23 November 2017

23 November 2017 - Wifs · LEAN IN De boodschap over de toegevoegde waarde van vrouwelijk leiderschap gaat zich verspreiden als een olievlek, binnen onze sector én daarbuiten. Ons

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23 November 2017

LEAN INDe boodschap over de toegevoegde waarde van vrouwelijk leiderschap gaat zich verspreiden als een olievlek, binnen onze sector én daarbuiten. Ons doel is dat de sector doordrongen raakt van de gedachte dat vrouwelijk leiderschap echt het verschil maakt en dat hierop wordt geacteerd. WIFS komt extra dichtbij om deze boodschap te brengen, door te luisteren en te steunen: We Lean In. Wij doen dit door activiteiten gericht op onze directe stakeholders (Leden en partners). Daarnaast starten wij nieuwe initiatieven gericht op de positionering van WIFS als baken van kennis, steun en verbinding in de diversiteitsdiscussie binnen de sector.‘LEAN IN ademt ambitie, dat is wel te voelen! Wat wordt jouw bijdrage in het verwezenlijken van onze ambities? Hoe creëren wij samen een dialoog die viral gaat, een olievlek?

The event will again be fully centered around the promotion of women in leadership. How is this achieved, how do we enforce change? How do we maximize the potential of our network?

In this regard, we are here today to team up and focus on entrepreneurship and empowerment. This afternoon is for sharing, pitching and inspiring! Today’s program includes Best Practice showcases by RaboWomen and IBM. What have they been up to over the last year, and what are key take-aways we can learn from? And Networking expert Miriam Notten of LaRed will be sharing her insights on the importance of networking and social capital, within and outside organizations. How do we build, keep, and optimally use relationship networks?

Very exciting: we are also hosting our very first Open Space during today’s event! Our goal will be to engage on different topics, exchange knowledge and ideas, and co-create. We are looking forward to joining the pitching individuals on the floor, and if you are here to participate with your own pitch - you have our full support!

I am very much looking forward to another dynamic event, thanks for being here!

Natalia GoncharovaWIFS-Chair

Very pleased to see all of you again! Today we host our fourth and last event of the year, here at FMO in The Hague: Network Power!


Program Host

14:30 - 15:00 uur

15:00 - 15:15 uur

15:00 - 15:15 uur

15:15 - 16:00 uur

16:00 - 18:00 uur

18:00 - 18:30 uur

18:30 - 20:00 uur


Opening by WIFS-chair Natalia Goncharova and event moderator Petra Vriens

Welcome by event host - Linda Broekhuizen, CIO of FMO

Best Practice presentations

Open Space

Closing with Network specialist Miriam Notten, LaRed


Linda Broekhuizen, CIO of FMOLinda Broekhuizen started working at FMO in 2000, at first being responsible for investments in a selected number of countries in Eastern Europe & Central Asia and later in the Latin America department, where she managed a team since 2005. She continued her career in 2008 as Manager Sustainability Development, a new position created to integrate ESG as a business case in FMO’s core investment process. Consequently, she successfully set up Agribusiness as a new focus sector for FMO. Before joining FMO’s Management Board in 2014, she was as Director Financial Institutions responsible for FMO’s largest sector portfolio. Linda Broekhuizen has Master Degrees in International Relations and in Business Administration. In 2010 she finalized a postgraduate program on Corporate Social Responsibility Management. She is member of the Supervisory Board of the Netherlands Council for Trade promotion (NCH) and member of the Appeals Commission of the Foundation for Banking Ethics Enforcement. Linda Broekhuizen started per 2014 as Chief Investment Officer in FMO’s Management Board. In this role, she is responsible for FMO’s total investment portfolio of EUR 9.0 billion.

About FMOFMO is the Dutch development bank. It has been investing in the private sector in developing economies in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 1970. FMO creates access to a full range of high impact financial products and services, covering inter alia loans, private equity, blended finance and capacity development. FMO’s investments focus on three sectors: Financial Institutions, Energy and Agribusiness. FMO simultaneously targets financial returns and impact returns. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are part of FMO’s core business. FMO selected three SDGs as most relevant: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities and Climate Action. Moreover, FMO has fully integrated environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) policies into every aspect of its business. Through its subsidiary FMO Investment Management, institutional investors can get access to FMO’s expertise in responsible emerging market investing.

Best Practice Showcases

Open Space

Let’s connect, share, empower and energize!

Bernita Van Kreij, Business Manager Research at RabobankBernita has been with Rabobank since 2000, where she has worked on various projects of scale. Bernita is involved in both internal and external networks, including Vrouwen Bouwen, RaboWomen and WIFS. She has worked and lived in the UK, Switzerland and Australia.

Heena Jethwa, Mobility Leader Benelux at IBMHeena works with organisations to transform and innovate by focusing on the collaboration of technology and people. Heena is also the chair for the Smarter Women’s Network at IBM

Louise Out -Van Staveren, Client Director at IBM for Rabobank GroupLouise is energized by Banking content, coaching Talent and Corporate Social Responsibility (MVO). Louise is the Executive sponsor for Smarter Women at IBM and also a member of the board for Talent naar de Top(D&I company)

TODAY’S MODERATOR: CHANTAL KORTEWEG, FMOChantal Korteweg currently works as manager Financial Institutions Latin America and the Caribbean (as of 1 January 2015). In this role she focuses on guiding a team of investment professionals at FMO servicing their clients, financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. She is responsible for a team of 12 professionals, a portfolio of 60 clients in Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru and for business development of around EUR 230 mln a year. In addition, she and her team play a role in adding value to clients by supporting on specific projects, sharing knowledge and connecting clients, partners and other stakeholders on various topics. Alongside her work, Chantal has contributed to many strategic projects within FMO, such as chairing the low income countries working group as part of the strategy working group 2013 – 2016, contributing to the working group responsible for strategy implementation of FMO’s doubling impact and halving footprint ambitions and founding the female network FMO Femmes. Most recently, she has designed the gender financing strategy for her department and organized and moderated a female leadership journey to Ghana.

Her mission in life is to get everybody to realise that social capital is an asset and very valuable both for organisations as well as people. She’s quite optimistic, loves board games and is a newbie member of the cards club in Goedereede.  This summer she got married at Graceland.

Ing. A.M.S. (Miriam) Notten (1966) is an entrepreneur and proud founder of La Red. She’s known for her keynotes on social capital and does very well as a teacher too both in the Netherlands as well as abroad. People like her natural way of interacting with the audience. Quirky and with a generous smile she opens the hearts of people and gets them in motion.

Closing remarks

All about networks, with Miriam Notten

The WIFS Event Committee

Special Thanks To

Machteld Groeneveld

Marianne DriessenWIFS-photographer

Jitske CnossenFMO

Petra Vriens

Anita Creyghton

Linda KistPA to the WIFS-Board

THE WIFS NETWORK POWER!-event would not have been possible without the incredible team at our business member FMO! Thank you Jitske Cnossen, Natalie West and Gabriela Ortiz!

This event was organized by

Gabrielle Krapels

The WIFS-Board

Natalia Goncharova Angela Wiechers Omara Nahar

OVER WOMEN IN FINANCIAL SERVICES (WIFS)WIFS wil bijdragen aan het creëren van een betere balans tussen masculiene en feminiene waarden in de financiële sector. Wij zijn een ambitieus netwerk, dat samen met haar leden en partners in een platform voor gebalanceerd leiderschap voorziet.

WIFS heeft als missie het hebben van een toonaangevende, invloedrijke rol in het bevorderen van vrouwelijk leiderschap in financiële organisaties, ten behoeve van een gezondere en inclusieve sector. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat het herstel van vertrouwen in de financiële sector baat heeft bij de inbreng van feminiene waarden. Het is daarom goed als vrouwen meer van zich laten horen en er meer erkenning komt voor deze feminiene waarden. WIFS acht het van groot belang dat de financiële sector op de lange termijn duurzaam verandert. Zij concretiseert in dit kader haar missie door invulling te geven aan 4 kernwaarden: Connect, Share, Empower en Energize.

De organisatie van WIFS is in handen van enthousiaste leden - een bestuur gesteund door gedreven commissies en partners, die naast hun baan gestalte geven aan WIFS, om in de behoeften van de verschillende WIFS-stakeholders, en bovenal de WIFS-ambitie te kunnen voorzien.

Met het evenement van vandaag heeft WIFS de aandacht willen vestigen op het feit dat er veel kwalitatief hoogwaardig onderzoek wordt verricht naar genderdiversiteit, op zowel nationaal als internationaal niveau. De Diversity Research Accelerator Award is in het leven geroepen als eyeopener, om toegang tot deze onderzoeken verder te faciliteren, zodat onze sector er haar voordeel mee kan doen.

De organisatie van onze evenementen is altijd een samenwerking tussen de leden van onze commissies en leden op de gastlocaties. Gezamenlijk vinden wij mogelijkheden om belangrijke issues voor vrouwen in seniorposities aan het licht te brengen. We zijn regelmatig op zoek naar enthousiaste vrouwen die een steentje willen bijdragen. Dat kan door lid te worden van één van onze commissies of door éénmalig mee te werken aan de organisatie van een evenement. Heb je interesse? Kijk op www.wifs.nl onder ‘over WIFS’ naar onze vacatures of stuur een mail naar [email protected].

WIFS Lidmaatschap