အႏၱရာယ္ဇံရႊဓါတ္ေငြ႔ပိုက္လိုင္းႏွင့္ ေရနံပုိက္လိုင္းမားစတင္သည့္ ရခိုင္ ကမ္းရိုးတန္းေဒသတြင္ တရုတ္ႏိုင္ငံက ဧရာမစက္မႈဇံုႀကီးတစ္ခုကိတည္ေဆာက္ရန္ စီစဥ္ေနျခင္းသည္ ရခိုင္ျပည္သူေထာင္ပါင္းမား စြာ၏ လူမႈဘဝမားကိထိခိုက္ပက္စီးေစလိမၼည္။ တဖန္ ဤစီမံကိန္း ၾကာင့္ပင္လင္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ၏ ဒုတိယအႀကီးမားဆံုး လမုေတာႀကီး မွာလည္း လံုး၀ပက္သုန္းသြားႏိုင္မည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ စတုရန္းကီလိုမီတာ(၁၂ဝ)ကယ္ဝန္းမည္အထူးစီးပြားေရးဇံကို ေကာက္ျဖၿမိ႕နယ္၌ တရုတ္ႏိုင္ငံပိုင္ CITIC Group ကုမၸဏီက တာဝန္ယူတည္ေဆာက္မည္ျဖစ္သည္။ လက္ရိွအခိန္တြင္ အေရွ႕အ လယ္ပိုင္းေဒသႏွင္အာဖရိကတိ႔မွ ဆိုက္ကပ္လာမည္ေရနံတင္ သေဘၤာမားအတြက္ ကမၻာ့(၁၁)ခုေျမာက္ အႀကီးမားဆံုး ေရနက္ ဆိပ္ကမ္းတစ္ခုကိတရုတ္ႏိုင္ငံက မေဒးကၽြန္းတြင္ တည္ေဆာက္ လက္ရိွသည္။ ထိ႔ျပင္ CITIC ကုမၸဏီသည္ ကီလိုမီတာ ၈ဝဝ ရွည္လွားမည္ကာက္ျဖ-တရုတ္ အျမန္ရထားလမ္းကို ႏွစ္(၅ဝ) BOT သေဘာတူ ညီခက္အရ တည္ေဆာက္မည္ျဖစ္သည္။ ဤရထားလမ္းကို ေဖါက္ လုပ္ျခင္းျဖင္အိႏၵိယသမုဒၵရာမွ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံကိျဖတ္သန္းသြားမည္တရုတ္တိ႔၏ ကုန္သြယ္ေရးလမ္းေၾကာင္းကို ပိုမို၍အဆင္ေျပလြယ္ကူ ခာေမြ႔ေစမည္ျဖစ္သည္။ အေရွ႕ေတာင္အာရွတြင္ တရုတ္၏ အၾကီး မားဆံုးစီမံကိန္းျဖစ္ေသာ ရထားလမ္းႏွင့္ အထူးစီးပြားေရးဇံုတိ႔ အတြက္ ရင္းႏွီးျမတ္ႏွံမႈပမာဏမွာ(၃၅)ႏွစ္အတြင္း အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာ (၁၀၉) ဘီလီယံ ရိွမည္ျဖစ္သည္။ ဓါတ္ေငြ႔ပိုက္လိုင္းႏွင္ေရနက္ဆိပ္ကမ္းတည္ေဆာင္ျခင္းတိက လယ္ယာေျမအေျမာက္အမား သိမ္းပိုက္ခံရမႈတိ႔ကိုျဖစ္ေပၚေစ ခ့ၿပီျဖစ္သည္။ ယခုခိန္တြင္လည္း အထူးစီးပြားေရးဇံု တည္ေဆာင္ရန္ အတက္ အနည္းဆံုး ေဒသခံေကးရြာေပါင္း(၄၀)ခန္ ႔ ေျပာင္းေရ႕ခံရမည္အေျခအေနႏွင့္ ရင္ဆိုင္ေနရၿပီျဖစ္သည္။ ေဒသခံျပည္သူ အမားစုမွာ ရနံ၊ဓါတုစက္ရံုႏွင္သတၱစက္ရံုတိ႔မွ ထြက္ရိွလာမည္အဆိပ္သင္စြန္႔ပစ္ပစၥည္းမားႏွင့္ ပတ္ဝန္းကင္ညစ္ညမ္းမႈမား၏ အႏၱရယ္ကိုစိုးရိမ္ မကင္းျဖစ္ေနၾကသည္။ သိ႔ေသာ္လည္း စီမံကိန္းႏွင့္သက္ဆိုင္သည္သတင္းအခက္အလက္မားကို ေဒသခံမားထံသိ႔ အသိေပးျဖန္႔ေဝျခင္း လံုးဝမရိွေပ။ မန္မာနိုင္ငံတြင္ ဤက့သိ႔ေသာ စီမံကိန္းမားကိအေကာင္ ထည္ေဖၚ မေဆာင္ရြက္မီ ျပည္သူလူထုႏွင့္ သဘာဝပတ္ဝန္းကင္ကိအကာအကြယ္ေပးႏိုင္ရန္အတြက္ ခိုင္မာတိကေသာ ဥပေဒမားကိပဌာန္းရန္ အေရးတႀကီး လိုအပ္ေနသည္။ ဧရာမ တရုတ္စက္မႈဇံ ုႀကီးက ရခိ ုင္ကမ္းရိ ုးတန္းေဒသကိ ၿခိမ္းေျခာက္ေနေလၿပီ ရခိုင့္ေရနံေစာင့္ၾကည့္ေရးအဖြ႕မွထုတ္ေ၀သည္ (ဒီဇင္ဘာ-၂၀၁၂)

arakan ,gas,oil china

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Page 1: arakan ,gas,oil china


ေရႊဓါတေငြ႔ပကလငးႏငေရနပကလငးမားစတငသညရခငကမးရးတနးေဒသတြင တရတႏငငက ဧရာမစကမႈဇႀကးတစခကတညေဆာကရနစစဥေနျခငးသညရခငျပညသေထာငပါငးမားစြာ၏လမႈဘဝမားကထခကပကစးေစလမၼည။တဖနဤစမကနးေၾကာငပငလင ျမနမာႏငင၏ ဒတယအႀကးမားဆး လမေတာႀကးမာလညးလး၀ပကသနးသြားႏငမညျဖစပါသည။ စတရနးကလမတာ(၁၂ဝ)ကယဝနးမည အထးစးပြားေရးဇက ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယ၌တရတႏငငပင CITIC Groupကမၸဏကတာဝနယတညေဆာကမညျဖစသည။ လကရအခနတြင အေရ႕အလယပငးေဒသႏင အာဖရကတ႔မ ဆကကပလာမည ေရနတငသေဘၤာမားအတြက ကမၻာ(၁၁)ခေျမာက အႀကးမားဆး ေရနကဆပကမးတစခက တရတႏငငက မေဒးကၽြနးတြင တညေဆာကလကရသည။ ထ႔ျပငCITICကမၸဏသညကလမတာ၈ဝဝရညလားမညေကာကျဖ-တရတအျမနရထားလမးကႏစ(၅ဝ)BOTသေဘာတညခကအရ တညေဆာကမညျဖစသည။ ဤရထားလမးက ေဖါကလပျခငးျဖင အႏၵယသမဒၵရာမ ျမနမာႏငငက ျဖတသနးသြားမညတရတတ႔၏ကနသြယေရးလမးေၾကာငးကပမ၍အဆငေျပလြယကေခာေမြ႔ေစမညျဖစသည။အေရ႕ေတာငအာရတြငတရတ၏အၾကးမားဆးစမကနးျဖစေသာရထားလမးႏငအထးစးပြားေရးဇတ႔အတြကရငးႏးျမတႏမႈပမာဏမာ(၃၅)ႏစအတြငးအေမရကနေဒၚလာ(၁၀၉)ဘလယရမညျဖစသည။ ဓါတေငြ႔ပကလငးႏင ေရနကဆပကမးတညေဆာငျခငးတ႔က လယယာေျမအေျမာကအမား သမးပကခရမႈတ႔ကျဖစေပၚေစခၿပျဖစသည။ယခခနတြငလညးအထးစးပြားေရးဇတညေဆာငရနအတြကအနညးဆးေဒသခေကးရြာေပါငး(၄၀)ခန႔ေျပာငးေရြ႕ခရမညအေျခအေနႏငရငဆငေနရၿပျဖစသည။ေဒသချပညသအမားစမာေရန၊ဓါတစကရႏင သတစကရတ႔မ ထြကရလာမည အဆပသငစြန႔ပစပစၥညးမားႏငပတဝနးကငညစညမးမႈမား၏အႏရယကစးရမမကငးျဖစေနၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာလညး စမကနးႏငသကဆငသညသတငးအခကအလကမားကေဒသခမားထသ႔အသေပးျဖန႔ေဝျခငးလးဝမရေပ။ ျမနမာနငငတြင ဤကသ႔ေသာ စမကနးမားက အေကာငထညေဖၚ မေဆာငရြကမ ျပညသလထႏငသဘာဝပတဝနးကငကအကာအကြယေပးႏငရနအတြက ခငမာတကေသာ ဥပေဒမားကျပဌာနးရနအေရးတႀကးလအပေနသည။

ဧရာမတရတစကမႈဇ ႀကးကရခ ငကမးရ းတနးေဒသက



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Kyauk Phyu SEZ

ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယသည ျမနမာျပညအေနာကဖကေဒသ ရခငျပညနယမာတညရပါသည။ ကၽြနး၏အကယအဝနးမာ စငကာပႏငငအရြယအစားေလာကရၿပး၊ ခန႔မနးေျခလဥးေရမာ၂၀၀,၀၀၀ခန႔ရသည။ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယတြငျမစေခာငးအငးအငမားအလြနေပါမားပါသည။ ကၽြနးေနျပညသမား၏ အဓကအသကေမြးဝမးေကာငးမာ လယယာစကပးေရးႏငငါးဖမးလပငနးမားျဖစသည။တခနကဤေဒသသညေအးခမးတညၿငမေသာ ေကးလကေဒသတစခ ျဖစခေသာလညး ယခအခါ ေရႊသဘာဝဓါတေငြ႔ႏငေရနပကလငးစမကနးမားေၾကာငေဒသခကၽြနးေနျပညသမား၏လမႈဘဝမာလၿခမႈအျပညအဝမရေတာပါ။စမကနးမားေၾကာငလယယာေျမသမးပကခရမႈ၊ငါးဖမးလပငနးမား ပကသနးလာမႈတ႔ေၾကာငး ေဒသချပညသမားမာ တျခားေနရာမားသ႔ေရြ႕ေျပာငးသြားရသညထပငျဖစလာရပါသည။






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ေထာကပ ႔ေရးလပငနး





စကမႈဇ ဧရယာ(ကလမတာ၄၀)






• ေဒသတြငးသေဘၤာလငးမားက ဝနေဆာငမႈေပးရန ႏငသေဘၤာေဟာငးမားမပစၥညးမားက ေရာငး ခရနအတြကသေဘၤာကငးႏစခကတညေဆာငမည။

ကနပစၥညးထပလပမႈစကမႈလပငနးမား(၁၁စတရနးကလ မ တာ)


5 km


Logistic Cluster

Industrial Cluster

Reserved Area

Gas pipeline

Oil pipeline

Mangrove forest


City ClusterLogistic Cluster

Industrial Cluster

Reserved Area

(future expansion)

၂ဝဝ၉ ခႏစ ဒဇငဘာလႏင ၂ဝ၁၁ ခႏစ ေဖေဖၚဝါရလတ႔တြင တရတႏင ျမနမာတ႔သည ေကာကျဖ စးပြားေရးႏငနညးပညာဖ႔ြၿဖးတးတကေရးဇ တညေဆာကေရးအတြက နားလညမႈစာခၽြနလႊာမားက သေဘာတလကမတေရးထးခၾကသည။ျမနမာႏငင၏အမးသားစမကနးႏငစးပြားဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကေရးဝနႀကးဌာနႏငသေဘာတထားေသာအဆပါနားလညမႈစာခၽြနလႊာမားအရCITICGroupကမၸဏကေရနကဆပကမးတစခ၊ရထားလမး၊ေလယာဥကြငးႏငစကမႈဇမားပါဝငမညအထးစးပြားေရးဇတစခကတညေဆာကမညျဖစသည။ CITICGroup၏လကေအာကခကမၸဏတစချဖစေသာCITICေဆာကလပေရးကမၸဏလမတက(CITICConstructionCompanyLimited)ကလညးစစတပႏငဆကစပေနသညျမနမာထးကမၸဏ ႏင စမကနးတြငပးေပါငေဆာငရြကလပကငရနအတြက တျခားစာခပမားကလညး သေဘာတ လကမတထားၿပးျဖစသည။CITIC ေဆာကလပေရး ကမၸဏ၏ ႀကတငေလလာခကအရ အထးစကမႈဇ၌ ကနဥးရငးႏးျမတႏမႈအတြက အေမရကနေဒၚလာ(၈.၃)ဘလယလအပမညျဖစၿပး၊ႏစေပါငး(၃၅)ႏစအတြငးတြငစစေပါငးရငးႏးျမတႏမႈပမာဏမာအေမရကနေဒၚလာ(၈၉.၂)ဘလယရမညျဖစသည။စကမႈဇအတြကေျမေနရာ(၁၂၀)တရနးကလမတာ(ဧက၃၀၀၀၀)ႏငကမးရးတနးေရလမးအတြကေရမကႏာျပငစတရနးကလမတာ(၇၀)ကအသးျပသြားမညျဖစသည။

ေကာကျဖအထးစးပ ြားေရးဇ စ မ က န း

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Kyauk Phyu

Rail way:

စမကနးတြငေကာကျဖၿမ႕မတရတႏငငေတာငပငး၊ယနနျပညနယရလသ႔ဆကသြယမညကလမတာ(၈၀၀)ရညလားမည ရထားလမးတစခပါဝငသည။ ရထားလမးအတြကျမနမာရထားပ႔ေဆာငေရးဝနႀကးဌာနႏင တရတႏငင Railways Engineering Corporation တ႔ကႏစဥးသေဘာတနားလညမႈစာခၽြနလႊာက၂၀၁၁-ခႏစ၊ဧၿပလတြငလကမတေရးထးခၾကသည။ရထားလမးသညအမး၊ မငးဘး၊ မေကြး၊ မႏေလး၊လားရႈး ႏင မဆယ ၿမ႕မားသ႔ ျဖတသနးသြားမညျဖစသည။အေမရကနေဒၚလာဘလလ(၂ဝ)ကနကမညဤရထားလမးက၂၀၁၅ခႏစတြငတညေဆာကေဖါကလပၿပးစးရနစစဥထားေလသည။

နားလညမႈစာခၽြနလႊာအရ တရတႏငငသည ရထားလမးက ေငြေၾကးမတည ေဆာကလပၿပးရာစႏစတဝက (ႏစေပါငး၅၀)ၾကာေအာငထ အသးျပသြားမညျဖစသည။ ၎ေနာကပငးမထရထားလမးအား ျမနမာအစးရထသ႔ လႊေျပာငးေပးမညျဖစသည။ အဆပါကာလ၌ ရထားလမးႏငပတသက၍အလပအကငေနရာခထားေရးကစၥႏငဘ႑ာေငြေၾကးဆငရာကစၥအဝဝတ႔ကတရတကမၸဏမားလကထ၌သာထနးခပထားမညျဖစသည။

အျမနရထားမားမာတစနာရ(၁၇၀)ကလမတာျမနႏႈနးျဖငခတေမာငးၿပး၊ ကနတနခန(၄၀၀၀)သယယပ႔ေဆာငႏငမညျဖစသည။တဖန၂၀၁၀ခႏစတြငႏစႏငငသေဘာတလကမတေရးထးခေသာနားလညမႈစာခၽြနလႊာအရေကာကျဖႏငရလအၾကားအေဝးေျပးကားလမးမႀကးတစခကလညး ေဖါကလပရနအစအစဥမား ရေနၿပျဖစသည။ သ႔ရာတြင ကားလမးေဖါကလပမညလမးေၾကာငးအတအကကမသရရေသးပါ။

ေကာက ျဖ-တရတရထားလမးႏ င ကားလမး

Gas pipeline

Oil pipeline

Mangrove forest

City Cluster

Logistic Cluster

Industrial Cluster

၂၀၁၂ ေႏာငးပငးတြင ျမနမာအလပသမားေရးဝနႀကးဌာန ဒဝနႀကး ဥးျမငသနးက အထးစးပြားေရဇစမကနးတြင ဂပနအငဂငနယာကမၸဏNipponKoeiCo.,Ltd.ပါဝငပတသကေနမႈကရနကနၿမ႕အစညးအေဝးတစခ၌ေဆြးေႏြးတငျပသြားခသည။ဂပနကမၸဏသညစကပးေရးႏငလေနဧရယာမားအတြကအဓကလပေဆာငမညျဖစသည။သ႔ေသာလညးNip-ponKoei(ေအာကေျမပ)ပါဝငပတသကေနမႈသညCITICGroupခမထားသညစမကနးအစအစဥ(စာမကႏာ၃ကရႈပါ)ႏင ဆကစပမႈရသလား သ႔တညးမဟတ ဆကစပမႈရပါက မညသ႔မညပ ဆကစပေနသလ၊ တဖန ဂပနကမၸဏစမကနးေလလာမႈအတြကမညသကေငြေၾကးေထာကပခသလစသညသတငးအခကအလကမားကစမကနးေဒသမျပညသလထ၊အရပဖကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမားသ႔မဟတႏငငေရးပါတမားအားအသေပးထတျပနေပးရမညျဖစသည။


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၂၀၀၆ခႏစတြငတရတသမၼတဟဂငေတာငး၏“ကမၻာလးျဖန႔ၾကက”ေၾကြးေၾကာသျဖငတရတပငအထးစးပြားေရးဇမားကမၻာႏငငအႏ႔တးပြား လာေစရန မဟာဗဟာတစရပက ခမတခပါသည။ မဟာဗဟာ ၏ အဓကရညရြယခကမားမာတရတ၏ကနစညႏင ဝနေဆာငမႈ မားအတြက ေစးကြကရာေဖြရန၊ တရတကနပစၥညး တဆပမား ေစးကြကဝငရနႏငတရတ၏ႏငငျခားရငးႏးျမတႏမႈတးတကလာေစရနတ႔ျဖစပါသည။၂၀၁၀-ခႏစတြငတရတႏငအာဆယႏငငမား ၾကားလြတလြပစြာကနသြယခြငသေဘာတစာခပ (Free Trade Agreement) ကလကမတေရးထးခၾကပါသည။၎စာခပကတရတႏင အာဆယႏငငမားၾကားတြင စးပြားကနသြယမႈမကလးမားက ဖနတးေပး ခသည။ ေကာကျဖစမကနးသညအေရ႕ေတာငအာရတြငတရတ၏ပထမဆးေသာအထးစးပြားေရးဇစမကနးတစချဖစလမၼည။စမကနးႀကတငေလလာမႈအရဆရလင ပ႔ကနအတြက ဥးစားေပးထပလပမည စကမႈဇထတကနပစၥညးမားအတြက အာဆယေစးကြကကအဓကရညရြယထားေလသည။ေကာကျဖအထးစးပြားေရးဇကတရတႏငငသ႔ရထားလမး၊ေရႊဂတ(စ)ပကလငးႏငေရနပကလငးတ႔ျဖင ဆကသြယမညျဖစၿပး တရတတ႔အတြက အႏၵယသမဒၵရာသ႔ မဟာဗဟာေျမာက ဝငေပါကတခကလညးရရသြားလမၼည။ ျမနမာျပညကျဖတလက သဘာဝသယဇာတႏင ကနပစၥညးမားက လြယကေခာေမြ႕စြာတငပ႔ႏငျခငးကလညးတရတတ႔အတြက မာလကာေရလကၾကားကျဖတသနးေနရေသာ ကလမတာ(၁၂၀၀)ရညလားေသာခရး(သ႔မဟတ)သေဘၤာျဖငတစပတခန႔ခတေမာငးရေသာခရးကေရာငရားႏငမညျဖစသည။အထးစးပြားေရးဇကေရန၊ဓါတ၊သကသ႔ေသာသဘာဝသယဇာတမားကလညးသန႔စငထပလပမညျဖစသည။၎မတဆငပလစစတတမား၊ေမာေတာကားအစတအပငးမားႏငအလကထရြနးနစပစၥညးမားကပါထပဆငထတလပမညျဖစသည။

ထးထေရးဒငးကမၸဏ(HtooTradingCompany)သည ျမနမာႏငငသားပငထးကမၸဏ(HtooGroupofCompanies)၏ လကေအာကခကမၸဏခြတစချဖစသည။ ကမၸဏ၏စအးအႏင မနးနငးဂငးဒါရကတာမာဥးေတဇျဖစသည။ေတဇသညယခငစစေခါငးေဆာငဥးသနးေရႊႏငေအာကလႊတေတာဥကဌသရေရႊမနးတ႔ႏင နးစပသတစေယာကျဖစသည။ ထးထေရးဒငးကမၸဏသည ေနျပညေတာၿမ႕တညေဆာကေရး

လပငနးတြငလညး ပါဝငပတသကခသညအျပင၊ တျခားလပငနးမားျဖစေသာ စကပးေရး၊ သယယပ႔ေဆာငေရး၊ သတတးေဖၚေရး၊ ေဟာတယႏငခရးသြားလာေရးလပငနး စသညတ႔ကလညး လပေဆာငေနသည။ သရေရႊမနး၏သားေအာငသကမနးမာလညးထးထေရးဒငးကမၸဏ၏ဒါရကတာအျဖစလပကငေနသညအျပငထးကမၸဏ(HGC)တြငလညးဒါရကတာဘတအဖြ႕ဝငတစေယာကျဖစေနေပသည။

CITIC Group သည တရတႏငင၏ အႀကးမားဆးေသာ ႏငငစကမၸဏႀကးမားအနက တစချဖစၿပး ၁၉၇၉ခႏစတြင တညေထာငခေသာ ကမၸဏတစချဖစသည။၂၀၀၉-ခႏစ ဘ႑ာေရးႏစတြင CITIC Group၏ဘ႑ာဝငေငြမာ အေမရကနေဒၚလာ (၂၂) ဘလယရခၿပး၊ ကမၻာ(၄၁၅)ခေျမာက အႀကးမားဆးစးပြားေရးေကာပေရးရငးတစခအျဖစကမၻာေကာFortuneမဂၢဇငး၏(Fortune၅၀၀)စာရငးတြငသတမတထားသည။

CITICကအဓကလပေဆာငေသာလပငနးမားမာ ေငြေၾကးဆငရာဝနေဆာငမႈမား၊ကနပစၥညးရငးႏးျမတႏမႈ၊ စမကနမားေဆာငရြကမႈ၊စြမးအငႏငသဘာဝသယဇာတလပငနးမား၊အေျခခအေဆာကအဥးမား၊သယယပ႔ေဆာငေရးလပငနးမားႏငစကပစၥညးထပလပမႈတ႔ျဖစၾကသည။CITICေဆာကလပေရကမၸဏသညCITICGroupကအျပညအဝပငဆငထားေသာကမၸဏခြ၄၄ခအနကတစချဖစၿပးအာဖရက၊ေတာငအေမရက၊အေရ႕အလယပငးႏင အာရအလယပငးေဒသတ႔တြငလပကငလကရသည။

CITICGroupကမ ၸဏ

ထးထေရးဒငးကမ ၸဏ(HtooTradingCompany)




တရတကအဘယေၾကာင ေကာကျဖအထးစးပ ြ ါ းေရးဇ က တညေဆာကခငတာလ

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”ေဒၚႀကးပငတေျမအတြက ေလာေၾကးထကဝကျဖစတ ျမနမာကပေငြ (၆၀၀,၀၀၀) ကပရေသးတယ။ကနတထကဝကကဘယေတာရမယဆတာလမသရဘး။ ရတေငြကလညးကမၸဏသမးယသြားတေျမတနဖးရ႕သးပတစပေလာကပရတယ။ကနတေလာေၾကးေတြကေတာ အကငပက အစးရဝနထမးေတြက ေဒၚႀကးေျမက တျခားသေတြနာမညတပၿပးထတယသြားၾကတယ”ဟရတနာရြာကလယေျမအသမးခရေသာအသက(၆၀)ခန႔မနးမႀကးတစဥးေျပာျပထားသည။(ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔အငတာဗး၊ေမလ၊၂၀၁၂)

“ေလာေၾကးေငြေပးတာေတြက လယေျမရ႕ကာလတနဖးန႔ မကကညဘး။ သတ႔ေပးတေငြေတြန႔အျခားလယတစကြကကလညးဝယလ႔မရဘး။တစေယာကမသတ႔လယေျမေတြက ဆးရႈးမခလၾကပါဘး။ သတ႔လပေနတပစေတြက ငါတ႔ရ႕ဘဝကနစျမပသတ ေနတာန႔အတတျဖစေနတယ။ တေလာကလးက ဒလယေျမေတြန႔ပ ရနးကနလာၾကတာပါ။ အခဒေျမေတြမရလ႔ရရငေရ႕ဆကဘယလလပၿပးရပတညရမယဆတာေတာငမသေတာပါဘး။”ဟေဒသခလယသမားတစဥးကေျပာျပသည။(ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔အငတာဗး၊ေမလ၊၂၀၁၂)

“ပထမေတာကၽြနေတာလယေျမကသမးယဖ႔ဆၿပးသေဘာတညခကတစခ လကမတလာထးခငးလ႔ ကၽြနေတာက မထးဘးလ႔ျငငးလကတယ။ ဒါေပမ လကမတမထးလ႔ရရင ခကခငးဖမးမယလ႔ ရေတြကMOGEန႔CNPCဝနထမးေတြေရ႕မာတငကၽြနေတာကၿခမးေျခာကၾကတယ။ ဒါေၾကာငကၽြနေတာ လညးေရြးစရာလမးမရတာေၾကာငေၾကာကေၾကာကန႔ပလကမတထးေပးလကရတယ။”ဟမေဒးကၽြနးမလယသမားတစေယာက ေျပာၾကားေလသည။(ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔အငတာဗး၊ေမလ၊၂၀၁၀)

အထးစးပြားေရးဇကတညေဆာကျခငးသညလကရေဖါကလပေနေသာတရတ-ျမနမာေရနႏငဓါတေငြ႕ပကလငးမားထကအဆေပါငးမားစြာဆးကးမားကျဖစေပၚေစလမၼည။ဧရာမစကမႈဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကမႈျဖစေပၚျခငးသညလယသမားမားႏငတငါသညမား၏ လမႈဘဝအတြကအတားအဆးတရပျဖစလာပါမည။သ႔ေသာလညး စမကနးအတြကထေဒသခလယသမားမားႏငတငါသညမားကႀကတငအသေပး၊ေဆြးေႏြးတငပငမႈမားမျပလပခၾကပါ။

စမကနးေျမပအရစမကနးမာစတရနးကလမတာ(၁၂၀)ကယဝနးမညျဖစသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငးေဒသခေကးရြာ(၄၀)ေကာခန႔ႏင ေကာကျဖၿမ႕ရ လေနရပကြကတစပတေဒသတ႔မာ အတငးအဓမၼ ေျပာငးေရြ႕ခရမညျဖစသည။ စမကနးေၾကာငလယယာေျမအေျမာကအမားဆးရႈးသြားမညျဖစၿပးေဒသချပညသေထာငေပါငးမားစြာတ႔မာစမကနး၏တကရကဆးကးမားက ရငဆငလာရမညျဖစသည။သ႔ေသာလညး စမကနးတညေဆာကေရးႏငစပလဥး၍ ေဒသချပညသလထ၊ ေဒသခအစးရအာဏာပငတ႔ကႀကတငသတငးေပးျခငး၊ထသတ႔ႏငေဆြးေႏြးတငပငျခငးစသညတ႔ကမျပလပခၾကပါ။ပကလငးစမကနးႏင ၎ႏငဆကစပေနသည စမကနး အေျခခအေဆာကအဥးမား တညေဆာကရန အတြကလညး အဖးတနလယယာေျမဧကေထာငေပါငးမားစြာသမးပကခလကရၿပျဖစသည။သမးပကခလယယာေျမအမားစမာအတငးအဓမၼသမးပကခခရျခငးျဖစပါသည။

လယယာေျမသမးပ ကမ ႏ င ရပရြာမားအားေနရာေျပာငးေရႊ႕မ


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အထးစကမႈဇကေဒသတြငးအလပအကငသစ(၁၀၀,၀၀၀)ေကာကဖနတးေပးမညဟCITIC၏စမကနးႀကတငေလလာမႈတြငေဖၚျပထားသည။သေသာလညး စကမႈဇစကမႈလပငနးမားအတြကလအပသညလပငနးကၽြမးကငမႈႏငကမၻာအႏ႔တရတကမၸဏမား၏ အလပသမားငားရမးခန႔ထားမႈ ပစမားကၾကညလင စကမႈဇအတြက အလပသမားအမားစမာေကာကျဖျပငပမ ေသသခမဟပေသာသမားသာျဖစေပလမၼည။ အလပအကငဖနးတးေပးမႈႏငစပလဥး၍ တရတ-ျမနမာေရနႏင သဘာဝပကလငးတညေဆာကမႈက ဥပမာျပလကၿပျဖစသည။ ေရနႏငသဘာဝဓါတေငြ႔ပကလငးစမကနး၌တရတ၊အႏၵယႏငျမနမာျပညအလယပငးမအလပသမားမားကအဆငျမငအလပအကငမားေပးေနခနတြငေဒသခမားမာလပခလစာနညးပါးေသာ သန႔ရငးေရးလပငနးႏင လမးေဖါကလပေရးလပငနးကသ႔ေသာ ယာယလပငနးမားတြငသာလပကငေနၾကရသည။ ထ႔ျပင လယယာေျမမားပကစး ဆးရႈးမႈေၾကာငး ေဒသခရြာသားမားမာ အမနးခငးႏငငမားသ႔ေရြ႕ေျပာငးအလပသမားမားအျဖစသြားေရာကၿပးအလပလပကငေနၾကရသည။

စကမႈဇအတြက ကနတငဆပကမးမားႏင ကမးရးတမးစကမႈလပငနးမား တညေဆာကေနျခငးက ကမးရးတမးေရလမးဧရယာအနညးဆးစတရနးကလမတာ၇၀ခန႔ကတကရကဆးကးသကေရာကမႈရလမၼညျဖစသည။တနခန၃၀၀၀၀၀ထရေသာကနတငသေဘၤာႀကးမားစဥဆကမျပတဝငထြကေမာငႏငမႈႏငေရနကဆပကမးလမးေၾကာငးထရေရနကငါးဖမးလပငနးတ႔ေၾကာင ေဒသတြငးနဂရေနေသာ အေသးစားငါးဖမးလပငနးမားမာ ပကသနးလာႏငေျခရသည။ သေဘၤာမားႏင စကမႈလပငနးမားမ အဆပသငစြန႔ပစပစၥညးမားႏင ညစညမးမႈမားမာလညး ငါမးစတမားႏင ေဒသတြငး သဘာဝေဂဟစနစတ႔က အႏရာယျပေပလမၼည။ ေရႊသဘာဝဓါတေငြ႔ရာေဖြတးေဖၚမႈႏင သႏာေကာကတနးမားက မငးခြၿပးတညေဆာကခရေသာ ေရေအာကပကလငး တညေဆာကေရးလပငနးတ႔ေၾကာင ငါးမးစတမား တမေကာသြားခရၿပးေဒသခတငါသညမား၏ငါးဖမးလပငနးမားကလညးပတပငတားျမစခေလသည။

“ေရနကဆပကမးစလ႔တညေဆာကကတညးကပငယခငကလလြတလြတလပလပငါးဖမးခြငမရေတာဘး။စမကနးမတငခငကငါးဖမးထြကတငးျမနမာကပေငြ႔(၁)သနး၊(၂)သနးထေအာငအျမတရတယ။ တခါတခါကပေငြ၅သနးထေတာငရတယ။ အခဆရင ဆဖးေတာငအႏငႏငပရေတာတယ။ ဒတငးဆရင ဘယလမ ေရ႕ဆကရပတညလ႔မရနငေတာဘး”ဟ မေဒးကၽြနမတငါသညတစဥးေျပာၾကားသည။(ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔အငတာဗး၊ဇြနလ၊၂၀၁၂)

“ကၽြနေတာတ႔မာဘာမဆကလပစရာအလပဆလ႔ မရေတာဘး။ ဒါေတာငသတ႔ကကၽြနေတာတ႔အတြကအလပအကငရရေရးကဥးစားေပးလပေပးတာေတြမရဘး။ ေဒသခေတြထက တျခားေနရာကလာတသေတြက ဥးစားေပးအလပခန႔တာေတြက ေတြ႔ေနရတယ။ အလပသမားတစေယာကရ႕တစေန႔တာလပအားဆရငလညး ျမနမာကပေငြ ၁၅၀၀ကပ (အေမရကနေဒၚလာ ၁.၈)ေလာကသာရတယ။ ဒေငြန႔ မသားစအတြက ထမငးတစနပေတာငဝယစားလ႔မရဘး။ ကၽြနေတာတ႔လယေျမေတြေပၚမာလာၿပး အေဆာကအဥးေတြ တညေဆာကေနတာကလကခရ မယလ႔ဆတာဟာ ေတာေတာကခကပါတယ။ ၿပးေတာ ကၽြနေတာတ႔မာ ဘဝရပတညေရးအတြက သငေတာေကာငးမြနတအလပဆလ႔ဘာရယမမရဘး”ဟ ေရနႏငဓါတေငြ႔စမကနးေၾကာငလယယာေျမဆးရႈးခလကရေသာလယသမားတစဥးေျပာျပပါသည။(ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔အငတာဗး၊ေမလ၊၂၀၁၂)

ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယက ေဒသချပညသမားသည ႏစစဥႏစတငး ေျခာကေသြ႔ရာသ ကနခါနးမာ ေရျပတလပမႈဒါဏကဆးဆးဝါးဝါး ရငဆငေနၾကရပါသည။ အထးသျဖင ဤကသ႔ ေရရားပါးျပတလပမႈဒါဏက မသားစတြင ေရသယ၊ေရခပအလပကလပကငရသည အမးသမးမားက ခၾကရပါသည။ ေကာကျဖတြင တညေဆာကရနစစဥေနသည စကမႈဇလပငနးကသ႔ေသာစကမႈလပငနးမားသညေရဒလေဟာအသးၿပးလပေဆာငရေသာလပငနးမားျဖစပါသည။ေကာကျဖအထးစကမႈဇသညတစေန႔လင ေရခပမာဏကဗမတာ (၃.၆)သနးခန႔ (သ႔မဟတ)တစႏစလငကဗမတာ (၁၃၂၄)သနးခန႔ကအသးျပလမၼညဟခန႔မနးထားပါသည။ဤျပနာသညပတဝနးကငရစကပးေျမမားကဆးကးသကေရာကေစမညအျပငေဒသချပညသတ႔၏ေန႔တဓဝလမႈဘဝကလညးဆးဆးဝါးဝါးထခကေစမညျဖစသည။

အလပအကငအခြင အေရးဘယသေတြအတြကလ

ေရရားပါးျပတလပမ က ပ မ ဆ း၀ါးေစျခငး

ငါးဖမးဧရယာမားအေပၚဆ းက းသကေရာကမ

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ေရနဓါတထတကနမားထတလပမႈ၊အသလငးထတလပမႈ၊ေရနဓါတႏငဆကစပေနသညထတကနမားထတလပမႈ၊သႏငသမဏထတလပမႈစေသာထတလပမႈျဖစစဥမားကCITICGroup၏စမကနးႀကတငေလလာခကတြငအေသးစတေဖၚျပထားျခငးမရပါ။ အဆပသငစြန႔ပစပစၥညး၊ ညစညမးမႈႏင မေတာတဆ အႏရာယျဖစေစမႈစေသာ ၿခမးေျခာကမႈအႏရယအမားအျပားကႀကတငျမငေနရေသာလညးCITICကမၸဏကေသာလညးေကာငး၊ျမနမာအစးရကေသာလညးေကာငးဆးကးသကေရာကမႈမားႏငစပလဥး၍ႀကတငေလလာဆနးစစမႈမားမျပလပခၾကပါ။


ဆလဖာဒငေအာကဆက၊ႏငထရဂငေအာကဆက၊ကာဗြနမေအာကဆကအပါအဝငမးခးတငမားမထပလပေသာေလထညစညမးမႈအမးနးယား၊ဆငယမႏက၊အဆပသငသတ၊ေျမေအာကေရအဆပသငမႈမားအပါမဝငေရဆးေရညစမား ေျမေအာကေရကအဆပသငေစမညသတရငးအညစအေၾကးန႔အမႈန႔မား

ဆလဖာဒငေအာကဆက၊ႏငထရဂငေအာကဆက၊ကာဗြနမေအာကဆကအပါအဝငမးခးတငမားမထပလပေသာေလထညစညမးမႈ အမးနးယား၊ဆငယမႏက၊အဆပသငသတ၊ေျမေအာကေရအဆပသငမႈ မးေလာငကၽြမးမႈႏငအႏရာယရဓါတပစၥညမားေပါကကြမႈ ေရနယဖတမႈ


တရတႏငငDalianXingingေရနဆပကမး၌ေရနပကလငးေပါကကြမႈေၾကာငတစပတအတြငးတြငစတရနးကလမတာ(၄၃၀)အကြာအေဝးကထေရနမားဖတစငပ႕ႏ႔သြားခသည။အဆပါေရနပကလငးကတရတႏငငအမးသားေရနေကာပေရးရငး(CNPC)ကစမခနခြလပကငေနျခငးျဖစသည။CNPCသညယၡသြယတနးေဖါကလပေနသညေကာကျဖ-တရတေရနႏငဓါတေငြ႔ပကလငးမားကလညး စမခန႔ခြေနေသာ ကမၸဏျဖစသည။ ေပါကကြမႈေၾကာင ပငလယထသ႔ ေရနစမးပမာဏတနခန(၁၅၀၀)ခန႔မာပငလယထသ႔ဖတစငသြားသညဟတရတအစးရအရာရမားကေျပာၾကားထားသည။သ႔ေသာလညးေရနယဖတမႈမ ငါးမားႏငပငလယငကမားအေပၚ မညသ႔မညပ ဆးကးသကေရာကမညဆသညက စးစမးေလလာမႈမားမလပခၾကပါ။

အႏရာယျဖစေစသညေရနဓါတစကမ လပငနးႏင သတစကမ လပငနးမား

Photo: AFP

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ေကာကျဖ အထးစးပြားေရးဇသညထငးႏငငေတာငပငး၊ ရေယာငခရငရျပနာေပါငးစႏ င ႀက ေတြ႕ခရေသာမတတာဖတ(Map Ta Phut) စကမႈဇေျမပထက (၅ဆခန႔ ပႀကးသည။၁၉၈၈-ခႏစတြင တညေဆာကခေသာမတတာဖတ စကမႈဇတြင ေရနကဆပကမးတစခႏငထငးႏငငရအႀကးဆးျဖစေသာ ေရနဓါတ စကမႈလပငနးမားပါဝငသည။ ၁၉၉ဝ ခႏစ ကတညးကပငလေပါငး၂၀၀၀ ခန႔ ကငဆာႏငဆကစပေနသညေရာဂါမားေၾကာငအသကဆရႈးသြားျခငး၊ေရရားပါးျပတလတျခငး၊ေရထ၊ေေလထညစညမးျခငးတ႔ေၾကာငသဘာဝပတဝနးကငအဖြ႔အစညးမားႏင ေဒသခလ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမားသညအဆပါစကရမားအားပတေပးရနေတာငးဆတကပြဝငလာၾကေလသည။

လြနခေသာဆယစႏစမားတြငမတတာဖတစကမႈဇ၌မေတာတဆထခကမႈမားေရတြကမရႏငေအာငျဖစပြားခသည။၂၀၁၂ခႏစ ေမလ တြင ေနာကဆျဖစပြားခေသာ ထခကမႈတစခ၌ဆလင ပတပစၥညး မားထပလပေသာ ေရနဓါတစကရမမးေလာငကၽြမးေပါကကြမႈေၾကာငလ(၁၂)ဥးေသဆးခၿပး(၁၂၉)ဥးဒါဏရာရရခသည။ေနာကတေန႔တြငလညးအနးအနားရစကရတစခ၌ ဓါတရည ယဖတမႈေၾကာင အလပသမားေပါငး (၁၃၈) ဥးက ေဆးရးတငလကရသည။ ျပညသလထဆန႔ကငမႈေၾကာငထငးႏငငတြင ေရနဓါတစကရမားကအသစတဖန ေနာကထပခ႕ထြငရနမျဖစႏငေတာပါ။ထအႏယျဖစေစေသာ စကမႈလပငနးမားက ျမနမာႏငငထားဝယ အထးစးပြားေရးဇသ႔ ေျပာငးေရြ႕တညေဆာကသြားမညျဖစသည။“တခ႕စကမႈလပငနးေတြကထငးနငငမာထားရဖ႔မသငေတာတာေၾကာင….သတ႔ကျမနမာဘကကေျပာငးဖ႔ဆးျဖတခၾကတာပါ။”ဟထငးဝနႀကးခပေဟာငးအဘဆစစဝတဂာဂဝ(AbhisitVejjajiva)ကထားဝယစမကနးရငးႏးျမတႏမႈကရညညႊနးၿပးေျပာၾကားခသည။

ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယႏင ရမးၿဗၿမ႕နယတ႔ရကမးရးတမးေဒသတ႔တြငေပါကေရာကေနေသာ ျမနမာဒတယ အႀကးမားဆး လမေတာႀကးသညအထးစကမႈဇေၾကာငကြယေပာကသြားေပလမၼည။လမေတာႀကးမားသညအဏၰ၀ါဇဝမးစတမားအတြကအေရးပါသညေနရာတစချဖစသညအျပင၊ ဆငကလနး၊ ဆနာမကသ႔ေသာ သဘာဝေဘးအႏရယတ႔မလညး အကာကြယေပးသည သဘာဝအတားဆးႀကးတစခသဖြယ တညရေနသည။ ေရန၊ဓါတႏငတျခားေသာစကမႈလပငနးမားမ အဆပသငစြန႔ပစပစၥညးမား၏ အႏရယတ႔ကဤထခကပကစးလြယေသာလမေတာေဂဟစနစအားအသစတဖနအစားထးမရႏငေအာငပကစးသြားေစလမၼည။

လမေတာမား ၿခမးေျခာကခေနရမႈ

မတတဖတ-ထငးႏ ငင

တျခားစကမဇ မားကေပးေသာသငခနးစာမား

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ျမနမာစစေခါငးေဆာငေဟာငး ဗလခပမႈးႀကးသနးေရႊသညတရတႏငင၏စးပြားေရးႀကးထြားလာမႈကအတယအားကကာေကာကျဖ၊ သလဝါႏင ထားဝယအထးစးပြားေရးဇမားတညေဆာကရနအတြက အစအစဥမားက ယခအစးရသစသ႔အပခပေရးအာဏာမလႊေျပာငးမစပၾကားကာလတြငအၿပးသတေဆာငရြကခသည။အေစာဆးတညေဆာကေနၿပျဖစေသာအထးစးပြားေရးဇမာ ျမနမာျပညအေရ႕ေတာငပငးေဒသရထားဝယအထးစးပြားေရးဇျဖစသည။စတရနးကလမတာ(၂၅၀)ကယဝနးေသာ ဤစမကနးေၾကာင ေဒသချပညသဥးေရ(၃၀၀၀၀)ခန႔မာ မမတ႔ေျမေပၚမ အတငးအဓမၼေျပာငးေရြခရမညျဖစသည။ ထငးႏငငသ႔ ဆကသြယေဖါကလပမည ေျခာကလမးသြား အေဝးေျပးလမးမႀကး ေဖါကလပမႈအတြကလညးျပညသမားမာမမတ႔ပငဆငေသာလယယာ၊ဥယာဥ၊ၿခေျမမားကလကလႊတဆးရႈးရမညျဖစသည။မမတ႔ေျမေပၚမအတငးအဓမၼႏငထတခရမႈႏငပတဝနးကငညစညမးေစမညစကရမားတညေဆာကမညအစအစဥမားကတန႔ျပနသညအေနျဖငထခကနစနာသညျပညသမားသည စးပြားေရးဇကကန႔ကြကဆႏၵျပမႈမားကဆငႏြခၾကၿပး၊ ေဒသႏငဗဟအစးရတ႔ထသ႔လညးကန႔ကြကစာမားေရးပ႔ကာသတ႔၏မေကနပမႈမားကထပေဖၚခၾကေလသည။သ႔ေသာလညးဗဟအစးရႏငႏငငျခားရငးႏးျမတႏသမား၏အကးစးပြားကခခဆန႔ကငရနအတြကေဒသအစးရတြငလပပငခြငနငငေရးအာဏာမရေခ။၂၀၁၁ ခႏစ၊ဇနနဝါရလတြင သမၼတဥးသနးစနသည ျပညသလထကန႔ကြကေတာငးဆမႈေၾကာင မဂါဝပ(၄၀၀၀)ထပလပမည ေကာကမးေသြးသး လပစစဓါတအားေပးစကရတညေဆာကေရးစမကနးမ မဂါဝပ (၄၀၀)သာထတလပမညလပစစဓါတအားေပးစကရစမကနးအျဖစသ႔တစဆငေလာေျပာငးလေပးခရေလသည။ထမမကေရနခကစကရတညေဆာကျခငးႏငလမး၊ေရေလာငကနမားအတြကလယယာေျမသမးပကခရမႈတ႔အတြကလညးျပညသမားမာဆကလကဆန႔ကငကန႔ကြကေနၾကတနးပငျဖစသည။

တရတႏငငတြငစကမႈဇမားေၾကာငျဖစေပၚေစေသာပတဝနးကငညစညမးမႈမားမာ ပတဝနးကငရ လ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမားနင သာဘဝပတဝနးကငကမားစြာ အႏရယျပေနသညဟ တရတႏငငသဘာဝပတဝနးကငအဖြ႔ခပကထတျပနေသာအစရငခစာတြငေဖၚျပထားသည။ထခကချပညသလထကလညး စကမႈဇ၏ဆးကးမားက ကယကယျပန႔ျပန႔ ဆန႔ကငကန႔ကြကေနၾကေလၿပ။ ၁၉၉၄- ခႏစတြင Da Xie အထးစးပြားေရးဇကCity Groupကမၸဏက စတငအေကာင ထညေဖၚတညေဆာကခသည။၎စးပြားေရးဇတြင ေကာကျဖအထးစးပြားေရးဇ၌ တညေဆာကရနစစဥေနေသာ ေရနဓါတစကမႈလပငနးမားႏင ဓါတစကမႈလပငနးမားကသ႔စကမႈ လပငနးမားပါဝငေနသည။ အျငငပြားဖြယျဖစေသာ အဆပါ Da Xieစမကနးသည အနးအနားရ သဘာဝပတဝနးကငႏင လမႈပတဝနးကငတ႔က မားစြားဆးရႈးေစခပါသည။ အဓကျပနာတစခမာ စကမႈဇ အတြကမႈလအစစစဥထားသညထက ေရပမာဏအမားအျပားကသးစြခ ျခငးျဖစၿပး၊ထအကးဆကေၾကာငပငလင ေဒသချပညသမား ေရရားပါးျပတလပမႈႏငရငဆငခၾကရသည။၂၀၀၅-ခႏစတြင အနးအနားရေကးရြားမားသညေရႀကးမႈအႏရယႏငရငဆငလာရၿပးအထးစးပြားေရဇအျပငဖကတြငကန႔ကြကဆႏၵျပပြတစချပလပခၾကၿပး၊ အရညအေသြးနမကသည ေရသြငးေရႏတစနစက အသးျပမႈအတြကလညး ကမၸဏမားက ျပငးျပငးထနထန ျပစတငေဝဖနခၾကေလသည။ ေနာကတစႏစခန႔အၾကာတြင အနးအနားရလယယာေျမမားႏင ျပညသလထေနထငရာေနရာမားသ႔ကလရငးပမာဏကလဂရမ(၁၀၀)ေကာယဖတမႈျဖစပြားခေလသည။ကလရငးေၾကာင(၁)ကလမတာအေဝးအတြငးရေသာေကာကပသးႏမားမာလညးပကစခရေလသည။ထသ႔ယဖတမႈျဖစပြားၿပးငါးရကအတြငးတြငအနးအနားရ ရြာသား(၆၇၈)ဥးမာ ကလရငးအဆပသငမႈေၾကာငး မႈးေဝျခငး၊ ေအာအျခငး၊ အေရးျပားယားယျခငးစေသာေဝဒနာမားေၾကာငေဆးရသ႔သြားေရာကၿပးေဆးကသမႈမားခခရေလသည။Da Xie အထးစးပြားေရဇက အဆပါကလရနယဖတမႈသတငးကထနခနၿပး မညသ႔မမျဖစသညဟနျဖင ကလရငးထတလပမႈကေနာကသးရကခန႔တငေအာငထဆကလကထပလပေနခသည။၂၀၀၇ခႏစတြငစစမးစစေဆးမႈတစရပကျပလပခၿပးသဘာဝပတဝနးကငအကးသကေရာကမႈဆငရာစစမးမႈအစရငခစာတစခကထတျပနခရာထအစရငခစာ၌စကမႈဇမေနာကထပျဖစေပၚလာသညေရနႏငဓါတယဖတမႈအႏရယတ႔ကလညးေလာကသြားေအာငျပလပေဆာငရြကမႈလးဝမရခဟေဖၚျပထားသည။

အနးအနားရၿမ႕ေပၚလမးမမားေပၚတြင ေထာငေပါငးမားစြာေသာျပညသတ႔က စကရေနရာေျပာငးေရြ႕ေပးရနဆႏၵျပေတာငးဆမႈ ျဖစပြားခၿပးေနာကတရတအာဏာပငမားက Dalian ရ ေရနဓါတစကရက ပတပစရင အမန႔ခမတခရသည


တရတႏ ငငရ DaXieစကမဇ

Page 11: arakan ,gas,oil china

CITICကမၸဏက၎တ႔ကမၸဏ၏သဘာဝပတဝနးကငဥပေဒမားအပါအဝငျမနမာျပညတြငးဥပေဒမားႏငစခနစညႊနးမားက လကနာကငသးမညဟ စမကနးႀကတငေလလာမႈတြင ေဖၚျပထားသည။ သ႔ေသာလညး ျမနမာပါလမနက ၂၀၁၂-ခ မတလတြင အတညျပျပဌာနးလကေသာ သဘာဝပတဝနးကငဥပေဒတြင သဘာဝပတဝနးကငနင ျပညသလထကအကာအကြယေပးႏငသညအေရးပါေသာျပဌာနးခကမားကငးမေနသညကေတြ႔ရပါသည။ဥပေဒတြငသဘဝပတဝနးကင၊လမႈပတဝနးကငအကးသကေရာကမႈဆငရာသးသပေလလာမႈေကာကယျခငးအတြကအေသးစတစခန၊စညႊနးမားကထညသြငးျပဌာနးထားျခငးမရေခ။တဖန ျပညသလထကသတငးထတျပနေပးမညနညးစနစမား၊ကမၼာေရးသ႔မဟတလ႔အခြငအေရးဆငရာအကးသကေရာကမႈသးသပေလလာမႈေကာကယျခငး၊သဘာဝပတဝနးကငအကးသကေရာကမႈဆငရာအထးေလလာသးသပခကေကာကခမႈ (Strategic Environmental Assessment)(သ႔မဟပ) စြန႔ပစပစၥညး ရငးလငးေရးစမေဆာငရြကမႈ လပေဆာငခကမားကလညး ဥပေဒတြင ထညသြငးေဖၚျပထားျခငးမရေခ။ ထ႔ျပင ျမနမာႏငငဥပေဒတြငအစးရႏင ႏငငျခားရငႏးျမတႏသမားအေနျဖင ဖြ႔႔ၿဖးတးတကေရး စမကနးစာခပစာတမးဆငရာအေသးစတအခကအလကမားက ျပညသလထသ႔ ထတျပနေပးရမညဟ ျပဌာနးထားျခငးမရသကသ႔၊ ၎စမကနးမားမ ရရလာေသာ ဘ႑ာဝငေငြမားကလညး တာယခမႈ၊ တာဝနယမႈတ႔ျဖင ပြငလငးျမငသာစြာ စမခန႔ခြ လပေဆာငေစရနတြကၿပးျပညစေသာ လပထးလပနညးမားလညးမရပါ။ ဤသ႔ စခနစညႊနးမားကငးမေနျခငးကလညး အကငပကျခစားမႈကမားစြာျဖစေပၚေစပါသည။

ျပညသလထကအကာအကြယေပးႏ ငမညအေရးပါေသာျပဌာနးခကမား

စခနစညႊနးကငမ ေနမႈ

ဤျပဌာနခကသည စးပြားေရး၊လမႈေရး ကစၥရပမားပါဝငသည အလးစလႊမးၿခႏငမည သဘာဝပတဝနးကငအကးသကေရာကမႈဆငရာ အထးေလလာသးသပခကေကာကခမႈ တစရပျဖစသည။ ဤေလလာသးသပခက ေကာငခမႈစနစတြငအေကာငထညေဖၚလာမည စမကနးက နငငအမးသားမဝါဒေရးရာမားႏင ဆကစပထားၿပး၊ စမကနးအတြက အစားထးနငမညအရာမားက ေလလာမႈမားျပလပျခငးႏင ေရရညတညတခငၿမျခငးတ႔က အေရးတယေဆာငရြကလပေဆာငျခငးတ႔လညးပါဝငသည။

သဘာဝပတဝနးကင၊ လမႈပတဝနးကင၊ ကမၼာေရးႏင လ ႔အခြင ေရးဆ င ရာ ေလလာသးသပခကေကာကခမႈ(EIA,SIA,HIA,andHRIA)

ဤလပေဆာငမႈမားမာတညေဆာကလာမည စမကနးတစခေၾကာငျဖစေပၚလာမညအမးမးေသာအကးသကေရာကမႈမားအေပၚ ခြျခမးစတျဖာထားကာ က႑အလက ေကာကခထားေသာ ေလလာသးသတခက ေကာကခမႈမားျဖစသည။စမကနးမားတညေဆာကရနအတညျပသေဘာတညမႈမားမျပလပမအထကပါေလလာသးသတခကမားကေကာကခၿပးျပညသလထထသ႔ အသေပးထတျပနေပးရမည။ ထသ႔အသေပးထတျပနေပးမသာ သကေရာကလာမည ဆးကးမားကကာကြယျခငးသ႔မဟတေလာကသြားေအာငေဆာငရြကျခငးတ႔ကျပလပနငမညျဖစသည။

မညသညဖြ႔ၿဖးေရးစမကနးမဆ၎စမကနးမစတငမ စမကနးအစအစဥမားႏင ျပညသလထအေပၚသကေရာကလာမညစမကနး အကး ဆကမား၏ သတငးအခကအလက အျပညအစက ျပညသလထအား အသေပးထတျပနေပးရမည။ထသ႔ျပလပေပးမသာစမကနးအေပၚသေဘာတခြငျပခကႏငစပလဥး၍ၿခမးေျခာကအကပကငခရမႈမရဘျပညသလထအေနျဖင ေလလာသးသပ၊ေဆြးေႏြးႏငမညျဖစၿပး၊ စမကနးအတြကလအပသညေျပာငးလမႈမားသ႔မဟတကန႔သတခကမားကလညး ေတာငးဆႏငမညျဖစသည။ FPICက ကမၻာကလသမဂၢဌာေနတငးရငးသားမားဆငရာ အခြငအေရးေၾကျငာစာတမး(UNDRIP)ႏငႏငငတကာေငြေၾကးေကာပေရးရငး(IFC)တ႔အရအတညျပခမတထားျခငးျဖစသည။

သဘာဝပတဝနးကငအက းသကေရာကမ ႈဆ င ရာအထးေလလာသးသပခ ကေကာကခမ ႈ(StrategicEnvironmentAssessment)

လြတလပစြာႀကတငသရ နားလညထားသညသေဘာတညမႈ(FPIC)

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ျမနမာႏငငထသ႔ ႏငငျခားရငးႏးျမတႏမႈမား အလးအရငးျဖင ဝငေရာကလာေနသညအတြက ျမနမာျပညသလထႏငသဘာဝပတဝနးကငကအေထာကကျပေစမညေရရညတညတခငၿမေသာဖြ႔ၿဖးတးတကမႈမးကအထးဥးစားေပးလပေဆာငရမည။ေကာကျဖအထးစးပြားေရးဇကသ႔ေသာစမကနးမားသညေဒသချပညသလထ၏လမႈဘဝႏငသဘာဝပတဝနးကငတ႔အတြကၿခမးေျခာကမႈတစရပျဖစသည။ျမနမာျပညတြငဤစမကနးမားကသ႔အလားတအႏရယျဖစေစသညစမကနးအမားအျပားရခၿပျဖစသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငေအာကေဖၚျပပါအႀကျပတကတြနးခကမားအတငးလကနာေဆာငရြကမႈမျပလပႏငသေရြ႕စမကနးကရပတန႔ထားရမညဟရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔ကတစထစခယၾကညထားပါသည။

•CITICကမၸဏႏငျမနမာအစးရတ႔သညစမကနးႏငဆငသညအေသးစတအခကလကမားကျပညသလထအားအသေပးထတျပနေပးရမည။အထးသျဖငထခကခလ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမား၊သကဆငသညႏငငေရးပါတမားႏငအရပဖကအဖြ႔အစညးမားအားအဆပါစမကနးအခကအလကမားကထတျပနေပးရမညျဖစသည။•စမကနးမစတငမထခကခလအဖြ႔အစညးမားထမလြတလပစြာႀကတငသရနားလညထားသညသေဘာတညမႈက(FPIC)ကေတာငးခရမည။•သဘာဝပတဝနးကငအကးသကေရာကမႈဆငရာအထးေလလာသးသပခက(SEA)၊သဘာဝပတဝနးကင၊ လမႈပတဝနးကငႏငကမၼာေရးဆငရာအကးသကေရာကမႈေလလာသးသပခကမားကစမကနးမစတငမေကာကခၿပးျပညသလထထသ႔အသေပးထတျပနေပးရမည။•ေဒသတြငးထခကချပညသမားအေနျဖငမမတ႔၏အးအမ၊လယယာေျမမားကသတမတထားသည ေလာေၾကးေငြအေပၚစြန႔လြတ၊မစြန႔လြတဆသညတ႔ကအတငးအကပကငတြယမႈ(သ႔မဟတ)ၿခမးေျခာကမႈမား မရေစရဘလြတလပစြာေရြးခယပငခြငရေစရမည။•သဘာဝပတဝနးကင၊လ႔အခြငအေရးႏငလမႈဘဝကာကြာေစာငေရာကမႈမားျပလပရာတြငႏငငတကာစခနစညႊနးအတငးလကနာေဆာငရြကရမည။•အလပအကငဖနးတးေပးေရႏငစပလဥး၍ေဒသခအလပသမားအသးျပမႈကမညသ႔မညပဥးစားေပးေဆာငရြကမည၊ထလပသားမားအားမညသ႔မညပေလကငသငၾကားေပးမညဆသညတ႔ကတတကကေဖၚျပထားေသာအစအစဥတရပထားရရမည။•ဘ႑ဝငေငြမားကလညးပြငလငးျမငသာစြာကငတြယၿပး၊ျပညသလထထသ႔အသေပးထတျပနေပးရမည။


www.arakanoilwatch.org/ contact: [email protected]

Page 13: arakan ,gas,oil china

ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔ သတငးထတျပနခက

ေန႔စြ။ ။၂ဝ၁၂ ခႏစ၊ ဒဇငဘာလ (၁၇) ရက။

ဧရာမ တ႐တစကမႈဇႀကးက ရခငကမး႐းတနးေဒသက ၿခမးေျခာကေနေလၿပ

တ႐တႏငငက အေကာငထညေဖၚတညေဆာကရနျပငဆငေနသည စကမႈဇႀကးက ရခငျပညနယရ ေဒသခ

ျပညသေထာငေပါငးမားတ႔၏ လမႈဘဝႏင ျမနမာဒတယအႀကးမားဆးလမေတာႀကးတ႔အား မညသ႔မညပ

ၿခမးေျခာကေနသည က ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔၏ အသစထတေဝလကေသာ “အႏရာယဇ” အမညရ

အစရငခစာတြင ထတေဖၚလကသည။

ျမနမာျပညကျဖတသနးသြယတနးေနေသာ ေရန ႏင သဘာဝဓါတေငြ႔ပကလငး တာမနယမား အနးတဝက

တြင တညေဆာကရနစစဥေနသည စတရနးကလမတာ (၁၂ဝ) ကယဝနးမည ေကာကျဖ အထးစးပြားေရးဇ

ေၾကာင ေဒသခကးရြာေပါငး (၄ဝ)ခန႔ထ ေျပာငးေရြ႕ခရမညျဖစသည။ အျခားတဖကတြငလညး ေရနဓါတ ႏင

သတစကမႈလပငနးမားမ ထြကရလာမည အဆပသငစြန႔ပစပစၥညးမား ႏင ျဖစေပၚလာမည ပတဝနး

ညစညမးမႈ ဆးကးမားက ေဒသချပညသ အေျမာကအမားက စးရမမကငးျဖစေနၾကရသည။ တ႐တတ႔

တာဝနယ တညေဆာကေနေသာ ပငးလငး ႏင ေရနကဆပကမး စမကနးမားေၾကာငလညး ေကာကျဖၿမ႕

နယတြင လယယာေျမသမးပကခရမႈမားက ကယကယျပန႔ျပန႔ ျဖစေစခၿပးျဖစသည။

အေမရကနေဒၚလာ (၁ဝ၉) ဘလလ တနဖးရေသာ ဤစမကနးႀကးတြင တ႐တႏငငမ CITIC Group

ကမၸဏ၊ ဂပနႏငငမ Nippon Koei ကမၸဏ ႏင ျမနမာျပညတြငးမ ထးထေရးဒငးကမၸဏတ႔ ပါဝငပတသက

ေနၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာလညး အစးရအေနျဖင စမကနးဆငရာ အစအစဥအျပညအစက ေဒသချပညသလထ

က ေသာလညးေကာငး၊ ေဒသခႏငငေရးသမားမားကေသာလညးေကာငး အသေပးထတျပနေပးျခငးမရပါ။

“အစးရကဘာေတြကစဥးစားေနတာလ…..မပကမစးတညရေနတ ကၽြ နေတာတ႔ရ႕ ကမး႐းတမးႀကးက

အဆပအေတာက စကမႈဇအျဖစ ေျပာငးလပစ ဖ႔အတြက ႏငငျခားကမၸဏေတြ လကထက ဝကြကအပလက

ေတာမာလား ” ဟ ရခငေရနေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔ ဒါ႐ကတာေကာခင က ေျပာၾကား သည။

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စမကနးတြင ရခငျပညမ တ႐တႏငငယနနျပညနယသ႔ ဆကသြယေဖါကလပလပမည ကလမတာ (၈ဝဝ)

ရညလားေသာ ရထားလမးတစခ ႏင အေဝးေျပးကားလမးတစခ ပါဝငမညျဖစေသာေၾကာင ကနဥး

ေဖါကလပေနေသာ ပကလငးလမးေၾကာငးအရြယအစားကလညး ပမတးခ႕သြားမညျဖစသည။ တ႐တတ႔

သည ရထားလမးက တညေဆာက၍ ႏစ(၅ဝ) အသးျပသြားမညျဖစၿပး၊ ၎ကာလေနာကပငးမသာ အဆပါ

ရထားလမးအား ျမနမာအစးရ ထသ႔လႊေျပာငး ေပးမညျဖစသည။

“ရခငျပညနယမာရတ ျပညသေထာငေပါငးမားစြာတ႔ဟာ ဒတ႐တစမကနးေတြေၾကာင အေျခအေနမ

ဘဝေတြဆက ေရာကရသြားၾကရေတာမာပါ။ၿပးေတာ ဒစမကနးေၾကာငပငလင ေနာကဆကတြ ပဋပကၡ

ေတြကမလႊမေသြ ႀကေတြ႔လာရမာပါ။ ျမနမာအစးရ ႏင ရငးႏးျမႇပႏတ ကမၸဏေတြအေန ႏငလညး မရြာ

ေၾကးနစမကနးေတြမာ ျဖစပကေနတာကၾကညၿပး သခၤနးစာယသငပါတယ။” ဟ ေကာခင က ေျပာၾကား


ေကာကျဖအထးစးပြားေရဇ ကသ႔ေသာ စမကနးမားက အေကာငထညေဖၚမေဆာငရြကမ ေဒသချပညသ

မား ႏင ေဆြးေႏြးညႏႈငးမႈမားျပလပၿပး၊ ျပညသလထႏင သဘာဝပတဝနးကငကအကာ အကြယေပးႏငမည

တငးကပေသာ ဥပေဒမား ႏင စညးမဥးကညးကမးမားက ထတျပနျပ႒ာနးေပးရနအတြကလညး ရခငေရန

ေစာငၾကညေရး အဖြ႔က ေတာငးဆထားသည။


အစရငခစာအျပညအစက www.arakanoilwatch.org ၌ ရယဖတ႐ႈႏငပါရန။

ဆကသြယရန။ ။ Ph: +66 (0) 82 184 1335 / Email: [email protected]


Page 15: arakan ,gas,oil china

Danger zone

China’s plans to build a giant industrial zone at the terminal of its Shwe gas and oil pipelines on the Arakan coast will damage the livelihoods of tens of thousands of islanders and spell doom for Burma’s second largest mangrove forest.

The 120 sq km “Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone” (SEZ) will be managed by Chinese state-owned CITIC group on Ramree island, where China is constructing a deep sea port for ships bringing oil from the Middle East and Africa. An 800-km railway is also being built from Kyauk Phyu to Yunnan, under a 50 year BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) agreement, forging a Chinese-managed trade corridor from the Indian Ocean across Burma. Investment in the railway and SEZ, China’s largest in Southeast Asia, is estimated at US $109 billion over 35 years.

Construction of the pipelines and deep-sea port has already caused large-scale land confiscation. Now 40 villages could face direct eviction from the SEZ, while many more fear the impacts of toxic waste and pollution from planned petrochemical and metal industries. No information has been provided to local residents about the projects.

It is urgently needed to have strin-gent regulations in place to protect the people and environment before projects such as these are implemented in Burma.

Giant Chinese industrial zone threatens Burma’s Arakan coast

Published by Arakan Oil Watch/ December, 2012

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Kyauk Phyu SEZ

Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone is located on Kyauk Phyu Township of Burma’s Arakan State. Over 200,000 people live in the township.

Farming and fishing are the main livelihoods in this quiet and rural area, which has numerous tidal channels and creeks. However, in the last few years the Shwe gas and oil pipelines project has disrupted local communities, with confiscation of farm lands and loss of fishing areas leading to migration from the area.



Rural islanders of Kyauk Phyu under threat

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City Cluster (28 km²)

- 2,000 MW power plant (unspecified fuel source), - Industrial water and sewage plants - Residential areas, business centres, hospitals, schools and tourist areas.

Logistics Cluster (24 km²)

- Airport expansion - 250 million-ton capacity wharf to accommodate 300,000-ton freighters. - Sea port - Railway and logistics park to store 10 million tons of goods.

Industrial Cluster (40 km²)

• Oil refinery and petrochemical industries (12 km²)

- Refined oil, 10 million tons/year - Ethylene, 800,000 tons/year - Other petrolchemical products, 1.5 million tons/year - Fertilizer, LNG etc, 3 million tons/year

• Metal Industries (14 km²)

- Iron and steel, 5 million tons/year - Other refined metals, 300,000 tons/year

• Marine Service Industry (3 km²)

- Two marine docks to service regional shipping traffic and dismantle old ships for sale of materials.

• Processing and manufacturing industries (11 km²)

- Agricultural and aquatic products, gems and wood. - Textiles, metal, plastics, car parts and electrical appliances.

In December 2009 and February 2011, China and Burma signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) for the construction of the Kyauk Phyu Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Under the MoU with Burma's Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, CITIC Group will construct a Special Economic Zone, including expansion of a deep sea port, railway, airport and industrial areas. Its subsidiary CITIC Construction Company Limited has made further agreements to cooperate on this project with the Htoo Company, owned by military crony Tay Za.

According to a feasibility study1 by CITIC Construction Company, the zone will require an initial investment of US$ 8.3 billion and a total US$ 89.2 billion over 35 years, using 120 Km² (30,000 acres) of land as well as 70 Km² of waterways.

Logistic Cluster

Industrial Cluster

Reserved Area

5 km

The Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone



Gas pipeline

Oil pipeline

Mangrove forest


City Cluster

Logistic Cluster

Industrial Cluster

Reserved Area

(future expansion)

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Japanese Engineering Company Involvement

The project includes an 800 km railway to connect Kyauk Phyu to Ruili in China’s southern Yunnan province. The MoU was signed in April 2011 between Myanmar’s Rail Transportation Ministry and China’s Railways Engineering Corporation. The railway will run through the cities Ann, Minbu, Magway, Mandalay, Lashio and Muse. The US$ 20 billion project was originally set for completion in 2015.3

The MoU is based on a 50-year BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) agreement, under which the China will fund and construct the railway and operate it for half a century before handing it over to the Burma authorities. Revenues and control over allocation of jobs will be in the hands of Chinese entities during this period.

High-speed trains carrying up to 4,000 tons of goods will run at speeds of up to 170 km per hour. There are also plans to construct a highway between Kyauk Phyu and Ruili in China, with an MoU between the two countries signed in 2010. However, there is no further information available about the exact route.

Kyauk Phyu

Rail way:

China-Kyauk Phyu Railway and Highway

In October 2012, plans for the Special Economic Zone involving the Japanese engineering com-pany Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. were presented by the Burma’s Deputy minister of Labour Myint Thein at a meeting in Yangon. The focus of the plan is agro industrial and residential areas. Communities, civil society or political parties from the affected area have yet to be informed how or if the Nippon Koei plan (map below) relates to the original CITIC Group plan (on the previ-ous page) and who has funded the study. 2

Gas pipeline

Oil pipeline

Mangrove forest

City Cluster

Logistic Cluster

Industrial Cluster

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In 2006, China’s president Hu Jintao outlined a new “going global” strategy, which included an increase in the number of Chinese Special Economic Zones globally. The main stated reasons were to find new markets for Chinese goods and services, build up Chinese brand names and increase China’s foreign investments.

A Free Trade Agreement between China and the ASEAN nations signed in 2010 created further incentives for trade between the nations. The Kyauk Phyu project will be China’s largest SEZ project in Southeast Asia and according to the feasibility study, the ASEAN market will be targeted through “export-oriented” manufacturing and processing industries.

The Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone will be connected to Yunnan through the rail link, the highway and the Shwe gas and oil pipelines corridor, providing China with strategic access to the Indian Ocean. By facilitating transport of natural resources and goods through Burma, China will save a 1,200 km detour through the Straits of Malacca, or one week shipping time. The SEZ is proposed to refine natural resources such as petrochemicals and iron, some of which will be further processed in new manufacturing industries including plastics, car parts and electronics.

Why does China want the Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone?

CITIC Group is one of the largest multinational conglomerates in China, founded in 1979. In fiscal year 2009 it had annual revenues of over US$ 22 billion and ranked within the Fortune 500 largest corporations in the world. CITIC operates mainly in financial services, properties investment, project contracting, energy, infrastructure, transportation and machinery manufacturing. CITIC Construction Company is one of

the 44 wholly owned subsidiaries of CITIC Group operating in Africa, South America, the Middle East and Central Asia.4

Htoo Trading Company is a subsidiary of the Htoo Group of Companies (HGC), a Burmese holding company. Its CEO and managing director is Tay Za, who has close links with former junta leader Than Shwe and Thura Shwe Mann, speaker of Burma’s lower house. Htoo Trading Company was involved in construction of Naypyidaw as well as

other projects in agriculture, transportation, shipping, mining, hotels and tourism. Aung Thet Mann, son of Thura Shwe Mann, is a director of Htoo Trading Company and on the board of HGC.

Construction of China’s seaport at Maday Island, Kyauk Phyu Township.

Who is CITIC Group?

Who is Htoo Trading?

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. is a Japanese engineering consultant company focussing on energy and infrastructure projects. The company has conducted a series of feasibility studies in Burma since 1981 on controversial projects such as Tasang, Yeywa and Tenasserim dams and other projects.

Who is Nippon Koei Co., Ltd?

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The construction of the Special Economic Zone will multiply the already unfolding impacts of the Burma-China oil and gas pipelines. Massive industrialization will have devastating consequences for tens of thousands of farmers and fishermen who have been neither informed nor consulted about the plans.

Land confiscation and relocation of villages

A 60-year-old woman who lost her rice fields in Radana village said, “I have received 600,000 kyats (US $ 700) as half of the compensation for my land. I don’t know when the other half will come. I only got compensation for one third of my land taken by the company. Com-pensation for the other parts were taken by corrupt officials by nam-ing other people as co-land owners.’’ (Arakan Oil Watch interview-May 2012)

Another villager said, “The compensation did not equal the real value of the land. We can’t buy another plot of land with that money. No one wants to lose their land. What they did to us is sinking our life. We made our living with this land and now we don’t know how to continue our life anymore.” (Arakan Oil Watch interview, May, 2012)

A farmer from Maday Island said, “I at first refused to sign the agreement paper for confiscation of my farm land. However police threatened to arrest me immediately in front of officials from MOGE and CNPC if I didn’t sign the agreement paper. So I had to sign it as there was no choice.”(Arakan Oil Watch interview, May, 2010)

According to project maps, the 120 km² zone could lead to the relocation of about 40 villages as well as parts of Kyauk Phyu town.This, in addition to the loss of large areas of farmlands, will directly affect tens of thousands of people. None of these communities nor local govern-ment officials have been informed or consulted about the project. Construction of the Shwe pipelines and associated infrastructure has already led to the confiscation of thousands of acres of valuable farmlands. Most of these confiscations were involuntary.

Devastation of Livelihoods

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CITIC’s feasibility study claims that the SEZ will bring over 100,000 new jobs to the area in the first phase. However, the skill levels required for the industries in the zone and the hiring patterns of Chinese companies globally will mean that most of the labour pool is likely to come from outside Kyauk Phyu. The construction of China’s oil and gas pipelines already illustrates this: local people were able to obtain only low wage and temporary work clearing land and constructing roads while skilled jobs were given to workers from China, India and central Burma. In addition, due to the loss of farmlands, many villagers were forced to migrate to work in neighboring countries.

The construction of wharfs and coastland industries for the zone will directly impact a minimum of 70 Km² of coastal waterways. The frequent traffic of up to 300,000-ton freighters and deep sea fishing in the corridor leading into the deep sea port will likely destroy the local small-scale fishing industries. Toxic wastes and pollution from shipping and industries will threaten fish stocks and the local ecology. Exploration of the Shwe gas fields and construction of an undersea pipeline, which involved dynamiting coral reefs, have already depleted fish populations and restricted access to fishing grounds for local fisherfolk.

Impact on fisheries

A fisherman from Maday island said, “Since they started building the seaport, I haven’t been able to fish freely like before. Before the project, I could make 100 to 200,000 kyat (US$ 120-240) profit and sometimes I even made 500,000 kyat (US$ 600) in one fishing trip. Now, I can barely make money to cover the fuel cost, and can’t make a living any more.” (Arakan Oil Watch interview, June 2012)

Jobs for whom?

Photo: AOW

A local farmer who has lost his farm land to oil and gas project said, “They don’t prioritize us for jobs even though we have nothing left to work on. Outsiders are offered jobs rather than local villagers here. Workers can only get 1,500 kyat (US$ 1.8) per day. It can’t buy enough food for the family. It is difficult to accept that they are constructing buildings in our lands but we can’t get a proper job to earn a living.” (Arakan Oil Watch Interview, May 2012)

Exacerbating water scarcity

Communities in Kyuk Phyu face chronic water shortages at the end of every dry season. This particularly impacts women as they are the traditional gatherers of water.

Industrial complexes such as those planned in Kyauk Phyu use huge amounts of water. It is estimated that the SEZ would use approximately 3.6 million cubic metres of fresh water per day, or 1,314 million cubic metres per year.5 This would affect the surrounding farmlands and put critical strain on the daily lives of local communities.

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Toxic petrochemical and metal industries

In July 2010, explosions at oil pipelines at Dalian Xingang Oil port in China caused an oil spill that spread over 430 km2 within a week.6 The facilities were managed by the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which also manages the Kyauk Phyu China port pipelines. Chinese government officials reported that 1,500 tons of crude oil spilled into the sea, but no assessment on the impact of the spill on fish and sea birds was ever carried out.

CITIC Group’s feasibility study provides no detailed information about planned processing stages in the production of petroleum products, ethylene, and related petrochemical products as well as production of iron and steel. Despite the threat of toxic waste, pollution and accidents, neither CITIC nor the government has conducted any impact assessments.

Iron and steel

Air pollution from smoke stacks, including sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide; waste water, including ammonia and cyanide, contamination of ground water; large amounts of slag waste and dust, which can contaminate ground water.

Air pollution from smoke stacks, including sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide; waste water, including ammonia, cyanide and heavy metals, contamination of ground water; fire and explosions of flammable toxic chemicals; oil spills

Petrochemical products, such as refined oil,

ethylene and chemical fertilizer


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The Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone will be five times larger than the controversial Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate in Thailand’s eastern province of Rayong. Built in 1988, Map Ta Phut in-cludes a deep sea port and the largest centre of petrochemical industries in Thailand.

Environmental organizations and local communities have fought to close down the factories due to extremely high cancer-relat-ed deaths - 2,000 since 1990 - serious pollution of shallow well water, water shortages and air pollution.

Numerous accidents have taken place in Map Ta Phut over the last decades, most recently in May 2012 when explosions and a fire broke out in a petrochemical factory, killing 12 and in-juring 129 people.The next day a chemical leakage in another nearby factory hospitalized 138 workers.

Due to public pressure, petrochemical industries cannot further expand in Thailand, which has led to relocating these harmful industries to Burma through the development of the Dawei Special Economic Zone.

“Some industries are not suitable to be located in Thailand… This is why they decided to set up there.”

Former Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, referring to Thai investments in Dawei

The zone threatens to devastate Burma’s second largest mangrove forest, which lines the coastal areas of Kyauk Phyu and neighbouring Ramree Township. The mangroves provide a crucial habitat for a large number of marine species as well as protection from natural disasters such as cyclones and tsunamis.There is a high risk that toxic waste from petrochemical and other industries will cause irreparable damage to the sensitive mangrove ecosystem.

Map Ta Phut - Thailand

Mangrove Forest Under Threat

Lessons From Other Industrial Zones

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Da Xie - China

Influenced by the growth of economic zones in China, Burma’s former junta leader General Than Shwe finalized plans for Special Economic Zones in Kyauk Phyu, Thilawa and Dawei before handing over the administration to a new government.

Construction of the Dawei SEZ in southeastern Burma has advanced the furthest. Over 30,000 people will be forced off their lands to make way for the 250 km² zone, and more lands will be lost to make way for a six-lane highway into Thailand.

In response to the forced evictions and plans for the high polluting industries, affected communities have voiced their concerns through public protests and a series of letters to local and central government. However, local authorities have been powerless to resist the interests of the central government and foreign investors.

In January 2012, in response to the communities’ protests, Thein Sein downsized a planned 4,000 MW coal-fired power plant to 400 MW, but other protests continue against the construction of an oil refinery and the confiscation of land to make way for roads and water reservoirs.

In September 2011, Chinese authorities ordered a petro-chemical plant in Dalian to shut down immediately after tens of thousands of protesters marched through the streets of a nearby city, demanding the factory be relocated.

Dawei - Burma

Industrial zones in China are causing high levels of pollution, posing risks to the environment and surrounding communities, stated a report by the China Environment Federation.7 These negative impacts are increasingly causing public protests by affected people.

In 1994 the CITIC Group developed the Da Xie Special Economic Zone, including port facilities as well as petro chemical industries similar to those planned in Kyauk Phyu. The controversial project caused damage to the environment and livelihoods of surrounding com-munities. A major issue was that the Da Xie industries required much more water than originally planned, leading to serious local water shortages.

In 2005, nearby villagers staged a protest outside the SEZ in response to flooding of the surrounding areas, and blamed the companies for poor drainage systems. A year later, over 100 kg of liquid chlorine leaked into the surrounding farmland and communities, destroying crops up to a kilometer away. Within five days of the accident, 678 villagers from the surrounding area had visited hospital reporting dizziness, coughing and skin irritations as a result of the leakage.

Complaints were also made that the Da Xie SEZ management had withheld information about the leakage and continued production for three days as if nothing had happened. Following an investigation in 2007, an Environmental Impact Tracking Evaluation report stated risks further chemical leakage and oil spills had still not been mitigated.8

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CITIC claims in its feasibility study that it will follow the laws and standards of Burma, including its environmental laws. However, an environmental law passed by Burma’s parliament in March 2012 lacks many crucial provisions for protection of people and the environment, including specific standards for how Environmental and Social Impact Assessments should be carried out. It also does not include any mechanisms for public disclosure, Health or Human Rights Impact Assessments, Strategic Environmental Assessments or clear waste management procedures.

Moreover, Burma does not have laws that force government or foreign investors to publicly disclose contractual details of development plans, nor does it have adequate mechanisms to ensure that revenues are managed accountably and transparently. This would fuel corrupt practices.

Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC): Before any development project commences, affected communities must be given full information about project plans and impacts on their lives. They can then analyze and discuss, without coercion, whether to give consent to the project, and to demand any necessary changes or conditions to the plan. FPIC has been adopted by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as well as the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): This is a comprehensive strategic environmental assessment which can include economic and social issues. It links to national policies, examines alternatives and stresses sustainability. It should precede an EIA.

Environmental, Social, Health and Human Rights Impact Assessments (EIA, SIA, HIA and HRIA): These are separate assessments analyzing different impacts of a planned project. These assessments should be completed and disclosed to affected communities for input before projects are approved, in order to prevent or minimize any negative impacts.

Important provisions for community protection


1 CITIC Group, Myanmar Kyauk Phyu Port Industrial Zone Preliminary Feasibility Study, May 20112 Nippon Koei Co,Ltd, Kyauk Phyu SEZ Development concept, March, 2012. 3 The Nation, August 29, 2011, www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Construction-of-China-Burma-railway-could- -start-in-30163951.html4 Fortune Global 500, July, 2012, www.money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/global500/2012/snapshots/10772.html5 Health Impact Assessment and Trans-border Investment, Healthy Public Policy Foundation, 2012 6 Boston.com, July 21, 2010, www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/07/oil_spill_in_dalian_china.html7 The China Green News, 1 Oct, 2011, http://eng.greensos.cn/ShowArticle.aspx?articleId=10988 Yu Hou/Tian-zhu Zhang, Developing Fears, International Institute for Asian Affairs, Newsletter No. 50, 2009

All photos and maps are by Arakan Oil Watch unless where referenced

No adequate standards or mechanisms

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In light of massive increased interest of foreign investors in Burma, we must prioritize sustainable and healthy development that puts the people of Burma and its environment first. Projects such as the Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone threaten the lives of impacted communities and the environment, setting a dangerous precedent for other similar development projects in Burma. Arakan Oil Watch therefore believes that the project should be suspended until the following recommendations have been fulfilled:

• CITIC and the government of Burma must disclose detailed project information to the public, in particular to affected communities as well as related political parties and civil society organisations. • Affected communities must give Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) before project commencement. • Thorough Strategic Environment Assessments (SEA) as well as Environment, Social, Health and Human Rights Impact Assessments (EIA, SIA, HIA and HRIA) must be implemented and disclosed to the public before project commencement. • Local affected people must have a choice to decide whether to give up their homes and land for agreed upon compensation, without coercion or threats. • Protection of environment, human rights and livelihoods must follow international standards and allow independent monitoring by civil society organizations, including testing of pollution and waste in affected communities. • There must be a plan detailing how the use of local labour will be prioritized and local personnel trained to benefit from job creation. • Financial streams must be transparent and publicly disclosed.

www.arakanoilwatch.org / Contact: [email protected]


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Date: December 17, 2012

Press Release by the Arakan Oil Watch

Giant Chinese Industrial Zone threatens Burma’s Arakan coast

A new report by Arakan Oil Watch called “Danger Zone” exposes how a planned Chinese industrial zone is threatening the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people in Arakan State as well as Burma’s second largest mangrove forest.

The 120 sq km Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone, planned around the terminals of the trans-Burma natural gas and oil pipelines, will evict up to 40 villages, while many fear the impacts of toxic waste and pollution from petrochemical and metal industries. China’s construction of the pipelines and a deep seaport has already caused large-scale land confiscation in Kyauk Phyu.

The US$109 billion project involves China’s CITIC Group, Japan’s Nippon Koei and Burma’s Htoo Trading, but no comprehensive project plans have been presented by the government to affected communities or local politicians.

“What is the government thinking – handing over our pristine coastlands to foreign companies to turn into a toxic industrial zone?” said Jockai Khaing, Director of Arakan Oil Watch.

The project also includes an 800 km railway and highway from Arakan State to Yunnan, expanding the pipeline corridor across Burma. China will build and operate the railway for 50 years before handing over control to Burma’s government.

“China’s projects will uproot tens of thousands of people in Arakan State and spark conflict. Burma’s government and investing companies should learn from what is happening at the Monywa copper mines,” said Jockai Khaing.

Arakan Oil Watch is calling for community consultations, stringent regulations, and laws to protect the people and environment before projects such as the Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone go ahead.


See report at www.arakanoilwatch.org.

Contact: +66 (0) 82 184 1335

Email: [email protected]