after day and contribute themselves in the development of a country. The workers working in different sectors are enjoying some privileges, But these opportunists which is actually in the category of basic rights do not come automatically. The workers throughout the age had to struggle was not so smooth. Rather they had to coos many herd less in their journey towards destination. There was a long history about the struggle of the working class people. From the beginning of the industrial revolution the workers had to work for fourteen or even more hours a day. In 1880 a new movement came out with the issue of eight hours working time which is added with minimum wage, safety laws etc. The movement was strengthened by the support of labour organizations and unorganized labourers. The terrible incident was happened on May 2, 1880 when the workers of Mac comic Harvest Machine Company called on a strike in favour of their demands. Police friend on the crowd of strikers and as a result one striker was died followed by undetermined number. To observe the historic struggle of the workers may day is commemorated all over the worker. The day reflects the greatest achievement of


the worker and the growing demand for better working condition.


Success does not come automatically or overnight. To attain success we have to work hard with sincerity. But we have to check out the plan to reach our destination. No worth will be accomplished without proper planning. According to the nature of a man planning always varies person to person.

As a grown up people I have my future planning. Some of us want to be doctor, some of them want to be engineer but I want to be a social worker. I want to render my service for the betterment of our country. As a developing country Bangladesh is beset with a lot of problems. I want to work for remaining these problems.

To be a social worker, I want to have sound knowledge. So I have decided that after passing S.S.C and H.S.C I will be admitted myself into Dhaka University. I desire that I'll take higher education in Social Science which will help me to study the problems property. After taking higher education I'll return to my native village and start my mission from there.

Since the villagers are introduced to me earlier, it will be helpful for me to guess their activities I know that most of the villagers are illiterate that causes a lot of other problems. Illiterate masses are ignorant. So my first work will be to remove illiteracy from my village.

I'll try to motivate other educated people to come forward to help me. I know that most of the villages are working class people so I may set up night school for them. I'll not confine myself only with illiteracy programme. I'll help them to realize the practical life. When they will be able to read and write, then I will teach them value education which will help them to infuse mortality.

With the light of education I think the villagers will be able to shake off superstition which causes many problems. Then they will be able to control population growth by adopting family planning programmed. Then I'll start my work to upgrade their living standard. I know that most of the villagers are poor. They do not have their own land. So they remain unemployed. I'll make a co-operative so that the villagers can save their money and can borrow as they require it.

The young generation is the asset of a country. They can make anything a success if they get proper guidance. Especially I'll work with them to make them self employed. I'll show great emphasis to forming fishing and poultry. The young generation will get monetary help from the co-operative. I want to organize the young people, make them group of seven or eight and help them to loan from co-operative. According to their interest they will select their own field.

The people themselves will be sincere to improve their living standard, if they are financially solvent. It will be able to involve all the young or well bodied people in their respective works, the increasing number of problems will be decreased day by day. Then


we can hope for peaceful living with prosperity. This is all about my future plan which will direct me to reach my goal.


Load Shedding is one of the real phenomena of country. The bitter experience of load shedding is fell almost everywhere is Bangladesh, but in Dhaka city it is very acute. It makes our life absolutely intolerable and boring. The supply of electricity is not sufficient against demand. That's why we have to face the bitter experience. I have to face such experience often but it became worst at time of my last examination. It was the night before my "Mathematics" examination. Electricity went away at 7 p.m. when I had just sat on the study table first of all I take the help of charger light but within hour it became inactive. Then I had to lit wax candle. But I felt so hot before the burning candle that I can not express in words. Moreover a heavy strain came to my eyes and it started headache. I could no more concentrate myself in that ill situation. Just at midnight the electricity came when I had hardly any interest left to prepare myself for the next day. I think that the same condition often occurred in us. But we have to try hard and soul to over come this problem. Because of load shedding the industrial production remain less, the emergency medical operation becomes stopped that led loss of life also. It should not be allowed to continue the present manner. If this goes on the whole country is bound to collapses. So the government should think over the matter deeply and necessary step to check it as early as possible.


From the dawn of civilization man has tried utmost to dominate nature and use it for his own interest. Many votaries of science have been working through out the ages. Various inventions of science has brought a revolutionary change in our day to day life. Now in every sphere of life we are enjoying a lot of opportunities which is the selfless contribution of science.

Science has never stopped its journey. Rather it is going on with its effort to make new inventions to make our life easy and comfortable. Now in every sphere of life the advancement of science has been reflected. So we are badly depended on science. Science has brought magnificent change in all most all the sectors specially in agriculture, industrialization, astrology and above all in information technology.

Agriculture is amply benefited with the use of science. With the use of


modern technology, the rate of production has been increased rapidly. The farmers can easily take the advancement of scientific method from anywhere. The use us manual labor has been decreased.

Industrialization comes into full flourishment with the help of science. Science has brought a radical change in the process of production. The use of modern scientific technology has imparted the optimum rate of production within shortest time. Perfection has been made possible as the operating system goes on automatically. At the same time it can easily cater the demand of the customers.

The advancement of science has been reflected best in Information and Technology sector. Various inventions of science had made our communication system easy and within the reach of the common people.

The use of computer, E-mail, Internet has made our communication network fast. Now the whole world has become a global village. We can easily get the information within few second about what is happening around the world.

Science has already gone a long way in its research about planets. The astronomers have already gone to the moon, the only satellite of the earth.


By the laws of nature and with revolving of the earth the days comes and goes as usual. Some days comes with special phenomena whenwe observe it. Such a day is a rainy day, on this very day the sky remains dull and gloomy. Black clouds are gathering all over the sky and rainfall goes on for a long time. None can go out without umbrella. Water stands on roads and makes them muddy and slippery. The office goers, businessman, and school-college-university pupil are the worst victims in a rainy day. They have to go outside with an umbrella over their head, shoes in hands and cloth folded up to knee. Passers by also move in the same way. When it rains when it rains in torrents, people get drenched and stop midway. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They can not go out in quest of work and can not earn their daily bread. They pass the day through sufferings. Most ofthe students do not go to school. Only a few go to school but they getdrenched on the way. So classes are not held it is a day of great joy to them. The cattle keep standing in their sheds and bellow for fodder. The rainy day has its own advantages too. The drip drop sound goes on rhythmically and makes a melody everywhere. It also encourages the poet to write a few lines regarding the beauty of the day. It is obvious to say that has brought much adverse to the people of all walks of life.



Monotonous work for a long time makes everyone bore. As I am a student I have to use every moment fruitfully. Always I have to remain busy with my studies and co-curricular activities. But when I got any holiday I would like to use it enjoyably. In the summer vocation I got holiday for twenty days. lt's a long time, so I decided to go the village and do some works. I went to my village. It is at Natore in Rajshahi district. In our house we have some land that always remains barren. I decided that I would plant trees at that land. Last march I attended a seminar at our school on "Environment pollution". I am well informed about the disaster that we are going to face for environment pollution. Since then I planned that I would use our barren land for afforestation so that I could play some role to save our environment. I started working from the second day with my cousin. First I went to the nearest nursery and collected some fruit trees. That night it had rain and nature I had given us change to make our goal fruitful. Next day we started planting trees and worked all day long. It's a pleasure to me that most of the trees remain alive. Moreover I started talking to the villagers and made them aware about the bad effect of environment pollution. I also told them that we can avoid this disaster only through afforestation. They understood me and started planting more trees. Now our native village is just like the heart of nature. I had planned to do something for all. I am successful. I also hope that if I have time I will do this type of work.


Many things have been created by God for the welfare of human being. They have made relationship with nature. Nature helps us in many ways. Trees are the most part of them. They are gifts of nature. They are our best friends. So tree plantain is very important for our life and economy.

There are many kinds of trees. Some dare big and some are small. Some trees have branches and some have no branches. Some trees have flowers and some have no flowers. Some are famous for fruits and medicines and some are of supplying wood.

A tree has commonly five parts. They are trunk, branches, flowers, leaves and roots. It also takes food from the sun and the air by its leaves.

Some trees give us their fruits and flowers. Fruits are a great source of food and vitamins. So human being can keep their body fit and sounds by eating fruits. Flowers are also great refreshment of human mind.

A tree is very useful to us. It gives us also wood. The wood is used in making


houses, boats ships, furniture's etc. We export the furniture to many other countries and earn a lot of foreign exchange.

Tree gives shades and shelter to many people. Birds build their nests in trees and man gets building material from the tree many people use trees as fuel. Above all the tree purifies air by taking carbon-dI-oxide and emitting oxygen. It also plays a vital role to control the climate. Besides it has a great contribution to keep ecological balance.

Trees maintain the balance of our environment. They preserved the harmony among the elements of nature. They make the soil fertile and prevent soil erosion. They save us from floods, cyclones and air pollution.

The people of our country cut down trees regularly at a large scale. So our country is losing her trees. If the rate of deforestation is going on our country will be turned into a desert. It is high time we planted trees to prevent our environment leading disaster.

These are very essential to men. So every body should plant a tree in his home and look after them. Road or highway side trees give shade and save life from accidents. The sides of roads, ponds, dams and railway lines, in the school and college should plant shady and fruit tress. As a result, we can earn foreign exchange by exporting wood, furniture, flowers and fruits.

Trees are the most important element of nature. So we have to plant more and more trees for the very existence of human being. Our government has taken it as great concern and implemented some steps towards forestation. Not only government but also people of all walks of life come ahead and try best to focus this issue all over the country. The conscious citizen can work to make the ignorant village people aware and interested to plant more trees. Every year we observe "Tree plantation week" we will not only observe it in towns but also spreads in remote rural areas so that the rural people can realize the importance of planting trees. We have to enhance social forestation. Then we will be able to make our habitat suitable for our next generation and ourselves.


Sweet are the memories of childhood. I do not remember many things during the first three or four years of my life. But I do remember that as a child. I was an object of love to all. This was because I was then the only child in the family. My grandmother was specially fond of me. Every evening he would tell me fairy tales. I remember the day when I was sent to school. I was at first unwilling to go to school. My grandfather took me to school. The headmaster was very affectionate. He greeted me cordially. He took me in the classroom and within few days I started to I started to like my school very much. The next event that I distinctly remembered is the death of my grandfather. It was a great shock to me.remember I also remember the day of my uncle's marriage. Our house was full of guests. I spent of few days in the midst of rejoicing. I remember too the


day on which I had to leave my village home and go to a neighboring town for my education, it was really painful to be away from parents and to part with friends. I can also remember the days of rainy season when rain goes on for two to three days. I sat on a chair in our veranda and enjoy the bubbles that were created with the drop of rain water on the water in the yard and vanished within few seconds. I can also remember the roll evening of winter season when my mother made different types of cakes, memories, painful and pleasant come crowding into my mind whenever I am alone when I think of my bygone childhood days I become so nostalgic that I with if were a child again.


Pahela Baishakh is the day of bangla year. The day is cerebrated with traditional festivities across the county. It is a public holiday. According to the old tradition, tradery shopkeepers and other professionals open up "Halkhata" and distribute sweets among their customers. Different institutes, socio-cultural organizations and religious people organize different programmes. Last year I went to baishakhi mela at Dhanmondi club play ground with some of my friends. There was heavy gathering at the mela ground. It was very crowded. We saw there were various kinds of thing such as toys, handicrafts of the mela there was anexhibition of doll dance or puppet show. We also watched and enjoyed that, we went to chhayanat in theevening to see the cultural programme. In fact on thisday I have really enjoy and it gave me much pleasurebecause all my efforts became successful.


To promote business and trade especially to establish domestic industries, the government arranges trade fair. It is a generally held to increase export of the hosts industrial products. Trade fair is of many kind i.e. cloth fair, electronic fair, computer fair, leather fair etc. It is generally held in cities. There is also international trade fair which generally held in the capital and now-a-days in business capital Chittagong. In international trade fair various types of industrial products, handy crafts are kept for display and sale. Various countries come and open stall to exhibit their own industrial products .In the age of globalizing the international trade fair become she strong medium to accelerate trade and business. I visited the last international Trade fair in Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Dhaka. I went there with my friend's. First of all we bought tickets for entrance. When we exerted into the fair it was evening. Thousands of people come to


visit it. The whole area was buzzing with life. The area was so big that we failed to cover it. I become puzzled to see gorgeously decorated pavilions with attraction things. I think I would buy a lot of things .We bought a DVD player, a computer table, and some necessary utensils. We also visited few foreign pavilions i.e. Thai, China, Pakistan and Indian pavilions. I bought a nice doll from Thai pavilion for my little cousin. Since we had to food stall and take soft drink with sandwich .When it was 9 p.m. we left the trade fair. Though we come back I bore that I pleasant for long time. I wish that I'll visit the international trade fair next year.

Acid rainOur earth is vulnerable to numerous calamities. Acid rain is one of. them. It is caused due to serious environmental pollution that leads towards disharmony of ecology. Acid Rain is more destructive for us .It is sometimes occurred in big industrial area where environment pollution is so heavy. Normal rainfall is acidic to some extent .But acid rain is as acidic as that of vinegar or lemon juice. It can create a great havoc to us. Because where happen acid rain that damages buildings materials and colour or painting becomes faded. That's why hundred years old stained glass of some magnificent buildings are going to be damaged. Acid rain has caused a damaged to the great Tajmahal in India. The colour of the which marbles are becoming faded for sulphur which in coming from the worlds famous buildings are at a risk. Acid pollution is very harmful for our general health because its causes intensive pain on chest that's leads towards chest illness .So we have to try utmost to save our earth from the destructive acid pollution .To avoid acid pollution we have to keep the balance in atmosphere by blessing the rate of environment pollution. That's why the people of all walks of life come forward to stop the great of our health.

DeforestationBangladesh is vulnerable to many kinds of natural calamities. Most of them causes for serious environmental degradation. Frequent visit of flood famine, heavy rainfall gradual warming in the atmosphere is the outcome of ecological imbalance. There are many reasons for these unpredictable hazards. Deforestation is one of them. Deforestation occurs in many ways. Indeterminate cutting down of trees urbanization increasing demand of habitat have been shrinking the forestland which leads towards deforestation. This process is going on an alarming rate and is making our land as barren. To supply the increasing demand of habitat forests are being cleared and burnt day by day. This tendency is acute among the villagers who cut down trees to get initial profit but fail to reality its harmful e£fi^^^^ climate. For deforestation the wild animal are being


endangered which leads to the extinction of some rare the wild animals are being endangered which leads to the extinction of some rare specious of" animals from our country .The adverse effect of deforestation comes as the from of drought, heavy rainfall which cause nothing, but destruction and bring immunes sufferings for the victims .Now the time has come to realize the great importance of forest land for our survival. The people of all walked of life should come forward to preserve our forest land and try utmost to encourage a forestation. Mass consciousness among the common both will make the programmer a success, that's why the government and non government work organization can make co-ordinate effort to save our environment from up coming disaster.

A VILLAGE FAIRA village fair is a social or religious gathering where the village people come from nearby and distant areas to buy and sell their things. It is also a way of making communication among villagers .There is a mood of festivity prevails in a village fair.It is generally held annually .It is held for entertainment of the people .A village fair is located in an open space or under a big banyan tree or beside the bank of a river. It is held at such a place where the villagers from the nearby areas can easily reach. The fair is generally held at the end of Paush or at the end of Chaitra.Some fairs are held for a day. Some go on for few days .People of all walks of life gather to participate in the exhibition of various types of goods .They are brought her for sell or display.In a fair, temporary shops are arranged in rows on an open place .Cloihes ,toys, dolls, utensils, ribbons, whistles, cheap, sweets, and many other fancy goods .These are brought for sale by the small traders from far and near. Local potters, carpenters, weavers, blacksmiths and artisans present their handmade goods of manifold colours for a good sale. The tea—stalls and the sweetmeat shops have the greatest sale.

There are many forms of amusement in a fair. Jatra, circus, nagardola, puppet show are held there.Cinema parties show pictures to the people on a small camera. Circus and the magic are the special attraction of the fair .Children blow whistles, fly baUoons and buy fancy goods and make sports in their joy and excitement.,"-"»-'?• .--•••There are also some bad sides of a village fair, yet it brings recreation for the villagers. Some evil minded people use to play gambling which evokes the innocent villagers and make them distressed. It also violates the harmony of the


village fair. At the same time if mere is no sanitation system they human wastage pollute the environment. So proper steps should be taken to arrange all sorts of preparation to run this village fair smoothly.A village fair brings charms to the monotony of village life .It encourages the rural arts and culture. So the village fair is an integral part of the village life which plays a role of making bond of unity among the village people.

Part-A Reading TestRead the passage carefully and answer the question following it.It was the eve of World War II, Mrs. Smith sat on her favourite rocking chair and closed her eyes. It was a long tiring day. She looked out of the window; it was dark-quite dark. The tension off the war hung in the air. Mrs Smith was restless. Her husband William Smith and son William Smith junior were off to the border. She switched on the radio and a deep male voice floated in. It was an invasion alarm. What actually happened on that night was Orson Well's and his Mercury Theatre presented a radio adaptation of H.G Well's novel "War of the World" on the air. Well's meant the programme to be a Halloween joke. But the beginning of the programme was missed by many listeners. They mistook it for news coverage of an actual invasion by USA. Panic spread from one end of the country to the other. It drove many people into frenzy. They fled by car from the invaded area. A number of people died as a result of accident or by suicide. People had believed the invasion because they heard it on the radio at a time of fear and also because the invasion was put across as a current news program.

1) Choose the best answer from the alternatives 1 x5=5a) The accident was happened ————— World War II.i) during ii) in the middle of ii) on the verge of iv) at the end of.b) Mrs. Smith was passing ————— day. i) hectic ii) busy iii) boring iv) none of these.c) The outside environment was —————— dark. i) almost ii) absolutely iii) often iv) seldom.d) Mrs. Smith was ——————————.i) pleasant ii) disturbed iii) impatient iv) cheerful.e) Mrs. Smith listened to the radio from —————.i) the beginning ii) the middle iii) at the end iv) none of these.f) The programme was broadcasted to —————— people. i) disturb ii) cheat iii) frighten iv) entertain.g) The program was ———— but a kind of joke.i) none ii) only iii) nothing iv) something.


h) "War of the world" is a--------------------.i) drama ii) novel iii) joke iv) poem.i) Many of the listeners ———— to listen to the program from the beginning.i) failed ii) decided iii) missed iv) started. j) Many of the listeners became —————. i) jealous ii) fear-stricken iii) cheerful iv) brave.

2. Write whether the following statements are true or false. If false, write correct-statements.a) Mrs. Smith was sitting on her rocking chair peacefully. Fb) As soon as she switched on the radio, an invasion alarm floated in. Tc) "War of the World" is a radio adaptation of H.G. welles' novel. Fd) All the listeners misjudged the programme. Fe) Panic confined to the invaded area only. Ff) The programme was broadcasted to entertain people. T g) The listeners were about to be mad. Th) The invasion alarm was a part of the radio adaptation. Ti) People hardly believed the invasion. Fj) The incident led a heavy loss of life. T

Fill in the following blanks with the following clues.became(i) radio(e) influential(a) was caused(j) who(g) happened(d) 0 thought(h). rumours(c) .__• took broadcast(b) air (f)The radio is one of the a) ———- mass b) ——— throughout the world. Sometimes it is to blame for starting the c) ———. A tragic incident d) ---------- on the eve of the World War II October 1938. Orson Wells and his Mercury Theatre presented a e) ———adaptation of H.G. Wells' novel "War of the World" on the f) ———.Many of the listeners g) ———— missed the beginning of the programme h) ——— it as real invasion and i) ———— fear-stricken. They were hurried to leave the invaded area which j)——.b)tension(i) went(c) prevailed(j) lived rocking(g) with(b)hung spent(a) fight(d) tiring(e) was(f) became (h)

During the World War II, Mrs. Smith a) ———every hour b) ------- heavy tension because her husband and son c) ———— off to the border to d) ———for their motherland. That very day was also a e) ————— one. When Mrs. Smith f) —————on her favourite g) ———— chair and closed her eyes. She ----------------restless as the i) ——— of the war j) ———— on the air.


6. Fill in the following blanks with the following clues.a) Since Mrs. Smith was restless, she a) had to spend everyday with b) heavy tension. She c) sat on her favourite rocking chair and d) closed her eyes. Her husband and son e) were off to the border. There f) was a sort of g) tension prevailed h) on the air.


b) Many people had a) missed, like Mrs. Smith, the b) beginning radio programme. It was actually a radio c) adaption of H.G. Well's d) novel 'War of the World". Many people thought that it was a news e) _________ of an invasion. As a result there was f) panic spread in the g) invaded area. A h) great many people were i) turned into frenzy. So they started j) quickly fleeing by car.



drinking(f) eating prevent(i) especially(c) cancer(h) sores(e)typhoid contaminated tested(j) fatal(a) gangrene(g) threat(b)


Arsenic poisoning is a very a) ——— disease .It causes much b) ——to human life. It is found in water c) ——— to tube well water. Arsenicosis is caused by drinking d) —— tube well water e) are caused in the fingers or in any other part of the body. By f)------------, water polluted by arsenicosis, people get disease in various ways. Sometimes the troubles turns into g) ——— and then to h) ———. No medicine can yet i) ——— it. Tube wells need to be j) ----------- to separate the safe from the unsafe.

9. Fill in the following blanks with the words given below.b)hide upholds(g) devoid(i) reminiscent(a) dogmatic expose(j)profession(b) hesitates over all(h) hardly(c) percentage(d) obstinate

Dr. Nafiza is in a a) ———— mood. She is telling about her b) --------------. During her early years c) ------------- 20% of the students were women. But now the d) ———— is almost 50%. It clearly e) ----------- indicates that more are entering the medical profession. The new generation doctors are f) obviously free, and open minded. But Dr. Nafiza also g) ———— some lacking in the h) ----------- training of young doctors. They are i) ——— of getting a chance to j) ------------ well and acquire more knowledge for not going abroad for training.

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.a) The International Women's Day has become a) important all over the world for women in b) develop and developing countries c) alike. The growing International Women's d) conferences which has been e) strengthen by four global United Nations Women's conferences, has asked for f) co-ordinated efforts to demand women's right's and g) envelopment in the political and economic process. Increasingly, the International Women's Day is a time to reflect on h) progress made to call for a change and to celebrate acts of courage and i) sacrifice by ordinary women who have played an j) extra-ordinary role in the history of women's rights.

b) Recycling mainly a) involves processing b) things so that they can be used as c) row materials for making same or other things. In this d) process you have to e) collect old cans first. Then turn it as block by f) presser. After that g) melt them with heat. Next pour the h) melted materials into a roll i) of block. Finally after three or four hours, you will get a new j) can.

11. Make ten sentences from the substitution table and write them in a paragraph. 20


dazzling with bright lights.Neela working overtime.It walked suddenly snatched by a young

man.There was upset.Her bag were through the narrow streets.Her father evening.The shops among the busy stalls.

in her hotel room.a riot of brightly coloured lights. a night market going on.

12. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and write them in a paragraph. a) Her husband William Smith and son William smith Junior were off to the border. 6b) What actually happened on that night was Orson Well and his Mercury Theatre presented a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells' novel "War of the World" on the air. 10c) She switched on the radio and a deep male voice floated in. 8d) It was the eve of the World War II, October, 1998. 1e) It was an invasion alarm. 9f) Mrs. Smith was restless. 5 g) It was a long tiring day. 4h) Mrs. Smith sat on her favourite rocking chair. 2i) She looked out of the window, it was dark, quiet dark. 3j) The tension of the war hung in the air. 7

B.a) Mina felt very disappointed. 4b) Mithu was pleased to see that. 10c) Coming back, Raju was upset to see that half of his egg had gone. 9d) One day Mina and her parrot Mithu climbed a tall tree to pick a mango. 1e) While they were outside washing their hands, Mithu divided their egg into two and put half of it on Mina's plate. 8f) Grandma thought that Raju as a boy child need more food. 6g) At dinner, Mina Noticed that Raju as usual had got an egg but she did not. 5h) She picked the mango and took it to her mother. 2


i) Mother wanted see if the children had washed their hands before they started eating. 7j) Although Mina had picked the mango, her mother gave the larger share of the fruit to Raju. 3

Reading Test Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.Lutfur is 8 years old and lives in Dhaka. He comes from Tongi. He has a brother who works as a tempo helper. He came with his father, mother, brother and grandmother to Dhaka in search of a living. His father works as a rickshaw puller and mother as a domestic worker. Lutfur collects polythene bags, scrap paper and other materials from the Motijheel area and sells them at a shop for Tk. 5 to 10 a bag. He earns Tk. 20 to 50 a day, which he gives to his mother. Lutfur and his family lives in a slum near to Kamlapur railway station. Their home is a tiny shelter with a sheet of polythene for a roof. They sleep on the dirt floor. Lutfur has a bath in a creek near their home. He usually has his meal at home but sometimes begs for food at a restaurant. Once he got diarrhoea and had to stay at home for a few days. He could not afford to go to a doctor or to buy medicine for himself. He once went to a free school near his home at Tongi but did not continue. He was in the school for about a year and now he wants to go back to school and start his studies again.1. Chooser the best answers from the alternatives.a) Lutfur's family has to——————their shelter for living. i) migrate ii) shift iii) take iv) look for. b) Almost all the members have to ———— to maintain the familyi) fight ii) worked iii) contribute iv come c) Lutfur lives in an —————— environment.i) insufficient ii)inhospitable iii) unbearable iv) inhuman d) He cherishes the desire in the ———— of his heart to continue his study .i)deep ii) core iii)mind iv)past e) He wants to ——— his studies.i) start ii) continue iii) go on iv)resume.2. Write whether the following statements are true/false. If false, write the correct answer a) All the members of Lutfur's family are bread earners.b) Lutfur has fixed income.c) He often takes his meal at his home. d) Lutfur's family is financially insolvent.e) He could not go on with his studies for his living.3. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate words from the box.search sell too aged unwell educationlike all slum members many begLutfur a) ———— eight, came to Dhaka in b)——— of living with the other c) ——— of his family, d) ——— the members of his family, except his grandma, work hard to maintain the family. He is a child labourer. He gathers polythene bags, scrap paper and another materials to e) ——— them at a shop. Whatever he gets from it, he gives to his mother. They live in a f)———— which is dirty. He usually eats at home and sometimes g) —————, too. He can not go to a doctor when he gets h) ————. He went to school in his early life for his i)————. Now he wants to learn again. This is a case for j)————in Bangladesh. 4. Write a paragraph in 80-100 words about Lutfur's life by using following cues


6. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words from the text. 0.5x10=5Lutfur's family is a) ————poor .They came to Dhaka in search b) ————living. Since they live in c) ————— poverty, all the family members d) ————— his grandmother has to work e) —————to earn their f) ————bread. He has to g) ——— as a scrap collector and h) ——— his family with his i) ————— income. For this, he j) ———— to continue his studies.7. Suppose you are one of the working child like Lutfur, write about your own life in a paragraph in about 100-120 words. 5Part -B Vocabulary Test


9. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate words from the box.association decade joined number worked holdschanged has different year time leftTazneen Karim a) ———— the post of corporate manager in SMC bank. She has b) —— with the bank more than a c) ——————— .When she d) —————— the bank only a few women workers e) ———— there. With the passage off) —————, the situation g) ———— .Many more women h) ————been given the opportunity to work in i) ———— departments of the bank. At present the total j) ————of women workers are 45. 10. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words. 1x10=10 Poisoning by arsenic is a a) ————process. It is b) ————— to a gradual c) ——— of the poison in the human body. Eventually people d) ———— to show symptoms and become unwell. Death due to e) ——— term process make it even f) ———- important to address the g) ————— as soon as possible. This is in fact a h) ——— against time to i) ————— safe water for j)—————.11. Make ten sentences from the substitution table Socrates tried her utmost to irritate Socrates.He had that Socrates was not paying any heed to her.One day his wife became that angry ma is more of a beast than a humanThe passer- by went up to him and poured much water over him.She believed out and sat on the door step.of his house.

saw out on the public streetsaid more furious than ever and began to insult Socrates.

it and were much amused at the incident.this and joined with them hi their laughter.a wife who used to lose her temper often.

12. Re-arrange the following sentences and write them in a paragraph.a) The Emperor of China Kublai Khan invited them.b) He undertook a great trouble to visit China. c) But there were some adventurous men.d) They traveled many land, sea over mountains and across deserts.e) Most men were afraid of the unknown.f) They wanted to know about their lands and people. g) Marco Polo was one of the adventurous men.h) Long ago people knew little beyond their own country because of hardship in traveling. i) They used ship, camels, horses, donkeys as transport j) They reached China after traveling three years. Read the passage and answer the following questions.Waste can have many uses, especially if it can be reused or recycled. Reuse means using the same item again, and perhaps again and again. Re use has been carried out for centuries. It was done for clothes, toys and cutlery, crockery and other tools handed down from generation after generation. Second hand shops and antique dealers rely on reuse. In large cities, some people, especially those who are poor, make living by sorting and picking through garbage dumps and re- using and selling what they can. Recycling mainly involves processing materials so that they can be used as raw materials for making other things, 'f hey may be used to produce the same product, for example iron and steel from cans and cars can be re-smelted to make electric poles and rods.


1. Choose the best"answers from the alternatives. 1 x5-=5a) Waste can be used for —— purposes, i) single ii) more iii) different iv) same.b) The ——— of reusing is going on for centuries. i) item ii) text iii) termlv) idea.c) Re using has ———— a scope of earning for some people. i) found ii) searched iii) made iv) taken.d) Re using is done —— through processing materials. i) always ii) also iii) never iv) by.e) Waste materials are also used through ————. i) recycling ii) re- smelting iii) pressure iv) collecting.

2. Write whether the following statements are true/false. If false, write correct answers a) Waste can hardly be wasted.b) Reuse is of latest origin.c) It is useful to re use anything.d) Antique dealers only reuse things.e) Pollution can be prevented to some extent through reusing.

3. Fill in the following blanks with the words given below. 0.5x10-5pressure done again re- smelted bears totallymake usually raw hardly liquid wasteReuse a) —— the idea of using the same item b) —— as it is or sometimes c) ____ different. It is done d) —— through processing materials. First of all, e) ——— materials are collected then f) —— it as block by g) ———. Then it is h) ——— to get these things as i) ——— material. When it is in j) ——— form, it is then given shape to make new things.

6. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words from your text. The collected a) _________ materials are mainly b) ____________ as ___________ materials so thai they will d) __________ used to make something e) ____________. Sometimes these f) __________ also remodeled just g) __________ the former one. For example, iron and steel h) __________ from cans and cars i) __________be melted as the raw materials to j) ________ electric poles.