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  • 8/13/2019 anti-BHO CCLXV


  • 8/13/2019 anti-BHO CCLXV


    But two days later, his insurer has no record of the transaction,

    Shlora said, even though his account on the government

    website indicates that he has a plan.

    "I feel like this: My application was taken by a bureaucrat, it

    was put on a conveyor belt and it's still going around, and it's

    never going to leave the building," he said. "I've lost hope. If it

    happens, great."

    Obama administration officials acknowledged today that some

    of the roughly 126,000 Americans who completed the torturous

    online enrollment processin October and November might not

    be officially signed up with their selected issuer, even if the

    website has told them they are.

    Note that this transaction was done this weekend, not in the opening days of

    the troubled site. His transaction occurred after all those fixes were made. So

    there's some evidence that the site . . . isn't fixed.

    The Obama administration's big song-and-dance Sunday was designed to get

    some nice, happy headlines to start the week, and to create the impression

    among their loyal base that the site is fixed.

    Morning Jolt, Monday morning: "Basically, they're bragging that they think they

    have the site significantly improved."

    Washington Post,late Monday afternoon:

    Around 10 a.m. Monday morning, the Obama administrationbegan using queuing software to meter entry into the Web site. At the time, the site had fewer than

    40,000 users, somewhere in the "mid-30,000" range, as

    Medicare spokeswoman Julie Bataille put it.

    "As we looked at error rates, that was the team's

    determination," Bataille said.

    Most notably, the queuing system went up before hit its planned target of handling 50,000

    concurrent users. When pressed on this point, Bataille referred

    to a separate metric that the administration has used tomeasure success: that 800,000 people be able to use the Web

    site in a single day.

    They can't be honest with us. They don't trust us with the truth, or they fear

    how the public will react with the truth. So they tell us everything's working

    fine, and hope not enough people notice.
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    Attention, White House staffers: This is not Syria, some far-off land that people

    will eventually forget about. This isn't Benghazi; the country won't eventually

    move on and forget about your lies. This is not "Fast and Furious;" most

    Americans can't just shrug that it doesn't affect them. This is not the IRS abuse

    scandal, which you can blame on some low-level employees in a Cincinnati

    office, or GSA employees spending taxpayer dollars on luxury hotels in Las

    Vegas. This isn't Solyndra. This isn't wiretapping AP telephone lines or preparing

    a conspiracy charge against Fox News's James Rosen. This isn't even the NSA

    domestic-surveillance scandal, a revelation that really aggravates people but

    that fades from the headlines over time.

    No, this is the health care of millions of people that you're botching, after years

    and years of assuring the public that you can handle this and that they'll love

    the results of your efforts, hammered through Congress on party-line votes.

    It's infuriating to be on the receiving end of the lie, but the irony is that it's only

    the shortest of short-term solutions for the person telling the lie. Their

    impossible promises and lies and excuses always end with some variation of"and in the very near future, you're going to have an easier time, paying less

    money, to get better health care, we promise!" The "very near future" then

    arrives, and lo and behold, their vision hasn't come to fruition. Because it can't

    come to fruition, at least not the way they're doing it.

    Bruce Webster:

    Those of you who have readmy posts on ObamaDontCarewill

    recognize many of the quotes and concepts above, because

    they apply as much to the website development effort as they

    do to the legislation behind it. It is not surprising, then, that the

    Obama Administration's response to profound problems withboth the ACA's implementation and the systems

    is to push ahead, patching, waving hands, hiding actual

    performance and/or outright lying about how the systems are

    doing, rather than taking a step back and figuring out what

    would actually be best, what would work best, for Americans

    and America.

    Speaking of Predictable Responses from the President . . .

    Ron Fournier is turning into one of the most interesting Obama critics. He's not

    "one of us" in the movement conservative sense; he covered Bill Clinton in

    Arkansas when he was governor for the Associated Press, then moved to theWashington bureau of that wire service, serving as Washington bureau chief for

    much Obama's first term.

    Fournier wroteMonday:

    President Obama needs to fire himself. Not literally, of course,

    but practically: He needs to shake up his team so thoroughly
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    that the new blood imposes change on how he manages the

    federal bureaucracy and leads.

    A series of self-inflicted wounds during his fifth year in office,

    capped by the botched launch of the Affordable Care Act, have

    Americans questioning the president's competence and

    credibility. History suggests that second-term presidents rarelyrecover after their approval ratings fall as much as Obama's

    have this year

    The Affordable Care Act fiasco underscores the need for a

    significant overhaul. Despite three years to prepare, the website didn't work upon launch, and the

    president misled millions of Americans by promising during his

    reelection campaign that they could keep their insurance plans

    and their doctors. As The New York Timesreported Sunday, the

    story of how Obama's team responded to the failures "reveals

    an insular White House that did not initially appreciate themagnitude of its self-inflicted wounds, and sought help from

    trusted insiders as it scrambled to protect Mr. Obama's image."

    That description is a damning indictment that could be applied

    broadly to the Obama years. For all his strengths, Obama is a

    private, almost cloistered, politician surrounded by fawning

    aides who don't understand why anybody would object to his

    policies; thus they are often caught flat-footed by critics. They

    often put political tactics ahead of governing, protecting the

    president's image with narrow-minded zeal.

    Short of resignation, can you think of anything Obama is less likely to do thanfollow Fournier's advice? Overhauling his cabinet would be a de facto admission

    that he's been wrong about a lot of things from the beginning. He was wrong

    about the workability of the ObamaDontCare legislation as a whole. He

    appointed the wrong people to his cabinet and shouldn't have trusted them

    with these responsibilities. Hedidn't take the early warnings seriously enough.

    Sometimes he'll come close to acknowledging these hard revelations and the

    enormity of these mistakes -- "what we're also discovering is that health

    insurance is complicated to buy"-- but he usually brushes them off or quickly

    discards those inconvenient truths before their ramifications sink in.

    He doesn't know how he's doing, and over the weekend,he told us that he still

    doesn't know why he doesn't know:"We're evaluating why it is exactly that Ididn't know soon enough that [the site] wasn't going to work the way it needed


    Think about it -- at the end of November, two weeks after this major failure,

    he's admitting he's still not sure why he was in the dark about it for so long.

    Unless he's lying, he still doesn't know who was responsible for keeping him
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    informed about the site's problems and why they didn't tell him. There is little

    or no indication that anything has really changed after this massive failure.

    This epic obliviousness to how things are really progressing around him leads to

    catastrophically bad decision-making. How different would the political scene

    look today if, back in late September, President Obama had said, "fine, I'll

    accept a one-year delay in the individual mandate to avoid a governmentshutdown?"

    Jonathan Last wrote that Obama was an " American Narcissus" back in 2010.

    Here's the real flaw about Narcissus, at least according tothe myth:It's not just

    that he fell in love with his own image. It's that A) he mistook the mirror's

    reflection for an actual person, and thus lost the ability to distinguish between

    images and reality and B) he was blinded to everything else.