33 Grand Costitutions of 1786 Edizione 1859

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    OF TH YEAR 1786.




    ILL.-. BRO.*. ALBERT PIRE, 33.





  • xw (UMm of 1786,

    iS.i:2cOBy Google




    Fbedebictts, Bei gratta, Hex Borussice,Margravio Brandburgi, etc, etc.t etc. :

    Supremus Magnus Protector, Magnus Commendator,Mgnus Magister Universalis, et Conservator anti-quissimce et venerbilis Societatis Veterum-Liberorum-Aggregatorum-Structorum vel Latomorum seti Regali*et Militaris ORJDINIS IdhercB'Art8'Fabricce~Idtpi-daricB vel Libera-Latomia :


    Colerantim, SBfuirmem,

    Qaod compertum et exploratum ipsi ISTs habemua,conservalitia et Bumma Officia qu pacti sumus cumantiquiaaim reverendissimque Institutione nota sbyonostro, sub nomine Ldberce-Artis-Fabricce-LapidarB'




    IN 8TONJE.

    We, Fbedebic, hy th graee of Ood, King ofBrussia, Margrave of Brandenlurg, etc, eie, etc. :

    Supreme Grand Protector, Grand Commander,Universa!. Grand Master, and Defender of th mostancient and honourable Society of Ancient Free andAssociated Msons or Bttilders, or of th JRoyal and

    Military OBDEB of th Free Art of Worhing inStone, or of Free-Masonry :




    We hold it to be certain and undeniable that thhigh dutj of protection which we have assumedtowards th most ancient and worshipful Institution,

    known in this age as th Fraternity of th Free Artb 2

  • Fratemitat aut Obdinis Vetebum-Structobum-Liberobum-Aggregatobitm:, fecerunt, quod notumest omnibus, ut illam nostra speciali soUicitudinetutaremur.

    Hsbc univer8al8 Institutio, qu originem societatishuman origine ducifc, est pura in dogmate et doctrin,sapiens, prudens et moralis in disciplinis, exercita-tionibus, consiliis ac ratinibus, et fine insigniter philo-

    sophico, sociali et humano se praeaertm commendat ;hujusce eocietatis finis hic est: Concordia, Felicitas,

    Progressus, Commoda humani generis generatmsumpti, et particulariter uniuscujusque bominis : igituromni spe et opera, constanti animo uti debet, ut ad eumexitum, quem solum se dignum profitetur, perveniat.

    Sed, progrediente aetate, organorum compositiopriscique regiminis unitas graviter adulterate suntmagnis eversionibus rerumque mutationibus qu

    mundi statum everterunt aut alternis vicibus immu-trunt, et quae priscos Structores, diversis antiquorum

    nostrmque temporum periodis, in variaa orbis partessparserunt. Hic dispersila sejunctiones operatus est,qua sub Bitutjm nomine bodi vigent et quorum

    conjunctio OKDINEM componit.

    Sed divisiones alise primis ex divisionibus ort, novissocietatibus constituendis locum dederunt, et plurimisnulla alia cum Liber-Arte-Fbricce-LapidaricB est

    communitas, prster nomen aliasque formulaa fun- datoribus servatas ut tegerent consilia secreta, saep

    L :,,,,, ,.: .

  • ( 5 )of Worhing in Storte, or th Obdeb of Fbbe and

    Associated Masons, has caused us, as is known toali men, to guard it with tbe most scrupulous care.

    That univeraal Inatitution, whose origin goes backto th origin of human society, is pure in dogma anddoctrine; wise, prudent and moral in ita teacbings,ita practice, ita purposes, and ita meaaurea ; andespecially commenda itself by ita philoaophical, aocialand immane design. For that design is th Harmony,th Happines8, th Progreas, and th Well-being ofth Human Family as a whole, and of every man asan individuai : wherefore it should hopefully and witha con8tant reaolution use every exertion to attainto that end, which alone it regarda as worthy of itself.

    But in th progress of time, th organic aymmetryof Masonry, and th unity of ite primitive regimenhave been greatly departed from, by thoae great com-

    motions and changea in human affairs, tbat haveoverturned th world, or diaturbed it .with Constant

    change ; and which, at different perioda, in ancienttimes and in our own, have dispereed th ancientMasoas over ali th earth. Thia dispersion has produced systems varying from each other, which stiliexist and are styled Rites ; th aggregate whereofcompoaea TH OBDER.

    But stili other diviaiona, spnnging from th first,caused th conatitution of new asaociationa, most ofwhich have nothing whatever in common with th

    Liberai* Abt of FBEE-MASONBY,except th nameandsome l'orma preaerved by their founders to keep secret


  • ( 6 )exclusoria, aliquand etiam periculosa et fer semperprincipiis doctrinisque sublimibus Libera - Artis-JPbriccB-Zapidarice, traditone transmissis, oppoBita.

    Notae discordi novis illis societatibus in OEDINE.concitata, et per nimium tempus alita, illum sus-

    picionibuB et diffidenti omnium fer Principum obje-cerunt, etiamque ssevis nohnullorum insectationibus.

    Conatibus Structorutn virtute pr&stantium sedataBfure discordi, et illi omnes, jm longo tempore

    votis exposcunt, ut generaliter in eas .consulatur,rationibusque eos reditus impediant, ORDINEMQTTB

    sustineant, illi sui regiminis, organorumque prisccompositionis unitatem, priscamque disciplinam restituendo.

    Hsbc vota accipiendo, qusB vota Nobis comammasunt compiet initiatione nostra mysteriis Libere**Artis-FbricG'Lapidarice, Nobis attamen dissimularepotuimus nec numerimi, nec naturam, nec veram

    magnitudinem obstaculorum retnovendorum ut illavota persolverentur. De tali re faciend rationeminire meditabaniur deliberando, cum fratribus sapi-

    entissimis et principibus Fraternitatis in omnibusorbis regionibus, de consiliis aptissimis ad utilemitlum ezitum cousequendum, violato nullius arbitrio,nulla vera Structorum libertate violata, nec opinionum

    precipue, quae inter omnes libertates prima et sacerrima est atque admodm propensa ad accipiendamoffensionera.

    a. yGoogle

  • ( 1 )tbeir purposespurposes often exclusive, sometimes

    dangerous, and almost alwaysopposed to thetraditionalprinciples and sublime doctrines of Free-Masowry.

    Th well-known dissensions which tbose new asso-ciations excited and long kept alive in TUE OEDER,

    exposed it to tbe suspicion and distrust of almost alimonarchs, and to th cruel persecutions of some.

    By th exertions of those Masons most eminent invirtue, these dBsensions bave been settled; and alihave long and ardently desired that tbere should be agenerai consultation in regard tbereto ; and that threcurrence of like disorders sbould be prevented, and

    TH OEDEE maintained, by restoring to it th unityof its originai regimen, and of th pristine compositionof its organa, as well as its ancient discipline.

    While sharing these desires, which we have feltfrom th period when we were fully initiated into thmysteries of Free-Masonry, stili we could not concealfrom ourBelves either th number, nature, or true

    magnitude of th obstacles that must be removedbefore those desires can be fulfilled. We thought oftaking th first step towards effecting th desiredobject, by taking counsel with th wisest and mosteminent members of th Fraternity in every country,as to th measures most suitable to be adopted inorder to attain th end desired, without doing violence

    to th wishes of any one, and in no wise interferingwith that liberty that is th heritage of Masons, andespecially th right of private judgment, which of ali

    rights is first and most sacred, and most jealous ofany eneroachment.

    Di::i1 zod hv

  • ( 8 )Usqu adirne Begis officia, nobis maga peculiaria,et plurimi gravesque eventus, qui nostri principatscursum insignierunt, irritam erga hoc feceruntnostram voluntatem, et proposito ilio nos deter-ruerunt. Absolutio perfectioque tm magni, pulchri,aequi ac necessarii operis, ad tempus, prudentiam,

    cognitionem studiumque fratrum, qui nobis succedent,deinceps pertinenti illud pensum illis relinquimus,pr&cipimusque ut sine intermissione, leniter ac pru-denter dent illi operam.

    Attamen recentes ac instantes expositiones quaead nos, his proximis temporibus, omnibus ex locis,miss fure, nobis notam reddunt urgentem necessitatene opponendi potentem molem animo intolerantise,

    seetse, schismatis et anarchi, quem inter fratresnuperi novatores adBciscere conantur, spectantes adconsilia pls minsve restricta, inconsiderata aut

    vituperabilia, et oblata sub speciosis rationibus qu proposito veram Artem-Fabrica-ZapidaricB, naturamejus immutando, deflectere, et sic ad contemptionemextinctionemque ORDINIS pervenire possunt. Con-fitemur Nosmetipsi hanc urgentem necessitatem,edocti omnia quae in regnis vicinorum bodi g*runtur.

    Igitur hsd rationes aliaque causa non minorisponderi* nos impellunt ad colligend,um et agglome-

    randum in unum corpus Artem-Fabrica-Lapidariieomnes Ritus Scotioi regiminis, quorum doctrinsegeneraliter agnoscuntur esse maxime edem ac illse

    prisc institutiones, quse edem tendunt, et quae,

  • ( 9 )Hitberto, tbe duties of tbe Begal office, that bavein an especial manner weighed on us, and tbe very

    many and grave events that bave marked th courseof our reign, have made tbis our intention ineffectual,

    and deterred us from ita performance. Th com-pletion and perfection of so great and beautiful, sojust and necessary a work, must needs await th

    leisure, tbe wisdom, tbe knowledge, and tbe zeal oftbe bretbren who sball come after us. To tbem webequeatb tbe task, urging them to labour thereat unin-

    termittedly, but slowly and witb a prudent caution.But recent and urgent representations, wbicb oflate bave reached us from every quarter, bave satisfied

    us of th urgent necessity of erecting a strong barrieragainst tbat Bpirt of intolerance, sectarianism, scbism,

    and anarchy, which late innovatore are busily labour-ing to introduce among tbe brethren, aiming at objectsmore or less narrow, inconsiderate, or reprehensible,and proposed for specious reasons, and wbicb, bychanging th nature of tbe true Art of IPree-Masonry,necessarily tend to lead it astray, and may tbus bringTH 011DEE into generai contempi and lead. to itsextinction. And we, advised of wbat is now passingin th neigbbouring kingdoms, cannot but admic th

    existence of this urgent and pressing necessity.Wherefore these reasons, and other considerationsof no less weight, impel us to collect together andunite into one body and Ari ofMasonry, al] th Eitesof th Scottish regimen, th doctrines whereof aregenerally acknowledged to be in tbe main th sameas those ancient nstitutions whicb tend to a common


  • ( io )cm sint precipui rami ejusdem arboria, tantm inter

    6e differunt formulis, jm inter multos explanatiset quas conciliare facile est. Hi Eitus sunt qui

    agnoscuntur sub nomine Antiqui, Heredom aut SLair-domt Kilwinning Orientis, Sancti-Andrea, Impera-torum Orientis et Oceidentis, Principwn-Megii-Secretiaut Perfectionw, Philosophia, et Ritus recentissimus,


    Iqitue, acceptum habendo, pr basi nostree reforma-tionid conservatric8, titulum primi illorum Bituum etnumerum graduum hierarcbicum ultimi, Declaramusillos omnes jm nunc conjunctoB et agglomeratos inunum solum OEDINEM qui, profitendo dogma etpuras doctrinas priscse Artis-Fabricce-Lapidaria, com-

    plectitur syeternata omnia Scotici Eits copulata subtitulo EITUS-SCOTI0I-ANTIQUI-ACCEPTI.

    Doctrina largietur Structoribus in gradibus trigintatribus, in septem Terapia aut classes partitis, quosquisque Structor vicissm lustrare tenebitur, antequmad sublim8simum ac ultimum perveniat ; ac in quoquegradu, subibit raoras et pericula qu Instituta,Decreta Prascriptaque antiqua ac nova OBDINISatque JPerfectionis exigunt.

    Primus graduB Becundo subjicietur, iste tertio, et sicex ordine usqu ad sublimemtertium et trigesimumac ultimumqui ad omnes alios advigilabit, illos


  • ( 11 )centre ; and whicb, wbile only tbe main brancbes of

    one and tbe same tree, differ so mucb from oneanother in their formulas, now widely diffused, andyet may be so easily reconciled. These Rites are

    tbose known under tbe several names of tbe Ancient,tbat of Heredom or Sirdom, tbat of th Orient ofKilwinning, tbat of 8t. Andrew, tbat of th Amperora

    ofthe East and West, that of th Frinces ofthe BoyalSecret, or of Perfection, tbe Phiosophic Rite, andtbat most recent Rite of ali, known as tbe Pruosval.

    Whebefoee, adoptiog, as tbe basis of our conservative reformation, tbe title of tbe frst of tbose

    Rites, and tbe number of degrees of tbe hierarchy oftbe last, We do declaee them ali to be now andbencefortb united and aggregated into one sicgle

    ORDER, wbich, professing th dogma and tbe pureand undefiled doctrines of th Ancient Art ofMasonry,embraces ali tbe systems of tbe Scottisb Rite, unitedtogether under tbe title of TH ANCIENT-ACCEPTED-SCOTTISH-RITE.

    Tbe entire doctrine will be communicated toMaBons in thirty-three degrees divided into sevenTemples, or classes, througb ali wbicb every Masonmust pasa in regular succession, before be can arriveat tbe most sublime and last : and in eacb degree bewill meet sucb obstructions and undergo sucb trials,as are required by th Institutes, Decrees, and Regulartions, old and new, of th ORDER and of Perfection,

    Th first degree is inferior to tbe second, tbat totbe tbird, and so ascending regularly to th SublimeDegree (th thirty-tbird and last), which watches

    Pi::itizcr vGoogc

  • ( 12 )redarguet, illisque imperabit, et cujus congregatio aut

    conventus, Magkum-Concilium-Supbemum, dog-maticum erit, Defensor, Conservatorque ORDINIS,quem gubernabit atque administrabit, ex prsesentibuset ex Constitutionibus qu proxim instituentur.

    Omnes gradus Eituum supra agglomeratorum, primo ad octavum decimum, in gradibus Rits Per~fectionis, ordini suo respondenti, et ex sua analogia

    et similitudine, collocabuntur, et xvih primos gradusEitus-Scotici-Antiqui-Accbpti component. Un-

    devigesimus gradua ac tertius et vigesiums gradusRits, qui PrtmcBvu8 vocatur, vigesimus OBDINISerit : vigesimus, ac tertius et vigesimus gradus JPer--fectionis, aut decimus sextus, ac quartus et vigesimus

    Kits Primavi, primus et vigesimus, ac octavus et vige-simus OEDINIS erunt. Fbincipes-Beoii-Seceeti,in secundo et trigesimo gradu sese collocabunt,sub Stjmmis-Maghis-Ikspectoeibus-Geneealibtjs,qui gradus tertius et trigesimus, ac ultimus OEDINISest. Frimus et trigesimus gradus Summos-Judices-

    Commendatore8 habebit ; Summi - Commendatores,Summi-Electi'JEquites-Kadosch, trigesimum graduaicomponent. In tertio et vigesimo, ac quarto et vige-simo, quinto et vigesimo, sexto et vigesimo, septimo etvigesimo, ac nono et vigesimo gradu, Capita-Taber~naculi, Princvpes - Tbernaculi, Equites - Serpente-

    E Principe8 - Qratice, Summi - Commendatores-iy et Summi-Scoti-Sancii-Andrete collocabuntur.


  • ( 13 )

    over ali th others, corrects their errorB and governathem ; and a body or assembly whereof will be a Gend

    Supreme Counoil absolute in matter of doctrine,Defender and Conservata of TH ORDER, which it

    will rule and administer, in accordance with th exist-ing Constitutions, and those presently to be enacted.

    AH th degrees of ali th Rites hereby united, fromth first to th eighteenth, inclusive, will be arrangedamong th degrees of th Rite of Perfection, each initB proper piace and order, and as analogy and

    similitude require, and will compose th eighteen firstdegrees of th Ancient Accepted Scottisie Rite.Th nineteenth degree and th twenty-third degree of

    th Primceval Rite, will be th twentieth degree ofth ORDER : th twentieth and twenty-third degreesof Perfectionf as th sixteenth and twenty-fourth ofPrimceval Rite, will be th twenty-first and twenty-eighth of th ORDER : Th Peinoes of tue RotalSeceet will be placed in th thirty-second degree,next beiow TH SOVEREIGN GRAND IN-

    SPECTORS GENERAL, who have th thirty.thirdand last degree of th ORDER. Th thirty-first

    degree will be that of Sovereign Judqes Commandersand th Sovereign Commanders, Sovereign KnightsKadosk will constitute th thirtieth degree. Th

    Ohiefe ofthe Tbemacle, th Princes ofthe Tabernacle,th Knights oftke Brazen Serpent, th Princes ofMerci/, th Sovereign Commanders of th Temple ; andth Sovereign Scossai? of Saint Andrew will respec-tively compose th 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th,and 29th degrees.


  • Eorumdem Scotorum Eegimnum aggregatorum,omnes sublimes gradua, secundm eorum analogiam,vel identitatem, distributi erunt in classes eorum

    Ordinis respoudentes in Eegimine Ritus-Sootioi-Antiqttc-Aocepti.

    Sed nunqum, neqne ullo protesta, ullus eorumsublimium graduum adsimilari poterit Tertio et Trigesimo et Sublimissimo gradui Supeemi-Magni-

    IN8PBCTOEIS-Q-EITEB1.LIS, PbOTECTOBIS, CONSEBV-tobis ORDINIS, ultimo ejusdem Awtiqui-Agcepti-

    Scotici-Ritus ; nullo in casu poterit quis frui eisdemjuribus, prserogativis, privilegiis aut facultatibus quibus

    eoa Inspectorea Noe insignimus.

    Sic eoa inBtituimus vigore facultatum aupremarumet coD8ervatricium.

    TJtque hoc firmum et inconcussum sit, Jubemusomnibus nostris Dilectia, Strenuis, Ezcelsisque Equi-tibua Principibusque Latomis auxiliarem ei manumprsebere.

    DATUM in Nostra regali Sede Berolini, CalendisMaji, Anno Grati MDCCLXXXVI, Nostri RegniXLVIP.

    Subscriptum, " FREDERICUS."


  • ( X5 )

    AH th Sublime Degrees of tbe said severalaggregated Scottish Bites, will, according to analogyor identity, be distribuiteci araong tbe classes of their

    OBDEB, which correBpond to tbe Begimen of thAncient-Acoepted Scottish Bite.

    But never, nor under any pretext whatever, canany one of tbose sublime degrees be assimilated toth tbirty-tbird and moBt sublime degree of Sovebeign

    Gbakd Inspeotob Gekeeal, Pbotectob and Con-sebvatob of tbe OBDEB, and th last Degree of thsame Anciest-Accepted Scottish Bite: in no

    case can any otber person enjoy those rights, pre-rogatives, privileges, and powers wberewith We doinvest those Inspectors.

    And We do so institute them in th activity ofsuch Supreme and Conservative powers.

    And to th end tbat ali hereof may remain fxedand unchanged, we do command ali our well-beloved,

    Valiant and Noble Masonic Knighte; and Princes tosupport and maintain th same,

    DONB at our Boyal Residence in Berlin, tbis firstday of May, in th year of Grace 1786, and of ourBeign th 47th.

    Signed, FBEDEBIC."

  • Ad Universi Terrarum Orbis Sammi Architecti (ftoriam.










    Prcbante, prcuente, sanciente Augusta Majettate Frederici(Caroli) Seeundi, Boruzsuz Jtegis, Margravii Brandeburgensis,etc, Potenti&simi Monarcha, Magni Patroni, Magni Commen-

    datorisj etc.t ORDINIS, etc., etc, etc.Magni Impeciare* Supremi Universalea in Supremo ConciliohoUto deliberaverunt, sanciverunique infra exarata Decreta, quamtperpetuque erunt eorum CONSTITUTIONES, STATUTAet REQULjB regendis Consistori, alique SocieUUibus atructoriis

    eorumdem Magnorum Inspectorumjurdictioni wjbjectU.


  • Ad Universi Terrarum Orbis Summi Architecti Gloriam.









    Ovsa ai Cfja0.

    With th approvai, in th presence, and vnth th sanction of HAugust Majesly Frederic {Charles) th Second, King of Prussici,Margrave of BrandenJburg, eie, Most Potent Monarca, GrandPatron, Grand Commandert etc, of th ORDER, et, etc,, eie.

    Th Grand Supreme Vhiversal Inspectors in Supreme Councilasaembled, Have deteitnined and ordained th Decrees kereunde

    written, which are andfor ever shall be ikeir CONSTITUTIONS,STATUTES, and JREGULATIONS for th Government of thConstories and other Masonic Bodies, under thjurisdiction ofth said Grand Inspeclors.



  • ( 18 )


    Constitutiontjm, Statutorum, Begularumque fac-torum Anno MDCCLXII per novera Delegatos Magma Conciliis Principiim Structorum RegioArcano, articuli omnes qui hisce non adversantursanctionibus, servantur, et observandi erunt ; quiautem adversabuntur, abrogantur, et pr espressesublatia babentur.


    I. Grdus XXXIII, iis Structoribus qui eolegitim ornati sunt, qualitatem, titulum, privilegium,auctoritatemque tribuit Supremorum Magnorum

    Generalium Ordinis Inspectorum. II. Eorum missionis peculiare officium est fratresdocendi, et illuminandi ; Caritatem, Unionem etfraternum Amorem inter eos conservalidi ; regu-

    laritatem in operibus cujuscumque grads servandi,utque ab alii8 conservetur curandi ; Dogmata, Doc-trinas, Instituta, Constitutiones, Statuta et Eegulas

    ORDINIS, ea precipue Sublimis Latomia, utobservanti colantur efficieudi, eaque in occasionequlibet servandi et defendencli ; in operibus deniqu

    Facis, et Misericordise se ubicumqu exercendi.

    III. Coetus virorum ex eodera gradu, dictusCONCILIUM TRIGESIMI TEHTII sive Poten-tium Magnorum Geneealium Inspectoeum

    OEDINIS constat, et ordinatus est prot infra.


    All th Articles of th Constitutions, Statutes,and Regulations made in th year MDCCLXIL, byth nine Delegates from th Grand Councils of Frinces

    MasoDS of th Royal Secret, which are not contraryto these present ordinances, are preserved in full force

    and ehall be observed; but sudi as conflict here-with are abrogated, and to be regarded as expressiyrepealed.


    I. Th 33rd Degree investa those Masons whoare legitimately in possession thereof, with th cha-

    racter, title, privileges, and authority of SovereignGrand Inspectors Generai of th Order.

    II. Th peculiar duties entrusted to them are ;to preserve Charity, TJnion, and brotherly Love

    among them ; to maintain regularity in th work ofevery degree, and to take care that it is maintainedby ofchers ; to see that th Dogmas, Doctrines, Insti-tutes, Constitutions, Statutes, and Regulations of

    TH ORDER, and especially those of SublimeMasonry, are faithfully observed and obeyed, and on

    every occasion to enforce and defend them ; andeverywbere, in fine, to do th works of Peace and

    Mercy. III. A body of men of that degree, styled ACOTJNCIL OF TH 33 or of Poteht GrandInspeotobs of TH OEDER, is constituted andcomposed as follows :


  • (' 20 )r 1. In locis aptiB Supremo hujus gradua Conciliopos8dendo, illi ex Inspectoribus, qui sua admissioneantiquiesimus, per hc Decreta facultas tribuitur ad

    eura auctoritatis gradum aliuin fratretn elevandi,vadem se faciendo, qud suia is charactere, scienti,gradibusque id vere promeruerit; electique sacra-

    mentum ille excipiet.

    2. Hi duo sirnl eumdem gradum ali viro edemlege tribuent.


    Ex caeteris nutem Candidatis, nemo admittetur,nisi omnium Buffragioruin puncta tulerit, iis suffragiis

    ab unoquoque viro viva voce latia, incipiendo feren-tium juniore, nemp nuperrim omnium adscripto.

    Unius ex deliberantibus intercessio, si causasufficiens judicabitur, Candidatum rejiciendi vimbabebit. In qulibet simili occasione haec lex8ervabitur.


    I. In ejusmodi regione, ut supr, qui duo primiin eum gradum cooptati fuerint, primarii duo officiales

    Supremi Concilii propriojure erunt : scilicet Poten-tissimus Monarcba Magnus Commendator, et Illus-trissimus Vicarius-Magnus Commendator.


    II. Si eorum primus obeat, abdicet dignitatem,vel loco, nunqum rcditurus, migret, ei Buccedet


  • ( 21 V

    1. In places where a Supreme Council of thisDegree may properly be established, authority ia by

    these Decretala given to that Inspector who has beenlongest admitted, to elevate another Brother to thsame degree and rank ; he becoming th surety ofsuch brother, that by his character and learning, andby th degree that he possesses, he deserves such

    honour ; and thereupon th latter shall take th oathof office.

    2. Then these two, in th same manner, jointlycollier th same degree on another person.

    IV. And thus a Supbeme Council wili beestablished.

    But of th subsequent Candidates, no one will beadmitted, except by unanimous vote, each personvoting viva voce, beginning with th junior member,that 8, th one last received.

    Th negative vote of one of th Inspectors, if thcause assigned therefor shall be adjudged sufficient,shall reject th Candidate. And this shall be th

    rule in ali similar cases.


    I. Th two Brethreh who first receive thatdegree, in such a piace as aforesaid, shall be of righith two first officer of Th Supreme Cotfncil ; towit, th Most Potent Monarch Grand Commander,and th Most Illustrious Deputy Grand Commander.

    II. If th former of these officer die, resign, orremove from th piace, without th intention of re-turning, th latter shall succeed to] his onice, and

    Oiartizcd by

  • ( 22 )secundus ; isque in jm suum offici uni ali uni MagnumInspectorem sibi subrogabit.

    III. Si secundus Magistratus officiuin dini ittifc,diem obit, vel perpetu absens ffc, successionem inejuR officium primus Magistratus alteri ejusdem

    grads fratri destiuabit. IV. Potentissimus Monarcha pariter eligetIllustrem Ministrum Status Saucti Imperii, Illus-trem Caereinoniarum Magnum Magistrum, Illustrem

    Custodiarum Ducem ; destinabitque eodem modoviros catena muneribua qua vacua erunt, vel essepoterunt.


    Quisque Structor qui, dotibus et idoneitate qurequiruntur, ornatus, iu eum Sublimem Gradum

    adscribetur, solvet aute iu manibuB IllustrissimiThesaurarii Saucti lnjperii, dotationem decem Frederi-corum aureorum, sive veterum aureorum Ludovicorum,

    aiit quod in mouet loci tantutndem valeat.

    Quando trigesimo gradui, vel trigesimo primo, veltrigesimo secundo aliquis fratrum initiabitur, ab eopr quolibet gradu eadem pecunise summa, iisdem

    modo et titulo, exigetur.Supeemum Conciuum ad hanc administrationemadvigilabit, summarumque usum pr OEDINIS utili-

    tate diriget.


    I. Supremum Condlium quodlibet constabit exnovera Magnis-Inspectoribus-Generalibus XXXIII1

  • ( 23 )shall thereupon appoint another Grand Inspector tofili his own piace thus vacated.

    III. If such second officer resign, die, or per-manently remove, th firat officer shall fili th vacancyso occurring, by appointment of anotier Brother ofth Bame degree.

    IV. Th Most Potent Monarch will also appointth Illustriou8 Minister of State of th Holy Empire,th Illustrious Grand Master of Oeremonies, and th

    Illustrious Captain of th Guarda ; and fili suchother offices, by appointment, as are or may becomevacant.


    Eveet Mason, who,being found to posaess thendowments and skill that are required,shall be ad-vanced to tbat sublime degree, shall first pay into thhands of th Most Illustrious Treasurer of th HolyEmpire, a donation of ten Frederics d'or, or ten Louis

    d'or of th old issue, or what, in th locai currency,shall be equivalent thereto.

    "Whenever any Brother is initiated into th thirtieth,thirty-fir8t,or thirty-second degree, he shall be requiredto pay, for each such degree, th same sum of moneyio th same coin, or ita equivalent.

    Th Supreme Council will adminiater th fundthus created, and direct its use in such manner as

    shall be most to th advantage cf TH ORDER.


    I. Eveet Supreme Council shall consist' ofnine Grand Inspectors Generai of th 33rd Degreo -,

  • ( 24 )gradua, quorum saltetn quatuor maxime extentam

    religionem profiteri debebuut.

    II. Ubi Potentissimus Monarcba Magnus Com-mendator, et Locum-tenens Magnus Commendator

    OEDINIS adsint, tribs Membris Concilium efficitur,satisque est ad ORDINIS negotia gerenda.

    III. In Europa magna quque Natione, unoquoque Regno aut Imperio, unicum Supremum

    Concilium ejusdem grads erit.In Statibus et Provinciis, ex quibus, tm in Continenti terr qum in Insulis, Septentrionalis Americaconstat, duo erunt Concilia, unum ab altero tm longaita, qum neri poterit.

    Item in Statibus Provinciisque, seu in Continentiterr, seu in Insulis, Meridionalem Americam com-

    ponentibus, duo quoque Concilia erunt, unum abaltero qum neri poterit, remotissima.

    Unum tantum erit in quolibet Imperio, StatuSupremo, aut Regno, in Asia, in Africa, etc, etc.


    Supremum Conoilium non semper auctoritatemsuam direct exercet in gradua aubter XVIIm, seu

    Orient8 et Occidentis Equitem. Prot conveniet, etsecundm loca potest eam demandare, idque etiamtacite; sed suum jus imprsescriptibile est; et

    qulibet Latomia et Concilio quolibet PerfectorumStructorum cujuscumque grads fuerit, praesentesrequirunt, ut in trigesimi tertii grads viris, munus

    Diart:zcf: :-v

  • ( 25 )four of whom, at least, must profess th religion that

    most generally prevailsin th particular countrywhere it is established.

    II. When th Most Potent Sovereign GrandCommander and th Deputy Grand Commnder ofTH ORDER are present, three members will con-

    stitute a Council, competent to transact th businessof TH ORDER.

    III. In each of th Great Natioos of Europe,whether Xingdom or Empire, there shall be but a

    single Supreme Oouncil of th 33rd Degree.In ali thoBe States and Provinces, as well of thmain-land as of th islands, whereof North Americais composed, there shall be two Councils, ooe at as

    great a distance as may be from th other.In ali those States and Provinces also, whether ofth main-land or th islands, whereof South Americais composed, there shall be two Councils, one at as

    great a distance as possible from th other.Likewise there Bhall be one only in each Empire,Supreme State, or ingdom,in Asia, in Africa, &c, &c.


    A Supreme Coukcil need not always exercise itaauthority directly, over th degrees below th 17th,or Knight of th JEast and West, When convenienceand locality make it proper, it may delegate thatpower of government, and that even tacitly and by

    implication ; but there can be no prescription againatits right : and these presents do require of every

    Lodge and Gouncil of Perfect Masons, of wbatever

  • ( 26 )

    Magnorurn Geiieralium ORDINIS Inspectorumagnoscant, illorum pnerogativas observent, debitumhonorem illis tribuaut, iis obediant, deniqu ut cumfiducia postulatis omnibus obsequaritur, quso ab illisfieri poterint, pr 0RD1NI8 commoditate, in viraejus legum, presentium Magnarum Constitutionum,

    munerumque iis Inspectoribus propriorum, sivegeneraliutn, sive speciali ud, temporalium etiam etpersonalium.


    Omnia Concilia, Structoresque omnes in gradusupr XVlm constituti, jus habent Supeemum Con-cilium Supremorum Inspectorum appellandi; quod

    permittere poterit appellantes praest adesse, prse-sentesque audiri.

    Ubi de honore conteniio sit inter Structores, cujus-cumque grads sint, causa direct feretur ad Supee-mxtm Concilitjm quod in prima edeinque ultimainstanti judicabit.

    ABTICULU8 Vili.

    Magnum Consistorium Principum Structorum Regio Arcano, trigesimi secundi grads, virum exproprio ordine in praesidem sibi eliget ; sed, quo-

    cumque in casu, ex ejus nullum Consistorii actis vimhabehit nisi praBvi sanctione Supremi ConciliiXXXIII1 grads, quod, Auguste Majestatis Rege,Potentissimo Monarch, Commendatore Universali

    ORD1NIS vita functo, in Suprema Structoriauctoritate baeres erit, ad eam exercendam in ampli-

  • ( 27 )degree, that in tliose who bave attained th 33rddegree, they recognize their rank and office of GrandInspectors Generai of TH ORDEE, that they do

    respect their prerogatives, pay them due honour, beobedient to them, and readily comply with whatever

    they may require, for th good of TH OEDER, toenforce its laws, these present Grand Constitutions,and th powers that to those Inspectors appertain,

    whether generai or special, and even temporary andpersonal.


    All Councils, and ali bodies of Masons posaessedof any degree above th 16th, have th right to appealto Th Supreme Council of Sovereign InspectorR

    Generai; which may allow th appellante to comebefore it, and being present to be heard.

    In case of any affair of honour among Masons ofwhatever degree, th matter shall be directly brought

    before Th Supreme Counctl, whose jurisdiction insuch case shall be originai, and its decision final.

    ARTICLE Vili.

    Grand Consistories of Princes-Masons of thEoyal Secret, of th 32nd degree, shall each elect frtheir President one of their own members ; but in docase can any of th Decretala of any such Consistorybe in force, without th previous sanction of Th

    Supreme Council of th 33rd Degree ; each of whichCouncils, upon th decease of Hb August Majestyth King, now th Moat Potent Sovereign andUniversal Commander of TH ORDER, will succeed

    yz vGooglc

  • ( 28 )tudine Status, Regni, aut Imperii pr quo fueritinstituta.


    In regione subject jurisdictioni Supeemi ConciliiSupremorum Generalium, Inspectorum, debite con-stituti, ab aliisque omnibus recogniti, nullus SupremusMagnus Inspector Generalis, aut Delegatus-Inspector-

    Generalis, sua auctoritate uti poterit, nisi ipse abeodem Supeemo Concilio recognitua apprbatusquefuerit.


    Nullus Deputatus-Inspector-Generalis, seu jtnndrnissus et Diplomate insignitus, seu qui juxt bano

    Conatitutionem in posterum admittetur, poteritsingulari sua auctoritate conferre graduili Eguitisjtadosch, seu superiorem illi, vel de e re Diplomataalicui, quicumque sit, concedere.


    Gbadits Equitis Kadosch, item XXXI" et XXXII',non tribuentur nisi Structoribus, qui iis digni fuerintjudicati, praesentibuaque saltem tribus Supremis

    Magnis Inspectoribus Generalibus.


    In eo puncto temporis quo Sanctissimo MngnoqueUniversi Arcbitecto placebit ad se vocare Auguste

  • ( 29 )to th Supreme Masonic authority, and exercise th

    same throughout th whole eztent of th State,Kingdom, or Empire wherefor it is constituted.


    In a country under th juri&diction of a SupremeCouncil of Sovereign Inspectors Generai, which haebe'en duly constituted, and is recognized by ali th

    other Councils, no Sovereign Grand Inspector Generai,or Deputy Inspector Generai can exercise his individuai powers, unless he shall have been recognized

    aud confirmed by such Supreme Council.


    No Deputy Inspector Generai, whether heretoforeadmitted as such and furnished with his Diploma, orwhether hereafter admitted agreeably to this Constitu-tion, can of his own individuai authority confer th

    degree of Knight Kadoshy or any degree higher thanthat, or grant to any person whatever th Diploma of

    either such degree.ABTICLE XI.

    Th degree of Knight Kadosh, and th 31st and32nd degrees, can only be ccnferred on such Masonsas shall have been adjudged worthy thereof, and ata meeting of, and by, at least three Sovereign GrandIuspectors Generai.


    At whatever moment it shall please t\ie MostiHoly and Grand Architect of th Universe to tke to

    C,:,,:-, v

  • ( 30 )Majestatis Eegem, Potentissimum Supreraum Mag-nura ORDINIS Patronum, Commendatorem, Ve-

    rumque Conservatorera, etc, etc, etc, unumquodqueSttphemtfm Concilium Supreraorum Majorum Gene-ralium Inspectorum, seu nunc debite conatitutuni etrecognitum, seu quod in vim horum Statutorum

    institutum recognitumque in posterum fuerit, fetpieno jure legitim prseditum tota ill Structori

    Auctoritate quam nunc Augusta Majeatas Suapossidet ; eque auctoritate Concilium quodque utetarcm opus fuerit et ubicumqu, in tota amplitudine

    regioni suae Jurisdictioni subjectae ; cmqu velquod Diplomata, vel quod Auctoritatem Inspec-torum Generalium Deputatorum, vel quod aliud,

    causa ad protestandum de illegalitate emerget, relatiode hoc fiet, quaa Supremis Conciliis Universisamborum Hemiaph^riorutn mittetur.

    ARTICLTTS XIII. I. Supbemum Concilium XXXIII1 gradspoterit unum piuresve suis membris Supremis Ma-gnis Inspectoribus Generalibus OKDINIS, Legatos

    mittere fundatum, constitutum, firmatum Conciliumejusdem Grads in aliqu regionum in bisce Statutisdescriptarum ; e lego ut ii accurate pareant co quod

    in tertio paragrapbo praecedentis Articuli eecundidecreturn est, aliisque Oonstitutionis bujus sanotionibus.

    IL Poterit quoque eisdem Legatis facultatemtribuere emittendi Diplomata delegantia Deputatis

  • ( 31Hitnself His Auguafc Majesty th King, th MostPotent Sovereign Grand Patron, Commander andTrue Defender of TH ORDER, &c, &c, &c,each Supbeme Coxincil of Sovereign Grand Inspec-tors Generai, whether now duly constituted andrecognized, or which raay hereafter, by virfcue of theseStatutes, be constituted and recognized, will, of fullrighfc, become possessed of th entirety of that Masonicauthority wherewith His August Majesty is nowinvested ; and each may thenceforward ezercise thatauthority, whenever necessary, and everywhere soever,throughout th whole extent of country under itsjurisdietion ; and whenever there may be occasion for

    protest, or grounds ofillegality, in regard to Diplomas,or to th authority of Deputy Inspectors Generai, orto any other matter or thing, let a statement-thereof

    be drawn up, and transmitted to ali th SupkemeCouncils of both Hemispheres.


    T. Each Supreme Coukcil of th 33rd Degreemay delegate one or more of th Sovereign GrandInspectors Generai of TUE OllDER, iU members,to found, constitu te, and establish a Council of thsanie degree, in any of th Countries mentioned in thStatutes ; those Deputies punctually obeying th lawcontained in th third paragraph of th precedingarticle second, and th other provisions of this Constitution.

    II. Each such Supreme Council may also author-ize such Deputies to grant Diplomas, delegating to


  • ( 32 )Inspectoribus-Generalibusaaltem gradibus omnibusEquitis Kadosch regulariter insiguitis, partein

    pleuarum facultatum, ut possint statuere, dirigere, etobaervare Latomias, et Concilia gradu IV adXXIXm inclusive, in locis ubi non erunt SublimU

    Grada* Latomiavvel Concilia legititn instituta.

    III. Rituale manuscriptutn Sublimium Graduumnemini alii tradetur qutn duobus primis cujusque

    Concilii Officialibus, vel fratri qui in aliquam regionemmittetur ut eorumdem Concilium ibi instituat.


    qulibet Sublimium Graduum cseremoni struc-tori, et solemni virorum in iis gradibus constitutorum

    procediu, Supeemum Concilium cffiteros sequetur,omniumque membrorum ultimi erunt primarii duo

    Mag8trtus ; hosque Magnum Vexillum, et GladiusORDINIS immediate praecedent.


    I. Supbemtjm Concilium regulariter baberidebet per triduum quo terti uni quodque noviluniumincipit; frequentilis convocabitur, si id negotia

    ORDINIS poBtulent eorumque transactio urgeat.

    II. Ultra magnos solemnesque festos OEDINISdies, Supeemum Concilium quoque anno sibipeculiares tres sacros babebit ; nemp Calendas


  • ( 33 )Deputy InBpectors Generai,who must regularly

    have received ali th degrees, at leaet, of which aKnight Kadosb should be possessed so much. oftheir plenary powers, as may enable them to establisb,regulate, and superintend Lodges and Councils in anyof th Degree8, from th 4th to th 29th inclusive,

    inplaces where there are no Lodges or Councils of thSublime Degree, legally constituted.

    III. Th manuscript Bitual of th SublimeDegreeB ehall be entrusted only to th two highest

    Officer of each Council, or to a Brotber commis-aioned to establish elsewhere a Council of those

    DegreeB.AETICLE XIV.

    In every Mnsonic Ceremony of th Sublime DegreeB, and every solemn procession of tbose invested

    with such degrees, th Supeeme Council is in threar, and th two highest Officers in th rear of ali

    th Members ; with th great Banner and th Swordof TH (XRDER immediately preceding them.


    I. A Supeeme Council should regularly beheld during th three days wherewith each thirdnew moon commences : and will be more frequentlyconvened, if th business of TH OEDEE, to be

    transacted, require it. II. In addition to th great and solemn feast-days of TH ORDEB, each Supbbme Coukcil

    will have three eacred days in every year, peculiar toD

    r,: ,c^yGoogIe

  • ( 34 )

    Octobris, vigesimum sepfcimum Decembris, Calen-dasque Majas.


    I. Sttpremus quisque Inspector-Magnus-Gene-raliB ut agnoscatur, privilegiisque XXXIII0 gradui

    annexis fru possit, prsBdituB erifc Patentibus etCredentialibus Litteris emissis ad normam prsescriptiin ejusdem grads Rituali ; qua? Litter ipsi tradentur

    e conditione ut aolyat Tbesauro Sancti Imperiipretium quod Sttpbemttm Concilium unumquodquepr sua jurisdictione, ubi primm institutum fuerit,

    taiabit. Solvet item is Magnus-Supremus-Inspector-Generalis Illustri Viro ab epistolis, in promiumlaboris pr expeditione Litterarum et appositionis

    Sigilli, unum Eredericum, sive veterem Ludovicum,vel id pecuniae, quod iu moneta loci .tantundemvalet.

    II. Quilibet Magnus Inspector G-eneralis babebitinBuper suorura actorum codicem, cujus quoque

    pagina numero distincta Bit; prima inBuper atqueultima speciali adnotatione talea esse designabuntur.In eo codice inscribi debebunt Magna? Constitutiones,

    Statuta et Generales Regul Sublimis StructorisBrtis.

    Inspector ipse tenebitur ad ordinate describendumin eo omnia sua acta, sub poen nullitatis atque etiaminterdictionis.

    Deputati Inspectores Generales ad id, sub poenisiisdem, tenentur.

    III. Ipsi sibi mutu ostendent Codices et Diplo-

    Dk: .,,,: -yG00glC

  • ( 35 )itself,tbe lst of October, th 27tb of Decomber,and th lst of May.

    akticle xvr.

    I. That eacb Sovereign Grand Iuspector Generaimay be recognized, and be enabled to enjoy tbe

    privileges attacbed to tbe 33rd Degree, be shall befumistied with Patenta and Lettera of Credence,issued in tbe form prescribed in th Bitual of tbat

    Degree : which Letters will be given him, on bispaying into th Treasury of th Holy Empire, suchsutn as eacb Supreme Council may fix for if.sjur8diction, immediately after ita establishment. Such

    Sovereign Grand Inspector Generai will also pay totbe IUustrious Secretary, as bis fee for expediting th

    Letters and affixing tbe Seal, a Frdric d'or or aLouis d'or of tbe old issue, or so mucb in th currencyof th piace as may be equivalent thereto.

    % II. Every Grand Inspector Generai will more-over keep a Begister of ali his acts, each page wbereof

    will be separately and regularly numbered, and thfiret and last pages be specially designated as such.In this Begister must be copied th Grand Constitu-tions, Statutes, and Generai Regulations of th Sublime Art of Masonry.

    Each Inspector must enter in his Begister every-thing done by bim, in its regular order, on pain ofnullity and even f interdict.

    Deputy Inspectors Generai are bound to do thsame, under th same penalty.

    III. They will mutually exhibit to eacAi ot\vevd2

  • ( 36 )mata, in iisque mutu adnotabunt loca ubi unus alterioccurrerit et se invicem recognoverint.


    Majobi suffragiorum numero est opus ad tribu-endam legalem auctoritatem actis SupremorumMajorum Generalium Inspectorum, in eo loco ubiextat Supbemum Concilium XXXIII1 grads eg

    Urne insttutum et recognitum. Quapropter, in eregione, vel eo territorio quod ab ejusmodi Conciliodependeat, NEMO eorum Inspectorum sua auctori-tate singulariter uti poterit, nisi in casuquo ab eodem

    Supremo Concilio facultatem impetraverit, vel, siInspector ad aliara juriadictionein pertineat, nonobtinuerit admissionem eo rescripto, quod formulaEiequatue nomen habet.


    Summ.e omnes ad expensas subeundas receptributa nemp pr dimissionequa) titulo initiationisgradibus supr XVIm ad XXXIIIm inclusum, exi-guntur, mittentur in tbeBaurum Sancti Imperii,curantibus Fraesidibus et Thesaurariis Conciliorum,

    Sublimiumque Latomiarum eorumdera graduum,Supremis Magnis Inspectoribus Qeneralibus, eorum-que Deputatis, nec non Illustri Yiro Secretis,

    Illustrique Thesaurario Sancti Imperii.

    Earum summarum administratio et usua dirigenturet observabuntur Supremo Concilio ; quod efficiet

  • ( 37 )their Registers and Patents, and note in their respec-tive Begisters th piace where one meefca th otber,and where they recognize each other.


    It requires a majority of votea to invest witb legaiauthority th acts of individuai Sovereign Grand

    Inspectors Generai, done in a jurisdiction wherethere exists a Supreme Counoil of th 33rd Degree,duly constituted and recognized. "Wherefore, in what-ever region or territory is of th dependenciea of

    such a Council, no such Inspector can individuali/exercise any power, unless he has firsfc obtained

    authority f'rom such Supreme Counctl; or, if hebelong to another jurisdiction, until he has beenempowered by that authorization, which from itaphraseology is termed an Exequatur.


    All moneys received as revenueto ivit, th feesfor conferring th degreesand which are demandable

    for such degrees from th 16th to th 33rd inclusive,shall be deposited in th Treasury of th HolyEmpire, in th custody and care of th PresidingOfficer and Treasurers of th Councils and SublimeLodges of tbose Degrees, and of th Sovereign GrandInspectors Generai and their Deputies, th lllustriousSecretary and th Illustrious Treasurer of th HolyEmpire.

    Th disbursement and expenditure of such moneysare to be directed and controlled by tue Supreme

  • ( 38 )ut quoque anno rationes fideliter absolutque eireddantur ; basque communicari curabit Societatibusomnibus ab eo dependentibus.

    DEL1BERATUM, AOTUM, SANCITUM inMagno et Supeemo Concilio XXXIII1 Graduadebite instituto, iudicto, atque habito cum probationeet prsesenti Augustissima? MaJestatis, FRE-DER10I, nomine secundi, Deo favente, ' Regis

    Boriassi, Margravii Brandeburgi, etc, etc, ete,Potentiasirai Monarchse, Magni Patroni, Magni Coni-

    mendatoris, Magni Magistri Universalis VeriqueConservatoris OEDINIS.

    Calendis Maji A. L. ICCDCCLXXXVI et Cbristo nato MDCCLXXXVI.

    (Subscriptum) (*) " Stabk." (#) (*)

    " H. WlLLELM.'* 4< D'ESTEBNO." " (*)""WCELLNER."Appkobatum datumque in nostra Kegali Eesi-denti Berolini, Calendis Maji, Anno GratiMDCCLXXXVI, Nostrique Regni XLVIL

    i. 8. Subscriptum, FREDERICUS.

    (*) Vide notarti infine.


  • ( 39 )

    Council ; which will see to it tbat full and correctaccounts thereof are rendered in each year ; and those

    accounts it will cause to be communicated to ali itasubordinate Bodies.

    SETTLED, DONE, AND EATIFIED,in Gbakdand Supebme Coukcil of th 33rd Degree, duly

    constituted, convoked, and held ; present and ap-proving His August Majestt FREDEEIC th

    Second, by th grace of God, King of Prussia, Mar-grave of Brandenburg, &c, &c, &c, most potent

    Sovereign, Grand Patron, Grand Commander, Uni-versal Grand Master, and Trae Defender, of TH

    OEDERTh firat day of May, A/. L.\ 6786, and C.\ E.*.1786.

    (Siyned) " (*) u "Stbk."

  • h\

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    Vexillum OEDINIS est argenteum* circum-datum aurea fimbria, habens in medio bicipitemquilam nigram, alas tenentem extensas, kabentemaureum rostrum, aurea crura, distringentemquealtero pede aureum capulum, altero ferrum antiquigladii juxt horizontis directionem jacentis et destrain sinistram versi; ab hoc gladio pendet latinainscriptio, "DEUS MEIJMQUE JU8," aureislitteris eflfecta. Aquila pr corona aureum triangulum,

    t&niam habet purpuream cum aurea fimbria, aurisqueastris.


    Iksignia distinguentia Supremos-Magnos-Inspec-tores-G-enerales sunt :

    1 Croi Teutonica rubri coloria, sinistro pectorislateri affisa ;

    2 Major funiculus albus, superficie undulatraicante, auro intextus, gerens in anteriori parteaureum triangulum aureis radiis micans, quod habet

    in centro notam XXXIII, atque hinc unum argen- Album.

    Jigi1ixt liy V.1 OOQ IC





    Th Banner of TH ORDER is argent* bor-dered with a fringe of gold, and having in th centrea double-headed black Eagle, its wings displayed,beaks and legs or, holding with one claw th hilt, or,and with th other th biade, stel, of a sword placed

    horizontally, hilt to th right and point to th left.From th sword hangs, lettered, or, th motto, inLatin, DEUS MEUMQUE JUS." Th Eagle is

    crowned with a Triangle of gold, and a purple fillet,fringed and starred with gold.


    Th distinctive insignia of Sovereign GrandInspectors Generai are :

    1. A red Teutonic Cross, worn over th leftbreast.

    2. A broad white watered Ribbon, bordered withgold, and having on th front a golden Triangle,gittering with rays of gold, in th centre whereof isth number 33 ; and on each side of th upper angle


  • teum gladiuro, inde alterum, ex superioribus lateribustrianguK verss centrum directos. Funiculus hic

    deztro humero ad laevura progrediens, terminaturacuraine cum aurea fimbria, et babente in mediotfflniam coccinei sinopisque* coloris, in rotundamforraam versam, tenentemque communia insigniaOBDINIS.

    3 Insignia bac sunt: Aquila similis illi qusinYexillo est ; coronatur quila aureo Borussi

    Diademate.4 Majora insignia ORDINIS affiguntur suprCrucera Teutonicam ; suntque astrum novem habensacumina, utpot effectura tribus aureis triangulis,

    unum alteri superimpositis et simul intextis. Exinferiori parte sinistri lateris veres superiorem destri

    gladius procedit; in opposit directione est manusqua? JustiticB vocatur. In medio, Scutum OEDINIS,cyaneum, et in eo Aquila similis illi qusD in Vexillo

    est, habensque in dextro latere auream libram, et insinistro aureum circinum, aurese norma) intextum.Circa, totum Scutum percurrit fascia cjanea cumaurea inscriptione latina " OEDO AB CHAO:"qua? fascia bine inde comprebenditur duobus circulisefictis ex duobus aureis anguibua unoquoque caudamsibi mordente. Ex minoribus triangulis ab inter-sectione majorura genitis, ea novem quas fascipropiuquiora sunt, rubrum colorenti habent, et eorumunumquodque gerit unam ex litteris qua) verbumS.A.P.I.E.N.T.I.A. efficiunt.

    * Gallice et anglice " Sioople/' id est, Praaiti ooloris.

  • ( 45 )of th Triangle is a sword of silver pointing towardsita centre. Tbis Bibbon, worn from th rightehoulder to th left, ends in a point, with gold fringe,and has at th junctiou a rosette of crimson and.leek-green ribbon, whereon is th generai jewel of TH


    3. This jewel is an Eagle, like that on th Banner,wearing th golden diadem of Frussia.

    4. Th Grand Decorations of TH OBDEB reBton a Teutonic Cross. They are a nine-pointed Star,formed by three Triangles of gold, one upon tbeother, and interlaced. From th lower part of thleft side towards th upper part of th right eztendsa Sword, and in th opposite direction a hand of

    Jwtice. In th middle is th Shield of THOBDEB, azure; upon th Shield is an Eagle likethat on th Banner ; on th dexter side of th Sbieldis a golden Bafance, and on th sinister a golden

    Compass resting on a golden Square. Around thwhole shield runa a stripe of azure, lettered in goldwith th Latin words " OBDO AB CHAO ; " andthis stripe is enclosed by a doubl circle, formed bytwo Serpents of gold, each holding his tail in his

    mouth. Of th smaller triangles formed by thintersection of th principal ones, those nine that arenearest th azure stripe are coloured Tea, and oneacb is one of th lettera tbat constitute tbe wordS.A.P.I.E.N.T.I.A.

  • ( 46 )5 Tres primi Officialea Supremi Concilii geruntinsuper, album balteumhoc est fasciam.auream

    fimbriam habentem, et dextro latere dependentem.

    ARTICULU8 ni.

    Magniti! Sigillum OEDINIS est Scutum argen-teum gerens Aquilam bicipitem similem lli qua in

    Yexillo ORDINIS est, coronatam quidem aureoBorussise diademate, super quod est aureum trian-

    gulum radiane, babens in medio notam XXXIII;etiam potest Aquila aut coronam aut triangulutn

    tantm super se habere.In inferiori Scuti parte, sub alia pedibusque Aquilasunt aurora triginta tres Steli in semicirculumdispositi. Totum circumdatum eBt inscriptione :" SUPEEMUM CONCILITTM XXXIII1 GBADUS IN . . ."

    ACTUM in Supremo Concilio XXXIII1 Grads,die, mense, annoque ut supr.

    (Subscriptum) " (*) " " Stare."" d'Esterno."" () " " H. Wil-

    LELM."" D 1J" WOELLNER."

    APPROBATUM.L. S. Subscriptum, " FREDEEICUS."

    Diali z(,-yGoogle

  • ( 47 )o. Tbe first three Officer of th Supreme Councilwear also a white scarf or sash, fringed with gold,hanging from th right side.


    Th Gbeat Seal of th Order is a silver Shield,hearing a double-headed Eagle, like that upon thBanner of TH OBDER, but crowned with thgolden diadem of Prussia, and over that a Triangleof gold, emitting rays, and in ita centre th number

    33. Th Eagle may, however, be surmounted byeither th crown or triangle alone.

    At th base of th Shield, under th wings andclaws of th Eagle, are 33 golden stara in a semi-circle. Around th whole is this inserption :

    " Supreme Council of th 33bd Degeee foe ..."

    DONE in Supreme Council of th 33rd Degree,th day, month, and year above mentioned.

    (Signed) " () "" Stare.""d'Esterno."" () "" H.Willelm.""D "-"Wgjllner."

    APPEOVED.(L.S.) Signed, FEEDERIC."

    NOTE.(*) Th atterUk (at pages 39 and 47 Eneliab, and pages 88 and 46 Latto)xnark th plaeea of oertain aignatures that nave beoome illegible or beeneffuced by attrition, or by th effeofc of aeawter, to whioh th originaiduplioate of iheae documenta^ smftten on parchment, has aeveral timea

    been aooidentally ezposed.\3

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