AUAP CWU Newsletter November ƐƎƏ8 Monthly Summary November Class Highlights This month, students finished the first half of their AUAP classes and had manŸ opportunities to Ųork Ųith CWU students. 今月׆学生ءAUAPを半分終え׆CWU生連帯し作業や١ڛス参加する機会ش今月ځؠڛٺある模擬就職面接ؠ١テビテءڜカ式ؠ就職面接を 様々角度ػم面接官役׆求職者役׆そし観察者役ؠƑؠ立場を体験し互い 意見やٻバスを交換し׆CWUشػ感想をػشIES١ڛء学生٢ ڟڮڭڝڮビスڮڛڭニン٢ ڟ٪١ؠٺڞゼンテڮションを行١ڛڞؠڝを超え学生ء自分体験し事׆م׆そしغؠ؛うボڛンテ活動 ڞン٬バڮ٢自分自身を知るこ役立を共㯕しフン١ション٬١ڛء祭中ؠ旅行役立英ؠ彙を学びؠڝڈڛٺ׆対処法ؠ練習をしCD١ڛ ؇ء؈ま職種ػCWU職員を招׆ڜؠ仕事場ؠ理解を深س American Studies Class November Topics & Skills: America in the Ə9ƒƎs and ƓƎs Post WWII Ciűil Rights Moűement Malcom X & Martin Luther King Jr. SkŸpe Project Functions of English Class Presentations about American culture Traűel language & problem solűing E-pal project InterűieŲ CWU emploŸees about their jobs Discussion class Ųith CWU students to learn about workplace differences betŲeen the US and Japan Mock Job InterűieŲs Career Development Class TOEIC Class Integrated English Skills Class Suffiŷes & Parts of Speech Part Ɠ Practice Listening practice Ɛ hour Practice TOEIC test Presentations about Global Serűice Learning Project Writing practice - using ńuotes and paraphrasing skills In IES class, students gaűe presentations about their Global Serűice Learning Project . Students met in miŷed section classes to share their eŷperiences, Ųhat theŸ'űe learned, and hoŲ űolunteering has helped them learn more deeplŸ about Ellensburg and themselűes. EűerŸ student did a great job sharing pictures and details from their GSL. The biggest highlight this month Ųas the AUAP Mock Job InterűieŲ actiűitŸ. Students learned about and practiced American stŸle job interűieŲs from all angles. TheŸ plaŸed the part of an interűieŲer bŸ asking ńuestions and selecting the best candidate, the interűieŲee bŸ doing their best to connect skills and eŷperiences to the job, and an obserűer bŸ listening and offering their opinion on Ųhich candidate to select. CWU students proűided feedback. In Functions class, students had a chance to practice using problem solűing skills and learned important űocabularŸ that helped them during their indiűidual traűels during Thanksgiűing break. In CD class, AUAP students had fun interűieŲing a űarietŸ of CWU emploŸees Ųho came to class to share about their job duties and ansŲer ńuestions that the students had for them. This is a great ŲaŸ for students to learn more about the US Ųorkplace.

AUAP CWU NewsletterAUAP CWU Newsletter November 8 Monthly Summary November Class Highlights This month, students finished the first half of their AUAP classes and had man opportunities

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AUAP CWU NewsletterNovember  8

Monthly Summary 

November Class HighlightsThis month, students finished the first half of their AUAP classes and had man opportunities to ork ith CWU students.

今月 学生 AUAPを半分終え ま CWU生 連帯し 作業や ス 参加する機会 多今月 ある模擬就職面接 テ ビテ メ カ式 就職面接を

様々 角度 学 面接官役 求職者役 そし 観察者役 立場を体験し 互い意見や バ スを交換し CWU生 感想を IES ス 学生バ サ ビス ニン プ プ ゼンテ ションを行 ス ベを超え 学生 自分 体験し 事 学 事 そし う ボ ンテ 活動ン バ 自分自身を知るこ 役立 を共 し フ ン ション ス 感

謝祭中 旅行 役立 英語 語彙を学び 対処法 練習をし CD スま ま 職種 CWU職員を招 メ カ 仕事場 理解を深

American Studies ClassNovember Topics & Skills:

America in the 9 s and sPost WWIICi il Rights Mo ementMalcom X & Martin Luther King Jr.Sk pe Project

Functions of English ClassPresentations about American cultureTra el language & problem sol ingE-pal project

Inter ie CWU emplo ees about their jobsDiscussion class ith CWU students to learn about workplace differences bet een the US and JapanMock Job Inter ie s

Career Development Class


Integrated English Skills Class

Suffi es & Parts of SpeechPart PracticeListening practice

hour Practice TOEIC test

Presentations about Global Ser ice Learning ProjectWriting practice - using uotes and paraphrasing skills

In IES class, students ga e presentations about their Global Ser ice Learning Project .  Students met in mi ed section classes to share their e periences, hat the ' e learned, and ho olunteering has helped them learn more deepl about Ellensburg and themsel es. E er student did a great job sharing pictures and details from their GSL.

The biggest highlight this month as the AUAP Mock Job Inter ie acti it . Students learned about and practiced American st le job inter ie s from all angles.  The pla ed the part of an inter ie er b asking uestions and selecting the best candidate, the inter ie ee b doing their best to connect skills and e periences to the job, and an obser er b listening and offering their opinion on hich candidate to select. CWU students pro ided feedback.

In Functions class, students had a chance to practice using problem sol ing skills and learned important ocabular that helped them during their indi idual tra els during Thanksgi ing break.

In CD class, AUAP students had fun inter ie ing a ariet of CWU emplo ees ho came to class to share about their job duties and ans er uestions that the students had for them. This is a great a for students to learn more about the US orkplace.

Monthly Summary 

November Student Services Highlights

Three students orking to ards their Ambassador A ards recruited peers for olunteer projects the are leading--tutoring CWU students learning Japanese, decorating the AUAP office for Christmas, and pro iding an origami table for an e ent do nto n. Quigle Hall had their Japanese Culture Night in No ember complete ith a student presentation about Japan. CWU Intramural Sports ended this month ith the YAMATO soccer team losing in the semi-final game, and a basketball team ith an AUAP student member finishing nd.

今月 感謝祭 連休 学生 楽しみ 内訳 メ カ人 友達 家 過 し人 太平洋岸 西部を旅行し 人 サンフ ンシスコ 人 ニュ

人 CWU 残 人 IPA 一人ず 時間を作 こ 留学プ を う最大限 活用 る 話し合 国際教育週間 月 日 開催 他国 文 を外国人留学生 学び 人 AUAP生 日本 い プ ゼンテ ションをし ンバ サダワ 取得を目指し いる 人 AUAP生 ボ ンテ 仲間を募 CWU日本語 ス 手伝い AUAP フ ス ス ス 飾 付け 地元 ベン 折 紙体験コ 設置を行

CWU校内ス サ カ 準決勝戦 負け バス 2位


Ellensburg High School Japan Club Visit - Teaching ho to make Onigiri & pla board/card games from JapanVisits to a local PreschoolInternational Cafe -  Students from the U.S. and around the orld did Thanksgi ing acti ities togetherHearthstone Retirement Home VisitAfter School Safe Place Visit - interacting ith elementar kidsTutoring CWU students learning Japanese acti it led b a student

orking on his Ambassador A ard

Students participated in the follo ing:


CWU, Do nto n, IPA Thanksgi ingsAUAP Friends Club Acti itiesIPA Hall Acti itiesQuigle Japanese Culture NightCWU Intramural SportsAUAP Ambassador A ard Acti itiesCWU International Education Week Culture FairDi ali Festi al from IndiaThanksgi ing BreakAUAP Ol mpics-group competitionsAk aaba African Culture Night

The most e citing part of the month as Thanksgi ing Break, hen students had a -da holida break. Man acti ities this month also had a Thanksgi ing theme. For the break, students sta ed at an American friend's house, tra eled ithin the Pacific North est, one ent to San Francisco, another to Ne York, and se en sta ed at CWU. IPAs also meet -on- ith each student to help them get the most out of their e periences.

International Education Week as No ember th, and AUAP students learned about cultures from around the orld from other international students ho li ed there; Ele en AUAP students also ga e poster presentations about Japan and their li es at home!