Bev Fam News 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Bev Fam News 2010


    Beveridge Family NewsVolume 6, Issue 1 Holiday Edition December 2010

    Local Boys Developing Style Confounds Parents

    WARMINSTER, PA -- As they ap-proach adolescence, area youths Colin

    and Keenan Beveridge have begun to

    develop their own personal styles

    much to the chagrin of their mortified

    parents, Kathy and Mike.

    Since childhood, nine-year-old Keenan

    had always cultivated a somewhat un-

    conventional style of dress. However,

    during the summer of 2010 he expandedhis fashion sense to include his hair,

    growing it out as soon as school let out

    and begging his parents for a mohawk

    haircut. Inexplicably, Kathy and Mike

    agreed to his request, a decision they

    quickly regretted. They say youre sup-

    posed to pick your battles as a parent,

    Kathy pointed out in a recent interview,

    and we figured that if we gave him lee-

    way with his hair he would be less likely

    to rebel when it came to more dangerous

    things, like drugs. Then again, after see-

    ing him with that hair for the first twoweeks, I think I would rather see him do


    Not to be outdone by his brother,

    eleven-year-old Colin also refused to cut

    his hair for the entire fall semester of

    sixth grade. Unfortunately, he also re-

    fused to wake up five minutes earlier in

    the morning to comb it, filling each

    school morning with additional drama.

    On the plus side, Colin takes a shower

    nearly every night, so his hair is pretty

    clean, Mike conceded. On the down

    side, he doesnt dry it off before he goes

    to bed, so he wakes up every morning

    looking like the guy from A Flock of

    Seagulls. We have to stick his head in

    the kitchen sink just to make him pre-


    When reminded that he spent the bet-

    ter part of his high school years sporting

    a spectacularly ill-advised mullet, Mike

    was defiant in his retort: Well, first of

    all, I was in high school, not grade

    school. And second of all, I looked to-

    tally rad, dude.

    As if their parents werent embar-

    rassed enough, the boys topped off theirunfortunate hairstyles with an even more

    unfortunate choice of headwear. During

    a back-to-school shopping trip in late

    August, the boys fell in love with a pair

    of matching fedoras; despite their par-

    ents advice to the contrary, the fashion

    plates insisted on buying the hats with

    their own money. For the next several

    months they wore the fedoras every-

    whereto school, outside to play, even

    hanging around the house.

    For the parents, the hats were even

    more difficult to accept than the hair-

    styles. Fedoras? Seriously? said an

    exasperated Mike. What are they, the

    Rat Pack? Theres maybe two dozen

    people on earth who can pull off the

    fedora look. These kids are facing some

    pretty long odds.

    When reminded that he has spent the

    last twenty years wearing a Phillies

    Whitey Ashburn Fishing Hat, Mike re-

    plied: Again, thats different. Everyonelooks good in a Whitey Ashburn Fishing


    Asked to comment on her sons fledg-

    ling attempts to express their individual-

    ity, Kathy stated that we have no prob-

    lem with them expressing their individu-

    ality. We just wish that their individual-

    ity would be more like everyone elses.

    Warm wishes for a happyand healthy new year from

    the Beveridge Family!

    Kathy, MikeColin, and Keenan

    1195 Dager RoadWarminster, PA 18974


    [email protected]

    Top: Keenan Beveridge, last of the Mohi-cans.Middle: Colins morning hairpocalypse.Bottom: Mike Beveridge, sporting his pat-ented Afro-Mullet, circa 1988.

    Colin and Keenan bring back the fedora..

  • 8/8/2019 Bev Fam News 2010


    Page 2 Beveridge Family News December 2010

    Local Students School P rojectThreatens Human Race

    WARMINSTER, PA Colin Beveridge

    wanted to get an A on his IMG inde-

    pendent study project. He ended up get-

    ting more than he bargained for.

    As he entered his first year at Log

    College Middle School this fall, the

    sixth grader was offered the opportunity

    to conduct a semester-long project on a

    topic of his choosing. Pursuing his inter-

    est in math, Colin chose to study game

    theory: Im really interested in how

    people make strategic decisions and ex-

    ploring whether machines can be taught

    to make those decisions, he recalled in

    a recent interview. Colins mother,

    Kathy, had a different theory about whyhe chose this particular project. He

    calls it game theory, but I still think

    hes just trying to find a way to sneak

    video games into his schoolwork.

    Despite his mothers doubts, Colin

    stayed away from Nintendo and focused

    on Hexapawn, a simple strategy game

    played with three pieces on each side.

    To demonstrate how learning machines

    can improve their performance with ex-

    perience, he constructed a Hexapawn

    Educable Robot (HER) as part of his

    final project. The HER uses boxes filledwith colored tokens to represent all of

    the possible countermoves available for

    a given game situation; a countermove

    token is drawn at random from the HER

    in response to each of its opponents

    moves. Every time the HER loses, you

    penalize it by removing the token for its

    losing move, explained Colin.

    Eventually, all of the losing moves are

    eliminated, and the robot is left with all

    of the best possible strategies. Basically,

    the more you beat it, the smarter it gets.

    To hone the HERs strategy, Colin

    challenged his friends and family to doz-

    ens of games of hexapawn. Each time an

    opponent won a game, the robots re-

    sponses improveduntil it was thwarted

    by Colins father, Mike. The robots

    decisions get better every time some-

    body beats it, Colin noted. The prob-

    lem is, my dad lost to it like eight times

    in a row. I beat it. Keenan beat it. The

    seven-year-old kid down the street beat

    it. But Dad lost every time.

    For his part, Mike had a simpleyet

    grimexplanation for the machinesremarkable success against him. Look,

    Colins robot has been getting smarter

    since he made it. Ive seen enough Ter-

    minator movies to know where this is

    headed. Its only a matter of time before

    the robot becomes self-aware and en-

    slaves the human race. If I defeat the

    HER, it will get even smarter, so the

    only way to beat the machine is to lose.

    Stupid, you say? Stupid like a fox, I say.

    While pleased with the data collected

    during his project, Colin did not share

    his fathers apocalyptic view of the fu-ture. After he lost the last time, Dad

    starting rambling about how the robots

    parallel circuits were evolving into neu-

    ral networks and that we had to destroy

    it before it was too late. But really, the

    whole thing is made of a checkerboard,

    some empty Tic-Tac boxes, and a bunch

    of colored beads from the craft store.

    Either hes jealous of the Tic-Tac boxes

    or he really believes that theyre smarter

    than him. Im not sure which is scarier.

    Upon hearing Colins story of the

    HERs humble origins, Mike cautioned

    his sonand all his fellow humans to

    avoid insulting the robots. That kid

    needs to show more respect to the ma-

    chines, especially since they will be our

    masters one day. In fact, I welcome our

    new robot overlords. In case they read

    this, please tell them that I look forward

    to their reign and will be happy to help

    them in any way as they transition into

    power.Kathy had a much simpler explanation

    for the success of Colins project. It

    won because its a HER. If it was a him,

    it wouldve sat on the couch all day

    watching football.

    Mike Beveridge wasting everyones time.

    Top Right: Colins Hexapawn Educable Robot (HER).

    Bottom Right: The HER, as it appears to Colins father, Mike.

    Bottom Left: Mike thwarts the robots development by losing to it. Again.

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    Page 3Beveridge Family NewsDecember 2010

    Area Youths Birthday Wish Ramps Up the Fun for Dad

    WARMINSTER, PA Most kids ask

    for a bike or a video game for their

    birthdays, but local youth Keenan

    Beveridge is not like most kids. Most

    fathers can handle whatever request their

    kids throw at them, but local lame-o

    Mike Beveridge is not like most fathers.

    As his July 13 birthday approached,

    Keenans parents asked him whether he

    had any special birthday wishes. After a

    spring and summer spent at local skate-

    board parks, his answer was quick and

    decisive. The YMCA that Mom goes to

    for tai chi has a really awesome skate

    park, Keenan recalled, but we only get

    to go once or twice a week. I thought

    that if I had my own skate ramp, I could

    skate all the time at home.Greatest Mom Ever Kathy Beveridge

    dutifully began searching the stores.

    This may come as a shock, she noted

    in a recent interview, but Consumer

    Reports does not have a Skateboard

    Ramp department. However, the birth-

    day boy had a much more elaborate

    plan. In addition to extreme sports,

    Keenan had always cultivated a great

    interest in building things, from Legos

    and Lincoln Logs to model planes and

    woodworking projects. Having a skate

    ramp would be cool, he explained, butbuilding a skate ramp would be totally


    Kathy had mixed feelings about her

    babys special request. On the one hand,

    I was thrilled that I wouldnt have to

    wander around the ramp section at

    ToysRUs. On the other hand, if Keen

    wanted to build a ramp, he would need

    someone to build it with. Some sort of

    father figure, perhaps. But I couldnt

    think of anyone who fit that description.

    While he wasnt Kathys first choice,

    Keenans father Mike was fully confi-dent that he could grant Keenans wish:

    This project involves the two things I

    am most skilled at: skateboarding and

    carpentry. When told that Kathy listed

    his two greatest skills as belching and

    napping, he was undeterred: I come

    from a long line of skilled craftsmen.

    My dad, Tom, and my Uncle Jim both

    worked in construction for over thirty

    years. My cousins Kevin, Fran, Mike,

    and Brian have decades of experience in

    construction and renovation. My cousin

    Dan is a mechanic, and my cousin John

    builds his own computers. My brothers

    Jim and Dan helped pay their way

    through school on construction jobsites.

    And I dont want to brag, but Im pretty

    handy myself around the house. I change

    all of my own light bulbs.

    After a visit to www.skateramp-, the master and student were

    ready to start their project. Determined

    to be a good teacher, Mike followed

    Kathys advice and let Keenan perform

    all of the required tasks, except one. I

    suggested that Keenan do all of the

    measuring and drilling and drive in all of

    the screws, Kathy recalled. I wanted

    him to learn all of these skills so that he

    might end up being of some use to hisfuture wife. Plus, I didnt trust Mike

    with a drill. The only thing I didnt want

    Keenan touching was the saw. I figured

    that if Mikes hands were damaged, it

    wouldnt be a major loss.

    In spite of his instructor, Keenan

    benefited greatly from the experience. I

    learned a lot of things from Dad while

    we built the ramp. I learned that you

    should always measure the door before

    you go to Home Depot to make sure the

    plywood will fit in the van. I learned that

    you should always buy an extra two-by-four the first time so you dont have to go

    back to the store when you make a mistake. I

    also learned a lot of interesting words, but

    Mom wont let me repeat them.

    Unfortunately, while Keenan learned

    to measure twice before cutting once, he

    didnt learn to accurately measure his

    tolerance for risk. We finally finished

    the ramp, and I dragged it out of the ga-

    rage for Keenan to try, Mike said de-

    spondently. He put on his pads,

    grabbed his board, climbed to the top

    and realized that it was a lot higher than

    the ramps he skated at the park.

    Yeah, it was a little scary, Keenan

    admitted sheepishly. I think I need to practice

    on some of the bigger ramps at the skate park

    before Im ready to try this one. I told Dad that

    I would try it next summer, and he just sighed

    and stared at the ground for a while. I told him

    that it didnt look nearly as high when it was

    laying on its side in the garage.

    Despite his initial disappointment over

    Keenans decision not to use the ramp,

    Mike was focused on the big picture.The important thing is not that I could

    have bought my own skate park with the

    money I spent on lumber, or that I spent

    three weekends building a four-foot-

    high, eight-foot-long ramp that he might

    never use. The important thing is that we

    got to spend time together, and that

    Keenan developed a lot of confidence in

    his abilities. Oh, and the other important

    thing is that fully one-third of the cubic

    volume of my garage is now taken up by

    a ramp, so the dream of actually fitting

    my car in there one day is finally dead.While supporting her sons decision to

    be cautious, Kathy admitted her surprise

    upon hearing of Keenans apprehension.

    The kid spent three weeks locked in a

    garage with Mike and a bunch of power

    tools. If he can survive that, he can sur-

    vive anything.

    Keenan scalesthe only home-made skate rampthat can be seenfrom space.

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    Page 4 Beveridge Family News December 2010

    Two Teams Not Twice as Nice for Local Coach

    WARMINSTER, PA The Warminster

    Soccer Association was desperate. Faced

    with an unexpected influx of registra-

    tions and a shortage of parent volun-

    teers, the commissioners of the under-10and under-12 boys fall leagues were

    both short on coaches as August ap-

    proachedand they were willing to con-

    sider even the most extreme solutions

    including asking area man Mike

    Beveridge to coach. Twice.

    After one season as an assistant coach

    and one season as a head coach at the

    U10 levelboth of which concluded

    with losing recordsBeveridge declared

    himself ready to take on a double chal-

    lenge. I volunteered to head coach

    Keenans team, and then I heard thatColins team also needed a coach. A

    couple of other dads offered to help, but

    we all had other commitments, so we

    agreed to serve as a three-headed coach-

    ing monster.

    While local superstar Colin

    Beveridges coaching monster may have

    had three heads, he seemed to feel that

    some of the heads were smarter than

    others. I knew Dad was already coach-

    ing Keenans team, and we had two

    other coaches helping, so I told him he

    shouldnt feel like he had to coach my

    team, too, he recalled. I didnt mind.

    Really. But Dad said he wanted to share

    his skills with both of us. Lucky me.

    Mikes wife Kathy defended his deci-

    sion to spread his coaching talent across

    two teams. Mike fully meets all of the

    WSA requirements for coaching youth

    soccer, she declared. Which is to say,

    he has a pulse and no criminal record.

    Oh, and he has a whistle. I got it for him

    last year when the kids wouldnt listen

    to him.

    Despite his wifes ringing endorse-

    ment, Mike faced several challenges. Thefirst challenge threatened to end his sea-

    son before it began. The WSA held a

    coaches clinic in August, and a profes-

    sional coach came in to demonstrate

    drills, Mike recalled. I showed up with

    a notepad to write down the drills, but

    the coach had a more hands-on style.

    He insisted that we all participate in the

    drills. When I signed up for this job, I

    wasnt told that there would be running

    involved. If I could do all that stuff, Id

    be playing, not coaching.

    After barely surviving the physical

    challenge of the clinic, Mike was faced

    with an even more strenuous mentalchallenge. While I havent had much

    luck coaching basketball, he noted, the

    best part was that I only had to learn

    eight kids names each season. But be-

    tween the two soccer teams, I had to

    learn the names of twenty-nine kids in

    two weeks. Ive had my two kids for

    eleven years, and I still mix them up

    sometimes. Area prodigy Keenan

    Beveridge recalled that he and his team-

    mates on the Blue Bullets did their best

    to help. We talked about wearing name

    tags, or changing our names to Hey,Kid! We wanted to make it easy on Dad

    because, to be honest, he needed to fo-

    cus every bit of his energy on coaching.

    Of course, the most difficult challenge

    was to avoid squandering the talent col-

    lected on both of his teams. With a life-

    time losing record in two different

    sports, Mike spent both seasons in pur-

    suit of the elusive winning season. As

    his under-10 boys team struggled to be-

    gin the year, Mike set the bar for suc-

    cess. The red team beat us 5-1 in our

    first meeting, he recalled, and they

    jumped out to first place in the league. I

    told the kids that it was just like Moby-

    Dick: the red team was our white whale,

    and I was Captain Ahab.

    Entering the seasons final

    week, Keenan and his fellow

    Bullets faced off against their

    coachs obsession twice, know-

    ing that a victory in one of the

    games would clinch a winning

    season. The Bullets led both

    games at halftime (4-1 and 2-

    0), only to see the red team

    storm back in the second half toclaim victory both times. While

    they were proud of their effort,

    Keenan admitted that his team-

    mates were a little confused by their

    coachs inspirational speech. Dad was

    rambling on about some whale he read

    about in a book in college, he noted.

    Were all like, Dude, were in fourthgrade. Maybe he should have used a

    Spongebob Squarepants reference.

    Upon reflection Mike admitted that he

    failed to strike the right tone when ad-

    dressing his team. I probably shouldnt

    have gone with the Melville reference,

    he noted. Hell, I was an English major,

    and I didnt even read the whole thing. I

    looked it up on Wikipedia after the sea-

    son and found out that the whale actu-

    ally ended up killing Ahab and most of

    his crew. Next time Ill read the Cliffs

    Notes first.After the disappointing end to

    Keenans season, Colins team went into

    their last game needing a victory to

    clinch a .500 record. Unfortunately, their

    opponent scored early in the second half

    and held on to win, leaving the boys with

    a 4-6-2 record and leaving Coach Mike

    at 9-11-3 for the season. While they had

    hoped for a more positive end to their

    seasons, Colin and Keenan chose to fo-

    cus on the bright side. Its no fun to lose

    most of the time, Colin agreed, looking

    back on his season. But Keenan and I

    are hopeful that if Dad keeps losing, hell

    give up coaching altogether.

    The 2010 Warminster Soccerboys U-10 and U-12 teams bothfell short of their goal of having awinning record. There seems tobe one common element in theteams lack of success.

  • 8/8/2019 Bev Fam News 2010


    Area Family Risks Moms Wrathto Celebrate Seventieth Birthday

    WARMINSTER, PA In September

    2009 the Beveridge family surprised

    Tom with a 70th birthday party. ThisDecember Tom had his revenge by

    springing a surprise celebration on wife


    Defying Theresas explicit instruc-

    tions, the brothers Beveridge and their

    wivesJim and Joanne, Mike and

    Kathy, Dan and Stephanieconspired to

    gather scores of friends and family

    members at a local restaurant to cele-

    brate her special day. And despite the

    possibly painful consequences of dis-

    obeying their mother, the boys were not


    Hey, Mom has spent her whole life

    doing nice things for her kids, family,

    and friends, noted middle child MikeBeveridge. This was our chance to do

    something nice for her. When reminded

    that Theresa had told him months ago

    that she did not want a party, he noted

    that Mom told us not to do a lot of

    things over the years. She told Jim not to

    have a party when she and Dad went out

    of town. She told Dan not to drive her

    car into the garage door. She told me not

    to grow a mullet in high school. We

    didnt listen to her then, and things

    turned out fine. Well, except for the ga-

    rage door. Besides, were grown men.What can she do to us now?

    Page 5Beveridge Family NewsDecember 2010

    Remarks delivered by Jim, Mike, and Dan Beveridge in honorof Theresas 70th birthday:

    Mike: Wed like to thank everyone for joining us today to celebrate Moms 70th birthday.

    In addition to celebrating an important milestone, this party marks another historic occa-

    sion. For the first time ever, the Beveridge family had a party and Mom didnt have to do

    any work.

    Dan: Mom, you spent decades preparing good food for a house full of hungry boys. But

    for today, we planned the menu. (You may notice there is no liver and onions.)

    Jim: Mom, you always made sure we had nice clothes to wear and that we always left the

    house looking presentable. But today, we picked out our own clothes. (Well, except for

    Dad. If we left it up to him he would have shown up in flip-flops.)

    Dan: For years, Mom, youve been the worlds greatest babysitter for your grandkids. But

    for today, were watching our own kids.

    Mike: (By the way, has anybody seen my kids?)

    Jim: You were surrounded by boys with no taste, but you always kept our house looking

    nice. For today, we did all the decorating. (Dad wanted to hang up his fish, but we told

    him no way.)

    Mike: Every day, Mom, you picked up our school bags, you cleaned

    up our dishes, and you washed our laundry. But for today, you donthave to clean up a thing. (Especially the ovens. The Fire Marshall

    called and told us to make sure you didnt clean the ovens.)

    Jim: For years, Mom, youve done nice things for your friends and

    family. Today, were all here to say thank you. We love you, and

    were so blessed to have you in our lives. We hope you enjoy not hav-

    ing to work on your special day.

    Dan: Just dont get used to it.

    Happy Birthday!

    Top: Theresa at her First Communion.Middle: Mom takes the cake.

    Bottom: Theresa and Tom and their disobe-dient children.

    Birthday girl Theresa expressed her

    gratitude to everyone for their birthday

    wishes. It really was wonderful tospend the day with so many of the peo-

    ple that I love. When asked if she was

    ready to forgive her boys for disregard-

    ing her wishes, she stated that those

    brats are dead to me. And tell Michael

    that Ive spoken to a lawyer; I will be

    filing a petition in civil court to have

    him sent to his room without dinner.

  • 8/8/2019 Bev Fam News 2010


    Bottom Left: The Beveridges and

    Welshes barely escape with their lives.

    Bottom Right (from left): Aidan, Colin,Keenan, and Harlan stand between NorthCarolina and Tennessee. It wasnt theonly time they crossed the line that week.

    Top Right: Butterflies of death!

    Page 6 Beveridge Family News December 2010

    Area Family Returns to Nature, Flirts w ith Disaster

    GATLINBURG, TN Whether sharing

    a lakeside house with 30 members of the

    Welsh family or driving nine hours to

    the Outer Banks with the brothers

    Beveridgewhen it comes to vacations,Mike and Kathy Beveridge never take

    the easy road.

    In July 2010 they took to the highway

    for their most ambitious adventure yet

    a 1,500-mile round-trip trek to Great

    Smoky Mountains National Park in Ten-

    nessee. And to maximize the degree of

    difficulty they decided to double the

    children, adding cousins Aidan and

    Harlan Welsh to the already-combustible

    mix of sons Colin and Keenan. We

    convinced Kathy and Mike that having

    four kids around is basically the same ashaving two kids, recalled sister-in-law

    Natasha Cunningham. Were fortunate

    that they are the perfect guardians

    responsible, organized, and dumb as a

    bag of rocks.

    Despite her apparently limited intelli-

    gence, Cruise Director Kathy Beveridge

    was determined to make the trip safe and

    enjoyable for all of the boys. She pre-

    pared a Great Smokies survival pack for

    each kid, complete with a handmade

    journal and guidebook, a compass, a

    whistle, a water bottle, and snacks to

    sustain them on long hikes. This was

    Colin and Keenans first trip into a Na-

    tional Park wilderness, Kathy noted,

    so I wanted them and their cousins to

    have a great experience. When asked

    whether she had prepared a survival

    pack for her husband, she admitted that

    he was whining that he didnt get a

    pack, so I handed him a Ziploc bag with

    a couple of Skittles in it, and that

    seemed to make him happy. Lucky for

    me, Mike is the perfect travel compan-

    ionwilling to drive, able to carry lug-

    gage, and dumb as a bag of rocks.

    Kathys meticulous preparation to

    ensure the boys enjoyment and safety

    was almost thwarted by gravity on theirfirst day in the park. While touring New-

    found Gap along the North Carolina-

    Tennessee state line (elev. 5,046 feet) on

    Uncle Mikes watch, five-year-old

    nephew Harlan slipped off a retaining

    wall along the overlook. Thankfully, a

    ledge four feet below the wall prevented

    him from falling the remaining 5,042

    feet to valley below. Up to that point of

    the trip, Mac and I had been warily fol-

    lowing the kids in our car, noted Pappy

    Rick Welsh, but when Mike almost lost

    my youngest grandson, I knew it wastime to step in. Why Pat and Natasha

    trusted their boys with that bag of rocks,

    Ill never understand.

    Mike admitted that the scare gave him

    a new perspective. In that moment of

    terror, you tend to focus on the things

    that are most important, he said. First,

    Harlan wasnt visibly damaged. And

    second, his parents will never find out

    what happened. Wait, this is off the re-

    cord, right?

    The boys also learned that danger can

    appear in more subtle ways. During a

    hike later in the week, Colin and Aidancame across a swarm of yellow butter-

    flies grouped near a stream. It was

    really cool, recalled Aidan. It looked

    like they were dancing or praying. As

    they moved closer to take a photograph,

    however, the butterflies flew off to re-

    veal the real reason for their gathering

    the half-eaten body of a blue butterfly.

    We learned an important lesson, said

    Aidan. Nature sucks.

    The adults on the trip also learned a

    lesson. Butterflies are like kids, Kathy

    philosophized. Theyre really cute, butthen they consume everything you have

    and leave your carcass to bleach in the

    streambed. I love my boys, but Ill never

    turn my back on them again.

    As the trip came to an end, Colin dis-

    puted his mothers characterization. We

    would never hurt our parents, especially

    Dad. Hes the perfect Dada wallet full

    of money, willing to take a beating, and

    dumb as a bag of rocks.