Port Elizabeth Contributed by Peter kroon New members O f our seven pupils, five passed the Bar examination and have taken up chambers as from l5 December 2005. They are: Jean Nepgen BCom LLB, formerly a professional assistant with attorneys Goldberg & De Villiers Inc. Melanie Badenhorst LLB (UPE), who completed pupillage directly out of uni- versity. Chari van Rooyen BJuris LLB (UPE), formerly an attorney practising for hi s own account as Van Rooyen Attorneys, Port Elizabeth. Helen Ayers BJuris LLB LLM (Tax), formerly an attorney, public prosecutor and most recently, a legal advisor for Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concession. Jonathan Partington LLB (UPE), who co mpleted pupillage directly out of uni- versity. Pupils The Port Elizabeth Bar has three new pupils for 2006. They all graduated from the University of Port Elizabeth (now known as the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University). They are: Badrika Naran LLB ; Nathi Gaisa LLB ; David Smith LLB (he also worked for a year at the Human Rights Commission). Bar Council members At the annual general meeting held on 19 January 2006 the following were elected as members of the Bar Council: Pretoria Bygedra deur Henk Havenga A good start to 2006 T he teacher-training weekend of the GCB took place at the Protea Golden Gate in Clarens from 20 to 22 January 2006. As usual, the event was well attended by members of the April 2006 ADVOCATE Bar news My experience as a young black female at the Bar Contributed by Siphokazi Cubungu, Port Elizabeth Bar Siphokazi Cubungu LLB (2003) is a gradu- ate of Vista University, Port Elizabeth.. I am 26 years old and am one of two black females at the Port Elizabeth Bar. I graduated in 2003 from Vista University, Port Elizabeth, and at times I have grave reservations about having come straight out of university to do my pupillage with no legal experience. I am convinced that that contributed to my having to repeat my pupil- lage. However, because of my colleagues' support here, I have started my second year as a member of this Bar. Turning to my experiences at the Bar, I should mention at the outset that I really struggle to make a living . My personal circumstances are such that, as a young black female, there is no one in my family to support me financially. The reality is that [ find my self in a position where, with little or no income for the last nine months, I continue to incur debts that need to be paid each month. This makes me very disheartened and causes me to dwell on my decision to come to the Bar. Chair: Glenn Goosen SC Members: Richard Buchanan SC, Olav Ronaasen, Nyameko Gqamana, Roshan Pillay, and Eric Menti. Secretary: Mechelle Beneke Acting appointments Chris Mouton SC acted in Port Elizabeth in November 2005 and January 2006. Glenn Goosen SC acted in Grahamstown, East London and Graaff-Reinet from 14 November to 2 December 2005. Glenn also attended the Advocacy Training Pretoria B ar who, as always, found it to be a hu ge success. Members of the Pretoria Bar who attended as trainers were Carlos da Silva, Walter Duba , Piet Kemp SC and Dolf Raath Sc. The train- ees included John Mullins SC, Freek Terblanche SC, Norman Davis, Julian du Ples sis, Stephen Farell, Salie Joubert , Gerhard Naude, Thillay Pillay, Cynthia Pretorius, Pi et van Niekerk and Maryke van Rooyen. Wi leo Botha , Lezanne BAR NEWS I do, however, find consolation in two respects. First, my colleagues, both black and white, offer me much moral support. Second, I observe that there are people who have emerged from circumstances similar to mine and who are beginning to build their practices. I have not had any experience of being di s- criminated against because of my colour and gender. I sometimes forget that I am a black female. My greatest difficulty, and I can only attri- bute to thi s to perceptions about my expe- rience, is that I am not afforded opportu- nities to demonstrate my talents and my willingness to work hard in a junior or any other capacity. In particular, I must regre t- fully state that I am yet to rece ive support from government institutions such as the State Attorney and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. Having overcome great adversity to progress this far in my career, I trust that in time these opportunities will present themselves and that, in future, I will worry less about food on the table and more about the success or otherwise of my clients. I thank all the members of thi s Bar who have supported me . Programme as a trainer hosted by Gray's Inn, England, in October 2005. Social The end of term function was held on 20 September 2005, and in conjunction with this function , the Port Elizabeth Bar hosted a farewell party for Judge Michael Jennett. Congratulations to Hendrik va n der Linde SC, Barry Pienaar and Gerhard Wolmarans who recently competed in and completed the Herald Cycle Tour. CD Coetzee, Jolandi de Klerk , Alex Ellis, Caroline Foord , Peter Mkhambeni , Paul Nonyane, Liandra Taljaard, Johria van den Berg and Margie van Graan attend- ed as 'pupils.' Die nuwe geslag Daar is 'n trot se tradisie by die Balie van kinders wat in hulle ouers se voetspore volg. Hi erdie tradisie is voortgesit deur Alex Ellis (seun van Patrick Ellis SC) 19

Bar news - sabar.co.za · Wihan Botha (seun van Theuns Botha), Stefan Maritz (seun van Mike Maritz SC en broer van Nicky Maritz) en Colin Rip (seun van Mervyn Rip SC). Jaco Bam (seun

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Page 1: Bar news - sabar.co.za · Wihan Botha (seun van Theuns Botha), Stefan Maritz (seun van Mike Maritz SC en broer van Nicky Maritz) en Colin Rip (seun van Mervyn Rip SC). Jaco Bam (seun

Port Elizabeth

Contributed by Peter kroon

New members

Of our seven pupils, five passed the Bar examination and have taken up chambers as from l5

December 2005. They are:

Jean Nepgen BCom LLB, formerly a professional assistant with attorneys Goldberg & De Villiers Inc.

Melanie Badenhorst LLB (UPE), who completed pupillage directly out of uni­versity.

Chari van Rooyen BJuris LLB (UPE), formerly an attorney practising for hi s own account as Van Rooyen Attorneys, Port Elizabeth.

Helen Ayers BJuris LLB LLM (Tax), formerly an attorney, public prosecutor and most recently, a legal advisor for Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concession.

Jonathan Partington LLB (UPE), who completed pupillage directly out of uni­versity.

Pupils The Port Elizabeth Bar has three new pupil s for 2006. They all graduated from the University of Port Elizabeth (now known as the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University). They are:

Badrika Naran LLB ;

Nathi Gaisa LLB ;

David Smith LLB (he also worked for a year at the Human Rights Commission).

Bar Council members At the annual general meeting held on 19 January 2006 the following were elected as members of the Bar Council :


Bygedra deur Henk Havenga

A good start to 2006

T he teacher-training weekend of the GCB took place at the Protea Golden Gate in Clarens from 20

to 22 January 2006. As usual, the event was well attended by members of the

April 2006 ADVOCATE

Bar news

My experience as a young black female at the Bar Contributed by Siphokazi Cubungu, Port Elizabeth Bar

Siphokazi Cubungu LLB (2003) is a gradu­ate of Vista University, Port Elizabeth..

I am 26 years old and am one of two black females at the Port Elizabeth Bar.

I graduated in 2003 from Vista University, Port Elizabeth, and at times I have grave reservations about having come straight out of university to do my pupillage with no legal experience. I am convinced that that contributed to my having to repeat my pupil­lage. However, because of my colleagues' support here, I have started my second year as a member of this Bar.

Turning to my experiences at the Bar, I should mention at the outset that I really struggle to make a living. My personal circumstances are such that, as a young black female, there is no one in my family to support me financially. The reality is that [ find myself in a position where, with little or no income for the last nine months, I continue to incur debts that need to be paid each month. This makes me very disheartened and causes me to dwell on my decision to come to the Bar.

Chair: Glenn Goosen SC Members: Richard Buchanan SC, Olav Ronaasen , Nyameko Gqamana, Roshan Pillay, and Eric Menti. Secretary: Mechelle Beneke

Acting appointments Chris Mouton SC acted in Port Elizabeth in November 2005 and January 2006.

Glenn Goosen SC acted in Grahamstown, East London and Graaff-Reinet from 14 November to 2 December 2005. Glenn also attended the Advocacy Training

Pretoria Bar who, as always, found it to be a huge success. Members of the Pretoria Bar who attended as trainers were Carlos da Silva, Walter Duba, Piet Kemp SC and Dolf Raath Sc. The train­ees included John Mullins SC, Freek Terblanche SC, Norman Davis, Julian du Plessis, Stephen Farell , Salie Joubert, Gerhard Naude, Thillay Pillay, Cynthia Pretorius, Piet van Niekerk and Maryke van Rooyen. Wi leo Botha, Lezanne


I do, however, find consolation in two respects. First, my colleagues, both black and white, offer me much moral support. Second, I observe that there are people who have emerged from circumstances similar to mine and who are beginning to build their practices.

I have not had any experience of being dis­criminated against because of my colour and gender. I sometimes forget that I am a black female.

My greatest difficulty, and I can only attri ­bute to this to perceptions about my expe­rience, is that I am not afforded opportu­nities to demonstrate my talents and my willingness to work hard in a junior or any other capacity. In particular, I must regret­fully state that I am yet to receive support from government institutions such as the State Attorney and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality.

Having overcome great adversity to progress this far in my career, I trust that in time these opportunities will present themselves and that, in future, I will worry less about food on the table and more about the success or otherwise of my clients.

I thank all the members of thi s Bar who have supported me.

Programme as a trainer hosted by Gray 's Inn, England, in October 2005.

Social The end of term function was held on 20 September 2005, and in conjunction with this function , the Port Elizabeth Bar

hosted a farewell party for Judge Michael Jennett.

Congratulations to Hendrik van der Linde SC, Barry Pienaar and Gerhard Wolmarans who recently competed in and completed the Herald Cycle Tour. CD

Coetzee, Jolandi de Klerk, Alex Ellis, Caroline Foord, Peter Mkhambeni , Paul Nonyane, Liandra Taljaard, Johria van den Berg and Margie van Graan attend­ed as ' pupils.'

Die nuwe geslag Daar is ' n trotse tradisie by die Balie van kinders wat in hulle ouers se voetspore volg. Hierdie tradi sie is voortgesit deur Alex Ellis (seun van Patrick Ellis SC)


Page 2: Bar news - sabar.co.za · Wihan Botha (seun van Theuns Botha), Stefan Maritz (seun van Mike Maritz SC en broer van Nicky Maritz) en Colin Rip (seun van Mervyn Rip SC). Jaco Bam (seun


wat pas by die Pretoria-balie begin prak­tiseer het nadat hy sy pupilskap voltooi het. Onder die jongste toevoegings is drie pupille wat pas met pupilskap begin het: Wihan Botha (seun van Theuns Botha), Stefan Maritz (seun van Mike Maritz SC en broer van Nicky Maritz) en Colin Rip (seun van Mervyn Rip SC).

Jaco Bam (seun van Bert Bam SC) wat aan die einde van 2004 sy loopbaan by die Balie onderbreek het om in Frankryk te gaan rugby speel, het aan die einde van 2005 weer voltyds by die Pretoria-balie begin praktiseer na ' n suksesvolle en onvergeetlike jaar in die buiteland. Hy het onder kontrak rugby


8ygedra deur Japie Schreuder


Die posisie rakende regters in ons afdeling het redelik gestabiliseer. Daar was ses regters en ook ' n

waarnemende aanstelling die afgelope jaar. Van Niekerk SC sal gedurende die tweede termyn waarneem as regter.


8ygedra deur Germa Wright

Die einde van 2005 het ' n wis­seling in ons ledetal teweeg gebring. Twee gewaardeerde

lede van die Balie het ons verlaat en ander weivelde opgesoek.

Come van Zyl is permanent aangestel as regter op die Vrystaatse regbank. Ons is nie aIleen verheug dat daar weer ' n aanstelling uit (eie) Balie-geledere gedoen is nie, maar dit kan nie skade doen nie om nog , n vrou op ons regbank te he (daar is tans twee vroulike regters in die Vrystaat).

Hokkie Schreuder het besluit om hom in Ladybrand in die Oos-Vrystaat te gaan vestig en sy seun by te staan in laasgenoemde se prokureurspraktyk. Hugo Amos Lambrecht Schreuder se loopbaan in die reg het reeds verskeie draaie geloop. Hy was aan die begin van

gespeel by die Saint-Nazaire rugbyklub aan die weskus van Frankryk. Dit is gelet~ naby die stad Nantes. Hy het die tyd in Frankryk goed gebruik en heelwat getoer. Hy was onder meer sewe keer in Parys, Bordeaux en Lyons, en het ook vakansie gehou naby Marseilles.

Russian connection The Pretoria Bar can indeed be proud of the wide cultural diversity of its members and now also boasts the addition of three members of Russian descent. Sigrid Tjijorokisa successfully passed her Bar exam at the end of 2005 and is now a practising member

Baliedinee Die jaarlikse Baliedinee wat op 2 Desember gehou is, het soos gewoon­lik gesorg vir 'n baie aangename same­syn van regters en advokate. Goeie staaltjies eie aan die regspraktyk is vertel. Die maand Desember bly maar die beste tyd vir so 'n funksie. Dis asof almal die geleentheid wou gebruik om die stof van die jaar se gedingvoering op 'n ontspanne manier af te skud.

sy loopbaan 'n staatsaanklaer en hy het vroeer ook al as prokureur praktiseer.

Hokkie het in 1981 by die Vrystaatse Balie aangesluit en het vinnig een van die mees- gerespekteerde lede van die Vereniging geword. Hy het as lid van die Balieraad gedien en het verskeie termyne as regter waargeneem. In latere jare is hy ook dikwels genader om as voorsitter in arbitrasiesake op te tree.

Hokkie sal onthou word as storieverteller van formaat. Hy het al as gas op vermaak­likheidsprogramme soos Maak '/1 Las

opgetree. Op sy kalm en droe marrier het hy maklik daarin geslaag om almal in die common room aan sy lippe te laat hang. Waar Hokkie was, was daar altyd 'n gelag en geskerts (met uitsondering van , n paar ontstuimige en hete argumente om die kaarttafel tydens middagetes). Ja, die Balie is nou definitief stiller.

Ons wens Hokkie en regter van Zyl aile sterkte toe vir die nuwe uitdagings en geleenthede wat vir hulle voorle.

of the Bar. Anna Granova and Natalie Ondrejikovic-De Beer are included in the 47 new pupils who began pupillage on 16 January 2006.

Acting appointments The following members held acting appointments during the period October 2005 to March 2006: Piet de Jager SC, Piet Ebersohn (Swaziland) , Mac Jooste SC, John Mullins SC, Brenda Neukircher, Cynthia Pretorius, Johan Stroh SC, Ben Swart SC, Regent Tokota, Ronel Tolmay SC, Kobus van Rooyen SC, Japie Vorster SC, and Don Williams SC. m

Lede Hoewel die Vereniging se ledetal klein is, lewer dit tog ' n diens aan die gemeenskap deur sy aktiewe betrokken­heid. So byvoorbeeld dien sommige van ons lede in skoolbeheerliggame en tugkomitees. Die Griekwaland-Wes Rugby-unie baat in die besonder by ons lede se hulp met tugverhore en appelle. m

Joubert Zietsman het sy pupilskap gedurende 2005 suksesvol voltooi en praktiseer reeds volstoom.

Gedurende Januarie 2006 het drie persone met hul pupilskap begin: Pieter Venter, Abe Madolo en Jackie Steytler. Ons wens hulJe (en die onderskeie mentors) alle ster­kte toe vir die lang jaar wat voorle.

Advocate Germa Wright het bedank as Advocate se Vrystaatse korrespondent. Twee lede van die Balie, Zachia Eloff en Henriette Murray, is in haar plek aangewys.

Germa is aan die begin van 2000 deur die Vrystaat Balie as korrespondent vir die destydse Consultus aangewys. Sy het die grade Blur (1992) LLB (1995) Vrystaat behaal en is sedert 1996 lid van die Vrystaatse Balie. (Sy is tans die mees senior vroulike advokaat by die Balie.) In 2004 was sy een van drie Suid-Afrikaners wat die 'Advanced Advocacy Training Course' in Oxford bygewoon het. m

ADVOCATE April 2006 20