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【太平山報源起 Reasons for TPS Post】 在這網絡年代,資訊無遠弗屆;我們卻回到原始,搞一份輕物資純本區製造的簡箋,因我們還相信「觸感」,是對一紙文字、一遞一收這製作往還中,百步之遙社區內人們因互動交流這接觸而產生的正能量感應。我們亦期望以此啟動人們對理想社區規劃的探索,並從紀錄與認識自身生活方式開始;如此簡箋,一期一觀點,不膩說,不謀利。 Although the internet has enabled the instantaneous distribuition of information, we have chosen a paper format for our neighborhood publication in order to create a visceral connection with our readers. We hope that the process of making, delivering, receiving and sharing the paper with others will create a bond within the community. We also hope to inspire people to explorer their ideas about community planning by sharing and documenting of the neighborhoods's features, people and way of life. 【本期專題 Feature

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Page 1: 《太平山報》創刊號(2013年5月26日)
Page 2: 《太平山報》創刊號(2013年5月26日)