underEradua "r,,,, ""u,,,"o'o"a "u: :Reco:rd tti:une t :,,Mi gu€t,i carf idq, : yal'des: : :,i,': :r Studene::':IPrr ::,3:715163,76:r::Sr$X{aI::75:?:-74;:L297 ::t,, t,: ...:i: t,:' :,t: ,,: :, ::: ::t: ' :tPage:t'1,,Of 2 E iifthdatieir' L,9 ?'3+ 1O:; 3 nr,: :$f1a,3: i,143[s ::,': Miguel Garrido valdes 8300 WesL Flagler Street Apt 121-114 Miami, rL 33144-6000 United States - BeglmiEg ot undergraduaLe Record piograh: ,: , ii ,,,U{R* eerEi:f liCelr: , , ::, , :, ,, , , ,,,, i 2Ol1-05-09 : AcLjve in Pioqrm :,:C+u.:-ee : ,,:':, B.lfl.qFitpti:bi::1 ,':"::a, ,r ' ,: : : s""rro.,: , ;;':,Regfunar. Aeldemic sesslon a.u;,,,:, .,,,n,',u ;:,:' coGidldti:vd c{s,, ;, : ,,,, : I ,', TRM GpA - : ,4,-000 :r:t,TErot:ToTALs ! 2Q11-05-Q9 : Cert NatioDal Secuiity Ceqt;,f-lcate rA {n€ligibleicrX 1!!ig€fgj-]ffi:,Ei:h!ed Gr ad e Pffi : 3!00 f.oo A 72.a0 3 . 00 3.00 A l2.oo 6.00 6 .00 24 - 00 'r 'doqr,9E ::' Deseilbx.tab ' ,:",: I:::,' SesBioo : Regular Academic Eession Al{T :'. a3$:a"' : :,:'CUlt,rof ::garibbqa+'l ,.,)' ' ' Pos .,,.. 41,a4 , ::r pE AfraXvtis:flliling :, ,, , TERM GPA : 4.000 Tffi TOT&S : cW: gPA t : 4: 00O CW dPA : ,':4:O00 ,Csil ToTAl,S . 6.00 5.00 ,,,,,::l:,: Spranq t'erm rurz 24.00 AtLeeted Earled Grede Pointg 3-00 3.00 A 12.00 :.oo 3.00 A 12.00 6.00 5,00 24.OA Cqulqe De it ciilt t icib :,cuid,:ToTi&s : :, 12:00 12.00 srmer Term 2OL2 ALxeinoEed Earned'Eiade PoifrEs , gession !:':$]:llmer:lA' ' ' :', ' tN*.:: r,:r' 3051':::' co;f:I.iiL security ,:, ,, Sds8:iof: :a: :St$iitef 'C:'tt' ,: : ":::: :, 3-OO: -A ccJ 470n Reseaacli u1la"d,F,, ,,,,, , : .3..gaA:. ' :' 'TEW TOT IjS TRU' CEA CW GPA 3.390 :: CW TOTAiS::: t:F:too 1a-oo 5 9.99 UEdergraduate Career Totals Th is ofiic:ially,l sea I @d,, :?:tld, siq,n ed transori p.t i5: ,prilrted:,:onr:,'bl:0e,SC,ft lP-SAFE! security; pape1: with the name of the university printed in white ,lypg,t,acros5:lhe face',of,lhe dosumient. A:raised seal is not required. When photocopled a security statement containing the institutlon name will appeat. A BLACK ON WHITE OR A COLOR COPY SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED. Flefer ,i:e., th:e::,back ol ,the, :fofr:rl rlfg:r,1 cornpleie Bxp,tanaliortrotilhe g:radlfig gy.stgm:ri i: it: :rii .,:. Thls is an official,lr.anibript ot re,Cord,puisuant tor,the Family Educattdnal,:Hi$ht$, and F,iivacy Ae-t df: . 1 974.rlas am:e:ndsidii T:his :reoord,,:C,anhot b€ released to any other party without written :eo:n$ent:.Of,:the Studeftt: :r:i,::r:':,;::i:::, ,,:r ': ,:ir:r:: ,:::,::,::

2012 FIU Transcripts Miguel Garrido Valdes

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Page 1: 2012 FIU Transcripts Miguel Garrido Valdes

underEradua "r,,,, ""u,,,"o'o"a "u: :Reco:rd

tti:une t :,,Mi gu€t,i carf idq, : yal'des: : :,i,': :r Studene::':IPrr ::,3:715163,76:r::Sr$X{aI::75:?:-74;:L297

::t,, t,: ...:i: t,:' :,t: ,,: :, ::: ::t: ' :tPage:t'1,,Of 2

E iifthdatieir' L,9 ?'3+ 1O:; 3 nr,: :$f1a,3: i,143[s ::,':

Miguel Garrido valdes8300 WesL Flagler Street Apt 121-114Miami, rL 33144-6000United States

- BeglmiEg ot undergraduaLe Record

piograh: ,: , ii ,,,U{R* eerEi:f liCelr: , , ::, , :, ,, , , ,,,, i

2Ol1-05-09 : AcLjve in Pioqrm

:,:C+u.:-ee : ,,:':, B.lfl.qFitpti:bi::1 ,':"::a, ,r ' ,: :

: s""rro.,: , ;;':,Regfunar. Aeldemic sesslon

a.u;,,,:, .,,,n,',u ;:,:' coGidldti:vd c{s,, ;, : ,,,,

: I ,', TRM GpA - : ,4,-000 :r:t,TErot:ToTALs !

2Q11-05-Q9 : Cert NatioDal Secuiity Ceqt;,f-lcate rA {n€ligibleicrX

1!!ig€fgj-]ffi:,Ei:h!ed Gr ad e Pffi

: 3!00 f.oo A 72.a0

3 . 00 3.00 A l2.oo

6.00 6 .00 24 - 00

'r 'doqr,9E ::' Deseilbx.tab ' ,:",: I:::,'

SesBioo : Regular Academic Eession

Al{T :'. a3$:a"' : :,:'CUlt,rof ::garibbqa+'l ,.,)' '

' Pos .,,..

41,a4 , ::r pE AfraXvtis:flliling :, ,,


TERM GPA : 4.000 Tffi TOT&S :

cW: gPA t : 4: 00O

CW dPA : ,':4:O00

,Csil ToTAl,S . 6.00 5.00


Spranq t'erm rurz


AtLeeted Earled Grede Pointg

3-00 3.00 A 12.00

:.oo 3.00 A 12.00

6.00 5,00 24.OA

Cqulqe De it ciilt t icib

:,cuid,:ToTi&s : :, 12:00 12.00

srmer Term 2OL2

ALxeinoEed Earned'Eiade PoifrEs

, gession !:':$]:llmer:lA' ' ' :', '

tN*.:: r,:r' 3051':::' co;f:I.iiL security

,:, ,, Sds8:iof: :a: :St$iitef 'C:'tt' ,: : ":::: :,

3-OO: -A

ccJ 470n Reseaacli u1la"d,F,, ,,,,, ,

: .3..gaA:. ' :' 'TEW TOT IjSTRU' CEA

CW GPA 3.390 :: CW TOTAiS::: t:F:too 1a-oo 5 9.99

UEdergraduate Career Totals

Th is ofiic:ially,l sea I @d,, :?:tld, siq,n ed transori p.t i5:,prilrted:,:onr:,'bl:0e,SC,ft lP-SAFE! security; pape1:with the name of the university printed in white,lypg,t,acros5:lhe face',of,lhe dosumient. A:raisedseal is not required. When photocopled asecurity statement containing the institutlonname will appeat. A BLACK ON WHITE OR ACOLOR COPY SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Flefer ,i:e., th:e::,back ol ,the, :fofr:rl rlfg:r,1 cornpleieBxp,tanaliortrotilhe g:radlfig gy.stgm:ri i: it: :rii


Thls is an official,lr.anibript ot re,Cord,puisuanttor,the Family Educattdnal,:Hi$ht$, and F,iivacy Ae-tdf: . 1 974.rlas am:e:ndsidii T:his :reoord,,:C,anhot b€released to any other party without written:eo:n$ent:.Of,:the Studeftt: :r:i,::r:':,;::i:::, ,,:r ': ,:ir:r:: ,:::,::,::

Page 2: 2012 FIU Transcripts Miguel Garrido Valdes

undergraduaLe:::Ard. ;Gr:aduat8,teco,rd Page. 2i::o:f 2

sei<:::::Malb:: :1: Garrtda VaIdeS, Stude$,B,rr'TD :, :i:3:7:6153:? 5


7 6x.- 7 4 i 7297 :::: ::Birf trdat€r:' 197:3:-,I0:;:31


This off ieially. ; gealed : :&Ild, sig:ned transeript is

printed on blue SCRIP-SAFE" secr.rrity paperwith the name of the university printed in whitetype across the face of the document. A raisedSeal is nol:: requ,ired. Wrh:e,n photqcopied asecurity statement containing the institutionname wili appear A BLACK ON WHITE OR ACOLOR COPY SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED.

RPfef ::to: the back, of , l.th:e:,fo{.m,,{9f,, cgrnplelQexO,landtlon ot,the grading srstdm,

,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,.l

This is ah, olficiai.trahSiriDt,of record pur-suanltO,:the Family Ed$aatiofr al,,Flights,,and Ftivaby AolOl:,, 1 974i : es amlelhded;; ThIs recOrd,t:]San]npt :bereleased to any other party without writtenconsent of the student.
