17 th October 2012 Erbil Rotana Suzan Aref Women Empowerment rganization

17 October 2012 Erbil Rotana Suzan Aref Womnina-iraq.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/... · "+6 .! Women's participation in the labor force outside agriculture is very low ! ) 2009

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Page 1: 17 October 2012 Erbil Rotana Suzan Aref Womnina-iraq.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/... · "+6 .! Women's participation in the labor force outside agriculture is very low ! ) 2009

تتححددييااتت االلممررأأةة للررييااددةة االلأأععمماالل ففيي االلععررااقق 17th October 2012

Erbil Rotana

Suzan Aref Women Empowerment rganization

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}  عع االلتتغغييررااتت االلججذذررييةة ببععدد ععاامم 2003 االلاا ااننههاا للااززااللتت ددوونن ممسستتووىى االلططممووحح ففععللىى سسببييلل االلممثثاالل ووككمماا أأششااررتت ووززااررةة االلتتخخططييطط االلتتععااوونن االلأأننمماائئيي أأررتتففععتت ممسسااههممةة االلننسسااء ففيي االلننششااطط االلأأققتتصصاادديي ففيي 2008 االلىى 5:18% ببععدد اانن ككااننتت 2:14 % ففيي . ععاامم 2003 ووببااللتتأأككييدد ههذذهه االلننسسببةة تتععدد ممننخخففضضةة ججدداا

}  Although the situation of Iraqi women have made some radical changes after 2003, but it is still below the level of ambition. For example, as indicated by the Ministry of Planning & Development Cooperation there is an increased participation of women in economic activity in 2008 to 18:5% after it was 14:2%in 2003 and certainly this ratio is very low

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}  كك ععاامم 2003 للتتصصلل 6:19% ففيي ععاامم 2008 ممووااككببةة ببذذللكك ااننخخففااضض ننسسببةة االلممششااررككةة ففيي ققووةة االلععمملل ففيي االلممددةة . ننففسسههاا

}  As unemployment rates have risen in women from 16% in 2003 to reach the 19:6% in 2008 keeping up with this low rate of participation in the labor force in the same period

}  بب االلووااضضححةة ععنن ووااققعع االلممررأأةة االلأأققتتصصاادديي / تتققييييمم االلببننكك االلددوولليي للععاامم 2011

}  Some statistics and numbers that give a clear picture about the economic reality of women/ World Bank assessment for the year 2011

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}  مم . ججدداا

}  Women's participation in the labor force outside agriculture is very low }  أأ

ففيي ععاامم 2009}  Workforce fell for women from 19% in 1999 to 15% in 2009

}  وو}  The total 7% of women are businesswomen }  بب

ممععظظمم االلددوولل االلععررببييةة}  As ownership is rare and it is up to 6%, which is less than most of

the Arab countries

}  أأ %ححييثث ووصصللتت االلننسسببةة 1

}  Exclusion of women from the senior management of the work of a private sector where the figure reached 1%

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}  وو أأننخخففضضتت للللأأننححدداارر االلممسستتووىى االلععللمميي للللننسسااء ووااييضضاا للووججوودد االلععددييدد ممنن االلأأسسبباابب االلتتيي تتممننعع تتععيييينن االلننسسااء ففيي االلععمملل

ببششككلل ثثااببتت}  It is clear to us that the low participation of women in the labor force declined with the

decline of scientific level of women and also there are many reasons that prevent the appointment of women to work steadily

}  Instructions do not allow the تتappointment of women

}  Women's absence from work تتcontinuously

}  Travel requirements prevent women ممfrom working

}  security situation اا}  Burdens and family and social اا

responsibilities }  اا

االلأأسسررييةة}  Customs and traditions, which prefers to keep women for family care

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}  نن . االلأأققتتصصااددييةة ووااللأأننسسااننييةة االلككااممللةة ممنن خخللاالل االلتتأأههييلل ووااللتتددررييبب

}  The woman from the stage of a marginalized to the point of empowerment means economic equality and full humanity through rehabilitation and training

}  . أأ}  The integration of women in development through small and medium enterprises

}  اا}  Access to financial resources through small and soft loans }  . حح}  Business incubators to support and develop the capacity of women and

reduce the risk of work }  دد}  Business incubators to support and develop the capacity of women and

reduce the risk of work }  . زز}  Increase awareness of the importance of women's work for the development

and evolution of society

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}  تت ببأأننهه للااتتححرررر ببددوونن أأققتتصصاادد ففأأذذاا ااررددنناا اانن ننغغييييرر ممنن ووااققعع االلننسسااء ففييججبب اانن

ييككوونن ععنن ططررييقق االلتتممككيينن االلأأققتتصصاادديي}  Women Empowerment Organization went to work on the economic

empowerment by its full belief that there is no liberation without an economy if we want to change the reality of women, we need to do that through economic empowerment


تتططووييرر االلااععمماالل

االلصصغغييررةة SBDC

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}  Awareness for economic ااand social rights

}  دد ( ووااللممتتووسسططةة ) أأععدداادد ددررااسسااتت االلججددووىى

}  Training courses on how to start small and medium enterprises (feasibility studies)

}  Mechanism to obtain loans أأ}  Special training for employment تت

programs }  بب

}  Capacity building computer }  courses and English language

}  دد}  Support income-generating

}  projects for widows

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}  تت . االلخخااصص ووذذللكك للععددةة تتححددييااتت تتووااججههههاا االلممررأأةة للععددمم تتووففرر االلووسساائئلل ووااللأأممككااننييااتت ووااللففررصص

}  training 563 woman, but we can say that only 48 women were able to proceed with their work and this is due to several challenges faced by women

due to lack of means and possibilities and opportunities.

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}  ححوولل االلأأننددممااجج GIZ مم -: االلأأققتتصصاادديي للللممررأأةة ببخخصصووصص االلتتممووييلل ووررييااددةة االلأأععمماالل ووههيي ككمماا ييلليي

}  Through the results of the workshop, which was held in Erbil on June 13 and with the support of GIZ on economic integration of women about finance and entrepreneurship }  The first group on funding اا}  عع ووااللأأصصددققااء للأأننههاا للييسستت ددااععممةة للللممررأأةة للتتششغغييلل االلأأععمماالل االلتتججااررييةة. االلضضممااننااتت ممنن

االلصصععبب دداائئمماا للللممررأأةة ببتتققددييمم ضضممااننااتت للأأننههاا ععااددةة للاا تتممللكك االلععققااررااتت. ووييللززمم االلتتددررييبب ووتتسسههييللااتت خخااصصةة للإإششررااكك االلممررأأةة ففيي ققططااعع االلأأععمماالل ووييججبب أأنن ييككوونن ههننااكك ضضممااننااتت للتتججننبب االلممخخااططررةة ففيي ههددرر ررؤؤووسس أأممووااللههاا . أأووصصىىتت االلممججممووععةة

:االلأأووللىى ففيي مماا ييلليي}  There are many obstacles for women obtaining funding from family and

friends because they are not supportive of women to run a business. Guarantees is always difficult for women to provide guarantees because they usually do not own real estate. The training necesitates the inclusion of women in business and there must be safeguards to avoid the risk of wasting their capital. The first group recommended the following:

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}  إإ . ببححااججةة إإللىى تتززووييددههاا ببففررصص أأخخررىى وو ييممككنن ااييضضاا أأنن تتتتععللمم ممنن أأخخططااءههاا ووتتككتتسسبب خخببررةة

}  If a woman did not succeed in business in her first attempt in the business, they need to provide them with other opportunities and can also learn from their mistakes and gain experience }  اا

.االلأأععمماالل االلتتججااررييةة ووممممااررسسةة االلضضغغطط ععللىى االلححككووممةة للتتخخصصييصص االلممززييدد ممنن االلمماالل ووااللججههدد}  Women's associations need to work together, forming coalitions to support women in

business and to put pressure on the government to allocate more money and effort. }  أأ

االلممششااررييعع االلصصغغييررةة للللننسسااء ووففقق ققررووضض ممييسسررةة Creating institutions or private banks to finance

 Small projects for women as soft loans

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}  إإ}  Create a database of all businesswomen

}  أأ . االلأأععمماالل االلصصغغييررةة

}  Targeting and focusing on young graduates and planning how to involve them in the field of small business

}  وو ببااللأأععمماالل

}  Women should be pioneering in the field of business transfer experience for women business start-ups

}  ووااتتححااددااتت االلججااممععااتت ٬UN Women،UNDP ٬،MFI ٬،WEO ٬،GIZ ااععتتمماادداا ععللىى االلششررككااء٬، ككمماا }  Depending on the partners such as GIZ،٬ WEO،٬ MFI،٬ UNDP،٬UN Women

}  هه .ممععللووممااتت ااوو ففررصص االلتتععررفف ععللييههمم ٬، ييممككنن االلووصصوولل االلييههمم ممنن خخللاالل االلممببااددررااتت االلددووللييةة

}  There are many types of small and medium-sized enterprises and initiatives on Iraq, we have no information or opportunities to get to know them, you can reach them through international initiatives.