第 1 天 (星期): 抵达馬德里 Madrid 到达馬德里国际机场后,有专人接送到酒店休息。 住宿︰馬德里城市之酒店 第 2 天(星期六):馬德里 Madrid → 薩拉戈莎 Zaragoza 早上起程前往遊覽西班牙首都馬德里。比利斯噴泉、米約廣場、西班牙廣場、哥倫布紀念廣 場、西班牙大皇宮等景點名勝,皇宮是西班牙王室鼎盛時之建築,金碧輝煌且美侖美奐,呈 現出昔日帝國神聖的餘暉;而代表著西班牙中心點的「零公里」是一塊不大不的小正方形磁 磚,就安放在太陽門的行人道上。而太陽門廣場商店林立,遍佈百貨公司,是選購西班牙特 色皮革產品、服飾及各種紀念品的好去處;下午告別馬德里,朝巴塞隆拿方向進發。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:薩拉戈莎之酒店 第 3 天(星期日):薩拉戈莎 Zaragoza → 巴塞隆拿 Barcelona 早上起程前往西班牙著名海岸城市巴塞隆拿,抵步後遊覽熱情迷人的巴塞隆拿,景點包括: 哥倫布紀念塔及藍布拉斯大道,繼往巴塞隆拿最有代表性的聖家教堂參觀,此教堂乃有「建 築詩人」之稱的建築奇才高迪的曠世傑作;隨後遊覽魯營球場。遊畢轉赴蒙朱伊克山丘上的 奧林匹克運動會場參觀,一九九二年奧林匹克運動會曾在此舉行,從山丘上更可俯瞰市區全 景。餘下時間到繁華熱鬧的加泰隆尼廣場,這裡商店林立,團友可在此區逛街購物,自由活 動。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:巴塞隆拿之酒店 (請注意,旺季期間聖家教堂由於管制人流及排隊人群超多,如欲進教堂參觀,建議自行在網上 門票 http://visit.sagradafamilia.cat 預約:下午二時至二時半之間) 第 4 天(星期一):巴塞隆拿 Barcelona → 華倫西亞 Valencia → 亞利坎提 Alicante 早上起程沿海岸線前往西班牙第三大城市華倫西亞,歷史上華倫西亞一直充當西班牙通往地 中海的門户,是商業、文化的集中地;華倫西亞四射的光芒,吸引阿拉伯人頻繁進出,為華 倫西亞注入文化交流及經貿改革的刺激,也令華倫西亞享有其他城市不曾擁有的繁榮及光 彩。今日的華倫西亞雖已退卻光環,但仍是商貿展覽會舉辦的重要城市,此處全年有各種展 覽會舉行。抵步後遊覽舊市內的市政廣場、古城門及華倫西亞大教堂,教堂入口的三座大 門,就透露了大教堂歷經滄桑,但最引人注目的,是南翼禮拜堂所收藏的瑪瑙杯,這個杯子 傳說正是耶穌最後晚餐所使用的聖杯。遊畢,朝白色海岸海灘渡假城市亞利坎提進發。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:亞利坎提之酒店 5 天(星期二):亞利坎提 Alicante → 格拉那達 Granada → 馬拉加 Malaga 早上起程前往安達魯西亞省高原上的名城格拉那達,這是一座歷史名城,曾先後被西哥特 人、阿拉伯人統治過,更是阿拉伯摩爾皇朝在伊比利亞半島統治八百年之最後據點,十五世 紀費南廸國王成功將阿拉伯人驅逐,完成統一西班牙大業,留下了多種文明和文化的遺跡, 抵步後,遊覽摩爾人在「黃金時代」所遺留下之產物「阿爾罕布拉宮」(又稱紅宮),精緻細 膩的建築、清新脫俗的格調,驚世之美令人讚賞。遊畢前往備受推崇的太陽海岸進發,稍後 抵達沿海第一大城市馬拉加,此城是名畫家畢加索誕生之地,太陽海岸名聞遐邇終年受陽光 之惠,馬拉加擁有黄金一樣的沙灘、幽靜的別墅到處可見。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:馬拉加或鄰近城市之酒店 (請注意︰紅宮由於實施人流管制及每日限制門票,如欲進場參觀,建議自行在網上預訂門票. http://www.ticketmaster.es/nav/en/mucho_mas/granada/alhambra_y_generalife_09oz/alha mbra_general/index.html 預約:下午一時至二時半之間) 9 天 8 晚 欧洲游 西班牙 • 葡萄牙

9 8 晚 欧洲游 西班牙 葡萄牙 - Amazon S3 › tz-sg › document › ...第 早上起程 覽會舉行。抵步後遊覽舊市內的市政廣場、古城門及華倫西亞大教堂,教堂入口的三座大

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Page 1: 9 8 晚 欧洲游 西班牙 葡萄牙 - Amazon S3 › tz-sg › document › ...第 早上起程 覽會舉行。抵步後遊覽舊市內的市政廣場、古城門及華倫西亞大教堂,教堂入口的三座大

第 1 天 (星期五): 抵达馬德里 Madrid



第 2 天(星期六):馬德里 Madrid → 薩拉戈莎 Zaragoza 早上起程前往遊覽西班牙首都馬德里。比利斯噴泉、米約廣場、西班牙廣場、哥倫布紀念廣場、西班牙大皇宮等景點名勝,皇宮是西班牙王室鼎盛時之建築,金碧輝煌且美侖美奐,呈現出昔日帝國神聖的餘暉;而代表著西班牙中心點的「零公里」是一塊不大不的小正方形磁磚,就安放在太陽門的行人道上。而太陽門廣場商店林立,遍佈百貨公司,是選購西班牙特色皮革產品、服飾及各種紀念品的好去處;下午告別馬德里,朝巴塞隆拿方向進發。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:薩拉戈莎之酒店

第 3 天(星期日):薩拉戈莎 Zaragoza → 巴塞隆拿 Barcelona 早上起程前往西班牙著名海岸城市巴塞隆拿,抵步後遊覽熱情迷人的巴塞隆拿,景點包括:哥倫布紀念塔及藍布拉斯大道,繼往巴塞隆拿最有代表性的聖家教堂參觀,此教堂乃有「建築詩人」之稱的建築奇才高迪的曠世傑作;隨後遊覽魯營球場。遊畢轉赴蒙朱伊克山丘上的奧林匹克運動會場參觀,一九九二年奧林匹克運動會曾在此舉行,從山丘上更可俯瞰市區全景。餘下時間到繁華熱鬧的加泰隆尼廣場,這裡商店林立,團友可在此區逛街購物,自由活動。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:巴塞隆拿之酒店 (請注意,旺季期間聖家教堂由於管制人流及排隊人群超多,如欲進教堂參觀,建議自行在網上

預訂門票 http://visit.sagradafamilia.cat 預約:下午二時至二時半之間)

第 4 天(星期一):巴塞隆拿 Barcelona → 華倫西亞 Valencia → 亞利坎提 Alicante 早上起程沿海岸線前往西班牙第三大城市華倫西亞,歷史上華倫西亞一直充當西班牙通往地中海的門户,是商業、文化的集中地;華倫西亞四射的光芒,吸引阿拉伯人頻繁進出,為華倫西亞注入文化交流及經貿改革的刺激,也令華倫西亞享有其他城市不曾擁有的繁榮及光彩。今日的華倫西亞雖已退卻光環,但仍是商貿展覽會舉辦的重要城市,此處全年有各種展覽會舉行。抵步後遊覽舊市內的市政廣場、古城門及華倫西亞大教堂,教堂入口的三座大門,就透露了大教堂歷經滄桑,但最引人注目的,是南翼禮拜堂所收藏的瑪瑙杯,這個杯子傳說正是耶穌最後晚餐所使用的聖杯。遊畢,朝白色海岸海灘渡假城市亞利坎提進發。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:亞利坎提之酒店

第 5 天(星期二):亞利坎提 Alicante → 格拉那達 Granada → 馬拉加 Malaga 早上起程前往安達魯西亞省高原上的名城格拉那達,這是一座歷史名城,曾先後被西哥特人、阿拉伯人統治過,更是阿拉伯摩爾皇朝在伊比利亞半島統治八百年之最後據點,十五世紀費南廸國王成功將阿拉伯人驅逐,完成統一西班牙大業,留下了多種文明和文化的遺跡,抵步後,遊覽摩爾人在「黃金時代」所遺留下之產物「阿爾罕布拉宮」(又稱紅宮),精緻細膩的建築、清新脫俗的格調,驚世之美令人讚賞。遊畢前往備受推崇的太陽海岸進發,稍後抵達沿海第一大城市馬拉加,此城是名畫家畢加索誕生之地,太陽海岸名聞遐邇終年受陽光之惠,馬拉加擁有黄金一樣的沙灘、幽靜的別墅到處可見。 早餐酒店内 | 住宿:馬拉加或鄰近城市之酒店 (請注意︰紅宮由於實施人流管制及每日限制門票,如欲進場參觀,建議自行在網上預訂門票.


mbra_general/index.html 預約:下午一時至二時半之間)

9 天 8 晚 欧洲游

西班牙 • 葡萄牙

Page 2: 9 8 晚 欧洲游 西班牙 葡萄牙 - Amazon S3 › tz-sg › document › ...第 早上起程 覽會舉行。抵步後遊覽舊市內的市政廣場、古城門及華倫西亞大教堂,教堂入口的三座大

Day 1 Friday: Arrival Madrid Upon arrival in Madrid International airport, meet and transfer to hotel. Enjoy a leisure day in Madrid. Hotel: in Frankfurt or a nearby city.

Day 2 Saturday: Madrid – Zaragoza (Breakfast)

Our tour starts at the Spanish capital of Madrid, where we visit the Tbilisi Fountain, Columbus Memorial Plaza and Grand Palace built by the Spanish Royal Family, showing the magnificent and splendid former empire and its historical grandeur; pay attention to the small square tiles placed on the pavement on the Puerta del Sol, they are typical of the area. In Puerta, we can shop for speciality leather goods, clothing and traditional Spanish souvenirs in Spain. In the afternoon we say farewell to Madrid and to leave for Barcelona, with an overnight stay in Zaragoza.

Day 3 Sunday: Zaragoza – Barcelona (Breakfast)

In the morning we drive directly to the Spanish coastal city of Barcelona. After arrival we will visit the warm and charming Barcelona Columbus Monument, followed by the Holy Family Church by the Spanish Master Artist, Gaudi. Gaudi’s unique colorful, fairy tale decoration is throughout the city and makes the place feel like a fantasy in the Artist’s mind. We visit the Olympic stadium where the 1992 Olympic Games have been held, overlooking the city views. The remaining time is spent in the bustling Plaza Catalonia, where we will have shopping and free time before we return to our hotel in Barcelona.

(Please kindly note, due to limit access control and ticket sales in Sagrada Família Church due to limit daily visit tourist, to avoid disappointment, we recommend customer to online booking ticket for who strongly request to visit this palace. Reservation visit time : during 2 to 2.30 PM. http://visit.sagradafamilia.cat)

Day 4 Monday: Barcelona – Valencia – Alicante (Breakfast)

We leave Barcelona for Spain's third largest city, Valencia. Valencia’s history has celebrated as the gateway to the Mediterranean. It is commercial and culturally rich; with Moorish culture, Arab customs and foods all frequented in a cultural exchange. The economic trade reform jumpstarted Valencia to enjoy the prosperity and glory that other cities did not achieve. Although today's Valencia is less prominent, still commerce through large exhibitions is still important to the city and trade fairs are held throughout the year. Upon arrival, we will tour the old city municipal Square, the old city gate and Valencia Cathedral, where an exact copy of the Holy Grail is on permanent display. We will retire in the white coast beach resort in Alicante for one nights' accommodation.

第 6 天(星期三):馬拉加 Malaga → 塞維爾 Seville











早餐酒店内 | 住宿︰塞維爾之酒店

第 7 天(星期四):塞維爾 Seville → 里斯本 Lisbon 早上起程前往葡萄牙首府里斯本,預計下午首先抵達歐洲的天涯海角「大石角」,此地位處歐洲






早餐酒店内 | 住宿︰里斯本之酒店

第 8 天(星期五):里斯本 Lisbon → 杜麗多 Toledo →馬德里 Madrid 早上起程前往馬德里,下午途經杜麗多古城遊覽,在太加斯河及堅固的城牆圍繞下,杜麗多記



早餐酒店内 | 住宿︰馬德里之酒店

第 9 天 (星期一):馬德里 Madrid → 返回 Departure 早餐后,自由活动,至约定时间,送往机场结束愉快行程,下次再会!!!



9D8N EUROPE Spain • Portugal

Page 3: 9 8 晚 欧洲游 西班牙 葡萄牙 - Amazon S3 › tz-sg › document › ...第 早上起程 覽會舉行。抵步後遊覽舊市內的市政廣場、古城門及華倫西亞大教堂,教堂入口的三座大

Day 5 Tuesday: Alicante – Granada – Malaga (Breakfast) This morning we depart for the city of Granada on the plateau of the Andalusia province. This historic city has been occupied by the Arab Dynasty rule in the Iberian Peninsula for the last of eight hundred years. It was not until the stronghold and 15th century King Fei Nandi successfully expelled the Arabs and created a unified Spain. We visit the ruins of civilization and culture, "Alhambra", also known as the Red Palace. Upon arrival, the Moorish legacy becomes apparent immediately. Generally referred to as the "golden age" of construction and delicate structure, the dome shape is both stunning and admirable. We proceed to the Sunny Coast area (Costa del Sol) and arrive in the largest city along the coast of Malaga. This city is the birthplace of the famous Spanish Painter, Pablo Picasso. The Costa del Sol is also famous for its golden sandy beaches, secluded villas. We stay overnight in Malaga or neigh boring area. (Please kindly note, due to limit access control and ticket sales in Alhambra palace & Genera life, if youwould like to take a visit,please kindly booking through website as below. Reservation visit time:during 1 PM to 3 PM. http://www.ticketmaster.es/nav/en/mucho_mas/granada/alhambra_y_generalife_09oz/alhambra_general/index.html)

Day 6 Wednesday: Malaga – Seville (Breakfast)

In the morning we go northbound to the soul of the city of Seville Andalusia region, this city was the capital of the Muslim dynasty, it is also considered to be the guardian angel of culture in Andalusia, the birthplace of the flamenco dance and has produced and inspired countless writers, poets and composers with its fiery temperament and charm. It is the setting to the "Carmen" Opera, this fourth largest city and hosted the World's Fair in 1992. Upon arrival, we visit the 16th century cathedral halls dedicated Royal Chapel, the burial place of the king's mausoleum for over a century; also the tomb of Christopher Columbus who discovered the New World as a credit to the great navigator. From there onwards we see the Alcazar Castle once a Muslim palace and the Spanish Royal Palace; this palace was built in 1987 and is currently included by the United Nations as a world cultural heritage site. Then we walk through the Santa Croce gold tower and Mary Luisa Park, here the 1992 World Expo is located. In the Spain Square we can admire a crafted porcelain painting, detailing the history and elegance of old Spain. We have one night’s accommodation in Seville. (Optional: under the circumstances and time permitting, tour guide will add the optional excursion to Mijas.)

Day 7 Thursday: Seville – Lisbon (Breakfast)

In the morning we depart for Portuguese Lisbon, and are expected to arrive in the afternoon. Lisbon, the most western point of continental Europe displays the voluminous Atlantic surrounded by endless scenery. Don’t forget to buy the remembrance certificate to prove once footstep on the west point as it will be a memorable souvenir to keep. Lisbon is Portugal’s symbol to its adventurous and pioneering past, crossing the seas in discovery of the new world. Those interested can sample authentic Portuguese custard tarts at the century-old bakery, and decide whether they are as good as in Macao. We stay overnight in Lisbon. (Optional: We can attend a Fado- music concert. ‘Fado’ is Portugal’s traditional folk music. Hailed as the Portugal national treasure this is an evening of singing and drinking –we can book tickets in advance.)

Day 8 Friday: Lisbon – Toledo – Madrid (Breakfast)

We drive back to Madrid via Toledo via Tagus River and catch a breath taking landscape of Spain and its rich palette of colours in natural surroundings and arrive in Madrid (ETA. 8PM).

Day 9 Saturday: Madrid Return Back (Breakfast) Breakfast at hotel, free program until pick up time for transfer to airport for your flight back.

Meal Basis: (B) = Continental Breakfast

Tour Fee Twin Triple Single Child with Bed Child No Bed

3+4 Star Hotel S$1078 S$1078 S$1468 S$1078 S$838

Package Includes:

Return airport transfers

8 nights’ accommodation in a comfortable three-star hotel, twin room with private facilities.

The services of an experienced tour manager.

Sightseeing and orientation tours included in the itinerary - expertly planned to maximise your time and to visit iconic and must-see sites in each city

Daily continental breakfast (for all other meals, we offer assistance with reservations and directions to local restaurants/cafes)

Daily transportation on luxury coaches.

Professional coach driver.

English or Chinese speaking guide services

Airport transfer between 07:00am to 22:00pm Package Excludes:

Return air ticket and airport taxes

Personal travel insurance

Entry visa if require

All expenses of personal nature & Room service & Porterage fee

City taxes and fees

Tipping (Guide / Driver) EUR5/pax/day

Airport transfer after 22:00pm to before 07:00am need top-up $30/pax

** Please take note that the itinerary is for reference only and is subject to changes without prior notice. Accurate itinerary will be given to passengers prior to departures. Our local representatives reserve the right in adjusting the sequences of itinerary due to safety reason & unforeseen circumstances.