2010 10 24 Performance Criteria 1

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8/8/2019 2010 10 24 Performance Criteria 1

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Ir. Bambang Sugiyono AP, MSc

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Increasing performance

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Bab ini akan membahas tentang:  Kriteria unjuk kerja 

Definisi Pengukuran unjuk kerja 

Tujuan Pengukuran unjuk kerja 

The performance criteria 

The Basic Feedback Loop 

The process steps 

The characteristics of quality service 

SAS Case study 

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Pengukuran unjuk kerja menjadi akan lebih sulit apabila dilakukan secara ideal (Arthur R Tenner,

1982:44). Pengukuran dapat dilakukan pada tiga tingkatan, yaitu pada sisi: 

Process measures,

Output measures, and 

Outcome measures.

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Pengukuran unjuk kerja diakui merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting pada program TQM (Total Quality Management) (TRADE PBM SIG,1985: 1-3).

Manajer dan supervisor selalu mengarahkan untuk melakukan usaha-usaha di dalam organisasi atau kelompok mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk 

mengetahui: how, when, and where thd  perubahan di institusi dalam artian yang sangat luas.

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Pengukuran unjuk kerja bukanlah penyerder- hanaan thd pengumpulan data yang dikaitkan dengan a predefined performance goal or standard (TRADE PBM SIG, 1985: 1-3).

Pengukuran unjuk kerja haruslah dipikirkan lebih baik yang merupakan suatu sistem manajemen yang meliputi prevention and detection aimed 

 pada penampilan yang sesuai dari work product or service thd your customer’s requirements.

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Pengukuran unjuk kerja berkaitan dengan proses optimalisasi dengan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dari suatu proses atau produk.

Performance measurement is primarily managing outcome, and one of its main purpose is to reduce or eliminate overall variation in the work  product or process (Yang utama pada pengukuran unjuk 

kerja adalah mengelola outcome/hasil, dan kegunaan utamanya adalah utk mereduksi dan mengeliminir variasi/simpangan pada saat memproduksi atau memproses benda kerja).

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The goal of performance measurement is to arrive at sound decisions about actions affecting the product or process and its output (TRADE PBM SIG, 1985: 1-4).(Tujuan dari pengukuran unjuk kerja adalah untuk mencapai pada suatu tingkat keputusan utk melakukan tindakan yang akan mempengaruhi produk dan proses dan output-nya).

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The performance measures quantitatively tell us something important about our products,services, and the processes that produce them.

The performance measures are a tool to help us understand, manage, and improve what our organizations do.

(TRADE PBM SIG, 1985: 1-4).

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The performance measures let us know: 

how well we are doing 

if we are meeting our goals 

if our customers are satisfied 

if our processes are in statistical control 

if and where improvements are necessary 

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Pengukuran unjuk kerja adalah: 

Bagaimana mengerjakan sesuatu dgn baik? 

Jika mencapai tujuan kita 

Jika konsumen kita terpuaskan 

Jika proses produksi secara statistik 

terkendalai  Jika dan dimana improvisasi dapat digunakan 

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A performance measure is composed of a number and a unit of measure.

The number gives us a magnitude (how much) 

and the unit gives the number of a meaning (what).

A performance measure are always tied to a 

 goal or an objective (the target).(TRADE PBM SIG, 1985: 1-4).

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A performance measure can be represented by single dimensional units like: 

hours (jam),

meters (meter),

Dollars (dolar),

Number of reports (jumlah laporan), Number of errors (jumlah kesalahan),


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A performance measure can be represented by multi dimensional units like: 

miles per gallon (a performance measure of fuel economy),

No. of accidents per million hours worked (a  performance measure of the companies safety  program),

No. of on time vendor deliveries per total no. of vendor deliveries, and 


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Pengukuran unjuk kerja dapat direpresentasikan dalam satuan multi dimensional, seperti: 

km per liter (utk pengukuran konsumsi bahan bakar),

 jumlah kecelakanaan per sejuta tenaga kerja (utk  pengukuran program keselamatan kerja di perusahaan),

 jumlah ketepatan waktu pengiriman dari vendor per total jumlah pengiriman oleh vendor, dan 


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The six performance criteria (TRADE PBM SIG,1995:1-5): 

1. Effectiveness 

2. Efficiency 

3. Quality 

4. Timeliness 5. Productivity 

6. Safety 

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Enam kriteria Pengukuran unjuk kerja, yaitu: 1. Efektivitas 

2. Efisiensi 

3. Kwalitas 

4. Ketepatan waktu 

5. Produktivitas 6. Keselamatan kerja 

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1. Effectiveness: A process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process output (work product) conforms to requirements (Are we doing the right 


(Efektivitas merupakan karateristik suatu  proses yang mengindikasikan derajat dari 

keluaran apakah telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan (Are we doing the right things?)) 

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2. Efficiency: A process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process  produces the required output at minimum resources cost (Are we doing the things 


(Efisiensi merupakan karateristik suatu proses yang mengindikasikan derajat thd proses 

memproduksi keluaran pada biaya yang minimum (Are we doing the things right?)) 

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3. Quality: the degree to which a product or service meets customer requirements and expectations 

(Kwalitas merupakan derajat dari suatu barang atau jasa yang dapat mencapai/sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau harapan konsumen) 

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4. Timeliness: Measure whether a unit of work was done correctly and on time. Criteria must be established to define what constitutes timeliness for a given unit of work. The 

criterion is usually based on customer requirements.

(Ketepatan waktu merupakan salah satu alat 

ukur apakah benda kerja tsb telah dikerjakan dengan benar dan tepat waktu) 

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5. Productivity: the value added by the process divide by the value of the labor and capital consumed.

(Produktivitas merupakan rasio antara nilai tambah dari suatu proses dibagi dengan biaya untuk tenaga kerja dan modal) 

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6. Safety: Measures the overall health of the organization and the working environment of its employees.

(Keselamatan kerja merupakan salah satu alat ukur kesehatan dari suatu organisasi dan lingkungan kerja thd tenga kerjanya) 

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Process measures define activities, variables,and operations of the work itself. Measures at the process level also include measuring the  products and services that suppliers input to 

the work process. These measures represent  parameters that directly control the integration of the people, materials, methods,machines, and the environment within the work  process.

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Output measures define specific features,values, characteristics, and attributes of each  product and service. Furthermore, output measures can be examined from two sides. One 

side represents the output characteristics desired by customer, and the other side represents the output characteristics actually delivered by the process. The former is 

referred to as requirements, expectations, or the voice of the customer.

(Arthur R Tenner, 1982:44) 

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Outcome measures define the ultimate impact of the process on the customer and are dependent on what the customer does with the  product and service. The customer satisfaction 

can be used as the key measurement of outcome.

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(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 61 )

Readers can use these models to define the  product and service characteristics that 

their own customers want: 

Faster, better, and cheaper

Eight dimensions of quality

Ten determinants of service quality

Five “rater” criteria

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Faster, better, and cheaper(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 61 )

The first dimension, time, represents how quickly, easily, or conveniently a product or 

service can be obtained.

The second dimension, cost, equates to how expensive the item is.

The third dimension, quality, is the most 

difficult one to characterize.

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Lebih cepat, lebih baik, dan lebih murah(Arthur R Tenner, 1992:61)

Dimensi yang pertama, waktu, merupakan representasi dari seberapa cepat, mudah,atau cocok suatu barang atau jasa yang 

didapatkan.Dimensi yang kedua, biaya, ekivalen dengan 

seberapa mahal suatu barang dijual.

Dimensi yang ketiga, kwalitas, merupakan salah satu karakteristik yang paling sulit.

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Eight dimensions of quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 63)

1 . Performance (unjuk kerja)

2. Features (fitur)

3. Reliability (keandalan)

4. Conformance (kesesuaian)

5. Durability (Ketahanan)

6. Serviceability (Mampu diservis)

7. Aesthetics (Estetika)

8. Perceived quality (Kwalitas yang jelas)

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Eight dimensions of quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 63)

1 . Performance: the product’s primary operating characteristic. For example, performance of an automobile includes traits such as acceleration,

handling, cruising, speed, and comfort; performance 

of an airline includes on-time arrival.

2. Features: Secondary aspects of performance.

3. Reliability: Probability of successfully performing a 

specified function for a specified period of time under specified conditions.

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Eight dimensions of quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 63)

4. Conformance: Degree to which a product’s design and operating characteristics meet established 


5. Durability: A measure of product life or the amount of use obtained from a product before it deteriorate 

to the point that replacement is preferred over repair.

6. Serviceability: The speed, courtesy, competence, and ease of repair.

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Eight dimensions of quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 64)

7. Aesthetics: How a product looks, feels, sounds,tastes, or smells.

8. Perceived quality: Reputation.

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Ten determinants of service quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 64)

1 . Reliability

2. Responsiveness

3. Competence

4. Access

5. Courtesy

6. Communication

7. Credibility

8. Security

9. Understandingthe customer

1 0. Tangibles

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Sepuluh faktor kwalitas pelayanan

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 64)

1 . Keandalan

2. Tanggap

3. Kompetensi

4. Akses

5. Kesopanan/


6. Komunikasi

7. Kredibilitas

8. Keamanan

9. Pengertian thdkonsumen

1 0. Hal- hal fisik

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Ten determinants of service quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 64)

2. Responsiveness: Willingness or readiness of employees to provide service; timeliness 

3. Competence: Possession of the skills and knowledge required to perform the service 

4. Access: Approachability and ease of access; waiting time; hours of operation.

5. Courtesy: Politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of contact personnel.

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Ten determinants of service quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 64)

6. Communication: Keeping customers informed in language they understand; listening to customers; 

adjusting language to different needs of different customers; explaining the service 

itself, how much it will cost, and how problems will be handled.

7. Credibility: Trustworthiness, believability,honesty; company reputation; personal 

characteristics of personnel.

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Ten determinants of service quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 64)

8. Security: Freedom from danger, risk, or doubt;  physical safety; financial security; confidentiality.

9. Understanding the customer: Making the effort to understand the customer’s needs; learning the customer’s specific requirements; providing 

individualized attention; recognizing the regular customer.

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Ten determinants of service quality

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 64)

1 0. Tangibles: Physical evidence of the service;  physical facilities; appearance of the personnel; 

tools or equipment used to provide service;  physical representation of the service, such as  plastic credit card or a bank statement; other 

customers in the service facility.

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Five “rater” criteria

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 65)

1 . Reliability

2. Assurance

3. Tangibles

4. Empathy

5. Responsiveness

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Five “rater” criteria

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 65)

2. Assurance: Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust 

and confidence.

4. Empathy: Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.

5. Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.

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Tabel 4- 1 Compendium of Quality Characteristics

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 66)

 Deliverable Interactions

 Faster Availability Responsiveness

Convenience Accessibility

 Better Performance Reliability

 Features Security

 Reliability Competence

Conformance Credibility

Serviceability Empathy

 Aesthetics Communication

 Perceived quality Style

Cheaper Price

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Tabel 4- 2 Ringkasan dari Karakteristik Kwalitas

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 66)

 Kelengkapan Interaksi

 Lebih cepat Kegunaan Tanggap

 Kenyamanan Akses

 Lebih baik Unjuk kerja Keandalan

 Fitur Keamanan

 Keandalan Kompetensi

 Kesesuaian Kredibilitas

 Mampu diservis Empati

 Estetika Komunikasi

 Reputasi Gaya

 Lebih murah Harga

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Tabel 4- 3 Four Dimensions of Performance Measures

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 1 32)

 Dimension Focus Example Measure

1. Actual product End user or Specific features/ Characteristics and 

 or service customer attributes defined by customers

Customer satisfaction

 2. Financial Shareholder Costs Return on investment

 return Prices Profits

Sales volume Throughput

 Productivity Waste

Cost of quality Efficiency

Capital utilization

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Tabel 4- 3 lanjutan

 Dimension Focus Example Measure

 3. Job Employees Specific needs and values defined  

 satisfaction By employees

 Employee satisfaction

 4. Social impact Community Regulatory satisfaction

 Atmospheric emissions

 Liquid discharge

Waste Disposal And recycling

Grants and Contributions

  Presentation and publication

Taxes and fines

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Tabel 4- 4 Empat Dimensi Pengukuran Unjuk kerja

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992: 1 32)

 Dimensi Fokus Contoh pengukuran

1. Barang atau Pemakai Fitur khusus/ karakteristik dan

 jasa Atau atribut yang dide- finisikan konsumen

 Konsumen Customer satisfaction

 2. Tingkat Pemegang Biaya ROI  

 pengembalian saham Harga Keuntungan

 keuangan Permintaan Throughput

 Produktivitas Limbah

 Biaya Kwalitas Efisiensi

Utilisasi kapital 

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Tabel 4- 4 lanjutan

 Dimension Focus Example Measure

 3. Kepuasan Tenaga kerja Kebutuhan dan Nilai yang didefinisi-

 kerja kan oleh tk

 Kepuasan tenaga kerja

 4. Dampak sosial Komunitas Kepuasan peraturan


 Limbah buangan Bentuk cair

 Limbah buangan Dan daur ulang

 Hadiah dan Kontribusi

  Presentasi dan publikasi


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Tabel 4- 5 Four Dimensions of SAS Performance Measures

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992:1 33)

 If this is your focus… .. Then this is who you

 need to please

… and these are key


1. Customer Customers Customer satisfaction

Output characteristics

 defined by customers

 2. Shareholder Bosses Financial indicators:

Owner 1. Costs, sales, and profits

 Financial Analysis 2. Cost of quality

Goals and objectives

 defined by management

SAS = Scandinavian Airlines System

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Tabel 4- 5 Lanjutan

 If this is your focus… .. Then this is who you

 need to please

… and these are key


 3. Employee Employees Employee satisfaction

 Factors contributing to

 job satisfaction

 4. Community Government agents Regulatory compliance

Social service Factors impacting on

 Professional societies society


The press

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Tabel 4- 6 Four Dimensions of SAS Performance Measures

(Arthur R Tenner, 1 992:1 33)

 Jika ini fokus anda … .. Kemudian ini yang

 anda butuhkan

… dan ini adalah kunci


1. Konsumen Para Konsumen Kepuasan Konsumen

 Karakteristik yang dide-

 Finisikan oleh Konsumen

 2. Pemegang saham Bos Indikator keuangan:

 Pemilik 1. Biaya, penjualan, dan


 Analisis keuangan 2. Biaya kwalitasTujuan yang didefinisikan

Oleh manajemen

SAS = Scandinavian Airlines System

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Tabel 4- 6 Lanjutan

 Jika ini fokus anda … .. Kemudian ini yang

 anda butuhkan

… dan ini adalah kunci


 3. Tenaga kerja Tenaga kerja Kepuasan karyawan

 Faktor yang memberikan

 Kontribusi kepada kepuasan kerja

 4. Komunitas Pemerintah Pemenuhan peraturan

 LSM Faktor-faktor yang ber-

 Masyarakat profesional Dampak kpd masyarakat Akademika



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Bab ini akan membahas tentang:  Kriteria unjuk kerja 

Definisi Pengukuran unjuk kerja 

Tujuan Pengukuran unjuk kerja 

The performance criteria  The Basic Feedback Loop 

The process steps 

The characteristics of quality service  SAS Case study 

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Jelaskan tentang:  Kriteria unjuk kerja 

Definisi Pengukuran unjuk kerja 

Tujuan Pengukuran unjuk kerja 

The performance criteria  The Basic Feedback Loop 

The process steps 

The characteristics of quality service  SAS Case study