Antonia Guinard

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  • 7/29/2019 Antonia Guinard



    Title: Training family competences at school to improve educative outcomes.

    Authors: M.Antnia Gomila ([email protected])

    Beln Pascual ([email protected])

    Marga Vives ([email protected])

    Rosario Pozo ([email protected])

    Miquela Ginard ([email protected])

    Members of the Research Group on Educational and Social Training of the faculty of

    Education of the University of Balearic Islands.

    Contact address:[email protected].

    Postal address: Ed.Guillem Cifre. Universitat de les Illes Balears. Ctra. de Valldemossa,

    k, 7,5 Palma de Mallorca. Illes Balears

    Tf. +34971172483, +34971179927


    Evidence based programmes centred on training family competences have largely

    shown their efficiency in the prevention of behaviour problems among children and

    adolescents. The Strengthening Families Programme (Kumpfer & Demarsh 1985;Kumpfer et al. 1989) is one of the most successful programmes in the improvement of

    the parenting competence, the social skills, the behaviour of children, and the family

    relationships. The Spanish adaptation of this programme is the Family Competence

    Programme (Orte et al. 2008). The results of its implementation show important

    benefits in the elements that help to improve the academic outcomes of the children, as

    well as efficient in the prevention of disruptive behaviours affecting the school social

    environment. The participation to the programme leads towards a higher involvement of

    these families in the school and, therefore, towards an improvement of the relations

    among the involved agents. The paper aims to present the project of implementation ofthe PCF at primary schools, in coordination with the Confederation of parents

    associations of the Balearic Islands. The project intends to attract families to the school

    and to get more involved in school activities as a way to create a solid network

    involving the school, the families and the community.

    Key words: Family competences, parenting skills, socio-educative programmes

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Experts have largely proved that the participation of the parents at the school of

    their children and their involvement in their education process is a basic element to

    prevent not only from scholar failure but also from misbehaviour and behavioural

    problems (Epstein et al. 2002; Deslandes, 2010). One of the key strategies to motivate

    the implication and participation of the family is the provision of support to the parents

    to enhance their parental capacities. This support extends also to enhance parents

    capacities to provide help with academic tasks and stimulation to learning. The

    implication of the professionals is also high, as they have the responsibility to develop

    the actions and projects that motivate the families to participate and to get involved.

    Nevertheless, although a fundamental part of the socialization process of the

    children, parents do not receive specific training to do so. Risk factors and stress

    situations complicate the involvement of the parents in the education of their children if

    they do not receive some kind of support (whether external or from social network).

    Some of these risk factors come from the operation of the school system but also well

    from the socioeconomic and cultural background of the family. In some cases, there are

    affected by internal factors relating to home environment, parenting patterns and

    relationships among the family members. Families presenting high levels of stress,

    anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, disruption and/or aggressiveness have little

    engagement in the scholar development of their children and very low involvement in

    the school activities (Supplee et al. 2004; Martinez et al. 2010). In such cases, it is

    necessary to reinforce the family to reduce and minimize the risk factors and

    strengthening the protection factors to ensure success in the management of family life

    and interpersonal relations (Orte, 2008: 27).

    The increasing demand to promote family cohesion through positive parental

    patterns has led to the development of socio-educative programmes with the family.

    Among the strategies developed to engage the family and provide support to parents in

    childrens education and wellbeing, there are socio-educative interventions. Although

    they are more recent than other approaches (such as family therapy orParents school),

    they already provide a quite considerable amount of theoretical and methodological

    references that allow making a positive evidence of its efficiency.

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    The core idea of this type of intervention is that improving family relations and

    parenting skills, children will enhance educative outcomes. The main intervention

    criteria are the socio-ecological approach. The family is considered a global unit and the

    intervention includes parents training, childrens skills training and family practice

    time together (Kumpfer & Johnson, 2007). The multicomponent factor has strong

    impact on the reduction of risk factors and reinforcement of protective ones, while

    motivating parents to develop positive parenting models and enhancing the family

    cohesion (Orte et al. 2012). Many of these programmes have been focus on families at

    high risk linked with substance abuse and child abuse but there has also been some

    attempt to extend the programmes to universal prevention through school interventions.

    Their evaluation has shown very positive outcomes in strengthening family bonds and

    preventing children and adolescents from substance abuse and disruptive behaviour

    (Kumpfer & Johnson, 2007).

    Among these programmes, the Strenghtening Family Programme (Kumpfer &

    DeMarsh 1985; Kumpfer et al. 1989) has been stressed by the Cochrane Review as one

    of the most successful programmes. This programme is an evidence-based family skills

    training program that involves the whole family, aiming at the improvement of the

    parenting competence, the social skills, the behaviour of children, and the family

    relationships. Its first implementations started at the end of the 80s in US and it

    expanded to 17 countries. The Spanish adaptation of this programme is the Family

    Competence Programme (PCF) and it has been successfully implemented in several

    parts of Spain (Orte et al. 2008) since 2006. The PCF is a multi-component program of

    proven efficiency in preventing drug use and other behavioural problems in children.

    However, despite it has also school based interventions in connection with other social

    institutions in order to detect those families who show higher risk factors, the PCF has

    never been associated or involved with school structure.

    The results of the interventions already carried out in different parts of Spain

    show important benefits in the elements that help childrens academic outcomes as well

    as efficient in the prevention of disruptive behaviours affecting the school social

    environment (Orte et al, 2008, 2012). The programme seeks the implication of the

    families in their educative responsibilities, especially in those presenting disruptive

    relations and dysfunctional organization.

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    The programme seeks the implication of the families in their educative

    responsibilities, especially in those presenting disruptive relations and dysfunctional

    organization. The participation to the programme leads towards a higher involvement of

    these families in the school and, therefore, towards an improvement of the relations

    among the involved agents. Actually, the development of strategies and initiatives to

    stimulate a higher participation of the parents at schools is an old demand of the

    parents associations and schools, especially for those families at risk that show weaker

    involvement in the education of their children.

    The paper aims to present the project of implementation of the PCF at primary

    schools, in coordination with the Confederation of parents associations of the Balearic

    Islands. Although still at its preliminary phase, the implementation of the PCF at school

    intends to attract families to the school and to get more involved in school activities as a

    way to create a solid network involving the school, the families and the community

    (practitioners and social services, as well as other community institutions) that leads to

    the improvement of the social cohesion.

    The projects adaptation is still ongoing and it has not been implemented yet. The

    paper presents only the context in which the programme has to be implemented and the

    expected results in family cohesion and social inclusion. This context cannot be

    understood without taking into consideration the socio-political framework defined by a

    strong financial reduction of the public services. The withdrawal of many educative and

    formative projects, as well as the professionals and resources involved, predict severe

    consequences for the families and the children wellbeing if it is not compensated with

    other initiatives (March, 2012).

    Connecting family competences, scholar outcomes and children behaviour: a View

    of the Spanish context.

    Education policy in Spain from the late decades of the 20th century has swing

    between universal principles and those claiming freedom to choose the type of

    education of their children (Calero 2006). Inclusiveness and free cost of education have

    been the key elements of the universality of education, whereas the second-chance

    programmes, grants and credits for those having problems at school were at the side of

    those claiming freedom to choose. Compulsory education was not an inclusiveeducation as it leaded to a hard way towards a selective degree. The aims of the law

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    where still linked with knowledge transmission and passive attitudes and not critical

    judgement and creativity (Feito 2005).

    Indicators of the Spanish education system show, among other problems, lack of

    public coverage at early childhood, high level of dropout and low level at post-

    compulsory education, integration problems with students belonging to minorities,

    increasing inequality among public and private schools, low financial support to

    students and families, lack of distributive efficiency and high inequality among regions

    regarding public investment in education (Pascual, 2012; Calero, 2006).

    The increase of foreign population at scholar ages during 1996 to 2006 has deeply

    affected the management of the public education system. Scholars increase 88,10% in

    those years. Concentration of foreign population1 in public schools makes adaptation

    and integration of this population more complicate, leading to a dualistic education and

    social system. Within the frame of a labour market very much centred on the tertiary

    sector (tourism, construction, and services) vulnerable situations and social scarcity

    easily link to early school dropout.

    The current context defined by financial and labour crisis has increased the risk

    factors enlarging the social and educative vulnerability of a higher part of the society.

    Consequences towards coexistence and behaviour at schools seem clear. Administration

    develops, from the 90s, educative diversity scholar programmes to provide support to

    the students and to cope with education inequalities and social integration of students.

    Attention to diversity at compulsory school is oriented to provide support to the

    educative needs of the students and to achieve basic competences. Some of these

    mechanisms are (National School Council, 20082; Orte et al. 2009): flexible groups,

    support to the group, split groups, programmes of curricula diversification, elective

    subjects, coordination between primary and secondary education, PROA (programme of

    support and orientation), scholar accompaniment, ALTER (programme for truancy and

    dropout prevention), coexistence programmes, individual curricula adaptations,

    intercultural programmes, etc.

    Along with these mechanisms, collaboration between institutions and

    administrations having responsibilities on family and childrens welfare and social

    institutions working with vulnerable population are also a key piece of intervention. The

    knowledge of the cultural and educative system and the access to participation in this


    2Informe Anual sobre Educacin

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    education system are important elements to reach the full integration of children and

    youngsters into the school (Orte et al. 2009). In this sense, integral social protection

    policies assigned to the most vulnerable groups might help to improve the efficiency of

    the education (National School Council, 2008, 2010).

    The competence evaluations carried out in Spain place the Balearic Islands in the

    worst positions (the best position has been n 12 (from 17) in mathematics and language

    at the secondary school (PISA 2009; IAQSE, 2012). Other indicators measured by the

    IAQSE3 do not provide a more optimistic view: dropout: 36,7% (8,3 points under the

    national average), school attendance rate: 81.4% (12,3 points under national average),

    but only 48,2% at non-compulsory education (11,3 points under national average),

    scholar success: 61,0% (14,1 points under national average).

    Indicators relating economic and social conditions of the school also show low

    outcomes: ratio per class: 24,54 ; foreign students: 18,9% (which is one of the highest

    rates in Spain); annual public investment per student (6.051, over the national average

    (5692), being the public investment in relation to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

    only 3,4%5 (the second lowest in Spain).

    Regarding coexistence and conflict, the Institute of Coexistence and scholar

    success of the regional Government of the Balearic Islands undertook a deep study in

    2011 to know the valuation of the whole scholar community at secondary level.

    Although the study was methodologically similar to those carried out at a national level

    (Diez-Aguado, 2010), the study of the Balearic Islands, the first attempt to include the

    opinion of the families. The conclusions of the study stated that the general relation

    environment was valued as good and that the main problems regarding coexistence

    were (according to teachers and other professionals) lack of discipline and lack of

    implication of the families in the education of their children. All the professionals

    agreed that there was a lack of supervision of the children in their homes, although these

    factors were linked to the quick changes of the family and its difficulties to adapt to

    them. On the other hand, Families perceptions coincide with that of professionals in the

    fact that the lack of family response in conflict cases, the lack of discipline at home and

    the low involvement of the families in the school are the main difficulties to cope with

    coexistence problems at schools. Nevertheless, families also point out that the lack of

    3Year 2010-2011


    Recent norms in 2012 have allowed the increase of the ratios, up to 36 students x class at secondaryschool.5


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    resources and support mechanisms (support programmes, professionals, financial

    resources) is also a crucial factor in the coexistence environment of the schools.

    However, as Casal shows (2008) investment in the school has little impact in the

    scholar success of the children. Instead, it is more important the way the society is

    structured: work, family life-styles, parental styles. All these factors structure the

    coexistence between parents and children, and the affective and relational ground

    allowing academic success.

    Family involvement in childrens education is then a key factor of protection and

    stimulates them to overcome the boundaries settled by their socio-economic origin

    (Prez Daz, 2001; Bolivar, 2006). Research has largely shown how academic outcomes

    are linked with social and cultural capital of the families (Coleman et al., 1966;

    Bourdieu y Passeron, 1970; Bernstein, 1988; Bonal et al, 2004; Mar-Klose, 2009), as

    they are the expectations and involvement of the parents towards their children. The

    time parents spend with their children in leisure activities, schoolwork or expressing

    encouragement is a crucial element of the social capital that is transferred across

    generations, that it can even overcome the economic disadvantage of the family

    (Coleman, 1988 in Morrone et al. 2011). At the same time, this capital, attitudes,

    parenting style and expectations of the families link with the ties they create with the

    school of their children (Collet y Tort, 2011, Casal, 2008). Also the attitude and

    relationship the children have at school (with pairs, with teachers) is very much

    influenced by the relation with the parents. Family variables such as limits,

    conversation and confidence in the relationship are highly influential in the

    academic outcomes of the children (Casal, 2008:71).

    As the European Council states, the promotion of specific programmes is a key

    element in the intervention process. The levels of the intervention may be formal (make

    access to schools easy for the families) or informal (creation and consolidation of social,

    family and community links) (EC, 2006). In this sense, the EC includes the community

    approach pointing to the need to a) Promote the community participation, involving

    different resources and community services to strengthen the scholar programmes,

    family practices and the learning and development of the childhood, b) Promote the

    relationships between family and professionals, driving formation proposals for

    professionals and parents to reach a better comprehension of the situation.

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    These initiatives would lead to the creation of common projects responding the

    wellbeing of the children and the mutual knowledge families-school. The knowledge of

    the families, their needs, their expectations and their situation would be a tool for

    professionals to provide them a more accurate support. Regarding to this idea, the

    improvement of parental competences, family organisation and family cohesion would

    become an efficient strategy to ameliorate the social cohesion.

    The study developed by Sanders and Epstein (1998) and Epstein (2001) show

    evidence on the benefits of the family-school-community relationship for all of the

    involved agents. Implication process of the family towards parental practices6 and its

    responsibility towards the learning of their children7 are directly related to the outcomes

    in the learning of the children8, such as social competences, cognitive development,

    communication skills, literacy, development of vocabulary, expressive language,

    comprehension skills, positive linkage with pairs, adults and the learning process. Apart

    from specific actions, the improvement of the education require initiatives for the whole

    population conducting to positive parenting, participation and awareness of the

    responsibility and mutual obligations both of parents and children.

    In the specific case of the Balearic Islands, the above mentioned study on the

    coexistence at school (2011) includes relevant information about the degree ofinvolvement of the families both in their childrens education and in the schoo l. The

    quality of the relation between families and schools is measured also through their own

    valuation, and the results show a high degree of satisfaction in the relation with the

    teacher of their children above any other agent in the school. They state a high level of

    response to the calls of the teachers and principals (mainly for meetings), but this does

    not correspond with the feeling of being part of the school community, with collective

    participation (through associations) or even with their satisfaction with the teachers

    (2011:212). Regarding the educative role of the families and their implication in the

    education of their children, the report states that families and student share optimistic

    expectations on their academic outcomes, beyond their results. The study also states that

    the majority of the families spend less than two hours a week to provide support to their

    6Typology of relationship parents-children, participation in child-centred activities, participation and

    communication parents-school7Reading at home, conversations, leisure activities, etc.

    8Education research project of Harvard, 2006

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    children with homework, although there is a significant correlation between the parents

    degree and the hours devoted to this task.

    Little more than the half (54,6%) of the parents claim they spend time together

    with their children in leisure at least once a week, whereas 14,3% do not spend any time

    with them. Regarding the parents perception of the integration level of their children at

    school, 92,4% consider that their children are very well integrated, 91,45% think that

    they have good relations with their teachers, 84% consider their children are motivated

    by the school activities and 80,8% thinks the school helps their children to be self-

    confident and to take decisions on its own. This positive evaluation coincides with the

    opinions stated by the children and it is coherent with the 90% of parents claiming their

    children have no problems at school.

    Despite the positive evaluation families do of their relationship and involvement

    in the education of the children, the lack of implication remains the main hurdle for a

    positive coexistence environment at school. Families themselves justify the lack of

    involvement on the multiple factors in which they have to develop the educative

    function and on the difficulties to adapt to these circumstances (personal, economic,

    working, cultural, social, educative). All these factors transform the structure and

    operation of the family and therefore, modify the socialization process and the educative

    patterns (Martinez Gonzalez, 2009). The claim of the families for support takes very

    different ways according to their own circumstances. Family interventions require

    initiatives to offer them educative strategies that match with their particular needs.

    Evidence-based programmes training family competences and its cultural


    Socio-educative interventions with the family have developed interesting

    approaches in the last decades. The methodologies implemented, initially influenced by

    cognitive-behavioural and systemic approaches, allowed significant progress to be make

    in work models based on empirical evidence (Orte et al. 2012). The family competence

    approach has been developed in this context, through multi-components programmes,

    based on evidences9, considering the family as a whole. This kind of programmes

    9A programme is considered to be based on evidence, when it is evaluated through randomise control

    tests (RCT) or quasi-experimental design (QED), and shows its efficiency that its implementation

    produce positive results on the target population. They are reliably through time under different contextsand different groups, they lead to innovative programmes and they reflect a strong theoretical corpus

    provided by research ( CSAP, 2002, Social Research Unit, 2012)

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    combine a curriculum on social skills and life skills for the children with a parental

    training curriculum for the parents, and a curriculum focused on the family as a whole

    entity. The family sessions integrate the skills and behaviour patterns trained in the

    childrens and parents sessions resulting in higher levels of retention than other

    individually oriented programmes. Socio-educational interventions in the family

    competence approach, attempt to build resources so that the family can better cope with

    problematic situations and come through them strengthened. By stimulating the familys

    ability to overcome their difficulties in the short term their ability to cope with

    challenges in the future increases (Orte et al 2012).

    Effective education depends on the culture, the community context and the proper

    operation of the family. Therefore, family interventions to reduce risk and increase

    protection to the children must be flexible to adapt to the environment and cultural

    differences of the target families (Dishion y Kavanagh, 2003). The adaptation process

    shall be done from the planning to the implementation and evaluation of the

    intervention programme (Weissberg et al., 2003). To guarantee the effectiveness of the

    programme, modifications have to be done at a cognitive (language, age of

    participants), affective (gender, ethnicity, religion, social status) and environmental

    level (Fonseca, 2008).

    One of the concerns of the programme adaptations among their creators has been

    the need to maintain the core components of the programme and to control the

    implementation processes (Orte et al. 2008, 2012). The general structure of the

    programme: sessions, timetables, contents, etc. have to remain coherent in order to

    avoid the reduction of its effectiveness but it also has to adapt to the needs and

    community features (Gonzlez, Barrera y Martnez, 2004: 43).

    The Strengthening Family Programme takes special care in harmonizing fidelity

    and efficiency in its cultural adaptations. Taking into account these considerations, the

    SFP has been adapted to different ethnic, communities in the USA as well as to 17 other

    countries, including European countries (Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, Russia,

    Norway and Sweden). Despite the majority of the implementations of the programme

    have been focused on selective prevention with families at high risk, there is a 10

    session version for 10-16 year for universal prevention. This universal prevention

    population version could be an adjunct to the regular SFP 10-16 curriculum or used

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    totally alone by families in their home (using DVD). Randomised control trials10

    reported positive outcomes in the application of universal prevention programmes

    (Kumpfer et al, 2002; Spoth et al., 2006; Gottfredson et al. 2006). Along with this, a

    meta-analysis developed by the Cochrane Collaboration and the OMS reported also that

    short version of the SFP for universal prevention at schools were twice efficient than

    other prevention programmes (Foxcroft et al., 2003).

    In Europe only Sweden has implemented the universal Iowa 10-14 years

    programme in public schools (Skrstrand et al., 2008). Nevertheless, the Swedish

    version experienced a strong change in its format in the accommodation process of the

    programme. The resulting adaptation did not take into consideration some of the core

    elements of the programme structure and the results reflect the lack of adjustment of the

    adaptation to the original programme. Changes has been reported as non-relevant both

    regarding to substance use among the adolescents and on the risk and protective factors

    (Burkhart 2012).

    The Spanish adaptation of the SFP: The Programme of Family Competences

    The Programme of Family Competences is also a multi-component program,

    aiming to reduce family risk factors in sons and daughters and strengthen protective

    factors. Its overall objective is to increase the resistance capacity of their children to

    high risk of drug use and antisocial behaviour. More specifically, the program

    aims to increase the skills of fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, and improve

    family relationships. It is: a) Improve family relationships; b) Increase parenting skills;

    c) Improving children's behaviour; d) Increase the social competence of children and e)

    Reduce or prevent the use of drugs and alcohol and disruptive and antisocial behaviour

    These general objectives are specific according to the recipients (table 1). All the

    specific objectives are coordinate with the objectives of the other recipients. For

    example, the aim for the session 9 are to improve the familiar communication; so the

    contents for parents are solving problems and living instructions; as same time,

    children work about the solving topics and, after these two parallel sessions, all the

    families join together in the content solving problems and giving instructions.


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    Table 1: Specific objectives of the program

    Parents children

    Expand parental knowledge to exercise the

    parenting role

    Enhance self-esteem

    Increase parental effectiveness, positive

    attention and efficient discipline

    Reduce physical punishment

    Reduce parental stress

    Palliate parental depression

    Increase obedience

    Reduce aggressiveness and hyperactivity

    Reduce shyness and depression

    Increase communication skills

    Boost skills for resisting peerpressure

    Strengthen skills for recognising feeling

    Improve skills forcoping with anger and criticism

    Reduce the likelihood ofproblem behaviour


    Improve family communication, cohesion and attachment

    Enhance family planning and organization

    Reduce family conflict

    Increase the time the family spends together andparents empathy towards their children

    a) Exclusion and inclusions criteriaOne of the principal characteristic of this program is the existence of several

    criteria for inclusion of exclusion in the program. In this way, the parental criteria

    inclusion are: a) Families with social services files, b) Preferential parental age between20 and 45 years old; c) With children in their care between 7 and 13 years old; d)

    Reasonable levels of attention and cooperation; e) Capable of participating in 1-2 hour

    group sessions, once a week for 14 weeks. Parental exclusion criteria are: a) Severe

    drug dependence that seriously alters capacity for judgment; b) Existence of unstable

    mental symptomatology; c) Evidence of mental retardation d) Severe attention deficit.

    The criteria for the childrens inclusion are: Parents who participate in the

    experience for parents and ages 8-13. Childrens exclusion criteria are similar to the

    exclusion parental criteria.

    b) MethodologyThe programme structures on 14 sessions of 2.5 hours each and one booster

    session for children; same session structure for parents and families. In each session,

    first at all there is a general welcoming; after that, parents and children work in parallel

    during an hour approximately. In each group there are two trainers. Usually the session

    starts with a review of the last session homework and of the skills worked in it. Then,

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    trainers show the next contents according to the format of each session. Finally, there is

    a review of the homework. Children who follow all the rules of the group could receive

    incentives for good behaviour.

    c) Principal skillsThe program aims to achieve learning objectives and behaviour change in parents,

    their children and the family as a whole. Accordingly, family members, working in

    different groups for 14 weeks, learn different types of skills that are listed in summary


    1. For fathers and mothers: the acquisition of basic parenting skills: Stressmanagement skills, skills in reward management, differential attention and setting

    limits, communication skills and problem solving and knowledge of alcohol and drugs.

    2. For sons and daughters: communication skills, ability to recognize feelings,skills to resist peer pressure, conflict resolution skills and knowledge concerning

    alcohol and drugs.

    3. For the family as a whole: ability to achieve and/or increase family cohesion,family communication skills, family organization skills, family relationship skills and

    conflict resolution skills.The methodology makes to work the same objective with the three work groups

    (parents, children and families).

    Table 2: Skills for each sessions

    Parental competence


    Social skills program for children Program to improve family


    Introduction and group


    Greeting and rules Introduction and group formation

    Expectations, development and

    stress management

    Social skills I: active listening


    Game of sons and daughters

    Rewards Social skills II: conversation skills Game of sons and daughters:


    Goals and objectives Learning good behavior Goals and objectives

    Differential attention: paying

    attention and ignoring

    How to say "NO" to stay out of


    Differential attention: tables and


    Communication I: relationship


    Communication I: better


    Communication I: Introduction to

    the family game

    Communication II: family Communication II: family meetings Communication II: Consolidation

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    meetings of the family game

    Drugs and family: risk factors Alcohol and drugs Learning from fathers and mothers

    Solving problems and giving


    Solving problems Solving problems and giving



    Setting limits I: redirecting


    Introduction to the game of fathers

    and mothers

    The game of fathers and mothers I


    Setting limits II: practice Confrontation skills I: recognizing


    The game of fathers and mothers II


    Setting limits III:

    solving behavioral problems

    Confrontation skills II: facing


    The game of fathers and mothers



    Building and using behavioral


    Confrontation skills III: facing


    Remembering what helps us and

    why it helps us


    Achieving and maintaining

    good behavior

    Graduation, resources and review End of program and graduation


    d) MaterialThe Family Competence Program is implemented on the basis of three types of

    materials: Handbooks, Guides for participants (one of which adapted to non-literate

    people) and audio-visual material. Training staff are provided with a set of handbooks

    for developing sessions with parents, with children and family sessions. There is a

    handbook for coordinators (the Implementation Handbook) containing all the

    information about the Family Competence Program as well as relevant issues to develop

    the sessions.

    Apart from trainers, each of the participants in the program is provided with a

    handbook. Worksheet are individual (personal), so it is not recommended that they are

    shared by both members of the couple, (in parents sessions) or by siblings (in

    childrens sessions). The Sheets are also easy to identify by colours. The reference MU

    indicates users handbook. The material contains DVD including image for modelling

    the techniques and skills in the program. Finally, learning materials are adapted for the

    participants in the program with reading and writing difficulties.

    e) Evaluation instruments:We devised and verified the effectiveness and fit of a series of instruments:

    1. Tests for parents: Programme evaluation battery (SFP: Kumpfer); includes aseries of questions on time spent together and obedience. BASC (Reynolds andKamphaus 2004). Program satisfaction and knowledge acquisition tests (SFP:
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    Kumpfer 2003) ESFA (Barraca and Lpez-Yarta 2003).

    2. Tests for teachers: BASC (Reynolds and Kamphaus 2004).3. Tests for children: Evaluation battery (SFP-K: Kumpfer); includes a series of

    questions on time spent together and obedience. BASC (Reynolds and Kamphaus


    f) ResultsThe PCF has been implemented 29 times from 2009 to 2011 in different parts of

    Spain, embracing 217 families forming the experimental group and a control group

    made up of 14 families. The families were contacted through local Social Services and a

    group of them were parents at the last stages of drug addiction treatment. The multi-

    group analysis with pre-test and post-test measurements and a non-matched control

    group, have reported significant changes in the behaviours of the children and a general

    improvement in family competence (understood as family communication and parent-

    child relationships), family organisation and cohesion (Orte et al.2012). Later results

    reported in Orte, Ballester and March 11 show relevant changes in childrens behaviour

    and social skills. A significant reduction in aggressiveness is observed as well as fewer

    behavioural problems. The analysis verified a decrease in shyness and withdrawal as

    well as fewer symptoms associated with depression. Childrens self-esteem also rose

    and the capacity for concentration also improved appreciably. Problems of control in

    school fell significantly and almost disappeared in the sample studied. Such a clear

    result is surprising, although part of the work accomplished in the childrens group was

    aimed at self-control, improving conflict resolution, setting clear limits and

    consolidating and assertive relationship style.

    The childrens social skills also improved leading to progress in communication

    skills, skills for reducing peer pressure, the ability to recognize feelings and skills for

    coping with anger and criticism. These changes were measured by the BASC answered

    by teachers, as well as parents and childrens own responses. In general terms,

    acceptance of school improved visibly. Changes in the childrens knowledge, which

    11Orte, C. Ballester, L, March, M. Evaluating change in families. The results of the Spanish adaptation of

    the Strengthening Family Program (SFP).Family Relations (forthcoming)

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    improved overall, was, according to the researchers, the most striking result in this

    factor, e.g. the capacity to make new friends, solve problems, talk to adults, say what

    they want to or understand the feelings of other.

    Conclusions and results expected

    Good family relationships do not just happen. They require adequate formation,

    time, effort, planning and compromise. The Family Competences Programme aims to

    contribute to the active participation, involvement and implication of the whole family

    in their educative responsibilities, especially in those disruptive relations and

    dysfunctional organization, in the school and, therefore, towards an improvement of the

    relations among the involved agents.

    An essential element to guarantee the success of this program is to promote the

    community participation, involving different resources and services to strengthen the

    scholar programmes, family practices. The relationships between family and

    professionals are a key point to reach a better comprehension of their situation. These

    initiatives would help to mutual knowledge between families-school and to build strong

    family ties. The knowledge of the families, their needs, their expectations and their

    situation would be a tool for professionals to provide them a more adequate support.

    Regarding to this idea, the improvement of parental competences, family organisation

    and family cohesion would become an efficient strategy to improve the social cohesion.

    The main result expected is to encourage and involve community, school and

    family. Participation improves also their relationship helping them to get a better

    understanding of their situation and access to different resources and community

    services for school and family programs.

    Through enriching workshops, activities and resources, parents can learn how to

    build positive communication in their relationships within the family and the school,

    share tips and get advice on family and parenting issues.

    The implementation of the PCF at primary school in coordination with the

    Confederation of parents associations of the Balearic Islands, intends to attract families

    to the school and to get more involved in school activities as a way to create a solid

    network involving the school, the families and the community (practitioners and social

    services, as well as other community institutions).

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    The first and specific result expected is to improve skills on communication,

    social competence and increase healthy family relationships, family cohesion and

    attachment. Also, enhance family planning and organization, increase the time that

    family spends together, parents empathy towards their children. Also reduce family

    conflict, or prevent the use of drugs and alcohol and disruptive and antisocial behaviour.

    The second and specific result expected is to improve effective parenting skills

    and positive changes; such as capacity of involvement and ability to tackle problems,

    use of reasonable consequences and clear instructions, positive parental supervision

    (control of school activities and relationships) and strengthen protective factors. Also,

    expand parental knowledge to exercise the parenting role, enhance self-esteem, increase

    parental effectiveness, increase positive attention, reduce physical punishment, parental

    stress, palliate parental depression and increase efficient discipline.

    The third and specific result expected is to promote positive changes in childrens

    behaviour and social skills: increase the resistance capacity of their children to high risk

    of drug use and antisocial behaviour. In general ways an improvement in adaptive skills,

    capacity to make new friends, solve problems, talk to adults, say what they want to or

    understand the feelings of others resisting peer pressure, finally improve skills for

    coping with anger and criticism. Increase and strengthen obedience and communication

    skills and reduce aggressiveness, hyperactivity, shyness, depression and the likelihood

    of problem behaviour.


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