Holiday in Two weeks ago, precisely on the 25th of February 2016, I do school student tourism to the city of Yogyakarta. We stayed four days and three nights in Yogyakarta. The first goal that I visited was Pindul. trip to Pindul spent 9 hours. on the bus, we sang together, eating snacks together, annoying friend who was sleeping, and there are many more things we do not get bored. we finally reached the cave Pindul safely even though my friend who vomited while on the bus earlier. we got off the bus and immediately borrow a life jacket that has been provided by guards. After that, we went up a special car for transporting people. I can not wait to get up there. Pindul cave when he got in, I was awed by the beauty of the place. shady trees, the water is clean enough, and much more beauty in the cave. very dark in the cave, there are many bats hanging from the cave ceiling. we were holding hands so that no one separate. a lot of corals that grow in that cave. dark yet beautiful. when they arrived at the mouth of the cave, we fell into the water and swim. the water depth is 5 meters, and it was pretty deep for me because my body short. We also capture a moment in there. The next goal is the Borobudur temple. we headed the Borobudur temple at midday, very hot. the road to the Borobudur temple is also quite long and very tiring. yag many foreign tourists there. we also do not shy to say hello to them and take pictures together. To the top of Borobudur temple makes me thirsty, tired, and tired. but it was challenging for me. each ladder I climbed to reach the top of the Borobudur temple. when they arrived at the summit, many of my school friends who had reached the summit and take pictures. tired I was missing and immediately photographed with foreign tourists. Merapi last destination is a museum. when traveling there, the weather was overcast and drizzling, makes me cold. we also direct a group photo. before admission to the museum trim, lots of rules to be followed for example, is forbidden to touch any object that is in

Anggia Punya

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Page 1: Anggia Punya

Holiday in

Two weeks ago, precisely on the 25th of February 2016, I do school student tourism to the city of Yogyakarta. We stayed four days and three nights in Yogyakarta. The first goal that I visited was Pindul. trip to Pindul spent 9 hours. on the bus, we sang together, eating snacks together, annoying friend who was sleeping, and there are many more things we do not get bored. we finally reached the cave Pindul safely even though my friend who vomited while on the bus earlier. we got off the bus and immediately borrow a life jacket that has been provided by guards. After that, we went up a special car for transporting people. I can not wait to get up there. Pindul cave when he got in, I was awed by the beauty of the place. shady trees, the water is clean enough, and much more beauty in the cave. very dark in the cave, there are many bats hanging from the cave ceiling. we were holding hands so that no one separate. a lot of corals that grow in that cave. dark yet beautiful. when they arrived at the mouth of the cave, we fell into the water and swim. the water depth is 5 meters, and it was pretty deep for me because my body short. We also capture a moment in there.

The next goal is the Borobudur temple. we headed the Borobudur temple at midday, very hot. the road to the Borobudur temple is also quite long and very tiring. yag many foreign tourists there. we also do not shy to say hello to them and take pictures together. To the top of Borobudur temple makes me thirsty, tired, and tired. but it was challenging for me. each ladder I climbed to reach the top of the Borobudur temple. when they arrived at the summit, many of my school friends who had reached the summit and take pictures. tired I was missing and immediately photographed with foreign tourists. Merapi last destination is a museum. when traveling there, the weather was overcast and drizzling, makes me cold. we also direct a group photo. before admission to the museum trim, lots of rules to be followed for example, is forbidden to touch any object that is in there and so much more. In the museum merapi, we saw a movie 2D titled “Mahaguru Merapi”, it’s so amazing. The film is really cold.

after that we immediately return trip to Surabaya. tujuayang I visited a lot of places, a lot of experience that I experienced, but I did not tell you everything here because for me it is very difficult to be written in words or oral.

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Anggia Khofifah/Ixg 02

Ya Allah Engkaulah yang maha menghidupkan. Hidupkanlah aku dalam keadaan suci dan ambilah nyawaku dalamkeadaan suci pula.

Ya Allah Engkaulah yang maha melindungi. Lindungilah aku dan kedua orang tua hamba dari godaan setan dan siksa neraka-Mu.

Ya Allah Engkaulah yang maha pemberi rezeki. Lancarkan rezeki kedua orangtua ku dan mudahkanlah urusan mereka.

Ya Allahhanya kepada-Mu lah hamba meminta pertolongan. Engkaulah yang maha dibutuhkan

Ya Allah Engkaulah yang maha pemberi petunjuk. Tunjukilah hamba-Mu ini jalan yang lurus dan benar, dan jadikanlah aku termasuk golongan orang-orang yang beriman.

Ya Allah Engkaulah yang maha mengumpulkan. Kumpulkan hamba, kedua orang tua hamba beserta semua saudara hamba ke dalam surga-Mu.