Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan

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  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    Assignment of Mathematics


    Yogi abdi prima


  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan



    1) If wehave the equation

    a) 4x + 8y = 32

    b) 5x - 6y = 30

    hou!" #a$e the %u&ve f&o# the equation of above'

    2) if we $now the equation is

    Q = 340 ( 15

    Q = 60 + *

    -eteine whi%h one is the su,,!y equation an" why

    -eteone the ,&i%e quantity at #a&$et equi!ib&iu# an" how #u%h the quantity

    of ,&o"u%t at equi!ib&iu# !eve!

    3) su,,ose that the %onsu#tion . invest#ent fun%tion a&e

    / = 4'200 + 085 y"

    I = 600

    a) eteine" the va!ue of in%o#e y) an" %onsu#,tion %) at

    equi!ib&iu# !eve!'

    b) If the inves#ent in%&ease be%o#e 800 what is the va!ue of in%o#e an"

    %onsu#,tion a&e in%&ease how #any ,e&%entae the e%ono#i% &oss

    an" #a&ina! ,&o,en%ity to save

    4) if we have the / = + 5q + 250000

    a) ow #u%h the quantity shou!" be ,&o"u%e in o&"e& to et #ini#u# %ost

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    b) hat is the va&iab!e the va!ue of tota! %ostave&ae %ostva&iab!e %ostfix

    %ost . #a&ina! %ost

    5) a %o#,anie se!! 2 ,&o"u%t xy) the fun%tion f&o# the 2 ,&o"u%ts is 7

    = 80'000x + 48000y ( - -

    a) eteine how #u%h the quantity of . 9 shou!" be ,&o"u%e in o&"e&

    to et &evenue #axi#a!''

    b) hat is the va!ue of &evenue #axi#a!

    6) shou!" you w&ite "eteinan 3 &ow . 3 %o!!u#n'':

    he so!ution1)

    a) he axist of equation xy = 0

    4x + 8y = 32

    4x = 32

    = 8 80)

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    he axist of equation to yx = 0

    40) + 8y = 32

    y = = 4 04)

    b) he axist of equation to xy = 0

    5x ( 60) = 30

    5x = 30

    = 6 60)

    he axist of equation to yx = 0

    50) ( 6y = 30

    6y = -30

    9 = -5 0-5)

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan



    a' Q = 340 ( 15,

    b' Q = 60+*,

    his equation is the su,,!y equation be%ause ,ositive s!o,e 60+*,) o& the

    %oefi%ien is ,ositive

    b) if the equi!ib&iu# %on"ition









    / = 4200 + 085 y"

    I = 600


    he va!ue of in%o#e at equi!ib&iu# !eve!

    9 = / + I

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    9 = 4200 + 085 y + 600

    9 - 085 = 4800

    015 y = 4800

    9 = 32000

    he va!ue of %onsu#,sion at equi!ib&iu# !eve!

    9 = / + I

    32000 = / + 600

    / = 32000 ( 600



    y = y1 - y0 y0 = 32000

    y1 = / + I I

    = 4200 + 085y + 600 + 200

    015y = 4200 + 800

    015y =5000


    y = y1 - y0

    =3333333 ( 32000

    =133333 in%o#e in%&ease

    / = ''''

    = 31400

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    /1 = 4200 + 085 3333333)

    = 4200 + 2833333

    = 3253333

    / = /1 - /0

    = 3253333 ( 31400

    =113333 %onsu#,tion in%&ease

    q = x 100= + 5 = 0




    Q = 200

    the va!ue of tota! %ost

    /= +5Q+250000

    = +5200)+250000



    the va!ue of ave&ae %ost


  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan




    the va!ue of va&iab!e %ost

    @/= +5Q

    = +520)



    the va!ue of fixe" %ost

    A/= 250000

    #a&ina! %ost




    5) =80000x + 48000y ( 4 - 8 -8xy

    evenue #axi#u#>x=0 >y=0




  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    48000-16y-8x -)

    32000+8y = 0



    80000-8x= 8y

    80000-8x = 8-4000)

    80000-8x = -32000

    -8x = -32000 ( 80000

    -8x = -112000

    = 14000

    = 8000014000) + 48000- 4000) ( 4

    = 464000000

    6) fin"in the "eteinant of ? 3 &ow an" 3 %o!ou#'

    2 8 0 2 8 B = 14+0+0)--504+o+o)

    B = -* 1 1 -* 1 B = 518

    0 0 ; 0 0

    ;) /=25000 + 40q + 0'005

    =100q ( 0'01

    a) ow #u%h the quantity shou!" be ,&o"u%e in o&"e& to et ,&ofit #axi#u#

    b) hat is the va!ue of tota! %ost va&iab!e %ost fix %ost ave&ae %ost #a&ina! %ost an" tota! &evenue

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    %) hat is the va!ue of ,&ofit #axi#u#

    ") ow stae fo& answe&in this ,&ob!e#


    Cn su,,ose that

    ?n" = 100q ( 0'01

    a) /a!%u!ation of the quantity shou!" be ,&o"u%t in o&"e& to et the

    #axi#u# ,&ofit7

    #ax= (/

    100q ( 0'01 ( 25000 + 40q + 0'005

    60q ( 0'015 -25000

    e have to "e&ive this equation to et the va!ue of q so we ot 9> =

    60 ( 003q

    Q= 2000

    b) Dva!uation of the tota! %ost /

    /=25000 + 40q + 0'005

    /= 25000 + 402000) + 0005 )

    /= 125000

    Dva!uation of va&iab!e %ost @/

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    @/= 40q + 0'005

    @/ = 402000)+0'005 )

    @/ = 100000

    we have A/ f&o#e this fou! /=A/+@/)

    so A/ = 25000

    ?/= = = 625

    Dva!uation of #a&ina! %ost /

    a&ina! %ost is the fi&st "evivation of tota! %ost so7

    9= 40q + 0'005

    9>=40+001q 40+0'012000)= 60

    Dva!uation of tota! &evenue

    = 100q-1'01 we have

    he va!ue of q=2000 so7

    = 160000

    %) @a!ue of ,&ofit #axi#u#

    #ax= (/


  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan


    8) =150-1'5q


    a#e question as exe&%i% nu#be& ;


    Ain"inthe va!ue of quantity

    = xQ 150-15q)q



    =150q-15 ) -;50+15q+05


    o q= = 333;5

    a) /=



    /= 180;5;

    @/= 15q+05 15333;5)+05

    @/ = 105;5;

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment Beni Ade Gunawan



    ?/= = = 5415

    /= /=;50+15q+05

    a&ina! %ost is the fi&st "evivation of tota! %ost so7

    o y>=15+q

    /=15+333;5 = 483;5

    = 150q-15

    = 150333;5)-15

    = 4*8*16

    axi#u# ,&ofit=

    #ax= (/

    #ax = 4*8*16 - 180;5;

    #ax = 31815*