Bahar English Glossary

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  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    100 % (seratus persen) dari nilai nominal setiap saham yang

    telah ditempatkan tersebut diatas, atau seluruhnya berjumlah

    [____] (_) saham dengan nilai nominal seluruhnya sebesar

    Rp[___] (____Rupiah) akan disetor penuh melalui kas Perseroan

    oleh para pendiri paling lambat pada saat akta ini disahkan oleh

    Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia.

    100% (one hundred percent) of the nominal value of each subscribed shares

    above mentioned, or totally amounting to [____] (_) shares with the aggregate

    nominal value of Rp[___] (____Rupiahs) will be fully paid up to the Company

    by each founders at the latest on the date of the Ministry of Justice and Human

    Rights approves this deed

    abstraksi dana bank abstraction of bank funds

    acara function [e.g. This room may be hired for weddings and other functions]

    acara penjelasan pelelangan bid clarification (pre-bid conference; aanwijzing)

    acara pidana criminal proceedings

    acara sidang interlocutary trial

    acuan reference [e.g. a list of references at the end of the article]

    acuan intern internal reference

    acuan silangcross reference [I.e. a note that tells the reader of a book to go to another

    place in the book, to get further information]

    ada there exists/remains/etc [There seems to be a lack of communication; There

    remains several questions still to be answered; They were all laughing when

    there came a knock at the door]

    ada baiknya[be] worth your while [e.g. It would be worth your while to talk to the


    ada di barisan depan[be] in the vanguard [e.g. In the 19th century, Britain was in the

    vanguard of industrial progress]

    ada kesalahan [dalam penghitungan]; salah hitung[be] out [The bill was out by over 10; He was out in his calculations,

    so there was a lot of carpet left over]

    ada kesalahan [di dalam tulisan/penggunaan atas kata yang


    sic [used after a word that you have copied in order to show that you know it

    was not spelled or used correctly: We had seen several signs that said

    `ORANGE'S (sic) FOR SALE']

    adalah tanggung jawab [seseorang]it is incumbent upon [someone] [e.g. It is incumbent upon the teacher to

    maintain discipline]

    adanya existence of

    adanya pergerakkan saham yang mulai berbalik arah, dari trend

    naik akan menjadi trend turun, demikian sebaliknyareversal

    adanya terlalu banyak detil overparticularity

    Adendum; Lampiran; Tambahan Addendum [an addendum to section 4] [plural=addenda]

    adil; secara adil equitable; equitably; pari passu

    administrasi administration

    Administrasi Hukum Umum General Law Administration

    Administrasi Perusahaan Corporate Administrator

    Administrator Pelabuhan Port Administrator

    advis debit debit advice

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    Advis Kredit [Surat pemberitahuan bank kepada nasabah

    tentang pengkreditan rekening serta alasan]credit advice

    advokasi advocacy

    advokat [pengacara yang diangkat oleh Menteri Kehakiman

    setelah mendapat nasihat dari Mahkamah Agung. Batas wilayah

    hukum tugas dari seorang advocat adalah seluruh propinsi di



    afiliasi affiliate

    afirmatif affirmative

    AFP [Kantor Berita Perancis] Agence Frence Presse AFP

    agama religion

    Agar setiap orang mengetahuinya, memerintahkan pengumuman

    Keputusan ini dengan penempatannya dalam Berita Negara

    Republik Indonesia.

    For public cognizance, this decree shall be announced by publishing it in the

    State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

    agar supaya

    in order to [e.g. Samuel trained every day in order to improve his

    performance]; in order for/that [e.g. Sunlight is needed in order for the

    process of photosynthesis to take place in plants]; so as to [e.g. So as not to

    cause offence many of the mourners stood at the back of the church]

    agar umum mengetahui for public cognizance

    Agen Dana Talangan Escrow Agent

    agen pabrik manufacturer's agent

    Agen Pelayanan Servicing Agent

    Agen Pembayar Paying Agent

    Agen Pembayaran Payment Agent

    agen pembelian purchasing agent

    agen penagihan collection agent

    Agen Penerbit Issuing Agent

    Agen Pengalihan Transfer Agent

    agen penjamin del credere agent

    agen penjual sale agent

    agen penjualan sales agent

    APPM Agen Penjualan Pemegang Merek Trademark Holding Sales Agent

    Agen Perusahaan Pelayaran Shipping Lines Agent

    agen terdaftar certified agent; licensed agent

    AT Agen Tunggal Sole Agent

    ATPM Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek Trademark Holding Sole Agent

    agen; wakil agent [We're acting as agents for Mr Watson]

    agio dividen [dividen yang dibayarkan atas beban cadangan

    agio (Premium reserve)]dividend agio

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  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    agio obligasi [Selisih-lebih antara harga jual dan nilai nominal

    obligasi ]premium bond

    agio saham share agios; paid in surplus; paid in capital

    agrilik agrilic

    agunan (kredit) collateral; security

    ahli ekonomi; ekonom economist

    ahli; pihak yang berwenangauthority [e.g. Professor Erikson is one of the world's leading authorities on

    tropical disease]

    air bersih / baku clean / raw water

    air permukaan surface water

    air tanah ground water

    ajudan; pembantu aide; aide-de-camp; adjutant

    akad bawah tangan private agreement; agreement conducted privately

    akad nikah covenant of marriage

    akad trust trust receipt

    AKABRI Akademi Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia The Indonesian Armed Forces Academy

    AMN Akademi Militer Nasional National Military Academy

    akademisi academician

    akal bulus machinations

    akal sehatsense [e.g. You're challenging him to a fight? Have you taken leave of your


    akan dilakukan [e.g. pembayaran] to be made

    akan segera dilaksanakan pending [e.g. a pending criminal trial]

    akan tetap berlaku sepenuhnya. shall remain in full force and effect

    akan tetap diproses shall continue to be processed; will still be processed

    Akan tetapi, sifat pekerjaan Perusahaan akan sewaktu-waktu

    memerlukan jam kerja tambahan saudara

    However, the nature of the Company's operations will on occasion necessitate

    your working increased hours

    akan tunduk kepada shall be subject to

    akhir pekan weekend

    akhir tahun year-end

    Akhirnya, penghadap bertindak dalam kedudukannya

    sebagaimana tersebut diatas menerangkan bahwa

    Furthermore, the appearers each acting in their above mentioned capacities


    akhlak dan moral ethics and morals

    aki; akumulator accummulator

    akibat keselamatan luar biasa unusual safety consequences

    akibat peperangan adalah inflasi the aftermath of war is inflation

    akibat wajar corollary

    akibat; dampakrepercussion [e.g. The break-up of communism has had world-wide


    akomodasi accommodation

    akomodasi yang digunakan accommodation used

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    aksep IOU; acceptance note; promissory note

    aksep bank bank acceptance

    aksep unjuk Bearer Acceptance Note

    aksep-aksep lelang Auctioned Acceptance NotesAkseptasi Bersyarat [Syarat-syarat yang menyebabkan

    pemegang wesel dapat atau tidak dapat menguangkan wesel] qualified acceptance

    Akseptasi Dagang [Wesel ditarik oleh penjual atas pembeli

    yang diaksep oleh pembeli]frade acceptance

    akseptor [pihak tertarik yang mengakseptasi surat wesel] acceptor

    akses; jalan masuk access; entranceway; entryway

    aksesoris [dari pabrik lain]; perlengkapan tambahan

    [sebagai variasi atas barang yang sudah ada]

    aftermarket [e.g. There is a large aftermarket for replacement car parts]aksio pauliana [gugatan oleh kreditur untuk membatalkan

    perbuatan curang debitur yang merugikannya]actio pauliana

    akta deed

    akta cessie cessie deed

    akta di bawah tangan private deed

    akta ini dilangsungkan tanpa perubahan this deed was executed without any changes

    akta jual beli sale purchase deed

    Akta Notaris Notary Deed; Notarial Deed

    akta otentik (notariil) authentic deed (notarial)

    APH Akta Pelepasan Hak atas Tanah Deed of Relinquishment of Rights on Land

    Akta Pemberian Hak Jaminan Fidusia Deed of Granting of Fiduciary Guaranty Right

    APHT Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan Deed of Granting of Security Rights

    akta pemindahan hak atas saham deed of transfer of shares

    Akta Pemindahan Hak Milik Mutlak Deed of Absolute Ownership Right Transfer

    Akta Pendirian Deed of Establishment; Articles of Incorporation

    akta pengakuan dan pengesahan anak Deed of acknowledgement and legitimation of a child

    Akta Pengalihan Saham; Akta Pengalihan Hak atas

    SahamShare Transfer Deed; Deed of Transfer of Shares

    akta pengangkatan pengurus management appointment deed

    akta pengesahan badan hukum certificate of incorporation

    Akta Pengikatan Contract Deed

    akta penyerahan kepada wali amanat deed of trust

    akta yang dibuat di bawah tangan privately drawn up deed

    akte see akta

    aktifa assets [see aktiva]

    aktiva assets

    aktiva bersih net assets

    aktiva berwujud tangible assets

    aktiva berwujud yang bergerak movable tangible assets

    aktiva di bawah jaminan underlying assets

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    aktiva jaminan [aktiva dalam bentuk properti, surat berharga

    atau harta lain yang telah terikat sebagai jaminan untuk

    mendukung penerbitan obligasi, surat utang, pinjaman]

    pledge asset

    aktiva keuangan financial assets

    aktiva lancar [Aktiva yang dapat dicairkan dalam waktu paling

    lama satu tahun. Terdiri dari kas, bank dan aktiva lainya yang

    mudah ditukarkan seperti tagihan lancar, surat berharga, dan lain-


    current assets

    aktiva modal capital asset

    aktiva neraca balance sheet assets

    aktiva non produktif non-earning assets

    aktiva pajak ditangguhkan deferred tax assets

    aktiva pajak tangguhan deferred tax assets

    aktiva produktif earning assets

    aktiva produktif bermasalah adversely classified assets

    aktiva sangat lancar quick assets

    aktiva setara kas near-cash assets

    aktiva tak berwujud intangible assets

    aktiva terklasifikasi classified assets

    aktiva tetap - setelah dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan fixed assets - net of accumulated depreciation

    aktiva tetap [Gedung serta mesin-mesin] fixed assets

    aktiva tidak lancar non-current asset

    aktiva tidak lancar noncurrent assets

    aktiva yang produktif productive assets

    aktuaris; aktuari [Ahli statistik yang bertugas menghitung

    besarnya dana asuransi dan preminya ]

    actuary [I.e. someone who advises insurance companies on how much to

    charge for insurance, after calculating the various risks]

    akuisisi dibayar dengan saham stock based acquisition

    akuisisi dibayar tunai cash based acquisition

    akumulasiaccumulation [profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the

    capital base of the corporation]

    akumulasi penyusutan accummulated depreciation

    akun account

    akun ajun adjunct account

    akun diakui [Jumlah yang diakui oleh suatu pihak sebagai

    jawaban atas pemintaan penegasan pihak lain]account stated

    Akun Penerima [Kata atau frasa yang lazimnya dicantumkan

    dalam crossing cek untuk pengamanan dalam penyelesaian

    pembayaran, misalnya untuk kredit rekening]

    account payee

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  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    akun pihak ketiga [akun pada bank asing dalam valuta asing

    atas nama nasabah bank tersebut]loro account

    akun tidak aktif dormant account

    akuntanaccountant; bean-counter [e.g. We asked the bean-counters to look over

    the figures in the new budget]

    akuntan luar external accountant

    akuntansi untuk transaksi-transaski yang tidak tercatat

    dalam laporan keuanganoff-the-books accounting

    alamat setiap lokasi yang dicari di internet Uniform Resource Locators URL

    Alas Hak document of entitlement


    case; but/buts ['I don't want to hear any buts,' Jo snapped; He is the best

    player - no ifs, ands, or buts about that]; out [I'm busy on Sunday, so that gives

    me an out]

    alasan aksi cause of action

    alasan kuat sound reasons

    alasan yang cukup [untuk disidangkan] probable cause

    alat device

    Alat Bantu Digital Pribadi Personal Digital Assisstant PDA

    alat bayar yang sah legal tender

    alat dengar listening device

    alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim; spiral Intra Uterine Device IUD

    alat las welding apparatus

    alat pelacak tracking device

    alat pembayaran payment instrument; means of payment

    alat pemeras [untuk industri makanan/minuman] dehydrator [for food and beverage industry]

    alat pemutus arus cutout

    alat pengamat optikal optical surveillance device

    alat pengamatan data data surveillance device

    alat pengangkut transporter

    alat pengeruk dredging machine

    alat penghancur sampah compactor

    alat pengukur tekanan udara air pressure gauge

    alat pertukaran medium of exchange

    alat ukur, takar, timbang dan perlengkapannya measuring, weighing, balancing tools, and accessories

    alat/cara kontrasepsi contraceptive device/method

    alat-alat lalu lintas pembayaran giral clearing payment instruments

    alat-alat likwide liquid instruments

    alat-alat pembayaran payment instruments

    alat-alat peraga visuals

    alat-alat rumahtangga household appliance

    alat-alat sambungan connection assets

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    alat-alat yang namanya tidak diketahui; suatu barang yang

    seolah-olah akan dihasilkan

    widget [e.g. a row of widgets on the instrument panel; Company A produces

    6000 widgets a month at a unit price of $0.33]

    alat-alat/barang-barang modal capital equipment/goods

    algoritma optimalisasi matematis mathematical optimization algorithm

    alias; biasa dipanggil also known as [e.g. John Phillips, aka The Mississippi Mauler] aka

    alih milik repossession

    alih teknologi technology transfer

    aliran gas gas flow

    aliran tenaga listrik optimal dengan hambatan keamanan security-constrained optimal power flow

    APPDT Alokasi Pemukiman Penduduk Daerah Transmigrasi transmigration area population resettlement allocation [program]

    alterasi alteration

    alterasi potasik potassic alteration

    alternatif terbaik jika tidak tercapai kesepakatan Best Alternative to No Agreement BATNA

    aluminium oksida corundum

    alunan ebb and flow [e.g. I relaxed into the ebb and flow of the music]

    amanat mandate, instruction, permission

    AA Amanat Anggaran Budgetary Mandate

    AA Menhankam Amanat Anggaran Menteri Pertahanan & Keamanan Minister of Defense & Security Budgetary Mandate

    amanat buka bursa [Amanat jual beli efek yang harus

    dilaksanakan pada saat pembukaan penawaran]at the opening order

    amanat cek messageamanat ganda [Amanat beli efek hanya dilaksanakan bila

    amanat jual efek lain juga dapat dilaksanakan]contingent order

    amanat jadi atau tidak all or none orderamanat mingguan [Amanat beli dan atau amanat jual yang

    hanya berlaku dalam satu minggu (sampai hari jumat di dalam a week order

    Amanat Pembangunan Presiden President's Message of Development

    Amanat Pembatasan Kerugian stop loss order

    Ampera Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat People's Message of Suffering

    Amanat penjualan sekuritas dengan harga yang tak dapat

    ditawar fill or kill

    amanat sebulan [Amanat beli dan atau amanat jual atau beli

    yang hanya berlaku sampai hari bursa yang terakhir di dalam

    bulan amanat diberikan]

    a month order

    amanat sehari [Amanat jual beli sekuritas yang hanya berlaku

    pada hari amanat diberikan. Kalau tidak terlaksana pada hari itu

    berarti batal]

    day order

    amanat silang [Amanat yang diberikan kepada broker untuk

    menjual dan membeli efek yang sama]crossing order

    amanat terbatas [Amanat jual/beli efek tertentu dari suatu

    perusahaan yang dilaksanakan pada batas harga yang limit order

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.amanat tutup bursa [Amanat jual beli efek yang harus

    dilaksanakan sesaat menjelang penutupan bursa berbunyi]at the close order

    amanat/pidato presiden president's address

    amar (putusan); diktum [isi dari putusan pengadilan] decision; verdict

    ambang batas cut-offambil posisi [pembelian satu lot saham tertentu oleh pialang

    untuk dijual kembali saat harga saham tersebut naik]take a position

    amdal environmental quality threshold

    amicus curiae [penasihat mengenai masalah hukum dalam

    pengadilan yang bukan merupakan pihak dalam kasus tersebut;

    umumnya adalah seseorang yang ingin mempengaruhi hasil

    gugatan yang melibatkan kepentingan khalayak luas]

    amicus curiae (friend of the court) [an adviser to the court on some matter

    of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence

    the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest]

    amortisasi [Pelunasan utang dengan angsuran berkala;

    Penyusutan atas aktiva berwujud atau tidak berwujud seperti amortisation; amortisement

    anak judul; judul tambahan subheading; subtitle

    anak keempat perempuan kembar kedua fourth child, second of twin daughters; the fifth child, a daughter

    (second twin)

    anak keempat perempuan kembar kesatu fourth child, first of twin daughters; 'the fourth child, a daughter (first


    anak perusahaan subsidiary (if fully owned); affiliate (if partly owned)

    ANDAL Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Environmental Impact Statement

    AMDAL Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Environmental Impact Assessment

    ancaman pidana criminal sanction

    ancaman yang tersirat implied threat

    Anda dengan ini setujui untuk memberikan ganti rugi dan

    membebaskan___ dari dan terhadap setiap klaim, biaya,

    tuntutan, kerugian, pertanggungjawaban, kehilangan,

    ongkos, dan pertanggungjawaban dalam bentuk dan yang

    timbul dengan cara apapun (termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada

    setiap biaya hukum atau biaya lain untuk tenaga ahli dan biaya

    untuk membela atau menuntut setiap klaim dan kerugian,

    muhibah, serta setiap kerugian langsung lainnya) yang timbul

    atau diderita oleh ___ atas setiap tindakan atau penghilangan

    yang anda lakukan atas pelanggaran syarat-syarat dan

    kewajiban serta jaminan yang tercantum di dalamnya.

    You hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless ___ from and against any

    and all claims, charges, demands, damages, liabilities, losses, expenses,

    and liabilities of whatever nature and howsoever arising (including but not

    limited to any legal or other professional fees and the costs of defending or

    prosecuting any claim and any loss of profit, goodwill, and any other direct or

    consequential loss) incurred or suffered by ___ directly or indirectly by reason

    of any act or omission which you commit in breach of these terms and

    conditions and the obligations and warranties contained in them

    andesit andesite

    aneka various; miscellaneous

    aneka ragam; keanekaragaman diversity [a diversity of opinions]

    anggaran berimbang balanced budget

    anggaran biaya cost budget

    Anggaran Dasar Articles of Association

    anggaran dasar charters

    anggaran kas cash budget

    APBD Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    Anggaran pendapatan dan belanja ditetapkan tiap-tiap tahun

    dengan undang-undang. Apabila Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat tidak

    menyetujui anggaran yang diusulkan pemerintah, maka

    pemerintah menjalankan anggaran tahun yang lalu

    The annual state budget shall be sanctioned by law. In the event that the

    House of Representatives does not approve a draft budget, the government

    shall adopt the budget of the preceding year.

    APBN Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara State Revenues and Expenditures Budget; State Budget

    anggaran rumah tangga by-laws

    anggaran rumah tangga rules of association

    Anggaran untuk melaksanakan tugas kegiatan promosi,

    bimbingan dan penyuluhan investasi termasuk pengiriman

    dokumen aplikasi investasi dibebankan kepada anggaran

    promosi rutin baik di Perwakilan RI dan anggaran Promosi

    Pemerintah Pusat

    The budget for the implementation of the tasks related to the activities of

    promotion, guidance and counseling on investments, including the dispatch of

    documents of investment applications, shall be charged to the routine

    promotional budget of the representative of the Republic of Indonesia and the

    promotional budget of the central government

    anggota member

    Anggota Direksi dapat diberikan gaji atau tunjangan-tunjangan

    dalam jumlah sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Rapat Umum

    Pemegang Saham dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dapat

    mendelegasikan kewenangan tersebut kepada Dewan Komisaris

    The members of the Board of Directors can be granted salary and/or

    remuneration in the amount determined by the General Meeting of

    Shareholders and the General Meeting of Shareholders may delegate such

    authority to the Board of Commissioners

    Anggota Komisaris dapat diberi gaji dan/atau tunjangan yang

    jumlahnya ditentukan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

    Members of the Commissioners may be granted salaries and/or allowances,

    the amount of which shall be determined by the General Meeting of


    Anggota Komisaris diangkat oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang

    Saham untuk jangka waktu 4 (empat) tahun dengan tidak

    mengurangi hak Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham untuk

    memberhentikan sewaktu-waktu

    Members of the Commissioners shall be appointed by the General Meeting of

    Shareholders for a term of 4 (four) years, without prejudice to the right of the

    General Meeting of Shareholders to dismiss them at any time

    anggota parlemen legislator

    anggota parlemen parliamentarian

    anggota penanam modal investing member

    anggota peserta participating member

    anggota rumah tangga household members

    Anggota-anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat berhak

    memajukan rancangan undang-undang

    Members of the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat have the right to submit a


    anggukan setuju affirmative nod

    angin topan windstorm

    angka figure

    Angka Beban Tanggungan Dependency Ratio

    Angka Buta Huruf Illiteracy Ratio

    angka dalam neracabottom line [I.e. the total, the final figure on a balance sheet. e.g. When they

    examined the bottom line of the company they decided not to invest in it]

    Angka Harapan Hidup pada Waktu Lahir Life Expectancy at Birth

    angka kelahiran birth rate

    Angka Kelahiran menurut Kelompok Umur Age Specific Fertility Rate

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    Angka Kelahiran Total Total Fertility Rate

    Angka Kematian Bayi Infant Mortality Rate

    angka ketidakhadiran absenteeism

    Angka Partisipasi Kasar Gross Enrolment Ratio GER

    APE Angka Pengenal Ekspor Export Identification Number

    APES Angka Pengenal Ekspor Sementara Temporary Export Identification Number

    API Angka Pengenal Importir Importer's Identification Number

    APIS Angka Pengenal Importir Sementara Temporary Importer's Identification Number

    APIT Angka Pengenal Importir Terbatas Limited Importer's Identification Number

    API-U Angka Pengenal Importir Umum General Importer's Identification Number

    angka perkiraan; estimasiball park figure [e.g. The contractor gave us a ball park figure for the cost of

    repairing the new building]

    Angka Putus Sekolah Drop Out Rate

    angka tunggal [di bawah angka 10]single figures [e.g. Interest rates have stayed in single figures for over a year


    ABRI Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia Armed Forces of The Republic of Indonesia; The Indonesian Armed Forces

    ADRI Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia Indonesian Army

    angkatan kerja labor force

    ALRI Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia Indonesian Navy

    AURI Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia Indonesian Air Force

    angkutan laut sea transport

    angkutan penyeberangan ferry transportation

    angkutan sungai/danau dan penyeberangan river and lake transport

    angkutan udara air transport

    Angkutan udara niaga berjadwal/tidak berjadwal Regular/non-regular commercial airliners

    angsuran kembung ballon payment

    angsuran pajak tax installment

    angsuran pelunasan installment

    angsuran tetap flat rate

    angsuran tidak tercatat missing payment

    anjak piutang [Badan usaha yang melakukan kegiatan

    pembiayaan dalam bentuk pembelian dan atau pengalihan serta

    pengurusan piutang atau tagihan jangka pendek suatu

    perusahaan dari transaksi perdagangan dalam atau luar negeri]

    factoring; factoring company

    Anjungan Tunai Mandiri Automated Teller Machine ATM

    anjuran; nasihat suggestion; advice; counsel

    anomali; kejanggalan anomaly [e.g. various anomalies in the tax system]

    anotasi; catatan; keterangan annotation

    antar bank interbank

    antar daerah interregional

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  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    antar suku interracial

    antara laininter alia [The paper discussed, inter alia, political, economic, and social

    issues]; among others

    antaran tegangan tinggi high tension feeder

    antitesis antithesis

    anuitas [Sutau cara pembayaran kewajiban selama jangka

    waktu tertentu dalam jumlah yang sama]

    anuity [I.e. a fixed amount of money that is paid each year to someone, usually

    until they die]

    anuitas bertanggun [Anuitas dengan pembayaran yang akan

    dimulai pada waktu tertentu di waktu yang akan datang]

    deferred annuity

    anuitas tak terduga [pembayaran tahunan yang frekuensi atau

    jangka waktu pembayarannya dilakukan apabila terjadi peristiwa

    yang tidak pasti]

    contingent annuity

    apa yang diperbolehkan oleh peraturan yang baru itu? what's allowable under the new regulation?

    Apabila dikeluarkan surat saham, untuk setiap saham

    dikeluarkan satu surat saham

    If share certificates are issued, then for each share shall be issued a share


    Apabila diperlukan dan anggaran memungkinkan serta setelah

    mendapat persetujuan Departemen Luar Negeri, Kantor Menteri

    Negara Investasi/Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal

    dapat menugaskan seorang pejabat investasi pada Perwakilan

    Republik Indonesia tertentu

    If necessary and if the budget allows it and/or approval has been obtained from

    the Foreign Ministry, the office of the State Minister for Investments/the

    Investment Coordinating Board may assign an investment official at a certain

    representative of the Republic of Indonesia

    Apabila jumlah dana cadangan melebihi jumlah yang telah

    ditentukan tersebut, maka Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

    dapat memutuskan bagaimana dana cadangan yang melebihi

    jumlah tersebut digunakan bagi keperluan Perseroan

    If the reserve fund exceeds the said minimum amount, then a General Meeting

    of Shareholders may decide how the excess amount shall be used for the

    Company's requirements

    Apabila oleh suatu sebab jabatan anggota Komisaris lowong,

    maka dalam jangka waktu selambat-lambatnya 30 (tigapuluh)

    hari setelah terjadinya lowongan, harus diselenggarakan Rapat

    Umum Pemegang Saham untuk mengisi lowongan itu dengan

    memperhatikan ketentuan ayat 2 pasal ini

    If for any reason the office of a member of the Commissioners becomes

    vacant, then within a period of at least 30 (thirty) days after such vacancy

    occurs, a General Meeting of Shareholders shall be convened to fill such

    vacancy with due observance of the provision in paragraph 2 of this article

    Apabila saham karena sebab apapun menjadi milik beberapa

    orang, maka mereka yang memiliki bersama-sama itu diwajibkan

    untuk menunjuk seorang di antara mereka atau seorang lain

    sebagai kuasa mereka bersama dan yang ditunjuk atau diberi

    kuasa itu sajalah yang berhak mempergunakan hak yang

    diberikan oleh hukum atas saham tersebut

    If a share for any reason whatsoever becomes the property of several persons,

    those who have joint ownership shall appoint one person amongst them or

    another person as their joint representative, and only the person so appointed

    or authorized shall be entitled to exercise the right conferred by law upon such


    Apabila saudara hendak menghubungi kami atau apabila ada

    yang dapat kami bantu dalam hal ini harap menghubungi kami.

    Please feel free to contact us if we may be of any further assistance in this


    Apabila setelah dilakukan penawaran tetapi sebelum berakhirnya

    jangka waktu 14 (empat belas) hari, ternyata masih ada sisa

    saham yang belum diambil bagian, maka Direksi berhak

    menawarkan sisa saham tersebut kepada Pemegang Saham

    yang masih berminat

    If, after the offer is carried out but prior to the expiration of the 14 (fourteen) day

    period, there are shares that have not been subscribed, the Board of Directors

    is entitled to offer such shares to other interested Shareholders

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    Apabila suara yang setuju dan tidak setuju berimbang, maka

    usul yang bersangkutan dianggap ditolak, kecuali mengenai diri

    orang dilakukan dengan undian.

    In the event of the tie vote the proposal shall be deemed to be defeated, except

    when it concerns person, it shall be done by ballots

    apabila surat saham rusak atau tidak dapat dipakai lagi, maka

    atas permintaan mereka yang berkepentingan Direksi akan

    mengeluarkan surat saham pengganti

    if a share certificate is damaged or unusable then the Board of Directors shall,

    upon request of a relevant party, issue a replacement of share certificate

    Apabila surat saham rusak atau tidak dapat dipakai lagi, maka

    Direksi atas permintaan Pemegang Saham yang berkepentingan

    dan atas penyerahan dari surat saham yang asli atau bagian

    yang rusak kepada Direksi akan mengeluarkan surat saham


    If a share certificate is damaged or unusable, then the Board of Directors shall,

    at the request of the Shareholder concerned and upon surrender of the original

    certificate or the damaged portion thereof to the Board of Directors, issue a

    duplicate share certificate

    apabila tidak otherwise

    apapun yang terjadi come what may

    apapun yang terjadi; bagaimanapun juga [tidak]; dilarang

    under no circumstances/condition [e.g. Under no circumstances was she

    willing to to help]; whether or no; in no case [e.g. He should in no case be

    allowed to get up until he has completely recovered from his illness]

    aparat keamanan security apparatus

    aplikasi buku cek application for cheque book

    apoteker chemist; pharmacist

    apresiasi [Kenaikan nilai dari suatu aktiva seperti saham,

    obligasi, komoditi atau real estate]appreciation [e.g. an appreciation of 50% in property values]

    apungan [Bagian emisi sekuritas yang belum terjual] float

    arahan direction

    Arbitrase [Pengambilan keuntungan dari perbedaan harga

    barang, surat berharga, atau valuta asing yang terjadi di pasar

    yang berbeda]


    arbitrasi wesel arbitration for exchange

    argumentasi yang meyakinkan compelling case [e.g. You make a very compelling case]

    arsip archives

    arti sebenarnyaliteral meaning/sense/interpretation [e.g. A trade war is not a war in the

    literal sense]

    arti; arti pentingsignificance [e.g. Could you explain the significance of this part of the

    contract?; It is impossible to over-estimate the significance of this major


    arus bawah undertow [The dangerous undertow means that swimming is not allowed]

    arus bolak balik alternating current AC

    arus kas terdiskonto discounted cash flow

    Arus Modal Jangka Pendek Short term capital flow

    arus modal keluar dan masuk capital inflows and ouflows

    arus uang cashflow

    arus uang kas tambahan incremental cash flow

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

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    asal jadi haphazard

    asal usul [orang tua]parentage [He was born in France in 1670 of unknown parentage (=nobody

    knows who his parents were)]

    asal-usul origin; descent

    Asas Banding Appelate Review

    asas perlakuan timbal balik principle of reciprocity

    asas praduga tak bersalah the principle of presumption of innocence

    asas retroaktif the retroactive principle

    asas subrogasi [prinsip yang menyatakan bahwa penanggung

    berhak mendapatkan pembayaran kembali atas ganti rugi yang

    telah diberikan penanggung kepada kreditur]

    principle of subrogation

    ANEX ASEAN News Exchange ASEAN News Exchange

    aset keuangan financial assets

    aset tidur dead asset

    asisten ketataprajaan public administration assistant

    Aslog Asisten Logistik Assistant for Logistic Affairs

    asisten; ajun; pembantu adjunct

    AAI Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia Indonesian Advocates' Association

    ASBALI Asosiasi Balai Lelang Indonesia Indonesian Auctionhouse Association

    AEI Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia Indonesian Issuer Companies Association

    AKI Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia Indonesian Contractors' Association

    APJK Asosiasi Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Construction Services Development Association

    APHI Asosiasi Pengusaha Hutan Indonesia Association of Indonesian Forest Concessionaires

    Asosiasi Penjamin Emisi Indonesia Indonesian Stock Issue Underwriters Association

    APEI Asosiasi Perusahaan Efek Indonesia Indonesian Securities Companies Association

    ASITA Asosiasi Perusahaan Perjalanan Indonesia Association of Indonesian Travel Companies

    Asosiasi Timeshare Indonesia Indonesian Timeshare Association

    Asosiasi Wakil Penjamin Emisi Indonesia The Association of Representatives of Indonesian Stock Issue Underwriters

    Asosiasi Wakil Perantara Perdagangan Uang dan Efek The Association of Representatives of Money and Stock Trading Agents

    aspal alam natural asphalt

    asrama dormitory; residence hall

    assosiasi pasar bulion London London Bullion Market Association LBMA

    asuransi insurance

    asuransi berlebih overinsurance

    Asuransi Dana Pensiun Pension Fund Insurance

    asuransi ekspor export insurance

    asuransi jiwa life insurance

    asuransi jiwa berjangka term life insurance

    asuransi jiwa utuh whole life insurance

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    asuransi kecelakaan accident insurance; casualty insurance

    asuransi kematian death insurance

    asuransi kerugian loss insurance

    Askes Asuransi Kesehatan state-owned health insurance company

    Asuransi Kompensasi Pekerja Workers Compensation Insurance

    asuransi kurang [asuransi yang ditutup dengan nilai

    tanggungan yang lebih rendah daripada nilai barang atau jumlah



    asuransi sosial social insurance asuransi tanggung gugat; asuransi pihak ketiga [asuransi

    mengenai pertanggungan risiko karena bahaya tuntutan ganti liability insurance

    asuransinya sudah lewat waktunya his insurance has lapsed

    atas beban for account of

    Atas berkat rahmat Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dan dengan

    didorong oleh keinginan luhur supaya berkehidupan kebangsaan

    yang bebas, maka rakyat Indonesia menyatakan dengan ini


    By the grace of God Almighty and impelled by the noble desire to live a free

    national life, the people of Indonesia hereby declare their independence

    atas biayanya sendiri at its own cost; at its own expense; at its sole cost

    atas dasar prioritas (?) preferential basis

    atas kebijaksanaan at the discretion of

    atas kegagalan membayar kembali over failure to repay

    atas nama on behalf of; in the name of

    atas pendapat X sendiri in Xs sole opinion

    atas permintaan at the request of; by request of; on application

    atas permintaan kepadaon request to [All records are available for inspection to members of the

    Board on request to the Secretary]

    atas risiko at the risk of

    atas tuduhan on charges of

    atas tunjuk at sight

    atas wewenang sendiridiscretionary [not controlled by strict rules, but decided on by someone in a

    position of authority. E.g. the court's discretionary powers

    atasan langsung immediate superior

    Atasan Langsung Bendaharawan Immediate Superiors of Treasurers

    atau and/or; or

    atau lebihor so [We have to leave in five minutes or so; I stopped reading after thirty or

    so pages]

    atau para pengganti haknya atau yang ditunjuknya

    sehubungan dengan Hutangor its successors and assigns with respect to the Debts

    atau sebaliknya or the reverse

    atau sejenis dengan itu or the like

    atau tidakor otherwise [e.g. We welcome any comments from viewers, favourable or


    Bahar and Partners Glossary

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    atau untuk meneliti sifat atau cukup tidaknya pembayaran or to make any inquiry as to the nature or sufficiency of any payment

    ates [pernyataan tertulis di bawah sumpah untuk menjadi saksi

    di pengadilan]attest

    atraksi/hiburan attraction and entertainment

    Aturan & Prosedur Rules & Procedures

    Aturan Bea Meterai Stamp Duty Regulation

    aturan tingkah laku code of conduct

    aturan-aturan / pedoman-pedoman rules of conduct

    Auditor Penyidik Investigative Auditor

    aval; jaminan surat wesel aval

    avgas aviation gasoline

    avtur aviation turbine fuel

    awet muda ageless

    ayam petelur egg-laying chicken

    ayam potong meat-producing chicken

    Ayam Ras Superior Breed Chicken

    ayat paragraph

    ayat terakhir concluding paragraph

    Azas Akuntabilitas The Principle of Accountability

    Azas Kepastian Hukum The Principle of Legal Certainty

    Azas Kepentingan Umum The Principle of Public Interest

    Azas Keterbukaan The Principle of Disclosure

    Azas Profesionalitas The Principle of Professionalism

    Azas Proporsionalitas The Principle of Proportionality

    Azas Tertib Penyelenggaraan Negara The Principle of Orderly State Governance

    babak penyisihan qualifying round

    badai storm; tempest [insurance]

    badan body/entity

    BAKN Badan Administrasi Kepegawaian Negara Civil Service Administration Agency; [Institute of State Personnel

    Administration]BANI Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia Indonesian National Board of Arbitration

    badan hukum legal entity

    badan keagamaan religious organization

    Badan Kepegawaian Negara State Civil Servant Agency

    BKKBN Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional National Family Planning Board

    Badan Koordinasi Pemberantasan Uang Palsu Coordinating Board for Counterfeit Money Eradication

    BKPM Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Capital Investment Coordinating Board

    BKPMD Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah Regional Capital Investment Coordinating Board

    BMG Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Meteorology and Geophysics Agency

    Badan Musyawarah Kampung Village Consultative Board

    Badan Otorita Authority

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

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    Badan Pekerja Working Committee

    Badan Pelaksana Pasar Modal Capital Markets Implementation Agencybadan pembayaran dividen [Bank atau badan yang bertugas

    membayar dividen kepada pemegang saham]dividend disbursing agent

    Badan Pemberi Kredit Lending Agency

    badan pembiayaan financing agency

    BPHN Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional Agency for National Law Development

    BPPKA Badan Pembinaan Pengusahaan Kontraktor Asing Foreign Contractors' Business Development Board

    badan pembuat undang-undang legislature

    Badan Pemeriksa Audit Board

    BPK Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan State Audit Board

    BPKP Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Pertamina Pertamina's Financial Audit Board

    Badan Pemerintah Harian Daily Government Administration Agency

    Badan Pemerintahan Desa Rural Government Agency

    badan pendidikan educational organizations

    Badan Penetapan dan Pengendalian Penyediaan Prasarana dan

    Sarana Pekerjaan Umum

    The Board for the Stipulation and Management of the Provision of Public

    Works Infrastructure and Facilities

    BapekkiBadan penganalisa ekonomi, keuangan dan kerjasama

    internasional Economic Analysis, Finance and International Cooperation

    Badan Pengawas Supervisory Board

    BPOM Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency

    Bapepam Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal Capital Market Supervisory Board

    Bappebti Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditas Indonesian Commodities Exchange Agency

    BPKP Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan PembangunanAgency for Finance and Development Supervision; [Finance and

    Development Supervisory Board?]

    badan pengelola management agency

    BPAM Badan Pengelolaan Air Minum Drinking Water Management Agency

    Bapelda Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah Regional Environmental Management Board

    Bapedal Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan Environmental Impact Management Board

    Bapedalda Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan Daerah Regional Environmental Impact Management Board

    BPPT Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

    BPPC Badan Penyangga dan Pemasar Cengkeh Clove Buffer and Marketing Agency

    badan penyantun board of governors

    BPPN Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency IBRA

    Badan Penyelenggaraan Usaha Bonded Warehouse Bonded Warehouse Business Organization

    BPSK Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen Consumer Dispute Settlement Board CDSB

    BPSP Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Pajak Tax Dispute Settlement Board

    Badan Peradilan Hak-hak Asasi Manusia Propinsi Provincial Judicial Board for Human Rights

    Bappenas Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional National Development Planning Board

    Bappeda Badan Perencanaan Pengembangan Daerah Regional Development Planning Agency

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

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    BPKN Badan Perlindungan Konsumen Nasional National Consumer Protection Agency

    BPN Badan Pertanahan Nasional National Land Agency

    Badan Perwakilan Desa Rural Representative Assembly; Rural Assembly

    badan perwakilan negara asing foreign mission

    badan planologi planology board

    badan reserse kriminal polri criminal investigation department of the national police

    badan sosial social organization

    BULOG Badan Urusan Logistik Logistic Affairs Board

    BUPLN Badan Urusan Piutang dan Lelang Negara State Receivables and Auction Affairs Agency

    badan usaha corporate body

    badan usaha business entity

    BUMD Badan Usaha Milik Daerah regional government-owned enterprise

    BUMN Badan Usaha Milik Negara state-owned enterprise SOE

    Badan Usaha Milik Swasta Nasional National Private Enterprises

    Badan Usaha Miliki Desa Village-Owned Enterprise

    BUUD Badan Usaha Unit Desa Village Unit Enterprise

    badan yang diamanatkan oleh undang-undang statutory body

    bagaimanapun juga on/under any condition; by all accounts

    baganchart [information that is clearly arranged in the form of a simple picture, sets

    of figures, graph etc, or a piece of paper with this information on it: a flow chart bagi hasil profit sharing

    Bagi kepentingan for the benefit of; for the interest of

    bagian section

    bagian [dari suatu kelompok] arm [e.g. Epson America is the US marketing arm of a Japanese company]

    bagian administrasi back office

    bagian akunting accounts [e.g. Eileen works in accounts]

    Bagian Bagi Hasil Bukan Pajak Portion of Non-Tax Receipts

    Bagian dari laba Perseroan yang disediakan untuk dana

    cadangan ditentukan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

    dengan mengindahkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang


    A part of the Company's net profits designated for a reserve fund shall be

    stipulated by a General Meeting of Shareholders, with due observance of

    applicable prevailing law

    Bagian Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan Divisions of forest management units

    Bagian Laba BUMD Profit Portion of BUMD

    Bagian Lalu Lintas Pembayaran Giral Checking Account Payment Trading Unit

    Bagian Laporan Posisi Devisa BI Foreign Exchange Position Report Division of BI

    Bagian Pembinaan Bank-bank Bank Development Division

    Bagian Pembukuan Book-keeping division

    Bagian Perencanaan Kredit Credit Planning Division

    bagian properti yang disewakan kepada penyewa demised premise [I.e. The part of a property which is leased to a tenant]

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

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    bagian utama; inti sari keynote [e.g. Stability was the keynote of the reign of Queen Mary]

    bahan bakar fuel [Coal is one of the cheapest fuels]

    bahan bakar briket batu bara fuel briquette coal

    Bahan Bakar Kapal Laut dan Pesawat Terbang Marine/Aviation Bunkers

    BBM Bahan Bakar Minyak fuel oil

    Bahan Bakar Minyak Berkadar Ringan Light Fuel Oil

    bahan baku raw materials

    BBS Bahan Baku Serpih small diameter pulpwood

    B3 Bahan berbahaya dan beracun Hazardous and Toxic Materials

    bahan galianquarried materials; mined materials; extracted materials; excavated

    materials bahan jadi processed goods; finished goods

    bahan kimia khusus specialties chemicals

    bahan mata uang emas gold currency material

    bahan pembantu additional materials

    Bahan Pencemar Udara Airborne Contaminants

    Bahan Pengepak Barang Dunnage

    bahan penolong auxiliary material

    bahan yang berasal dari kayu wood [Her house was made of wood]

    bahasa language

    Bahasa - Perjanjian ini diatur dalam bahasa Inggris. Tidak ada

    terjemahan, jika ada, atas Perjanjian ini ke dalam bahasa

    Indonesia atau bahasa lainnya yang mempunyai kekuatan atau

    akibat hukum dalam menafsirkan Perjanjian ini. Tanpa

    mengesampingkan ketentuan tersebut, salah satu Pihak dapat

    membuat terjemahan atas Perjanjian ini ke dalam bahasa

    Indonesia untuk tujuan pelaksanaan Perjanjian ini, dan Pihak lain

    setuju bahwa terjemahan tersebut akan mengikatnya.

    Language - English is the governing language for the purpose of this

    Agreement. No translation, if any, of this Agreement into the Indonesian

    language or any other language shall be of any legal force or effect in the

    interpretation of this Agreement. Notwithstanding of the foregoing, a Party may

    commission a translation of this Agreement into the Indonesian language for

    the purpose of enforcement of this Agreement, and each of the other Parties

    agrees that such translation shall be binding upon it.

    Bahasa Asing foreign language

    Bahasa Daerah local language

    Bahasa Ibu mother tongue

    bahasa kode untuk membuat situs di internet Hypertext Markup Language HTML

    Bahasa Negara ialah Bahasa IndonesiaThe national language of Indonesia shall be the Bahasa Indonesia or the

    Indonesian language.

    bahasa yang terus terang blunt language

    bahaya khusus named peril

    bahaya pekerjaan occupational hazard

    bahkan sampai saat ini; sampai saat ini pun to this very day

    bahwa cita-cita dan tujuan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia

    adalah membangun masyarakat Indonesia yang adil, makmur,

    dan sejahtera berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang

    Dasar 1945

    that the aspirations and objective of the Unitary State of the Republic of

    Indonesia is to develop Indonesian people justly, prosperously, and securely

    based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

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    bahwa dalam menghadapi globalisasi ekonomi yang disertai

    dengan langkanya dana investasi dan ketatnya persaingan

    dalam menarik investasi asing, maka diperlukan suatu upaya

    tertentu yang lebih terarah dan terpadu untuk menarik investasi

    ke Indonesia

    that in facing the economic globalization coupled with a scarcity of investment

    funds and tight competition in luring foreign investments, it is necessary to

    make certain efforts in a more directed and integrated manner to attract

    investments to Indonesia

    bahwa keterangan yang akan saya berikan adalah benar,

    sepenuhnya dan seutuhnya

    that the evidence I shall give in this case shall be the truth, the whole

    truth and nothing but the truth

    bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia adalah negara hukum

    berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar 1945,

    menjamin perwujudan tata kehidupan negara dan bangsa yang

    adil dan sejahtera, aman, tenteram dan tertib, serta menjamin

    kedudukan hukum yang sama bagi warga masyarakat

    Whereas the Republic of Indonesia is a legal state founded on Pancasila and

    the 1945 Constitution, guaranteeing the realization of a way of life for the

    country and the nation that is fair and prosperous, safe, peaceful and orderly,

    and guaranteeing equal legal status for all members of society

    bahwa Perjanjian ini telah ditandatangani secara sah oleh

    Penjual serta merupakan kewajiban yang sah dan mengikat

    berdasarkan hukum

    that this Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by the

    Seller and constitutes the legal, valid and legally binding obligations of the


    bahwa Saham tidak sedang dalam proses pengadilan atau tidak

    sedang menungggu keputusan pengadilan, atau berdasarkan

    pengetahuan Penjual, hal tersebut tidak sedang direncanakan

    terhadap atau terkait dengan Saham, demikian pula Penjual

    tidak mengetahui atau mempunyai dasar-dasar yang wajar untuk

    mengetahui setiap dasar atas dilakukannya tindakan demikian,

    atau atas setiap penyelidikan pemerintah yang secara material

    merugikan Saham

    that there is no litigation or proceedings pending, or to the Sellers knowledge,

    threatened against or relating to the Shares, nor does the Seller know or have

    reasonable grounds to know of any basis for any such action, or of any material

    and adverse governmental investigation relating to the Shares

    bahwa Saham yang akan dialihkan oleh Penjual kepada Pembeli

    sesuai dengan Perjanjian ini telah sepenuhnya dibayar dan tidak

    pernah dialihkan, dijual atau digadaikan kepada pihak lain

    manapun, bebas dari setiap pembebanan, tidak terlibat dalam

    setiap proses pengadilan, dan tidak sedang disita dengan cara


    that the Shares to be transferred by the Seller to the Purchaser pursuant to this

    Agreement have been fully paid up and have not been assigned, sold or

    pledged to any other party and are free and clear from any encumbrance, are

    not involved in any judicial proceeding, and are not being seized in any way

    bahwa salah satu tugas pokok Departemen Luar Negeri adalah

    melaksanakan hubungan ekonomi luar negeri termasuk kegiatan

    promosi investasi di Perwakilan Republik Indonesia

    that one of the main tasks of the foreign ministry is implementing foreign

    economic relations, including the activities of promoting investments at the

    representatives of the Republic of Indonesia

    Bahwa sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa

    dan oleh sebab itu, maka penjajahan di atas dunia harus

    dihapuskan, karena tidak sesuai dengan perikemanusiaan dan


    Whereas freedom is the inalienable right of all nations, colonialism must be

    abolished in this world, as it is not in conformity with humanity and justice

    Bahwa untuk kepentingan pemeriksaan dalam rangka penyidikan

    tindak pidana, perlu memanggil seseorang untuk didengar


    That for the purpose of the investigation in the framework of a criminal act

    investigation, it shall be necessary to summon a person to hear his/her


    bahwa untuk lebih meningkatkan penanaman modal asing ke

    Indonesia, dipandang perlu untuk memperluas ruang lingkup

    kerjasama antara Departemen Luar Negeri dan Kantor Menteri

    Negara Investasi/Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal

    that to better increase foreign investments in Indonesia, it is deemed necessary

    to expand the scope of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and

    the Office of the State Minister for Investments/ Investment Coordinating Board

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    baik untuk tanggungan sendiri maupun atas perhitungan

    pihak lain secara komisi

    whether on its own behalf or in the interest of another party based on


    baik; positif; nyaman favorable

    baja konstruksi structural steel

    baja tempa wrought steel

    baju itu cocok dengan kamu the dress compliments you

    baju kerja coveralls

    bak persneling; bak engkol; bak akselerator gear box

    bakat [dalam suatu bidang pekerjaan] vocation [for] [e.g. He has a vocation for teaching]

    baki debet debit tray

    baki debet pinjaman loan debit tray

    BHP Balai Harta Peninggalan probate court; chancery court; [Weeskamer]; [orphan chamber?]

    balai latihan kerja apprenticeship center

    balai pialang board room

    Balas Jasa Pegawai Compensation of Employees

    balik nama transfer of ownership; transfer of title

    balok silinder cylinder beam

    ban tahan pecah unburstable tyre

    bandar udara airport

    bandara (ke-an) porting

    bangsa yang majemuk diverse nation

    bangunan building; construction

    banjar hamlet/village-level organization

    banjir besar (great) floods

    BBKU bank beku kegiatan usaha frozen bank activity

    BBO Bank Beku Operasi Frozen Operational Bank; suspension bank

    bank bermasalah troubled bank

    bank campuran joint venture bank

    bank dagang merchant bank

    Bank Dagang dan Nelayan Trade and Fishermen Bank

    bank dalam pengawasan khusus special surveillance bank

    Bank Devisa foreign exchange bank; Forex Bank

    Bank Industri Negara State Industrial Bank

    Bank Kategori "A" Kelas Dunia World Class Schedule "A" Bank

    bank keliling mobile bank

    bank koperasi cooperative bank

    Bank Kustodian Custodial Bank

    bank mobil drive-in bank

    Bank Pelaksana Implementing Bank; Handling Bank; Ordering Bank

    Bank Pelapor Reporting Bank

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    Bank Pembangunan Development Bank

    BPD Bank Pembangunan Daerah Regional Development Bank

    Bank Pembayaran Payment Bank

    bank pemberi pinjaman istimewa preferred lender bank

    bank pembuka opening bank

    bank pembuka surat kredit berdokumen issuing bank; opening bank

    bank penagih collecting bank

    Bank Pencipta Uang Giral Deposit Money Bank

    bank penerbit bank of issue

    bank penerus advicing bank

    BPR Bank Perkreditan Rakyat rural bank; rural credit bank [?]

    bank persepsi receiving bank

    bank peserta kliring clearing participant bank

    bank pribumi indigenous bank

    bank syariah islamic banking

    bank tabungan [Bank yang dalam pengumpulan dananya

    terutama menerima simpanan dengan bentuk tabungan dan

    dalam usahanya terutama memperbungakan dananya dalam


    saving bank

    BTN Bank Tabungan Negara National Savings Bank

    Bank Tabungan Pos Postal Savings Bank

    Bank Tani dan Nelayan Farmers and Fishermen Bank

    bank terambil alih taken over bank; bank take over BTO

    Bank Terapung Floating Bank

    Bank tidak berkewajiban dan bertanggung jawab terhadap

    segala risiko yang timbulBank assumes no liability or responsible for any risks arising

    bank tunggal unit bank

    bank umum commercial bank

    Bank yang saat ini dibekukan now-defunct Bank

    bank; perusahaan; investasi asing offshore bank; company; investment etc [I.e. a bank etc that is based

    abroad in a country where you pay less tax than in your home country]

    bankir; pemimpin bank banker

    bantahandemurrer; denial; rebuttal [response to evidence presented by the other


    bantahan challenge

    bantahan/permohonan terdakwa defense motion for summary judgment

    Bantal Panjang Bolster

    bantuan aid; assistance; relief [e.g. a relief fund for refugees]

    BLBI Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support

    bantuan management management assistance

    bantuan penyelamatan bailout

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    BPTA Bantuan Penyelesaian Tugas Akhir Final Assignment Completion Assistance

    Bantuan Sosial Social Assistance Grants

    bantuan teknik technical assistance

    bantuan tenaga labor assistance

    banyak buruh dirumahkan many workers are laid off

    banyak pihak; bersama; gabunganmultilateral; consensual [e.g. Applicants for this post should be committed to

    consensual decision-making]

    banyak segi multifaceted; multi-faceted [The issues are complex and multi-faceted]

    BAPEKSTA BAPEKSTA - Keuangan Agency for Export Facilities Services and Financial Data Processing

    BAPEPAM berarti Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal sebagaimana

    dimaksud dalam UUPM

    BAPEPAM, shall mean the Capital Market Supervisory Board, as referred to in

    Law on Capital Market









    bara/sisa arang cinders

    barang goods; commodity

    barang (setengah) jadi kayu (semi-) finished wood products

    barang bergerak movable goods

    barang bergerak yang berwujud tangible movable assets

    barang bergerak yang tidak berwujud intangible movable assets

    barang bermutu rendah inferior goods

    barang berwujud tangible goods

    barang cinderamata souvenirs/gifts

    barang contoh samples

    barang dagangan commodities

    barang dalam keadaan tidak baru used goods

    barang dalam proses produksi goods in production process

    barang diplomatik diplomatic goods

    barang ekspor export goods; exported goods

    barang jadi finished products; processed goods

    Barang Kawasan Bonded Goods

    BKP barang kena pajak taxable goods

    Barang kiriman Consigned goods

    barang komplementer complementing goods

    Barang Konsumsi Consumer Goods

    Barang Konsumsi Masyarakat Public Consumption Goods

    barang obralan sale item

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    barang pameran exhibition goods

    barang pelintas batas border crossing goods

    barang pengembalian returned goods

    barang penumpang passengers' goods

    barang perbaikan goods under repair

    barang pindahan personal effects

    barang purbakala archeological items

    Barang setengah jadi Semi-finished product

    barang tidak bergerak immovable assets

    barang tidak berseri non-serialized goods

    barang untuk dijual lagi goods for resale

    Barang yang Bebas Ekpornya Export Free Goods

    Barang yang diatur expornya Export Controlled Goods

    Barang yang diawasi expornya Export Supervised Goods

    barang yang dijaminkan secured property

    barang yang dilarang ekspornya goods banned for export

    barang yang rusak defective or damaged goods

    barang; benda property

    barang-barang goods; property

    barang-barang dagangan commodities

    barang-barang jenis tertentu milik negara certain types of state-owned assets

    barang-barang milik negara state-owned assets

    barang-barang tak berwujud intangibles

    barang-barang wajib cukai goods subject to duty

    Barang-Barang Yang Diserahkan Haknya dalam Rangka

    Jamina FidusiaProperty Subject to Fiduciary Guaranty

    Barangsiapa melanggar setiap ketentuan pada bagian tujuh

    puluh tujuh akan dihukum dengan denda sebesar tidak lebih dari

    seratus dolar, atau hukuman penjara selama tidak lebih dari tiga

    puluh hari, atau kedua-keduanya.

    Whoever violates any provision of section seventy-seven shall be punished by

    a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more

    than thirty days, or both.

    Barangsiapa yang dengan melawan hukum tidak menghadap

    sesudah dipanggil menurut undang-undang dapat dituntut

    berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 216 KUHAP

    Whoever violates the law that does not appear after the summons shall be

    sanctioned by law pursuant to the provision of Article 216 of Criminal

    Procedure Code (KUHAP).

    barat daya southwest

    barat laut northwest

    baris line

    barisan orang banyak streams of people

    barter obligasi bond swap

    baru bara muda lignite

    batal canceled

    batal demi hukum void by law

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    batal menurut hukum legally null and void

    batang coran concrete (reinforcing) bar

    batang tubuh undang-undang corpus of law

    batangan ingot

    bataslimit; cap [e.g. a cap on local council spending]; realm [I suppose it's not

    beyond the realms of possibility]

    batas kredit credit ceiling

    BMPK Batas Maksimum Pemberian Kredit Maximum Credit Ceiling; legal lending limit

    batas pelaksanaan exercise limit

    batas resiko gabungan consolidated exposure limits

    batasan keamanan security limits

    Batasan Umum Investasi General Constraints on Investments

    batasan wewenang [pekerjaan/tanggung jawab]demarcation [e.g. There is no clear demarcation between the responsibilities

    of our two departments]batasan; pembatasan constraint; restriction; limitation

    batas-batas limitation(s); boundaries

    batimetri [pengukuran kedalaman laut] bathymetry [measuring the depths of the oceans]

    batu apung pumice

    batu asah whetstone [I.e. a stone used to make the blade of cutting tools sharp]

    batu bara kilapanthracite [I.e. a very hard type of coal that burns slowly and produces a lot of

    heat]batu bara kusam cannel coal

    batu bara muda bituminous coal

    batu bara pijar live coals

    batu gamping limestone [I.e. a type of rock that contains calcium]

    batu lempung claystone

    batu loncatan springboard

    batu mulia precious stone; gemstone

    batu pualam; marmer [merupakan batuan hasil proses

    metamorfosa atau malihan dari batu gamping]marble

    batu ujian touchstone; test case

    batuan dasar; lapisan tanah keras bedrock

    batuan instrusi injection rocks

    batuan metasedimen metasediment rock

    batubara coal

    batu-batuan breccia

    bauksit bauxite

    bauksit tercuci washed bauxite

    bayar atas perintah pay to order

    bayar atas unjuk pay to bearer

    bayar per telepon pay by phone

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    bayaran yang kecil jumlahnya nominal fee

    Bea [dan] CukaiCustoms and Excise [I.e. the agency that is responsible for collecting the tax

    on goods that are being bought or sold or have been brought into the country]

    BM Bea Masuk Import Duty

    Bea masuk dan bukti kepemilikan Duties and Evidence of Title

    bea masuk dumping yang mungkin tidak tertarik potential uncollected dumping duty PUDD

    BMT Bea Masuk TambahanAdditional Import Duty; Import Duty Surcharge [e.g. a 10% surcharge on

    airline tickets]

    bea materai stamp duty; duty stamp

    Bea Materai Kredit Credit Revenue Stamp Duty

    Bea Materai Kredit Duty on Acquisition of Rights to Land and Buildings

    bea pos postal rate

    bea siswa scholarship

    BKM Beasiswa Kerja Mahasiswa Student Internship Scholarship

    beban charge

    beban finansial financial burden

    beban mengambang floating charge

    beban pembuktian burden of proof

    Beban Pengimbang balancing charge

    beban pokok penjualan base cost of sales

    Beban Sosial Social Cost

    beban tetap dead load

    beban yang diijinkan admissable load

    beban yang ditangguhkan deferred charge

    beban yang melekat carrying chargebebas biaya ke atas kapal; bebas setelah dimuat [Cara

    penilaian barang yang dijual dalam perdagangan internasional di free on board FOB

    bebas biaya ke sisi kapal free alongside ship FAS

    bebas bunga interest-free [interest-free credit]

    bebas dari gadai atau jaminan free of any lien or encumbrance

    bebas dari hukuman; tanpa dihukumimpunity [e.g. Men used to be able to violently abuse their wives with almost

    total impunity]

    Bebas terhadap Kewajiban Disclaimer of Warranty

    bebas tugas relieved of duty

    Bebas Visa Kunjungan Singkat Short Visit Visa Exemption

    beberapa hari yang lalu the other day [e.g. the other day I ran into an old friend]

    bedil rifle

    begitulah such; so it is; that is the case

    begitulah kira-kira that is about the way it is

    bejana tekan pressure vessel

    bejana uap steam vessel

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    bekas sekolah; kampus alma mater

    bekas sungai former rivers

    bekerja working

    bekerja mati-matian; bekerja sekuat tenaga exert one's self [He has exerted himself tirelessly on behalf of the charity]

    bekerjasama dengan in cooperation with; in association with; together with

    belagu [sikap] high and mighty [Don't get high and mighty with me]

    belah ketupat rhombus

    belajar sambil mengerjakan learning-by-doing

    belanja expenditure

    Belanja Barang Purchases of Goods for Intermediate Consumption

    Belanja Pembangunan Development Expenditure

    Belanja Rutin Routine Expenditure

    belerang sulphuric oxide

    beli cegah risiko buy hedgebeli dengan jaminan [Permintaan broker pada nasabahnya

    untuk menyetor uang atau sekuritas sampai dengan jumlah margin call

    beli kala menguntungkan buy on margin

    beli kurang buy minus

    beli sendiri [Membeli harta milik dalam lelang umum atau

    eksekusi hipotek oleh pemilik semula] buying in

    beli utang leverage buy-out

    belimbing starfruit; carambola

    belum diputuskan; belum diselesaikanpending [e.g. As my divorce was pending, I had to stay where I was];

    outstanding [e.g. an outstanding issue]

    belum lagi; apalagi; tidak pedulinever mind [e.g. Cars kill thousands of people each year, never mind the

    damage they do to the environment; I can't even explain the problem to my

    colleagues, never mind anyone else; I want the best, never mind the cost!]

    belum mengerti[be] any the wiser; none the wiser [Charlie explained how the system

    works, but I'm still none the wiser]

    belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya [be] without precedent

    belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya unprecedented

    belum terbentuknya the non-existence

    benar atau salah the rights and wrongs

    benar menurut hukum legally correct; lawful

    benar, tepat dan lengkap true, correct and complete

    benar-benar truly

    benar-benar [diterima, etc.] actually

    bencana alam natural disaster

    benci [tanpa alasan yang wajar]; berat sebelah; picikprejudiced [against] [e.g. I don't know why they're all so prejudiced against

    the idea; He denied being prejudiced against black people]benda object

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    benda property; goods

    benda bergerak movable assets [cf. harta]

    benda tidak bergerak immovable assets [cf. harta]

    bendahara exchequer

    Bendahara Umum Negara State Treasury

    bendaharawan treasurer

    BPUMC Bendaharawan Pemegang Uang Muka Cabang Treasurer in charge of the branch office's advance payment

    Bendaharawan Pemeriksa Bea dan Cukai Customs and Excise Inspection Treasurer

    BUN Bendaharawan Umum Negara State Treasurer

    Bendera Negara Indonesia ialah Sang Merah Putih The national flag of Indonesia shall be the red-and-white.

    bengkel montasi assembling shop

    benih seed

    bensin gasoline [American]; petrol [British]

    Bensin Jet Jet Fuel

    bensin motor gas; petrol mogas

    bensin oplosan adulterated gasoline

    bensin pesawat terbang aviation gas

    bentang alam landscape

    benteng; kubu stronghold

    bentonit bentonite

    bentrok; bentrokanclash [e.g. Police have clashed with demonstrators again today; His arrest

    early Friday outside Jakarta's Salemba prison sparked off violent clashes with


    bentuk form; format

    bentuk awal; asal muasal ancestor [e.g. Babbage's invention was the ancestor of the modern computer]

    Bentuk Badan Hukum Legal Status

    bentuk cetakan hard copies

    bentuk kerjasama framework of cooperation

    bentuk lahan landform

    bentuk usaha business form

    BUT Bentuk Usaha Tetap Permanent Establishment

    bentukan asal morphologic origin

    benturan kepentingan; pertentangan kepentinganconflict of interest [e.g. There is a growing conflict of interest between her

    position as a politician and her business activities]

    benur shrimp fry

    berada dalam kesulitan to be in hot water

    berada dalam kesulitan keuangan [be] in financial straits

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    berada dalam kondisi / keadaan yang buruk [be] at a low ebb [e.g. By March 1933, the economy was at its lowest


    berada di bawah pengampuan put under conservatorship

    berada di bawah pengawasan [v] fall under the control of [e.g. Meat and poultry production fall under

    the control of the Agriculture Department]; [be] in one's charge

    [teachers that do their best for the children in their charge; The files

    were left in your charge]

    berada pada stand at

    berada pada situasi yang tidak berubah[be] stuck in a rut [e.g. I was stuck in a rut, and decided to look for a

    new job]

    berada pada tingkat yang sama[be] on a par [with] [e.g. The wages of clerks were on a par with those

    of manual workers]

    berada; terletak

    [be] present; [v] rest with [The final decision rests with the President]; [v] lie

    with [Part of the blame must lie with social services; The difficulty lies in

    providing sufficient evidence; The town lies in a small wooded valley]

    berakhir[v] expire [e.g. My passport expires next week; Our contracts are due to expire

    on 20 June; The chairman's term of office expires at the end of March; The

    chairman's term of office has already expired]

    berakhir berlakunya cease to be current

    beralamat di having its registered address at

    beralamat; dengan alamat with address at

    beralasan; mempunyai alasan[v] reason [They reasoned that other businesses would soon copy the idea];

    have every/good reason [Under the circumstances, we had every reason berani

    [v] dare [Only a few journalists dared to cover the story; She hardly dared

    hope that he was alive]berantai in sequence

    berarti; mempunyai arti[be] understood to mean [e.g. In this document, `children' is understood to

    mean people under 14]Raskin beras untuk rakyat miskin rice for the poor

    berasal [v] date [e.g. This church dates from the 13th century]

    berasal [dari][v] emanate [e.g. Delicious smells emanated from the kitchen]; descend [e.g.

    These ideas descend from those of the ancient philosophers]

    Berat Bruto Gross Weight

    berat jenisdensity [I.e. technical the relationship between the mass of something and its

    size. E.g. Fresh water has a maximum density at around 4 Celsius]

    berat sebelah >< tidak berat sebelah; adil biased >< unbiased; fair-minded

    Berbantuan Luar Negeri foreign-funded

    berbarengan; bertepatan[v] coincide [e.g. The Queen's visit has been planned to coincide with the

    school's 200th anniversary]

    berbaring[v] lie [e.g. He was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette] past and perfect: Lay-


    Bahar and Partners Glossary

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    berbasa basi; melakukan sesuatu karena terpaksa[v] go through the motions [e.g. The mayor said he enjoyed the party, but

    you could see he was only going through the motions]

    berbatasan adjacent


    [be] at variance [Tradition and culture are often at variance with the needs of

    modern living]; [v] vary [The heights of the plants vary from 8 cm to 20 cm;

    flowers that vary in color and size]; differ [The two systems differ in many

    respects; People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress]

    berbeda pendapat dissenting; contrary; divergent opinion; divergence of opinion

    berbeda pendapat[v] differ [The two lawyers differed about how to present the case];


    berbelit-belit weasel

    berbelit-belitnya vexation

    berbicara tanpa ingin dketahui identitasnya [v] speak on condition of anonymity

    berbisnis; membuka usaha; menjalankan usaha

    [v] run a business [e.g. Mrs Taylor runs an office equipment business]; start

    business [e.g. Paul's decided to start his own business]; go into business

    [e.g. Pam's going into business with her sister]

    berbondong-bondong; berduyun-duyun[v] flock [e.g. Jakartans are flocking to enrol in special aerobics


    berdagang[v] trade [e.g. These companies trade mainly in furs and animal skins;

    Salesmen traded the new products all over the country]berdampak [pada]; menimbulkan akibat [v] concern [e.g. The tax changes will concern large corporations rather than

    small businesses]; affect [e.g. How will the tax affect people on low incomes?];

    involve [e.g. These changes will involve everyone on the staff]

    berdasarkan based on; by virtue of; on the basis ofberdasarkan asas manfaat, saling menguntungkan, dan tidak

    menimbulkan gangguan keamanan

    based on mutually beneficial and reciprocity and shall not cause any

    disturbance to the securityberdasarkan bukti evidentiary [an evidentiary fact]

    berdasarkan fakta factual [e.g. factual information; The document is factually correct]

    berdasarkan hukum by law; as matter of law

    berdasarkan keputusan by virtue of

    berdasarkan kisah/sesuatu [yang] nyata based on fact

    berdasarkan syarat-syarat perjanjian tersebut under the conditions of the agreement

    berdasarkan undang-undang statutory

    berdaya guna effective

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    berdekatan adjacent

    berdekatan [dengan] proximity [v] [e.g. Proximity to a good school is important]

    berdikari berdiri di atas kaki sendiri self-reliant; stand on your own feet

    berdiskusi [v] discuss; confer with [Franklin leant over and conferred with his attorneys]

    bereaksi terhadap react to

    berempati [v] empathise

    beres in order [e.g. Everything is in order for the departure]


    [v] function [e.g. Can you explain exactly how this new system will function?;

    Athens functioned as a centre of trade in the thirteenth century]; [be]

    functional [e.g. With a few minor adjustments the filter will be functional again]

    berfungsi gandacum [preposition. I.e. to show that something or someone has two purposes: a

    kitchen-cum-dining room; a lunch-cum-business meeting]

    bergantung [Keadaan yang mungkin timbul dimasa datang

    karena tergantung pada hal-hal yang tak dapat diketahui



    berguna worthwhile

    berhak dan berwenang entitled and authorized

    berhalangan / tidak berada di tempat unable to attend; absent

    berhalangan tetap permanently absent

    berhamburan; berlarian; bubar[v] scatter [e.g. There was a sudden crack of gunfire and the crowd scattered

    in all directions]berharga meaningful; valuable

    berhari-hari; berminggu-minggu, dllfor days on end; for weeks on end [He was tortured for days on end/for

    week on end]

    berhasil prosper

    berhasil guna efficient

    berhasil mengatasi [v] dispose of [Your idea at least disposes of the immediate problem]

    berhati-hati [be] caitious about [e.g. I've always been very cautious about giving my

    address to strangers]

    berhubungan dengan baik; bergaul akrab[v] hobnob [e.g. hobnobbing with the bosses at the sports club]; on familiar

    terms with [e.g. He's on familiar terms with all the teachers]

    berikut inifollowing [The following have been selected to play in tomorrow's game:

    Louise Carus, Fiona Douglas]

    berisi tulisan; bertuliskan[v] bear the legend [e.g. A sign above the door bore the legend `patience is a


    berita acaraminutes [I.e. an official written record of what is said and decided at a

    meeting]; official report; record

    BAHP Berita Acara Hasil Pelelangan Minutes on the Result of the Tender

    BAPP Berita Acara Pembukaan Penawaran Minutes of the Bid Opening Meeting

    BAP Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Project Inspection Minutes; Physical Inspection Report

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    BAP Berita Acara Penjelasan Minutes of Clarification Meeting; Pre-bid Meeting

    berita acara rapat Minutes of Meeting

    Berita Acara Serah TerimaMinutes of Delivery & Acceptance [for goods]; Minutes of Acceptance

    [for people]; Minutes of Transfer [?]

    Berita Negara Official Gazette

    berita penolakan notice of dishonour

    berjalan (yang masih berjalan) current

    berjalan kaki [v] trek [e.g. trekking in the Himalayas]

    berjalan; berlangsung

    [v] take place [e.g. We don't know exactly what took place, but they both

    looked furious afterward]; proceed [e.g. The work is proceeding according to

    plan]; progress [e.g. As the meeting progressed, Nina grew more and more

    bored]; [n] ongoing [their ongoing search for a new director; ongoing

    negotiations;The discussions are still ongoing]

    berjaminan berlebih over-collateralized

    berjanji [dan setuju] [v] undertake [e.g. He undertook to pay the money back in six months]

    berjanji dan menyetujui undertake and agree

    berjasa [v] render a service [e.g. She rendered her country many services]

    berjiwa besar graciousness; courtesy

    berjudul [be] entitled [e.g. an autobiography entitled Myself, My Two Countries]

    berjumlah kira-kira[v] approximate to [This figure approximates to a quarter of the UK's annual


    berjuntai dangling

    berkala periodic

    berkas kerja working map

    berkas kredit credit file

    berkas perkara

    brief [e.g. The International Trademark Association (INTA) herewith

    respectfully submits this brief to the Indonesian Supreme Court in order to

    assist on issues of well-known mark registration and protection, one of the

    major issues in this conflict]

    berkedudukan [di] domiciled [in]

    berkelanjutan continuous

    berkembang[v] branch out; diversify [e.g. a publishing company that is diversifying into

    the software market]

    berkembang dengan cepat rapid development

    berkembang melebihi [sesuatu] [v] outgrow [e.g. a population outgrowing its resources]

    berkembangnya; menjamurnya; meningkatnya;

    berkembangbiaknya [sel]proliferation [e.g. a proliferation of cafes and restaurants]

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    berkenaan dengan

    in respect of; with respect to; respecting; with regard to, regarding; in regard to;

    about; as to; with reference to; concerning; pertaining to; in connection with;

    speaking of; bearing in mind; refer to

    berketahanan enduring

    berkilah fraudulent; deceitful; forced; spurious

    berkisar[v] range [e.g. There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18;

    The population of these cities ranges between 3 and 5 million inhabitants]

    berkomplot [menentang][v] scheme [against] [e.g. She became convinced that her family was

    scheming against her]

    berkuasa; mendominasi[v] predominate [e.g.The group predominates in that region]; predominant

    [e.g. That party is predominant in this region; the predominant group in society]

    berkumpul; mengumpulkan[v] assemble [e.g. A large crowd had assembled opposite the American

    embassy; Over the years we've assembled a huge collection of old books]

    berkurang nilainya depreciate [e.g. A new car will depreciate quite fast]

    berkurang; mengalami penurunan; menurun; turun

    [v] fall [e.g. Advertising revenue fell from $98.5 million to $93.3 million; The

    number of subscribers had fallen to 1000]; dwindle [The elephant population

    is dwindling]; reduced; taper off [Profits may be tapering off in the near

    future]; move down [e.g. Interest rates have moved down]

    berkurangnya keuntungan diminishment of profits

    berlabuh[v] dock [We docked at Rangoon the next morning]; anchor [Three tankers

    were anchored in the harbor]berlainan; berbeda dengan

    [be] at odds [e.g. John's latest evidence is at odds with his earlier

    statements]; in inverse proportion/relation [e.g. Clearly, the amount of

    berlakuapplicable; effective; valid; in effect; prevailing; [v] hold [e.g. What I said

    yesterday still holds]

    berlaku coming into force

    berlaku (terhadap) inure (to)

    berlaku efektif [v] take effect

    berlaku sejak dibuatnya, hingga saat diakhirinya secara tertulis valid from the date hereof until terminated in writing

    berlaku surut retroactive (to) [e.g. his promotion takes retroactive effect as of June 2004]

    berlaku tak pantas [v] misbehave

    berlaku untuk semua orang occurred across the board

    berlakunya validity, effectiveness

    berlangganan [v] subscribe [e.g. What newspaper do you subscribe to?]

    berlarut-larut [to drag on [e.g. The talks between the company and the lawyers dragged on

    for three weeks]

    berlebih-lebihan redundant

    berlibur; rekreasi holiday; leisure

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    bermacam-macam; beragam [v] range [e.g. Their reactions ranged from anger to humiliation]

    bermain imbang; seri [v] draw with [Liverpool drew with Juventus; They drew 3-3]

    bermain politik; berdagang sapi (deal politik) politick

    bermaksud contemplate

    bermeterai cukup duly stamped

    bermitra; mengadakan kemitraan[be] in partnership [e.g. We've been in partnership for five years]; [v] go into

    partnership [e.g. She's gone into partnership with two local doctors]


    [be] operational [e.g. The new laboratory is fully operational and open for

    business]; in operation [The Education Business Partnership has been in

    operation since 1989]

    berpendapat[v] submit [that] [I submit that the jury has been influenced by the

    publicity in this case]

    berpendapat lain [be] of another opinion [e.g. I'm of another opinion]

    berpendapat; menurut pendapat [seseorang][be] of the opinion [e.g. Aristotle was of the opinion that there would

    always be rich and poor in society]; in my opinion; [v] express the view

    berpendidikan [dan berpengalaman]sophisticated [e.g. British voters today are much more sophisticated than they

    were in the 60's]

    berpengaruh; besar substantial

    berpihak [pada salah satu pihak] partisan [e.g. a partisan report]

    berpihak [pada][v] take side [with] [e.g. You always take sides with Maggie without

    even listening to me]

    berpindah[v] proceed [e.g. Passengers for the Miami flight should proceed to

    gate 25]

    berpura-pura[v] keep up the pretense of [e.g. How long are you going to keep up

    the pretense of being ill?]berputar ke kiri; melawan arah jarum jam anti clockwise

    Bersalah melanggar Undang-Undang Guilty of violating Law

    bersalin [v] give birth

    bersama ini saya menyatakan bahwa semua informasi yang saya

    berikan dalam permohonan ini adalah benar dan tepat

    I hereby declare that all the particulars furnished by me in this application are

    true and correct

    bersamaan[adj] simultaneous [The withdrawal of British troops should be simultaneous

    with that of US forces]

    bersama-sama selanjutnya disebut together hereinafter referred to as

    bersatu [dan berjuang bersama][v] unite; close ranks [e.g. During the meeting the opposite side closed ranks

    and refused to compromise on any issue]

    bersedia[be] willing [e.g. How much are they willing to pay?; 60% of voters said they

    would willingly pay higher taxes for better health care]

    bersedia membantu[be] at one's disposal [e.g. ... to be at your complete disposal to share

    experiences and information]

    Bahar and Partners Glossary

  • Ind Abbr. Indonesian English Eng Abbr.

    bersedia memberikan informasi [ttg sesuatu][be] forthcoming about [IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the

    markets for its products] >< unforthcoming

    bersekongkol (dengan); membujuk (berbuat) abet

    berselang beberapa waktu after a while

    bersemangat impassioned

    bersengketa have a legal dispute

    bersifat final final in nature

    bersifat final atas be final upon

    bersifat hukumanpunitive [e.g. The government is expected to take punitive steps against


    bersifat menekan repressive

    bersikap kakuhard-nosed [e.g. The three negotiators took a hard-nosed position during the

    talks for a new contract]

    bersikap lepas tangan hands-off attitude

    bersikap tidak peduli; acuh irresponsive

    bersikeras [mendapatkan][v] keep resisting, refuse to give up; hold out for (something) [e.g. The

    union has been holding