447 BERNARD WILLIAMS: KOMPLETNA FILOZOFSKA BIBLIOGRAFIJA Knjige Williams je napisao i mnogo ogleda o operi te novinarskih članaka. Ogledi o operi bit će u dogledno vrijeme objavljeni kao knjiga.* Novinarski članci, od kojih su neki filozofskog karaktera, uključeni su u odabranu bibliografiju pod naslovom “Bernard Williams: politički spisi” u knjizi In the Beginning Was the Deed, koja se spominje dolje. Morality: An Introduction to Ethics (New York: Harper & Row, 1972). (Har- mondsworth: Penguin, 1973). (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976); izdanje Canto, s novim uvodom, 1993. Njemački prijevod: Der Begriff der Moral (Leipzig: Reclam, 1978). Rumunjski prijevod: Introducere in etica (Bucharest: Editura Alternative, 1993). Francuski prijevod: vidi La fortune morale (1994). Talijanski prijevod (izdanja Canto): La moralità: un’introduzione all’etica (Rome: Einaudi, 2000). Poljski prijevod: Moralność: Wprowadzenie do etyki (Warsaw: Fundacia Aletheia, 2000). Problems of the Self: Philosophical Papers 1956–1972 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973). Njemački prijevod: Probleme des Selbst (Leipzig: Reclam, 1978). * [[Usp. B. Williams, On Opera (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006).]]

BERNARD WILLIAMS: KOMPLETNA FILOZOFSKA ... BERNARD WILLIAMS: KOMPLETNA FILOZOFSKA BIBLIOGRAFIJA Knjige Williams je napisao i mnogo ogleda o operi te novinarskih članaka. Ogledi o

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Wil li ams je napisao i mnogo ogleda o operi te novinarskih članaka. Ogledi o operi bit će u dogledno vrijeme objavljeni kao knjiga.* Novinarski članci, od kojih su neki filozofskog karaktera, uključeni su u odabranu bibli ografiju pod naslovom “Bernard Wil li ams: politički spisi” u knjizi In the Begin ning Was the De ed, koja se spominje dolje.

Morality: An Introducti on to Ethics (New York: Harper & Row, 1972). (Har-mondsworth: Pengu in, 1973). (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976); izdanje Canto, s novim uvodom, 1993.Njemački prijevod: Der Begriff der Moral (Le ipzig: Reclam, 1978).Rumunjski prijevod: Introducere in etica (Bucharest: Editura Alternative,

1993).Francuski prijevod: vidi La fortune morale (1994).Talijanski prijevod (izdanja Canto): La moralità: un’introduzi one all’etica

(Rome: Eina udi, 2000).Poljski prijevod: Moralność: Wprowadzenie do etyki (Warsaw: Fundacia

Alethe ia, 2000).Problems of the Self: Philosophical Papers 1956–1972 (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1973).Njemački prijevod: Probleme des Selbst (Le ipzig: Reclam, 1978).

* [[Usp. B. Wil li ams, On Opera (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006).]]


Španjolski prijevod: Problemas del yo (Mexico City: Universidad Naci onal Autónoma de México, 1986).

Talijanski prijevod: Problemi dell’io (Milan: Il Sag gi atore, 1990).A Critique of Utilitari anism. U Utilitari anism: For and Aga inst, J. J. C. Smart i

Bernard Wil li ams (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973).Njemački prijevod: Kritik des Utilitarismus (Frankfurt am Ma in: Kloster-

mann, 1979).Španjolski prijevod: Utilitarismo: pro y contra (Madrid: Tecnos, 1981).Talijanski prijevod: Utilitarismo: un confronto (Naples: Bibli opolis, 1985).Francuski prijevod: Utilitarisme: le po ur et le contre. Le Champ Ethique (Ge-

neva: Labor et Fides, 1997).Descartes: The Project of Pure Enqu iry (Harmondsworth: Pengu in; Has socks:

Harvester Press, 1978). Ponovno objavljeno s novim uvodom Johna Cot-tinghama (London: Ro utledge, 2005).Njemački prijevod: Descartes: Das Vorhaben der re inen philosophischen Un­

tersuchung (Frankfurt am Ma in: Athena eum, 1981).Španjolski prijevod: Descartes: el proyecto de la investigaci on pura (Mexico

City: Universidad Naci onal Autónoma de México, 1995).Moral Luck: Philosophical Papers 1973–1980 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-

sity Press, 1981).Njemački prijevod: Moralischer Zufall (Königste in: Ha in, 1984).Talijanski prijevod: Sorte morale (Milan: Il Sag gi atore-Mondadori, 1987).Španjolski prijevod: La fortuna moral (Mexico City: Universidad Naci onal

Autónoma de México, 1993).Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (London: Fontana Bo oks; Cambridge: Har-

vard University Press, 1985). Izdanje Ro utledge, s komentarom A. W. Mo -ora, 2006.Talijanski prijevod: L’etica e i limiti del la filosofia (Bari: Laterza, 1987).Francuski prijevod: L’éthique et les limites de la philosophie (Paris: Editi ons

Gal limard, 1990).Japanski prijevod: Ikikata ni tsu ite tetsugaku wa nani ga Ieru ka (Tokyo:

Sangyo utosho K.K., 1993).Španjolski prijevod: La etica y los limites de la filosofia (Caracas: Monte Avila

Editores, 1997).Njemački prijevod: Ethik und die Grenzen der Philosophie (Hamburg:

Rotbuch Verlag, 1999).Litavski prijevod: Etika ir Filosofijos Ribos (Vilni us: Di alogo kultūros insti-

tutas, 2004).Shame and Neces sity. Sather Clas sical Lectures, vol. 57 (Berkeley and Los Ange-

les: University of California Press, 1993).


Francuski prijevod: La honte et la néces sité (Paris: Pres ses Universita ires de France, 1997).

Njemački prijevod: Scham, Schuld und Notwendigke it. Polis, vol. 1 (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000).

La fortune morale (Paris: Pres ses Universita ires de France, 1994). (= Morality + izbor iz Problems of the Self, Moral Luck i Making Sense of Humanity.)

Making Sense of Humanity and Other Philosophical Papers 1982–1993 (Cambrid-ge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).Talijanski prijevod: Comprendere L’Umanità (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2006).

Der Wert der Wahrhe it. Preveo Jo achim Schulte (Vi en na: Pas sagen Verlag, 1998).Plato: The Inventi on of Philosophy (London: Pho enix/Ori on, 1998). Ponovno

objavljeno u The Sense of the Past (2006), pojedinosti dolje.Ile wolności powin na mi eć wola? (Warsaw: Fundacia Alethe ia, 1999). (= poljski

prijevod odabranih članaka.)Truth and Truthfulness: An Es say in Gene alogy (Princeton: Princeton University

Press, 2002).Njemački prijevod: Wahrhe it und Wahrhaftige it (Frankfurt am Ma in:

Surhrkamp, 2003).Talijanski prijevod: Gene alogia del la verità: storia e virtù del dire il vero

(Rome: Fazi Editore, 2005).Francuski prijevod: Vérité et Véracité (Paris: Editi ons Gal limard, 2006).Turski prijevod: Hakikat ve Hakikatlilik (Istanbul: Ayrinti Yayinlari, 2006).

In the Begin ning Was the De ed: Re alism and Moralism in Political Argument. Ure-dio Ge offrey Hawthorn (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).

The Sense of the Past: Es says in the History of Philosophy. Uredio Myles Burnye at (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006).

Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline. Uredio A. W. Mo ore (Princeton: Prince-ton University Press, 2006).

Uredničke knjige

(S A. C. Montefi ore om.) British Analytical Philosophy (London: Ro utledge, 1966).Talijanski prijevod: Filosofia analitica inglese (Rome: Lerici, 1967).

(S A. K. Senom.) Utilitari anism and Beyond (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-sity Press, 1982).Talijanski prijevod: Utilitarismo e oltre (Milan: Il Sag gi atore, 1984).



Popis ne uključuje ponovna izdanja članaka, osim u ovim slučajevima:

[PS]: Problems of the Self[ML]: Moral Luck[MSH]: Making Sense of Humanity[IBD]: In the Begin ning Was the De ed[SP]: The Sense of the Past[PHD]: Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline“Tertul li an’s Paradox.” U New Es says in Philosophical The ology, uredili Anthony

Flew i Alasda ir Macintyre (London: SCM Press, 1955). [PHD]“Personal Identity and Individu ati on.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety 57

(1956–57). [PS]“Metaphysical Arguments.” U The Nature of Metaphysics, uredio D. F. Pe ars

(London: Macmil lan, 1957). [PHD]“Ple asure and Beli ef.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety, sup pl. vol. 33 (1959).

[PHD]“Descartes.” U A Dicti onary of Philosophy and Philosophers, uredio J. O. Urmson

(London: Hutchinson, 1960).“Personal Identity and Bodily Continu ity—a Reply.” Analysis 21 (1960). [PS]“Mr Strawson on Individu als.” Philosophy 36 (1961). [PS]“The Individu al Re ason.” The Listener, 16. studeni 1961.“Democracy and Ide ology.” Political Qu arterly 32 (1961).“The Idea of Equ ality.” U Politics, Philosophy and Soci ety, uredili Peter Laslett i W.

G. Runciman (Oxford: Blackwell, 1962). [PS i IBD]“Aristotle on the Go od: A Formal Sketch.” Philosophical Qu arterly 12 (1962).

[SP]“La certitude du cogito.” U Cahi ers du Roya umont, vol. 4 (Paris: Editi ons de

Minu it, 1962).Engleski tekst: “The Certa inty of the Cogito.” U Descartes: A Col lecti on of

Critical Es says, uredio W. Doney (New York: Do ubleday, 1967).“Fre edom and the Will,” s Postscriptom. U Fre edom and the Will, uredio D. F.

Pe ars (London: Macmil lan, 1963).“Imperative Inference.” Analysis, sup pl. vol. 23 (1963). [PS]“Hume on Religi on.” U David Hume: A Symposi um, uredio D. F. Pe ars (London:

Macmil lan, 1963). [SP]


“Ethical Consistency.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety, sup pl. vol. 39 (1965). [PS]

“Morality and the Emoti ons.” Ina ugural Lecture, Bedford Col lege, London, 1965. Ponovno objavljeno u Morality and Moral Re asoning: Five Es says in Ethics, uredio J. Casey (London: Methu en, 1971). [PS]

“Imaginati on and the Self.” British Academy An nu al Philosophical Lecture, 1966. [PS]

“Consistency and Re alism.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety, sup pl. vol. 40 (1966). [PS]

“Descartes.” U The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, uredio P. Edwards (New York: Macmil lan and Free Press; London: Col li er-Macmil lan, 1967).

“Hampshire, S. N.” U ibid.“Rati onalism.” U ibid.“Knowledge and Me aning in the Philosophy of Mind.” Philosophical Revi ew 79

(1968). [PS]“Has ‘God’ a Me aning?” Qu esti on 1 (1968).

Njemački prijevod: “Der unverzichtbare Gehalt des christlichen Gla ubens.” U Gla ube und Vernunft, uredio N. Ho erster (München: De utsche Ta-schenbuch Verlag, 1979. Le ipzig: Reclam, 1985).

“Descartes’ Ontological Argument: A Com ment.” U Fact and Existence, uredio J. Margolis (Oxford: Blackwell, 1969).

“Existence-As sumpti ons in Practical Thinking: Reply to Körner.” U ibid.“Philosophy.” U General Educati on: A Symposi um on the Te aching of Non­ Speci­

alists, uredio Micha el Yudkin (Harmondsworth: Pengu in, 1969).“The Self and the Future.” Philosophical Revi ew 79 (1970). [PS]“Are Persons Bodi es?” U The Philosophy of the Body: Rejecti ons of Cartesi an Du­

alism, uredio S. Spicker (Chicago: Qu adrangle Bo oks, 1970). [PS]“Genetics and Moral Responsibility.” U Morals and Medicine (London: BBC

Publicati ons, 1970).“Deciding to Beli eve.” U Langu age, Beli ef, and Metaphysics, uredili H. E. Ki efer

i M. K. Munitz (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1970). [PS]“The Temporal Ordering of Percepti ons and Re acti ons: Reply to O’Sha ughnes-

sy.” U Percepti on: A Philosophical Symposi um, uredio F. Sibley (London: Methu en, 1971).

“Conversati on on Moral Philosophy.” U Modern British Philosophy, uredio B. Magee (London: Secker and Warburg, 1971).

“Knowledge and Re asons.” U Problems in the The ory of Knowledge, uredio G. H. von Wright (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1972). [PHD]


“The Analogy of City and So ul in Plato’s Republic.” U Exegesis and Argument: Studi es in Gre ek Philosophy. Es says Presented to Gregory Vlastos, uredili E. N. Lee, A.P.D. Mo urelatos i R. M. Rorty (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973). [SP]

“The Makropo ulos Case: Reflecti ons on the Tedi um of Im mortality.” [PS]“Ego ism and Altru ism.” [PS]Remarks in The Law and Ethics of AIDS and Embryo Transfer. CIBA Fo undati-

on Symposi um 17 (Amsterdam: Elsevi er/North-Hol land, 1973).“Wit tgenste in and Ide alism.” U Understanding Wit tgenste in, uredio Godfrey Ve-

sey. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 7 (London: Macmil lan, 1974). [ML i SP]

“The Truth in Relativism.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety 75 (1974–75). [ML]

“Rawls and Pascal’s Wager.” Cambridge Revi ew, 28. veljače 1975. [ML]“Persons, Character and Morality.” U The Identiti es of Persons, uredila A. Rorty

(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976). [ML]“Utilitari anism and Moral Self-Indulgence.” U Contemporary British Philosophy,

uredio H. D. Lewis. Ser. 4 (London: Al len & Unwin, 1976). [ML]“Moral Luck.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety, sup pl. vol. 59 (1976). [ML]“The Moral Vi ew of Politics.” The Listener, 3. lipnja 1976.“Thinking abo ut Aborti on.” The Listener, 1. rujna 1977.“Lingu istic Philosophy.” U Men of Ide as, uredio B. Magee (London: BBC

Publicati ons, 1978).“Politics and Moral Character.” U Public and Private Morality, uredio Stu art

Hampshire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978). [ML]Uvod u Isa iah Berlin, Concepts and Categori es: Philosophical Es says, uredio Henry

Hardy (London: Hogarth Press, 1978).Zaključak u Morality as a Bi ological Phenomenon, uredio Gunther Stent (Berlin:

Dahlem Konferenzen, 1978. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of Cali-fornia Press, 1980).

[S Davidom Wig ginsom.] Uvod u Ethics, Value and Re ality: Selected Papers of Aurel Kolnai (London: Athlone, 1978).

“Another Time, Another Place, Another Person.” U Percepti on and Identity: Es­says Presented to A. J. Ayer, with His Repli es to Them, uredio G. Macdonald (London: Macmil lan, 1979). [ML]

“Conflicts of Valu es.” U The Idea of Fre edom: Es says in Hono ur of Isa iah Berlin, uredio A. Ryan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979). [ML]


“Internal and External Re asons.” U Rati onal Acti on: Studi es in Philosophy and Soci al Sci ence, uredio T. R. Har rison (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979). [ML]

“Political Philosophy and the Analytical Traditi on.” U Political The ory and Poli­tical Educati on, uredio M. Richter (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980). [PHD]

“Moral Obligati on and the Semantics of ‘Ought’.” Proce edings of the Fifth Kir­chberg Wit tgenste in Conference, 1980.Izmijenjena verzija: “ ‘Ought’ and Moral Obligati on.” [ML]

“L’éthique et la philosophie analytique.” Critique (Paris), kolovoz–rujan 1980.“Philosophy.” U The Legacy of Gre ece: A New Ap pra isal, uredio M. Finley

(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981). [SP]“Justice as a Virtue.” U Es says on Aristotle’s Ethics, uredila A. Rorty (Berkeley and

Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1981). [ML i SP]“Practical Neces sity.” U Philosophical Fronti ers of Christi an The ology: Es says

Presented to Donald Mackin non, uredili S. Sutherland i B. Heb blethwa ite (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982). [ML]

“Cratylus’ The ory of Names and Its Refutati on.” U Langu age and Logos: Studi es in Anci ent Gre ek Philosophy Presented to G.E.L. Owen, uredili M. Schofi eld i M. Nus sba um (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982). [SP]

“The Po int of Vi ew of the Universe: Sidgwick and the Ambiti ons of Ethics.” Henry Sidgwick Memori al Lecture, 1982. Cambridge Revi ew, 7. svibnja 1982. [MSH i SP]

“Evoluti on, Ethics, and the Representati on Problem.” U Evoluti on from Molecu­les to Men, uredio D. S. Bendall (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). [MSH]

“Space Talk: The Conversati on Continu ed.” (Komentar uz B. Ackerman, Soci al Justice in the Liberal State.) Ethics 93 (1983).

“Descartes’ Use of Skepticism.” U The Skeptical Traditi on, uredio Myles Burnye at (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1983). [SP]

“Profes si onal Morality and Its Dispositi ons.” U The Go od Lawyer: Lawyers’ Roles and Lawyers’ Ethics, uredio David Luban. Maryland Studi es in Public Phi-losophy (Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Al lenheld, 1983). [MSH]

“Präsup positi onen der Moralität.” U Bedingungen der Möglichke it: “Transcenden­tal Arguments” und Transcendentales Denken, uredili E. Schaper i W. Vos-senkuhl (Stut tgart: Klett-Cot ta, 1984).

“The Sci entific and the Ethical.” U Objectivity and Cultural Divergence, uredio by S. Brown. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 17 (Cambridge: Cam-


bridge University Press, 1984). [Skraćena verzija 8. poglavlja Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy.]

“Morality, Scepticism and the Nucle ar Arms Race.” U Objecti ons to Nucle ar De­fence: Philosophers on Deter rence, uredili N. Blake i K. Pole (London: Ro-utledge, 1984).

“Formal and Substanti al Individu alism.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety 85 (1984–1985) [MSH].

“The ori es of Soci al Justice—Where Next?” U Equ ality and Discriminati on: Es­says in Fre edom and Justice, uredili S. Gu est i A. Milne. Archiv für Rechts­ und Sozi alphilosophie 21. (Stut tgart: F. Ste iner, 1985).

“Ethics and the Fabric of the World.” U Morality and Objectivity: A Tribute to J. L. Mackie, uredio T. Honderich (London: Ro utledge, 1985). [MSH]

“What Slopes Are Slip pery?” U Moral Dilem mas in Modern Medicine, uredio M. Lockwo od (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985). [MSH]

How Free Do es the Will Ne ed to Be? The Lindley Lecture, 1985 (Lawrence: Uni-versity of Kansas Press, 1986). [MSH]

“L’intervista di Polite ia: Bernard Wil li ams.” Polite ia (Milan) (zima 1986).“Formalism and Natural Langu age in Moral Philosophy.” U Mérites et limites

des méthodes logiqu es en philosophie, uredio Jules Vu il leman (Paris: J. Vrin, za Fondati on Singer-Polignac, 1986).

“Types of Moral Argument aga inst Embryo Rese arch.” U Human Embryo Rese­arch:

Yes or No? (London: Tavistock Publicati ons, for the CIBA Fo undati on, 1986). ponovno objavljeno u Bi oEs says 6 (1987).

“Hylomorphism.” Oxford Studi es in Anci ent Philosophy 4 (1986). Festschrift za J. L. Ackril la, uredio Micha el Wo ods. [SP]

Uvod u René Descartes, Meditati ons on First Philosophy with Selecti ons from the Objecti ons and Repli es, uredio J. Cot tingham (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-versity Press), 1986. [SP]

“Reply to Simon Blackburn” (rezenzija Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy). Phi­losophical Bo oks 27 (1986).

Komentari uz Tan ner Lectures Amartye Sena, 1985, u Amartya Sen, The Stan­dard of Living (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).

“The Primacy of Dispositi ons.” U Educati on and Valu es: The Richard Peters Lectures, uredio Graham Haydon (London: University of London Institute of Educati on, 1987). [PHD]

“Descartes.” U The Gre at Philosophers: An Introducti on to Western Philosophy, ure-dio B. Magee (London: BBC Publicati ons, 1987).


“The Structure of Hare’s The ory.” U Hare and Critics: Es says in Moral Thinking, uredili Do uglas Se anor i N. Foti on. Festschrift za R. M. Harea (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988). [PHD]

“Formal Structures and Soci al Re ality.” U Trust: Making and Bre aking Co ­operative Relati ons, uredio Di ego Gambet ta (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988). [MSH]

“What Do es Intu iti onism Imply?” U Human Agency: Langu age, Duty, and Value. Philosophical Es says in Honor of J. O. Urmson, uredili J. Moravscik i C.C.W. Taylor (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988). [MSH]

“Evoluti onary The ory: Epistemology and Ethics.” U Evoluti on and Its Influ ence, uredio Alan Grafen. Herbert Spencer Lectures, 1986 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989). [MSH]

“Dworkin on Com munity and Critical Interests.” California Law Revi ew 77 (1989).

“Modernita e vita etica.” U Etica e vita qu otidi ana (Bologna: Bibli oteca del Mu-lino, 1989).Engleski tekst: “Modernity and the Substance of Ethical Life.” [IBD]

“Voluntary Acts and Responsible Agents.” Hart Lecture, Oxford, 1987. Oxford Jo urnal of Legal Studi es 10 (1989). [MSH]

“Soci al Justice: The Agenda in Soci al Philosophy for the Nineti es.” Jo urnal of Soci al Philosophy 20 (1989).

“Internal Re asons and the Obscurity of Blame.” Logos 10 (1989). [MSH]Reply to the President. Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety 90 (1989–90).“Who Might I Have Be en?” U Human Genetic Informati on: Sci ence, Law and Et­

hics. CIBA Fo undati on Symposi um 149 (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1990).Izmijenjena verzija: “Resenting One’s Own Existence.” [MSH]

“Notre vie éthique.” (Izvadak iz predgovora francuskom prijevodu knjige Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy.) Esprit, November 11, 1990.

“The Ne ed to Be Sceptical.” Times Literary Sup plement, Febru ary 16, 1990.“Making Sense of Humanity.” U The Bo undari es of Humanity: Humans, Animals,

Machines, uredili James She enan i Morton Sosna. Proce edings of Stanford University Centen ni al Conference, 1987 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: Uni-versity of California Press, 1991). [MSH]

“Sa int-Just’s Il lusi on: Interpretati on and the Powers of Philosophy.” London Revi­ew of Bo oks, August 29, 1991. [MSH]

“Subjectivism and Tolerati on.” U A. J. Ayer: Memori al Es says, uredio A. Phil lips Griffiths (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992). [PHD]


“Must a Concern for the Environment Be Centred on Human Be ings?” U Ethics and the Environment, uredio C.C.W. Taylor (Oxford: Corpus Christi Col-lege, 1992). [MSH]

“Pluralism, Com munity and Left Wit tgenste ini anism.” Com mon Knowledge 1 (1992). [IBD]

Uvod u Plato’s The aetetus, translated by M. J. Levett, revised by Myles Burnye at (Indi anapolis: Hackett, 1992). [SP]

“Moral Incapacity.” Proce edings of the Aristoteli an Soci ety 92 (1992–1993). [MSH]“Ni etzsche’s Minimalist Moral Psychology.” Europe an Jo urnal of Philosophy 1

(1993). [MSH i SP]“Who Ne eds Ethical Knowledge?” U Ethics, uredio A. P. Griffiths. Royal In-

stitute of Philosophy Lectures, 1992 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993). [MSH]

“Moral Luck: A Postscript.” U Moral Luck, uredio Dani el Statman (Albany: Sta-te University of New York Press, 1993). [MSH]

“Les vertus de la vérité.” U Le respect, uredio C. Audard (Paris: Editi ons Autre-ment, 1993).

“Pagan Justice and Christi an Love.” U Virtue, Love and Form: Es says in Memory of Gregory Vlastos, uredili Terence Irwin i Martha C. Nus sba um (Edmon-ton: Academic Printing and Publishing, 1994). [SP]

“Descartes and the Histori ography of Philosophy.” U Re ason, Will and Sensati­on: Studi es in Descartes’s Metaphysics, uredio John Cot tingham (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994). [SP]

“The Actus Re us of Dr Caligari.” Pen nsylvania Law Revi ew 142 (svibanj 1994). [PHD]

“Repli es.” U World, Mind and Ethics: Es says on the Ethical Philosophy of Bernard Wil li ams, uredili J. E. J. Altham i Ross Har rison (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).

“Ethics.” U Philosophy: A Gu ide thro ugh the Subject, uredio A. C. Grayling (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).

“Identity and Identiti es.” U Identity: Es says Based on Herbert Spencer Lectures Gi­ven in the University of Oxford, uredio Henry Har ris (Oxford: Oxford Uni-versity Press, 1995). [PHD]

“Acts and Omis si ons, Do ing and Not Do ing.” U Virtu es and Re asons: Philip pa Fo ot and Moral The ory. Es says in Hono ur of Philip pa Fo ot, uredili Rosalind Hurstho use, Gavin Lawrence i War ren Qu inn (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 1995. [MSH]

“La philosophie devant l’ignorance.” Di ogène 169 (Paris: Editi ons Gal limard, 1995).


Engleski tekst: “Philosophy and the Understanding of Ignorance,” u britan-skom izdanju Di ogenesa (Oxford: Berghahn Bo oks). [PHD]

“Acting as the Virtu ous Person Acts.” U Aristotle and Moral Re alism, uredio Ro-bert He inaman. Ke eling Col loqu ium 1, 1994 (London: UCL, 1995). [SP]

“Afterword: What Has Philosophy to Le arn From Tort Law?” U Philosophical Fo undati ons of Tort Law, uredio D. G. Owen (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995).

“A Further Introducti on.” U The Blackwell Compani on to Philosophy, uredili N. Bun nin i E. P. Tsui-James (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).

“Truth in Ethics.” U Truth in Ethics, uredio Brad Ho oker (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).

“Censorship in a Borderless World.” Faculty Lecture 16, Faculty of Arts and Soci al Sci ences (Singapore: Nati onal University of Singapore, 1996).

“Valu es, Re asons, and the The ory of Persu asi on.” U Ethics, Rati onality and Eco­nomic Behavi our, uredili Francesco Farina, Frank Hahn i Stefano Van nuc ci (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996). [PHD]

“The Politics of Trust.” U The Ge ography of Identity, uredila Patricia Ya eger (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996).

“Tolerati on: An Impos sible Virtue?” U Tolerati on: An Elusive Virtue, uredio Da-vid Heyd (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996).

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