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Beramendi lesson plan 1- kinder

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Lesson Plan oneAlumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi

Período de Práctica: 1, Nivel Inicial.

Institución Educativa: Escuela de Educación Inicial y Primaria (UNS)

Dirección: 11 de Abril 445

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er grado.

Cantidad de alumnos: 26

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Inicial

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Partes del cuerpo

Clase Nº: 1

Fecha: 5 de Mayo de 2015

Hora: 8.40 hs – 9.10 hs.

Duración de la clase: 30 minutos.

Fecha de primera entrega: Miércoles 29 de Abril de 2015.

Fecha de segunda entrega: Lunes 4 de Mayo de 2015.

Teaching points: Parts of the body

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Recognize simple questions such as “What’s your name? How are you?” and answer them.

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Follow simple commands such as “sit down”, “stand up”. Be active participants while revising previously learnt structures and vocabulary.

Recognise new vocabulary regarding parts of the body.

Language focus:

Lexis Function Structure PronunciationRevision Colours: red,

blue, yellow, green.Numbers: one, two, three, four, five.Parts of the body: head, body, hands, feet.

Follow simple commands: Show me blue, show me your hands, clap your hands, sit down.

Wh questions in the simple present: “what’s your name?” I’m ____”what colour is it?” It’s red!

Production of the /h/ sound through repetition as in head, hands.

New Identify new vocabulary related to parts of the body: arms, legs, fingers. Colours: orange.

Identifying parts of the body.

Wh questions in the simple present: “How many fingers does he have?Four!Ordering: touch your head!

Production of the /ɑ:/ sound through repetition as in arms.

Teaching approach: Communicative Approach.

Integration of skills: Listening and speaking skills will be integrated in the lesson as students listen to the teacher and a CD. Then they’ll repeat what the teacher says and a chant. Besides, they’ll participate answering some questions the teacher will ask.

Materials and resources: Flashcards, puppet, CD player.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: the use of ICT will be helpful for students to listen to authentic material, and how native speakers use the language so that they can do their best to approximate their pronunciation as much as possible. In this lesson we are going to listen to songs but in others we will work with different videos.

In case the CD player doesn’t function, I’ll sing the song by myself asking students to sing with me.

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Seating arrangement: depending on the activity students will be sitting at their desks in groups of 4 or 5 as always, or standing up.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: As students are so young, some of the problems could be some “fights” between them, so I’ll ask them to be quiet while trying to make them forget the situation and participate in the activity. Besides, students may resort to their mother tongue when trying to communicate in the language. If that happens, the teacher will make them repeat what they want to say in the foreign language.

There is a boy that, at least during my two observation lessons, has had behavioural problems in the sense that he always wants to use his mates’ pencil, rubber, or other elements.

Classroom management strategies: The teacher will provide students with short and dynamic activities for them to keep their motivation and also, she will make them participate as much as possible so as to maintain that motivation. Besides, she will play a hello and goodbye song for students to know when the lesson has started and finished.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students may have problems in understanding what the teacher is saying in the foreign language, so she will do as much miming, modeling and exemplification as possible.

Assessment: Students will be assessed according to their participation and collaboration in class, and individually when the teacher asks them to answer specific questions, or when giving simple commands for them to perform.



Purpose: to greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.

I’ll say “hello kids”, and as this is my first lesson as their teacher I’ll remind them “well, as Fernanda told you, I’m going to be your teacher for a few lessons, yes?” “Ok, now we’ll sing our Hello song” and I’ll play the song they usually sing at the beginning of each lesson. As we listen to the song I’ll wave my hands to greet them.

The song is from the course book they are working with “English Adventure” starter A. And the song is:

Hello! Hello!

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Hello! Hello!

Hello! Hello!

Hello to you.

(repeated twice)

Transition: “Very good kids! Now, look! A friend has come with me!” (The teacher points to the puppet).

Warm up: 5 minutes.

Purpose: To introduce the topics.

T: “Here he is!

(As if the puppet were speaking): Hello kids! My name is Ducky. How are you? fine/ OK? (miming thumbs up)

SS: Yees!!!

T: The “puppet” will throw a soft ball to one of the students and ask him/her: “I’m Ducky, What’s your name?”

SS: I’m_____

This will be done several times, since it is a routine that the teacher (Fernanda) always does when enters the classroom.

Then, I’ll ask my students: “What colour is Ducky”?

SS: yellow!

T: Yes, it’s yellow! And look at Ducky’s beak (pointing to it).It’s orange! Can you repeat?

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SS: It’s orange.

T: Very Good!!! Can you look for orange objects in the classroom?

T: (After students have found different orange objects) Excellent!

T: Now, look! what are these? Its…. SS: hands!

T: and this? SS: Body!!!

T: What colour is Ducky’s body? (pointing to it)

SS: yellow!

Transition: well done children! Excellent job!

Presentation: 5 minutes.

Purpose: to introduce new structures and vocabulary.

T: (as if the puppet were speaking) Look my friends! I can clap my hands! Can you clap your hands? (the puppet claps its hands) T: Can you clap your hands, kids? (The teacher points to the kids and claps her hands)

SS: Yes!! (and clap their hands)

Puppet: Very good! But I have a problem! (teacher frowns) I can’t walk because I do not have legs! Do you have legs? (Puppet points to the teacher’s legs) these are legs! Show me your legs!

Very good kids! And Look! I don’t have arms! (teacher moves her face from one side to the other) But you have! (Puppet points to the teacher’s arms) These are arms! Show me your arms! (students show their arms) Excellent!

And these are my fingers! (Teacher points to the puppet’s fingers). Show me your fingers!

How many fingers do you have? Count with me the teacher’s fingers (and the puppet points to the teacher’s fingers) count with me (as the puppet points to each finger it says a number)..one, two, three, four, five!

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Transition: Excellent kids!! Now we are going to play a game!

Development: 15 minutes

Activity 1: 5 minutes

Purpose: To recognize the new and previously learnt vocabulary and structures, and to foster students’ participation.

T: Ducky is resting now. (The teacher places the puppet on the desk) Please, stand up! (The teacher mimes standing up)

Now listen and do what I say! Then, repeat with me.

One, touch your head; two, touch your body; three, touch your arms; four, touch your legs; five, touch your feet. (each time I say a part of the body, I’ll show the right card)

Again! And repeat with me! One, touch your head; two, touch your body; three, touch your arms; four, touch your legs; five, touch your feet.”

Excellent! Now I’ll say the number and you say what follows and do the action, ok? One, touch your (showing the card for students to recognize the part of the body) ___ SS: Head!!” (and they touch it) (the same with the rest of the chant)

During this and the following activity, pronunciation work will be done through repetition.

Transition: well done kids! Let’s continue!

Activity 2: 10 minutes

Purpose: To assess students’ learning, while making them recognizing new and previously learnt vocabulary.

T: Well kids, I imagine you are a bit tired after moving your bodies (miming), aren’t you?

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SS: Yes!

Oh! Listen! Who has woke up? Look! Is Ducky! He is here again! Oh! He is trying to tell me something! (I’ll put the duck near my ear) and I’ll say “Ok Ducky, I’ll tell them”.

Well kids, Ducky says that you are his friends (I’ll show them some pictures of two boys, and girls for them to infer what the word “friend” means), and he says that he’d really like that you draw a friend of you, yes? (I’ll help by imitating and drawing a boy and a girl on the blackboard). Do you understand? Simon, please explain in Spanish what you have to do. (I’ll help him). Ok kids, let’s start drawing! Quickly, yes? (shaking my hands)

T: after a few minutes I’ll say “Ok kids, now we’re going to paint our friends, yes? But Ducky wants to tell you the colours, so please listen to him!

Ducky: please kids, paint (miming) the body yellow!... now paint the legs orange!, paint the arms green, and now paint the feet red!

T: Excellent! You’re going to finish painting your drawing at home, right? You choose the colours for the rest of the body. You will show your friends to your classmates next class, ok?

SS: Ok!

Transition: You did it really well children!!


To finish up I’ll say “Well kids, that’s all for today. Let’s say goodbye!” and I’ll play their routine goodbye song that is from the same book “English Adventure, starter A”.

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye, everyone!


I’ll print some flashcards from http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/sites/kids/files/attachment/body-flashcard2.pdf

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The puppet:

The pictures:

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