Alina - Prezentare Arta Feminitatii

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  • 7/27/2019 Alina - Prezentare Arta Feminitatii


    I help women LOVE being women and FEEL FREE to FEEL GOOD in their body,sexuality, emotions

    and relationships, because I know that they actually know that THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO LIFE



    I help women LOVE being in their feminine energy, enjoy their body and sexuality and really FEELGOOD in their life.



    Coaching women for years now, hearing about their problems and being myself a woman, i have come

    to realize a very important fact that no one talks about, although it runs our lives, unknowingly, robbing

    ourselves from the best of it. It is a secret hidden under so many layers of fake control, smiles and

    imitating sucess and well being that it has become the root of almost every problem women confront

    with in their lives, be it in intimate relationships, in their work, in their spiritual quest and even, themost damaging, in relationship to themselves. This unspoken, unrecognised, deeply rooted secret is:

    Women do not allow themselves to feel pleasure. They dont know how anymore. It is forbidden. It isdangerous. It is just too much. Pleasure is such a word! It makes us blush and close our eyes.

    But i am not talking here about pleasure as a sexual thing -although that might too be an aspect of it italk about the pleasure of being alive, of being who we are, the pleasure of being, having, wanting

    pleasure and joy in our LIFE. It is as though woman's desire is dead. The force of life itself is hungry,

    forgotten, resented and nearly dead. Think its too much and i am exagerating? Just take a good lookaround.

    Every time i talk to a woman, be it in day to day life or even in coaching sessions, the hardest thing isto have them acept what it is that they want. I mean what it is they truly desire, yearn for, die and livefor. What is that makes their eyes shine, their breath fast, their hips sway, their heart expand and makes

    them feel fully alive. What makes their blood rush, their being ready, their soul fed, their hands and feet

    and heads and hearts aligned and ready to move, to get, to own, to just SHINE.

    When i talk to most women "of success" that i know, (and there are so many nowadays), they seem to

    know what they want. They know it so well that their body is tight, their jaws clenched, their gazeempty as hypnotized and most of all, sad.

    The women that are very intuitive on the other hand, feel in their soul that something is missing, but are

    disempowered, mellow and resigned.

    Each and everyone of them, be it from the "succesful" team or the intuitive team, when asked what theywant give me a list of things that they feel are good, or allowed, or desirable, or proper. And that's it.

    Nothing that makes their heart or mine pop. Instead, it's all about what is OK. As if OK were the top of

    the top for anything in life. They are pleased if the husband is OK, if their children are doing OK, iftheir health, life, work, hopes, dreams, love life, sex life, life life is OK. Satisfactory. Sufficient. Not

    screaming with pain or dellusion. But is that enough? Is it really?

    I rarely see women singing and dancing in their heart. I rarely see women exuding happiness and

    fulfillment. I almost never see women glowing other than from illuminating powder and shimmer. I

    rearly see women walking as if they are jumping with joy from inside, light as a feather, moving freely

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    and flexible in following their heart. I rearely see women dreaming high, going low in their primal

    energy, using its force to spring up, to access their heart and follow. I see women taking action after

    action programmed in the mind, fighting and striving not to live but mostly to survive and be satisfied

    (and grateful if they are spiritual) with what they have. And there is nothing wrong with gratitude andacceptance of what is, don't get me wrong, it's just that only this, without the salt and pepper of joy and

    laughter, and dreams and high hopes and deep enjoyment and vibrating bodies and pulsating hearts is

    just that...a life without salt and pepper. Plain like a placebo pill.Because of this plain OK women just dry up or lose their energy in trying to be this or that, imitating,

    fighting, striving, controlling, without ever being able to say, hand on their heart: OMG, I AM HAPPY!

    I want to help you, Woman, to get in touch with your desire, with your pleasure, with the best and the

    sweetest of life. I am here so that you are guided to get in touch with what it is that you want RIGHT

    NOW, what starts your engine and propulsates your being right now. No (more) delay. You can findwhat feels good right now and folow it so that you stop delaying happiness and start living RIGHT

    NOW. Not tomorrow, not in ten years time, not after your kids grow up or after u finally get married or

    lose those damn extra pounds, and not after everyone is pleased with you except, of course- you

    yourself. I am here to help you find your way through pleasure, through what attracts and magnetizesyou, through joy and feeling free. So that, your happines is fulilling for those around you. So that your

    dreams are just contagious. So that your being is so vibrant with life and inspiring that people feel good

    in your presence and more of themselves. So that you bloom like a rare flower, lightning the world withyour glory, your grace and your beauty. Even though you may strangely believe that you are not

    beautiful anymore. No more BS!

    This is not about "The Secret" and "the Law of Attraction", this is about YOU. It is not about thinking

    positively and staying positive and mild no matter what, it is about the force of raw, beautiful, vibrant

    life. Your life. It is about accepting who you are AND acting accordingly. It is about your energy, your

    emotions, your spirit, but also about your body and feelings. It is about joy, but also about pain andhow it can be a red thread leading you to a deeper, truer, simpler happiness than you can imagine when

    you fear it. It is about accessing your feminine power, through your joy, and owning it and making it

    shine through, in all its bright glory, no matter how far or long ago you think you've lost it. It is notabout the womb space and walking tall with a book on your head so that you look like a queen. It is

    about you being a queen and owning your majestic beauty, riding the lion of desire and leting your

    heart lead the way. You are a woman, and the force of life is your vechicle. Pleasure is the gas, thecombustible. Your heart is the gateway. You can feel free to ride at your own speed, enjoying

    everything and feeling like a woman!

    I can show you the simplest, most natural way to it.

    Alina-Gabriela DospinescuHeart Intelligence certified Coach&Facilitator


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    My message is about 3 main aspects:

    1. Women make themselves small because they dont allow pleasure in their life at

    all levels.

    2. Most of the talk about Feminine Power is BS; Women have given up their real

    power - which is Love in all its many facets and forms - long time ago, especiallyeversince they run after power outward, imitating men and transforming

    themselves in dry, walking and especially talking men-dolls (either dolls for men

    or men-alike dolls; i use the term "dolls" because there is a shallowness aboutboth aspects and a lot of empty heart; This lack of heart comes from the lack of

    refined pleasure and joy - we are just anaware of what brings joy in our heartsand not just in our heads (point1) ).

    3. None of the above matters if we stop trying to conform - follow certain rules,

    have models of "success", be all alike and we start looking inside and givingourselves what we want WITHOUT FEAR.

    Fear keeps us from enjoying because it stops us from even starting to follow our

    hearts. Instead it makes masks and shells develop: gluttony, weakness, pride,

    poverty which are mostly eating us alive from the inside, especially eating ourhearts out. We are so busy with these that we "lose touch with our power", in fact

    with our innate qualites and resources (which are feminine qualities, because weare women). It is not a mistake hat we are women and we are sitting on a

    treasure chest without opening it and using the gold inside because we are too

    shy and afraid to hold the key- which is pleasure, joy, our hearts desires in a

    word, FEMININE ENERGY. The key - pleasure&joy- takes the gold out -ourresources, qualities, feminine power - and puts them in action for our own good,filling our hearts more and more. Only in this way we can truly be Women-- have

    hearts so full of a love that is continuously filling us from the inside, so rich andabundant that it is pouring out in miliard of forms and aspects and changing the

    whole world.


    Why work with your feminine energy in a women's heart circle?

    To find yourself again and again, more beautiful and fascinating and unique than u ever


    --To naturally restore your health, your well being and the belief in your dreams and

    help bring your passion into the world in a meaningful way!

    --And to do it with the utmost authenticity, joy and pleasure, just as you need and


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