Hanzi Practice www.Kanji-Sudoku.com 汉字练习 333 Hanzi-in-a-Day: Exercise Sheets by Claus Liepke 汉字练习 A New Approach to Writing & Learning Hundreds of Chinese Characters within Hours

333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

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333 Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets - Write the missing Chinese characters (Hanzi), meanings, readings

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Hanzi Practice www.Kanji-Sudoku.com 汉字练习

333 Hanzi-in-a-Day: Exercise Sheets by Claus Liepke

一 二 三 仁 兰 口 回 品 器 扣 日 曰 昌 唱 晶 旧

旦 但 担 胆 白 伯 怕 拍 百 目 泪 盲 冒 帽 自 咱

息 首 道 田 奋 苗 猫 描 木 林 森 术 述 杰 架 染

桌 荣 采 菜 彩 睬 踩 呆 保 澡 操 燥 未 味 妹 株

珠 柬 束 速 刺 策 米 类 粘 迷 谜 业 亚 显 湿 壶

工 江 扛 左 巫 互 五 伍 悟 语 人 认 从 丛 众 个

介 价 阶 界 大 太 庆 尖 奖 夫 夹 失 扶 肤 知 智

短 医 疾 央 映 英 唤 换 天 娱 误 关 送 犬 状 厌

哭 臭 内 呐 肉 丙 病 火 伙 炎 淡 谈 灭 灰 灾 灸

灵 欠 次 吹 欢 饮 丈 仗 使 更 便 头 买 实 卖 读

因 团 困 园 国 九 仇 究 丸 执 儿 兆 逃 挑 跳 匹

四 西 洒 酒 入 八 公 松 趴 六 交 咬 狡 校 十 千

什 叶 计 干 汗 杆 平 评 午 牛 件 牢 牵 车 连 库

软 轻 军 浑 挥 辉 晕 土 吐 压 庄 蛙 者 堵 猪 煮

都 坐 座 两 俩 满 王 玉 全 呈 皇 主 住 往 注 柱

羊 详 洋 样 痒 上 让 卡 下 吓 止 企 正 证 征 生

性 姓 牲 胜 中 串 冲 肿 种 虫 独 蚀 烛 虽 申 伸

神 审 婶 曲 由 油 抽 庙 里 埋 理 黑 墨 富 幅 福

逼 副 雨 雪 雷 需 震 电 七 皂 托 宅 毛 尾 毯 笔

毫 比 批 毕 皆 昆 北 它 旨 指 能 巴 把 肥 色 爸

也 他 池 地 她 仓 抢 枪 创 苍 乌 鸟 鸣 汉字练习

A New Approach to Writing & Learning Hundreds of Chinese Characters within Hours

Page 2: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets
Page 3: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

Hanzi Practice 汉字练习

333 Hanzi-in-a-Day

Exercise Sheets(supplement to the original eBook "333 Hanzi-in-a-Day" available at Lulu.com)

by Claus Liepke(www.Hanzi-Sudoku.com)

A New Approach to

Writing & Learning Hundreds of Chinese Characters within Hours



www.Hanzi-Sudoku.com 1

Page 4: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

汉字练习 Hanzi Practice

333 Hanzi-in-a-DayExercise Sheets

(supplement to the original eBook "333 Hanzi-in-a-Day" available at Lulu.com)

A new approach towriting & learning hundreds of Chinese characters within hours

Generations of students have experienced many months of frustrating learning efforts caused bypoor language learning methodology. A new mind blowing learning technology introduced in thiscourse book will revolutionize the access to the Chinese and Japanese languages. Writing andmemorizing of Chinese characters can now easily be done.

Chinese characters (Hanzi) - also used in the Japanese language (Kanji) - are arranged by their'looks' (shape) instead of their meanings. Small groups of five similar characters each will helpyou to save precious time exercising writing and reading. Learning speed will be improved bycreating a solid base of at least 333 Hanzi just within hours. And this will boost your motivationto learn the Chinese language.

Get ready for the Asian Century.

Please refer to www.Hanzi-Sudoku.com for free Chinese & Japanese related language learningmaterials like crossword puzzles or Sudoku with Chinese characters.

www.Hanzi-Sudoku.com Hanzi (at) Hanzi-Sudoku.com

© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Sudoku - learning Chinese characters while solving Sudoku Puzzles

You might consider downloading Adobe's free Asian font packsfor Adobe Acrobat Reader to install the necessary fonts on non-native computer systems for viewing and printing pdf documentswith CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) fonts.

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Page 5: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

汉字练习 Hanzi Practice

333 Hanzi-in-a-DayExercise Sheets

(supplement to the original eBook "333 Hanzi-in-a-Day" available at Lulu.com)

Many years of educational research unveiled a stunning fact: Chinese characters are traditionallyintroduced by their contextual meanings instead of their shape. And this considerably slowed down thelanguage acquisition process. This course book offers a new approach to writing and learning Chinesecharacters (Hanzi in the Chinese language, Kanji in the Japanese language).

By arranging the Hanzi in small groups of similar shape on tracing sheets your learning performance will beincreased. Our brain really loves motoric reinforcement while learning through writing practice. Litt lenumbers attached to some strokes are explaining the correct stroke order and writing direction.

In contrast to all other educational resources the numbers will only be displayed where necessary as yourfeeling of the correct writing and stroke order will grow from page to page.

Readings (or pronunciation) are given in Mandarin romanization (Pinyin). Meanings of each Chinesecharacter should be regarded as a description of a picture , as Hanzi are pictograms. This will help you toget a feeling of each character. Don't learn the Hanzi by heart, feel & understand them as you would dowith other pictures and photos, too.

If you are totally new to the Chinese language, please make use of additional resources and concentrate onwriting and meanings while using this course book.

Use only one line of the tracing sheet per Hanzi and training cycle - repeating of the readings and meaningsof the Hanzi will help you to kil l practice time :-)

If in doubt how to write a Hanzi please use your experience: When there is no number displayed, the strokeorder and writing is as you have previously learned (assuming that you started this course book from thevery beginning).

This course book introduces simplified Chinese characters as used in China and Singapore. 2 printed fontsof each Hanzi are displayed to help understand the small differences in their appearance especially whenhandwriting is concerned. In some cases traditional characters or derivations are added for yourreference. All simplified Hanzi of this course book are part of the international Chinese languageproficiency test HSK .

For more detailed information about each Hanzi please refer to . . .

www.xuezhongwen.net or www.zhongwen.com or www.Chinese-Dictionary.org

No big deal, no long explanations - just print out this eBook and get your (soft) pencils ready.

Please feel free to contact the author for feedback or to write a review [Kanji Sudoku Blog] - at leastspread the word to help other students of the Chinese language to save practice time.

Thank you for downloading this eBook.

www.Hanzi-Sudoku.com 3

Page 6: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

1 - 25Write the missing Hanzi


yi1 er4 san1 ren2 lan2

one two three benevolence,kindness orchid

kou3 hui2 pin3 qi4 kou4


return;turn around;

number of times

article, commoditiy;character;personality

instrument;utensil, tool;ability, talent


withhold, discount;

ri4 yue1 chang1 chang4 jing1


Japansay; call prosperous;

good sing, chantcrystal;brilliant;bright

jiu4 dan4 dan4 dan1 dan3

old;former daybreak, dawn but, however;

only shoulder a burden courage;gall (bladder)

bai2 bo2 pa4 pai1 bai3


uncle (father`s elderbrother);

count (nobility rank)



clap;beat of music;

shoot, take a picture



Page 7: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

26 - 50Write the missing Hanzi


mu4 lei4 mang2 mao4 mao4

eye;table of contents tears blind;


go up (smoke etc.);incautious; rash;

deceitfulhat, cap etc.

zi4 zan2 xi1 shou3 dao4


we;I, me

(in Northern China)


stop, end


first, beginning

road; way;method;


tian2 fen4 miao2 mao1 miao2

field,cultivated land

exert oneself;invigorate

sprout;descendant cat draw;

sketch, trace

mu4 lin2 sen1 shu4 shu4

tree;wood forest, grove forest;

dark and obscureskill,

art, techniquemention, state,


jie2 jia4 ran3 zhuo1 rong2



dye;get infected table glory, honor;



Page 8: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

51 - 75Write the missing Hanzi


cai3 cai4 cai3 cai3 cai3

pick up;gather, collect vegetable, greens

coloring, makeup;brilliant;

prize moneywatch, notice trample,

step upon

dai1 bao3 zao3 cao1 zao4

stupid, dull;stay

guard, protect;guarantee bathe


exercise; drill

dry, arid;impatient

wei4 wei4 mei4 zhu1 zhu1

not yettaste,odor,flavor

younger sister tree, trunk, stump pearl;drop

jian3 shu4 su4 ci4 ce4

invitation card,letter




assassinateplan, scheme

mi3 lei4 zhan1 mi2 mi2

(uncooked) rice species,kind, sort

glue,attach, paste


riddle, puzzle


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

76 - 100Write the missing Hanzi


ye4 ya4 xian3 shi1 hu2


profession; task

rank next, second(in excellence);


evident;expose, display wet, humid pot, jug, jar

gong1 jiang1 kang2 zuo3 wu1


be skilled in

large river;Yangtze River to shoulder, lift

left side;east side;improper

witch, wizard

hu4 wu3 wu3 wu4 yu3

each other,mutually five five

(on documents)become aware of,



ren2 ren4 cong2 cong2 zhong4

human being recognize;admit

from, by, through;follow, obey

shrub;crowd together;


numerous, many;crowd, masses

ge4 jie4 jia4 jie1 jie4

(counter);individual, single

sea shell;between;mediate

price;value grade, rank limit, boundary;



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

101 - 125Write the missing Hanzi


da4 tai4 qing4 jian1 jiang3

big, large;very





sharp, keen

reward,give award to

fu1 jia1 shi1 fu2 fu1

husband; maninsert between,press; take s.th.under one's arm

to lose;to miss, err

support;help, aid skin

zhi1 zhi4 duan3 yi1 ji2

know, understand,be familiar with wisdom, knowledge

short;mistake, fault;lack, shortage

doctor, physician;cure, medicine

illness, desease;suffering;fast, quick

yang1 ying4 ying1 huan4 huan4

center;request; beg reflect, mirror

hero;flower, blossom;

England; handsomecry, yell, scream (ex)change, alter;


tian1 yu2 wu4 guan1 song4

heavens, sky;weather;




error, mistake;wrong;to miss

close, switch offsend, deliver;give, present;

see off


Page 11: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

126 - 150Write the missing Hanzi


quan3 zhuang4 yan4 ku1 chou4

dogshape, form, look;status quo, report;charge, indictment

get tired of;dislike, hate weep, sob, cry



nei4 na4 rou4 bing3 bing4

inside yell out loud,shout

flesh, meat(also of fruits) third illness, disease;

fault, blemish

huo3 huo3 yan2 dan4 tan2

fire, flame;anger, rage;


food, board;companion;

common, together

glowing, blaze;inflammation

pale; tasteless,insipid; weak, thin;

light (color)talk, discuss

mie4 hui1 zai1 jiu3 ling2

extinguish;destroy, exterminate;

flood; drown

ashes; dust;lime;gray

misfortune;disaster, catastrophe

cauterize by burningmoxa, moxibustion[Chinese medicine]

nimble, clever;spirit, soul;coffin, bier

qian4 ci4 chui1 huan1 yin3

owe;not enough,

lacking, deficient

sequence, order;next;


blow, puff,whistle;


glad, happy, pleased;active;

in full swing


(drinks, emotions)


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

151 - 175Write the missing Hanzi


zhang4 zhang4 shi3 geng1:alter, change; bian4

(unit of length:3,33 m / 10 feet);measure; senior

war, battle;weaponry;rely upon

messenger, envoy;use, apply

geng4:further, more

ease, convenient;expedient;

relieve oneself

tou2 mai3 shi2 mai4 du2

head; hair; top;chief, boss;


solid;true, real; honest;

fruit, seed


read;go to school

yin1 tuan2 kun4 yuan2 guo2

cause, reason;according to;because (of)

round;dumpling; lump;


surround, encircle;put s.o. in trouble;

tired, fatigued




jiu3 chou2 jiu1 wan2 zhi2

ninefoe, enemy;



small round object,pellet; pill

hold, grasp;practise, perform;carry out, realize

er2 zhao4 tao2 tiao3 tiao4

child, babyomen; mega-;million; trillion


flee, run away,escape

carry/shoulder witha stick;

instigate, incitejump, leap


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

176 - 200Write the missing Hanzi


pi3 si4 xi1 sa3 jiu3

equal;(counter for horses) four West; Western;

Occidentalsplash, sprinkle;

spillalcoholic beverage,


ru4 ba1 gong1 song1 pa1

enter, come in (to);join; agree with;


public, state-...;common;

fair, unbiased

pine tree;loose, slack

lying prone;bend over

liu4 jiao1 yao3 jiao3 xiao4

sixintersect; copulate;come into contact

with; submit, transfer


barkcunning, sly school;

correct, proofread

shi2 qian1 shi2 ye4 ji4

ten;extremely, perfectly

thousand;numerous, many

various, sundry,miscellaneous

leaf, petal;sheet, page;era, period

calculate, count;measure device;

plan; trick;

gan1 han4 gan1 ping2 ping2

oppose, offend;dried; hollow;

in vain

sweat,perspiration pole, bar

flat, even;fair, just;

peaceful, calm

comment,review, evaluate;



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

201 - 225Write the missing Hanzi


wu3 niu2 jian4 lao2 qian1

(high) noon;midnight bull, ox, cow

(counter for clothes,articles);

letter; document

pen;jail, prison;firm, stable


drag, involve

che1 lian2 ku4 ruan3 qing1

wheel(ed maschine);vehicle, cart

connect, join;continuous


soft;mild, gentle;


light, softly, gently;unimportant;

careless, rash

jun1 hun2 hui1 hui1 yun1

army, militarymuddy, cloudy;

stupid;unaffected; entire

swing, wield;wave; wipe away;



dizzy;to faint

tu3 tu3 ya1 zhuang1 wa1

earth, soil;land;

local, nativespit (out), vomit

press, push;oppress;control

village, hamlet;farm, manor;

restaurant, shopfrog

zhe3 du3 zhu1 zhu3 du1

(suffix:someone, person)

stop, block up;uneasy, oppressive;

wallpig cook, boil capital;



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

226 - 250Write the missing Hanzi


zuo4 zuo4 liang3 lia3 man3

sit;travel by, ride

seat; stand, base;constallation,zodiac sign

two, pair, couple;both (sides);a few, some

both, two, pair;some

full, fill;completely;

finish, stop, end

wang2 yu4 quan2 cheng2 huang2

king, ruler jade;beautiful (woman) total, complete, all petition, appeal;

submit, present emperor

zhu3 zhu4 wang3 zhu4 zhu4

master, owner,host; mainly;

God, Lord, Allah

dwell, reside;lodge;stop

go (towards),depart; be bound for;

past, bygone

stream, pour;focus, concentrate;

note, annotate

pillar, post,support;cylinder

yang2 xiang2 yang2 yang4 yang3

sheep; goat thorough, detailedimmense;ocean;

foreign; modern

pattern, model;style, way;shape, form

itch, tickle

shang4 rang4 ka3 xia4 xia4

top, up; ascend;above; before

turn over;make concession;


block, stop;hold back

down, below;descend;

inferior; nextthreaten, intimidate


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

251 - 275Write the missing Hanzi


zhi3 qi3 zheng4 zheng4 zheng1

stop, end; only hope, expect;tiptoe

vertical;correct; positive;

pure, original

proof, evidence;certificate, document

long trip, voyage;request;

collect taxes

sheng1 xing4 xing4 sheng1 sheng4

life; create;student, pupil;raw, unripe

nature, property;sex, gender

surname,family name

domestic animal,livestock

victory;excel; place ofnatural beauty

zhong1 chuan4 chong1 zhong3 zhong3

center; in;during;China

string together,connect;conspire

pour boiling wateron;

rinse, wash outswell, swelling

(human) race,species;

seed, type

chong2 du2 shi2 zhu2 sui1

insect, worm single, sole;alone

lose, suffer loss;erode, nibble

candle, illuminate;watt (unit)

even though,although

shen1 shen1 shen2 shen3 shen3

explain, explicate extend, stretchGod;

supernatural;spirit, soul


careful, judicious

aunt (wife offather's younger



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

276 - 300Write the missing Hanzi


qu1 you2 you2 chou1 miao4

bent, crooked;wrong

cause, reason;because of, due to;

leave it (to s.o.)oil, grease

draw / pull out;smoke (cigarettes);


temple, shrine,monastery

li3 mai2 li3 hei1 mo4

Chinese mile;neighborhood

bury;lie in wait

logic, reason;principle;science

black; dark;sinister;

evilChinese ink (-stick)

fu4 fu2 fu2 bi1 fu4

rich, wealthy width, size good fortune;blessing

force, urge,compel; extort

vice, deputy,secondary

yu3 xue3 lei2 xu1 zhen4

rain snow thunder;mine (explosive) require, need shake, tremor;


dian4 qi1 zao4 tuo1 zhai2

electricity, electric seven black;soap

entrust; rely on;pretend;

(hold) on the palm

residence,dwelling, house


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

301 - 325Write the missing Hanzi


mao2 wei3 tan3 bi3 hao2

hair, fur, feather;wool;gross

tail, rear;final

blanket;carpet, rug

pen; pencil; writingbrush; writer`s

style, calligraphy

fine hair;(in the) least;

one thousandth

bi3 pi1 bi4 jie1 kun1



criticize, comment;slap;

large quantityfinish, complete all, every, entire elder brother

bei3 ta1 zhi3 zhi3 neng2

north it, that purpose, aim;intention

finger;point, direct;


talent, skills;capable;energy

ba1 ba3 fei2 se4 ba4

hope, wish;["ba" or "pa" inforeign names]

hold, grasp;handle

fat, obese;fertile, fertilizers

color;look, appearance;

lust, sensualityfather, dad

ye3 ta1 chi2 di4 ta1

also, besides he, him;another pond, pool

floor, ground;soil; field; region;

the earthshe


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

326 - 333Write the missing Hanzi


cang1 qiang3 qiang1 chuang4 cang1



rob, snatch;rush;

fight for

pistol, gun, firearms;spear, lance

initiate, create;wound, cut

deep green/blue;grey, hoary

wu1 niao3 ming2

crow, rook;dark color, black bird birds: sing, chirp;

to make sounds


Page 20: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

1 - 25Write the missing readings


一 一 二 二 三 三 仁 仁 蘭 兰

one two three benevolence,kindness orchid

口 口 回 回 品 品 器 器 扣 扣


return;turn around;

number of times

article, commoditiy;character;personality

instrument;utensil, tool;ability, talent


withhold, discount;

日 日 曰 曰 昌 昌 唱 唱 晶 晶


Japansay; call prosperous;

good sing, chantcrystal;brilliant;bright

舊 旧 旦 旦 但 但 擔 担 膽 胆

old;former daybreak, dawn but, however;

only shoulder a burden courage;gall (bladder)

白 白 伯 伯 怕 怕 拍 拍 百 百


uncle (father`s elderbrother);

count (nobility rank)



clap;beat of music;

shoot, take a picture



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

26 - 50Write the missing readings


目 目 淚 泪 盲 盲 冒 冒 帽 帽

eye;table of contents tears blind;


go up (smoke etc.);incautious; rash;

deceitfulhat, cap etc.

自 自 咱 息 息 首 首 道 道


we;I, me

(in Northern China)


stop, end


first, beginning

road; way;method;


田 田 奮 奋 苗 苗 貓 猫 描 描

field,cultivated land

exert oneself;invigorate

sprout;descendant cat draw;

sketch, trace

木 木 林 林 森 森 術 术 述 述

tree;wood forest, grove forest;

dark and obscureskill,

art, techniquemention, state,


寙 杰 架 架 染 染 桌 榮 荣



dye;get infected table glory, honor;



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

51 - 75Write the missing readings


采 采 菜 菜 彩 彩 睬 踩

pick up;gather, collect vegetable, greens

coloring, makeup;brilliant;

prize moneywatch, notice trample,

step upon

呆 呆 保 保 澡 澡 操 操 燥 燥

stupid, dull;stay

guard, protect;guarantee bathe


exercise; drill

dry, arid;impatient

未 未 味 味 妹 妹 株 株 珠 珠

not yettaste,odor,flavor

younger sister tree, trunk, stump pearl;drop

柬 柬 束 束 速 速 刺 刺 策 策

invitation card,letter




assassinateplan, scheme

米 米 類 类 粘 粘 迷 迷 謎 谜

(uncooked) rice species,kind, sort

glue,attach, paste


riddle, puzzle


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

76 - 100Write the missing readings


業 业 亞 亚 顯 显 濕 湿 壺 壶


profession; task

rank next, second(in excellence);


evident;expose, display wet, humid pot, jug, jar

工 工 江 江 扛 扛 左 左 巫 巫


be skilled in

large river;Yangtze River to shoulder, lift

left side;east side;improper

witch, wizard

互 互 五 五 伍 伍 悟 悟 語 语

each other,mutually five five

(on documents)become aware of,



人 人 認 认 從 从 叢 丛 眾 众

human being recognize;admit

from, by, through;follow, obey

shrub;crowd together;


numerous, many;crowd, masses

個 个 介 介 價 价 階 阶 界 界

(counter);individual, single

sea shell;between;mediate

price;value grade, rank limit, boundary;



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

101 - 125Write the missing readings


大 大 太 太 慶 庆 尖 尖 獎 奖

big, large;very





sharp, keen

reward,give award to

夫 夫 夾 夹 失 失 扶 扶 膚 肤

husband; maninsert between,press; take s.th.under one's arm

to lose;to miss, err

support;help, aid skin

知 知 智 智 短 短 醫 医 疾 疾

know, understand,be familiar with wisdom, knowledge

short;mistake, fault;lack, shortage

doctor, physician;cure, medicine

illness, desease;suffering;fast, quick

央 央 映 映 英 英 喚 唤 換 换

center;request; beg reflect, mirror

hero;flower, blossom;

England; handsomecry, yell, scream (ex)change, alter;


天 天 娛 娱 誤 误 關 关 送 送

heavens, sky;weather;




error, mistake;wrong;to miss

close, switch offsend, deliver;give, present;

see off


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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

126 - 150Write the missing readings


犬 犬 狀 状 厭 厌 哭 哭 臭 臭

dogshape, form, look;status quo, report;charge, indictment

get tired of;dislike, hate weep, sob, cry



內 内 吶 呐 肉 肉 丙 丙 病 病

inside yell out loud,shout

flesh, meat(also of fruits) third illness, disease;

fault, blemish

火 火 伙 炎 炎 淡 淡 談 谈

fire, flame;anger, rage;


food, board;companion;

common, together

glowing, blaze;inflammation

pale; tasteless,insipid; weak, thin;

light (color)talk, discuss

滅 灭 灰 奃 災 灾 灸 灸 靈 灵

extinguish;destroy, exterminate;

flood; drown

ashes; dust;lime;gray

misfortune;disaster, catastrophe

cauterize by burningmoxa, moxibustion[Chinese medicine]

nimble, clever;spirit, soul;coffin, bier

欠 欠 次 次 吹 吹 歡 欢 飲 饮

owe;not enough,

lacking, deficient

sequence, order;next;


blow, puff,whistle;


glad, happy, pleased;active;

in full swing


(drinks, emotions)


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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

151 - 175Write the missing readings


丈 丈 仗 仗 使 使 更 更 便 便

alter, change;

(unit of length:3,33 m / 10 feet);measure; senior

war, battle;weaponry;rely upon

messenger, envoy;use, apply further, more

ease, convenient;expedient;

relieve oneself

頭 头 買 买 實 实 賣 卖 讀 读

head; hair; top;chief, boss;


solid;true, real; honest;

fruit, seed


read;go to school

因 因 團 团 困 困 園 园 國 国

cause, reason;according to;because (of)

round;dumpling; lump;


surround, encircle;put s.o. in trouble;

tired, fatigued




九 九 仇 仇 究 究 丸 丸 執 执

ninefoe, enemy;



small round object,pellet; pill

hold, grasp;practise, perform;carry out, realize

兒 儿 兆 兆 逃 逃 挑 挑 跳 跳

child, babyomen; mega-;million; trillion


flee, run away,escape

carry/shoulder witha stick;

instigate, incitejump, leap


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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

176 - 200Write the missing readings


匹 匹 四 四 西 西 灑 洒 酒 酒

equal;(counter for horses) four West; Western;

Occidentalsplash, sprinkle;

spillalcoholic beverage,


入 入 八 八 公 公 松 松 趴

enter, come in (to);join; agree with;


public, state-...;common;

fair, unbiased

pine tree;loose, slack

lying prone;bend over

六 六 交 交 咬 咬 狡 狡 校 校

sixintersect; copulate;come into contact

with; submit, transfer


barkcunning, sly school;

correct, proofread

十 十 千 千 什 什 葉 叶 計 计

ten;extremely, perfectly

thousand;numerous, many

various, sundry,miscellaneous

leaf, petal;sheet, page;era, period

calculate, count;measure device;

plan; trick;

干 干 汗 汗 桿 杆 平 平 評 评

oppose, offend;dried; hollow;

in vain

sweat,perspiration pole, bar

flat, even;fair, just;

peaceful, calm

comment,review, evaluate;



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201 - 225Write the missing readings


午 午 牛 牛 件 件 牢 牢 牽 牵

(high) noon;midnight bull, ox, cow

(counter for clothes,articles);

letter; document

pen;jail, prison;firm, stable


drag, involve

車 车 連 连 庫 库 軟 软 輕 轻

wheel(ed maschine);vehicle, cart

connect, join;continuous


soft;mild, gentle;


light, softly, gently;unimportant;

careless, rash

軍 军 渾 浑 揮 挥 輝 辉 暈 晕

army, militarymuddy, cloudy;

stupid;unaffected; entire

swing, wield;wave; wipe away;



dizzy;to faint

土 土 吐 吐 壓 压 莊 庄 蛙 蛙

earth, soil;land;

local, nativespit (out), vomit

press, push;oppress;control

village, hamlet;farm, manor;

restaurant, shopfrog

者 者 堵 堵 豬 猪 煮 煮 都 都

(suffix:someone, person)

stop, block up;uneasy, oppressive;

wallpig cook, boil capital;



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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

226 - 250Write the missing readings


坐 坐 座 座 兩 两 倆 俩 滿 满

sit;travel by, ride

seat; stand, base;constallation,zodiac sign

two, pair, couple;both (sides);a few, some

both, two, pair;some

full, fill;completely;

finish, stop, end

王 王 玉 玉 全 全 呈 呈 皇 皇

king, ruler jade;beautiful (woman) total, complete, all petition, appeal;

submit, present emperor

主 主 住 住 往 往 注 注 柱 柱

master, owner,host; mainly;

God, Lord, Allah

dwell, reside;lodge;stop

go (towards),depart; be bound for;

past, bygone

stream, pour;focus, concentrate;

note, annotate

pillar, post,support;cylinder

羊 羊 詳 详 洋 洋 樣 样 癢 痒

sheep; goat thorough, detailedimmense;ocean;

foreign; modern

pattern, model;style, way;shape, form

itch, tickle

上 上 讓 让 卡 下 下 嚇 吓

top, up; ascend;above; before

turn over;make concession;


block, stop;hold back

down, below;descend;

inferior; nextthreaten, intimidate


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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

251 - 275Write the missing readings


止 止 企 企 正 正 証 证 征 征

stop, end; only hope, expect;tiptoe

vertical;correct; positive;

pure, original

proof, evidence;certificate, document

long trip, voyage;request;

collect taxes

生 生 性 性 姓 姓 牲 牲 勝 胜

life; create;student, pupil;raw, unripe

nature, property;sex, gender

surname,family name

domestic animal,livestock

victory;excel; place ofnatural beauty

中 中 串 串 沖 冲 腫 肿 種 种

center; in;during;China

string together,connect;conspire

pour boiling wateron;

rinse, wash outswell, swelling

(human) race,species;

seed, type

蟲 虫 獨 独 蝕 蚀 燭 烛 雖 虽

insect, worm single, sole;alone

lose, suffer loss;erode, nibble

candle, illuminate;watt (unit)

even though,although

申 申 伸 伸 神 神 審 审 嬸 婶

explain, explicate extend, stretchGod;

supernatural;spirit, soul


careful, judicious

aunt (wife offather's younger



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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

276 - 300Write the missing readings


曲 曲 由 由 油 油 抽 抽 廟 庙

bent, crooked;wrong

cause, reason;because of, due to;

leave it (to s.o.)oil, grease

draw / pull out;smoke (cigarettes);


temple, shrine,monastery

里 里 埋 埋 理 理 黑 黑 墨 墨

Chinese mile;neighborhood

bury;lie in wait

logic, reason;principle;science

black; dark;sinister;

evilChinese ink (-stick)

富 富 幅 幅 福 福 逼 逼 副 副

rich, wealthy width, size good fortune;blessing

force, urge,compel; extort

vice, deputy,secondary

雨 雨 雪 雪 雷 雷 需 需 震 震

rain snow thunder;mine (explosive) require, need shake, tremor;


電 电 七 七 皂 皂 托 托 宅 宅

electricity, electric seven black;soap

entrust; rely on;pretend;

(hold) on the palm

residence,dwelling, house


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301 - 325Write the missing readings


毛 毛 尾 尾 毯 毯 筆 笔 毫 毫

hair, fur, feather;wool;gross

tail, rear;final

blanket;carpet, rug

pen; pencil; writingbrush; writer`s

style, calligraphy

fine hair;(in the) least;

one thousandth

比 比 批 批 畢 毕 皆 皆 昆 昆



criticize, comment;slap;

large quantityfinish, complete all, every, entire elder brother

北 北 它 它 旨 旨 指 指 能 能

north it, that purpose, aim;intention

finger;point, direct;


talent, skills;capable;energy

巴 巴 把 把 肥 肥 色 色 爸

hope, wish;["ba" or "pa" inforeign names]

hold, grasp;handle

fat, obese;fertile, fertilizers

color;look, appearance;

lust, sensualityfather, dad

也 也 他 他 池 池 地 地 她

also, besides he, him;another pond, pool

floor, ground;soil; field; region;

the earthshe


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326 - 333Write the missing readings


倉 仓 搶 抢 槍 枪 創 创 蒼 苍



rob, snatch;rush;

fight for

pistol, gun, firearms;spear, lance

initiate, create;wound, cut

deep green/blue;grey, hoary

烏 乌 鳥 鸟 鳴 鸣

crow, rook;dark color, black bird birds: sing, chirp;

to make sounds


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1 - 25Write the missing meanings


一 一 二 二 三 三 仁 仁 蘭 兰

yi1 er4 san1 ren2 lan2

口 口 回 回 品 品 器 器 扣 扣

kou3 hui2 pin3 qi4 kou4

日 日 曰 曰 昌 昌 唱 唱 晶 晶

ri4 yue1 chang1 chang4 jing1

舊 旧 旦 旦 但 但 擔 担 膽 胆

jiu4 dan4 dan4 dan1 dan3

白 白 伯 伯 怕 怕 拍 拍 百 百

bai2 bo2 pa4 pai1 bai3


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26 - 50Write the missing meanings


目 目 淚 泪 盲 盲 冒 冒 帽 帽

mu4 lei4 mang2 mao4 mao4

自 自 咱 息 息 首 首 道 道

zi4 zan2 xi1 shou3 dao4

田 田 奮 奋 苗 苗 貓 猫 描 描

tian2 fen4 miao2 mao1 miao2

木 木 林 林 森 森 術 术 述 述

mu4 lin2 sen1 shu4 shu4

寙 杰 架 架 染 染 桌 榮 荣

jie2 jia4 ran3 zhuo1 rong2


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51 - 75Write the missing meanings


采 采 菜 菜 彩 彩 睬 踩

cai3 cai4 cai3 cai3 cai3

呆 呆 保 保 澡 澡 操 操 燥 燥

dai1 bao3 zao3 cao1 zao4

未 未 味 味 妹 妹 株 株 珠 珠

wei4 wei4 mei4 zhu1 zhu1

柬 柬 束 束 速 速 刺 刺 策 策

jian3 shu4 su4 ci4 ce4

米 米 類 类 粘 粘 迷 迷 謎 谜

mi3 lei4 zhan1 mi2 mi2


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76 - 100Write the missing meanings


業 业 亞 亚 顯 显 濕 湿 壺 壶

ye4 ya4 xian3 shi1 hu2

工 工 江 江 扛 扛 左 左 巫 巫

gong1 jiang1 kang2 zuo3 wu1

互 互 五 五 伍 伍 悟 悟 語 语

hu4 wu3 wu3 wu4 yu3

人 人 認 认 從 从 叢 丛 眾 众

ren2 ren4 cong2 cong2 zhong4

個 个 介 介 價 价 階 阶 界 界

ge4 jie4 jia4 jie1 jie4


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101 - 125Write the missing meanings


大 大 太 太 慶 庆 尖 尖 獎 奖

da4 tai4 qing4 jian1 jiang3

夫 夫 夾 夹 失 失 扶 扶 膚 肤

fu1 jia1 shi1 fu2 fu1

知 知 智 智 短 短 醫 医 疾 疾

zhi1 zhi4 duan3 yi1 ji2

央 央 映 映 英 英 喚 唤 換 换

yang1 ying4 ying1 huan4 huan4

天 天 娛 娱 誤 误 關 关 送 送

tian1 yu2 wu4 guan1 song4


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126 - 150Write the missing meanings


犬 犬 狀 状 厭 厌 哭 哭 臭 臭

quan3 zhuang4 yan4 ku1 chou4

內 内 吶 呐 肉 肉 丙 丙 病 病

nei4 na4 rou4 bing3 bing4

火 火 伙 炎 炎 淡 淡 談 谈

huo3 huo3 yan2 dan4 tan2

滅 灭 灰 奃 災 灾 灸 灸 靈 灵

mie4 hui1 zai1 jiu3 ling2

欠 欠 次 次 吹 吹 歡 欢 飲 饮

qian4 ci4 chui1 huan1 yin3


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151 - 175Write the missing meanings


丈 丈 仗 仗 使 使 更 更 便 便

zhang4 zhang4 shi3 geng1:alter, change; bian4

頭 头 買 买 實 实 賣 卖 讀 读

tou2 mai3 shi2 mai4 du2

因 因 團 团 困 困 園 园 國 国

yin1 tuan2 kun4 yuan2 guo2

九 九 仇 仇 究 究 丸 丸 執 执

jiu3 chou2 jiu1 wan2 zhi2

兒 儿 兆 兆 逃 逃 挑 挑 跳 跳

er2 zhao4 tao2 tiao3 tiao4


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176 - 200Write the missing meanings


匹 匹 四 四 西 西 灑 洒 酒 酒

pi3 si4 xi1 sa3 jiu3

入 入 八 八 公 公 松 松 趴

ru4 ba1 gong1 song1 pa1

六 六 交 交 咬 咬 狡 狡 校 校

liu4 jiao1 yao3 jiao3 xiao4

十 十 千 千 什 什 葉 叶 計 计

shi2 qian1 shi2 ye4 ji4

干 干 汗 汗 桿 杆 平 平 評 评

gan1 han4 gan1 ping2 ping2


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201 - 225Write the missing meanings


午 午 牛 牛 件 件 牢 牢 牽 牵

wu3 niu2 jian4 lao2 qian1

車 车 連 连 庫 库 軟 软 輕 轻

che1 lian2 ku4 ruan3 qing1

軍 军 渾 浑 揮 挥 輝 辉 暈 晕

jun1 hun2 hui1 hui1 yun1

土 土 吐 吐 壓 压 莊 庄 蛙 蛙

tu3 tu3 ya1 zhuang1 wa1

者 者 堵 堵 豬 猪 煮 煮 都 都

zhe3 du3 zhu1 zhu3 du1


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226 - 250Write the missing meanings


坐 坐 座 座 兩 两 倆 俩 滿 满

zuo4 zuo4 liang3 lia3 man3

王 王 玉 玉 全 全 呈 呈 皇 皇

wang2 yu4 quan2 cheng2 huang2

主 主 住 住 往 往 注 注 柱 柱

zhu3 zhu4 wang3 zhu4 zhu4

羊 羊 詳 详 洋 洋 樣 样 癢 痒

yang2 xiang2 yang2 yang4 yang3

上 上 讓 让 卡 下 下 嚇 吓

shang4 rang4 ka3 xia4 xia4


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251 - 275Write the missing meanings


止 止 企 企 正 正 証 证 征 征

zhi3 qi3 zheng4 zheng4 zheng1

生 生 性 性 姓 姓 牲 牲 勝 胜

sheng1 xing4 xing4 sheng1 sheng4

中 中 串 串 沖 冲 腫 肿 種 种

zhong1 chuan4 chong1 zhong3 zhong3

蟲 虫 獨 独 蝕 蚀 燭 烛 雖 虽

chong2 du2 shi2 zhu2 sui1

申 申 伸 伸 神 神 審 审 嬸 婶

shen1 shen1 shen2 shen3 shen3


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276 - 300Write the missing meanings


曲 曲 由 由 油 油 抽 抽 廟 庙

qu1 you2 you2 chou1 miao4

里 里 埋 埋 理 理 黑 黑 墨 墨

li3 mai2 li3 hei1 mo4

富 富 幅 幅 福 福 逼 逼 副 副

fu4 fu2 fu2 bi1 fu4

雨 雨 雪 雪 雷 雷 需 需 震 震

yu3 xue3 lei2 xu1 zhen4

電 电 七 七 皂 皂 托 托 宅 宅

dian4 qi1 zao4 tuo1 zhai2


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301 - 325Write the missing meanings


毛 毛 尾 尾 毯 毯 筆 笔 毫 毫

mao2 wei3 tan3 bi3 hao2

比 比 批 批 畢 毕 皆 皆 昆 昆

bi3 pi1 bi4 jie1 kun1

北 北 它 它 旨 旨 指 指 能 能

bei3 ta1 zhi3 zhi3 neng2

巴 巴 把 把 肥 肥 色 色 爸

ba1 ba3 fei2 se4 ba4

也 也 他 他 池 池 地 地 她

ye3 ta1 chi2 di4 ta1


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

326 - 333Write the missing meanings


倉 仓 搶 抢 槍 枪 創 创 蒼 苍

cang1 qiang3 qiang1 chuang4 cang1

烏 乌 鳥 鸟 鳴 鸣

wu1 niao3 ming2


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

1 - 25Write the missing

readings & meanings


一 一 二 二 三 三 仁 仁 蘭 兰

口 口 回 回 品 品 器 器 扣 扣

日 日 曰 曰 昌 昌 唱 唱 晶 晶

舊 旧 旦 旦 但 但 擔 担 膽 胆

白 白 伯 伯 怕 怕 拍 拍 百 百


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

26 - 50Write the missing

readings & meanings


目 目 淚 泪 盲 盲 冒 冒 帽 帽

自 自 咱 息 息 首 首 道 道

田 田 奮 奋 苗 苗 貓 猫 描 描

木 木 林 林 森 森 術 术 述 述

寙 杰 架 架 染 染 桌 榮 荣


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

51 - 75Write the missing

readings & meanings


采 采 菜 菜 彩 彩 睬 踩

呆 呆 保 保 澡 澡 操 操 燥 燥

未 未 味 味 妹 妹 株 株 珠 珠

柬 柬 束 束 速 速 刺 刺 策 策

米 米 類 类 粘 粘 迷 迷 謎 谜


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

76 - 100Write the missing

readings & meanings


業 业 亞 亚 顯 显 濕 湿 壺 壶

工 工 江 江 扛 扛 左 左 巫 巫

互 互 五 五 伍 伍 悟 悟 語 语

人 人 認 认 從 从 叢 丛 眾 众

個 个 介 介 價 价 階 阶 界 界


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

101 - 125Write the missing

readings & meanings


大 大 太 太 慶 庆 尖 尖 獎 奖

夫 夫 夾 夹 失 失 扶 扶 膚 肤

知 知 智 智 短 短 醫 医 疾 疾

央 央 映 映 英 英 喚 唤 換 换

天 天 娛 娱 誤 误 關 关 送 送


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

126 - 150Write the missing

readings & meanings


犬 犬 狀 状 厭 厌 哭 哭 臭 臭

內 内 吶 呐 肉 肉 丙 丙 病 病

火 火 伙 炎 炎 淡 淡 談 谈

滅 灭 灰 奃 災 灾 灸 灸 靈 灵

欠 欠 次 次 吹 吹 歡 欢 飲 饮


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

151 - 175Write the missing

readings & meanings


丈 丈 仗 仗 使 使 更 更 便 便

頭 头 買 买 實 实 賣 卖 讀 读

因 因 團 团 困 困 園 园 國 国

九 九 仇 仇 究 究 丸 丸 執 执

兒 儿 兆 兆 逃 逃 挑 挑 跳 跳


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

176 - 200Write the missing

readings & meanings


匹 匹 四 四 西 西 灑 洒 酒 酒

入 入 八 八 公 公 松 松 趴

六 六 交 交 咬 咬 狡 狡 校 校

十 十 千 千 什 什 葉 叶 計 计

干 干 汗 汗 桿 杆 平 平 評 评


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

201 - 225Write the missing

readings & meanings


午 午 牛 牛 件 件 牢 牢 牽 牵

車 车 連 连 庫 库 軟 软 輕 轻

軍 军 渾 浑 揮 挥 輝 辉 暈 晕

土 土 吐 吐 壓 压 莊 庄 蛙 蛙

者 者 堵 堵 豬 猪 煮 煮 都 都


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

226 - 250Write the missing

readings & meanings


坐 坐 座 座 兩 两 倆 俩 滿 满

王 王 玉 玉 全 全 呈 呈 皇 皇

主 主 住 住 往 往 注 注 柱 柱

羊 羊 詳 详 洋 洋 樣 样 癢 痒

上 上 讓 让 卡 下 下 嚇 吓


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

251 - 275Write the missing

readings & meanings


止 止 企 企 正 正 証 证 征 征

生 生 性 性 姓 姓 牲 牲 勝 胜

中 中 串 串 沖 冲 腫 肿 種 种

蟲 虫 獨 独 蝕 蚀 燭 烛 雖 虽

申 申 伸 伸 神 神 審 审 嬸 婶


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

276 - 300Write the missing

readings & meanings


曲 曲 由 由 油 油 抽 抽 廟 庙

里 里 埋 埋 理 理 黑 黑 墨 墨

富 富 幅 幅 福 福 逼 逼 副 副

雨 雨 雪 雪 雷 雷 需 需 震 震

電 电 七 七 皂 皂 托 托 宅 宅


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

301 - 325Write the missing

readings & meanings


毛 毛 尾 尾 毯 毯 筆 笔 毫 毫

比 比 批 批 畢 毕 皆 皆 昆 昆

北 北 它 它 旨 旨 指 指 能 能

巴 巴 把 把 肥 肥 色 色 爸

也 也 他 他 池 池 地 地 她


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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326 - 333Write the missing

readings & meanings


倉 仓 搶 抢 槍 枪 創 创 蒼 苍

烏 乌 鳥 鸟 鳴 鸣


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Page 63: 333-Hanzi-in-a-Day: Supplementary Exercise Sheets

333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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1 - 25漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

一 一 二 二 三 三 仁 仁 蘭 兰

yi1 er4 san1 ren2 lan2

one two three benevolence,kindness orchid

口 口 回 回 品 品 器 器 扣 扣

kou3 hui2 pin3 qi4 kou4


return;turn around;

number of times

article, commoditiy;character;personality

instrument;utensil, tool;ability, talent


withhold, discount;

日 日 曰 曰 昌 昌 唱 唱 晶 晶

ri4 yue1 chang1 chang4 jing1


Japansay; call prosperous;

good sing, chantcrystal;brilliant;bright

舊 旧 旦 旦 但 但 擔 担 膽 胆

jiu4 dan4 dan4 dan1 dan3

old;former daybreak, dawn but, however;

only shoulder a burden courage;gall (bladder)

白 白 伯 伯 怕 怕 拍 拍 百 百

bai2 bo2 pa4 pai1 bai3


uncle (father`s elderbrother);

count (nobility rank)



clap;beat of music;

shoot, take a picture



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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26 - 50漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

目 目 淚 泪 盲 盲 冒 冒 帽 帽

mu4 lei4 mang2 mao4 mao4

eye;table of contents tears blind;


go up (smoke etc.);incautious; rash;

deceitfulhat, cap etc.

自 自 咱 息 息 首 首 道 道

zi4 zan2 xi1 shou3 dao4


we;I, me

(in Northern China)


stop, end


first, beginning

road; way;method;


田 田 奮 奋 苗 苗 貓 猫 描 描

tian2 fen4 miao2 mao1 miao2

field,cultivated land

exert oneself;invigorate

sprout;descendant cat draw;

sketch, trace

木 木 林 林 森 森 術 术 述 述

mu4 lin2 sen1 shu4 shu4

tree;wood forest, grove forest;

dark and obscureskill,

art, techniquemention, state,


寙 杰 架 架 染 染 桌 榮 荣

jie2 jia4 ran3 zhuo1 rong2



dye;get infected table glory, honor;



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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51 - 75漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

采 采 菜 菜 彩 彩 睬 踩

cai3 cai4 cai3 cai3 cai3

pick up;gather, collect vegetable, greens

coloring, makeup;brilliant;

prize moneywatch, notice trample,

step upon

呆 呆 保 保 澡 澡 操 操 燥 燥

dai1 bao3 zao3 cao1 zao4

stupid, dull;stay

guard, protect;guarantee bathe


exercise; drill

dry, arid;impatient

未 未 味 味 妹 妹 株 株 珠 珠

wei4 wei4 mei4 zhu1 zhu1

not yettaste,odor,flavor

younger sister tree, trunk, stump pearl;drop

柬 柬 束 束 速 速 刺 刺 策 策

jian3 shu4 su4 ci4 ce4

invitation card,letter




assassinateplan, scheme

米 米 類 类 粘 粘 迷 迷 謎 谜

mi3 lei4 zhan1 mi2 mi2

(uncooked) rice species,kind, sort

glue,attach, paste


riddle, puzzle


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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76 - 100漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

業 业 亞 亚 顯 显 濕 湿 壺 壶

ye4 ya4 xian3 shi1 hu2


profession; task

rank next, second(in excellence);


evident;expose, display wet, humid pot, jug, jar

工 工 江 江 扛 扛 左 左 巫 巫

gong1 jiang1 kang2 zuo3 wu1


be skilled in

large river;Yangtze River to shoulder, lift

left side;east side;improper

witch, wizard

互 互 五 五 伍 伍 悟 悟 語 语

hu4 wu3 wu3 wu4 yu3

each other,mutually five five

(on documents)become aware of,



人 人 認 认 從 从 叢 丛 眾 众

ren2 ren4 cong2 cong2 zhong4

human being recognize;admit

from, by, through;follow, obey

shrub;crowd together;


numerous, many;crowd, masses

個 个 介 介 價 价 階 阶 界 界

ge4 jie4 jia4 jie1 jie4

(counter);individual, single

sea shell;between;mediate

price;value grade, rank limit, boundary;



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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101 - 125漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

大 大 太 太 慶 庆 尖 尖 獎 奖

da4 tai4 qing4 jian1 jiang3

big, large;very





sharp, keen

reward,give award to

夫 夫 夾 夹 失 失 扶 扶 膚 肤

fu1 jia1 shi1 fu2 fu1

husband; maninsert between,press; take s.th.under one's arm

to lose;to miss, err

support;help, aid skin

知 知 智 智 短 短 醫 医 疾 疾

zhi1 zhi4 duan3 yi1 ji2

know, understand,be familiar with wisdom, knowledge

short;mistake, fault;lack, shortage

doctor, physician;cure, medicine

illness, desease;suffering;fast, quick

央 央 映 映 英 英 喚 唤 換 换

yang1 ying4 ying1 huan4 huan4

center;request; beg reflect, mirror

hero;flower, blossom;

England; handsomecry, yell, scream (ex)change, alter;


天 天 娛 娱 誤 误 關 关 送 送

tian1 yu2 wu4 guan1 song4

heavens, sky;weather;




error, mistake;wrong;to miss

close, switch offsend, deliver;give, present;

see off


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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126 - 150漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

犬 犬 狀 状 厭 厌 哭 哭 臭 臭

quan3 zhuang4 yan4 ku1 chou4

dogshape, form, look;status quo, report;charge, indictment

get tired of;dislike, hate weep, sob, cry



內 内 吶 呐 肉 肉 丙 丙 病 病

nei4 na4 rou4 bing3 bing4

inside yell out loud,shout

flesh, meat(also of fruits) third illness, disease;

fault, blemish

火 火 伙 炎 炎 淡 淡 談 谈

huo3 huo3 yan2 dan4 tan2

fire, flame;anger, rage;


food, board;companion;

common, together

glowing, blaze;inflammation

pale; tasteless,insipid; weak, thin;

light (color)talk, discuss

滅 灭 灰 奃 災 灾 灸 灸 靈 灵

mie4 hui1 zai1 jiu3 ling2

extinguish;destroy, exterminate;

flood; drown

ashes; dust;lime;gray

misfortune;disaster, catastrophe

cauterize by burningmoxa, moxibustion[Chinese medicine]

nimble, clever;spirit, soul;coffin, bier

欠 欠 次 次 吹 吹 歡 欢 飲 饮

qian4 ci4 chui1 huan1 yin3

owe;not enough,

lacking, deficient

sequence, order;next;


blow, puff,whistle;


glad, happy, pleased;active;

in full swing


(drinks, emotions)


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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151 - 175漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

丈 丈 仗 仗 使 使 更 更 便 便

zhang4 zhang4 shi3 geng1:alter, change; bian4

(unit of length:3,33 m / 10 feet);measure; senior

war, battle;weaponry;rely upon

messenger, envoy;use, apply

geng4:further, more

ease, convenient;expedient;

relieve oneself

頭 头 買 买 實 实 賣 卖 讀 读

tou2 mai3 shi2 mai4 du2

head; hair; top;chief, boss;


solid;true, real; honest;

fruit, seed


read;go to school

因 因 團 团 困 困 園 园 國 国

yin1 tuan2 kun4 yuan2 guo2

cause, reason;according to;because (of)

round;dumpling; lump;


surround, encircle;put s.o. in trouble;

tired, fatigued




九 九 仇 仇 究 究 丸 丸 執 执

jiu3 chou2 jiu1 wan2 zhi2

ninefoe, enemy;



small round object,pellet; pill

hold, grasp;practise, perform;carry out, realize

兒 儿 兆 兆 逃 逃 挑 挑 跳 跳

er2 zhao4 tao2 tiao3 tiao4

child, babyomen; mega-;million; trillion


flee, run away,escape

carry/shoulder witha stick;

instigate, incitejump, leap


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

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176 - 200漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

匹 匹 四 四 西 西 灑 洒 酒 酒

pi3 si4 xi1 sa3 jiu3

equal;(counter for horses) four West; Western;

Occidentalsplash, sprinkle;

spillalcoholic beverage,


入 入 八 八 公 公 松 松 趴

ru4 ba1 gong1 song1 pa1

enter, come in (to);join; agree with;


public, state-...;common;

fair, unbiased

pine tree;loose, slack

lying prone;bend over

六 六 交 交 咬 咬 狡 狡 校 校

liu4 jiao1 yao3 jiao3 xiao4

sixintersect; copulate;come into contact

with; submit, transfer


barkcunning, sly school;

correct, proofread

十 十 千 千 什 什 葉 叶 計 计

shi2 qian1 shi2 ye4 ji4

ten;extremely, perfectly

thousand;numerous, many

various, sundry,miscellaneous

leaf, petal;sheet, page;era, period

calculate, count;measure device;

plan; trick;

干 干 汗 汗 桿 杆 平 平 評 评

gan1 han4 gan1 ping2 ping2

oppose, offend;dried; hollow;

in vain

sweat,perspiration pole, bar

flat, even;fair, just;

peaceful, calm

comment,review, evaluate;



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201 - 225漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

午 午 牛 牛 件 件 牢 牢 牽 牵

wu3 niu2 jian4 lao2 qian1

(high) noon;midnight bull, ox, cow

(counter for clothes,articles);

letter; document

pen;jail, prison;firm, stable


drag, involve

車 车 連 连 庫 库 軟 软 輕 轻

che1 lian2 ku4 ruan3 qing1

wheel(ed maschine);vehicle, cart

connect, join;continuous


soft;mild, gentle;


light, softly, gently;unimportant;

careless, rash

軍 军 渾 浑 揮 挥 輝 辉 暈 晕

jun1 hun2 hui1 hui1 yun1

army, militarymuddy, cloudy;

stupid;unaffected; entire

swing, wield;wave; wipe away;



dizzy;to faint

土 土 吐 吐 壓 压 莊 庄 蛙 蛙

tu3 tu3 ya1 zhuang1 wa1

earth, soil;land;

local, nativespit (out), vomit

press, push;oppress;control

village, hamlet;farm, manor;

restaurant, shopfrog

者 者 堵 堵 豬 猪 煮 煮 都 都

zhe3 du3 zhu1 zhu3 du1

(suffix:someone, person)

stop, block up;uneasy, oppressive;

wallpig cook, boil capital;



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226 - 250漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

坐 坐 座 座 兩 两 倆 俩 滿 满

zuo4 zuo4 liang3 lia3 man3

sit;travel by, ride

seat; stand, base;constallation,zodiac sign

two, pair, couple;both (sides);a few, some

both, two, pair;some

full, fill;completely;

finish, stop, end

王 王 玉 玉 全 全 呈 呈 皇 皇

wang2 yu4 quan2 cheng2 huang2

king, ruler jade;beautiful (woman) total, complete, all petition, appeal;

submit, present emperor

主 主 住 住 往 往 注 注 柱 柱

zhu3 zhu4 wang3 zhu4 zhu4

master, owner,host; mainly;

God, Lord, Allah

dwell, reside;lodge;stop

go (towards),depart; be bound for;

past, bygone

stream, pour;focus, concentrate;

note, annotate

pillar, post,support;cylinder

羊 羊 詳 详 洋 洋 樣 样 癢 痒

yang2 xiang2 yang2 yang4 yang3

sheep; goat thorough, detailedimmense;ocean;

foreign; modern

pattern, model;style, way;shape, form

itch, tickle

上 上 讓 让 卡 下 下 嚇 吓

shang4 rang4 ka3 xia4 xia4

top, up; ascend;above; before

turn over;make concession;


block, stop;hold back

down, below;descend;

inferior; nextthreaten, intimidate


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

251 - 275漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

止 止 企 企 正 正 証 证 征 征

zhi3 qi3 zheng4 zheng4 zheng1

stop, end; only hope, expect;tiptoe

vertical;correct; positive;

pure, original

proof, evidence;certificate, document

long trip, voyage;request;

collect taxes

生 生 性 性 姓 姓 牲 牲 勝 胜

sheng1 xing4 xing4 sheng1 sheng4

life; create;student, pupil;raw, unripe

nature, property;sex, gender

surname,family name

domestic animal,livestock

victory;excel; place ofnatural beauty

中 中 串 串 沖 冲 腫 肿 種 种

zhong1 chuan4 chong1 zhong3 zhong3

center; in;during;China

string together,connect;conspire

pour boiling wateron;

rinse, wash outswell, swelling

(human) race,species;

seed, type

蟲 虫 獨 独 蝕 蚀 燭 烛 雖 虽

chong2 du2 shi2 zhu2 sui1

insect, worm single, sole;alone

lose, suffer loss;erode, nibble

candle, illuminate;watt (unit)

even though,although

申 申 伸 伸 神 神 審 审 嬸 婶

shen1 shen1 shen2 shen3 shen3

explain, explicate extend, stretchGod;

supernatural;spirit, soul


careful, judicious

aunt (wife offather's younger



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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

276 - 300漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

曲 曲 由 由 油 油 抽 抽 廟 庙

qu1 you2 you2 chou1 miao4

bent, crooked;wrong

cause, reason;because of, due to;

leave it (to s.o.)oil, grease

draw / pull out;smoke (cigarettes);


temple, shrine,monastery

里 里 埋 埋 理 理 黑 黑 墨 墨

li3 mai2 li3 hei1 mo4

Chinese mile;neighborhood

bury;lie in wait

logic, reason;principle;science

black; dark;sinister;

evilChinese ink (-stick)

富 富 幅 幅 福 福 逼 逼 副 副

fu4 fu2 fu2 bi1 fu4

rich, wealthy width, size good fortune;blessing

force, urge,compel; extort

vice, deputy,secondary

雨 雨 雪 雪 雷 雷 需 需 震 震

yu3 xue3 lei2 xu1 zhen4

rain snow thunder;mine (explosive) require, need shake, tremor;


電 电 七 七 皂 皂 托 托 宅 宅

dian4 qi1 zao4 tuo1 zhai2

electricity, electric seven black;soap

entrust; rely on;pretend;

(hold) on the palm

residence,dwelling, house


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

301 - 325漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

毛 毛 尾 尾 毯 毯 筆 笔 毫 毫

mao2 wei3 tan3 bi3 hao2

hair, fur, feather;wool;gross

tail, rear;final

blanket;carpet, rug

pen; pencil; writingbrush; writer`s

style, calligraphy

fine hair;(in the) least;

one thousandth

比 比 批 批 畢 毕 皆 皆 昆 昆

bi3 pi1 bi4 jie1 kun1



criticize, comment;slap;

large quantityfinish, complete all, every, entire elder brother

北 北 它 它 旨 旨 指 指 能 能

bei3 ta1 zhi3 zhi3 neng2

north it, that purpose, aim;intention

finger;point, direct;


talent, skills;capable;energy

巴 巴 把 把 肥 肥 色 色 爸

ba1 ba3 fei2 se4 ba4

hope, wish;["ba" or "pa" inforeign names]

hold, grasp;handle

fat, obese;fertile, fertilizers

color;look, appearance;

lust, sensualityfather, dad

也 也 他 他 池 池 地 地 她

ye3 ta1 chi2 di4 ta1

also, besides he, him;another pond, pool

floor, ground;soil; field; region;

the earthshe


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333 Hanzi-in-a-DaySupplementary Chinese Language Exercise

Sheets© 2008 by Claus Liepke

Hanzi Practice - 汉字练习Chinese Characters

326 - 333漢字数独www.Kanji-Sudoku.com

倉 仓 搶 抢 槍 枪 創 创 蒼 苍

cang1 qiang3 qiang1 chuang4 cang1



rob, snatch;rush;

fight for

pistol, gun, firearms;spear, lance

initiate, create;wound, cut

deep green/blue;grey, hoary

烏 乌 鳥 鸟 鳴 鸣

wu1 niao3 ming2

crow, rook;dark color, black bird birds: sing, chirp;

to make sounds
