Gibraltar Port Authority Visits Aegean HEC at the 5 th Blue Shipping Summit 2015 Interview Commodore Bob Sanguinetti Port of Gibraltar Plus Flows & Currents Travel with Aegean Aegean News SUMMER 2015 T H E Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E O F A E G E A N A Unique Success Story HEC in the Port of Hamburg

Aegean News · Visits Aegean HEC at the 5th Blue Shipping Summit 2015 Interview Commodore Bob Sanguinetti Port of Gibraltar Plus Flows & Currents Travel with Aegean Aegean News

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Gibraltar Port Authority

Visits Aegean

HEC at the 5th

Blue Shipping Summit 2015


Bob Sanguinetti Port of Gibraltar

PlusFlows & Currents

Travel with Aegean

Aegean NewsSUMMER 2015


A Unique Success Story

HEC in the Port of Hamburg

Page 2: Aegean News · Visits Aegean HEC at the 5th Blue Shipping Summit 2015 Interview Commodore Bob Sanguinetti Port of Gibraltar Plus Flows & Currents Travel with Aegean Aegean News

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As concerns about global warming accelerate, the world’s natural environment—from local ecosystems to vast oceans—is increasingly at the center of our at-tention.

Public policy plays a key role in safeguarding our natural heritage and each citizen has a responsibility to look after his or her corner of the earth’s land and water mass.

But the private sector also plays a central part in ensuring our seas and streams, mountains and valleys, and urban areas, including ports, serve our populations as clean and healthy locales, both for work and leisure.

Environmental protection is based on three guiding principles: prevention, maintenance, and response. And this is where companies, such as Aegean’s HEC, or Hellenic Environmental Center, are crucial to safeguarding the nat-ural world.

HEC is a vitally important partner to port operators who need expertise, advice, equipment, facilities, and in-depth knowledge about marine pollution, beginning with its prevention. Prevention, without a doubt, is the most effi-cient and cost-effective approach to ensuring the quality of marine environ-ments. HEC, with its extensive experience spanning more than 20 years, has become a leader in assisting port authorities to prevent accidents, spills, and unwanted occurrences.

And once preventive practices are in place, HEC plays the pivotal role in ensuring ports maintain good policies for the upkeep of a clean and well-run environmental port program.

In the unlikely event that an accident or a spill occurs, HEC has the capa-bilities to respond immediately, with cutting edge technology, decision making based on scientific training, and clean up operations that minimize damages.

While the media may focus on sensational stories about our environment, it is companies such as Aegean’s HEC that, out of the spotlight, do the most important work in ensuring risk is kept to a minimum, facilities are well main-tained, and response is ready, rapid, and results oriented.



RetailAEGEAN OIL has established a gas station network throughout Greece, and is one of the fastest growing companies in the retail market. AEGEAN’S gasoline market share in Greece is 8%.

ShippingAEGEAN SHIPPING manages a fleet of tank-ers, ranging from 28.610 to 50,926 DWT, that transfers and delivers oil to our clients throughout the world. All ships meet ISM standards. The Company’s new GreenFleet (http://www.greenfleet.gr) incorporates the latest technologies to ensure reduced operating costs and reduced emissions, while increasing overall performance. All ships are certified by ISM, ISPS and MLC as well as with ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and 50001. AEGEAN SHIPPING is additionally certified with ISO 22301.

BunkeringAEGEAN MARINE PETROLEUM is a leader in providing the best bunkering services avail-able in Piraeus, Patras, Gibraltar, Amster-dam-Rotterdam-Antwerp, Fujarah, Jamaica, Singapore, Trinidad & Tobago, Portland-Fal-mouth, Vancouver, Montreal, Mexico, Tanger Med (Morocco), Canary Islands, Panama, Barcelona, Algeciras, Baltimore, Philadel-phia, New York, Norfolk, Charleston, Los An-geles, Hamburg, the Gulf of Mexico, and St. Petersburg. AEGEAN MARINE PETROLEUM is the market leader in bunkering.

Agency ServicesShips from around the world rely on AEGE-AN AGENCY services at Piraeus, Gibraltar, Fujairah, and Jamaica, from loading and discharging, to spare parts and supplies.

LubricantsAEGEAN OIL produces and markets high performance lubricants for vehicles and industrial use, under the AEGEAN brand. AEGEAN MARINE PETROLEUM trades and supplies lubricants for the marine market under the ALFA brand.

AegeanCore Activities

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• HEC Supports Future Shipping Executives

• 5th Blue Shipping Summit 2015

• The NTUA International Conference on

Industrial Waste, Wastewater Treatment and


10 BUNKERING Gibraltar Port Authority Visits Aegean HQ

12 FLOWS AND CURRENTS Trends and News in the Oil and Energy Fields

14 HELLENIC ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER A Unique Success Story: HEC Acquires the Most

Historical Environmental Company in Europe

20 THE AEGEAN INTERVIEW Commodore Bob Sanguinetti, Port of Gibraltar

23 ROOTS Wolves of the Sea

24 STATIONS OF THE MONTH • Theofano Tsouvalidou, Asopos, Laconia • Georgios Mititanidis, Apsalos, Pella

26 MARITIME TRADITION Georgios Averof Battleship —A Floating Naval Museum


28 CHILDREN AND THE ENVIRONMENT The Lake Kerkini National Park—A Natural Gem

30 AEGEAN COLLECTION Step Out in Style

14 HEC acquires the environmental company of the Eckelmann Group and enters the Port of Hamburg.10 A delegation of the Gibraltar Port Au-

thority visits Aegean HQ. 20 Commodore Bob Sanguinetti talks to Aegean News about the Port of Gibraltar and the local bunkering station.



Summer 2015Aegean News is published quarterly by AEGEAN





OWNER Aegean 10 Akti Konydli 185 45, Piraeus, Greece Tel: +30 210 458 6000 Fax: +30 210 458 6241 E-Mail: [email protected] Websites: www.aegeanoil.gr, www.ampni.com

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Aegean Bunkering Safety Officers Conference Aegean Bunkering Services organized a four-day safety conference for Safety Officers and

Marine Superintendents from Aegean's bunkering stations around the world.

Attendees included Patrick De Wolf from ANWE (Aegean North West Europe) Antwerp Office,

Cpt. Randal Forbes from the Singapore Bunkering Station, Cesar Barrero Barrera from the Las

Palmas Bunkering Station, and Cpt. Jorge Paredes Valecillos from the Gibraltar Bunkering


The American Bureau of Shipping also organized a three-day in-house training course for

Aegean's Safety Officers and Marine Superintendents, as well as personnel from the head-

quarters of the company. The attendees were certified as Integrated Internal Auditors against

ISM, ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO18001.

Aegean Bunkering Services Deputy General Manager Kostas Polydakis said: "The conference

was a great opportunity to exchange views on safety and operational issues in our day-to-

day business and to share best practices. We are committed to working together toward our

vision of zero-incident operations."

Cpt. Dimitris Kokkinis, Health Safety Quality & Environment Manager of Aegean Bunkering,

saod: "Aegean has a strong safety culture in which we take great pride. We embrace HSQE as

a vital business component and we collectively improve ourselves daily."

Aegean will, going forward, organize this conference on a regular basis, to give Safety Offi-

cers from all Aegean Bunkering Stations the opportunity to take part.

Natural Resources and Commodities Finance 2015 Awards During this year’s Natural Resources

and Commodities Finance 2015

Awards, Aegean Marine Petroleum was

the winner of the “Best European/

Eurasian Commodities Finance Deal of

the Year 2014” award.

The winners of the Perfect 10 Awards

were announced during the TFX’s

Natural Resources and Commodities

Finance 2015 Industry dinner, which

took place on May 20, 2015 at the

American Hotel in Amsterdam. Nick

Hondos, Gen. Manager of ABS, deliv-

ered the award to Aegean.

The one-billion dollar global borrowing

base facility led by Abnamro Bank

is a very successful deal that gives

Aegean access to 13 global banks.

These banks include the leaders of the

field and well-known players in the

area of trade and commodity finance.

Aegean is proud to collaborate with

such great partners during its day-to-

day operations and believes that all

parties involved will be benefiting from

this deal for a long time in the future.


Cpt. Jorge Paredes Valecillos, Cesar Barrero Barrera, Patrick De Wolf and Cpt. Randal Forbes onboard the Liberty maritime museum in Piraeus harbor

Nick Hondos, Aegean, and Roger Dekkers, ABN

Aegean Bunkering Superintendents, Safety Officers and Dept. Managers that participated in the "Integrated Internal Auditor" course, with the ABS Academy Principal Specialist Cpt. Titos Giannakakis, who presented the course

Page 7: Aegean News · Visits Aegean HEC at the 5th Blue Shipping Summit 2015 Interview Commodore Bob Sanguinetti Port of Gibraltar Plus Flows & Currents Travel with Aegean Aegean News


The “F1 in Schools” Technology Competition in Greece“F1 in Schools” is a leading global

technology competition and one

of the most comprehensive educa-

tional programs. Students get the

chance to learn more about science,

IT, new technologies, engineering,

and understand concepts such as

aerodynamic objects, design, and

production of industrial products,

while having fun. At the same time,

they learn to work as a team, to

design and implement a business

plan, to manage projects, to be

aware of marketing and promoting

their product, and what it mean to

do business. The competition takes

place at a regional, then national

and ultimately at a global level.

This year’s winner was “Team

Reset” of the American Anatolia

College of Thessaloniki, which

received the highest score among

all contestants and will repre-

sent Greece in the world finals in

Singapore in September 2015.

Aegean sponsored the effort of

the children of “Team Reset.”

Congratulations to all!

Congratulations to the Captain of the M/T Rizopon

Aegean’s M/T Rizopon Master Zois Katsavreas has been in the news lately as a great example for the whole maritime community.Three times in 2015 the captain and his crew rushed to help rescue immi-grants in the Mediterranean and managed to take more than 300 people to safety. On April 15, following the instructions of the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center, M/T Rizopon launched a rescue operation for 82 im-migrants. The Aegean vessel offered them first aid, clothing and food and delivered them to the Italian authorities. The same ship had taken part in the rescue operation in the waters between Italy and Libya on February 14, and immediately after, the captain led the M/T Rizopon 18 nautical miles south-west to save another 73 immigrants.Press reports mention that the M/T Rizopon and the captain must have bro-ken all records in the field of rescue operations at sea. Aegean is proud of Master Zois Katsavreas and the M/T Rizopon crew for their determination and contribution to maritime best practices.

Clipping from Deal News newspaper

“Team Reset,” the winning team from the American Anatolia College of Thessaloniki

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2015 Greek Shipping Hall of FameThe Greek Shipping Hall of Fame’s

first Induction Ceremony & Dinner

took place on April 27, 2015 at the

Hilton Hotel in Athens.

About 650 guests from Greece and

overseas enjoyed the welcome cock-

tail reception followed by a bespoke

Induction Ceremony program, during

which the Greek shipping community

paid tribute to historical personalities,

who have helped shape the industry.

At the center of the event was the

unveiling of the latest Inductees to

the Greek Shipping Hall of Fame – the

2014 Inductees, John N. Goulandris

and Alkimos G. Gratsos, both honored


Aegean was a Premium Sponsor.

Part of the proceeds from the event

was donated to the Hellenic Hope


Dimitris Melissanidis at the induction ceremony of the Greek Shipping Hall of Fame

The Aegean table at the Greek Shipping Hall of Fameceremony

The 7th International Istanbul Bunker Conference The 7th International Istanbul Bunker Conference took place on May 20-22, 2015. 300

delegates from more than 18 countries attended the conference. Hara Fikiris, Bunker Trader,

represented Aegean.

The conference focused on new regulations, ECA practices, bunker prices, supply and sample

procedures as well as quantity and quality issues. Credit risk management, LNG bunkering

and the OW bunker incident were also among the subjects of discussion.

In addition to the presentations from various delegates, the schedule included various

events, such as a boat trip on the Bosphorus and a Gala Dinner, which provided plenty of

time to fraternize, seek new business opportunities, create new friendships, and strengthen

already established relationships.


Boat ride on the Bosphorus during the conference

The 7th International Istanbul Bunker Conference hall

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New EmployeesThe following employees have joined the

Aegean work force.

OIL ONEChristoforos Tsiadis Galini PapadopoulouDespina Aliosetskina

HECYpapanti Farmakidi

ASMIoannis Dimakakos

MELCOFethi Gkioultepe

Aegean Shipping Announces Long-Term Time Charter for the Green FleetWe are pleased to announce a five-year time charter contract for our Green-Fleet with the highly reputed international company, Stena Weco.GreenFleet, our new eco-designed medium-range product tankers, have been chartered in an en bloc deal to Stena Weco, a joint venture between Stena Bulk and Weco, a Dannebrog Group affiliate, in one of the largest recent chartering deals in the sector this year. All four of our GreenFleet vessels have been char-tered for five years to our new partner, with whom we are proud to cooperate.The four vessels, branded by us as our GreenFleet, are all of about 50,900 dwt and were built by Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering. Green Planet, Green Sea, Green Sky and Green Hellas were delivered to Stena Weco in Q2, 2015, and are now commercially operated from one of Stena Weco’s three interna-tional offices.Vikki Koumis, Head of Chartering for the Company, said this deal is in line with our current strategy of expansion, and we look forward to continued growth, taking advantage of current market conditions. Ms. Koumis notes that we were mindful of a heavy MR order book and more than half the capacity under construction due for delivery during the remainder of 2015, hence the period coverage made sense to us. The market has remained strong so far this year, with demand soaking up this supply of tonnage quickly for now, which is good news for all.For more info please visit: www.stenaweco.com, www.greenfleet.gr

Aegean’s Featured EmployeesAegean's continued success and our ability to exceed customers’ expectations depends on our most valued asset: our people. In

Retail, Shipping, Agency, Lubricants, Bunkering, or Environmental Services, Aegean employees serve our customers with pride

and professionalism, backed by superior training, the highest standards in the industry, and a desire to improve every day of the

year. From captains to engineers to analysts, their skills, commitment and professionalism are vital in helping Aegean’s growing

family achieve its goals.

To showcase the members of the Aegean family one by one, the company has created and continually enriches the Featured

Employee section on its website. For more information visit www.aegeanoil.com

The Green Planet

Logging OnCustomers and associates may log on at: www.aegeanoil.comCustomers and associates of Aegean Marine Petroleum may log on at: www.ampni.com

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HEC Supports Future Shipping Executives

On May 21, 2015, Michalis Psaromichalakis, Director of Research and Development of HEC,

gave a lecture entitled "Environmentally Shielding Ports by Creating Modern Waste Reception

Facilities" at the IEK Xinis facilities in Piraeus. The students of the Maritime Studies program

at IEK Xinis in Piraeus, among others, attended his lecture during the pioneering IEK Xinis

Edu Festival 2015.

The importance of the subject led to the impressive atten-dance of teachers and stu-

dents of IEK Xinis, as well as students of Maritime Studies programs of oth-er institutions, such as the University of Piraeus.

The lecture focused on the interna-tional community and national legal tools available in the field of integrat-ed ship generated waste management, focusing on the creation of modern infrastructure for port waste recep-tion facilities. Mr. Psaromichalakis used the port of Piraeus as an exam-ple, as it is one of the most successful and effective ports, in Europe, and worldwide.

The participants engaged in a lengthy discussion after the lecture, which shows the interest of tomorrow's shipping executives to substantially make use of the environmental advan-

tages HEC offers ports and users.After Mr. Psaromichalakis’ lecture

an award ceremony took place, during which Georgios Sarigiannis, Piraeus

Central Harbor Master, was honored for his contribution to Greek shipping as well as his ethics and commitment to duty.

Xinis Edu Festival 2015

Michalis Psaromichalakis speaking at IEK Xinis

Page 11: Aegean News · Visits Aegean HEC at the 5th Blue Shipping Summit 2015 Interview Commodore Bob Sanguinetti Port of Gibraltar Plus Flows & Currents Travel with Aegean Aegean News


This year the 5th Blue Shipping Sum-mit took place during Mare Forum on May 27 at the Hotel Divani Apollo Palace in Kavouri, just south of Athens city center. As this is one of the major conferences on the future of shipping and how it adapts to new environmen-tal demands, many prominent mem-bers of the Greek shipping industry, analysts, and experts from around the world attended the event.The 5th Blue Shipping Summit workshop examined the opportunities shipping companies have to bridge green tech-

nology with commercial profit. The par-ticipants evaluated the parameters that contribute to sustainable development, such as the introduction of new vessels to the market, the choice of fuel, tech-nological innovations, and the level of investments in conjunction with the im-position of new legislative requirements.There were several conflicting ap-proaches about whether the goals to maximize the environmental benefits by applying the new regulations on the quality of the fuel oil are realistic—and the options stakeholders have.

After an interactive examination of the newly-applied technologies, there was a detailed report on the financial impli-cations for shipping in such a difficult global economic reality, as well as a look at questionable environmental benefits. The challenge becomes even greater since the existing infrastruc-ture in ports is not sufficient and the number of offered options is limited, in-hibiting market rules from functioning, and manpower does not have the proper training to meet the new requirements.Michalis Psaromichalakis, Director of Research and Development of HEC, represented the company at the con-ference. His presentation on the use of disposal technologies applied on vessels onboard raised new concerns, since to date there is insufficient ev-idence that shows any environmental benefit from the use of this practice. Rather, evidence points to several risks for the environment.

The International Conference on Indus-trial Waste, Wastewater Treatment and Valorization of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) took place at the President Hotel in Athens on May 21-23, 2015.The wide scope of the presentations and the impressive participation of members of the main players in the Greek market confirmed the success of this conference, which was realized thanks to the tireless efforts of NTUA Professor Maria Loizidou. Many presentations by NTUA profes-sors, and professors from the Univer-sities of Cyprus, Belgrade, Beirut, the

Middle East, the Erzurum Ataturk, the Nazarbayev University of Kazakhstan, and the Technical University of Crete, stood out.HEC, faithful to its principles for the continuous contribution to the spread of knowledge and new technical appli-cations for the protection of the envi-ronment, supported the efforts of the NTUA, and sponsored this international conference involving the processing and utilization of industrial waste.Michalis Psaromichalakis, Director of Research and Development, represent-ed HEC at the conference. Mr. Psarom-ichalakis’ input on the energy exploita-

tion of raw hydrocarbons in energy-de-pendent Greece will surely be used as a springboard for analysis at NTUA and during the next NTUA conference on the management of waste.

The 5th Blue Shipping Summit 2015

The NTUA International Conference on Industrial Waste, Wastewater Treatment and Valorization

Highlight from the conference

The 5th Blue Shipping Summit in session

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The purpose of the visit was to inform the Greek shipping community and shipowners

on the initiatives and measures the Administration of Gibraltar has taken to offer the best possible service to seagoing ships entering and making use of Gibraltar Port services.

Aegean executives, as well as senior executives from interested company partners with related responsibilities, attended the event. Participants includ-ed Allseas Marine SA, Benelux Over-seas Inc., Marichem Marigases, Bulk Seas, Chartworld Shipping Corp., Chandris Hellas, Cyprus Maritime,

Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Ltd., Empire Navigation Inc., Five Oceans Salvage, Gaslog LNG Services Ltd., Grecomer Shipping Agency Ltd., Jason Hellenic Shipping, Ilios Shipping, Navi-os Shipmanagement Inc. and Neptune Lines. The delegation also toured the facilities of Oil One in Drapetsona.


On June 17, 2015 a high-level delegation of the Port Authority of Gibraltar headed by

Managing Director Bob Sanguinetti visited the Aegean headquarters in Piraeus.

Gibraltar Port Authority Visits Aegean HQ

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The Port of GibraltarGibraltar is a port of great importance because it is situated at a crossroads of the Mediterranean and Atlantic shipping lanes, one of the main crossroads of world trade. The strategic location of Gibraltar explains why over the centuries the Rock has been a naval fortress and why there have been so many battles over this tiny peninsula. Established in 2005, the Gibraltar Port Authority aims to build on Gibraltar’s unique geography and fiscal status and provide a vital link between all stakeholders, and thereby ensure a cohesive strategy and achieve common goals. The Port Authority’s main functions are monitoring and control of all vessel movements for British Gibraltar Territorial Water

(BGTW), provision of security controls within restricted and controlled zones, licensing of port operations, search and rescue in BGTW, and pollution control.Today, the port of Gibraltar is a busy commercial center and a Maritime Center of Excellence, as it is ideally placed to provide a wide range of services to vessels of all sizes and types. Each year over 71,000 vessels transit the Strait of Gibraltar, making the Rock the largest bunkering port in the Mediterranean. In fact, according to the most recent statistics reported by the Gibraltar Port Authority, bunkering is now the port’s main activity, with four million tons of bunkers and 10,000 vessels called on a yearly basis.




1. Meeting with the delegation of the Port Authority of Gibraltar at the Aegean head-quarters

2. L. Kollakis, Chartworld Shipping Corp.; D. Melissanidis; A. Hatzigiannis, Cyprus Maritime

3. Spyros Fokas at the podium4. From the Port Authority of Gibraltar Daniel

Perera, Bunkering Superintendant; John Ghio, Senior Port Officer; and Commodore Bob Sanguinetti

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Oil Prices on the RiseAccording to last April’s data, global oil demand continues to surprise with its upward path

and shows no signs of slowing down. On the contrary, we see a great demand throughout Asia

and the United States. In Japan, crude oil imports increased by 9.1%, while in China, imports

of crude recorded a record 7.4 million barrels per day last month. In the United States, where

road travel is expected to reach the highest point of the last decade this summer, forecasts

also show an increase in consumption. An additional element is that Iran plans to increase

oil production by 170,000 barrels per day by March 2016, aiming to boost crude exports to

1,000,000 barrels per day.

Source: Reuters

Benefits for the Tanker Market from Increased Transactions with Africa Positive news for tanker owners, as demand for oil is growing in new mar-kets, helping to offset losses in other more traditional routes. At the same time, a modest fleet growth enhances the prospects for the future.A recent report indicated that during the last five years oil products trade in sub-Saharan Africa have increased significantly. Based on estimates of demand in relation to the African production, the outlook for the next five years is also quite promising, driven mainly by the traditional powerhouses of South Africa and Nigeria.It is worth noting that the majority of imported goods in Africa are petrol and diesel. West Africa imports products from Europe and recently started importing from the US as well, whereas, Eastern and Southern Africa pre-fer to import from the Middle East or India. However, South Africa already has an extensive network of refineries, which are already producing two thirds of the country's annual needs.In any case, the driving force behind all of these imports is the lack of refineries. The possibility of refining in Africa is very limited and has not changed much in the last ten years. Most of the refineries in Africa are in relatively poor condition due to years of under investment and neglect.Demand is predicted to rise in Africa by 3.3% annually from 2014 to 2020. This growth will be mainly due to population growth. Total imports net proceeds could amount to more than two million barrels per day before the end of the decade.Source: Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

European Maritime Day Conference in Piraeus The European Maritime Day is cel-

ebrated annually in Europe on May

20. This annual platform gives the

European growing maritime com-

munity and the policy makers the

opportunity to discuss, debate and

exchange best practices. The seas

and oceans, and the opportunities

they offer, are at the heart of the

discussions for the public.

This year, Greece's largest port, the

Port of Piraeus hosted the European

Maritime Day 2015 Conference

on May 28-31. Events included

high-level sessions and stakeholder

workshops with delegates coming

from European and other countries.

What’s more, as part of the events,

the city of Piraeus hosted for the

first time a "Days of the Sea" cel-

ebration on May 30 and 31, with

activities and events for tourists

and visitors highlighting the city's

offerings. The “Days of the Sea”

included tours, concerts, perfor-

mances, dancing, food sampling,

film screenings and other activities.

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Green Ship of the Future New green ship technology combines research, develop-

ment, demonstration, innovation, education, training, and

dissemination of knowledge. As a result, many new elements

are involved, such as systems for recycling heat energy,

optimization of the hull, propellers and rudders, optimization

of the draft and speed for a given route and arrival time.

Engine technology is another essential factor for achieving

anticipated profits.

• The Vision The Green Ship of the Future aims at bringing together the private and public

sectors and in general invites the maritime community to join forces in order to explore,

develop and demonstrate ambitious technical solutions for cleaner, more energy-efficient

and sustainable ships and maritime operations.

• The Approach This aim can be achieved by using technical developments and innovations

in new and existing ships. As an integrated part of the initiative, the maritime community

has to implement and evaluate technical solutions in order to push green innovation and

thinking. The main focus areas for the green ship of the future are ship design, machinery,

propulsion, operation, and logistics.

• Joining Forces More than 40 companies have already joined forces for the production of the

green ship of the future and to make the maritime industry and shipbuilding science more

environmentally friendly.

Source: www.greenship.org

Giant New Container Ship in Piraeus

One of the biggest container ships in the world, the MSC Istanbul, arrived at the port of Piraeus for the first time this past May. The vessel was built in 2015 and can transport the amazing number of 16,652 containers! Last year, MSC, the owner company and one of Piraeus’ most important clients, created a “Shared Services Documentation Center” in Piraeus, a major investment for the Cos-co-managed container port.

World’s Largest Single Marine Reserve Created in the Pacific Ocean British Prime Minister David Cameron's

government announced the creation

of the world’s largest contiguous

ocean reserve that will cover an area

of 830,000 km2 around the remote

Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific.

The new reserve is nearly three and a

half times bigger than the landmass of

the United Kingdom, and larger than

the state of California and will provide

protection for a wide variety of sharks,

fish, corals, and other marine life.

For the creation of the reserve state,

non-governmental organizations and

satellite monitoring resources had to

join forces.

While 30% of the U.K.’s waters around

the world are now protected, the high-

est percentage of any country’s waters

on Earth, the new reserve will become

the largest single marine protected area

anywhere. Nevertheless, the network of

reserves currently created by the US in

the Pacific promises to be even bigger

at 1,270,000 km2.

Source: National Geographic

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A Unique Success StoryHEC Acquires the Most Historical Environmental Company in EuropeHEC dynamically enters the port of Hamburg, the third largest port in

Europe, making an acquisition that promises to transform the company

into a major global player.

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Hellenic Environmental CenterThe Beginning• HEC started operating in 1993, when it was assigned the

project of “ship-generated waste reception facilities” at the port of Piraeus.

• Since 1993 HEC has been continuously expanding its activ-ities and gaining experience, combined with constantly re-newed equipment, to establish its presence in the industry and hold a prominent position.

• Since the establishment of HEC, the company’s basic operating principles have focused on the completeness, sufficiency and quality of provided services, consistency, a safe working environment, the application of procedures as per the applicable national and international laws, and the company’s proper operating structure.

Beyond Greek Borders• In 2000 HEC underwent radical restructuring, making

significant investments in both know-how and technical in-frastructure, meeting and surpassing the increasingly strict requirements of international environmental laws. This strong growth has enabled HEC to become an international-ly established and recognized company.

• Today, HEC is present, following relevant tender proce-dures, at most of the large Greek ports, while it has also laid the foundation for international prospects, since de-mand for the company's services now exceeds the Greek borders.

Prestige and Reliability• HEC has been certified by Lloyd's Register Quality Assur-

ance (LRQA) and operates according to the standards of: • BS EN ISO 9001:2008 - Quality Management System• BS EN ISO 14001:2004 - Environmental Management

System• OHSAS 18001:2007 - Occupational Health and Safety

Management System• HEC has also been registered in the EMAS register of the

Greek Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Change.• Both HEC and its managed vessels are subject to Inter-

national Safety Management Code (ISM) and hold official certification by LRQA.

• HEC is a member of the Industrial-Commercial Chamber of Piraeus, the Mediterranean Cargo Vessels Shipowners Union, as well as the acknowledged organizations of the industry IAPH, Helmepa and Euroshore.PH


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T he Hellenic Environmental Center (HEC), Aegean’s en-vironmental company and

a leading player in ship-generated waste reception port facilities both in Greece and on an international level, proceeded in May 2015 with the acquisition of 100% of the shares of the environmental company of the German Eckelmann group.

The Eckelmann family established their first processing plant in 1957 in Hamburg. After an expansive devel-opment policy by the German group, with acquisitions of key infrastructure and related companies, the environ-mental branch of the Eckelmann group became the number one environmen-tal company in northern Europe, occu-pying the leading position in the sector of integrated ship-generated waste

management services. It is one of the founding members of Euroshore and an exemplary company because of its infrastructure and effective protection policies of the marine environment.

As per the strategic development plan of HEC, company executives worked intensively on the acquisition

of the German leader, marking the expansion of HEC in the Northern Eu-ropean market. With this acquisition HEC also acquired the fleet of twelve tankers of the environmental company of the Eckelmann group and the liquid

waste treatment facilities in the port of Hamburg. The determining factor for the successful outcome of the takeover was the advanced technology that HEC possesses, which was recognized by the German port authorities as capable to fully and effectively protect the marine and terrestrial environment, and en-

sure a secure and dynamic future for the historic company.

With customers such as Cosco, MSC, Maersk, Daimler, Arcelor Mittal, Shell, and Vattenfall, among others, HEC obtains a new, expanded scope

This move strengthens the international position of HEC and reinforces the company’s outward orientation and its influence in the field of environmental protection worldwide


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that will be the stepping-stone for its continuing dynamic global trajectory.

During a ceremony held in Ham-burg, the founder of Aegean Dimitris Melissanidis, the President and CEO of the German company Robert Eckelmann, the management teams of both companies, and many agents of the Port Authority of Hamburg pledged to continue their effective cooperation with the vision of HEC’s global leadership.

Mr. Eckelmann stated that he was excited that their company would continue its brilliant course and have an even stronger presence in Europe thanks to the union with HEC. He is withdrawing from the management of the company, maintaining an excel-lent cooperation with the executives of the Greek company.

The Director of International De-velopment of HEC, Darren Laguea, said: “This acquisition is a decisive factor in the company's international development. This move strengthens the international position of HEC and reinforces the company’s outward ori-entation and its influence in the field of environmental protection world-wide. By constantly investing in tech-nology, services and infrastructure, HEC is an international reference in the field of environmental protection. The international expansion and strengthening of HEC is an exemplar sign of confidence and support to the Greek economy. What’s more, the ac-quisition of a German company with a workforce of 150 people, by a Greek company, showcases an authentic suc-cess story.”

© Port of Los Angeles

The Eckelmann GroupThe Eckelmann Group was founded in 1865 as a family-owned German company and grew into a business giant that offers a wide range of ser-vices in the following sectors:• Transport and logistics for industry

and commerce• Industrial, ship and tank cleaning• Maritime environmental protection

and water pollution control• Land and water-side disposal lo-

gistics• Waste disposal and waste recycling• Hazardous waste treatment and

disposal• Service in the range of railtank cars

and goods wagons for the whole rail industry

• Renewal of drinking water pipes and gas mains

• Production of special coatings for drinking water tanks/containers

The environmental company of the Eckelmann Group has set the stan-dards for environmental protection for more than 50 years, making it the oldest and most experienced recycling company in Hamburg, and a leading, specialized waste disposal company with high technology recy-cling plants in Northern Europe.

Highlights from the Aegean and Eckelmann Group representatives meeting

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HamburgWith just under two million inhabitants in the city center and approx-imately five million in the greater metropolitan area, the "Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg," or Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg in German, is the second largest populated city in Germany. Hamburg is one of 16 German federal states and the economic and cultural center of northern Germany.

Hamburg showcases plenty of architecturally significant buildings in a wide range of styles and only a few skyscrapers. The city’s churches rep-resent important landmarks. There are 2,302 bridges in Hamburg, more than Venice and Amsterdam combined. The port of Hamburg, on the river Elbe, is a main European hub despite the fact that it is not seafront.

The Port of HamburgFrom the cruise ships station to the historical Spaicherstat warehouse and from the boarding docks to the modern container port, the port of Ham-burg is justly called the "Gateway to the world." The port is located 110 km from the delta of the Elbe River in the North Sea. A fork in the river Elbe favors the location of the port of Hamburg creating an ideal place for such infrastructure. With storage and transhipment facilities covering a total area of 74 square kilometers, the port of Hamburg is bustling with 13,000 ships from all over the world on an annual basis, including about 40 cruise ships. In fact, it is the biggest port of Germany, the third busiest port in Europe (after the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp) and the 15th largest worldwide with over 9.000.000 TEUs annually.


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Country: GermanyFlag

Coordinates: 53°34'07"N 10°02'19"EPopulation (city): 1,742,707 Population (Metropolitan Area): 5,088,745 Area: 755,16 km2

The Port of Hamburg

Established: May 7, 1189Management: Hamburg Port AuthorityType of Port: ArtificialLand Area: 43.31 km2 Total Area: 73.99 km2 Employees: > 10,000 Calls: > 10,106 Capacity: > 132.2 mil. tonsTEU: > 9 mil.



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Please tell us briefly about the history of the Port of Gibraltar.The strategic location of Gibraltar explains why, for cen-turies, the Rock has been used as a naval fortress and why so many battles have been fought over this tiny peninsula at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea. Today, this same quirk of geography has allowed Gibraltar to become a Maritime Center of Excellence. Located at a crossroads of Mediterranean and Atlantic shipping lanes, Gibraltar is ideally placed to provide a wide range of services, ranging from bunkering, to crew changes, conducting repair work to taking on supplies and stores, to vessels of all sizes and types, with minimal deviation from their transits. Gibraltar is a bustling commercial center. With over 71,000 vessels transiting the Strait of Gibraltar each year, the Rock has be-come a major bunkering port – the largest in the Mediter-ranean – and offers a wide range of other shipping services.

The Gibraltar Port Authority was established in 2005. Its strategy is to build on Gibraltar’s unique geographical position and provide a vital link between all shipping stakeholders in order to deliver the best possible service to visiting ships, in a safe and efficient operating environ-ment. As part of delivering this core function, we man-age safety of navigation, as well as regulating the various activities, which are carried out in our waters. Notable among these is the regulation of the bunkering industry, for which we attract international recognition for our best practice. The vision for the future builds on this success, and extends this level of partnership and transparency to all sectors of the industry at our port.

The Port Authority current employs over 50 staff and its main functions are:

• Monitoring and control of all vessel movements for BGTW in support of port operations and navigational safety;

• Provision and monitoring of port security including provision of security controls within restricted and con-trolled zones;

• The licensing of Port operations;• Search and Rescue in BGTW;• Pollution prevention and response; and• Monitoring and control of ship-to-ship and bunkering

operations within BGTW.

How important a role does the Port play in the economy of Gibraltar? The Port is one of the key pillars of the economy of Gibral-tar. It is therefore no surprise that it is considered to be a high priority for the Government of Gibraltar. The port authority also works very closely with the private sector to ensure it is best placed to both influence and adapt to future developments in the dynamic shipping world.

Bunkering has been steadily increasing its importance at the Port. How has the Port of Gibraltar been directing the importance of this vital service and source of revenue and employment?Bunkering at Gibraltar has grown tremendously since the modest volumes handled in the 1980’s, with rapid growth leading to Gibraltar becoming the premier bunker des-tination in the Mediterranean. Our privileged strategic position at one of the major crossroads of the international shipping trade routes has certainly been key in establishing

Commodore Bob Sanguinetti talks to Aegean News about the history and the importance of the Port of

Gibraltar, and the role that companies like Aegean play in the success of the Gibraltar bunkering station.


Bob SanguinettiPort of Gibraltar


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the market presence. However, this is not the only con-tributing factor to the continued success of Gibraltar as a bunker port. Gibraltar Port Authority is the primary reg-ulator of the bunkering industry at our port, and we take this role very seriously. In partnership with the local bun-ker suppliers, we have worked very hard to achieve what we feel is, and is widely recognized internationally as, an excellent management process of the entire bunker supply chain. The Gibraltar Bunkering Code of Practice is widely recognized as being a leading exemplar of the way bunker-ing should be regulated. Testament of this recognition is the fact that IBIA holds us up, together with Singapore and Rotterdam, as the standard to which other ports worldwide should aspire to.

We take our environmental responsibilities very seri-ously. We continue to invest in our capabilities. We also follow the relevant international and local legislation on environmental issues and are a member of the Green Port Association, offering discounts to ships conforming to certain environmental standards. And we also offer waste reception facilities to disincentivize ships from dumping waste at sea.

What are some of the “stats and facts” of the port as a bun-kering station and destination for cruise liners?Gibraltar was supplying just under 250,000mts per year in 1980. This steadily rose to a peak of just under 5 million mts in 2009. This growth has meant that Gibraltar has become the leading bunker port in the Mediterranean, the third biggest bunker port in Europe and the seventh biggest worldwide. We have a dedicated fleet of 17 bunker barges operating in Gibraltar, from four different physical suppliers, servicing vessels 24/7, year round at Gibraltar.

As a destination for cruise liners, Gibraltar attracts over 200 ships or over 300,000 passengers every year. You can measure our success in the number of repeat visits we get from the cruise companies. This year, for example, we have heard that Carnival UK expects Gibraltar to be its third most popular port of call, after Southampton, where the ships are based, and Lisbon. As a destination, Gibraltar offers easy access into town, a myriad of tourist attractions, wealth of history and striking geography - it is clear to see why Gibraltar is so popular.

The Port is known for its VTS (vessel traffic services) sys-tem. Please tell us about how the VTS system assists you in the overall operation of this key maritime resource.The system, manned by the Gibraltar Port Authority´s team of VTS staff, has been operational since 2011 and

Captain of the Port

The former Captain Bob Sanguinetti was the first Gibral-tarian to be promoted Commodore of the One Star rank by H M Royal Navy. Upon this appointment, he took over up the post of Head of Intelligence at the Permanent Joint Headquarters.Prior to joining the Navy in 1983, Commodore Sanguinet-ti was educated at Oxford University. He is known to have said that his 'passion for the sea and the desire to travel were fuelled by the sight of frequent warship visits to Gi-braltar' during his childhood.During his Navy career he has commanded a variety of ships - from the Mine Countermeasures vessel HMA Berkeley, the Type 23 frigate HMS Grafton (which es-corted the French aircraft carrier Foch during the Kosovo campaign. In 2007 he commanded a coalition task group, which protected the key Iraqui oil installations. He also served at the Ministry of Defence in London and in Navy Commands HQ.Commodore Sanguinetti is a life-long member of the local Calpe Rowing Club, a keen sailor and enjoys hill walking in his spare time. He is a younger brother of Trinity House, a Yachtmaster Offshore and has wide experience of man-agement and planning.

Commodore Bob Sanguinetti

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allows for constant monitoring of all vessel movements both within and outside British Gibraltar Territorial Wa-ters (BGTW). The VTS staff have at their disposal a range of sensors to assist them in their work, including radar, VHF radio, CCTV and Automatic Identification System (AIS) with coverage stretching many miles out to sea en-abling them to check and direct vessel movements well before their arrival. Whilst the system´s primary focus is on navigational safety, allowing VTS operators to organize movements in the busy BGTW, it also provides opportu-nities to maximize the use of Gibraltar Bay for bunkering operations.

In line with international requirements, vessels are re-quired to provide pre-arrival notification giving VTS staff the ability to organize vessel movements well in advance. This information is shared, in real time, with local bunker suppliers, shipping agents, other marine service providers and the Gibraltar pilots, thus ensuring maximum efficien-cy and minimum waiting times.

You have had an illustrious career in the navy. What are some of the goals you have for the future of the Port, espe-cially in light of your experience?In my previous career spanning over three decades, I've worked extensively, at all levels within the military, and with both the public and private sectors. I have also had

the privilege of working with many committed and highly focused individuals. The job that I am lucky to be in now is no different. I have been struck by the vibrancy and the sense of purpose of those who work in the port, and by the scale and breadth of activity. My challenge is to work close-ly with the local shipping community, ship owners, oper-ators and charterers, in order to consolidate and build on the services we already provide at Gibraltar. This will en-able us to increase our competitive edge and reinforce our worldwide reputation as a center of maritime excellence.

Please discuss the role that companies like Aegean play in the success of your operations.The fact that a prestigious and dynamic company like Ae-gean has decided to come to Gibraltar, and continues to invest in their operation here is testament to the resilience of our port, particularly during the challenging times of the recent economic crisis and down-turn in shipping activity across the globe. The widespread recognition that Gibral-tar has garnered internationally for its regulatory regime for bunkering would not have been possible without the close partnership that we have developed with leading companies like Aegean operating locally. Strong relation-ships like these between the Gibraltar Port Authority and our key partners are absolutely fundamental to the con-tinuing success of our wonderful port.


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Since 2010 Christian Stemper has been documenting the last few remaining individual fisher-

men, and their boats, on the Greek is-land of Paros. The photo documentary Lupimaris is dedicated to the history, stories and faces of the Greek fish-ermen and their traditional, colorful wooden boats, the Kaïkis. These im-ages capture the lifestyle, the tradition,

the adventures and the endangered future of these last Wolves of the Sea (Lupis Maris), lone, proud and inde-pendent, similar to the endangered land creatures who roam forests.

Names Greek fishermen have a special rela-tionship with their boats. The boats usually get the name of the fisher-man’s wife or their daughter, or that of a Greek Orthodox saint. In any case,

the names are of great importance to the fishermen. They reflect a special relationship, or honor the memory of an important person.

Myths & LegendsFishermen spend days, weeks or even months with the same visual and au-ditory impressions, in the permanent solitude of the sea. This stimulates the imagination. Fishermen and their communities develop myths and leg-ends to come to terms with dramatic and traumatic experiences at sea, or to explain and sometimes idealize their relationship with nature and wildlife.

Faith & SuperstitionNo matter what religion or which country, fishing and faith have always been close-knit. Greece is no excep-tion. The majority of fishermen from Paros are religious, as is evident by the large number of icons and crosses found on their fishing boats. Icons of St. Nicholas, patron saint of sailors, and St. Andrew, patron saint of fisher-men, can be seen on many boats.

Natural & Unnatural EnemiesThere are enormous problems with dolphins, seals and migrant fish that harm the nets and cause fishermen to lose their catch and incur additional expenses, as laborious net-repairs must be made.

Greece has the largest number of fishing boats in the EU. One of the central elements of the Common Fisheries Policy was the reduction and rejuvenation of the fleet. The Greek Government developed incentives for handing over fishing licenses (mainly licenses for amateur fishing) and at the same time fishermen had to de-stroy their boats. As a result, thou-sands of traditional wooden boats have unfortunately been destroyed since the 1990s; boats with socio-his-torical value and a part of Greece’s national identity and heritage.

We thank the photographer Christian Stemper for kindly providing the material for this article on the conceptual photo series Lupimaris – The Wolves of the Sea. For more information visit: www.lupimaris.com

“Fishing requires will, knowledge and patience.” —KONSTANTINOS STRATIS

Wolves of the SeaThey are the last of their kind. They are threatened with extinction.

Konstantinos Stratis, a fisherman from the island of Paros, and his boat "Annaki"

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Please tell us a few words about your service station. How long have you been in the fuel business Mr. Vlachakis?This service station has always been a family business. It has been in opera-tion since 1975. At first my father man-

aged the business for a number of years. I took over 15 years ago and last year the business was passed on to my wife.

Talk to us about your customers and your day-to-day activities.We sell fuel and lubricants and we also operate a car wash.

Our area is primarily rural, so most of our customers are farmers. Never-theless, during the summer we also get a number of tourists on their way to the many popular beaches of the area and Elafonissos. Also, the Castle of Monemvasia is nearby and that at-tracts many visitors as well.

How did you choose Aegean?We were very fond of the company brand and we wanted more competi-tive prices. We had grown tired of our old supplier—for various reasons—and I decided to switch suppliers. So, I

examined my options and, after I had spoken with the Peloponnese Aegean supervisor, I concluded that Aegean was the best choice for us. I am con-fident that I made the right decision.

How many years has Aegean been your supplier? How is your cooperation with Aegean today?We have been working with Aegean for six years. A year ago we renewed our contract for another five years. We came to an agreement almost in-stantly. In general, I am very satisfied with the company. We also have a great relationship with our inspector.

How did your loyal customers react when you switched suppliers?There was a large increase in con-sumption and customers directly af-ter we switched suppliers. At the time customers had started to be more aware of prices and shop around for the best deal and that made a big difference.

Today there is an expected drop, but as a professional I have to examine whether this drop is due to the overall crisis or other factors, such as the com-petition. I firmly believe that a good businessman can look at this crisis as an opportunity and really excel.


Mrs. Tsouvalidou’s service station is located in southern Laconia on the Sparta-Neapolis

road, a few kilometers outside the town of Molai. We talked with Mr. Dimitris Vlachakis, Mrs.

Tsouvalidou’s husband.

An Instant Agreement Theofano Tsouvalidou, Asopos, Laconia

There was a large increase in consumption and

customers directly after we switched suppliers

Asopos is a municipality in the prefecture of Laconia in the southern tip of the Peloponnese. The settlement of Papadianika, where Mrs. Tsouvalidou’s service station is located, is the seat of the municipality. Besides Papadianika, other popular areas in Asopos include Karavostasion, Plytra, Glyfa (or Glyfada), Dea-monia, Archangelos, Paralia, Finiki, and Krissa.

Mrs. Tsouvalidou’s service station

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Talk to us about your business and the services you provide, Mr. Mititanidis. Do you employ any staff? Our service station is an all-around one-stop-shop. We sell car fuel and lubricants, and we also operate a carwash, a coffee shop and a mini market. We do not employ any staff.

This is a family business and so just my wife, my children and I work here. How long have you been a service sta-tion owner? And how long have you been collaborating with Aegean?I have been a service station owner for nearly 16 years. I have been working with Aegean since 2005. I was the first to bring the Aegean brand to our area some ten years ago.

What made you switch suppliers ten years ago and join the Aegean retail network?We were experiencing many problems with our previous supplier. Our most serious disagreement was about the

prices. So, we decided to look for an-other supplier and we came to Aegean. The difference was obvious, especially in the beginning.

Please talk to us about your work. Is there a lot of competition in your area?Our work is hard and we face harsh competition. There is a constant strug-gle when it comes to the price of fuel, as there are many service stations in our area, some carrying the Aegean brand and some competitors. We try to fight the competition and survive by keeping our operating costs to a minimum. It helps that we are a family business.

How is your collaboration with Aegean today? Do you feel that the company

assists you? We are doing fine with Aegean. Even when issues arise, like something that came up at the end of 2014, we are able to work them out very fast.

Tell us a few words about your custom-ers.We get a lot of travellers on their way to the Pozar baths, and also a lot of locals. We have been in operation for 15 years, so we have returning customers. This year we did well with heating oil. Our clientele is loyal and they are happy with the products and services we pro-vide. When we came to Aegean every-one told us that we were entering a large company. In other words, that we were joining a whole other league.

A Whole Other LeagueGeorgios Mititanidis, Apsalos, Pella

Mr. Mititanidis’ service station is centrally located on the main road that connects Giannitsa

and Aridea. He talked to Aegean News about his remote hometown and his business, which is

located at a distance of just 20km from Skopje.

When we came to Aegean everyone told us that

we were entering a large company. In other words,

that we were joining a whole other league.

The service station of Mr. Mititanidis

Apsalos, one of the largest villages of the municipality and province of Aridea, in Pella, sits at an altitude of 165 meters. With a population of 6,900 inhabi-tants, the wider region of Aridea is the seat of the municipality of Almopia. Main attractions of the area include the famous Pozar baths and of course the bus-tling ski resort of Mount Kaimaktsalan.

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The "G. Averoff " Floating Na-val Museum is located in the Greek Naval Tradition Park,

next to the Flisvos Marina in Faliro, just south of Athens. The Navy Gen-eral Staff towed the battleship there in 1984, when they decided to turn it into a museum. The battleship was then restored with respect to the historical, technological and cultural significance of the ship. In addition to state funds, private donations covered a big part of the maintenance and res-toration expenses.

A Glorious HistoryIn 1909, the Greek government turned to the Orlando brothers’ shipyards in Livorno, Italy to order a battleship for the renewal of the Mavromichalis fleet. The national benefactor Geor-gios Averof made provisions for part of the deposit for the newbuilding in his will. The battleship was subse-quently named after him. The Nation-al Fleet Fund covered the remainder

of the amount. The 10,200-ton ar-mored cruiser had two four-cylinder Italian engines with a total power of 19,000 hp, 22 French Belleville type boilers, German generators, Arm-strong type 190 and 234 mm English weapons, and the maximum speed was 23 knots (about 40 km / hour).

The G. Averof arrived in Faliro on September 1, 1911. Greeks welcomed it enthusiastically. From October 1912 to the beginning of the First Balkan War, when G. Averof was first thrown into battle under the command of Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis, up to its active participation in the First and Second World War, the battleship had a glamorous career as flagship of the Greek fleet.

After the withdrawal of the Ger-man occupying forces, the G. Averof returned to Greece on October 16, 1944 and anchored in Faliro bay. During 1947-1949 the Battleship became the fleet command center in Keratsini. In 1952 the Hellenic

Navy ordered the dismantling of the battleship and from 1957 until 1983 the battleship remained anchored in Poros, an island not far from Athens. Thirty years later, in 1984 G. Averof assumed its new role. The ship was towed from Poros to Faliro, where restoration work began.

A Continuous Source of Knowledge The Floating Naval Museum has long been an active educational communi-ty with daily visits by schools, institu-tions, organizations and many indi-viduals. More than 40,000 students and adults visit “G. Averof ” every year. This year more than 23,000 peo-ple have already come onboard.

As perhaps the only warship in Greek maritime history that has identified itself for almost half

a century with the history of our nation, the G. Averof battleship has inextricably linked its

name with events of great significance for Greece, without ever meeting defeat or disgrace.

Today G. Averof represents a monument that honors those who served and fell during its

glorious history, keeping alive the heritage of the seas and the Greek maritime tradition.

Aegean News thanks the “G. Averof” Floating Naval Museum Battleship and especially Sub-lieutenant Dimitrios Pittas, Protocol Officer, and Seaman Antonios Kontogiannis of the Hellenic Navy, for kindly providing the material for this article. For more information, please visit the museum website at www.averof.mil.gr, as well as its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/G.AVEROF

Georgios Averof Battleship—A Floating Naval Museum

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CorfuAs Corfu remains a true, beloved travel destination for Greeks and

foreigners alike, its admirers have composed many songs about

this island and have sung many praises about its natural beauty

and friendly inhabitants.

Must SeeThe Temple of Artemis The ancient temple of Artemis dates to about 580 BC and is located in the ancient city of Corcyra, today known as the suburb of Garitsa. The temple was dedicated to Goddess Artemis and functioned as a sanctuary. It is known as the first Doric temple built exclusively with stone.

Pontikonissi Perhaps the most famous sight is this tiny island in front of Kanoni Beach, which is connected with Corfu through a small strip of land. Pontikonissi, or Mouse Island in English (don’t worry; there are no mice there!), is only big enough for the chapel of Our Lady of Vlacherna and its yard.

Achillion This is the palace of Empress Eliza-beth (Sissi) of Austria, with its famous "Achil-les Dying" sculpture, murals, paintings, as well as other wonderful works of art.

Aghios Spyridon St. Spyridon is a Greek Ortho-dox church built in 1580 AD. It houses the rel-ics of Saint (Aghios) Spyridon and is situated in the old town of Corfu. This is a typical basilica, with the tallest steeple in the Ionian Islands.

Paleokastritsa Visitors love this coastal vil-lage in the northwest of Corfu and just south of the Byzantine castle Angelokastro, as it is known for its crystal clear waters and pictur-esque traditional taverns.

Superb Beaches Lovers of sunbathing and swimming choose from many beautiful beach-es with fine golden sand on the island of Corfu, including Ai Gordis, Glyfada, Korission Lake, Aghios Georgios of Pagon, Marathia, Gardenos, Kassiopi, Sidari, Roda, Acharavi, Almyros and Dassia.


Aegean service stations

The English name Corfu (Greek: Kerkyra) derives from the Byzan-tine name Coryfo (Corifi means “peak” in Greek), after the two mountains that visitors first see as they approach the island, the

Pantocrator (914 m.) and Stravoskiadi (849 m.).Due to its geographical position Corfu has been, since ancient times, a

valued fortress and a key commercial port, always adjusting to socio-polit-ical conditions. For this reason the ancient island of Corfu has maintained a constant dialogue between East and West, showcasing its own unique cultural value, beautiful architecture and urban planning, with a strong Venetian element, and many English and French influences.

Way Back ThenArchaeologists have uncovered remains of human presence in Corfu from as far back as the Stone Age, as well as the Neolithic period in several areas around the island. During the Homeric the famous Feakes, who were of Phoenician origin, ruled the island of Corfu. Homer, in fact, tells us about the great Corfiot blind musician Demodokos, who sang in the courtyard of King Alcinous and made Odysseus cry with his song.


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I Protect the Environment-I Safeguard my FutureBy staying informed about what is happening in the world and by passing the information on to

others, we are taking a significant step toward the protection of our planet.



Kerkini National Park Lake—A Natural Gem


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Lake Kerkini is a natural gem created by human inter-

vention in the northwestern part of the prefecture of

Serres. At the lake, just 40 km from Serres and about

100 km from Thessaloniki, visitors of all ages can tour

this natural paradise and admire the rich flora and fau-

na. Scientists from around the world also visit the lake

every year to carry out field work. Kerkini offers ide-

al conditions for bird watching, as it is one of the best

places in Europe for the natural observation of rare and

protected species that live and breed there.

This unusual wetland was created when in 1932 local

authorities constructed the first dam of the river Stri-

monas, which gradually caused Lake Kerkini to form.

Because of its natural richness, Lake Kerkini has been

declared a National Park in accordance with the Inter-

national Ramsar Convention. This is one of the ten wet-

lands of international importance in Greece and it covers

approximately 831,000 hectares. The National Park

of Lake Kerkini was established in November 2006 to

protect the area’s natural heritage, to monitor, safeguard

and supervise the protected area, to coordinate with oth-

er departments and agencies, and run training programs

on environmental education, information and awareness.

FaunaBirds At the Lake Kerkini National Park visitors may ob-

serve more than 300 bird species. 137 of these species

nest, 134 overwinter and 163 use the wetland and the

surrounding area as an intermediate resting and forag-

ing stop in their migration routes. Visitors should not

leave before they spot at least one of the many majestic

species of Lake Kerkini, such as the great cormorant,

the imperial eagle, the golden eagle, and the flamingo.

Mammals There is also a wide variety of mammal

species at the national park. So, look out for otters,

red foxes, wildcats, and weasels in the wetland and the

surrounding mountains. The grey wolf also roams the

wetland at specific times of the year, while it is mostly

found in the surrounding mountains, where there are

also small numbers of wild boars, deer, and jackals. The

area of the lake also hosts the largest number of water

buffalo in Greece, a species that is under the protection

of the Greek state.

Fish In the lake, as well as in the Strymonas River down-

stream of the lake, 32 fish species have been recorded.

The most important of them are: the common carp, the

Russian carp, and the bleak.

Repriles and Amphibians Reptiles are represented

in the area by at least 25 species, the most character-

istic of which are the Balkan pond turtle, the European

legless lizard, and the grass snake. The amphibians are

represented by at least 11 species including the Eastern

spadefoot and the salamander.


At least 1,300 plant species have been recorded in

the National Park, some of which are rare or endemic.

In the marshes visitors will be able to marvel at lilies,

irises, and water mint plants that dominate the area. As

to trees, there are characteristic species to be found,

such as oaks and maples. Visitors will also be able to

observe many species of wild flowers such as orchids

and crocus.

The Lake Kerkini Information Center

The Lake Kerkini information center is located in the village of Kerkini and it is where, on weekdays and weekends, visitors

can obtain information on the national park. The information center provides information to groups of visitors—students,

cultural and athletic clubs and individuals—on the ecological values of the national park, to promote the area and protect

the natural environment.

Source: kerkini.gr

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Step out in style with the Aegean Collection

Aegean Shop at the Aegean Headquarters—

10 Akti Kondyli, 18545, Piraeus, Greece

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Aegean’s websiteswww.aegeanoil.comwww.ampni.com

Aegean Energy for the FutureAegean is Greece's most dynamic energy, petroleum, and shipping group. The company has a network of retail gas stations throughout Greece, is active in marine fuels and lubricants, and operates a fleet of tankers and barges inter-nationally and domestically to transport petroleum and bunkers for its global base of clients.

RETAIL MARKETThrough its fast-growing network of gas stations, Aegean supplies drivers in Greece with gasoline and automotive lubricants. Aegean’s modern, well-maintained gas station network has won the trust of drivers due to the high quality products and services it offers at competitive prices. In addition, Aegean directly supplies large industrial clients with petroleum products of all grades, owing to the consistency and service of its transactions.

BUNKER FLEET NYSE listed Aegean Marine Petroleum Inc., with an exclusively double hull fleet—of which nine ships are newbuild-ings—is the natural supplier of marine fuels at 12 of the most significant ports in the world. Furthermore, with its 22 newbuildings program in progress and the continuous opening of new stations, it is one of the most dynamically developing divisions Of the Aegean Group.

BUNKERING Aegean provides one of the most efficient and responsive bunkering services to clients worldwide. Its ships never stop sailing and its services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Aegean operates bunkering stations in Pirae-us and Patras, and in Gibraltar, Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp, Fujairah, Jamaica, Singapore, Trinidad & Tobago, Portland UK, Vancouver and Montre-al, Mexico, Tangiers, Las Palmas and Tenerife, Panama, Barcelona, Algeciras, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Norfolk, Charleston, Los Angeles, Ham-burg, the Gulf of Mexico, and St. Petersburg. All its products are ISO 8217 certified. The Company, which is a member of IBIA and is ISO 9001 certified, is well positioned on the FOBAS White List.

SHIPPINGAegean's fleet of ships is at the heart of its superior service worldwide. Its vessels operate in full compliance with EU and international standards, are all certified by ISM, ISPS and MLC as well as with ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and 50001 and are in complete compliance with SOLAS and MARPOL regulations. Aegean continually adds to its fleet of ships, which transports oil cargoes worldwide on behalf of major oil companies, commercial clients, and Aegean customers. Its new GreenFleet (http://www.green-fleet.gr) incorporates the latest technologies to ensure reduced operating costs and reduced emissions, while increasing overall performance.

LUBRICANTSAegean produces and markets high performance lubricants for vehicles and industrial use under the Aegean brand and, for the marine market, under the ALFA brand. ALFA marine lubricants are certified and approved by the largest marine engine manufacturers in the world.The resources of our company and our follow–up service create our success-ful relationships and allow Aegean to supply lubricants in more than 550 ports worldwide.

ENVIRONMENT-HECThe Hellenic Environmental Center collects, transports and processes oil residues from ships and land units (industrial, shipyards), while it also manages all liquid resi-dues produced by ships. In order to carry out its work HEC has the most state-of-the-art equipment, consisting of floating separators, a fleet of pollutant-collecting tankers, and well-equipped tank trucks.HEC acts to protect the marine environment and at the same time contributes significantly to the saving of energy with the recycling procedures it uses to transform the reclaimed pollutants into energy resources.

TRADINGAegean is dynamically active in the trading of crude oil and petroleum products worldwide. The Trading Department is comprised of dedicated and professional individuals who combine high level expertise and a great many years of experience in the oil industry. Petroleum products are supplied to a broad spectrum of customers who comprise the company's portfolio. Aegean has acquired its credibility from the high quality of the services it provides to suppliers and ship owners, a fact that supports the company’s ambitions for the achievement of long-range goals in the energy sector worldwide.