8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南 (樱花、郁金香、牡丹花,琼花、油菜花、桃花) 独家赠送 禅行秀+如莲佛颂 特别安排:鼋头渚樱花节、瘦西湖万花会、尚湖牡丹花会、兴化菜花节、泰州桃花节 观赏季节花语:樱花郁金香牡丹花琼花油菜花桃花 舒适住宿:免费提升 2 晚国际五星酒店,2 晚景区五星度假酒店 风味餐食:苏州枫镇大肉面,本帮风味,无锡太湖风味酱排骨,泰州农家风味,扬州淮阳风味,南 京盐水鸭风味,上海海底捞风味 必须参加自费(RMB600/人): 南京夫子庙秦淮河风光带+扬州春江花月夜实景秀+泰州凤城河游船(含江淮第一楼望海楼)+上海外滩 团号:CNSHF8 (10Mar-30Mar) 最新景点,不一 样的江南上海

8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南...8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南 (樱花、郁金香、牡丹花,琼花、油菜花、桃花) 独家赠送 :禅行秀+如莲佛颂 特别安排:鼋头渚樱花节、瘦西湖万花会、尚湖牡丹花会、兴化菜花节、泰州桃花节

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Page 1: 8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南...8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南 (樱花、郁金香、牡丹花,琼花、油菜花、桃花) 独家赠送 :禅行秀+如莲佛颂 特别安排:鼋头渚樱花节、瘦西湖万花会、尚湖牡丹花会、兴化菜花节、泰州桃花节

8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南 (樱花、郁金香、牡丹花,琼花、油菜花、桃花)

独家赠送 :禅行秀+如莲佛颂



舒适住宿:免费提升 2 晚国际五星酒店,2 晚景区五星度假酒店









Page 2: 8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南...8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南 (樱花、郁金香、牡丹花,琼花、油菜花、桃花) 独家赠送 :禅行秀+如莲佛颂 特别安排:鼋头渚樱花节、瘦西湖万花会、尚湖牡丹花会、兴化菜花节、泰州桃花节

D1: 新加坡/上海/苏州(约 2.5H)(晚餐) 住:5*希尔顿逸林酒店或同级

• 乘豪华客机前往上海,抵达后前往苏州,

• 夜游国家 5A 级旅游区、江南六大古镇之一同里古镇,

• 品尝状元蹄风味,入住酒店

D2: 苏州/无锡(0.5H)(早/午/晚餐自理) 住:5*拈花湾日式客栈或同级

• 游览国家 5A 级旅游区金鸡湖风景区(外观鸟巢、远观东方之门),

• 后前往无锡,游览世界三大赏樱胜地之一鼋头渚樱花节(花期 20/03-10/04),

• 前往一生必到的东方禅境拈花湾,游览香月花街、拈花塔、妙音台、福田阁、鹿鸣谷、梵天花海(花期 3-5 月)等景点。晚上欣赏夜

樱花(花期 3/20-4/10),及 G20 文艺晚会核心团队打造的《禅行》秀。

D3: 无锡/东方盐湖城 (1.5H) (早/午/晚餐自理) 住:5*盐湖城盐泉函馆或同级

• 前往常州,游览 10 亿元打造的江南最大花海小镇花谷奇缘(四季赏花),可欣赏白玉兰、迎春、二月兰、樱花、郁金香

• 前往东方神奇山镇东方盐湖城,游览江南最大博物馆群及各种体验项目(5D 电影、少数民族祭火表演),晚上欣赏山镇夜景。

D4: 东方盐湖城/南京(1.5H) (早/午/晚餐) 住:5*国瑞金陵酒店同级

• 早餐后前往南京,游览天空之境牛首山(含景区交通无需爬山),参观震撼世界地下深坑佛顶宫、瞻礼巨型 360 度自转卧佛、欣赏禅


• 游览中国最大的皇家园林湖泊玄武湖樱花节(花期 20/03-10/04),赏金陵明珠的湖光山色。

D5:南京/扬州(1.5H) (早/午/晚餐) 住:4*扬州文昌阁智选酒店或同级

• 早餐后游览中国世界文化遗产预备名单报恩寺遗址公园,观中世纪世界七大奇迹琉璃宝塔,参观千年舍利地宫,观赏中华一绝水晶内


• 午餐后前往扬州,游览世界文化遗产瘦西湖风景区万花园赏琼花(花期 20/03-20/04),逛扬州最具代表性的老街东关街。

D6 :扬州/兴化(1H)/ 泰州(1H)(早/午/晚餐自理) 住:4*泰州智选假日酒店或同级

• 早餐后前往兴化,游览全球四大花海之一的千岛垛田油菜花(花期 20/03-10/04),搭乘游船穿梭在油菜花间,徜徉在花的海洋,

• 后前往泰州,游览泰州桃园桃花节(花期 20/03-10/04),逛泰州老街。

D7:泰州/常熟(2.5H)/ 上海(1.5H)(早/午/晚餐) 住:5*上海复旦皇冠假日酒店或同级

• 早餐后前往常熟,游览国家 5A 级景区尚湖牡丹花会(花期 25/03-1/05),搭乘竹筏或摇橹船游水上森林,观生态鹭鸟栖息地,

• 前往上海,逛城隍庙商圈,晚上品尝海底捞火锅。

D8 上海/新加坡(早餐)

• 早餐后游览上海奕欧来 OUTLETS,

• 送机结束此次愉快的江南赏花之旅。乘搭豪华客机带着美好的回忆飞返美丽家园–新加坡。














Page 3: 8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南...8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南 (樱花、郁金香、牡丹花,琼花、油菜花、桃花) 独家赠送 :禅行秀+如莲佛颂 特别安排:鼋头渚樱花节、瘦西湖万花会、尚湖牡丹花会、兴化菜花节、泰州桃花节

8D Frolicking Jiangnan’s Flower During Spring

(Cherry Blossom, Tulip, Peony, Osmanthus, Canola Flower, Peach Blossom)

Exclusive: Water Screen Light Show "Zen Trip" & Lord of the Lotus and Buddha show

Special arrangements: Yuantouzhu Cherry Blossom Festival, Shouxihu Wanhua Garden

Festival, Shanghu Peony Festival, Xinghua Canola Festival, Taizhou Peach Festival

Watching season flower language: Cherry blossom, Tulip, Peony, Osmanthus, Canola Flower, Peach Blossom ,

Free upgrade 2N International 5*Hotel & 2N Local 5* Hotel

Flavor: Fengzhen Meat Noodles; Local Cuisine, Sauce Rib Flavor, Farmstyle Flavor;

Huaiyang Cuisine, Salted Duck, Haidilao Hot pot

Compulsory Additional Tour (RMB 600/person): Qinghuai River Scenic Belt of Nanjing Confucius Temple + Spring Moon Flower Night Yangzhou+ Taizhou Fengcheng River Cruise (include Wangjiang Tower) +Shanghai Bun

Tour Code: CNSHF8


New Attractions,

Extraordinary Jiangnan

Page 4: 8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南...8 天 阳春三月,逐花江南 (樱花、郁金香、牡丹花,琼花、油菜花、桃花) 独家赠送 :禅行秀+如莲佛颂 特别安排:鼋头渚樱花节、瘦西湖万花会、尚湖牡丹花会、兴化菜花节、泰州桃花节

D1: Singapore/Shanghai/Suzhou (2.5H) (D) 5* Suzhou Joy Holiday or Similar • Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to Shanghai. Upon arrival, head to Suzhou. • Night tour at Tongli Ancient Town • Taste Champion hoof and check in hotel

D2: Suzhou/ Wuxi (0.5H) (B/L) 5* Lihua Bay Hotel Inn or similar

• Jinji Lake, 5A scenic tourist; (overlook the Suzhou Bird’s Nest, and Far East Gate) • To Wuxi Yuantouzhu, one of the world’s three largest cherry blossom attractions, Cherry blossom Festival (From 20Mar

to10Apr) • Go to Oriental Zen Land Lihua Bay, visit Xiangyue Floral Street, Nianhua Blossom Tower, Miaoyin Tai, Futian Temple,

Luming Vally, Brahma Sea of Flowers (from Mar to May). Enjoy Night Cherry Blossoms (Sakura under the Light) and “Zen Trip” show which created by the team of the G20 Hangzhou summit

D3: Wuxi /Oriental Salt Lake City (1.5H) (B/L) 5* Oriental Salt Lake City Han Pavillion or Similar • Go to Changzhou, visit Huagu Qiyuan-the largest flower sea Town in Jiangnan which built with 100 Million (watch flower in 4

seasons, such as White Magnolia, Spring Flower, February Orchids, Cherry Blossom, Tulips). • Proceed to Oriental Magical Mountain Town – Oriental Salt Lake City. Visit Jiangnan’s largest museum complex and

various experiences (5D film, minority fire show, night view for town) D4: Oriental Salt Lake City / Nanjing (1.5H) (B/L/D) 5* Guorui Jingling Hotel or Similar • To Nanjing, visit Sky Mirror Niushou Mountain (including scient traffic and without climbing mountain). Visit “Usnisa

Palace” that shake the world’s underground pits, view the giant 360° self- turning Buddha, enjoy the < Lord of the

Lotus and Buddha> show. • To greatest Royal garden in China, Xuanwu Lake Cherry Blossom Festival (from 20Mar to 10Apr),

D5 Nanjing /Yangzhou (1.5H) (B/L/D) 4* Wencangge Holiday Inn Express Hotel or Similar • After breakfast, visit the Baoen Temple Site Park, next, visit one of the 7 wonders of medieval world Pagoda, Millennium

Shelith Palace, Crystal Inner Mural • To Yangzhou, the world Cultural Heritage Shouxihu Scenic Area, View the Osmanthus at Wanhua Garden (from 20Mar

to 20Apr), visit Yangzhou’s most representative old street Dongguan Street.

D6 Yangzhou / Xinghua (1H)/ Taizhou (1H) (B/L) 4* Taizhou Holiday Inn Express Hotel or Similar • To Changshu, visit Thousand Island Canola Flower (from 20Mar to 10Apr), enjoy the scenic on boats, a field of gold

stretching a thousand miles. • To Taizhou, visit Taizhou Taoyuan Peach Festival (from 20Mar to 10Apr), Old Street. D7 Taizhou/Changshu (2.5H) / Shanghai (1.5H)Shanghai(B/L/D) 5* Crowne Plaza Hotel or Similar

• To Xinghua, visit Shanghu Peony Festival (25Mar-01May), take a bamboo raft or rocking boat to view the water forest,

and the eco-ostrich logical.

• Back to Shanghai, visit Chenghuang Temple and enjoy Haidilao Hot Pot in dinner.

D8 Shanghai/Singapore(B) After breakfast, free & easy at YIOULAI OUTLETS till transferring to Shanghai Airport for your flight home.

*Note: (1) For any changes in flight details and itinerary, please refer to airline and local China guide for the most accurate arrangements.

(2) The company is not responsible for any compensation or replacements in the event of natural disasters, unpleasant weather conditions and

political issues in the country.

(3) Tour will be conducted with Mandarin-speaking guide. If there is a need for bi-lingual tour guide, the company will try to arrange. Passengers

taking different airlines might be formed into a group.

(4) In the event of discrepancy between the Chinese and English itineraries, please refer to the Chinese version for authencity.

(5) If customers were to leave in the midst of the tour, a fee of at least SGD80 per person per day will be levied upon those concemed

(6) Namho Travel will do our best for seating arrangement. Please arrange with the local airport counters if there are any issues as the airline allocate

seating arrangement based on passenger’s names for the flight.

(7) All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event that accommodation in the stated hotel is unavailable, it will be replaced by another

hotel of similar standards.

(8) For Triple sharing, hotels in China will only provide an extra folding bed.

(9) Due to air conditioning control of environmental protection policy, each hotel according to the actual situation will turn on the air conditioning;

(10) Minimum group size of 10 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 10 and below will solely be at the discretion of Namho

Travel and passengers need to accept the arrangement unless top up on the Tour Surcharge.

(11) All Recommended Optional Tours are provided freely for passengers to choose and pay.