Bi Report Sem 3

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  • 8/2/2019 Bi Report Sem 3








    You are the secretary of your class. Your class had organized an English Day

    programme with a primary school in Jeli Kelantan. Write a report of the programme to

    be published in Kijang Emas, an IPGKKB annual magazine. Your report should be

    around 1000 words.



    S17C 1006 0566





    12 SEPTEMBER 2011

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    Report writing is an essential skill for professionals in almost every field: accountants,

    teachers, graphic designers, information scientists (the list goes on). Thats one of the

    reasons why your lecturers will almost certainly require you to write reports during yourperiod of study at the University of Canberra.

    A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. It should be easy to read,

    and professional in its presentation.

    Exactly what you include in your report and how you present it will vary according to

    your discipline and the specific purpose of the report. Here we give some general

    guidelines, but you should check with your lecturer for more detail on what is expected.

  • 8/2/2019 Bi Report Sem 3


    On 31st July 2011, Our class PPISMP Pemulihan Semester 3 had organized an

    English Day programme with Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Mara, Jeli Kelantan. A total

    of 24 members joined this trip. Our primary interest was to improve the English

    language skills of the students and we also wanted to prepare for our School Based

    Experience next semester.

    The English Day programme is located at Pondok Moden Jeli. We gathered at

    the bas stand and departed to Pondok Moden Jeli at 5 am sharp. We arrived at the

    venue at 6.30 am and the registration started at 7.30 am. The participants range from

    Year 1 to Year 6 students, around 134 students took part in our programme.

    At 10.30 am, the Director of IPGKKB, Tuan Haji Hashim bin Deraman upholds

    the opening ceremony for the programme and delivered speech. The director first

    extended congratulations to the organizing of the programme and expressed welcome

    to the participants. The opening ceremony was filled with warm welcome and

    excitement. The participants seemed interested in our programme. The Staff at Sekolah

    Kebangsaan Bukit Mara was very welcoming and appreciate that we came. Teachers

    met with the administration who greeted us warmly and thanked us for organizing the


    At the opening ceremony, a representative from Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Mara

    delivered a speech on behalf of the participants. A total of 10 representatives from the

    primary school attended the programme.

    After the opening ceremony, the first ice breaking activity started. We chose

    Charade to be the first activity. Participants were divided into two teams. Each team in

    turn was asked to produce a secret word or phrase, to be guessed by the other team,

    and wrote it on a piece of paper. The paper was revealed to one member of the other

    team, the "actor", but kept secret from the remainder of the other team, the "guessers".

    The actor had to convey the secret phrase to the guessers by pantomime in a limited

    time period. Though the game got everyone on nerves, but the participants were

    successfully get to know each other after the ice breaking session.

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    The ice breaking session ended at 12.30 pm, we took our lunch at the canteen

    and the Muslims participants went for their Zuhur prayer. After that, a small orientation

    was carried out.

    The Second activity was a quiz based on Elizabeth Lairds book, Garbage King

    which is set in Ethiopia. The participants were divided into 3 category, which were

    Category A for Year 1 and Year 2 students, Category B for Year 3 and Year 4 students

    and Category C for Year 5 and Year 6 students. Each participant was given a short

    passage adapted from the novel and was asked to answer questions regarding the

    passage. Meanwhile, participants circled nouns, pronouns, verbs in the passage.

    Winners from each category were given a notebook and a pen.

    The second activity ended at 4 pm. There was a short tea break and Muslims

    participants went for their Asar Prayer. At 5 pm sharp, we continued with our third

    activity, which is the Explore Race. This is a game which the participants have to

    corporate in order to find out the answer when they reach the ending point. At the

    beginning, each team was given a card with an alphabet on it. By reaching every

    checking point, they will receive another card with another alphabet. And so, when they

    reached the end point, they have to rearrange the cards they received at the checking


    Our dinner started at 6pm. All of us were too hungry and tired after the whole-day

    event. At this moment, non-Muslim participants will do some resting and sight-seeing

    while the Muslim participants were away for their Maghrib prayer.

    During the closing ceremony, the Director of IPGKKB extended congratulations

    again upon the succeed of the programme. He then expressed his hope that we would

    continue our hard work so that we can do our best while teaching the future generations.

    Each of us in the class was given a certificate of appreciation during the ceremony.

    It was an unforgettable experience with students for us. They were given an

    opportunity to contact with English language which they are not that familiar to. Truly, it

    was indeed a great day with students teaching and sharing with other students.

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    Throughout the activity, we found that most of the participants had adapted their

    improvements. Before the activity, they were asked to write a short essay on self-

    introduction. Some of them could not write in proper English. After the activity, they can

    differentiate the usage of nouns, pronouns, verbs and so on.

    We have also learnt that, learning is not a simple matter of unidirectional

    transmission of knowledge, skills and expertise. It is a bi-directional process where both

    the teachers and the students play important role during the learning process. Teaching

    is showing someone how something is learnt and learning is discovering what is being


    At school, learners were taught to be dependent on their teacher as they only

    absorb knowledge without having the opportunity to use and apply what they have

    learned in the classroom. When teaching English, it is concerned many Malaysian

    teachers will complain that their students prociency is not adequate even though the

    students have been introduced to English since they were 7 years old. Many students

    who graduated from the Malaysian school system, could not apply the language skills

    learnt in school to the real world beyond the connement of their classroom. Thus there

    is a need to train students to become autonomous learners in language as the teacher

    cannot be present all the time to aid students in their quest to become proficient in

    English language.

    Lastly, there are numerous ways and means to encourage students to learn

    English. However, in order to ensure the learning process to take place in the classroom,

    teachers and students need to establish an understanding of playing their part. This will

    encourage the students to take control of their own learning.

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    Report writing is an essential skill for professionals.

    A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible.

    Below we give some general guidelines, but you should check with your lecturer for

    more detail on what is expected.

    A report is similar to an essay in that both need:

    y formal style

    y introduction, body and conclusion

    y analytical thinking

    y careful proof-reading and neat presentation

    A report differs from an essay in that a report:

    y presents information, not an argument

    y is meant to be scanned quickly by the reader

    y uses numbered headings and sub-headings

    y uses short, concise paragraphs and dot-points where applicable

    y uses graphics wherever possible (tables, graphs, illustrations)

    y may need an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary)

    y does not always need references and bibliography

    y is often followed by recommendations and/or appendices

    A report should generally include the following sections.

    (Sections marked with an asterisk (*) are essential: others are optional depending on

    the type, length and purpose of the report.)

    y Letter of transmittal

    y Title page*

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    y Table of contents

    y List of abbreviations and/or glossary

    y Executive summary/abstract

    y Introduction*

    y Body*

    y Conclusion*

    y Recommendations

    y Bibliography

    y Appendices

    Presentation and style are important. First impressions count, so consider these simple


    y use plenty of white space

    y ensure the separate parts of your report stand out clearly

    y use subheadings

    y allow generous spacing between the elements of your report

    y use dot points/ numbers/ letters to articulate these elements

    y use tables and figures (graphs, illustrations, maps etc) for clarification.

    y number each page

    y use consistent and appropriate formatting

    y use formal language

    Avoid these:

    y the inclusion of careless, inaccurate, or conflicting data

    y the inclusion of outdated or irrelevant data

    y facts and opinions that are not separated

    y unsupported conclusions and recommendations

    y careless presentation and proof-reading

    y too much emphasis on appearance and not enough on content.

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    Throughout the coursework, I found that I actually learn something in the process.

    While looking for those elusive references I forgot to make a proper note of when I read

    the material the first time, I always find other good stuff. And often it is better stuff than I

    found the first time round.

    Writing the report has provided me the opportunity to reflect all that I have had

    the privilege of being involved in the whilst here. The report writing has served to remind

    me how many dedicate their work and how much efforts they have put in. So many

    people are committed in making things different. The efforts are many and varied. I

    have been extremely fortunate to receive this coursework.

    However, despite the barriers, there are changes and with concerted effort and a

    lot of creativity, pockets of change occur and improvements are made. Managing time

    and dividing work are both important in order to create perfect work.

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