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PART -I VOCABULARY (KELİME BİLGİSİ) Bu bölümde sınavlarda en çok sorulmuş kelimelerle ilgili size ipucu verebilecek 200 adet kelime bilgisi sorusu sorulmuştur. Sorular her biri 50 soru olan 4 testten oluşmaktadır. Kelime Bilginizin iyi olması tüm sınavlarda başarılı olmanızı kolaylaştıracak en önemli faktörlerden biridir. Kelime öğrenme, sadece sınav arifesi dönemlerde tamamıyla gerçekleşebilir düşüncesi yanlıştır; bu nedenle mutlaka bir sürece yayılmalıdır. Tüm sınavlarda genellikle ilk sorularda kelime bilgisi soruları sorulmaktadır; ancak iyi bir kelime dağarcığı sadece sınavların bu bölümünde değil, okuma parçaları başta olmak üzere tüm bölümlerde sizlere yardımcı olacaktır. Sorulan kelime bilgisi soruları genellikle “sıfat, zarf, fiil, isim ve bir veya iki tane de phrasal verbs” türünde olmaktadır. Kelime öğrenirken birçok kaynak kullanabilirsiniz; ancak mutlaka öğrendiğiniz kelimenin isim, sıfat, zarf, fiil gibi farklı biçimlerine de dikkat etmelisiniz. Ayrıca “synonym” yani “eşanlam” yöntemiyle kelime öğrenmek tüm testin genelinde olduğu gibi özellikle KPDS sınavında “eş anlamlı cümleyi bulma” bölümünde kolaylık sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca İngilizce’de bulunan belli başlı “ön ek (prefix) ve son ekleri (suffix) bilmek de sizlere kolaylık sağlayacaktır. Özellikle okuma parçalarında bilmediğiniz birçok sözcük çıkabilir; ancak ön ek ve son ekler konusunda bilginiz var ise tahmin yoluyla ve parça içindeki bağlamsal ipuçlarını da kullanarak bilmediğiniz kelimeler hakkında bir çıkarım yapabilirsiniz. Ayrıca kelime sorularının birkaçında belirli “preposition” yani edatlarla beraber kullanılan fiiller ya da sıfatlar sorulabilir. Bu nedenle kelime öğrenirken, öğrendiğiniz kelimelerin hangi edatlarla kullanıldığına da dikkat etmek gerekmektedir. Kelime bilgisi soruları aynı zamanda son yıllarda uygulanan “cloze test” içinde de sorulabilmektedir. ÖRNEK SORU 1: A fresh look at the final months of the presidency of John F. Kennedy ___ that a second Kennedy term might have produced a rapprochement with Cuba. A) promises B) describes C) inflicts D) indicates E) involves AÇIKLAMA: Bu soruda anlam olarak “John Kennedy’nin başkanlığının son aylarına bakıldığında, ikinci Kennedy döneminde Küba ile bir uzlaşmanın olabileceğinin görüldüğü” belirtilmektedir. Seçeneklerdeki kelimeler fiil (verb) halinde verilmiştir ve; A) promises : söz vermek B) describes : tarif etmek C) inflicts : ceza vermek D) indicates : göstermek E) involves : içermek anlamına gelmektedir. Cümleler “that” ile “gösteriyor ki...” şeklinde bağlanmıştır. Anlam olarak en uygun seçenek D seçeneğidir. * Bu sorudaki seçeneklerin hepsi fiil halindedir. Hemen hemen tüm sınavlarda kelime bilgisi içeren sorularda kelimenin değişik biçimlerinde (sıfat, zarf, fiil, isim) birer soru sorulmaktadır.


ÖRNEK SORU 2: As the new fieldworker will be working in close ____ with several others, make sure you select someone with an agreeable personality. A) uniformity B) suspicion C) collaboration D) discretion E) productivity AÇIKLAMA: Sorudaki ifadeden “yeni araştırmacının birkaç başka araştırmacıyla yakın bir _____içinde çalışacağı ve bu yüzden uyumlu bir kişilik yapısına sahip olan birisinin seçilmesi gerektiği” anlamı çıkarılmaktadır. Seçeneklerdeki kelimeler isim (noun) halinde verilmiştir ve; A) uniformity : birbiririne benzerlik, aynılık B) suspicion : şüphe, kuşku C) collaboration : iş birliği D) discretion : sır saklama E) productivity : verimlilik anlamına gelmektedir. Verilen seçeneklerden cümlenin anlamını en iyi şekilde tamamlayan kelimenin C seçeneğindeki kelime olduğu açıktır. * Bu tür kelime bilgisi sorularında, kelime bilgisinin yanı sıra, cümle içinde geçen edatlara da dikkat etmek doğru yanıtı bulmada önemli bir etkendir. Bu soruda boşluktan hemen sonra “with” edatı olduğu için seçmeniz gereken kelime “with” edatı ile beraber kullanılabilen bir kelime olmalıdır. Örneğin “suspicious” kelimesi “of” ya da “about” ile kullanıldığından elenebilir. Bu nedenle soru köklerindeki “prepositions” yani edatlar doğru yanıtı bulmada kolaylık sağlayacaktır. ÖRNEK SORU 3: The first two paragraphs ____ the particular requirements of the digital environment as the source of data and as a means of producing maps and other visualizations. A) lay emphasis on B) run out of C) break through D) stop short of E) look down on AÇIKLAMA: Bu soru bir “phrasal verbs” sorusudur.”Phrasal verbs” de kelimeler gibi sürece yayılıp çalışılması gereken ve farklı anlamlar içerdiklerinden mutlaka cümle içerisinde değerlendirilmesi gereken yapılardır. Bu soruda anlam olarak “ilk iki paragrafın dijital ortamın belli gereksinimlerini ____ “anlamı vardır. A) lay emphasis on : vurgulamak, üzerinde durmak B) run out of : bitmek, tükenmek C) break through : yarıp geçmek (cephe vb.) D) stop short of : birdenbire durmak E) look down on : hor görmek, aşağılamak anlamına gelmektedir ve en uygun kelime A seçeneğindedir.







1.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.







1. All teenagers have ____; the problem is to teach them to exploit it to the best advantage. A) destiny : kader B) compulsion : zorlama C) potential : potansiyel D) preference : tercih E) significance : önem

2. Have they come to a _____ yet on whether to move to İzmir or stay in Antalya? A) disturbance : rahatsızlık B) suggestion : öneri C) reversal : tersine çevirme D) conflict : anlaşmazlık E) decision : karar

3. Ireland is in the Atlantic Ocean and _____ from Great Britain by the Irish Sea. A) established : kurmak B) occupied : işgal etmek C) placed : yerleştirmek D) inhabited : içinde oturmak E) separated : ayırmak

4. Geologists have _____ that Africa was once warmer and wetter than it is today. A) explored : araştırmak B) discovered : keşfetmek C) surveyed : incelemek D) searched : araştırmak E) experimented : deney yapmak

5. Australia, which is normally a grains exporting country, has started importing wheat and corn to meet a shortage resulting from a _____ drought.


A) widespread : yaygın B) hostile : düşman C) sustainable : güçlendirilebilir D) secular : laik E) restrictive : kısıtlayıcı

6. After decades of speculation astronomers now have fairly _____ information concerning the basic features of our universe. A) desperate : umutsuz B) preventive : önleyici tedbir C) reluctant : gönülsüz D) accurate : doğru, tam E) respective : kendi

7. The meridians are ______ counted from the meridian of the observatory of Greenwich, in England, which is called the zero meridian. A) traditionally : geleneksel olarak B) suitably : uygunca C) previously : önceden D) notably : özellikle, epey E) markedly : önemli derecede

8. Finland, which is three times the size of Ohio, is _____ forested and contains thousands of lakes, numerous rivers and extensive areas of marshland. A) mutually : karşılıklı B) exactly : kesinlikle C) heavily : ağır bir şekilde D) currently : halen E) profoundly : son derece












11. William Wordsworth was a poet of nature, and had the special ____ to throw charm over ordinary things.

9. He must have had some sound reasons for _____ such a rigid timetable. A) setting out : düzenleme B) drawing up : hazırlamak, yazmak C) running up : artırmak D) turning off : kapamak E) looking into : araştırmak

10. It’s a delightful novel, and the reader soon gets _____ in the lives of the characters as the story progresses. A) caught up : olan biteni öğrenmek B) found out : araştırıp bulmak C) put out : söndürmek D) turned over : çevirmek E) fed up : bıkmak

A) ability : yetenek B) verse : dize, mısra C) topic : konu D) admiration : takdir, beğenme E) illusion : yanılsama, illüzyon

12. No one knows for certain when the first Anglo-Saxon settlements were made in Britain, but it is ____ that some of them at any rate were founded about the middle of the fifth century A. D. A) temporary : geçici B) vital : hayati C) probable : olası D) contemporary: yaşıt, çağdaş E) urgent : acil, ivedi

13. James Joyce was born and educated in Ireland but spent most of his ____ life in Europe, mainly in France, Italy and Switzerland. A) superficial : yüzeysel B) adult : yetişkin C) competitive : rekabete dayanan D) coherent : yapışkan, mantıklı E) precise : tam, titiz

14. Frederick Taylor is ____ known as the founder of the scientific management movement. A) alternatively : alternatif olarak B) fluently : akıcı bir şekilde C) hopefully : ümitle D) widely : genişçe E) sensitively : duygulu bir şekilde

15. The tourists had intended to walk along the coast to the next town but were ____ from doing so by the stormy weather. A) deceived : aldatmak B) influenced : etkilemek C) compelled : zorlamak D) encouraged : cesaretlendirmek E) prevented : önlemek

16. Much of every teacher’s time is ____ marking papers. A) brought up : büyütmek B) taken up with : meşgul olmak C) held up : desteklemek D) made out : ayıretmek, okumak E) carried out : uygulamak











S D19. The company is not only looking for

well-qualified people; it also wants them to be ______ about their work.

17. I tried hard to ______ why the motor would have to be replaced, but he couldn’t understand what I was trying to say. A) insist : ısrar etmek B) complain : şikayet etmek C) reply : yanıtlamak D) inform : bilgilendirmek E) explain : açıklamak

18. The market for computers and all related goods has been _____ rapidly in recent years. A) reaching : ulaşmak B) expanding : genişlemek C) exploring : keşfetmek D) exceeding : aşmak E) disturbing : rahatsız etmek

A) enthusiastic : coşkulu B) comprehensive : zorunlu C) relevant : -ile ilgili D) indifferent : ilgisiz E) convenient : uygun

20. They still haven’t come to an _____ about which play they are going to put on next term. A) opinion : düşünce B) assessment : değerlendirme C) appointment : randevu D) agreement : anlaşma E) event : olay

21. My car _____ as I was on my way to pick up the children from school. A) got off : inmek B) broke down : bozulmak C) let down : hayal kırıklığına uğratmak D) gave in : teslim olmak E) took off : havalanmak

22. I met your father once years ago, but I can ______ remember him. A) hardly : güçbela B) enormously : büyükçe C) extremely : son derece D) immensely : çok E) simultaneously : eşzamanlı

23. Several of my friends have entered the _____, but none of them expects to win. A) performance : oyun, gösteri B) application : başvuru C) competition : yarışma D) responsibility : sorumluluk E) vacancy : boş yer

24. He’s a terribly _____ person and never thinks at all of the needs or the wishes of other people. A) nervous : heyecanlı, gergin B) sensitive : duyarlı, hassas C) extravagant : müsrif D) reliable : güvenilir E) selfish : bencil

25. As she grew older, it became _____ difficult for her to do the shopping. A) eventually : sonunda B) increasingly : gittikçe artarak C) doubtfully : kuşkulu şekilde D) adequately : yeterli şekilde E) reluctantly : isteksizce











AN28. I couldn’t _____ why they were

shouting so loudly.

26. The survivors of the shipwreck who were able to reach the land, decided to _____ a fire and wait to be rescued. A) make : yapmak B) do : yapmak C) show : göstermek D) set : (fire) başlatmak E) put : koymak

27. The melting of all the ice mass in the Arctic would _____ the sea level by several metres. A) establish : kurmak B) preserve : korumak C) raise : yükseltmek D) restore : restore etmek E) spoil : bozmak, şımartmak

A) set up : kurmak B) keep up : sürdürmek C) rely on : güvenmek D) make out : anlamak E) put off : ertelemek

29. Our teacher is very strict and will not ______ any bad behaviour. A) get on with : -ile geçinmek B) come around : uğramak C) put up with : katlanmak D) cut down on : sınırlamak E) set off : yola çıkmak

30. People are always surprised that my brother and I are twins since we do not ____ each other at all. A) equalize : eşitlemek B) emulate : taklit etmek C) correspond : uyuşmak D) match : eşleştirmek E) resemble : benzemek

31. Faced with the relentless attacks of the enemy, the army had no choice but to ____ in hopes of counterattacking later. A) defeat : yenmek B) assault : saldırmak C) retreat : geri çekilmek D) surrender : teslim olmak E) overwhelm : istila etmek

32. Even so, most of her friends thought her reaction was ____ when she burst into tears and told everyone to go home. A) defective : kusurlu B) excessive : aşırı C) elaborate : detaylı D) intentional : kasıtlı E) cruel : zalim

33. After the lecture, we had a/an ____ discussion that left us all with a great deal to think about. A) stimulating : teşvik edici B) nervous : endişeli, gergin C) thoughtful : düşünceli D) predictable : tahmin edilebilir E) tiresome : yorucu











S D36. People who work in _____ jobs, like

miners in mines, often get extra pay because of the danger they face.

34. Problems must be faced head-on; they won’t go away if you just ____ them. A) deter : vazgeçirmek B) persuade : ikna etmek C) ignore : görmezden gelmek D) abandon : terketmek E) permit : izin vermek

35. The ex-president was not re-elected after voters became ____ with his handling of the economy. A) abused : istismar etmek B) enlightened : aydınlatmak C) captivated : büyülemek D) disillusioned : gözünü açmak E) ruled : yönetmek

A) tremendous : çok büyük B) ridiculous : saçma C) hazardous : tehlikeli D) fearful : korkunç E) tedious : can sıkıcı

37. The national team was ____ 4-0 by a side that was not expected to give it any trouble. A) won : kazanmak B) defeated : yenmek C) advanced : ilerlemek D) lost : kaybetmek E) achieved : başarmak

38. Kevin always tries to _____ in front of pretty girls, but he only makes a fool of himself. A) show off : gösteriş yapmak B) get off : inmek C) lay down : yerine koymak D) set up : kurmak E) knock down : yıkmak

39. The besieged town attempted to resist until the arrival of reinforcements, but finally, hunger forced them to ____. A) take in : aldatmak, anlamak B) give up : vazgeçmek, terketmek C) come out : meydana çıkmak D) let down : hayal kırıklığına uğratmak E) get over : atlatmak

40. Although sentenced to 10 years for the robbery, he was ____ early for good behaviour. A) released : serbest bırakmak B) denied : inkar etmek C) exclaimed : haykırmak D) charged : görevlendirmek E) relieved :gönlünü ferahlatmak

41. Peoples who live along the border between different cultural areas often ____ the two ways of living. A) inhabit : ikamet etmek B) measure : ölçmek C) grade : tasnif etmek D) vacate : tahliye etmek E) reflect : yansıtmak











S D44. Though it won’t be a quick

recovery, you will get over your illness _____ if you do everything the doctor said.

42. Because he had already been ____ of several robberies, the judge gave him the maximum sentence. A) committed : işlemek, yapmak B) convicted : suçlu bulmak C) released : serbest bırakmak D) exposed : maruz kalmak E) humiliated : aşağılamak

43. I didn’t bother to _____ the mail this morning; was there anything interesting? A) ensure : garanti etmek B) treat : davranmak C) check : kontrol etmek D) undergo : maruz kalmak E) overlook : göz yummak

A) immediately : hemen B) suddenly : aniden C) gratefully : minnettar bir şekilde D) swiftly : hızlıca E) gradually : yavaş yavaş

45. ____ 500 people are estimated to have attended the conference, though no one knows the exact number. A) Accidentally : kazara B) Unfortunately : maalesef C) Absolutely : kesinlikle D) Approximately : yaklaşık E) Deliberately : kasti

46. The _____ of oil has brought remarkable affluence to the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia. A) perception : algı B) exploration : keşif C) coverage : ayrılan zaman D) variation : değişme derecesi E) exploitation : sömürü

47. Altough Victoria’s ____ at the death of her husband seemed sincere, she married within a year. A) protest : protesto etmek B) criticism : eleştiri C) grief : keder, acı D) regret : üzüntü, pişmanlık E) magic : sihir

48. Now that the flood waters have ____, people are slowly making their way back to their homes. A) dominated : hakim olmak B) receded : geri çekilmek C) inclined : eğilim göstermek D) escalated : artırmak E) approached : yaklaşmak

49. The three brothers were very ____, each always trying to outdo the others. A) enthusiastic : hevesli B) competitive : rekabetçi C) popular : popüler D) hasty : acele E) similar : benzer, aynı

50. Jim, who takes advantage of every opportunity to praise himself, has a/an ____ sense of his own importance which no one shares. A) hostile : düşmanca B) dejected : üzgün C) conscious : bilinçli D) exaggerated : abartılı E) popular : popüler














1.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. Belgium Tunisian-born al-Queda member Nizar Trabelsi was _____ 10 years in prison after he admitted planning a suicide bomb attack on NATO military based. A) sentenced to : mahkum etmek B) exposed to : maruz kalmak C) detached to : ayırmak D) subjected to : maruz bırakmak E) reluctant to : gönülsüz

2. Fortunately for Beijing, the spread of the Internet has provided a fast and _____ high-tech way to sample the opinion, particularly during crisis. A) originally : ilk başta, aslen B) relatively : nispeten, oldukça C) ostensibly : görünüşte D) successively : ardarda E) conclusively : kesin olarak

3. After a U. S Navy spy plane _____ Chinese jet fighter and made an emergency landing on Hainan Island, Webmasters deleted the most vitriolic anti-U. S. A) affiliated with : tanımak, üye olmak B) acquainted with : -e aşina C) dealt with : -ile ilgilenmek D) coped with : başa çıkmak E) collided with : çarpışmak

4. Many of the research organizations in Beijing are _____ the National Bureau of Statistics or with prestigious universities.


A) collided with : çarpışmak B) satisfied with : tatmin olmak C) bothered with : rahatsız olmak D) affiliated with : tanımak, üye olmak E) implied with : ima etmek

5. Ten or 15 years ago animal-right activists_____ violence against humans in their efforts to break through the public’s terrible apathy and lack of imagination on this issue. A) recovered from : kurtulmak B) resorted to : başvurmak C) objected to : karşı çıkmak D) subjected to : maruz bırakmak E) exposed to : maruz kalmak

6. Saudi security officials say the _____ might have information about the activities of militans in the kingdom. A) stragglers : arkada kalan B) strikers : grevci C) inspects : müfettiş D) inventors : kaşif E) suspects : şüpheli

7. Turkey will face an electricity shortage in 2010 unless it _____in the electricity sector in 2007. A) invests : yatırım yapmak B) inherits : miras olarak almak C) includes : kapsamak D) investigates : araştırmak E) invites : davet etmek












10. In 1999 alone, 4 million people in sub-Saharan Africa became _____ the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

9. Throughout his career, Belmondo has

employed a _____ acting technique enabling him to play a variety of parts, performing both comic and tragic roles with a mixture of cynicism and sincerity, strength and frailty.

8. Some groups of migrating animals cover _____ distances; green sea turtles swim up to 3000 km to lay their eggs, wandering desert locusts and butterflies migrate over distances of 4000 km. A) sums : hesap(lama) B) advanced : gelişmiş C) vast : geniş, çok büyük D) extremely : aşırı E) further : ilave

A) veiled : peçeli, örtülü B) versatile : çok yönlü C) verbal : sözlü D) vengeful : intikam güden E) veracious : doğru sözlü

A) initiated with : başlatmak B) complied with: uymak, riayet etmek C) agreed with : katılmak D) infected with : bulaşmak E) crashed with : çarpışmak

11. The rise in energy ______ has led to a reduction in the amount of fossil fuels that the world must use. A) redundancy : fazlalık B) efficiency : verimlilik C) consumption : tüketim D) solution : çözüm E) conformity : uygunluk

12. We must find some way to give them a fairly complete and realistic picture of the situation, but without _____ them too much. A) depressing : üzücü, sıkıcı B) intimidating : korkutucu C) restricting : sınırlayıcı D) complementing : tamamlayıcı E) impressing : etkileyici

13. Any child left to its own devices far too long is likely to ______ on some dangerous enterprise. A) assert : iddia etmek B) entice : kandırmak C) embark : başlamak, girişmek D) reproach : kınamak E) count : (on) güvenmek

14. One defect seems inherent in a purely classical education-namely, a too _______ emphasis on the past. A) recurrent : tekrarlayan B) repressive : baskıcı C) coherent : mantıklı, tutarlı D) exclusive : seçkin E) inclusive : içine dahil

15. Industry as a whole was badly affected by the restrictions, but it was the high technology sector that suffered most ________. A) blatantly : küstahça B) sincerely : içtenlikle C) reasonably : makul bir şekilde D) tightly : sıkıca E) acutely : şiddetli bir şekilde











S D18. Whatever the pressures put upon

him, I think it is highly unlikely that James would ever _____ anyone.

16. Few, if any, of the statements made could be substantiated ______ by concrete experimental evidence. A) intentionally : kasıtlı olarak B) successively: birbirini izleyen C) restrictedly : kısıtlayıcı D) deductively : tümdengelim E) conclusively : kesin

17. He’s basically a very resilient person so you can be sure he’ll soon ______ this disappointment. A) make out : anlamak B) put through : bitirmek C) get over : üstesinden gelmek D) look up : kitaba bakmak E) take after : benzemek

A) walk away with : -i kazanmak B) give in to : vermek, teslim etmek C) make up for : telafi etmek D) get away with: başa çıkmak E) drop off : azalmak, düşmek

19. Among the problems facing bridge engineers, the most serious ones are those of _____ and repair. A) improvement : düzelme B) evaluation : değerlendirme C) determination : kararlılık D) distinction : ayırım E) maintenance : bakım, koruma

20. The two major political parties in Britain are currently _____ to extreme and radically different approaches to the solution of Britain’s economic problems. A) referred : bahsetmek B) obsessed : kafasına takmak C) committed : işlemek, yapmak D) implied : ima etmek, demek E) stated : belirtmek

21. It now appears that while US leaders are still willing for the nation to exert itself abroad and give large amounts of foreign assistance, the American public is _____ to go along with these policies. A) spontaneous : aniden B) eager : hevesli, istekli C) competitive : hırslı D) reluctant : isteksiz E) deliberate : kasıtlı

22. It is _____ surprising that the art of ancient America remains the most mysterious and the least accessible. A) urgently : acil olarak B) naturally : doğal olarak C) indifferently : kayıtsız D) elaborately : detaylı E) hardly : hemen hemen hiç

23. Bartok was influenced as much by the musical innovations of Debussy and Stravinsky as by East European, _____ Hungarian, folk music. A) exceedingly : aşırı bir şekilde B) notably : özellikle, oldukça C) appropriately: uygun bir şekilde D) vehemently : şiddetli, sert, öfkeli E) vigorously : hevesli, gayretli






ED26. The children of today are healthier

and better _____ than those of the past, and far fewer of them die in infancy.






24. Due to industrialization and colonization, the nineteenth century _____ the greatest expansion of wealth the world had ever known. A) broughtabout:beraberinde getirmek B) put off : söndürmek C) held up : desteklemek D) looked for : aramak E) set off : yola çıkmak, başlatmak

25. The two archaeologists have tried hard to read the inscription in old Latin, but I do not think they have _____ what it really means. A) got over : üstesinden gelmek B) written off : iptal etmek C) taken after : benzemek D) made out : başarmak E) brought up : yetiştirmek

A) disposed of : elden çıkarmak B) deprived of : yoksun bırakmak C) rounded up : toplamak D) looked into : araştırmak E) cared for : ihtiyaçlarını gidermek

27. As a result of the continuing economic recession, a huge _____ in the budget seems inevitable. A) redundancy : fazlalık B) improvement : ilerleme C) profit : kar D) expansion : genişleme E) deficit : bütçe açığı

28. The recent economic figures _____ that the country is slowly coming out of the crisis. A) commit : işlemek, yapmak B) imply : ima etmek C) hide : sakla(n)mak D) evolve : gelişmek, değişmek E) invoke : çağırmak, istemek

29. When the rate of exchange began to rise again, he felt _____ to call a meeting of the financial staff. A) obliged : zorunda olmak B) blamed : suçlamak C) consumed : tüketmek D) committed : işlemek, yapmak E) rewarded : ödüllendirmek

30. As far as we are concerned, the evidence put before the court was not _____ enough to convict the man. A) subsequent : sonraki B) conclusive : ikna edici C) inadequate : yetersiz D) earnest : ciddi, kararlı E) consecutive : ardışık

31. He devised an _____ scheme whereby the rate of unemployment in the country could be brought down sharply. A) irrelevant : konu dışı, ilgisiz B) unstable : kararsız, dengesiz C) ingenious : maharetle yapılmış D) untamed : evcilleşmemiş E) illogical : mantıksız











S D34. At the board meeting, his

suggestion was _____ as it seemed politically controversial.

32. I was greatly impressed by the way the judge conducted the trial, _____ when it came to summing up the case. A) particularly : özellikle B) completely : tamamen C) sufficiently : yeterince D) effectively : etkili bir şekilde E) subsequently : sonradan

33. As soon as the leak in the boiler was noticed, one of the engineers was naturally _____. A) taken after : benzemek B) run down : birini kötülemek C) made out : başarmak D) sent for : çağırtmak E) put after : koymak

A) put out : söndürmek B) taken up : meşgul olmak C) held in : zaptetmek, tutmak D) burst into : birden –e başlamak E) cast aside : bir kenara bırakmak

35. The _____ was not a happy one at the time, but looking back on it I suppose I’m glad it occurred. A) improvement : gelişme B) regression : gerileme C) encounter : raslantı D) intention : niyet, maksat E) extinction : ortadan kaldırma

36. Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau were concerned in their writings with the question of a proper _____ between the public good and the right of individuals to exercise free. A) balance : denge B) demonstration : gösteri C) responsibility : sorumluluk D) interest : ilgi E) solitude : yalnızlık

37. Question of race, ethnicity, and religion have been a _____ source of conflict in American education. A) previous : önceki B) perennial : yıllarca süren C) vulnerable : hassas D) naive : saf, tecrübesiz E) casual : rasgele, ilgisiz

38. The United States has long prided itself on being a melting pot of culturally _____ peoples. A) diverse : çeşitli, farklı B) redundant : gerekenden fazla C) incoherent : anlaşılmayan D) entire : tüm, bütün E) reluctant : isteksiz

39. The contemporary world economy differs _____ from what the traditional economic theorists of the 1930s envisaged. A) primarily : aslında B) likely : olası, muhtemel C) conversely : tersine D) profoundly : son derece E) virtually : neredeyse, aslında











ED42. The assassination by terrorists of

Signor Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister of Italy, in May 1978 was _____ by everyone as an act of barbarism.

40. In recent years _____ complex and persistent problems in economic and social fields have led people to wonder why once comfortable answers no longer seem adequate to today’s questions. A) generously : cömertçe B) inadvertently: yanlışlıkla C) increasingly : gittikçe artarak D) ingeniously : maharetle E) rarely : nadiren

41. Since the 1950s modern dance in Europe and America has _____ vigorous process of creativity. A) appeared : ortaya çıkmak B) exploded : patlamak C) constituted : meydana getirmek D) relaxed : dinlenmek E) followed : takip etmek

A) applauded : alkışlamak B) appreciated : takdir etmek C) reiterated : tekrar etmek D) condemned : suçlamak E) restrained : sınırlamak

43. If we are serious about suppressing terrorism, we shall have to _____ stronger measures than those currently in practice. A) require : gerektirmek B) revise : gözden geçirmek C) adopt : kabul etmek D) abduct : uzaklaştırmak E) adapt : uyarlamak

44. When an unknown but gifted artist is finally recognized, his paintings can become valuable _____ in the future. A) drills : alıştırma, talim B) accounts : hesap C) sales : satış D) interests : ilgi E) assets : mal, varlık, eşya

45. It is _____ ten years since AIDS caught the world’s attention. A) formidably : zorlu, korkunç B) incredibly : inanılmaz şekilde C) pertinently : ilgili olarak D) roughly : aşağı yukarı E) inevitably : kaçınılmaz şekilde

46. The new ceramics, which have little in common with the chinaware we use in our kitchens everyday, are being used _____ in engines and electronics. A) depressingly :sıkıntı verecek şekilde B) seemingly : görünüşte C) increasingly : artan bir şekilde D) discouragingly: cesaret kırarak E) deliberately : kasten

47. I am horrified at the turn things have taken and am convinced that he is _____ of much better treatment than that which he is receiving. A) rebutting : çürütücü B) deserving : layık C) defending : savunma D) safeguarding: koruma, muhafaza E) ignoring : ihmal etme












49. In spite of the gusty wind, they were able to put out the fire before it ____.

48. Progress in materials research is _____ to overcoming such problems as the finites of the world’s resources and possible shortages of strategic materials. A) crucial : çok önemli B) inexpensive : ucuz C) adamant : hoşgörüsüz D) inadequate : yetersiz E) subsequent : sonraki

A) fell off : azalmak B) was taken into account:hesaba

katmak C) was held out : ümit vermek D) got out of hand:kontrolden çıkmak E) broke up : ayrılmak

50. I don’t know how we are going to _____ the expected surge of immigrants into the country. A) run through : gözden geçirmek B) cope with : -ile başa çıkmak C) put out : söndürmek D) take down : yazmak E) look into : incelemek



1.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. Parchment is not as light as papyrus but is very _____; many parchment manuscripts and books from the Middle Ages still exist. A) durable : dayanıklı B) erect : inşa etmek, dikmek C) irresistible : karşı konulmaz D) weak : güçsüz E) huge : kocaman

2. Between the 1880s and the 1980s the telephone system in the United States had an enormous _____ on the quality of life and work. A) affect : etkilemek B) prejudice : önyargı C) level : derece D) effect : etki E) excuse : mazeret

3. _____ is a medical operation in which a pregnancy is deliberately ended and the baby is not born alive. A) Abduction : adam kaçırma B) Abbreviation : kısaltma C) Abortion : kürtaj D) Abdication : feragat etmek E) Absorption : emme, içine çekmek

4. The interim leadership in Iraq banned an Arabic television station ______ it of inciting violence against the coalition.


A) impeaching : suçlamak B) charging : mesul tutmak C) discriminating : ayırım yapmak D) blaming : suçlamak E) accusing : suçlamak

5. After several attacks to the religious centers in Istanbul, most of the terrorists _______ their weapons as the result of serious efforts of the government. A) put out : söndürmek B) laid down : bırakmak C) made up : oluşturmak D) called in : çağırmak E) let off : serbest bırakmak

6. Nowadays, people all around the world are aware of the disastrous results of epidemics and are starting to take such diseases _______. A) serially : seri halinde B) seriousness : ciddiyet C) serious : ciddi D) seriously : ciddi olarak E) in serious : ciddi içinde ??

7. Heidar Aliev’s son, Ilham Aliev, who officially ______ after last month’s election, is a western-minded and well-educated polyglot. A) took over : yönetimi ele almak B) set off : ayrı tutmak C) came out : ortaya çıkmak D) dropped off : azalmak E) got around : yolunu bulmak







10. In order to host the Olympics, a city must _____ a proposal to the IOC.






S 9. Windsor Castle, the _____

residence of the British sovereigns, is situated in the municipal borough of Windsor, or New Windsor, England, about 35 km west of London.

8. During the presidency of James Polk, the territory of the United States was greatly ______. A) extended : uzamak B) exaggerated : abartmak C) suspended : askıya almak D) expanded : genişlemek E) scattered : serpmek, yaymak

A) principle : ilke B) principal : başlıca , en önemli C) prosperous : zengin D) privilege : yetki, ayrıcalık E) pesticide : böcek ilacı

A) apply : başvurmak B) sumon : emirle davet etmek C) accede : razı olmak, onaylamak D) submit : sunmak, bildirmek E) convey : taşımak, iletmek

11. Asthma is a common _____ in which the airways lining the lung become inflamed. A) diagnosis : teşhis B) disease : hastalık C) issue : konu D) patient : hasta E) recovery : iyileşme

12. From the report released today it appears that oil tankers suffer their major _____ on their return journeys. A) spills : kazara dökmek B) costs : maliyet C) repairs : tamir D) drills : matkap, delgi E) staff : personel

13. People curious to get some idea of what it is like to be black in a country _____ by whites need look no further than Denis William’s new novel Crossover. A) tempted : baştan çıkarmak B) undermined : zarar vermek C) perpetrated : suç işlemek D) run : çalıştırmak E) abolished : yürürlükten kaldırmak

14. It is plain that the United Nations will not lift the sanctions unless the Iraqi government fully _____ with the Security Council resolutions. A) concerns : ilgilenmek, kaygılanmak B) elaborates : detaylandırmak C) complies : itaat etmek D) resumes : devam etmek E) accomplishes : tamamlamak

15. When the chairman tried to explain his views to the shareholders at the _____ general meeting, he was shouted down by them with cries of “Resign!” A) annual : yıllık B) minimal : asgari C) essential : gerekli D) ultimate : nihai, son E) intimate : yakın dostluk












18. The Jewish immigrants, who _____ the boat in England, formed the bulk of the ethnic groups arriving in a country historically wary of foreigners.

16. Because of their high toxic contents, none of the chemicals can _____ be permitted for export to any country. A) vehemently : şiddetle B) adequately : yeterli bir şekilde C) presently : şimdilik D) notoriously : adı çıkmış şekilde E) equivocally : belirsiz, muğlak

17. Many countries have begun to take advantage of the _____ of audio-visual devices to transcend geographical barriers. A) success : başarı B) force : kuvvet, güç C) result : sonuç D) possibility : olasılık E) ability : yetenek

A) took after : benzemek B) got off : inmek C) turned up : kaldırmak D) came over : uğramak E) showed off : gösteriş yapmak

19. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace sees an individual to launch a research project on the information revolution and its _____ on international affairs. A) impact : etki B) involvement : katılım, bağlılık C) requirement : gereksinim D) linkage : bağlama, bağlantı

E) comparison : karşılaştırma 20. Unlike Europe’s stone castles and

cathedrals, America’s historical buildings are often wood-framed and so subject to _____ from moisture and insects. A) rebuke : azarlama B) deficiency : kusur, eksiklik C) damage : zarar, ziyan D) efficiency : verimlilik E) frustration : engelleme, hüsran

21. Physically speaking, the Pacific Basin includes not only all those countries bordering on the Pacific coast but also the Pacific island nations _____ across the ocean. A) adopted : evlat edinmek B) insured : sigortalamak C) grafted : rüşvet almak D) scattered : dağıtmak E) expanded : genişle(t)mek

22. Nearly half of the world’s countries have _____ capital punishment in law or in practice, and some two dozen of them have done so formally since 1985. A) accused : suçlamak B) abolished : yürürlükten kaldırmak C) executed : idam etmek, uygulamak D) entailed : gerektirmek E) enforced : zorlamak

23. Since most of the world’s commercial apples lack genetic diversity, they are unable to _____ a disease or a pest. A) put away : kenara koymak B) hold on : beklemek C) fight off : defetmek D) get off : inmek E) break out : patlak vermek






ED26. Launched as the new regulatory

authority for the country’s banking and insurance sector, the National Finance Services Management will extend its activities so as _____ to cover more than 40% of the national economy.






24. The atmosphere _____ the earth as if it were a huge roof. A) breaks up : ayrılmak B) makes for : -e yönelmek C) hangs over : üzerine çökmek D) puts out : söndürmek E) runs over : arabayla çarpmak

25. The objective of this project is to increase the depth of awareness and understanding in the world, about the causes and consequences of the HIV epidemic through _____ policies and programmes. A) innovative : yenilik, buluş B) credible : güvenilir C) meager : zayıf, yetersiz D) ambiguous : muğlak, şüpheli E) poignant : üzücü, şiddetli

A) exceptionally B) ultimately : en sonunda C) inherently : doğuştan D) normally : normal olarak E) apparently : görünüşe göre

27. The 1990s have seen a general ____ in aid to poor countries, largely because of fiscal pressures in many rich countries. A) consumption : tüketim B) decline : düşüş, azalma C) contingency : olasılık D) compassion : acıma

E) expenditure : masraf 28. The whole business of having

meals at fixed ____ is nothing but a social convention and, in modern life, a matter of convenience. A) approaches : yaklaşım B) substances : madde C) intervals : ara D) arrangements : düzenleme E) proportions : oran

29. Space research is largely a branch of pure science, independent of any applications which ____ from it. A) base : esas, temel, baz B) insure : sigorta etmek C) reduce : azaltmak D) restore : yenilemek E) stem : kaynaklanmak

30. The current social security system is ____ popular, partly because it is universal and partly because retirement benefits are related to contributions, so most people think the system is fair. A) extremely : son derece, aşırı B) likely : olası C) suitably : elverişli, uygun D) indispensably: zorunlu olarak E) favourably : uygun/olumlu şekilde

31. She is the oldest person in the village, 92 years old to be precise, and has a ____ word of advice for everyone. A) fanciful : hayalperest B) faithful : sadık, imanlı C) eventful : olaylı, hadiseli D) futile : boş, nafile







34. Before the meeting begins, it would be advisable to remind him that he is not on any account to ____ the subject of unemployment issues.







33. It is a book rich in ideas and beauty, a book that ____ and tries to answer great fundamental questions and demands the most active reading one is capable of.

E) kindly : nazikçe 32. Our challenge is to ____ our clients

with the best possible advice and support enabling them to take the right decision at both strategic and operational levels. A) suspend: ertelemek B) consult : başvurmak C) improve : geliştirmek D) provide : sağlamak E) respect : saygı duymak

A) raises : (question)soru sormak B) attains : elde etmek C) casts : hesaplamak D) alludes : atıfta bulunmak E) spreads : yayılmak

A) look through : incelemek B) bring up : ortaya atmak C) take back : eskiyi hatırlatmak D) break down : bozulmak E) make out : farketmek

35. The river Danube rises in Germany and _____ through central Europe and into the Black Sea. A) cruises : gemiyle dolaşmak B) spreads : yayılmak C) flows : akmak D) conducts : yönetmek

E) spills : dök(ül)mek 36. Anti-lock brakes ABS helps you to

maintain steering control of your car even while breaking on _____ roads. A) lonesome : yalnız B) slow : yavaş C) reckless : gözü pek D) slippery : kaygan, güvenilmez E) stagnant : durgun ve pis

37. _____ populated rural Northumberland is one of the most unspoiled counties in England. A) Sparsely : seyrek, dağınık B) Hardly : güçbela, hemen hemen C) Primarily : aslında, esasen D) Suitably : elverişli, uygun E) Efficiently : etkili bir şekilde

38. Today a very wide spectrum of biological scientists are needed, both to develop the biotechnology of the next millennium and to ensure the _____ of life on our planet. A) explanation : açıklama B) consumption : tüketim C) exhaustion : yorgunluk D) duration : süre E) conservation : koruma

39. A hundred years ago the chestnut _____ a quarter of the hard wood trees in America. A) turned down B) got through C) made up D) made out E) put off







42. It is hard for a tiger, especially an inexperienced one, to _____ how to attack an animal that is facing it.






S 41. Natural disasters have been defined

as ecological disruptions exceeding the adjustment capacity of community and _____ outside assistance.

40. Evidence of racial bias in sentencing, helped to convince certain states in America to _____ capital punishment in the late 1960s and early 1970s. A) keep out : uzak tutmak B) rule against : hüküm vermek C) put out : söndürmek D) point out : belirtmek E) break through : görünmek

A) stepping up : artmak B) dropping off : azalmak C) looking up : araştırmak D) calling for : gerektirmek, istemek E) dealing with : -ile ilgilenmek

A) figure out : hesaplamak, anlamak B) keep away : uzak durmak C) set out : düzenlemek D) fall back : geri çekilmek E) run over : arabayla ezmek

43. I wasn’t at all impressed by the _____ he gave me. A) perfection : mükemmellik B) explanation : açıklama C) determination: kararlılık D) complication : karmaşıklık E) negotiation : görüşme

44. The problem of how to _____ the vast quantities of waste we produce requires our urgent attention. A) bring up : büyütmek B) win over : yenmek C) find out : öğrenmek D) put out : söndürmek E) deal with : üstesinden gelmek

45. Once the children have grown up I shall start travelling again, and I’m really _____. A) passing on to : devretmek B) waiting up for : yatmayıp beklemek C) looking forward to :dört gözle

beklemek D) making up for : telafi etmek E) coming up with : öne sürmek

46. If you want that post, you’d better apply quickly; the last day for _____ applications is Friday. A) diversing : değiştirmek B) withholding : alıkoymak C) enforcing : zorlamak D) submitting : sunmak E) committing : suç işlemek

47. In this paper I should like to report some of the results of an _____ study of two hundred London families. A) excessive : aşırı B) intrinsic :asıl, esas C) intensive : yoğun D) emphatic :ısrarcı E) apparent : açık, belli, aşikar












E49. For the present, the party is expected to put its differences aside and campaign _____ for a victory at the forthcoming elections.

48. Recent studies have shown that smokers are more _____ to common colds and flu than non-smokers. A) feasible : mümkün, yapılabilir B) susceptible : hassas, duyarlı C) applicable : uygulanabilir D) dependable : güvenilir E) responsible : sorumlu

A) vigorously : gayretli, kuvvetli B) awkwardly : acemicesine C) acutely : zeka ile D) distinctly : ayrı bir şekilde E) reluctantly : isteksizce

50. Industry has developed rapidly in certain countries as raw materials are _____ available there. A) repeatedly : tekrar tekrar B) sparsely : seyrek C) consequently : sonuç olarak D) abundantly : bol bol E) indefinitely : belirli olmayan, süresiz



1.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. The Organization of African Unity held its 32nd annual _____ meeting in Yaounde, Cameroon, in July. A) peak : doruk, zirve B) summit : zirve toplantısı C) top : üst, tepe, doruk D) crown : taç E) pinnacle: doruk, tepe

2. The best harvest in four years led to a regional food _____, despite serious food problems in Angola and parts of Mozambique. A) ample : bol B) plenty : çok C) surplus : artakalan miktar D) abundant : bol E) fertile : verimli, bereketli

3. The most violent ______ to peace in West Africa was the collapse of the peace process in Liberia’s capital, Monrovia, in April. A) disruption : bozulma, aksama B) corruption : bozulma, yolsuzluk C) assumption : varsayım D) consumption: tüketim E) recession : durgunluk, geri çekilme

4. In Albania the ruling Democratic Party registered _____ victories in May-June parliamentary elections and in October local elections in 1996.


A) fascinated : büyülenmiş B) embarrassing : utandırıcı C) unconvinced : ikna olmamış D) overwhelming : çok büyük, ezici E) admiring : beğeni dolu

5. California _____ a mandate that would have forced major automakers to start selling electric vehicles in 1998, which would affect auto industry negatively in short term. A) backed off : geri çevirmek B) came against : rastlamak C) brought about : meydana getirmek D) set out : düzenlemek E) take over : yönetimi ele almak

6. Ignoring opposition fears of an impending dictatorship, Venezuelan voters on December 15, 1999, overwhelmingly approved a new constitution that ______ the authority of President Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías. A) attributes : atfetmek, yormak B) conforms : riayet etmek, uymak C) emancipates : azat etmek D) impeaches : itham etmek E) consolidates : güçlendirmek











S D9. All the fans of the program have

been waiting for 15 days and in the end directors are _____ it _____ tomorrow.

7. Shared prices _____, so a lot of people hurried to buy a share and benefit. A) went over : incelemek B) called on : ziyaret etmek C) got ahead : başarılı olmak D) bottomed out: ucuzlamak E) kept up with : -e yetişmek

8. During crisis, leaders can _____ special reports from the State Ministry, the Public Security Ministry and the Foreign Ministry, as well as from provincial governments. A) call up : talep etmek B) look after : ilgilenmek C) bring up : büyütmek D) take off : havalanmak E) put on : giymek, takınmak

A) getting / off : paçayı kurtarmak B) taking / up : biraraya getirmek C) putting / out : gösterime koymak D) giving / off : yaymak E) cut / off : kesmek

10. Our understanding of the development of behaviour has long been hampered by the tendency to _______ sharply between “innate” and “acquired” behaviour. A) exclude : uzak tutmak B) separate : ayırmak C) distinguish: arasında ayrım yapmak D) refer : -e gönderme yapmak E) assess : değer biçmek

11. The government has recently made one million dollars _______ for research grants concerning the prediction of earthquakes. A) conditional : şartlı B) available : mevcut C) appropriate : uygun D) considerable:hatırı

sayılır,oldukça E) vulnerable : hassas

12. The ozone layer may still act like a protective blanket, but scientists continue to worry about the sun’s _____ lethal effects. A) potentially : potansiyel olarak B) equivalently : eşit olarak C) indifferently : ilgisizce D) approximately : yaklaşık E) suddenly : aniden

13. Owing to the shortages in some building materials and labour ______ in some trades, the building industry began to make more use of prefabricated components. A) immunity : bağışıklık B) sincerity : samimiyet C) cavity : boşluk D) scarcity : azlık, kıtlık E) morality : ahlak

14. In a blizzard, the ______ of very low temperatures, strong wind and suffocating snow often proves fatal. A) expectation : beklenti B) determination : kararlılık C) engagement : randevu, nişan D) consistence : yoğunluk, tutarlılık E) combination : birleşim







17. His doctor _______ advising him to take it easy for a while and stop all overtime, but he didn’t listen.







15. I’m afraid I can’t _______ the signature on this oil painting, but it has been signed. A) make out : anlamak B) take up : düzenlemek C) call for : -i istemek D) turn back : geri çevirmek E) put down : yerleştirmek

16. The top research universities in the USA are ______ the fact that women researchers are encountering substantial barriers to career advancement. A) waiting for : beklemek B) pulling out of: terketmek C) facing up to : cesaretle

karşılamak D) trying out : denemek E) turning off kapatmak

A) made out : anlamak B) kept on : devam etmek C) ran through : tüketmek D) left out : -i atlamak E) played down: önemsememek

18. If the ____ of profits falls in one area of activity, entrepreneurs may move their resources to an industry where the returns are higher. A) phase : faz, aşama B) liability : sorumluluk, yükümlülük C) level : seviye D) stage : aşama E) policy : siyaset

19. Because critical periods occur throughout pregnancy, a woman should continuously ____ her health. A) keep in with : -ile dost kalmak B) put up with : katlanmak C) find out : öğrenmek D) take good care of: kendine bakmak E) come up with : bulmak,

sunmak, ortaya atmak

20. In the early twentieth century, a number of scientists, who had been trained as physicists, were interested in the study of biological organisms, and their efforts ____ the field we now call molecular biology. A) took leave of: tatile çıkmak B) made up for : telafi etmek C) gave rise to : -e yol açmak D) showed off : gösteriş yapmak E) fell apart : ayrı düşmek

21. In the introduction to this book, the writer ____ a foreign policy that makes world peace the top priority. A) calls for : istemek B) holds out : dayanmak C) keeps up : devam etmek D) makes out : anlamak E) brings about: meydana getirmek

22. In many countries training for industry has always been considered to be ____ the concern of industry itself, not of the state. A) socially : sosyal olarak B) primarily : aslında, esasen C) suitably : elverişli, uygunca D) firmly : kesinkes, katiyetle E) inherently : doğuştan











S D25. Even quite late in the twentieth

century many men assumed that entry into certain professions was their ____ right.

23. A basic ____ of amphibious warfare is undoubtedly command of the sea. A) withdrawal : geri çekilme B) obsession : saplantı C) determination : kararlılık D) concession : taviz, imtiyaz E) requirement : gereklilik, talep

24. Bacteria have a remarkable capacity for ____ tolerance to previously lethal drugs. A) acquiring : elde etmek, kazanmak B) denouncing : suçlamak, kınamak C) deceiving : aldatmak D) repudiating : reddetmek E) expanding : genişlemek

A) independent : bağımsız B) exclusive : seçkin, -e özgü C) adequate : yeterli D) extensive : geniş E) unaccountable : anlaşılmaz

26. Now that formal ____ has been given by the government, the project team can be recruited. A) comment : yorum B) apprehension : anlayış C) approval : onay D) expression : ifade E) determination : kararlılık

27. Certain new findings suggest that young calves may be more ____ than older cows to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). A) reluctant : isteksiz B) hazardous : tehlikeli C) intimate : samimi D) susceptible : kolay etkilenen E) comparative : göreceli

28. Champions of the green movement regard the internal combustion machine as one of the biggest ____ in history. A) disasters : felaket B) rejections : itiraz, red C) admissions : kabul etme D) denials : inkar E) intentions : niyet

29. The distinction between a language and a dialect is a ____ difficult one. A) precisely : tam olarak B) notoriously : adı çıkmış C) compulsively : zorunlu olarak D) suitably : uygun bir şekilde E) pliably : esnek bir şekilde

30. Japan is often ____ as an example of a country that has managed to keep its national defence orientated industries entirely separate from foreign-owned companies. A) deduced : ortaya çıkarmak B) delayed : gecikmek C) cheated : aldatmak D) withdrawn : geri çekilmek E) cited : bahsetmek







33. Among the Maori of New Zealand, each community has developed its own way of ____ crimes and has chosen a number of different punishments to match them.







31. The general feeling in the court was that several of the witnesses were ____ information that could have a direct bearing upon the case. A) expressing : ifade etmek B) withholding : -den saklamak C) avoiding : kaçınmak D) disrupting: bozulmasına yol açmak E) decreasing : azalmak

32. The population of the underdeveloped countries is growing so fast that the agricultural activities there are unable to ____ the progressively rising demand for food. A) keep up with : -e yetişmek B) look out for : dikkat etmek C) make sure of : emin olmak D) bring up :

büyütmek,değinmek E) set out : yola çıkmak,


A) holding up : tutmak B) coming along : ilerlemek C) dealing with : ile ilgilenmek D) paying for : ödemek E) taking out : satın almak

34. Acid rain only became a/an ____ environmental issue in the 1980s following groundbreaking studies in the 1970s. A) previous : bir önceki B) deceitful : hilekar C) heedless : umursamaz D) destructive : yıkıcı E) prominent : dikkati çeken

35. Using the dam to generate power would not ____ the treaty with the neighboring country, but diverting water out of the river. A) intimidate : gözünü korkutmak B) betray : ihanet etmek C) violate : çiğnemek, uymamak D) convert : değiştirmek E) inhale : içine çekmek

36. The ____ that terrorists use to move money from regions that finance them to their target country are often identical to those used by criminal gangs. A) regulations : düzenleme B) methods : yöntem C) provisions : sağlama, tedarik D) laws : kanun E) confessions : itiraf

37. In the wake of yet another financial scandal, the chief accountant handed in his ____ to the director. A) retirement : emeklilik B) abundance : bolluk C) promotion : terfi D) resignation : istifa E) vacancy : boşluk, boş yer

38. The American constitution with its various constraints ____ to protect citizens can actually shield criminals. A) discovered : keşfetmek B) complained : şikayet etmek C) convinced : ikna etmek D) designed : tasarlamak E) displayed : göstermek












41. What are some of the things that differentially affect siblings and help _____ their success or failure?

40. The man who created the first

computer virus has been sentenced to 20 months in an American federal prison, and it is generally agreed that the he has been ____ very lightly.

39. The foreman has a way of making most people do what he wants, but somehow I don’t think he’ll manage to ____ the new director! A) get around : atlatmak B) make up for : telafi etmek C) turn over : çevirmek D) keep up with : -den geri kalmamak E) rule against : yönetmek

A) shown upon : göstermek B) let off : cezasını hafifletmek C) taken down : not almak D) given up : vazgeçmek E) brought about : sebep olmak

A) pursue : kovalamak, izlemek B) recognize : tanımak C) determine : belirlemek D) reinstate : iade etmek, tekrar

etmek E) recreate : eğlenmek

42. Sponsorship is being increasingly allowed in schools provided it is regarded as being ____ with educational curricula. A) considerate : düşünceli, saygılı B) predictable : tahmin edilebilir C) conclusive : kesin, kati D) compatible : uyumlu E) provocative : kışkırtıcı

43. The discovery of a ____ cancer causing chemical in foods like crisps, chips and cereals caused shockwaves around the world when it hit the headlines earlier this year. A) potentially : potansiyel olarak B) remarkably : dikkat çekecek derecede C) controversially: tartışmaya yol açarak D) unforgettably : unutulmaz şekilde E) concisely : az ve öz olarak

44. Each year, large amounts of carbon monoxide are ____ into the atmosphere by automobiles and factories. A) absorbed : emmek, içine çekmek B) emitted : yaymak C) exchanged : takas etmek D) rejected : reddetmek E) compelled : zorlamak

45. At present, interest rates are comparatively _____; let’s hope they remain that way. A) steady : sabit B) uneasy : tedirgin C) consecutive : ardışık D) frequent : sık E) comprehensive : kapsamlı

46. North Korea is _____ to abandon its nuclear programme without specific security guarantees from America and promises of lots of aid. A) sincere : samimi B) nasty : yaramaz C) boastful : kendini beğenmiş D) unlikely : olası E) provisional : geçici












48. He admitted that he was resigning from the post because he felt it did not make a sufficient call on the combative and _____ elements of his nature.

47. Sometimes a seemingly modest business deal can change the whole _____ of an industry. A) expansion : genişleme B) expression : ifade C) course : rota, seyir D) relapse: eski ve kötü haline dönmek E) vigor : kuvvet, dinçlik

A) introverted : içine kapanık B) self-assertive : kendini beğenmiş C) saved : korunmuş D) self-contained : kendine güvenen E) submissive : uysal, itaatli

49. If he wants the contract he must let us know by Tuesday; we can’t keep the offer open _____. A) infinitely : son derece B) decisively : kesin olarak C) convincingly : ikna edici D) reluctantly : isteksiz E) indefinitely : süresiz

50. Many African governments are _____ financial collapse and survive only on the strength of aid and donations from international organization. A) in line with : ile uyumlu, paralel B) in the case of :-e gelince C) in excess of : -den fazla D) on the verge of :-nın eşiğinde E) in place with : -nın yerine