Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118

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  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Recruitment and

    selection at Tesco

    Presented By:


    NidhiMBA 2nd Sem

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118



    Tesco is the biggest private sector employer inthe UK.

    The company has more than 360,000employees worldwide.

    This international expansion is part ofTescosstrategy to diversify and grow the business.

    In its non-UK operationsT

    esco builds on thestrengths it has developed as market leader inthe UK supermarket sector.

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118



    Tesco needs people across a wide range of

    both store-based and non-store jobs

    Tesco aims to ensure all roles work together todrive its business objectives. It needs to

    ensure it has the right number of people in the

    right jobs at the right time.

    To do this, it has a structured process forrecruitment and selection to attract applicants

    for both managerial and operational roles.

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Cont Workforce planning

    Workforce planning is the process of analysing anorganisations likely future needs for people in terms of

    numbers, skills and locations. It allows the organisation toplan how those needs can be met through recruitment andtraining.

    Skills and behaviours

    Tescos purpose is to serve its customers. Its organisationalstructure has the customer at the top. Tesco needs people

    with the right skills at each level of this structure.

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    Attracting and recruiting

    Recruitment involves attracting the right

    standard of applicants to apply for vacancies.Tesco advertises jobs in different ways. Theprocess varies depending on the job available.


    Selection involves choosing the most suitablepeople from those that apply for a vacancy,whilst keeping to employment laws andregulations.

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    Tesco is the biggest private sector employer in

    the UK

    The company has more than 360,000employees worldwide

    Tesco also operates in 12 countries outside

    the UK, including China, Japan and Turkey

    This international expansion is part ofTescosstrategy to diversify and grow the business.

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    Tesco aims to ensure all roles worktogether to drive its business objectives.

    Tesco seeks to fill many vacancies fromwithin the company. It recognises theimportance of motivating its staff toprogress their careers with the company.

    Tescos purpose is to serve itscustomers.

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118



  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Define the termsrecruitmentand selection. Howdo

    these processesenableanorganisationlike Tesco to

    get theright people tofillits posts?

    Recruitment involves attracting the right standard ofapplicants to apply for vacancies.

    Selection involves choosing the most suitable people from

    those that apply for a vacancy, whilst keeping toemployment laws and regulations.

    The process varies depending on the job available.

    Tesco first looks at its internal Talent Plan to fill a vacancy.This is a process that lists current employees looking for amove, either at the same level or on Promotion. For externalrecruitment, Tesco advertises vacancies.

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Describe how jobdescriptionsand person specificationsare

    helpfulin the selection

    process? Whatotherpurposesmighta jobdescriptionbeused


    Job descriptions and person specifications provide the basis

    for job advertisements. They help job applicants and post -

    holders to know what is expected of them.As they are sent to anyone applying for jobs, they should:

    contain enough information to attract suitable people

    act as a checking device to make sure that applicants with theright skills are chosen for interview

    set the targets and standards for job performance

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Analyse Tescosmethodsofattractingandrecruiting

    candidates. Outlinewhatyou consider tobe themain

    strengthsand weaknessesofoneof thesemethods.

    Tesco first looks at its internal Talent Plan to fill a vacancy.This is a process that lists current employees looking for amove, either at the same level or on promotion. If there areno suitable people in this Talent Plan or developing on theinternal management development programme, Options,Tesco advertises the post internally on its intranet for twoweeks.

    For external recruitment, Tesco advertises vacancies via theTesco website www.tesco-careers.com or through vacancy

    boards in stores. Applications are made online formanagerial positions.

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118



    Tesco makes it easy for applicants to find outabout available jobs and has a simpleapplication process.

    By accessing the Tesco website, anapplicant can find out about local jobs,management posts and head office positions.


    It is expensive.

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Evaluate thebenefitsforTescoofusingboth interviewsand

    assessment centresin the selection process.

    They help to provide consistency in the

    selection process.

    Applicants are given various exercises,including team-working activities or

    problem solving exercises.

    These involve examples of problemsthey might have to deal with at work.

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  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118



    Customer Focus


    Worldwide expansion

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118



    Less skilled people.

    More cost incurred.

    Tesco has recently entered manydifferent Markets, so therefore notspecialise and focusing on one particularmarket like other companies.

    Therefore may lack experience andexpertise.

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    Jobs are created as the company opens new

    stores in the UK and expands internationally

    Vacancies arise as employees leave thecompany when they retire or resign or get

    promotion to other positions within Tesco

    New types of jobs can be created as the

    company changes its processes andtechnology

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    Being number one means that you are

    the target of competition.

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    Recommendations &


    Tesco should keep and improve its

    Competitive advantage to maintain its

    leading place.

    Tesco emphasis the relationship

    between people inside the


  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Conclusion Workforce planning is vital if a business is to meet its future

    demands for staff. It allows a business time to train existingstaff to take on new responsibilities and to recruit new staffto fill vacancies or to meet skill shortages.

    Tesco has clear organisational structures, detailed jobdescriptions and person specifications.

    It provides user-friendly ways of applying for jobs and aconsistent approach to recruitment and selection. Thismeans it can manage its changing demand for staff.

  • 8/7/2019 Aarti -101& Nidhi- 118


    Thank You