Formulario 1 . CUESTIONARIO PRODUCTOS DE PLANTACIÓN ............................................................................. Formulario 3 CUESTIONARIO DE PRODUCTOS DE PROCESOS.......................................................................... Lista de Documentos 1 LISTA DE DOCUMENTOS PARA PRODUCTOS DE PLANTACIÓN..................................................... Lista de Documentos 2 LISTA DE DOCUMENTOS PARA PRODUCTOS DE DE PROCESOS.................................................. ANEXOS Tendencias del Mercado Alimentos Orgánicos en la R. P. China Enero 2013 Documento elaborado por Oficina Comercial de ProChile en R.P. China - Beijing

ANEXOS Alimentos Orgánicos - prochile.gob.cl · cuestionario de productos de procesos ... lista de documentos para productos de plantaciÓn ... 蜂产品/ honey products

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Page 1: ANEXOS Alimentos Orgánicos - prochile.gob.cl · cuestionario de productos de procesos ... lista de documentos para productos de plantaciÓn ... 蜂产品/ honey products

Formulario 1 .

CUESTIONARIO PRODUCTOS DE PLANTACIÓN .............................................................................

Formulario 3

CUESTIONARIO DE PRODUCTOS DE PROCESOS ..........................................................................

Lista de Documentos 1

LISTA DE DOCUMENTOS PARA PRODUCTOS DE PLANTACIÓN .....................................................

Lista de Documentos 2

LISTA DE DOCUMENTOS PARA PRODUCTOS DE DE PROCESOS ..................................................


Tendencias del Mercado

Alimentos Orgánicos en la R. P. China Enero 2013

Documento elaborado por Oficina Comercial de ProChile en R.P. China - Beijing

Page 2: ANEXOS Alimentos Orgánicos - prochile.gob.cl · cuestionario de productos de procesos ... lista de documentos para productos de plantaciÓn ... 蜂产品/ honey products



申请编号Application No:



Application for CQC Certification(Organic Products)


(Name of Applicant)


认证类别Certificate Sort: □ 有机Organic

□ 有机转换Conversion to Organic

中国质量认证中心 China Quality Certification Centre

Page 3: ANEXOS Alimentos Orgánicos - prochile.gob.cl · cuestionario de productos de procesos ... lista de documentos para productos de plantaciÓn ... 蜂产品/ honey products


2012-3-22 (2/1) G Page 3 of 47

填 表 说 明

Guidance Notes for Application Form



Certificate application: any applicant for certification shall fill in an

application form and submit a set of application documents. CQC/130R01.02

“Questionnaire for Organic Product Certification” should be submitted together

with this application form.



This application form must be completed with accurate information and

in clear writing, and shall not be altered. Application documents shall be

submitted according to the requirements outlined in CQC/130R01.03

“Supporting Document Checklist for Organic Product Certification”.


Application No. will be filled in by the authority responsible for handling

your application.



Planting/Breeding base or location: details including the addresses of

village names of your plant/breeding bases shall be filled in and multiple

locations shall be listed (with an attached list if needed) if there are more than

one planting/breeding base.


Production scale: in hectares, in number of animals (livestock, poultry),

or in 10 thousand number of fish, etc.



Planting/breeding history: history of artificial planting/breeding of the

sort/breed in local, stated in number of years.

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Annual domestic demand: estimated amount in tons. Annual amount of

export shall also be specified in the case of export.


Long-distance area code shall be indicated before contact telephone



Please fill in “None” or “Not applicable” for the items that don’t exist or

are not applicable for you.

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1.1认证委托人名称/Name of Applicant:

1.2 认证委托人地址、邮编/Address and postal code of Applicant:

1.3 网址Website Address


1.5 组织机构代码 /Organization Code

1.6织织注册资本(万元)/Registered Capital(in 10 thousand yuans)

1.7组织机构类型/Organization type:

□政府机关 □事业单位 □社会团体 □企业组织 □有限责任公司

Government Public Community Enterprise LLC Institution Organization Organization

□股份有限公司 □股份合作制企业 □全民所有制企业 □集体所有制企业

Co.Ltd. by Joint-equity Owned Enterprise under Shares Cooperative by the Whole People Collective Ownership Enterprise

□合伙企业 □个人独资企业 □其他:

Partnership Sole Individual Others Enterprise Proprietorship Enterprise

1.8组织员工数量/Staff Numbers

1.9 联系人/Contact Person:

1.10 电话/Telephone: 手机/Mobile Telephone:

传真/Fax: 电子邮件/E-mail:

1.11 首次发证时间 Certified since

2. 代理机构或中国办事处名称, 联系人姓名, 地址, 邮编, 电子邮件、电话及传真/Name

of Agent or Office in China, its contact person, Address, Post Code, E-mail, Tel.

No. & Fax No.:

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3. 种植/养殖生产基地/Production Base

3.1基地名称/Name of Production Base:

3.2基地地址、邮编/Address and Post Code of Production Base :

3.3 联系人/Contact Person:

3.4电话/Telephone: 手机/Mobile Telephone:

传真/Fax: 电子邮件/E-mail:

4. 加工厂/Processing Factory

4.1加工厂名称/Name of Processing Factory:

4.2加工厂地址、邮编/Address and Post Code of Processing Factory:

4.3 联系人/Contact Person:

4.4电话/Telephone: 手机/Mobile Telephone:

传真/Fax: 电子邮件/E-mail:

5. 产品种类/ Product Sort:

5.1 种植/Planting

□植物生产/Crop Production

□食用菌栽培/ Edible Mushroom Cultivation

□野生采集/Wild Collection

5.2 养殖/Breeding:

□畜禽养殖/ Livestock and Poultry Breeding

□水产养殖/ Aquaculture

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□蜜蜂养殖/ Beekeeping

5.3加工/ Processing

□作物产品/Crop Products

□野生采集产品/Products from Wild Collection

□畜禽产品/ Livestock and Poultry Products

□水产品/ Aquatic Products

□蜂产品/ Honey Products

□纺织品/ Textile Products

5.4其它/ Others:

6. 申请认证产品名称、规模/Name and Scale of Certification Products


Product Name


/Production Scale (in hectares or

number of animals)


Yearly Output (in tons or number of animals)


Packaging specifications


rly Output Value (in 10 thousand yuans)












Note: ①Please attach a separate table if your have many products.


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We declare that we will follow the certification rules and procedures of China Quality

Certification Center and make payment for the fees arising from the inspection and

other services that are required for the certification. China Quality Certification Center

will not undertake any legal liabilities that shall be undertaken by the producers or

resellers that are granted with product qualification certificates.

授权人签字(盖章)/Authorized signatory (seal)

年Y 月M 日D






Notes: 1. Please mail or submit online application form and supporting documents required

according to the checklist to Product Certification Dept. 7 of CQC or Branches of


2. Public documents or information about appeals or complaints can be acquired

from the CQC website;

3. Please continue to fill in GAP certification application form if you also want to

apply for a GAP certificate.

You may attach additional pages if there is not enough space allocated for the above items.

CQC guarantees confidentiality of content of all the documents submitted by applicant for


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Commitment from Applicant for Certification

1) 本企业申请CQC有机(转换)认证,所提交的申请资料真实有效,

The applicant hereby applies for a CQC organic (conversion) certificate and shall

ensure the trueness, legality and effectiveness of all the application documents provided;

2) 始终遵守认证方案的有关规定;

Shall always obey the relevant rules of the certification program;

3) 为进行评价做出必要的安排,包括为审查文件所做的准备,开放所有的区域



Shall make necessary arrangements for the evaluation, including the preparations for the

investigation on documents, opening of all the areas and records (including internal audit

reports), and readiness of the relevant personnel, to facilitate the evaluation (e.g. detection,

inspection, appraisal, supervision, and re-evaluation) and resolve complaints;

4) 仅在获得认证的范围方面作出有关认证的声明;

Shall only declare certificates in the scope that is certified;

5) 在使用产品认证结果时,其方式不得损害中国质量认证中心(CQC)的声誉


When using results of product certification, shall not damage the reputation of China

Quality Certification Center (CQC), or make any declarations that are considered by CQC as

misleading or any other declarations related to un-authorized product certificates.

6) 当认证被暂停或撤销时,应立即停止使用包含产品认证内容的所有广告,并


Shall immediately stop using all the advertisements which include the content of

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product certificates, and return all the certificate documents as required by CQC, when the

certificate is suspended or withdrawn;

7) 使用认证结果仅表明产品经认证符合特定标准;

Using of certification results only indicate that the products are certified to comply with

specific standards;

8) 应保留文件和记录以证实符合性,文件应保留五年以上;

Shall keep the documents and records for over five years, in order to confirm the


9) 确保不以误导的方式使用或部分使用认证证书或报告;

Shall ensure not to use or partially use the certificate or certification report in a way that

may cause misleading.

10) 在文件、宣传册或广告等传播媒体中,对产品认证内容的引用,应符合CQC


Reference to the content of product certificates in medias such as documents,

brochures or advertisements shall comply with CQC requirements;

11) 确保有机产品生产、加工、经营质量管理体系持续有效,持续按照有机产品


Shall ensure that the quality management system of production, processing and

operation of organic products continuously to be effective, and shall continuously execute

production, processing and operation according to organic product certification standards, and

regulate using of inputs, in order to comply to the requirements specified by the national

regulations and standards.

12) 承诺守法诚信,接受行政监管部门及认证机构监督和检查,保证严格执行有

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Shall commit to integrity of law, and accept supervision and inspection from the

administrative supervision departments and certification organizations, and promise to strictly

execute the organic product standards, the implementation rules of organic product

certification and the relevant technical requirements;

13) 如果申请认证的产品、经营场所等发生变化时,需要向CQC重新提交新的申


Shall re-submit new application documents to CQC if there is any change on the

certification products, or the business premises, etc.

14) 自提交有机认证申请材料之日起,将严格按照国家有机标准要求进行生产。

Shall execute production by following the national organic standards strictly since the

day of the submission of the organic certification application documents.


Certificate applicant/ authorized signatory (seal):



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Declaration by Certificate Applicant on Compliance of the

Organic National Standards and the Implementation Rules of

Organic Product Certification


It’s hereby declared that:






The applicant has management documents and production and processing

procedures well in control, and has taken executions according to the organic

national standards and the implementation rules of organic product certification.

The operation during the on-site auditing period is consistent with what is being

executed actually. The applicant doesn’t use or add any substance that’s not

allowed by the relevant laws or regulations such as the organic national

standards and the implementation rules of organic product certification. The

applicant shall ensure that the premises for organic product production and

processing, and the other resources (such as production equipments and

management personnel) during the audit period are owned by this certificate



Hereby my declaration.

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Certificate applicant/ authorized signatory (seal):



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Declaration by Certificate Applicant

on Product Production and Processing Inputs


It’s hereby declared that:






The inputs that are used for planting and processing procedures during the

application period (since the day that application form is submitted to CQC) for

CQC organic (conversion) certification (refer to the submitted application form

for this auditing for details) by this applicant fully comply with the requirements

of organic product certification. The applicant understands the sources, names

and ingredients of the inputs. The applicant commits to confirm with the

certification organizations before making any necessary change to the inputs.

The raw materials and inputs for the applicant’s production and processing

are non-GMO products.


Hereby my declaration.

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Certificate applicant/ authorized signatory (seal):



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Declaration by Certificate Applicant

on Identification and Sales According to the Standards


It’s hereby declared that:






The applicant hereby applies for a CQC organic (conversion) certificate.

The applicant declares that after acquiring the organic (conversion) certificate,

the applicant shall identify and sell organic (conversion) products according the

requirements specified by the national laws, regulations and standards, and shall

correctly make use of the marks, without exceeding the authorized scope and

amount. During sales, the applicant shall take measures to avoid mixture of

organic and non-organic products, and avoid touching between organic products

and prohibited substances, and shall also take measures to avoid

misunderstanding of consumers to consider normal products as organic

(conversion) products.


Hereby my declaration.


Certificate applicant/ authorized signatory (seal):



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Questionnaire for Organic

Product Certification (Products from Planting)

Name of Applicant: _________________________

Legal Representative (Signature/Seal): __________

Completed by: _____________________________

Application Date: D______ M _______ Y _______

China Quality Certification Center

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Guidance for Application Form

1. This form is not valid without signature or seal of your legal representative

(person in charge) or signature of your person who completes the form;

2. Copied forms are not valid without signature or seal of the legal

representative (person in charge) or signature of your internal inspector;

3. This form is not valid with alteration;

4. This form will only be accepted if it is either printed or filled in with clear

handwriting in block letters and in black ink;

5. This form is only valid after being attached with your official seal;

6. Relevant supporting documents shall be provided if additions or changes are

needed after this form is submitted;

7. Please fill in “None” or “Not applicable” for the items that are not applicable

for you;

8. Appropriate remarks (such as “refer to**”) shall be made on the items that

separate pages are attached;

9. Please contact with the certification organizations for enquiries.

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1 Overview of Farms

1.1 Organic product production plan of the current year

Name of Production Base Address Product





scale (in



(in tons)

1.2 Do you have any products not applying for certification or any products produced in

non-organic ways in the same production units? □ Yes □ No.

Please fill in the following table if Yes.

Name of Production

Base Address

Name of product not applying

for certification or produced

in non-organic ways


scale (in





1.3 Standards for organic products in execution: □GB/T19630 □EU □USA □Japan


1.4 Have you passed the following certifications: □Food Safety Management System

Certification □HACCP Certification □ GAP Certification □ISO9001: 2008 Quality

Management System Certification □Other certifications:

1.5 The total acreage for this certification application: hectares;

1.6 Crops and acreage already certified as organic (For how many years

have you been granted certificates? );

Crops and acreage already certified as organic conversion

(Conversion period is since D M Y . If there are different conversion periods, please

indicate the conversion periods for different products:

Regular crops and acreage

1.7 Name of certification organization of your most recent certification:

Year of certification:

Is there any non compliance? □Yes □No (Please brief the content of your non

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compliance if Yes: )

1.8 Have you ever been rejected or revoked by any other certification companies on

certificates: □Yes □No (Please describe the reasons, time, etc. about the revocation of

your certificates if Yes: )

1.9 Since when did your bases begin to plant crops: ; Since when did your bases begin

to plant crops in organic ways: .

1.10 Do you have any parallel production? □Yes □No

If Yes, do you have any control measures or documents for your parallel production?

□Yes □No

Please fill in the attached Table 1 “Organic Conversion Plan” if you have parallel

production for perennial crops.

1.11 Please brief your planting history and harvesting management conditions in the past

three years for your land that’s applied for organic certification (e.g. name of planted

products, scale, major agricultural activities and harvesting status, etc.) :

1.12 Using prohibited substances the last time

Land No.

Name of prohibited




Usage amount in

each hectare Date of using Reason of using

1.13 Have you ever got guidance from organic agricultural technicians in your production

processes? □Yes □No

1.14 Major problems and solutions for organic agricultural production:

1.15 Please brief your major agricultural activities of the current year:

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1.16 What manners of rotation and intercropping are applied? Please brief your management

measures for rotation and intercropping of crops (if applicable):

1.17 Have you ever done environment evaluation for your production bases and their

surroundings? □Yes □No

Have you got any environment evaluation reports? □Yes □No

1.18 Have you ever done testing on soil of your bases? □Yes □No

Testing time:

1.19 Have you ever done testing on irrigation water of your bases?

□Yes □No Testing time:

1.20 Are there any test reports for your certification products?

□Yes □No

a. Test date

b. Name of the test organization which issued the test report

2 Basic Conditions of Farms

2.1 Is there any influencing factor for environment quality (e.g. soil erosion, sand erosion,

trees over-harvesting, lack of water, chemical pollution, air pollution, eutrophication, etc.)

□Yes □No

Please explain the reasons if Yes:

2.2 Irrigation water source for crops:

Rain water River water Goundwater Others:

2.3 Irrigation manner:

2.4 Are there any buffer zones between your organic lands and regular lands?

Yes No

Please elaborate if Yes (e.g. physical partitions, or buffer zones with certain distance):

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2.5 Please brief the local ecosystem features (e.g. physical locations; whether there are any

industrial and mining enterprises, trunk roads, rivers or forests; usage conditions of

surrounding lands):

3 Seeds and Seedlings

Name of

seed/seedling Source





Whether processed through chemicals

or radiation (if Yes please elaborate the

substances used and the processing


4 Controls of Plant Diseases, Insect Pests and Weeds

4.1 Please fill in the attached Table 2 for controls of plant disease, insect pest and weeds in

the past three years.

4.2 How do you control diseases, insect pests and weeds as set forth in Clause 4.1 during

your organic planting processes?

Measures of diseases control:

Measures of insect pests control:

Measures of weeds control:

5 Soil Management

5.1 Soil fertility status: Poor Normal Good

5.2 Improvement measures for soil fertility:

5.3 Name and source of fertility

Name and composition

of fertility Source

Whether it is a permitted

substance by GB/T19630.1

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5.4 Have you used any soil conditioners in the past three years? Yes No

Please fill in the names and using methods of the soil conditioners if Yes:

5.5 Planting and harvesting time of your certification products in the current year (one year

after your application date)

Product name Planting/culturing time Harvesting time Remarks

6 Edible Mushrooms

6.1 Source of mushrooms seeds:

6.2 Using which kind of substrate and its source:

6.3 Please brief your management measures for miscellaneous mushrooms and pests:

6.4 Are there any accessories used? Yes No

Please fill in the names, using methods and using amount of the accessories if Yes:

6.5 Does your production water comply with the requirements of GB5749?

Yes No Can you provide test reports? Yes No

7 Wild Collection

7.1 Explanations for legal status of your collection areas (e.g. state owned, collectively

owned, leased, contracted, etc.) :

7.2 Collection area and name of products to collect:

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7.3 Have you explained your specific requirements (e.g. specific collection areas, products to

collect, collection time, collection hygiene and product quality requirements, certification

standards, etc.) to your collectors or relevant agents (brokers/contractors): Yes No

7.4 Have your collectors signed declarations for following relevant requirements?

Yes No

7.5 Does your collection have any effect on the local ecological environment?

Yes No

Please explain the collection manners and the ecological protection measures if Yes:

7.6 Is your collection of wild products sustainable? Yes No

Please explain the reasons and measures for sustainable collection if Yes:

7.7 Can you provide certificates issued by local industry departments in the recent 36

months to show that you have taken pest control measures in wild districts and haven't used

any prohibited inputs: Yes No

7.8 Manners and methods of handling wild products collected:

7.9 The maximum collection amount in your collection area is tons. Please also

briefly explain the factors that may have effect on the collection amount:

8 Production of Sprouts

8.1 Source of seeds:

Have you planted organic seeds? Yes No

8.2 Does your production water comply with the requirements of GB5749?

Yes No Can you provide test reports? Yes No

8.3 Management measures for diseases and pests:

8.4 Please explain types, using methods, using areas of cleaning agents and disinfectants:

9 Harvesting, Packaging, Storage & Sales

9.1 Harvest manner: Manual Mechanical Others:

9.2 Packaging manner:

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9.3 Do you have secondary packaging and processing? Yes No Please elaborate

secondary packaging and processing if Yes:

9.4 Do you have your own product warehouses? Yes No

If Yes, elaborate the number of your warehouses and their storage capacities in the

below table:



Storage capacity (in


Storage of organic crops (in

tons) Storage of regular crops (in tons)

9.5 Do you lease warehouses? Yes No

Please elaborate the conditions of your warehouses that are leased (number, storage

capacity, leasing period, whether a leasing contract has been signed) if Yes:

9.6 In the case there are both organic and regular crops stored in the same warehouse, do you

have any measures to separate organic and regular crops? Yes No

9.7 Please brief major pests in storage and your control measures for them:

9.8 Major sales areas, resellers, sales volume and sales value of your products in the last


Sales plan for the current year:

10 Overview of Staff

Number of staff on your farms:

Number of relevant staff of organic production:

Number of staff with college education:

Number of staff in majors related to your certification products:

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Manager/Person in charge of



Education Major Whether trained in

organic production

Representative for applicant (signature/seal):


Note: Representative of applicant shall take responsibility for accuracy of information

that’s filled in.

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Table 1: Organic Conversion Plan



Name and address of

production unit





Acreage to convert (in hectares)

1st year 2

nd year 3

rd year 4

th year 5

th year

I hereby promise to carry out the above conversion plan and will try my best

efforts to finish it in the shortest time.


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Table 2: Controls of Plant Diseases, Insect Pests and Weeds in the Past Three Years




Name of plant

diseases, insect

pests or weeds







Time of


Name of plant

diseases, insect

pests or weeds







Time of


Name of plant


insect pests or








Time of


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Questionnaire for Organic

Product Certification (Products from Processing)

Name of Applicant: _________________________ _____

Legal Representative (Signature/Seal): _________________

Completed by: ____________________________________

Application Date: D_________ M _________ Y _________

China Quality Certification Center

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Guidance for Application Form

1. This form is not valid without signature or seal of your legal representative

(person in charge) or signature of your person who completes the form;

2. Copied forms are not valid without signature or seal of the legal

representative (person in charge) or signature of your internal inspector;

3. This form is not valid with alteration;

4. This form will only be accepted if it is either printed or filled in with clear

handwriting in block letters and in black ink;

5. This form is only valid after being attached with your official seal;

6. Relevant supporting documents shall be provided if additions or changes are

needed after this form is submitted;

7. Please fill in “None” or “Not applicable” for the items that are not applicable

for you;

8. Appropriate remarks (such as “refer to**”) shall be made on the items that

separate pages are attached;

9. Please contact with the certification organizations for enquiries.

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1 Overview of Processing Plants

1.1 Names of processing plants:

Addresses of processing plants:

1.2 Standards for organic products in execution: □GB/T19630 □EU □USA □Japan


1.3 Have you passed the following certifications? □Food Safety Management System

Certification(HACCP Certification) □ISO9001: 2008 Quality Management System

Certification □Other certifications:

1.4 Type of certificate: □Organic product certificate (For have many years have you been

granted certificates? ) □Organic product conversion certificate(For how many years have

you been granted certificates? . Conversion period is since D M Y ) (If there are

different conversion periods) Please indicate the conversion periods for different products:

1.5 Name of certification organization of your most recent certification:

Year of certification:

Is there any non compliance? □Yes □No (Please brief the content of the your non

compliance if Yes: )

1.6 Have you ever been rejected or revoked by any other certification companies on

certificates: □Yes □No (Please describe the reasons, time, etc. about the revocation of your

certificates: )

1.7 Do you have any parallel production? □Yes □No

If Yes, do you have any control measures or documents for your parallel production?

□Yes □No

1.8 Have you ever got guidance from organic technicians in your production processes?

□ Yes □No

1.9 Major problems and solutions for organic processing:

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1.10 Are there any test reports for your products for certification? □Yes □No

a. Test date

b. Name of test organization which issued the test report

2 Production Conditions & Management Measures of Processing Plants

2.1 Processing Frequency: □ (Seasonal) from M to M □ Year-round production

2.2 Brief of factory conditions of processing plants (e.g. factory acreage, production

capacity, surrounding environment etc.):

2.3 Processing plants’ production plan of the current year

Organic product Regular product

Product name Production time Output Product name Product time Output

2.4 Major processing engineering flows:

2.5 Key production equipments

Equipment name Number of

units Processing capacity/hour Product name

2.6 Please elaborate waste names and ways of handling of your processing workshops:

2.7 Have you ever had environmental quality problems (e.g. waste discharge, air pollution,

etc.) in your processing plants? □Yes □No

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Please explain the reasons and solutions if Yes:

2.8 All the pests (damages from rats, bugs, etc.) and precautions for them in your processing


3 Inputs

3.1 Ingredients

Name Proportion Source

Whether has acquired an organic

certificate, and indicate the

certification organization that

issued the organic certificate if


3.2 Additives


Source and



Usage Whether related to

transgenic factors

Whether using the

substances allowed

by GB/T19630.2

3.3 Processing aids


Source and



Usage Whether related to

transgenic factors

Whether using the

substances allowed

by GB/T19630.2

3.4 Whether processing production water complies with the requirements of GB5749:

□Yes □No

Can you provide test reports? □Yes □No

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3.5 Cleaning agents, disinfectants and fumigants

Substance name Source Usage and using methods

3.6 Are your processing ingredients and the other substances stored separately?

□Yes □No

4 Product Packaging, Transportation, Storage and Sales

4.1 Name and composition of product packaging materials:

4.2 Manner of product packaging:

Do you have any secondary packaging and processing? Yes No. Please elaborate your

secondary packaging and processing if Yes: :

4.3 Do you outsource your product transportation to subcontractors?

Yes No

4.4 Do you have any hygienic control measures during your transportation procedure?

Yes No

4.5 Do you have your own product warehouses in your processing plants?

Yes No

If Yes, elaborate the number of warehouses and their storage capacities in the below




Storage capacity

(in tons)

Storage of organic

products (in tons)

Storage of regular products (in


4.6 Do you lease warehouses? Yes No

Please elaborate the conditions of your warehouses that are leased (number, storage capacity,

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leasing period, whether a leasing contract has been signed):

4.7 In the case there are both organic and regular products stored in the same warehouse, do

you have any measures to separate organic and regular products? Yes No

4.8 Please brief your control measures for pests such as rats and bugs, etc. (e.g. fumigation,

rodent-proof plate, etc.):

4.9 Major sales areas, resellers, sales volume and sales value of your products in the last


Sales plan for the current year:

5 Overview of Production Staff for Organic Products

Number of staff in your processing plants:

Number of relevant staff of organic production:

Number of staff with college education:

Number of staff in majors related to your certification products:


Manager/Person in charge of



Education Major Whether trained in

organic production

Representative for applicant (signature/seal):


Note: Representative of applicant shall take responsibility for accuracy of information

that’s filled in.

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Supporting Document Checklist

for Organic Product Certification (Planting)

Enterprises that apply for organic product certification from China Quality

Certification Center (“CQC” in short) shall also provide the following relevant

attachments (copies are acceptable) besides completion of CQC’s “Application

Form” and “Questionnaire”.

1. Documents of your basic status

1.1 Your legal business qualification documents (qualification documents such

as business license, organization code certificate etc.);

1.2 Your legal land use certificate or legal business identification documents

(lease or outsourcing contracts shall be provided for land lease);

1.3 (Wildlife products) Certificate for permission of wildlife product


1.4 Please provide agreements signed among relevant parties in the case of a

cooperation project (e.g. in the case you are not a direct producer of

organic products, shall provide copies of the written agreements signed

with your organic product producers and the producers’ qualification


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1.5 Organic planting agreements signed between your bases and farmers and

list of farmers (including farmer names, land numbers, land acreage, and

planted crop breeds, etc.)(when applicable);

1.6 List of collectors (including names, collection areas, collection production,

etc.) in the case of wild collection;

1.7 You shall provide development approval issued by government and a

certificate to show no prohibited substances have been used in the past

three years, in the case of newly reclaimed land;

1.8 You shall provide certificates, notification of certification results or

inspector reports for your projects that have been certified by other

certification organizations;

1.9 You shall provide relevant content and other information which caused

the rejections of certification for your projects of which certifications have

been rejected by other certification organizations.

2. Documents of bases’ environmental status

2.1 Land map of your organic production bases, which should at least indicate:

(1) Detail of map of land distribution in production/wild collection areas;

(2) All the rivers, wells, and other water sources;

(3) Usage status of adjacent land and border land, and conditions of buffer

zones and surroundings;

(4) Isolated areas for livestock and poultry quarantine (if any);

(5) Processing & packaging workshops; raw material & product warehouses

and distribution of related devices;

(6) Major markers in your production bases that can indicate the location of the


2.2 Administrative map within 5 kilometers of your bases, with marks on

surrounding industrial pollution sources;

2.3 Test report of irrigation water;

2.4 Test report of soil;

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2.5 Test report of air (if needed).

3. Documents of quality management systems

You must shall establish systems for organic product production and

processing management, and shall work out a “Manual for Organic

Product Production Management” and update it regularly. Your manual

shall at least include the following content:

3.1 Introduction of organic production and operator;

3.2 Management policies and targets of organic production and operator;

3.3 Organization chart and rights and responsibilities of relevant personnel;

3.4 Management of organic marks;

3.5 Traceability system and product recall;

3.6 Internal inspection (including your resource allocation of organic production

managers and internal inspectors);

3.7 Document and record management;

3.8 Handling of customer complaints;

3.9 System for continuous improvement.

4. Procedures of organic product production

Organic production operators shall formulate detailed production

procedures, which shall at least include:

4.1 Operating Procedures for crop cultivation;

4.2 Precautions to prevent pollution from prohibited substances during organic

production and operation procedures;

4.3 Measures to prevent mixture of organic and non-organic products;

4.4 Harvesting procedures for plant products, and operation procedures of all

the process flows including harvesting, transportation after collection,

processing and storage, etc.;

4.5 Maintenance and cleaning procedures of transportation tools, mechanical

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equipments, and storage facilities;

4.6 Management procedures for labels and batch numbers;

4.7 Planning for sustainable development of wild collection in the case of wild


4.8 Procedures for staff welfare and labor protection;

4.9 Information circulation system.

5. Records (record list can be provided first in application)

Organic production operators shall establish and keep records, which shall

at least include the following content:

5.1 Records of using prohibited substances the last time, including names and

amount of substances used, and using time;

5.2 Original records of agricultural production;

5.3 Compost records, including sources of raw materials, proportions, types,

composting methods, and usage amount, etc.;

5.4 Records of seeds and seedlings, including names, sources, amount, etc. of


5.5 Records of plant diseases, insect pests and weeds control, including

substance names, compositions, sources, reason of using, using amount,

using time, and lands of using etc.;

5.6 Harvesting records, including breeds, amount, harvesting time, manners of

harvesting, production batch numbers, etc.;

5.7 Records of delivery and warehousing of products;

5.8 Product sales records;

5.9 Transportation records;

5.10 Records of equipment maintenance and cleaning;

5.11 Staff training records;

5.12 Internal inspection records;

5.13 Records of using and managing organic marks;

5.14 Records of all the complaints received from consumers or public on your

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products or production systems;

5.15 Product recall records;

5.16 Accounting records of all the inputs, including sources, purchasing

amount, usage and amount, inventory amount, etc. Purchasing receipts

shall be kept;

5.17 Management program for sustainable production in organic wild plant

collection areas (if applicable);

5.18 Other records that can trace back procedures for your product production


6 Other documents

6.1 Certificate that seeds and seedlings are non-GMO;

6.2 Certificate that seeds and seedlings haven’t been processed by prohibited

substances of organic production;

6.3 (Wildlife products) Certificate issued by local industrial departments on

control measures of pests in wildlife areas and not using prohibited


6.4 Certification documents of organic production managers’ qualifications

(e.g. diplomas, degree certificates, training certificates, etc.);

6.5 Certification documents of technicians’ and internal inspectors’

qualifications (e.g. qualification certificates, diplomas, training

certificates, etc.) ;

6.6 Certification documents of purchasing commodity organic fertilizer

(brochures, technologies, ingredients, test reports, etc.);

6.7 Certification documents of purchasing plant protection products (brochures,

technologies, ingredients, test reports, etc.);

6.8 Labels of agricultural films’ ingredients;

6.9 Physical samples, copies or photos of all kinds of packages (boxes) and

packaging labels of products to be applied;

6.10 Certification documents of all kinds of other production facilities used in

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production (purchasing documents, brochures);

6.11 Production plan of the current year;

6.12 Shall provide rotation plan if there is rotation;

6.13 Organic product production planning, including evaluation for suitability

of ecosystem, explanation of production manners and relevant supporting

documents, management system of input materials such as pesticides and

fertilizers, quality ensurance, labelling, establishment of traceability

systems, risk control measures of organic production, etc.

Remarks: 1) The above required documents are the general requirements

for all applications for organic production, processing, and operation

certifications. Inspectors may request applicants to provide some other

documents which are not listed here during inspection according to the

actual status of different producers, processors or operators.

2) CQC will not disclose any supporting documents provided by

applicants to any third party without written authorization from the


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Supporting Document Checklist for Organic

Product Certification (Products from



Enterprises that apply for organic product certification from China Quality

Certification Center (“CQC” in short) shall also provide the following relevant

attachments (copies are acceptable) besides completion of CQC’s “Application

Form” and “Questionnaire”.

1. Documents of your basic status

1.8 Your legal business qualification documents (e.g. business license,

organization code certificate, production permit etc.);

1.9 Your legal land use certificate or legal business identification documents;

1.10 Please provide agreements signed among relevant parties in the case of a

cooperation project (e.g. in the case your are not a direct producer of

organic products, shall provide copies of written agreements signed with

your organic product producers and the producers’ qualification


1.11 You shall provide certificates, notification of certification results or

inspector reports for your projects that have been certified by other

certification organizations.

1.12 You shall provide relevant content and other information which caused

the rejections of certification for your projects of which certifications have

been rejected by other certification organizations.

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2. Documents of processing plants’ basic status

2.1 Administrative map of processing plants;

2.2 Floor plan of plants (should indicate plant’s surrounding conditions);

2.3 Distribution map of processing and packaging workshops, raw material and

product warehouses and relevant equipments;

2.4 Map of location of catchers or monitors for pests like rats or pests;

2.5 Process flow charts;

3. Documents of quality management systems

You must establish systems for organic product production and

processing management, and shall work out a “Manual for Organic

Product Production Management” and update it regularly. Your manual

shall at least include the following content:

3.1 Introduction of organic production and operator;

3.2 Management policies and targets of organic production and operator;

3.3 Organization chart and rights and responsibilities of relevant personnel;

3.4 Management of organic marks;

3.5 Traceability system and product recall;

3.6 Internal inspection (including your resource allocation of organic

production managers and internal inspectors);

3.7 Document and record management;

3.8 Handling of customer complaints;

3.9 System for continuous improvement.

4. Procedures of organic product production

You need to formulate detailed production procedures, which shall at least


4.1 Operating procedures for processing and operating certification products

and process directions of each flow;

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4.2 Precautions to prevent pollution from prohibited substances during organic

production and operation procedures;

4.3 Measures to prevent mixture of organic and non-organic products;

4.4 Management procedures of all your process flows including raw material

purchase, storage, processing, packaging, identification, stockpile, and

transportation, etc. for certification products;

4.5 Maintenance and cleaning procedures of transportation tools, mechanical

equipments, and storage facilities;

4.6 Management procedures for labels and batch numbers;

4.7 Procedures for staff welfare and labor protection;

4.8 Information circulation system.

5. Records (record list can be provided first in application)

Organic production operators shall establish and keep records, which shall

at least include the following content:

5.1 Whole-procedure records of processing;

5.2 Purchasing records of raw materials and ingredients;

5.3 Records of delivery and warehousing of raw materials and ingredients;

5.4 Records of delivery and warehousing of products;

5.5 Sales records;

5.5 Transportation records;

5.7 Records of using and managing marks;

5.8 Cleaning records for processing plants and equipments;

5.9 Sanitary records of controls and prevention of pests (including damages by


5.10 Waste disposal records;

5.11 Staff training records;

5.12 Internal inspection records;

5.13 Records of all the complaints received from consumers or public on your

products or production systems;

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5.14 Product recall records;

5.15 Accounting records of all the inputs, including sources, purchasing

amount, usage and amount, inventory amount, etc. Purchasing receipts

shall be kept.

5.16 Other records that can trace back procedures for your product production


6. Certification documents

6.1 Test report of processing water;

6.2 Copies of organic certificates and sales certificates of purchased organic

raw materials and ingredients;

6.3 Compliance certificate of sewage discharge of processing plants;

6.4 Certificate documents for all kinds of materials used in production

(purchasing documents, product descriptions);

6.5 Certification documents of organic production managers’ qualifications

(e.g. diplomas, degree certificates, training certificates, etc.);

6.6 Certification documents of technicians’ and internal inspectors’

qualifications (e.g. qualification certificates, diplomas, training

certificates, etc.) ;

6.7 Physical samples, copies or photos of all kinds of packages (boxes) and

packaging labels of products to be applied;

6.8 Organic product production planning, including evaluation for suitability of

processing environment, explanation of production manners, processing

technologies and flows and relevant supporting documents, management

system of inputs, quality ensurance, labelling, establishment of

traceability system, risk control measures of organic production, etc.

Remarks: 1) The above required documents are the general requirements

for all applications for organic production, processing, and operation

certifications. Inspectors may request applicants to provide some other

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documents which are not listed here during inspection according to the

actual status of different producers, processors or operators.

2) CQC will not disclose any supporting documents provided by

applicants to any third party without written authorization from the
