Designed by Fernanda Candéo http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/ 1

Amigurumi Hermione Granger Doll

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  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/


  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/



    This doll is made in rounds.

    2,25mm Crochet Hook

    Anne Thread


    MR = magic ring

    ch = chain

    st = stitch

    sc = single crochet

    hdc = half double crochet

    dc = double crochet

    R# = round ou row #

    inc = increase

    dec = decrease

    pop corn stitch= dc4 in the same stitch closed all together as one

    * * = repeat what is between **

    HEAD (skin color) MR, 5sc (5)

    R1 5inc (10)

    R2 5inc (20)

    R3 *1sc, 1inc* (30)

    R4 *2sc, 1inc* (40)

    R5 *3sc, 1inc* (50)

    R6 R20 50sc (50)

    R21 *3sc, 1dec* (40)

    R22 *2sc, 1dec* (30)

    R23 *1sc, 1dec* (20)

    R24 10dec (10)

    Tie off and stuff very carefully. Leave a long tail to sew the body.

    I put the safety eyes on 10th round with 6 stitches between them.

  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/




    In black

    MR, 8sc (8)

    R1 8inc (16)

    R2 6sc, 2hdc each st next 4st, 6sc (20)

    R3 20sc (20)

    R4 5sc, 5dec, 5ch hold the other side and work

    5sc in these 5ch, 5sc (15)


    In gray

    R5 15sc back loop (15)

    R6 *1sc, 1dec* (11)

    R7 1dec, 9sc (10)

    R8 R14 10sc (10)


    In skin color

    R15 10sc (10)

    R16 *4sc, 1inc* (12)

    R17 R21 12sc (12)

    R22 *1sc, 1inc* (14)

    Make the other leg.

  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/


    BODY Skin color

    Here we will join the legs and begin the body.

    R1 14sc from first leg, 14sc from second leg (28)

    R2 *3sc, 1inc* (35)

    R3 7sc, *2sc, 1inc, 2sc*x3, 13sc (38)

    R4 38sc (38)

    R5 7sc, 1inc, 16sc, 1inc, 13sc (40)

    R6 R8 40sc (40)

    R9 *2sc, 1dec* (30)

    R10 30sc (30)

    R11 *1sc, 1dec* (20)

    R12 R14 20sc (20)

    R15 *1sc, 1inc* (30)

    R16 R23 30sc (30)

    R24 *3sc, 1dec* (24)

    R25 *2sc, 1dec* (18)

    R26 *1sc, 1dec* (12)

    R27 3sc, 1dec, 4sc, 1dec, 1sc (10)

    R28 R29 10sc (10)

    Now you sew the head very carefully and stuff the neck very tight.

    HANDS AND ARMS In skin color

    MR, 4sc (4)

    R1 4inc (8)

    R2 *1sc, 1inc* (12)

    R3 R5 12sc (12)

    R6 11sc, 1 pop corn (thumb) (12)

    R7 *1sc, 1dec* (8)

    R8 R25 8sc (8)

    Stuff the arm and close both sides making 4sc.

    Sew the arm to the body .

  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/


    HAIR I preferred to let the face and hair to make after making the body so I can figure out how she will be.

    Two laps above the eyes, I just sewed a hair fringe with yarn to be used for doll hair.

    I cut the yarn twice the size I wanted the hair as it is placed folded.

    Put, yarn to yarn to fill the dolls head and not get too armed.

    Embroidered mouth with red thread.


    White shirt



    R1 R5 30dc

    Now, for armhole work separately front and back.

    Back (each side)

    R6 R10 7dc


    R6 R10 16dc

    Tie off.


    R1 3 ch, 8dc, 1dec, 8dc, fecha (18)

    R2 18dc

    R3 *4dc, 1dec* (15)

    R4 15dc

    R5 *3dc, 1dec* (12)

    R6 R9 12dc,

    R10 12sc

    Tie off.

  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/


    Gray vest


    R1 R7 30sc

    Now, for armhole work separately front and back.

    Back (each side)

    R8 R15 7sc


    Leave a st under the armhole.

    R8 R9 14sc

    Here you make each side separately to make the neckline.

    R10 7sc

    R11 5sc, 1dec

    R12 1dec, 4sc

    R13 3sc, 1dec

    R14 1dec, 2sc

    R15 R17 3sc.

    Sew the shoulders.

    The vest and white shirt were dressed in doll and stitched on the back. Therefore there is no possibility to change clothes in that case.

    The tie was made using yellow and red thread, working chain and single crochet with the two colors.

  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/


    Black skirt


    R1 4sc, 4hdc, 8dc

    R2 8dc, 4hdc, 4sc

    R1 and R2 repeated until row 27. Total thus ending in R1. Sewing and dress the doll.

    Black coat


    R1 R14 70dc


    Middle stitches

    R15 R19 36dc


    Working each side separately. Take care that the reductions are made to the outside.

    R15 17dc

    R16 15dc, 1dec

    R17 1dec, 14dc

    R18 13dc, 1dec

    R19 1dec, 12dc

    R20 11dc, 1dec

    Tie off and makes the other side equal.

    Caring for reverse decreases. Sew the shoulders.

  • Designed by Fernanda Cando http://teiadecarinhos.blogspot.com.br/



    R1 24sc around armhole

    R2 R6 24dc

    R7 24sc

    Tie off.

    14 points in the back of the neck I did 2 rows of 14dc.

    And around the coat I did finish with sc.

    I put a "button" at the time of onset of decreases in order to close the coat.

    There it is!!

    You made your own Hermione!

    Have fun!!

    Please, this pattern is distributed free of charge, so I request that you dont sell it in any way and if there is interest of disclosure, be kind enough to cite the source.

    Thankfully, Fernanda Candeo