49 X 線分析討論会および第 15 回全反射蛍光 X 線分析法(TXRF2013)国際会議合同会議 主催:日本分析化学会X線分析研究懇談会 共催:大阪市立大学 協賛:日本化学会、日本金属学会、日本鉄鋼協会、日本表面科学会、関西分析研究会、他 後援・スポンサー: 日本万国博覧会記念機構、国際原子力機関(IAEA)、ヨーロッパX線分析協会(EXSA)、表 面化学分析技術国際標準化委員会、日本鉄鋼協会関西支部、大阪観光局 期日:2013 9 23 日(月・祝)~ 9 27 日(金) 会場:大阪市立大学(杉本キャンパス)学術情報総合センター(大阪市住吉区杉本 3-3-138JR 阪和線杉本町駅 より徒歩 5 分)http://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ja/about/university/access 参加登録費、その他詳細については、下記の会議ホームページをご参照ください。 X 線分析討論会のホームページ http://www.a-chem.eng.osaka-cu.ac.jp/x49/ TXRF2013 のホームページ http://www.a-chem.eng.osaka-cu.ac.jp/txrf2013/ 問い合わせ先:辻 幸一、大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科化学生物系専攻 558-8585 大阪市住吉区杉本 3-3-138TEL/FAX : 06-6605-3080 E-mail : [email protected] 会議プログラム (講演者の都合等により、変更される場合があります。最新情報は会議 HP をご覧ください。) 9/23 ウェルカムパーティーおよび登録受付(天王寺都ホテル)(17:00~登録受付、18:00-20:00 登録受付および ウェルカムパーティ) 9/24 Registration (9:00-9:40) Opening (9:40-10:00) Chair: Van Grieken I1 (Plenary) (10:00-10:30) Instrumental development of Total Reflection X-Ray Spectrometers –A History of Success (Leibniz-Institut fuer Analytische Wissenschaften - ISAS Dortmund) Alex von Bohlen I2 (Plenary) (10:30-11:00) SR-TXRF and SR-TXRF-XANES (Atominstitut, Vienna Univ. of Technology) C. Streli O1 (11:00-11:20) Reference-free TXRF and GIXRF – methodology and advanced applications (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) B. Beckhoff, Martin Gerlach, Ina Holfelder, Philipp Hönicke, Janin Lubeck, Matthias Müller, Andreas Nutsch, Beatrix Pollakowski, Cornelia Streeck, Rainer Unterumsberger, Jan Weser Coffee Break (11:20-11:40) (Sponsored by Bruker) Chair: Streli I3 (11:40-12:00)

49 X線分析討論会および第 15回全反射蛍光 X …...P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation) H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M

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Page 1: 49 X線分析討論会および第 15回全反射蛍光 X …...P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation) H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M

第 49 回 X 線分析討論会および第 15 回全反射蛍光 X 線分析法(TXRF2013)国際会議合同会議




後援・スポンサー: 日本万国博覧会記念機構、国際原子力機関(IAEA)、ヨーロッパX線分析協会(EXSA)、表


期日:2013 年 9 月 23 日(月・祝)~ 9 月 27 日(金)

会場:大阪市立大学(杉本キャンパス)学術情報総合センター(大阪市住吉区杉本 3-3-138、JR 阪和線杉本町駅

より徒歩 5 分)http://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ja/about/university/access


・X 線分析討論会のホームページ http://www.a-chem.eng.osaka-cu.ac.jp/x49/

・TXRF2013 のホームページ http://www.a-chem.eng.osaka-cu.ac.jp/txrf2013/

問い合わせ先:辻 幸一、大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科化学生物系専攻

〒558-8585 大阪市住吉区杉本 3-3-138、TEL/FAX : 06-6605-3080

E-mail : [email protected]

会議プログラム (講演者の都合等により、変更される場合があります。最新情報は会議 HPをご覧ください。)

9/23 ウェルカムパーティーおよび登録受付(天王寺都ホテル)(17:00~登録受付、18:00-20:00 登録受付および



Registration (9:00-9:40)

Opening (9:40-10:00)

Chair: Van Grieken

I1 (Plenary) (10:00-10:30)

Instrumental development of Total Reflection X-Ray Spectrometers –A History of Success (Leibniz-Institut

fuer Analytische Wissenschaften - ISAS Dortmund) Alex von Bohlen

I2 (Plenary) (10:30-11:00)

SR-TXRF and SR-TXRF-XANES (Atominstitut, Vienna Univ. of Technology) C. Streli

O1 (11:00-11:20)

Reference-free TXRF and GIXRF – methodology and advanced applications (Physikalisch-Technische

Bundesanstalt) B. Beckhoff, Martin Gerlach, Ina Holfelder, Philipp Hönicke, Janin Lubeck, Matthias Müller,

Andreas Nutsch, Beatrix Pollakowski, Cornelia Streeck, Rainer Unterumsberger, Jan Weser

Coffee Break (11:20-11:40) (Sponsored by Bruker)

Chair: Streli

I3 (11:40-12:00)

Page 2: 49 X線分析討論会および第 15回全反射蛍光 X …...P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation) H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M

Recent instrumentation in grazing-incidence X-ray analysis: Towards time-resolved analysis to see changes

(National Institute for Materials Science) K. Sakurai

O2 (12:00-12:20)

Probing the electronic structure of nanolayered systems with the synchrotron radiation based

high-resolution GEXRF-RIXS-XAS technique (University of Fribourg1, University of Oulu2, Paul Scherrer

Institut3, Jan Kochanowski University4, EPFL5) J. Hoszowska1, W. Cao2, W. Blachucki1, M.-W. Chen5, J.-Cl.

Dousse1, Y. Kayser3, A. Kis5, D. Krasnozhon5 and J. Szlachetko3,4

I4 (12:20-12:40)

Total-Reflection XAFS at the liquid-liquid interface (Kyoto University) H. Tanida

Lunch Break (12:40-14:00) (Company presentations, chaired by Muramatsu)

Chair: Sakurai

I5 (14:00-14:20)

Developments with TXRF Analysis for Semiconductor Metallic Contamination for both New Materials and

Processes (IBM STG –EF) Mary Ann Zaitz

I6 (14:20-14:40)

Grazing Incidence XRF for the quantitative Characterization of nanolayered Materials

(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) M. Müller, R. Unterumsberger and B. Beckhoff

I7 (14:40-15:00)

GIXRF and GEXRF analysis of PIII ultra shallow arsenic profiles in Silicon (Fondazione Bruno Kessler1,

Utrecht University2, Atominstitut, Technische Universität Wien3, Colorado State University4, Stanford

Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource5, Applied Materials6) G. Pepponi1, Florian Meirer

2, Fabio Brigidi

1, Evgeny

Demenev1, Damiano Giubertoni

1, Salvatore Gennaro

1, Massimo Bersani

1, Dieter Ingerle

3, Christina Streli

3, Georg


, Apurva Mehta5, Piero Pianetta

5, Vinayak Vishwanath

6 and Majeed Foad


Chair: Sánchez

I8 (15:00-15:20)

Synchrotron Radiation GI-XRF, GI-XANES and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Reflectivity Experiments Applied

to Material and Life Sciences (Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS)1,Universidade Nacional de

Viçosa (UFV)2, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)3, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais(UFMG)4,

Universidad Nacional de la Plata(UNLP)5, Instituto Multidisciplinar de investigación y desarrollo de la

Patagonia Argentina (IDEPA), Universidad Nacional de Comahue6) C. Pérez1, V. Suárez1,2, J. Leani3, M. de

Pauli4, E. Miqueles1, C. Torres5, H. Sánchez3, G. Bongiovanni6 and A. Malachias4

O3 (15:20-15:40)

Interface analysis between semiconductor and covering layer by grazing-exit x-ray absorption fine structure

combined with x-ray micro-beam (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.1, JASRI/SPring-82) T. Yonemura1, Y.

Page 3: 49 X線分析討論会および第 15回全反射蛍光 X …...P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation) H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M

Tateno1, J. Iihara1, Y. Saito1, H. Osawa2 and T. Uruga2

Coffee Break (15:40-16:00) (Sponsored by Bruker)

Chair: Pepponi

O4 (16:00-16:20)

Characteristic GIXRF and GEXRF spectral features of nano-sized particles periodically and evenly

distributed on Si and SiO2 surfaces (University of Fribourg1, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)2,

Paul Scherrer Institut3, Jan Kochanowski University4) S. H. Nowak1, W. Błachucki1, W. Cao1, J.-Cl. Dousse1,

J. Hoszowska1, Y. Kayser1,3, F. Reinhardt2, P. Hönicke2, J. Szlachetko3,4, D. Banaś4, Ł. Jabłoński4, A.

Kubala-Kukuś4, M. Pajek4

O5 (16:20-16:40)

Total reflection X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of thin film (Kyoto University) S. Imashuku and J. Kawai

O6 (16:40-17:00)

Environmental pollution control around iron mining area using TXRF (National University of Mongolia1,

Mongolian State University of Agriculture2) Ts. Amartaivan1, Ts. Javzandolgor2 and L. Odontsatsral1

O7 (17:00-17:20)

Prediction of soil properties: An Experiment using Mt Kenya forest Soils (Institute of Nuclear Science,

College of Architecture & Engineering, University of Nairobi1, Chemistry Department, College of Physical &

Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi2, World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)3) M. J. Gatari1, F. Mugoh2, L.

W. Njenga2, K. D. Shepherd3, A. sila3, M. N. Kamau3 and D. M. Maina1

Poster Session-1 (17:20-18:40)

P1. Determination of Elemental composition in Biological Samples with TXRF Method

(Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science) N.V. Polyakova

P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation)

H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M. Yamagami, K. Shimizu and T. Fukuda

P3. Application of the TXRF method for the elemental analysis of brain tumors with different

grade of malignancy (AGH-University of Science and Technology1, Jagiellonian

University2) M. Grzelak1, B. Ostachowicz1, A. Wandzilak1, D. Adamek2, E. Radwanska2

and M. Lankosz1

P4. Development of a compact GE-XRF spectrometer for fast trace elemental analysis (Osaka

City University1, Seiwa Industry Co., Ltd.2) T. Ashida1, T. Sawamura2 and K. Tsuji1

P5. Determination of Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn in indigenous complementary infant flour by

Total-Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (University of Nairobi1, Chalmers University of

Page 4: 49 X線分析討論会および第 15回全反射蛍光 X …...P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation) H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M

Technology2) Kilavi P.K.1, Maina D.M.1, Gatari J.M.1 and Wagner A.2

P6. Automatic preparation of liquid samples on quartz plates - A routine method for TXRF

measurements (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research1, M2-Automatio2) M.

Mages1, M. Brauns1, E. Nordhoff2 and W. v. Tümpling1


I. De la Calle, M. Quade, U. E. A. Fittschen


REFLECTION X-RAY FLUORESCENCE (University of Hamburg1, Bruker Nano2) U. E. A.

Fittschen1, C. Wontorra1, H. Stosnach2

P9. Comparison of different excitation modes for the analysis of light elements with vacuum

TXRF (Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology) J. Prost, P. Wobrauschek and C.


P10. Low Z TXRF measurements with a new Ketek SDD detector (Atominstitut TU Wien1,

KETEK GmbH2) M. Rauwolf1, D. Ingerle1, B. Pemmer1, P. Wobrauschek1, C. Streli1 and A.


P11. A comparative study on TXRF determinations of low atomic number elements in air,

helium and vacuum atmospheres (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre1, TU Wien

Atominstitut2) N. L. Misra1, Buddhadev Kanrar1, S. K. Aggarwal1, Peter Wobrauschek2

and Christina Streli2

P12. Instrumental Calibration for quantitative GIXRF analysis (Fondazione Bruno Kessler1,

University of Trento2) F. Brigidi1,2, M. Bortolotti1 and G. Pepponi1

P13. TXRF with liquid metal jet tube (Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology1,

Excillum AB2) A. Maderitsch1, S. Smolek1, P. Wobrauschek1, Per Takman2 and C. Streli1

P14. K-edge TXRF-XANES for elemental speciation in biological matrices (Institute of

Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University1, MiNaLab, CMM-irst, FBK2, Atominstitut, Vienna

University of Technology3, Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor at DESY4, Eötvös

Loránd University, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry5) V. G.

Mihucz1, N. Szoboszlai1, F. Meirer2, T. Szigeti1, Zs. Polgári1, D. Ingerle3, G. Pepponi2, K.

Appel4, Zs. Majer5 and C. Streli3

P15. Trace Metals in Waters of Lake Victoria basin (University of Nairobi1, Chalmers

university of technology2, University of Gothenburg3) M. J. Gatari1, D. M. Maina1, A.

Wagner2, J. Bowan3, S. M. Gaita3 and S. Bartilol1

Page 5: 49 X線分析討論会および第 15回全反射蛍光 X …...P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation) H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M

P16. Electromagnetic analysis of a planar X-ray waveguide (Kyoto University) Hiroyuki

Iwasaki, Jun Kawai

P17. Laboratory Hazard Analysis using TXRF and XRF (Department of Materials Science and

Engineering, Kyoto University1, Kyoto Prefectural Technology Center for Small and

Medium Enterprises2, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University3) Jun KAWAI1,

LIU Ying1, ZE Long1, Susumu IMASHUKU1, Nobuharu SASAKI1, Hiroko SEKI2, Hiroya


P18. Multielement analysis of rocks by total reflection X-ray fluorescence: sample preparation

methods (Institute of the Earth’s Crust of SB RAS) S. V. Panteeva, T. Yu. Cherkashina

P19. Geochemical and mineralogical features of mineralized Precambrian igneous rocks of the

Boumalne area (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco) by XRF systems (Equipe des Sciences des

Matériaux Inorganiques et Applications (ESMIA), Université Cadi Ayyad1, Laboratoire

Géobasma, Université Cadi Ayyad2, Universidade de Lisboa3, Institute of Earth Sciences

Jaume Almera, CSIC4) R. Bendaoud1, M. L. Carvalho3, M. Elaatmani1, A.Algouti2 J. P.

Santos3 and I. Queralt4

P20. Soft X-ray spectrometers developed for measuring XANES spectra of light element

materials (Fukuoka University) Hisanobu Wakita and Tsutomu Kurisaki

P21. 3DXRF analysis for observing corrosion process of painted coating layer on steel samples

(Osaka City University1, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation2) R. Yagi1, J. Chin1,

K. Akioka2, M. Arai2, T. Doi2, and K. Tsuji1

P22. Estimation of Applicability of Scattered Radiation for XRF (National University of

Mongolia1, Institute of the Earth’s Crust, SB RAS2) P. Zuzaan1, D. Bolortuya1, S. Davaa1, A.

G. Revenko2

P23. Line-profile analysis based on energy dispersive X-ray diffraction using high-energy white

X-rays (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University1, Institute of

Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University2, Faculty of

Engineering, Tokyo City University3, Technical consultant4, Japan Synchrotron Radiation

Research Institute5, Japan Atomic Energy Agency6) Shigeo Sato1, Kazuaki Wagatsuma1,

Shigeru Suzuki2, Masayoshi Kumagai3, Muneyuki Imafuku3, Hitoshi Tashiro4, Kentaro

Kajiwara5, Takahisa Shobu6

P24. Focused Electron Beam Using Pyroelectric Crystal (Kyoto University) I. Ohtani, K. Ohira,

S. Imashuku and J. Kawai

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P25. Determination of trace elements in salts by an XRF spectrometer equipped with

polarization optics (Tokyo Denki University) Y. Oneta, M. Yauchi, and A. Hokura

P27. XANES installation with the MIRROECLE X-ray source (Photon Production Laboratory

Ltd.1, Ohmi MIRRORCLE Center2) S. Maeo1, D. Hasegawa2, T. Yamada1 and H. Yamada1

P28. Three-dimensional analysis of crystalline phases by confocal XRD (Tokyo City University)

S. Awaji and H. Eba

P29. X-Ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) in the C K region of

1,4,7,10-alkyltetracenes (University of Hyogo1, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory2)

Y. Muramatsu1, T. Ooe1, C. Kitamura1, T. Kawase1 and E. M. Gullikson2

P30. Characterization of copper sulfides and relative materials with XAFS spectroscopy

(Department of Applied Chemistry, Hiroshima University1, Hiroshima Synchrotron

Radiation Center, Hiroshima University2) Toma Takiguchi1, Naoki Noguchi1, Galif Kutluk2,

Hirofumi Namatame2, Shinjiro Hayakawa1

P31. Fluorescence XAFS measurement of K+ and Ca2+ in various aqueous solutions at HiSOR

BL11 (Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima

University1, Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center (HiSOR), Hiroshima University2) N.

Noguchi1, K. Nakayama1, J. B. Zubaidah1, G. Kutluk2, H. Namatame2 and S. Hayakawa1

P32. Improved fundamental parameter method with the correction by scattered X-ray

intensity (Application R&D Center, HORIBA, Ltd.1, Advanced R&D Center, HORIBA,

Ltd.2) T. Aoyama1, M. Segawa1 and K. Nishihagi2

P33. Multi-analytical characterization of two sculptural exercises (1962-63) made by Charters

de Almeida (Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa1, Centro de Física

Atómica da Univ. Lisboa2) M. Frade1, J. Correia1, A. M. Cardeira1,2, L. Cardeira1, M.

Oliveira1, J. P. Santos2, S. Longelin2, A. Alves1, M. Manso2, M. L. Carvalho2

P34. Quantitative analysis of lime phase in steel slag by powder X-ray diffractometry (Tokyo

City University) S. Michikawa, I. Nishinohara and H. Eba

P35. Diffusion of metal ions in the agar observed by the micro X-ray fluorescence imaging

(Fukuoka University of Education) M. Harada and H. Hattori

P36. Development of energy-independent X-ray guide tube (Horiba, Ltd.) S. Ohzawa

P37. Determination of trace elements in PM2.5 collected onto quartz fiber and Teflon filters by

PIXE (Eötvös Loránd University1, Institute of Nuclear Research2) T. Szigeti1, Zs. Kertész2,

Page 7: 49 X線分析討論会および第 15回全反射蛍光 X …...P2. Metal contamination analysis for the SiC power device use by TXRF (Rigaku Corporation) H. Kohno ,S. Murakami, M

Gy. Záray1 and V. G. Mihucz1

P38. Study on transportation and accumulation mechanisms of Cesium in Camellia sinensis.

by SR-XRF analysis (Tokyo University of Science1, SPring-8, JASRI2) N. Oda1, I. Nakai1,

and Y. Terada2

P39. Characterization of Titanium peroxide (TiOx) nanoparticle by XAFS technique (Chiba

University1, Gunma University2, Osaka University3, Tohoku University4, Graduate School

of Medicine, Kobe University5, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University6) C.

Numako1, K. Sato2, S. Ohara3, M. Umetsu4, S. Takami4, R. Sasaki5, C. Ogino6, and A.


P40. Trace elemental analysis of single polyester fibers for forensic examination using

synchrotron radiation x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (Kochi University) Y. Nishiwaki, K.


P41. 3DXRF analysis of industrial device in comparison with SEM-EDS and conventional

micro-XRF techniques (Osaka City University.1, HORIBA TECHNO SERVICE CO., Ltd.2,

HORIBA, Ltd.3) S. Komatani1,2, T. Aoyama3, K. Tsuj1

Wednesday 25 September

Chair: Hayakawa

I9 (9:00-9:20)

Evaluation of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis using a color X-ray camera (CXC)

(University of Hamburg1, IfG Institute for Scientific Instruments GmbH2, BAM Federal Institute of

Materials Research and Testing3, Los Alamos National Laboratory4, Atominstitut, TU Wien5) U. E. A.

Fittschen1, M. Menzel1, O. Scharf2, M. Radtke3, U. Reinholz3, G. Buzanich3, V. Montoya4, K. McIntosh4, C.

Horntrich5, C. Streli5, G. J. Havrilla4

I10 (9:20-9:40)

Grazing incidence X-ray technique and its application at SSRF (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility

(SSRF)) Yuying Huang, Haisheng Yu

O8 (9:40-10:00)

New approach for characterization of ultra-shallow implants by simultaneous evaluation of GIXRF and XRR

(TU Wien Atominstitut1, Fondazione Bruno Kessler2, Utrecht University3) D. Ingerle1, G. Pepponi2, F.

Meirer3, D. Giubertoni2, E. Demenev2, P. Wobrauschek1 and C. Streli1

Chair: Yamamoto

O9 (10:00-10:20)

Traceable characterisation of nanostructured microelectronics devices by GIXRF (CEA-LETI1,

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt2) B.Detlefs1, P. Hönicke2, M. Müller2, E. Nolot1, M. Veillerot1 and B.

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O10 (10:20-10:40)

Methods for improving detection limits of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using weak white

X-rays (Tokyo University of Science) Shinsuke Kunimura, Shumpei Kudo, Kyohei Suzuki, and Yuma Hojo

Coffee Break (10:40-11:00) (Sponsored by Bruker)

Chair: Boman

I11 (11:00-11:20)

Advanced X-ray Spectrometric Techniques for Characterization of Nuclear Materials (Bhabha Atomic

Research Centre) N. L. Misra

I12 (11:20-11:40)

Applications of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for geological problem solving (Institute of

the Earth’s Crust of SB RAS) T. Yu. Cherkashina, S. V. Panteeva, G. V. Pashkova

O11 (11:40-12:00)

TXRF as a screening technique to assess environmental pollution (University of Brescia1, University of

Tirana2, ENEA – UTAGRI, C.R. Casaccia3) F. Bilo1, L. Borgese1, A. Zacco1, P. Lazo2, C. Zoani3, E. Bontempi1

and L.E. Depero1

Chair: Pérez

O12 (12:00-12:20)

Study of trace iron concentrations in biological samples by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

(Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials, Ural Federal University1, Department of

Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology, University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU2, Department of

Electricity and Electronics and BCMaterials, University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU3, Siberian

Federal University4, Department of Macromolecular Compounds, Ural Federal University5) N.A. Kulesh1, A.

Muela2, L. Fdez-Gubieda3, Yu.P. Novoselova1, T.P. Denisova4, A.P. Safronov5, K. Zarubina4, and G.V.


O13 (12:20-12:40)

Use of certified reference materials in X-ray fluorescence analysis of geological samples (Institute of the

Earth’s Crust, SB, RAS) Revenko A. G.

Lunch Break (12:40-14:00) (Company presentations, chaired by Muramatsu)

Chair: Fittschen

I13 (14:00-14:20)

TXRF as a tool for environmental and biological analysis: The activity report of ISO/TC201/WG3 (University

of Brescia) L. E. Depero

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I14 (14:20-14:40)

Is TXRF suitable for analysis of ambient aerosols? (University of Gothenburg1, University of Nairobi2) J.

Boman1, S. Gaita1, J. Pettersson1, M. Hallquist1, M.J. Gatari2 and D. Maina2

I15 (14:40-15:00)

Measuring exposition to different contaminants in tissues by means of total reflection X ray fluorescence

(Universidad de Buenos Aires1, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica2, CONICET3, Cátedra de Desarrollo

Sustentable, Universidad del Salvador4, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado5) C. Vázquez1,2, M.

C. Rodríguez Castro1,3, V. Andreano4, L. Marcó5

Chair: Beckhoff

I16 (IAEA) (15:00-15:20)

A multipurpose experimental facility for advanced X-ray Spectrometry applications (IAEA Laboratories1,

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)2, Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.3, Technische

Universität Berlin4) A. G. Karydas1, B. Beckhoff2, M. Bogovac1, D. Eichert3, R. Fliegauf2, A. Gambitta3, D.

Grötzsch4, C. Herzog4, W. Jark3, R. B. Kaiser1, B. Kanngießer4, J.J. Leani1, L. Lühl3, M. Kiskinova3, J.

Lubeck2, W. Malzer4, Y. Diawara1, A. Migliori1, N. Vakula1 and J. Weser2

I17 (IAEA) (15:20-15:40)

The role of the IAEA in the spreading of TXRF (ATOMINSTITUT, Vienna University of Technology) P.


Coffee Break (15:40-16:00) (Sponsored by Bruker)

Chair: Karydas

Round Table Discussion-1 (16:00-17:00)

“TXRF in the World”

Poster Session-2 (17:00-18:20)

P42. Analysis of Light Element using the Portable Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence

Spectrometer with Small Vacuum Chamber (Ourstex Co.,Ltd.1, Tokyo University of

Science2) H. Nagai1, Y. Nakajima1, S. Kunimura2

P43. Characterization of thin films on Si wafers by GIXRF in combination with XRR

(Atominstitut, Technische Universitaet Wien) M. Schiebl, D. Ingerle, C. Streli, P.


P44. Characterization of the nanoparticle size by laboratory TXRF instrument (Rigaku

Corporation) Yuichiro Shimizu, Takashi Yamada

P45. TXRF analysis of halogen in environmental and biological samples (Department of

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Applied Chemistry & Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University1,

Department of Applied Chemistry & Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering,

Osaka City University2) Y. Tabuchi1, S. Kaku2 and K. Tsuji2

P46. Evaluation of trace elements changes in urine, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules of

Rhodnius prolixus by SR-TXRF after HgCl2 intake (State University of Rio de Janeiro1,

Nuclear Engineering Program, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro2, Physics Institute,

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro3, Fluminense Federal University4, Oswaldo Cruz

Foundation5 ) A. Mantuano1, C. L. Mota2, A. Pickler2, R. C. Barroso1, L. P. Nogueira1, A. P.

de Almeida2, D. Braz2, S. C. Cardoso3, M. S. Gonzalez4, E. S. Garcia5, P. Azambuja5

P47. Analysis of the solid substances formed on exterior surface of fume hood pipe with

portable TXRF spectrometer (Kyoto University) Y. Liu, S. Imashuku, and J. Kawai

P48. Pioneer application of the TXRF spectrometry to the evaluation of the bioaccumulation

kinetic of gold nanorods by several vital organs on mice (Universidad Autónoma de

Madrid1, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid2) Ramón Fernández-Ruiz1, M. J. Redrejo1, E.

J. Friedrich1, Milagros Ramos2, Tamara Fernández2

P49. TXRF analysis of silver nanoparticles in fabrics (University of Hamburg) M. Menzel, U. E.

A. Fittschen

P50. Determination and speciation of Rh in cancer cells by TXRF and K-edge SR TXRF XANES

(Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University1, MTA-ELTE Research Group of Peptide

Chemistry2, Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University, Dep. of Organic Chemistry3,

MiNaLab, CMM-irst, FBK4, Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology5) N.

Szoboszlai1, A. Gaál1, Sz. Bősze2, Zs. Majer3, G. Pepponi4, F. Meirer4, D. Ingerle5, C. Streli5

P51. TXRF measurements of S and P in proteins using a special TXRF vacuum chamber for

low Z elements (Atominstitut TU Wien1, VITO–Flemish Institute of Technological

Research NV2) M. Rauwolf1, C. Vanhoof2, K. Tirez2, P. Wobrauschek1, D. Ingerle1 and C.


P52. Structural and Chemical State Characterization of Oxidation Layer on the Steels by

Grazing Exit FY-XAS Technique (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced

Materials, Tohoku University1, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University2,

Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)3) K. Shinoda1, S. Sato2, S.

Suzuki1, H. Toyokawa3 and T. Uruga3

P53. Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Determination of Lead in Environmental Samples

from the Metropolitan Zone of Toluca Valley (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México1,

National Institute for Nuclear Research2, Autonomous University of México State3,

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Technology Institute of Toluca4) T. Martinez1, G. Zarazúa2, A. Fernández1, C. Márquez1, S.

Tejeda2, P. Ávila-Pérez2, J. Poblano-Bata3, G. Macedo4

P54. Program for Modeling Grazing Incidence XRF (GI-XRF) Data: Application to Co-doped

SnO2 thin films (Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)1, Laboratorio Nacional de Luz

Síncrotron (LNLS)2, Universidad Nacional de la Plata3) V. Suárez1,2

, C. Pérez2, E. Miqueles


and C. Torres3

P55. TXRF as a tool for determination of food safety and traceability (University of Brescia1,

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna "Bruno

Ubertini"2) R. Dalipi1, L. Borgese1, A. Zacco1, M. Fenotti1, R. Piro2, E. Bontempi1 and L.E.


P56. Ashing, pasting, plotting – Preparation of complex sample types for TXRF analysis

(Bruker Nano GmbH) A. Gross, and H. Stosnach

P57. XRR & GiXRF combined analysis of TCO/metal/TCO structures for photovoltaic


AtomInstitut–Vienna University of Technology4, Fondazione Bruno Kessler5) B. Caby1, E.

Nolot1, D. Chateigner2, M. Morales3, C. Streli4, G. Pepponi5, P. Gergaud1, L. Lutterotti2, D.

Ingerle4, F. Brigidi5

P58. Evaluation of BN Thin Films Deposited on Cemented Carbide using Soft X-ray Absorption

Spectroscopy (Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry, University of

Hyogo1, Department of Mechanical and System Engineering, University of Hyogo2)

Masahito Niibe1, Takuya Kotaka1, Satoshi Jinguuji2 and Shozo Inoue2

P59. Temperature dependence of X-ray emission from pyroelectric crystal (University of

Tokushima) T. Yamamoto, R. Umaki, and R. Yamaoka

P60. In situ 3DXRF monitoring of metal-corrosion and deposition processes near liquid/solid

interface (Osaka City University1, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation2) S.

Hirano1, Y. Kitado1, K. Akioka2, T. Doi2, M. Arai2 and K. Tsuji1

P61. Some Results of XRF Analysis in Aerosol Samples (National University of Mongolia)

Purev Zuzaan, Sereeter Lodoysamba, Dagva Shagjjamba, Gunchin Gerelmaa, Baldorj


P62. Soft X-ray absorption analysis in BL10 at NewSUBARU; Direct XANES measurements of

liquid organic compounds coated on Au substrates (University of Hyogo) T. Uemura, K.

Nambu, and Y. Muramatsu

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P64. High energy X-ray residual stress analysis by using the MIRROECLE X-ray source

(Photon Production Laboratory, Ltd.1, Hino Motors, Ltd.2) S. Maeo1, N. Katori2, M.

Kawahara2, M. Tsujita2, and H. Yamada1

P65. A novel self-absorption correction method for fluorescence measurement of extended X-ray

absorption fine structure (Tongji University1, Chinese Academy of Science2) Wenbin Li1,

Xiaoyue Yang1, Haisheng Yu2, Jingtao Zhu1, Yuchun Tu1, Xiangjun Wei2, Yuying Huang2,

Zhanshan Wang1

P66. Thickness measurements by SEM-EDX of carbon films on the weathered Japanese roof

tiles in Himeji Castle (University of Hyogo) R. Murakami and Y. Muramatsu

P67. Analytical characteristics of wavelength dispersive XRF imaging with polycapillary optics

and 2D detector (Osaka City University1, Rigaku Corporation2) S. Emoto1, M. Yamanashi1,

T. Shoji2, S. Kato2, T. Yamada2 and K. Tsuji1

P68. Influence of analytical parameters to the quantitative value of calcium phosphate

precipitate on titanium by X-ray fluorescence analysis using fundamental parameter

method (Tohoku University) K. Satoh, S. Sato, K. Wagatsuma

P69. XANES analysis of mechanically alloyed h-BN with carbon black (University of Hyogo1,

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory2) Y. Muramatsu1, Y. Nishitani1, and E. M.


P70. Optimization of X-Ray Reflectivity of Multilayer Structures in the Water-Window Region

(Atomic Energy of Canada Limited1, National Institute for Materials Science2) K. Stoev, K.


P71. Micro x-ray absorption fine structure measurements with a 50W x-ray source (Hiroshima

University) Shinjiro Hayakawa, Masaya Minato, Kotaro Yamaguchi and Erika Kawasako

P72. Conversion electron yield XAFS measurements for characterization of near surface region

of non-conducting samples (Hiroshima University1, Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation

Center, Hiroshima University2) Emiko Tsuji1, Hiroki Ichiba1, Naoki Noguchi1, Galif

Kutluk2, Hirofumi Namatame2, and Shinjiro Hayakawa1

P73. Quantification in X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry by Monte Carlo Methods (Centro de

Física Atómica (CFA) da Universidade de Lisboa1, Departamento de Física da Faculdade

de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)2, Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física

Experimental de Partículas (LIP)3) J. M. Sampaio1,2, S. Pessanha1, L. Peralta2,3,

J.P.Santos1 and M. L. Carvalho1,2

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P74. X-ray emission from Pyroelectric Crystal Measured with a Digital Oscilloscope (Kyoto

University) K. Ohira, S. Imashuku and J. Kawai

P75. PM measurement using portable XRF (HORIBA, Ltd.1, HORIBA TECHNO SERVICE CO.,

Ltd.2, Osaka City University3) T. Aoyama1, Y. Mizuno

1, S. Komatani


P76. Excellent improvement in EDXRF detection limits using thin film specimens (Bhabha

Atomic Research Centre) Buddhadev Kanrar, Kaushik Sanyal, S. Sanjay Kumar, N.L.

Misra and S.K. Aggarwal

P77. SR-micro-XRF analysis of archaeological glass objects for investigations of coloring

technique (Tokyo University of Science1, Ancient Egyptian Museum2) Y. Abe1, A.

Nakamura1, T. Kikugawa1,2, I. Nakai1

P78. Examination of Escape Peak Generation Ratio from SDD (Application R&D Center,

HORIBA, Ltd.1, R&D Planning Center, HORIBA, Ltd.2, Advanced R&D Center, HORIBA,

Ltd.3) M.Segawa1, D. Matsunaga1, T. Aoyama1, H. Ohno1, S. Ishikawa2, A. Kira1 and K.


P79. Multi-analytical characterization of nude models painting by José Veloso Salgado

(Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa1, Centro de Física Atómica da Univ.

Lisboa2, Laboratório José de Figueiredo, Direção Geral do Património Cultural3,

Universidade de Évora4) A. M. Cardeira1, 2, S. Longelin2, S. Costa3, A. Candeias3, 4, M. L.

Carvalho2, A. N.Alves, M. Manso1, J. P. Santos1

P80. CEY XAFS study on oxidation of copper plate by acid precipitate (Faculty of Arts and

Science, Kyushu University1, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Sciences,

Kyushu University2) H. Ohashi1, D. Kawamoto2, Y. Okaue2 and T. Yokoyama2

P81. Analysis of Historical Iron Samples in Edo and Meiji Era by Mean of ICP-MS and

Portable type XRF (Fukuoka University1, Chiba University2, Kyushu University3) Yusuke

Obana1, Tsutomu Kurisaki1, Chiya Numako2, Takushi Yokoyama3, Hisanobu Wakia1,

Toshio Yamaguchi1

P84. Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of toxic metals in fish tissues of the

Tepuxtepec Dam, Mexico (National Institute for Nuclear Research1, National University of

Mexico2, University of Mexico State3, Technology Institute of Toluca4) G. Zarazúa1, T.

Martínez2, K. Girón-Romero3, S. Tejeda1, C. Carreño4

P85. About possible profit from application of the composite X-ray waveguide-resonator for

TXRF analysis (IMT RAS1, IRE RAS2) E.V. Egorov1, V.K. Egorov1 and M.S. Afanas’ev2

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P86. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Organic Samples Using Theoretical Intensity of Scattered

X-Rays -Applications to Food, Resin, and so on- (Shimadzu Corporation) Hiroaki

Furukawa, Keijiro Suzuki, Makoto Nishino, Eisaku Terashita, Rie Ogawa, Hirotomo Ochi

Mixer (18:30- ) (Sponsored by Horiba)


I18 (9:00-9:20)

Silicon-Drift Detectors – a Success Story (Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – Dortmund)

Reinhold Klockenkämper

I19 (9:20-9:40)

X-ray fluorescence analysis for food safety and food provenance (Tokyo University of Science) I. Nakai

Break (9:40-10:10)

エクスカージョン (奈良方面、事前申込者のみ) (10:30- )

Chair: Yamamoto

S1 特別講演:X線と文化財;7-8 世紀の都城出土鉛釉陶器の科学的調査 (奈良文化財研究所) 降幡順子

Chair: Okamoto

S2 浅田賞受賞講演 (10:10-10:40) X 線分光法やメスバウアー分光法などの併用による金担持触媒のキャラクタ

リゼーション (九州大) 大橋弘範

Chair: Uehara

JO1 (10:40-11:00) 高分解能 2 結晶 X 線分光器による Lix(x=0.5,1.0)CoO2における Co の化学状態について (京

大化研 1, 神戸大理 2, 日本 Accuray3, 物材機構 4, スプリングエイトサービス 5) 伊藤嘉昭 1, 杤尾達紀 2, 大

橋浩史 3, 福島 整 4, 尾崎伸司 5

JO2 (11:00-11:20) 価電子帯XPSスペクトルと第一原理計算を用いたTIPS-Penのバンド構造解析 (旭化成 1, 九

州シンクロトロン光研究センター2) 室 麻衣子 1, 夏目 穣 1, 菊間 淳 1, 瀬戸山寛之 2

Coffee Break (11:20-11:40)

Chair: Yokoyama

JO3 (11:40-12:00) エッチングした TiO2薄膜の Ti-L NEXAFS に見られる乱れた構造の紫外線照射による回復

(兵庫県立大高度研 1, 徳島大院工 2, 中部大総工研 3) 新部正人 1,佐野桂治 1,川上烈生 2,中野由崇 3

JO4 (12:00-12:20) 金属イオンの拡散と反応の湿潤ゲルを用いた「スローモーション」XRF 分析 (日本女子大) 山

本みちな, 林 久史

JO5 (12:20-12:40) X 線顕微鏡を用いた大豆の Cs の蓄積部位の評価 (京大生存研 1, 大阪府産技研 2, 京大化研 3)

杉山暁史 1, 陰地威史 2, 喜多幸司 2, 伊藤嘉昭 3

Lunch Break (12:40-13:40)

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Chair: Sato

JO6 (13:40-14:00) 蛍光X 線分析法による炭素/水素比や酸素濃度が異なるオイル中の無機元素の定量分析 (リ

ガク) 川久航介, 渡邉健二, 山田康治郎, 片岡由行

JO8 (14:00-14:20) 3d 遷移金属の特性 X 線における結合状態・励起条件の影響評価 (2) (三菱電機) 上原 康, 本

谷 宗

JO9 (14:20-14:40) トバモライト生成過程における前駆体C-S-Hゲルの構造(II) (旭化成 1, 旭化成建材 2) 松野

信也 1, 名雪三依 1, 松井久仁雄 2, 小川晃博 2

Coffee Break (14:40-15:00)

Chair: Matsuno

JO10 (15:00-15:20) 超微量 (1 mg) 土器試料のガラスビード-蛍光 X 線分析 (東北大金研 1, 明大理工 2) 中山健

一 1, 我妻和明 1, 中村利廣 2

JO11 (15:20-15:40)日本全国法科学データベース構築の為の放射光 X 線分析法を用いた土砂中の重元素定量法お

よび重鉱物半定量法の開発 (東理大理 1, JASRI/SPring-82, 産総研 3) 前田一誠 1, 黄 嵩凱 1, 古谷俊輔 1, 岩

井桃子 1, 阿部善也 1, 大坂恵一 2, 松本拓也 2, 伊藤真義 2, 二宮利男 2, 太田充恒 3, 中井 泉 1

JO12 (15:40-16:00) X 線回折 / Rietveld 解析による焼結鉱の結晶相定量分析 (明大理工 1, リガク 2) 藤村大樹 1,

旭 智治 1, 大渕敦司 2, 中村利廣 1

Chair: Hayashi

企業と学生との交流セッション (16:00-16:40)

Banquet (19:00- )


Chair: Vázquez

I20 (9:00-9:20)

Application of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption microspectroscopies in biomedical research

(AGH-University of Science and Technology1, Jagiellonian University2) M. Lankosz1, M.

Szczerbowska-Boruchowska1, A. Wandzilak1, M. Czyzycki1, D. Adamek2 and E. Radwanska2

O14 (9:20-9:40)

Plant Science Research and Synchrotron Radiation Micro-Spectroscopy techniques: a good match! (Elettra –

Sincrotrone Trieste1, University of Ljubljana2) D. Eichert1, P. Pongrac2, K. Vogel-Mikuš2, S. Mohammadi1, B.

Kaulich1, A. Gianoncelli1, G. Tromba1, I. Kreft2, M. Regvar2

O15 (9:40-10:00)

High-resolution element profiles in the mussel shell Perna Viridis using synchrotron -XRF: clues to

biomineralization (National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)) Vallerie Ann Innis-Samson, Kenji


Chair: Kawai

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O16 (10:00-10:20)

Occupational exposure to PM2.5 in office buildings: Elemental characterization and oxidative potential

(Eötvös Loránd University1, King’s College London2, Institute of Nuclear Research3, University of

Florence/INFN4) Tamás Szigeti1, Chrissi Dunster2, Frank J. Kelly2, Zsófia Kertész3, Martina Giannoni4,

Franco Lucarelli4, Gyula Záray1 and Victor G. Mihucz1

O17 (10:20-10:40)



Coffee Break (10:40-11:00) (Sponsored by Rigaku)

Chair: Müller

I21 (11:00-11:20)

X-ray spectroscopic analysis of plasmas (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) J. P. Santos

O18 (11:20-11:40)

High power X-ray beam realized by the MIRRORCLE-type tabletop synchrotron (Photon Production

Laboratory, Ltd.1, Ritsumeikan University2) Hironari Yamada1,2, Daisuke Hasegawa1, Takanori Yamad1,

and Shuji Maeo1

O19 (11:40-12:00)

Low-Power TXRF Spectrometer using Diffractometer Guide Rail (Kyoto University) Ying Liu, Susumu

Imashuku and Jun Kawai

Chair: Lankosz

O20 (12:00-12:20)

New multilayer tools for TXRF measurements (AXO DRESDEN GmbH1, Physikalisch-Technische

Bundesanstalt (PTB)2 ) M. Krämer1, B. Beckhoff2, R. Dietsch1, T. Holz1, P. Hönicke2 and D. Weißbach1

I22 (12:20-12:40)

Advanced PolyCO for µ-Analysis (INFN-XLab Frascati, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, RAS-P.N. Lebedev Physical

Institute & NRNU MEPhI) S. B. Dabagov

Parallel session: TXRF Standardization (11:00-12:40), Chaired by Depero, at Room-SB

Lunch Break (12:40-14:00)

Chair: Shinoda

I23 (14:00-14:20)

Direct determination of resonant terms from anomalous powder diffraction (Department of Materials

Science and Engineering, Kyoto University1, Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation, Kyoto

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University2, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University3, Kwansei Gakuin University4)E.

Matsubara1, T. Kawaguchi1, K. Fukuda2, M. Oishi3, T. Ichitsubo1, J. Mizuki4

O21 (14:20-14:40)

XAS L3-edge spectra of Ta free of the self-absorption effects measured by means of the high energy

resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (University of Fribourg1, Paul Scherrer Institut2, Jan Kochanowski

University3) W. Blachucki1, J. Szlachetko2,3, J. Hoszowska1, J.-Cl. Dousse1 and Y. Kayser2

Chair: Misra

I24 (14:40-15:00)

Grazing-Incidence Resonant Raman Scattering (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba1, Laboratorio Nacional de

Luz Sincrotron2) Héctor Jorge Sánchez1, Juan José Leani1, Roberto Daniel Pérez1 and Carlos Alberto Pèrez2

I25 (15:00-15:20)

Large Area Silicon Drift Detectors for TXRF Applications (KETEK GmbH) A. Pahlke, M. Bachmann, T.

Eggert, R. Fojt, M. Fraczek, L. Höllt, J. Knobloch, N. Miyakawa, S. Pahlke, St. Pahlke, J. Rumpff, O. Scheid,

A. Simsek, R. Stötter, I. Wennemuth, F. Wiest

I26 (15:20-15:40)

TXRF Workgroup and Social Networks: An alternative tool for scientific collaboration (Universidad

Autónoma de Madrid) Ramón Fernández-Ruiz

Coffee Break (15:40-16:00) (Sponsored by Rigaku)

Chair: Mori

Round Table Discussion-2 (16:00-17:00)

“Future of TXRF”
