ASTRA TR-3B, nava spaţială ultrasecretă care îşi schimbă forma şi care e capabilă de călătorii interstelare TR-3B (sau Astra) este o navă spaţială secretă guvernamentală care se află în funcţiune încă din 1994. Ea este alimentată de un reactor nuclear aflat la bord. E complet silenţioasă şi are o formă triunghiulară cu 4 lumini; în fiecare colţ al triunghiului se află câte o lumină, iar una se află şi în centru. TR-3B are o tehnologie avansată de invizibilitate, mult mai eficientă decât faimosul avion F-117 Stealth. Nava spaţială are un înveliş polimeric care permite să-şi schimbe reflectivitatea şi chiar forma faţă de ochiul uman. Există mai multe videoclipuri pe YouTube care arată această navă spaţială. Desigur, guvernul american îi neagă total existenţa. TR-3B se poate transforma chiar şi într-o farfurie zburătoare şi de aici rezultă toate relatările martorilor despre prezenţa unor OZN-uri în ceruri. Se pare că această tehnologie este atât de avansată încât omenirea nu ar putea-o crea cu actualele cunoştinţe de tehnologie. A fost cumva această navă spaţială realizată cu ajutorul tehnologiei unui OZN extraterestru căzut pe pământ?

ASTRA TR-3B - Nava Spatiala Ultrasecreta Cu Geometrie Variabila (2)

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ASTRA TR-3B - Nava Spatiala Ultrasecret

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ASTRA TR-3B, nava spaial ultrasecret care i schimb forma i care e capabil de cltorii interstelare

TR-3B (sau Astra) este o nav spaial secret guvernamental care se afl n funciune nc din 1994. Ea este alimentat de un reactor nuclear aflat la bord. E complet silenioas i are o form triunghiular cu 4 lumini; n fiecare col al triunghiului se afl cte o lumin, iar una se afl i n centru. TR-3B are o tehnologie avansat de invizibilitate, mult mai eficient dect faimosul avion F-117 Stealth. Nava spaial are un nveli polimeric care permite s-i schimbe reflectivitatea i chiar forma fa de ochiul uman. Exist mai multe videoclipuri pe YouTube care arat aceast nav spaial. Desigur, guvernul american i neag total existena.

TR-3B se poate transforma chiar i ntr-o farfurie zburtoare i de aici rezult toate relatrile martorilor despre prezena unor OZN-uri n ceruri. Se pare c aceast tehnologie este att de avansat nct omenirea nu ar putea-o crea cu actualele cunotine de tehnologie. A fost cumva aceast nav spaial realizat cu ajutorul tehnologiei unui OZN extraterestru czut pe pmnt?

Se spune c TR-3B poate atinge fantastica vitez de 10.000 de kilometri pe or, att vertical ct i orizontal; de fapt, performana lui TR-3B este limitat doar de stresul pe care l pot ndura piloii umani la o asemenea vitez.

Aeronava TR-3B sau secretul OZN-urilor triunghiulare

n ultimii ani, nenumrate persoane au relatat c au vzut obiecte zburtoare de forme ciudate (inclusiv triunghiulare) i avnd traiectorii spectaculoase. Fr a contesta ctui de puin existena OZN-urilor de origine extraterestr, trebuie s facem precizarea c unele dintre asemenea aeronave sunt n realitate deinute i utilizate n cel mai mare secret de guvernul american. Numai prin curajul extraordinar al unor oameni care au lucrat n diferite baze militare secrete, adevrul referitor la aceste aparate de zbor a putut s ias la iveal, aceasta fiind poate de natur s grbeasc viitoarea lor utilizare n cadrul societii civile, n folosul ntregii omeniri. Este vorba aici nu doar de utilizarea aeronavelor n sine, ci n primul rnd despre tehnologia care st la baza sistemului lor de propulsie tehnologie care mai este numit i tehnologia neagr i care, aa cum menioneaz Steven Greer n lucrarea sa Adevrul ascuns, Informaii interzise, este cu circa 10.000 de ani mai avansat dect tehnologia spaial utilizat la scar larg n momentul de fa pe glob.n acest sens, este foarte interesant relatarea unui specialist american care a lucrat ntr-o baz militar secret de pe lng Groom Lake City cu privire la o tehnologie aviatic de neimaginat pentru publicul larg, pe care o dein deja americanii. ntruct aceast relatare, care iniial a fost publicat online la adresa http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/tr-3b/ nu mai este accesibil n prezent la adresa respectiv, o oferim n cele ce urmeaz: Un prieten mi-a spus la un moment dat c nu va uita niciodat imaginea aeronavei TR-3B din baza Papoose, care arat exact ca una extraterestr. Neagr ca smoala, de form triunghiular, TR-3B a fost rareori menionat (iar aceasta doar n oapt) n Groom Lake, unde el a lucrat. La un moment dat, aeronava a zburat peste pista Groom Lake ntr-o tcere deplin i, ca prin farmec, ea s-a oprit brusc deasupra zonei S-4. Ea a plutit n tcere n aceeai poziie timp de aproximativ 10 minute, dup care s-a lsat lin pe asfaltul pistei. Uneori, o coroan strlucitoare de culoare albastru-argintiu nconjura circumferina masiv a TR-3B. Modelul operaional este de aproximativ 183 de metri n diametru.

Aparatul de zbor TR-3B mai are i numele de cod ASTRA. Primul zbor operaional de recunoatere tactic a avut loc la nceputul anilor 90. Platforma nuclear triunghiular a aeronavei a fost realizat n cel mai mare secret n cadrul Programului AURORA, ea fiind finanat cu bani din bugetul negru (au fost investii n acest proiect cel puin 3 miliarde de dolari). Aurora este i acum cel mai secretizat program aerospaial american iar TR-3B este cel mai exotic vehicul care a fost creat n cadrul Programului Aurora, care este finanat i coordonat de ctre NSA (Agenia Naional de Securitate), NRO (Oficiul Naional de Recunoatere) i CIA (Agenia Central de Informaii). Funcionalitatea navei triunghiulare TR-3B nu este deloc o ficiune, ea a fost construit cu o tehnologie ce era deja disponibil pe la jumtatea anilor 80. Aadar, nu orice OZN reperat este neaprat de origine extraterestr.Materialul cu care este acoperit pe exterior aeronava TR-3B este un polimer reactiv la semnalele electrice de tip radar, care i poate schimba reflectivitatea, absorbia radar i culoarea. Acest polimer, atunci cnd este folosit n combinaie cu anumite sisteme electronice interne ale lui TR-3B, i pot da vehiculului un asemenea aspect astfel nct s arate pe ecranul radarului precum o nav de mici dimensiuni sau un cilindru zburtor. Un inel circular, umplut cu plasm de acceleraie, care poart numele de ntreruptorul Cmpului Magnetic (Magnetic Field Disruptor - MFD), nconjoar compartimentul rotativ al echipajului i depsete orice tehnologie actual cunoscut. Laboratoarele Sandia i Livermore au dezvoltat aceast tehnologie secret, iar guvernul [american] va face totul ca s o protejeze. Plasma generat de aducerea mercurului la 250.000 de atmosfere i la o temperatur de -123 grade Celsius, dac este accelerat la 50.000 de rotaii/min, devine o plasm supraconductoare, rezultatul final al acestui proces fiind anularea gravitaiei (levitaia). Mai exact, prin generarea acestui cmp magnetic rotitor, este neutralizat efectul atraciei gravitaionale asupra navei ntr-o proporie de 89 %. Altfel spus, greutatea acceleratorului circular, precum i toat greutatea din accelerator capsula echipajului, avionica (aparatura i dispozitivele de navigaie i funcionare), combustibilii, sistemele de mediu ale echipajului i reactorul nuclear etc. sunt reduse cu 89%. Aceasta face ca vehiculul s fie extrem de uor i s aib capacitatea de a depi cu mult performanele i posibilitile de manevr ale oricror aeronave construite pn acum (exceptnd desigur OZN-urile).

Aeronava TR-3B evolueaz la mare altitudine, ntr-un mod nedetectabil (folosind tehnologia STEALTH), oferind astfel o platform de recunoatere cu timp de zbor nedeterminat. Odat ce ajunge (cu o mare vitez) la acea altitudine, nu-i mai trebuie dect foarte puin for de propulsie pentru a-i menine altitudinea. n plus, mi amintesc c la baza secret din Groom Lake existau zvonuri legate de un element nou, care ar aciona ca un catalizator pentru plasm. Avnd greutatea redus cu 89%, vehiculul se poate deplasa cu o vitez de 9 Mach [de 9 ori viteza sunetului: aprox. 10.000 km/or], att pe vertical, ct i pe orizontal. Sursele mele spun c performana este ngrdit doar de limitrile biologice ale piloilor care sunt multe, avnd n vedere faptul c fora gravitaional este redus cu 89%. Propulsia aeronavei TR-3B este asigurat de 3 propulsoare multimod, ce sunt montate n fiecare col din partea de jos a platformei triunghiulare. TR-3B se deplaseaz cu o vitez de pn la 9 Mach (Mach este o unitate de msur folosit n aerodinamic pentru a exprima viteza unui corp care se deplaseaz ntr-un fluid: proiectil, avion, rachet etc. Viteza Mach 1 este egal cu viteza sunetului n fluidul respectiv; n condiii standard Mach 1 este egal cu 1224 km/h (sau 340 m/s)) pn urc la altitudinea de 120.000 de metri (120 Km), apoi Dumnezeu tie ct de repede se poate deplasa. Cele 3 motoare de rachet multimod care sunt montate sub fiecare col al platformei folosesc hidrogen sau metan i oxigen pentru propulsie.ntr-un sistem rachet care folosete hidrogen i oxigen lichid, 85% din propulsie o asigur oxigenul. Motorul nuclear de rachet folosete un propulsor termic pe baz de hidrogen lichid i oxigen pentru putere suplimentar. Reactorul nclzete hidrogenul lichid i injecteaz oxigen lichid prin duze supersonice, astfel nct hidrogenul combustioneaz n acelai timp cu oxigenul lichid. Sistemul de propulsie multimod poate opera n atmosfer cu propulsia oferit de reactorul nuclear, n atmosfera superioar cu propulsia pe baz de hidrogen, iar pe orbita circumterestr cu propulsie combinat (hidrogen/oxigen). Ceea ce trebuie s avei n vedere este c cele 3 motoare de rachet propulseaz de fapt doar 11% din masa aeronavei Top Secret TR-3B. Motoarele sunt construite de compania Rockwell. Prin urmare, atunci cnd sunt consemnate apariii de OZN-uri triunghiulare, aceasta nu nseamn neaprat c ele sunt de origine extraterestr, putnd fi vorba i de aparate de zbor ultrasecrete, de genul TR-3B. Agenia Naional de Securitate (NSA), Oficiul Naional de Recunoatere (NRO), CIA i Fora Aerian a Statelor Unite (USAF) au creat intenionat o anumit ambiguitate legat de numele acestor aeronave: ele au creat TR-3, care a fost modificat n TR-3A, TR3-B, plus alte 2, 3 sau 4 sufixe care desemneaz ns n realitate aeronave complet diferite. Astfel, modelul TR3-B este la fel de diferit fa de TR3-A cum este de pild banana fa de struguri. Unele dintre acestea sunt proiectate pentru a avea echipaj uman, altele sunt concepute s funcioneze fr pilot.Jurnalitii independeni care dezvluie, cu mult curaj, toate aceste informaii secrete nutresc sperana c apariia acestora pe tot mai multe canale mediatice va ajuta considerabil la trezirea n mas a oamenilor fa de aceste realiti oculte i vor conduce astfel la utilizarea lor pentru binele ntregii omeniri. Pe de alt parte, divulgarea n pres a acestor informaii va mpiedica i va demonta complet diferitele manipulri despre o eventual invazie extraterestr sau alte zvonuri similare, care sunt fcute cu scopul de a escamota operaiunile negre ale elitei satanice a aa-numiilor iluminai.The TR-3B Astra uses a Mercury Plasma Accelerator Ring (MPAR) that is spun at 65,000 rpms and pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres to create an apparent mass reduction of 89%, this reducing the power needed to propel the craft. Its main propulsion comes from 3 rocket thrusters at each corner of the triangle. They use liquid oxygen, hydrogen,and methane. Although other fuels are reported. It has a reported top speed of Mach 10, or 7,000 mph.

Aug 11 2013

Tehnologia extraterestr i secretele guvernamentale(II)

Aceste proiecte guvernamentale ultra-secrete (black projects) sunt uimitor de avansate din punct de vedere tehnologic. Ele au ajuns cunoscute publicului doar prin anumite dezvluri colaterale. Iat cteva dintre aceste black projects care au fost sau se afl nc n derulare :

Experimentul Philadelphia (iniial dezvoltat pentru obinerea invizibilitii optice i pe radar a navelor US Navy, pe principiul descoperit de ctre Tesla de creare a unui puternic cmp electromagnetic care s distorsioneze continuumul spaio-temporal terestru);

Proiectul Montauk/Phoenix I, II i III (cu ajutorul tehnologiei electronice, n Montauk, Long Island, SUA, se perfecioneaz cltoria n timp);

Proiectul Pegasus (experimente de teleportare a obiectelor i a fiinelor umane n spaiu i timp, pe baza crora s-au construit bazele secrete de pe Lun i Marte);

Proiectul Looking Glass (dezvoltarea tehnologiei capabile s priveasc n viitor la mai multe scenarii virtual posibile);

Proiectul Aquarius;

Proiectul Aurora;

Proiectul Solar Warden (programul flotei navelor spaiale interstelare ale guvernului ascuns);

Experimentul Philadelphia a fost demarat de Marina American n anul 1931 n scopul obinerii invizibilitii navelor maritime fa de radare. Acest proiect a fost condus iniial, din martie 1932 pn n 1943, de ctre genialul Nikola Tesla, care ns nu a dorit s mai continue datorit comportamentului lipsit de scrupule al conducerii militare. La coordonarea proiectului a venit atunci dr. John von Neumann, cel care ulterior avea s devin printele calculatorului electronic modern. Au fost realizate mai multe cercetri i teste pe o nav de rzboi, numit Eldrige. Apoi, n cadrul testului principal, din 12 august 1943, nava Eldrige a devenit invizibil pentru radar, iar dupa cca. 1 minut s-a produs o strfulgerare i nava a disprut din port, dup care a aprut la 400 mile distan, pentru 15 minute, n docul Norfolk, dup care a disprut i de acolo, rmnand n hiperspaiu. Dup aproape patru ore ea a reaprut n portul Philadelphia, ns cei care au vzut-o au neles imediat c se produsese un dezastru. Unii dintre membrii echipajului au aprut cu pri ale corpului amestecate cu oelul pereilor i al punilor, alii apreau i dispreau intermitent, iar alii preau s ard, fr ns a se combustiona.

n timpul dispariiei navei, doi dintre oamenii de tiin mbarcai (fraii Duncan i Edward Cameron), care erau fizicieni nsrcinai cu pornirea i oprirea generatoarelor au srit peste bord. Dar, surpriz: nu au czut n apa portului Philadelphia ci pe iarba bazei militare Montauk din Long Islands. Apariia lor era ateptat de ctre poliia militar, au fost introdui ntrun complex subteran unde i-a ntmpinat nimeni altul dect dr. Von Newman, care era cu 40 de ani mai n vrst, i i-a anunat c se afl n anul 1983. Von Newman le-a explicat celor doi c fuseser absorbii n hiperspaiu prin intermediul cmpurilor create de echipamentele generate de o main a timpului aflat n baza Montauk i care a interferat cu cmpurile generate de experimentul din Philadelphia. Ceea ce se petrecuse era c aceste dou experimente asupra timpului s-au cuplat unul cu ceallalt i au creat o gaur n hiperspaiu care a aspirat nava Eldrige. Von Newman le-a spus c s-a creat o bul n hiperspaiu care crete ntr-un mod foarte periculos i de aceea este stringent necesar s fie trimii napoi n timp pe nava Eldrige i s distrug generatoarele, ceea ce fraii Cameron au i fcut. ns, dup ndeplinirea acestei sarcini, Duncan a srit din nou peste bord ajungnd n anul 1983. Prin tehnologia realizat n cadrul Proiectului Montauk se creeaz veritabile scurtturi ntre oricare dou puncte din spaiu-timp prin aa-numita metod a gurii albe i a gurii negre.

n cartea sa Experimentul Philadelphia i alte conspiraii OZN, precum i n mai multe interviuri pe care le-a acordat, unul dintre oamenii de tiin care au participat la acest experiment, dr. Alfred Bielek, aduce o serie de detalii uimitoare despre aceste evenimente. El relateaz c n anul 1931, Nikola Tesla i-a oferit posibilitatea preedintelui de atunci al SUA, Theodore Roosevelt, s comunice cu dou grupri extraterestre prin intermediul unei aparaturi speciale proiectate chiar de ctre Tesla. Primul grup cu care Roosevelt a luat legtura au fost Pleiadienii, care i-au oferit ajutorul, dar numai n condiiile n care oamenii ar fi renuat la proiectele rzboinice. Al doilea grup a fost cel intitulat Kumorash Kun, sau prescurtat grupul K, care spre deosebire de primul grup, s-a oferit s furnizeze guvernului SUA un ajutor ce includea i anumite proiecte militare. Roosevelt s-a hotrt atunci s colaboreze cu cel de-al doilea grup. Se pare c ulterior, n urma acestei colaborri, s-a ajuns n cele din urm s fie influenate anumite decizii i proiecte guvernamentale. Printr-o astfel de influen a fost luat decizia ca pe data de 12 august 1943 s fie realizat proiectul strict secret ce avea s rmn cunoscut ca Experimentul Philadelphia.

Implicaiile proiectului erau cu mult mai mari dect simpla obinere a invizibilitii, totul fiind de fapt dirijat din umbr de ctre extrateretrii din grupul K. Dezvluirile lui Al Bielek arat c de fapt Proiectul Philadelphia a fost menit din start, prin influena exercitat de ctre aceti extrateretri, s fie conexat prin anumite legturi spaio-temporale cu o secven desfurat n viitorul de atunci, al datei de 12 august 1983, mai exact cu anumite operaiuni ce se desfurau n cadrul aanumitului Proiect Phoenix. Al Bielek afirm c exist mai multe mrturii foarte concludente care susin faptul c acest proiect, Phoenix, a fost operaional ntre anii 1975 i 1983 i el a reprezentat un fel de etap superioar a Proiectului Philadelphia avnd drept scop dezvoltarea tehnologiei necesare cltoriilor n timp. Tehnologia folosit s-a bazat pe efectul pe care dr. Carl Sagan l numea guri de vierme n hiperspaiu, iar proiectul realizrii cltoriilor n timp a fost ncununat de succes. Mai multe persoane au fost trimise att n viitor ct i n trecut i au fost realizate chiar i nregistrri video. nsui Al Bielek relateaz faptul c ntr-o astfel de experien a reuit s aduc o revist Life din anul 1983 n anul 1943. Cltorii n timp erau adui de multe ori napoi chiar cu o milisecund nainte de momentul plecrii, iar memoria le era de obicei tears. Informaii detaliate despre aceste aspecte putei citi n crile seriei Proiectul Montauk, scrise de Preston Nichols i Peter Moon.

Ulterior a fost neles faptul c motivul pentru care aceti K au avut interesul s fac aceast conexiune ntre Proiectul Philadelphia i Proiectul Phoenix a fost acela de a crea o fisur n continuumul spaiu-timp, cu o durat de 40 de ani, pentru a permite intrarea n zona Pmntului a unor nave spaiale ce veneau dintr-o alt dimensiune i care aparineau extrateretrilor din rasa micii cenuii. Datele de 12 august din 1943 i 1983 nu au fost alese ntmpltor, ci pentru c ele corespundeau cu anumite condiii energetice cu totul particulare ale bioritmului Pmntului, fr de care ntreaga operaiune nu putea fi realizat. Micii cenuii au reuit astfel s se infiltreze n numr mare n zona planetei noastre i aa cum menionam anterior cteva dintre navele lor este foarte probabil c au fost doborte de armata american, situaie ce are legtur cu celebrele prbuiri ale unor OZN, raportate ntre anii 1947 1948. Al Bielek relateaz c n anul 1953, urmtorul preedinte al SUA, Dwight Eisenhower, chiar a avut o ntlnire guvernamental strict secret cu micii cenuii, ntlnire la care a fost stabilit un acord comun de non-interferen i n care s-a stabilt c extrateretrii vor oferi SUA tehnologie foarte avansat i n schimb li se va permite s realizeze cteva experimente genetice pe animale i chiar pe oameni, precum i accesul n 75 de baze subterane care urmau s fie construite n colaborare umano-extraterestr. Construciile bazelor situate la mare adncime (DUB Deep Underground Bases) au nceput n anul 1959 i foarte muli cenuii s-au adpostit acolo. Acordul de non-interferen nu a inut ns mult timp pentru c n civa ani a devenit evident faptul c extrateretrii au nceput s nu l mai respecte.

Proiectul Pegasus a continuat descoperirile legate de aparatul numit cronovizor, ce a fost inventat n anii `50 ai secolului

trecut de ctre o echip de 12 oameni de tiin reunit n jurul unui clugr italian, Pellegrino Ernetti, care era totodat un savant genial, specialist n fizic cuantic. Din aceast echip au mai fcut parte Enrico Fermi (laureat al premiului Nobel), precum i Wernher von Braun (printele programului spaial al SUA). Cronovizorul, pe care Vaticanul a urmrit s l menin n cel mai mare secret, este un dispozitiv care capteaz prin rezonan frecvenele armonice superioare remanente ale oricrui eveniment care a avut loc n trecut. Aceste armonice nu dispar complet niciodat, ci rmn ntr-o dimensiune superioar a realitii (cunoscut ca akasha tattva n tiina ezoteric oriental), ca un fel de ecou. Aceste frecvene sunt convertite printr-o aparatur special putndu-se astfel reconstitui imaginile i sunetele oricrui eveniment care a avut loc chiar i cu sute sau mii de ani n urm. Cercetrile legate de cronovizor au fost continuate de oamenii de tiin de la DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), care au adugat noi descoperiri ce au derivat n primul rnd din tehnologia extraterestr obinut prin inginerie invers. A fost astfel obinut o tehnologie capabil s creeze vortexuri (tuneluri) n continuumul spaiu-timp, prin care sunt posibile nu doar vizualizarea unor evenimente din trecut, ci i din viitor i chiar teleportarea fizic n acele coordonate. Aceast tehnologie a fost dezvoltat printre altele i ca o eventual posibilitate de salvare a elitelor n cazul unei catastrofe care ar putea afecta planeta noastr. n acest scop au fost pregtite deja ca alternativ baze secrete pe planeta Marte, aa cum am menionat anterior. Unul dintre cei care au fcut dezvluiri importante despre acest proiect n cadrul mai multor emisiuni televizate din Statele Unite, Canada i Mexic este avocatul american Andrew D. Basiago, care a fost implicat n proiectul Pegasus ntre anii 1968 1972.

Proiectul Looking Glass. Conform informaiilor paralele i convergente prezentate de dr. Dan Burisch, Bob Lazar i David Wilcock, acest proiect (PLG) se desfoar n baza subteran uria (ce are mai multe niveluri) cunoscut ca Aria S 4, situat la 12 mile n sudul bazei Aria 51. Scopul acestui proiect este pe de o parte acela de a observa chiar i cele mai fine distorsiuni temporale (chiar i de ordinul milisecundelor) din trecut, iar pe de alt parte acela de a perfeciona o tehnologie capabil s priveasc n viitor la mai multe scenarii virtual posibile pentru a putea fi aleas n momentul prezent linia temporal cea mai favorabil pentru versiunea pe care cei aflai la putere o doresc. Dispozitivul folosit n acest scop se bazeaz pe crearea unor cmpuri energetice foarte intense prin intermediul rotaiei unor inele metalice foarte mari, precum i pe radiaia generat de un element care n tabelul periodic al lui Mendeleev are numrul 115, dar care nu se gsete n mod natural pe Pmnt. Acest element este de provenien extraterestr, poate produce antimaterie i este folosit i la sistemele de propulsie ale navelor extraterestre. Proiectul Looking Glass urmrete de asemenea s studieze efectul pe care l produce crearea artificial a unei unde gravitaionale asupra timpului. l putem urmri n continuare pe Bob Lazar descriind cteva elemente din acest proiect :

Proiectul Aquarius studiaz orice aspect legat de Entitile Biologice Extraterestre i de interaciunea acestora cu oamenii. Proiectul Aquarius a compilat de asemenea, foarte amnunit, toate nregistrrile despre istoria omenirii i vizitele extraterestre ncepnd cu tbliele sumeriene, inscripiile egiptene i toate celelalte texte antice, pn la informaiile obinute n timpurile moderne.

Programul Aurora este cel mai secretizat program aerospaial existent. El creeaz i dezvolt nave cu o capacitate de zbor la niveluri ultraperformante, cu mult peste ceea ce se folosete n tehnologia convenional. Cel mai avansat i mai exotic vehicul creat n cadrul Programului Aurora este cel numit TR-3B, care are numele de cod ASTRA. La construcia acestui vehicul a fost folosit ntr-o foarte mare msur tehnologie obinut prin inginerie invers (recuperat de la navele spaiale extraterestre prbuite). Iat cteva dintre caracteristicile acestei nave: are o form triunghiular, se poate deplasa att orizontal ct i direct vertical, n atmosfera Pmntului (cam pn la 120 km altitudine) atinge o vitez de 9 Mach (de 9 ori viteza sunetului, aprox. 10.000 km/or), iar n afara atmosferei Pmntului poate atinge i viteze mult mai mari. n plus, TR-3B i poate schimba reflectivitatea, absorbia radar i culoarea, poate deveni invizibil (folosind tehnologia STEALTH) i are o autonomie de zbor pentru o perioad nedeterminat. Acest avion funcioneaz cu metan lichid i are la bord un dispozitiv antigravitaie, o arm ce utilizeaz pulsiunea electromagnetic (ce poate distruge chiar i radarele) i are capacitatea de a ajunge chiar i pe Lun. Exist mii de apariii ale acestui tip de vehicul care au fost raportate, fotografiate i filmate pe tot cuprinsul lumii ns, bineneles, oficialitile neag faptul c ar cunoate ceva despre un asemenea vehicul.

Flota stelar Solar Warden. Pe 13 aprilie 2009, Arhiva Naional de Administrare a SUA a pus la dispoziia publicului,conform Freedom of Information Act, aproape 250.000 de pagini de documente din timpul administraiei Reagan, inclusiv din jurnalul su personal. n finalul acestuia, preedintele scria, la data de 11 iunie 1985, despre existena unui program spaial clasificat, care poate transporta i gzdui sute de astronaui. Jurnalul su evideniaz faptul c a primit mai multe sesiuni de informare cu privire la acest subiect. Indicii importante pot rezulta din registrele lansate ale lui Reagan despre Flota Comandamentului Strategic. Aceste dezvluiri sunt susinute i de informaiile care au aprut n pres despre hacker-ul scoian Gary McKinnon, care a reuit s sparg de pe laptopul su baza de date a NASA i a Pentagonului, gsind o serie de informaii copleitoare despre colaborarea guvernului american cu extrateretrii i despre tehnologia extrem de avansat care este ascuns fa de public. McKinnon a declarat n faa judectorilor i a presei c a gsit dovezi ale tehnologiilor de origine extraterestr, a existenei energiei capabile s stopeze procesul de nclzire global, ale dispozitivelor antigravitaionale i, peste toate, a existenei unei adevarate flote stelare, capabile s strbat distane uriae prin spaiul cosmic.

Putei urmri n continuare un interviu semnificativ cu Gary McKinnon

Aceste realizri tehnologice nu sunt nici mcar bnuite de ctre marea mas a populaiei. n cartea sa, Adevrul ascuns Informaii interzise, Steven Greer spunea c tehnologia neagr preluat din surse extraterestre de ctre elita Noii Ordini Mondiale este cu aproximativ 10.000 de ani naintea tehnologiei utilizate n civilizaia noastr la vedere. Dr. Greer afirm c guvernul din umbr al Noii Ordini Mondiale are la dispoziie peste 30 de dispozitive ultra-performante capabile s opereze cu aa-numita free energy (energie liber), majoritatea acestor dispozitive aflndu-se n bazele subterane de mare adncime (DUB).

Conductorii din umbr au tehnologia capabil s scoat cu uurin lumea din ntunericul ignoranei, dar au ales s nu o fac. Cunoscnd aceste lucruri ajungem s recunoatem c senatorul american Brian Larry avea foarte mult dreptate atunci cnd spunea cu umorul su caracteristic: Adevrul v va face liberi. Dar mai nti o s v enerveze.

Dincolo de aceasta, pentru a putea aprecia cam ce nivel de realizare tehnologic posed civilizaiile extraterestre avansate, este de remarcat faptul c n ultima perioad au fost observate n spaiu, chiar prin echipamentele NASA, uriae obiecte neidentificate care aveau n mod evident un comportament inteligent. Astfel, pe data de 24 aprilie 2012, satelitul NASA destinat studierii permanente a activitii solare, cunoscut sub numele de SOHO (Solar & Heliospheric Observatory) a realizat fotografii i filmri care sunt nc accesibile pe internet ale unui gigantic obiect prezent n apropierea Soarelui, avnd un aspect clar de nav spaial, de la care pleac o extensie imens. n imaginea alturat se poate observa respectivul obiect uria n detalii mrite.

De asemenea, pe data de 1 august 2012, n imediata apropiere a Staiei Spaiale Internaionale (ISS) a fost nregistrat prezena unui gigantic OZN. Aceste filmri sau fotografii sunt postate conform legii n mod public pe Internet de ctre oficialii NASA. Trebuie s menionm ns faptul semnificativ c de multe ori au fost semnalate cazuri cnd aceste postri sunt ajustate astfel nct o serie ntreag de detalii care probabil scpaser cenzurii iniiale nu mai pot fi remarcate. Exist de asemenea i cazuri n care anumite filmri sau fotografii care strniser un foarte mare interes prin aspectele uluitoare pe care le evideniau, au fost terse pur i simplu de pe Internet, accesul public nemaifiind posibil.

O alt nregistrare NASA uimitoare, ce a fost prezentat i n serialul de televiziune Weird or What? n SUA, pune clar n eviden obiecte stranii de mrimea planetei Pmnt care se deplaseaz n apropierea Soarelui, realiznd n mod clar anumite unghiuri de micare ce denot un comportament inteligent, neputnd fi confundate cu fenomene naturale gen asteroizi sau comete ori cu particule de praf sau de ghea. Uneori aceste obiecte plonjeaz pur i simplu n masa Soarelui, rezultnd ulterior uriae jerbe de plasm.

Cunoscutul astrofizician Nassim Haramein a explicat pe baza cercetrilor sale privind singularitile spaio-temporale care se creeaz n interiorul stelelor, c din perspectiva studiilor pe care le-a realizat este ct se poate de plauzibil ca acele obiecte s fie de fapt uriae nave extraterestre intergalactice extrem de avansate, care folosesc Soarele nostru ca pe o poart stelar prin care pot iei apoi oriunde n alt parte n Univers. Nassim Haramein susine c aceste concluzii ar putea fi ntr-o foarte strns legtur cu unele aspecte menionate n foarte multe texte ale tradiiilor antice, cum c vizitatorii din spaiu veneau din stele i erau adoratori ai Soarelui, fiind chiar denumii aa cum am mai menionat anterior n aceast lucrare Fii ai Soarelui.

Elementele descrise de Nassim Haramein sunt confirmate n totalitate de informaiile obinute pe cale telepatic de ctre renumitul medium american Wesley Batman, informaii publicate n cartea sa Dragoni i care de foc zburtoare. n aceast carte este descris nivelul tehnologic al civilizaiei extraterestre din sistemul solar al stelei Sirius, civilizaie care se pare c a jucat un rol important n destinul civilizaiei umane. Conform acestor informaii, siriusienii cltoresc cu nave-mam ce transport fiecare sute de nave mai mici, precum i mii de fiine extraterestre. Asemenea nave-mam se deplaseaz prin declanarea unor cmpuri foarte puternice de energie, care sunt de natur s modifice structura spaio-temporal ce nconjoar nava respectiv. Ele au fost construite pe mai multe niveluri i au un diametru cuprins ntre 650 i 900 de km, structurile lor gigantice putnd fi asamblate doar n spaiul cosmic. Aceste nave galactice utilizeaz pentru deplasare mai multe tipuri de sisteme de propulsie. Sistemul principal este un sistem de comand mental care este practic un veritabil rezonator ce acordeaz perfect dou realiti spaio-temporale diferite, utiliznd pentru aceasta anumite sisteme antigravitaionale care transform materia n antimaterie, iar mai apoi se realizeaz un salt hiperspaial prin porile interdimensionale aflate chiar n centrul unor stele, dar ntr-o octava diferit a dimensiunilor paralele spaio-temporale.

Chiar dac asemenea realizri par a fi de domeniul literaturii tiinifico-fantastice, studiile fizicii cuantice i ale astrofizicii ntrevd astzi din ce n ce mai mult faptul c aceste modaliti chiar sunt posibile.

Un alt aspect recent constatat, care ne poate ajuta s nelegem cam la ce nivel de realizare tehnologic se pare c au ajuns unele civilizaii extraterestre extrem de avansate, este acela c rapoartele observaiilor astronomice au pus n mod clar n eviden anumite structuri stelare gigantice despre care astrofizicieni renumii constat c cel mai probabil au o natur artificial. Mai exact, au fost remarcate i fotografiate legturi extrem de stranii ntre mai multe galaxii, ca un fel de poduri intergalactice. Unele dintre acestea sunt realizate n linie perfect dreapt, iar altele n trasee curbe, care prezint simetrii inexplicabile. ntruct este binecunoscut faptul c Universul se afl ntr-o micare de expansiune, iar n plus galaxiile se i rotesc fiecare individual n jurul propriului nucleu central, este foarte dificil de explicat cum s-ar fi putut forma i menine asemenea structuri cosmice ntr-un mod natural. Constatnd, n cadrul unui studiu competent, c aceste aspecte sfideaz logica fenomenelor cunoscute de astrofizic, savantul rus A. Vorobev declara: Studiind aceste grupe de galaxii care interacioneaz, de exemplu galaxiile VV-33 i VV-34, rmnem uimii de dispunerea inteligent n spaiu a cordoanelor de legtur.

Ulterior acestei declaraii a savantului rus au fost fotografiate prin telescop dou cordoane luminoase i mai impresionante, fiind formate din stele gigantice, de foarte mari dimensiuni. Aceste cordoane se ntind pe o uria distan de 300.000 de ani-lumin!!! Anunnd tulburtoarea descoperire n cadrul unui congres tiinific, astronomul american Roger Lynds (de la Observatorul Naional Kit Peak din Arizona SUA) a menionat c aceste asocieri stelare stranii sunt cele mai mari structuri observate vreodat n Univers. Totodat, el a precizat c gradul de perfeciune geometric a arcuirii acestora este incredibil. n plus, innd cont c respectivul pod de stele se afl la aproximativ 5 miliarde de ani lumin de noi, nseamn c ceea ce vedem noi astzi este imaginea a ceea ce exista acolo acum 5 miliarde de ani. De aici deducem c dac i cel mai probabil aa este acestea sunt structuri artificiale, atunci civilizaiile care au reuit s creeze aa ceva au fa de noi un avans tehnologic pe care nici mcar nu ni-l putem imagina

Cutnd acum s nelegem natura fiinelor extraterestre care ne viziteaz, din informaiile dezvluite de dr. Steven Greer, aflm c navele extraterestre sunt construite prin asamblarea i manevrarea matricei energetice astrale pentru a construi tiparul navei la acel nivel subtil, care apoi apare ca o form perfect modelat n molecule fizice materiale. Este vorba despre o ultra-nano-tehnologie, care face ca nava s se poat manifesta att n plan fizic, ct i n dimensiunile paralele eteric i astral. O astfel de nav este n aa mod structurat nct este infuzat cu contiin i inteligen, putnd spune c este de fapt o biomain dotat cu o inteligen artificial capabil de autointegrare i chiar autovindecare n situaiile n care este avariat.

Tehnologia extraterestr este n realitate trans-dimensional, iar esena acesteia este CONTIINA, ce acioneaz direct prin intermediul gndurilor coerente, la fel cum laserul nu este doar o simpl lumin, ci este o lumin coerent.

De aceea, pentru a interfera cu civilizaiile extraterestre benefice avansate i cu tehnologiile lor, nu are rost s folosim radiotelescoape, antene cu microunde sau alte tehnologii umane curente. Ceea ce trebuie folosit n primul rnd este GNDUL. n limbajul mecanicii cuantice, aa cum arta de exemplu laureatul Premiului Nobel, Erwin Schrodinger, contiina este o singularitate, adic un substrat care conine totul i care transpare n mod identic n absolut tot ceea ce exist. Oamenii i cunosc nc mult prea puin potenialul de care dispun. Contiina trezit i dinamizat este cea mai mare for din Univers. Iar aceast trezire a contiinei se realizeaz n mod firesc prin punerea n stare de coeren cu Legile Divine ale Armoniei Universale, care ntr-o form sau alta a constituit dintotdeauna scopul tuturor cilor spirituale autentice care au existat pe Pmnt.

Este important s fim contieni c dac reuim s intrm n starea de contiin a gndurilor coerente, ncepem s fim n coeren cu Universul nsui i experimentm minunata stare de contiin a Unitii, cunoscut de altfel n tradiiile spirituale ca samadhi sau nirvana. Dup ce atingem aceast stare aproape totul devine posibil. n mod potenial, fiina uman deine capacitatea de a realiza prin intermediul contiinei sale tot ceea ce realizeaz orice tehnologie terestr sau extraterestr: levitaie, proiecii n timp, teleportare, influenarea la orice distan a evenimentelor, absolut totul ne st la dispoziie dac tim cum s accesm i s trezim aceste capaciti inerente ale contiinei. Exact acesta este ns lucrul pe care elita ntunecat a dorit ntotdeauna s l mpiedice. i exact acesta este mesajul pe care civilizaiile extraterestre benefice ni-l transmit.

Este necesar ca oamenii s fie educai n sensul c, dintr-un anumit punct de vedere, la nivel de contiin noi nu suntem separai de civilizaiile extraterestre i c este necesar s ne orientm pe calea Binelui. Aceste civilizaii extraterestre benefice pot i doresc s ne ajute n direcia aceasta. Contiinele noastre sunt de fapt unite prin substratul Contiinei Cosmice. Dac nelegem aceasta, nelegem de fapt sursa Compasiunii Universale, de care vorbesc toate tradiiile spirituale. Iar dac nu nelegem aceasta, atunci nu putem avea nivelul unor civilizaii care se pot deplasa cu viteze mai mari dect viteza luminii, prin dimensiunile eterice i astrale. Acesta este marele salt de contiin n faa cruia omenirea se afl n acest moment.What are the Triangles?By Richard M. Dolancopyright 2003 by Richard M. Dolan. All rights reserved.A Triangular Problem

Sightings of "impossible" craft in the sky are universal. They are also universally ignored. Ignored, at least, by theofficial channels and sources of power in our society.This is nothing new -- students of the UFO reality have always known this. Nor is the blanket of denial and dis-information associated with this topic anything unique. I have howled into the wind about this many times, decryingthe inability and unwillingness of our mainstream media to discuss an entire range of topics. Yes, this is old news.As strange as UFOs are, I often think that the silence of official channels is more surreal than the objects themselves.Howcan it be possible that so many thousands (millions?) of witnesses continue to be ignored?One subset of the phenomenon, however, has broken through to the mainstream. Perhaps we should say -- ahem --thefringes of the mainstream. These are the infamous triangular craft. Americas mainstream culture, ever rigid andnarrow,yet acknowledges from time to time that such things exist. Frankly, it would be hard not to. The reports aresimply too manyand too clear.They also come in constantly. Less than a month ago, as I write this, was an interesting -- yet typical -- report.Shortlyafter midnight on March 2, 2003, a security guard at a gated community in Dallas saw "a single solid black triangle,with no lightsof any kind," traveling west for about 8 or 9 seconds. The object was completely silent, and seemed tofloat across the skyat about 1,200 feet. The witness watched the triangle disappear behind one of the homes, contactedthe Dallas Police Department, and was told that no one else had reported the object. This report is available on theweb at the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). Indeed, the witness spoke with Peter Davenport, who runs theorganization, and was found"to be quite sincere and credible." [1]

Computer rendering by witness of a Triangle encounter in Kingston, Ontario, in January 2003. Thanks to Peter Davenport of NUFORC and witness for permission.Here is another recent report from NUFORC. On January 24, 2003, a man saw a triangular-shaped object while drivingat night down a quiet Arkansas road. He slowed down, turned off his radio, and rolled down his car window. Hewonderedif this was a helicopter. But he heard no sound. Coming to a complete stop, he watched the object hover10 feet above a telephone pole, and noticed that it had three lights (red, white, and blue), one on each corner. He sawthe object for a totalof four minutes, "and then it was gone."Neither of these witnesses described the size of the craft they saw. In fact, the sizes of these triangles have rangedfromsmall to immense. Most are slow-moving and low-flying; occasionally people describe them as boomerang-shapedinsteadof triangular. The fact that they fly so low, and so slowly, is a problem that demands an explanation, bothscientifically and politically. Complicating the matter are the many witnesses who describe exceptional speed and maneuverability relatingto these triangles, such as flat pivot turns or incredible acceleration. It is a tricky problem,indeed.The famous Illinois "cop sighting" in early 2000 of a giant triangular object is the best known case of the flying triangles.In this instance, the object was substantially larger than a jumbo jet, flying at perhaps 500 feet altitude, either silent orextremely quiet, moving slowly, and edged with an array of blinding white lights. All this is certainly extraordinary. Butwhat really makes this case difficult to explain is the objects manner of acceleration. In the words of one officer, it wasable to shoot away "in the blink of an eye" with "no sound whatsoever." One moment, it was a few hundred feet away;the next moment, several miles away. [2]What does that?If this were an isolated incident, one could write it off as a mistaken observation of some sort. But this is not isolated,and here the problem deepens. For an object possibly identical to this one was seen many times in the early 1980s in theHudson Valley, just north of New York City. On December 31, 1982, people from several different locations reportedsuchan object. This was no mere New Years Eve partying, either; the object was filmed with a movie camera. Theobject washuge, triangular, flew at less than 500 feet, had bright lights, made tight circles in the air, and at one pointshone a beamof white light onto a highway. In July 1984, the same or a similar object invaded the air space of theIndian Point Nuclear Facility, disabling the electronic and communication systems while it hovered over a reactor.During the early 1980s, thenumber of witnesses to such events in the Hudson Valley numbered in the thousands. Indeed,on one occasion, video wasshot of a sufficient quality that it was sent to the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena. Conclusion:something real, all right, butnot a conventional aircraft. [3]

Security guard drawing of the object that hovered over the Indian Point Nuclear Facility, July 1984.Then we have the Belgian cases, which seem to have been part of series of sightings stretching from Britain to Russiafrom late 1989 to early 1990. On November 29, 1989, a dark triangular object, making a humming noise, hovered over aBelgian police car and shone a brilliant beam of light on it. Many people reported this object; it was seen throughoutthe winter, then most spectacularly on the night of March 30, 1990. That night, thousands of witnesses saw a low-flyingtriangular UFO (or UFOs) with bright lights flashing in the center. This object could fly as slow as 30 mph, but itacceleratedto incredible speeds. Witnesses were adamant that no plane belonging to any air force could have caughtthis object.Indeed, that night the Belgian Air Force sent two F-16s to do exactly that. The triangles were captured onseveral NATOradar stations; the jet pilots could also track the objects on radar, and even see them at times.But the F-16s the top interceptors in the world were completely outclassed by the triangular craft. Not only could itaccelerate at incredible speeds, not only could it stop on a dime, but it could change its altitude almost instantly. Atonepoint, for example, radar installations and amazed witnesses observed the triangle to drop about 4,000 feet in onesecond. Thats nearly a mile.Moreover, this object moved intelligently, at least in the opinion of the Belgian Air Force Chief of Operations, ColonelWilfried De Brouwer, who stated "There was a logic in the movements of the UFO." Nick Pope, who soon after thismannedthe "UFO Desk" in Britains Ministry of Defense, had contacts within the Belgian government who "elicited theconclusionthat a structured craft had flown over Belgium that night." They had no idea, they said, of what that objectwas. [4]Like the other triangles people have seen, the Belgian object was real enough. The real question is, to whom did itbelong?

Photograph of the triangular object over Belgium, April 1, 1990.Ours? Or Theirs?Many people have suspected this to be a secret American project. Officially, however, there is no type of aircraft witha perfectly triangular planform. The B-2 stealth bomber is an angular and odd looking beast, but its not a triangle. Norcanit do what the triangles do.There is good reason to believe that the U.S. has developed a triangle. In August 1989, A former Royal Observer Corpsmember was working on a North Sea gas rig about 60 miles off the Norfolk coast. This man, named Chris Gibson, hasbeen described as one of the worlds experts in aircraft recognition, and competed in international recognitiontournaments where a long distance shot of an aircraft would be flashed on a screen for a fraction of a second. At thetimeof the sighting, he was writing an aircraft recognition manual.What he saw that day was an matte black aircraft shaped in a perfect isosceles triangle, with the nose angle at 30degrees,in a refueling operation with a KC-135. Two F-111 fighters accompanied the craft. The triangular craft wasslightly biggerthan an F-111. Aviation writer Bill Sweetman noted that "no aircraft other than a supersonic vehicle,or a test aircraft forsuch a vehicle, has ever been built or studied with such a planform."[5]Generally, people have attributed this sighting to the fabled Aurora, the alleged successor to the worlds fastest"official"plane, the SR-71 Blackbird. Of course, the Aurora doesnt officially exist but the rumor mill gives it dimensionsthat seemto be compatible with what Gibson saw.But given that the Aurora (or the same aircraft under a different name) exists, it is unlikely that this is the craft thatbuzzed Belgium in 1989-1990, much less is responsible for the Hudson Valley sightings. The Aurora is said to behypersonic,meaning that it is faster than Mach 5, and is rumored to move as fast as Mach 8. But, hovering? Changingaltitudeinstantly? There are no accounts of Aurora -- none by aviation writers, anyway that indicate it can do anythinglike that.The Black Manta

There is an aircraft in the land of legends that comes closer to fitting the description of some of these triangle sightings.It is the Black Manta, TR-3, another aircraft that "doesnt exist." All we have, apparently, is the rumor mill, which givesthisobject the ability to hover silently. There are said to be two very different versions, the TR-3A and the TR-3B. The firstis supposed to be about 45 feet long and 15 feet high, with a 65 foot wingspan. The second is said to be a massive 600feetacross.Bearing in mind that none of this can be confirmed, the most detailed information I could find on this elusive creatureofthe sky is that, among those who believe it exists, it is said to a tactical reconnaissance aircraft, first operational intheearly 1990s. Funding and tasking come from the NRO, NSA, and CIA. The outer coating of the TR-3B is allegedlyreactiveto electrical radar stimulation and can change reflectiveness, radar bsorptiveness, and color. It is therefore exceptionally stealthy. More than this, however, it is said to have indefinite loiter time at high altitudes (as high as125,000 feet), and theability to travel as fast as strap yourself in Mach 9.

Artist rendering of the TR-3A Black MantaBy no means am I an expert on the technology involved here. Those who say they are tell us that the TR-3B hassomething called a Magnetic Field Disruptor, which is a circular, highly pressurized, mercury-based plasma filledring surrounding a rotatable crew compartment. The plasma is accelerated to extreme speeds which is said to result in"gravity disruption" and can neutralize the effect of gravity on mass by as much as 89 percent. This is not exactlyantigravity, which provides a repulsive force, but for all intents and purposes makes the vehicle extremely light, withobvious correlations in performance, including acceleration in all directions.This, at least, is the claim from the website of Edgar Fouche. One scientist has told me that the technical details, suchas the speed of rotation of plasma) are "not credible." While Fouches site provides an excellent overview of the BlackManta, much of the information derives from anonymous sources, and it is always possible that details can be wrongeven while the big picture remains fundamentally sound. [6]While recognizing that any discussion of the Black Manta is highly speculative, some of the claims regarding it at leastcome close to the performance characteristics of the triangular UFOs. Is the craft real? I have no idea. While a fewaviation writers acknowledge the possibility that its real, no one can confirm it, and most appear doubtful. Indeed, therethose who even doubt that there is such a plane as the Aurora.For my part, I find it difficult to deny that the U.S. military has a flying triangle. Knowing the credentials of Chris Gibson,if he saw a matte black isosceles triangle being refueled by a KC-135, I am prepared to believe him. I am also preparedto accept that there are probably other deep-black aircraft out there. The U.S. government has a history of declassifyingmilitary technologies at its convenience. By the time the U-2 was public, its successor, the SR-71 Blackbird, was not longin following. We learned of the F-117A stealth fighter in 1988, for instance, only when it was decided to increaseproduction substantially and that it would therefore be impossible to hide any longer.

Artist rendering of the Aurora aircraft.Chronology Problems

But even the aforementioned candidates dont explain the triangle phenomenon. Even if something as exotic as theBlack Manta is real, it is clear that this would only explain sightings since the 1990s.Or would it? How far back could we push the technology and this aircraft? Could the Black Manta have beenresponsible for the Belgian sightings of 1989 and 1990? And even if that is so, what does one make of the HudsonValley sightings, which are earlier still? At what point do we move from the improbable, to the implausible, to theridiculous?I wonder whether the TR-3A or TR-3B explain the following sighting:On this occasion, a clear fall night in Hastings, Minnesota, multiple witnesses saw a triangular craft approach from theeast at a high rate of speed. When it was nearly overhead at about 5,000 feet, it "stopped dead in its tracks." The object had a reddish orange light at each of its corners; these lights sometimes turned greenish. It sat motionless and silent forhalf a minute, then made a slow 180 degree turn, "leaving a vapor trail." It then sat motionless for a few seconds andtook off at an amazing speed. It stopped dead at a point about 15 miles away from them. It then lifted straight up "atincredible speed" and was gone.The object in question certainly seems to have had much in common with the Belgian triangle, except it was seen in mid-October of 1968. As far as I know, this report has not been investigated, but there are quite a few triangle reportson NUFORC that stem from the late 1960s. Most of these reports provide good detail and appear to be truthful. Theseare available for anyone to read.At the NUFORC, you can read about 25 reasonably detailed reports of triangular UFOs that were seen from 1967 through1973, and there are several that are even earlier. This must be the tip of the iceberg: the first of these accounts wasposted only in 1998, when the world wide web finally became a convenient tool for these people. We will never knowhow many 1960s witnesses of triangular craft died before they had the opportunity to post their story, but Im sure therewere a few.Indeed, British researcher Victor Kean, who started Project Triangle on the world wide web tracked many trianglereports in Britain that took place in the 1990s, but pointed out that his first reliable triangle report dates from September8, 1960. This was a "triangular-shaped craft with three white apex lights and a red light underneath," seen in Tyneside,Britain and two other locations that evening, all within a 10 mile radius and within 75 minutes of each other. Did someoneinvent flying triangles in the 1950s? [7]If one feels that reports from that long ago are inherently unreliable and need to be discarded, what does one make ofthe large number of triangle reports from between 1973 and the early 1980s? That is, prior to the Hudson Valley wave?Reports that go so far back pose a serious problem of explanation. There are several factors to consider. First istechnology. Granted that the black world of the military has always been substantially ahead of most civilian technology,still, we can do a reality check by observing the development of leading edge aircraft during those years. For example,the first flight of the F-15 Eagle took place in July 1972. It was the first USAF fighter to have a thrust to weight ratio greaterthan 1:1, meaning it could accelerate going straight up. The first F-16 prototype flew at Edwards AFB in January 1974.The Rockwell B-1 bomber first flew in December 1974. The Apache helicopter prototype first flew in September 1975.These machines are all impressive, but none are anything like the reported triangles.It is also important to realize that it was only by the mid-1970s that "fly-by-wire" (e.g. very advanced computer technology enabling an aircraft to make many adjustments per second) was becoming practical enough to allow for unconventional planforms such as the flying wing. Previously, the flying wing design (and by extension the triangle) had been inherently unstable.Other problems arise when we look at the history of American defense spending. For instance, the USAF budget in 1980was about $39 billion. Starting in 1981, with the advent of the Reagan presidency, it began a dramatic rise, peaking in1985 at $99.4 billion. This is an extraordinary development, and while we can acknowledge that there was always asupply of secret money for special projects, we can also recognize that there was much more of it starting in the early1980s. Presumably this translated into greater operational possibilities for leading edge technology. In other words,while it would still have been possible to fund expensive, secret, and exotic aircraft prior to 1980, it would have beeneasier to do this after 1980. [8]Thus, when you examine the history of triangle sightings, track what is known of the development of advanced aircraft,and study the trends in defense spending, it becomes difficult to credit many of these reports as secret technology.Difficult, but not perhaps impossible. After all, how many years ahead of our most advanced open and public technologyare these triangles? Its hard to be certain, but it doesnt seem to be a stretch to anticipate similar capabilities in thepublic realm within the next twenty years.Political ProblemsBut to acknowledge that some group in the secret caverns of the military-industrial complex made this type ofbreakthrough opens up a new series of questions.Let us return to the Belgian case, for instance. Belgian Air Force Colonel De Brouwer speculated that if these objectswere B-2 or F-117 stealth aircraft (the only known American aircraft that might remotely fit the description), then the USAFhad made no requests for this type of mission, as it would be required to do. He also added the obvious fact that thetriangles did not "in any way" match the characteristics of either U.S. aircraft.Still, the Belgian government asked the U.S. government whether or not, in effect, these triangles were American. TheU.S. Air Force informed the Belgian Air Force and Ministry of Defense that "no USAF stealth aircraft were operating"during the period in question. Now, this could be seen as merely a carefully worded statement. No "stealth" aircraft --might this allow the overflight of an aircraft that is not, technically speaking, stealth? After all, the triangle over Belgiumwas tracked at least some of the time on radar. As far as this statement is concerned, it could simply mean that a non-stealth but highly advanced U.S. aircraft was responsible. [9]If so, then we have a disturbing conclusion regarding how the U.S. Air Force treats its NATO allies. With the advent ofGulf War II, this may not surprise too many people. But in 1990, there was still a Soviet Union, and the vestige of a coldwar. At the least, it seems neither polite nor intelligent to treat your NATO allies in such a manner.Nevertheless, it strains credulity to see this as American technology. Then again, the entire UFO phenomenon strainscredulity. That is, until you go through report after impossible report, recognizing that the impossible is here and livingquite well in this demented world of ours, thank you very much.The NIDS Hypothesis - Big Black Deltas

For now, that will have to do regarding the chronological problems posed by the triangles. There are still a fewpossibilities to consider. The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), based in Las Vegas, Nevada, has recentlybeen looking into the matter of what it has termed Big Black Deltas (BBDs). These are essentially the large triangles. [10]In 2002 an aircraft researcher submitted a paper to NIDS on the condition that it be published anonymously ("Big BlackDeltas (BBDs): DoD, Not ET"). He argued that these objects are lighter-than-air (LTA) craft, or rigid dirigibles, most likelypowered by "electrokinetic" drive, operated by the U.S. military. In other words, U.S. Defense Department airships thatserve as large transport vessels, able to carry huge payloads at high or low altitudes, at speeds several times faster thansurface ships. The author of the paper theorized that they have existed since the early to mid-1980s.He theorized that these objects are quiet because LTA vehicles can make use of the "unconventional" electrokineticsystem. They would need no propellers or jets, instead using aerostatic, lift gas, like a balloon. All you might hear is aslight humming from high voltage control equipment and an occasional coronal discharge in the older BBDs.The NIDS author also discussed why the BBDs can accelerate so quickly. I have to confess that my science breaks downat this point, but the explanation is not especially detailed, either. The author argued that the LTA would not require apower supply, as its energy source could be fed remotely by a "ground based power system sending power to theelectrokinetic platform by either a tether wire or by microwave link." The maximum transmission distance would beabout 62 miles. The thrust to mass ratio of such a craft would be far superior to that of a jet fighter, "between 1.7 to 1 upto 3 to 1 if lightly loaded," which would enable it to accelerate very quickly, including up.The author discussed other features of the BBDs, such as the ability to turn without banking or its occasionally intenselights. He concluded that "with a number of military mission profiles for such a craft and the technologies to build ithaving been well developed for nearly a century would any defense department NOT build it?"This hypothesis seems primarily designed to address the Millstadt, Illinois sighting of early 2000. As a result, we areobliged to ask, if this object was ours, where was the microwave transmitter? This object surely was not tethered, andits acceleration wasnt just high, it was very, very high. Not everyone believes the power source concept described inthis anonymous paper is valid. One of my correspondents pointed out to me that while beamed microwave power hasbeen done, it requires a line of sight and what is called rectenna, an array of dipoles which is dangerous to anythingthat gets in its path, such as birds. I am not aware, for instance, of reports of dead birds accompanying sightings of BBDs.Finally, it doesnt help that this paper is from an anonymous source. While the people at NIDS know who this author is,it would be nice if the rest of us get the opportunity to learn this person's identity and credentials (although one writerhas assured me privately that the author possesses substantial qualifications).

Reconstruction of UFO over Shiloh, Illinois, January 2000. Thanks to Darryl Barker.

Police Report Sketch, January 2000, Officer Martin; Shiloh, Illinois Police DepartmentNIDS has also plotted several hundred sightings of the BBDs (all from the 1990s) on a map of the United States, trying to see a pattern. In addition to using its own substantial database, NIDS obtained two other substantial sources of data,from MUFON and UFO researcher Larry Hatch. NIDS suggested that many of the BBD sightings occurred along corridorsbetween bases of the U.S. Air Mobility Command (AMC) and Air Force Material Command (AFMC) . These two commandscontrol the logistics of American troop and equipment deployment. NIDS hypothesized, therefore, that the Air Force isflying these objects between AFMC and AMC bases. [11]This may be just as NIDS suggests. But although it says the similarities among the various databases are "striking," I foundthe experience of reading these maps a little like deciphering a Rorschach test. There does seem to be a concentrationof sightings along such "corridors," but I cant help wondering if there is another explanation here, and that this is a casewhere one could find all sorts of patterns to fit other hypotheses.NIDS did fine work and worded its conclusions carefully. It is to be commended for this. But it must be noted that (a) itsstudy includes only reports from the 1990s (b) only includes reports of the large triangles and (c) is restricted geographicallyto the United States.There are such things as rigid dirigibles. An inventor name Michael K. Walden demonstrated a fully solar-powered, remotely-controlled, LTA vehicle, to the U.S. Department of Defense and Department of Energy at Nellis AFB in 1977.They seemed to have been rather excited by this, but never picked up the contract. [12]I have already said that the long history of triangle reports poses serious problems of explanation. But so does thegeography. Researchers commonly write as though the triangles are a North American and Western Europeanphenomenon. This seems to be true in the main, but I suspect it is mainly due to more active reporting in thoseareas. In any case, it is not entirely true. Russia, for example, has had many triangle reports, several that occurredduring the Belgian flap.An especially interesting one occurred near Moscow on March 12, 1990. Several groups of UFOs were seen, some ofwhich were spheres and discs, and some of which appeared to be huge triangular-shaped craft. Many local peoplespent the night on their rooftops watching these silent objects dart through the sky. In fact, during the spring of 1990,it appears that Russia had more, and more spectacular, UFO cases than did Belgium. The CIA retained several accountsof this wave from the Soviet-Russian media, although CIA reports themselves, assuming they exist, have yet to bereleased.Thus, while the NIDS explanation of Big Black Deltas may shed some light, the hypothesis is far from proved, and atbest is only a partial solution to the mystery of the triangles. Are we to assume that some covert American group wasflying triangles (along with other UFOs) throughout Russia during the decline phase of the Soviet Union?A Shadow Government?

There is perhaps one last terrestrial explanation, but it isnt a pretty one. Could there be an ultra-black group behindthe triangles, one that is so far removed from ordinary channels that the American military establishment has lostcontrol of it? Could such a secret group exist?Our national security apparatus has many layers of classification (including above top secret) and extreme compartmentalization. There is no question that the American military possesses unacknowledged Special AccessPrograms (SAP) funded by countless billions of secret dollars. Congress provides no effective oversight of theseprograms, judging by the history of the few secret programs of which we know. A great deal can get swallowed upby our National Security State and we must recognize the possibility that the flying triangles are one of those things.It is at this point that an analysis of the flying triangles merges with the UFO phenomenon itself. In the first place, the flight capabilities of the triangles appear to match those of the more traditional flying saucers. There are hundreds ofknown military encounters with UFOs. Most of these are cases do not show overt hostility, but neither are they especiallycongenial. Judging by the behaviors of both the American aircraft and of these objects, the UFOs do not appear to beunder the command of the U.S. military. This can also be said of at least some of the triangles, such as the one thatviolated the air space over the Indian Point Nuclear Facility in 1984.For many years people have been hanging around the outskirts of Area 51, watching all the fun things that fly aroundthere. Bob Lazar and his friends were there in the late 1980s, filming bizarre craft that could hover and dart. In December1990, Gary Schultz, a chemical physicist, was with a large group of people when they saw, in his words: "a huge, glowingsaucer, which was pulsating a brilliant orange-red and flying slowly over the Jumbled Hills - and it was being followed bya military helicopter about a quarter mile behind." The object disappeared behind the hills and into the Nellis Air ForceRange, while the helicopter eventually landed at a facility atop Bald Mountain.There are many such accounts. Is this evidence that the U.S. military is testing field propulsion, e.g. antigravity, flyingsaucers? Possibly. We may have come very close to such a revelation in the very curious October 1, 1990 issue of AviationWeek & Space Technology, large portions of which concerned deep-black technology programs, cryptic references to not-fully-understood exotic technology, and reports of black quiet triangles.Would the other shoe drop? Would someone seriously mention the "U" word? The magazine came perilously close todoing so. One wonders whether someone else urgently desired to hush all this up. It is worth mentioning that Phillip J.Klass, a long-time UFO debunker, was a leading figure with the publication. Neither the staff of AW&ST, nor those of Janes Defense Weekly, have followed up in a serious way on this.Presumably they are still terrified of the UFO topic. Or perhaps there something more involved, a quid pro quo? Whateverthe answer, they are the watchdogs that never barked.Compare their silence to the fine work of journalist George Knapp. Here is a man who obtained many solid leads out ofArea 51, several of which indicated efforts to understand and duplicate alien technology. He spoke to members ofCongress who were blocked in their attempts to get answers. But no mainstream publication has followed up on hisleads.ConclusionWe are facing a situation in which we know that some triangles are ours (as the 1989 sighting by Chris Gibsondemonstrates), some triangles are big, some are small, some do not appear to be "ours." If there is a single terrestrial explanation for this, it would have to be a shadow group, most likely among people deeply immersed in the world ofblack defense technology who developed their own agenda independent of any formally established government.One person with whom I write, and whose judgement I have come to trust, tells me he is "ninety-five percent" sure that somewhere along the line the U.S. military and scientific minds in the secret world have indeed developed operationalfield propulsion. In other words, defeated the problem of gravity and are thus responsible for at least many of thetriangles. Another person, someone in whom I place high esteem and credibility, tells me he thinks its unlikely thisis so.While this is difficult to sort out, I am still left with a nagging question: if the American National Security State somewherealong the line invented some version of the Flying Triangle, why is there no evidence that it has ever been used in ourrecent wars? Would it not have been useful during the Gulf War of 1991? Or now?There are, of course, answers to this question. It may have been used secretly and no one has found out. Or, the military planners may have believed that it was unnecessary for victory and hence still more valuable as something secret. Still,it seems odd.I think its likely that there are secret, terrestrial, triangles out there. But it also looks to me that some, and perhaps most,of the triangles are "not ours," that is, alien of some sort. In my own view, since I think this is true of the UFO phenomenon in general, it is not especially difficult to see it as true of the triangles.What we can say for now is that there is no explanation yet offered to the public that brings all these triangles down toearth. There is a large body of evidence that continues to elude conventional explanation. The triangles do not all appearto be "ours."