Banas Dairy

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  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy











    ROLLNO: -91



  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy





    T h is i s t o c e r ti f y t h at M r . PATE L M A NO J .D O f FY B B A

    {Divis ion B has !a t i s fac tor i "y #on$%cte$ in$%st r ia " &is i t

    in 'B A N A S dairy' an$ s%()i t te$ *ro +ec t re*or t to Smt. S . B.

    Pat el I ns tit ut e o f B us ine ss Ma na ge me nt , Vis nag ar,

    a f fi " ia t e$ t o , e )c h an $ ra c ha ry a N o rt h - % +a rat n iv e rs i ty /

    Pa t a n i n t h e * a r t i a " f % " f i " " )e n t o f t h e r e 0 % i r e )e n t fo r t h e

    *rac t ica" s t%$ies of f i r s t year BBA *rora).

    Place:VISN AGAR Project inc!arge

    "A#$: I N%&ARG$



  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    3n every f ie "$ of e$%cat ion i)*orte$ to the s t%$ent *rac t ica "

    v i s i t / i f * o s s i ( " e sh o % " $ ( e i v e n t o t h e s t % $ e n t . T h i s 4 i " "

    he "* the s t%$ent to (r in o%t 5 e6hi( i t the 0%a" i t i es 4hich i s

    no 4ay can (e e6hi( i t (y theore t ica " v i s i t . 3 t he "*s %s to e t

    a (e t t er * ros*ec t%s an$ %n$ers t an$ in o f 4or7 in con$i t ion

    of the var io%s in$%st r ies .

    n$er th i s * rac ti ca " v i s i t/ one has to (e the re in thec o )* a ny 4 o r7 t h ere c o "" e ct i n i n fo r)a t io n a n $ * re* a re a

    re*or t on v i s i t . 8hich i s " a res sca " e in$%s t ry $% r in v i s i t

    t i) e 4 e a re r e0 %i re $ o (s er ve $ a "" a s* ec t o f f o" "o 4i n

    $e*ar t)ent of co)*any an$ then *re*are *ro +ec t re*or t .


    9 PE : ! O N N E L DEPA:TMENT


    9 F 3 N A N # 3 A L DEPA:TMENT

  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    3n accor$ance 4i th F .Y.BBA sy " " a(%s / 3 have

    %n$erone )y t ra in in a t =B A N A ! DA3:Y> Pa"an*%r .

    3 a) "a$ to * resen t )y re*ort (ase$ on =B A N A !


    > .

    S ( B M I # # $ " B) :


    A s a * ar t o f * ra ct ic a" v is it / 3 v is it e$ = BANA! DA3:Y> a t

    Pa "an*%r . My v is i t *er io$ 4as very in teres t in $%e to 4ho"e

    hear te$ co9o*era t ion of )anae)ent i . e . B .O .D . an$

    *ersonne" of B A N A ! DA3:Y.

    F irs t o f a " " 3 4o%"$ " i7e to than7 o%r honora("e

    *r inc i*a " M: ! . JAY!,:3 J O ! , 3 4 ho 4i" " *r ov i$e )e the

    *er)iss ion for the in$%str ia " v i s i t . 3 4o%"$ a "so " i7e to than7

    o % r 7 i n $ * rofe sso r n a )e " y MR. M A & $ N " R A G ( A * A R + MR.

    AM I# PA#$' / 4ho he "*e$ )e a "o t no r)a" "y an$ * rov i$e$ %s

    4i th a " " aca$e)ic an$ o ther in for)at ion .

    3 t 4 o % " $ n o t ( e * o s s i ( " e f o r t h e ) e t o * r e * a r e $ t h i s* ro +ec t re*or t 4i th o% t the co9o*erat ion an$ he"* of *erson

    4 h o % i$ e $ )e i n * ro* e r $ i re c ti o n * rov i $i n i n fo r)a t io n

    rear$ in the re*or t a t the i r (es t .


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    F i na "" y 3 4 o% "$ " i7 e t o t ha n7 f% " t o ) y c o" "e e 4 ho

    he"*e$ )e a "o t $%r in the v is i t an$ *re*ar in *ro +ec t re*or t .

    S ( B M I # # $ " B) :

    PA#$' MAN *."

    3 t i s necessary to have *rac t ica " 7no4"e$e (efore $o in

    any 4or7 (eca%se of to$ay@s co)*et i t ive 4or"$ .

    Fo r the * rac ti ca " 7no4"e$e 3 have t a7en v i s i t i n

    - BA NA S " AI R) % P$ RA#I V$ M I' P R "( %$ RS

    (NIN 'IMI#$"/. M a i n " y i n t h i s r e * o r t t h e fo c % s i s o n

    $ if fer ent $ e* ar t)e nt " i7e as *r o$ %c tio n $ e* ar t)e nt /

    ) ar 7e ti n $ e* ar t) en t/ * er so na " $ e* ar t) en t/ f in an ci a"

    $e*ar t)ent an$ enera " in for)at ion re "a t in to the Dai ry .

  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    3 a) over4he")e$ 4i th * "eas%re 4hi "e *resent in th i s

    r e* or t o n BA NA! D A3 :Y a n oa si s in t he $ ese rt . The

    a rch i te c t o f B a na s D a iry/ " a te - a "( a (h a i N a n+ i (h a i Pa te " /

    fo%n$er cha i r)en 4as a s i)*"e *erson 4i th rea t

    f ar si h te $n es s 4 ho h a$ a $ re a) t o * ro vi $e r es *e ct a( "e

    fac i " i t i es to the v i " "ae *eo*"e .

    The $a i ry has )a$e i t s * roress ive c%rve s7y roc7et

    $%e to e6e )*"ar y tea) 4or7 in a " " $e*ar t)ents an$

    acco)*" ish)ent i t s for)i$a("e o$yssey f ro) *roc%re)ent of

    )i "7 to )ar7e


    N O

    1 Company prof i le

    1.1 His tory o f banas da i ry 7

    1.2 Genera l in forat ion !

    1." Or#ani$at ion %&art 12



    Layo)t %&ar t

    Lo%at ion %&ar t



    2 Product ion department 15

    2.1 in t rod)%t ion 1*

    2.2 Nae of +rod)%t ion , +r i$e 17

    2." -i l se+res&a%&art 1!

  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    2.' /)al i ty +o l i%y 2'

    3 Personnel depar tment 26

    ".1 In t rod)%t ion 27

    ".2 Abo)t 0orers 2!

    "." a#e +o l i %y 2

    ".' 3a% i l i ty to 0orers "4

    4 Market ing department 31

    '.1 in t rod)%t ion "2

    '.2 5is t r ib)t ion %&annel "'

    '.* Pr i% in# +o l i%y "(

    5 Finance depar tment 36

    (.1 In t rod)%t ion "7

    (.2 3inan%e ana#eent "7

    (." 3inan%e re la ted in forat ion "!

    6 Conclusion 44

    3n$ ia i s an a r i 9o r i en te$ co%n t ry o f t he 4or "$ 1C *eo* "e

    are " iv in in r%ra " a rea an$ therefore 4e can say tha t 3n$ ia i s

    " iv in in v i " "ae . The )a+or i ty of *o*%"a t ion i s $e*en$in on

    ar i c% " t% re an$ a ro9(ase$ ac t ivi t i e s i . e . an i)a " / ( ree$in

    a n$ s )a "" a n$ s o t ha t t he f a) in e/ f "o o$ a n$ ( ro % ht i s

    aff "%ence the 3n$ ian ar ic% " t%re . 3n th i s c r i t i c s i t%a t ion 4i th

    a ri c %" t %r e $ a iry i n $% s tr i es a c t a s s% ** " e)e nt a ry i n $% s try

    an$ he "* the fa r)ers .


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    No4 a $ay )i "7 has (eco)e his tor ica " an$ $eve"o*in an$ so

    t hi s $ ev e" o* )e nt i n )i "7 ( %s in es s i s 7 no 4n a s = 4h it e

    revo "% t ion> in i t s h i s to ry . B% t i n the *as t t he con$ i t ion o f

    ) i " 7 * ro $ % c e r a n $ )i " 7 ( % s i n e s s 4 a s n o t " i 7 e t h i s . A t t h a tt i) e ) i" 7 * ro $% ce rs h a$ t o s e" " t he ir ) i" 7 o n" y t o ) i" 7

    t r a$ e rs a n $ ( e c a %se o f t h is ) i" 7 t r a$ e rs e 6 *" o it e $ t h e ) ( y

    iv in " e ss va "%e o f )i "7 an$ they 4ere se " " a t h ihe r * r i ce

    an$ et )%ch *r of i t (eca%se of t raic con$i t ion i .e .

    e6*"o i ta t ion (y iv in "ess va "%e an$ t rans ien t )ar7et / 4ere

    $ i sa**o in te$ to inc rease the * ro$%c t ion o f )i "7 (eca%se o f

    a(ove )en tione$ reason the )i "7 * ro$%ce r ca)e t ihte r an$fo r) s% c h a so c i e t y t h a t * % rc h a se t h e i r ) i " 7 a n $ t h e )i " 7

    * r ices an$ *rovi$e$ the) a *er)anent )ar7et an$ se" " th i s

    )i "7 to c%s to)er a t reasona( "e * r i ce. #o9o*era t ion $a i ryin

    in -% +ara t (ean in Jan%ary 1? . A)%" $a i ry a t Anan$ has

    (een s ta r te$.

    Company at a glance




  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    Banas $airy/

    A)(a+i ,ih4ay/



    &ead office:

    A)%" Dairy




    Mar1eting 2ody:


    G-%+arat #oo*erative Mi"7 Mar7etin Fe$erationH


    The Banas7antha District #entra" #oo*erative Ban7 Li)ite$/ Pa"an*%r


    Ban7 of Baro$a/ Pa"an*%r.

    !tate Ban7 of 3n$ia/ Pa"an*%r

    !tate Ban7 of sa%rastra/ Pa"an*%r.

    Banas7ntha7antha -ra)in Ban7/ Pa"an*%r.

    ,.D.F.#.Ban7/ Pa"an*%r.


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    !*ecia" a%$itors G)i"7H/ Mi"7 a%$it office/ Pa"an*%r.

    Management Body:

    ! Name "esignation1 !hri !.:.#ha%$hary Manain Director

    2 !hri M.-.*ate" -enera" Manaer GPOH

    " !hri :.D.;athoria -enera" Manaer GP5EH

    ' !hri &.D.Pavaya !r. Manaer GPro$.H

    ( !hri A.:.Pate" !r. Manaer GPro$.H

    * Dr.,.B.Joshi Manaer G-D#T#H

    7 !hri P.M.;aren Manaer G!!H

    ! Dr.I.D.:athore Manaer GD,H

    !hri M.P.Joshi Manaer GF5AH

    14 !hri N.P.-ra Manaer G#PH

    11 !hri -.:.Bhato" Dy. Manaer

    12 !hri :.#hachani Dy. Manaer GF5AH

    1" !hri #.&.Desai Dy. Manaer G5AH

    1' !hri 3.J.Ma)on Dy. Manaer GPro$H

    1( !hri B.-.OKa Dy. Manaer GMaintH

    1* !hri T.M.Pate" Dy. ManaerGPro$H

    17 !hri J.B.!%thar Dy. ManaerGPro$H

    1! !hri &.M.Bh%s7ar Dy.ManaerGMateria"sH

    1 !hri :.;.Pate" Asstt. Manaer GAcctsH

    24 !hri M.D.Desai Asstt. Manaer GProcH

    21 !hri ,.:.Pavaya Asstt. Manaer G!a"esH

    22 !hri B.D%tta Asstt. Manaer GA9"a(H

    2" !hri D.T.Pate" Asstt. Manaer GPro$H

    2' Dr.!.T.Dhote Asstt.Manaer GA3H

    2( Dr.N.M.Desh)%7h Asstt.Manaer GD,H

    2* Dr.L.N.-a4ar7er Asstt.Manaer GD,H

    27 Dr.#.P.Ni7a) Asstt.Manaer GD,H

    2! !hri #.J.;aren Asstt.Manaer G#FH

    2 !hri P.!.Pate" Asstt.Manaer GPro$H

    "4 !hri M.-.#ha%$hary Asstt.Manaer GPro$H


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    "1 !hri D.A.Bh%ta$iya Asstt.Manaer GAH

    "2 !hri !.;ara)chan$(hai Asstt.Manaer GPro$H

    "" !hri B.M.Pate" Asstt.Manaer Gti"ityH

    "' !hri P.P.Pi"iyatar Asstt.Manaer G!toresH

    Board of Directors!

    1. !hri B.&.Pate"

    2. !hri &.:.Pate"

  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    12. !)t.B.M.Pate"


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy



    !r. Mr A-M !r. Mr Dy.Mr #ivi"5ETP La(o%r

    A, Finance5acco%nt





    Dy.Mr Dy.Mr Po4$er P"ant Dy.Mr Ty*in *oo"

    T3 P%rchase Maintain !;3M 3nchare

    Asst .Mr Asst .Mr Asst .En Dy.Mr ,ea$ t i)e

    #! !a"es Po4$er5P"ant B%tter5-hee Fee*er


    !ec%ri ty

    !r .En 3nchare



    Asst .En


    1 LOAN8 '1646(16'!

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    ""6146"6!71 OU8TAN5ING AGAIN8T PURCHA8E8 (6'*6!'611(*6!6(12 8UN5R< CRE5ITOR8 **6!"6((!

    16(6(46444 PRO:I8ION 3OR INCO-ETA? 26426146444

    !"62'6!26(1' 164677612642'

    "64*6(*6!'! PRO3IT AN5 LO88 ACCOUNT "6*!62!62!*

    16161*61767 $*$" 26"!6!7641624*

    A# ON 56757899:

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    *'64164'61* ('6"46(46"*1

    (6'46!!1 PLU8 @INCREA8E8 1627616'*! ((6(!6'16!2



  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    !%&$M%$& -"$ C*&$ ,



    '6676414 >I8AN :I>A8 PATRA (62'676414

    &$*C ,

    1'6'(6226*"1 3INI8HE5 GOO58 7"62"6776"!"

    76426716''' 8TOC> IN PROCE88 26!46746*!"

    '16426'(( -IL> 8TOC>8 *'6*6'"*

    1( LI:E 8TOC>8 '

    (6'!6(*61*( 8TORE 8TOC> *616!"6"2'

    16*46(*6"'' RA -ATERIAL 8TOC> "61*6!462"'

    2!6!6464(' !*64(6!164*'

    *"& "+ "+"C%& ,

    26!!64767" 5EPO8IT8 26*(6!6(22

    !61(6!"6'44 A5:ANCE8 116*(6"6417

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    16'(6*26(4 INCO-E TA? 5EPO8IT8 162"6"!64'7

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    *"6(16!!647 IN ;AN> ;< CURRENT AN5 8A:ING 9

    7*64*! CA8H;ALANCE 16(767*"

    *"6(26*'6(7 2(616"46*7

    16161*61767 $*$" 26"!6!7641624*

    Trading; pro4 t and loss acco$nt

    20032004 '& %P%+!$('% '(P%%& 20042005 '&

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    *26(6(!6!!* 216!!6*6('(

    "!64*67'64!1 TO PURCHA8E8INCL. TRAN8PORT CHARGE8 9 (6'"6*67"6'*!


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    162(61(6!(2 TO COOPERATI:E 5E:ELOP-ENT E?P. 16(!6146(77

    !6'6'61( TO PROCE88ING E?PEN5ITURE 11616262''

    2'6*167!6"4 TO PAC>AGING E?PEN5ITURE ""6'*6276124

    2167!6!'621 TO POER AN5 3UEL E?P. 2"6!!6762!"

    !6762"6('" TO 8ALAR< 1467"6'26((!

    26"6!64' TO 8TA33 P36GRATUIT< AN5 OTHER 3ACILITIE8 "6!'6'622*

    26(26'(6*42 TO REPAIR8 AN5 -AINTANCE E?P. "64'6"46'(261*6*(6!!1 TO -AR>E CO--I88ION (6226267""

    2'6*26!462* TO 5EPRICIATION 1'6(26'46*2

    161(6446444 TO INCO-ETA? E?P. 16'(6*46444

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    #. C*&! &$*C @

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  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    76426716''' 8TOC> IN PROCE88 26!46746*!"

    1( LI:E 8TOC> '

    '16426'(( -IL> 8TOC> *'6*6'"*

    216!!6*6('( 7*6*6176(4*

    (67262"6*!6'' $*$" *6!26!"6116"21

    Pro4t of t)e Dairy


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy




  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    3 t 4 as a r e) e) (e r a (" e ) o) en t t o h av e % n$ er ta 7e n a n

    in$%s t r i a " v i s i t i n BANA! DA3:Y. 3 t i s one o f t he " ea$ in

    co9o*era t ive soc ie t ies in Dai ry in$%st ry . The )e)(ers of the

    )anae)ent a re very eff ic ien t an$ coo*era t ive . 3 t i s a "a re9

    sca " e in$%s t ry the re fo re i t * rov i$e$ )%ch in fo r)at ion . The

    )anae)ent of co)*any 7 in$"y *rovi$e$ %s a " " the necessary

    in fo r)at ion fo r * re*a r in the Pro +ec t re*or t . 3 can conc "%$e

    t h a t B A N A ! D A 3: Y i s * ro re s s i n v e ry r a * i $ " y i n 3n $ i a n

    )a r7 e t . 3 t 4 a s a n i c e e 6 * e r i e n c e t o v i s i t B A N A ! D A 3: Y .

    The off icers a re very coo*era t ive in na t%re . They t ry to 4or7

    the i r " eve " (es t .


  • 7/23/2019 Banas Dairy


    Bi1l iograp)y

    8e( site

    1 444.(anas$airy.coo*