米米米米米米米米米米米米米米米 ~~ 米米米米米米米米米米米米米米 米米 米米 Tadao Tanabe 米米米米米米 米米 米 Sam Maejima How do we cope with Aging Society


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米子市和田地区自治連合会会長 田邉 忠雄Tadao Tanabe

米子市和田町 前島 勇Sam Maejima

How do we cope with Aging Society?

鳥取県米子市和田町鳥取県米子市和田町About Wada Community

Wada Community is located in about the middle of the peninnsula in the northern part of City of Yonago.

白砂青松 -White beach and Dark green leaves of Pine trees-

和田町の特産品和田町の特産品 Agriculture of Wada Community

cotton leek

Its main produce was cotton in the early 19th century but now it specializes in long green leeks.

和田町の人口和田町の人口Population (January 1, 2013)

2,752 Persons over the age of 65

896Population aging rate of Wada: 32.6%

Population of Wada Community


1856 896

under 65

over 65

高齢社会としての取り組み高齢社会としての取り組みRegional activities

The most advanced aging ratio in

Yonago City... :-(

We want to take positive advantage of it as the most advanced aging community.

☆☆ 高齢化最先端地高齢化最先端地区!!区!!

1. 1. 認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練Regional activities -1-

In October 2011, we conducted a senile roamer watch drill, assuming a senile person got missing, and the entire community participated in the search.

1.1. 認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練Regional activities -1-

1.1. 認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練Regional activities -1-

1.1. 認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練認知症徘徊見守り模擬訓練Regional activities -1-

Excuse me, but do you need any help?

2. 2. 津波避難訓練津波避難訓練Regional activities -2-

Northern Japan Earthquake terrified the entire community, and we conducted a drill to respond to the concern of the people.

2. 2. 津波避難訓練津波避難訓練Regional activities -2-

2. 2. 津波避難訓練津波避難訓練Regional activities -2-

3. 3. いきいきサロンいきいきサロンRegional activities -3-

Yonago City Social Welfare Association foundedIki-Iki salons about 10 years ago.

The salon meets every month at area meeting houses among the aged and enjoys health care, luncheons and travels.

4 Iki-Iki salons in Wada Community.

3. 3. いきいきサロンいきいきサロンRegional activities -3-

Run by community welfare reps, resident welfare members and many volunteers.

4. 4. その他の活動その他の活動Regional activities -others-

Pine Tree Preservation Team

Harmonica society

Cotton Growing Project

Its activities are highly valued in each of them by local residents.


We will resurrect such people-to-people relationship as care for others, neighborhood friendship and mutual help.

謝辞謝辞Thank you

Thank you for your kind attention.

We received generous support from ...

- 米子市役所長寿社会課(写真提供)

- NPO 法人がいなネット(スライド作成協力)