Bijou Ie lIES DAILY Dd 9: 00 p. m. FRIDAY AND RDAY . TURE DL PURPLlD Director MACK pology" aWes. VERDO 11 Act. .eels of Pi ARDT IE :TIONER p lates Our Speci ies Home-made. e in All Shapes for "Parties and st Drinks lWKE1.'E Ed! tor-In-QhJel o P. M. Dall 16 L. A. ery" Profits g Superb re . EARN :8 Goods and IVsdeaIers, and , some of that money, pleas- lew cust omers lnes. aUd, who pas- lo ssible custo- cingly put up t of you, from things at the I me to great- ion to this it t in regard to ENRY J. ST. a good seUer, ,]jclted praise 'uggist, Balti- from present kind of goods l a lready."- tsb urg, Pa. lot a dissatls- 1e and makes ., Drugs, Etc. nts. It is a :Jers."-L. A. one tbe most Cbicago. Ids rerms dvertising lighted rill THE - BAlDY IOWAN PU BLISH ED BY T HE STUDENTS OF THE STATE UNIV ERSITY OF IOWA Volume 8 IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31 , 1909 Number 86 MR. COX MR. HEIGHTON MR. PECK MISS DULEY MRS. COX CHAMBER MUSIC RECITALS WEDNES[JAY, FEBRUARY 3 TICKETS, SOc SEASON TICKETS, 7Sc CORfY WINS N. O. L. WILL IN A GRfAT (ONTfST REPRE ENT IOWA FINAL AT ILLINOIS. l\1U ATINE DATE AN ELED. High ScJlool There Postpone -Leader Ohoscn. arne MOVING PICTURfS Of flOWING lAVA DU. TO LE URE HEBE I eJl.BUlEn HE IT LS WILL "LE.\ E LO AL I W\ ,l( Fir t of rl Wlll be Febru ry 3. The scheduled game with Musca- ON "FrnE lUOUNTAlN ." .... On or the b t treate tine high school, which the fresh- b n olrer d to tho music-loving pub- Prof. Nutting Talk or Lay an 1 land Winner Fine Appearance-- man basketball team was to have IIc of Iowa elty Is tho s rl of E'1Ied!tion-Promln ut Lee- Other Oontestnnts Good-Bvoir played at that place on Friday even- hamoor Music r cltals which will J turer BCl'O on Fcb. 10. Takes Second, Smith TWrd. ing, was postponed by the Musca- be given under the aUBpic·s or th tine management. The freshmen "It wllJ take a great deal of mon y Y. W. C. A. LlTfRARY SOtltTlfS IN NINTH STAT[MfNT W MEX' ' IETlE L 0 onE TLY llTE D. Ht' l)erillll aud 0 tlU· how Deaea ttt'udauc&-Ua Tried blUlg of Igbt. Th ninth stalem nt or th fom- of the lit r ry 10 I tI 011 Last Thursday atlernoon tb Cbester A. Corey of Iowa City were ready for the trip, which was and time but we can do It it we g t cIa 8 of music a promin nt musl al won the annual prelimlnary to the to have been the first of the season the money to tart the expedition." autbority delln 8 It as "adapt d to a IInal Northern Oratorical League for them. Many other games are In TWs was th remark of Prot. small room by r ason ot itll d Ilcat cootest Friday night in what many process of arrangement, however, Nutting yest rday afternoon in aft puallty." "It Is wrltt n for play r t j d b t th ti t ill I k tave Tban t lit rary com pe ent u ges termed the es and e rs year men w not ac interview on the plan for reproduc- ot masterly ablllty, Bolo players on soci ty ap- up c ontest of this kind ever held here in for contests. \'ery In trum nt," h to draw ing a scene of Laysan Island. In re- the memory of the present genera- Tbursday evening, after practice, sponse to an Inquiry a to bow the Instrum nt ill suppo Ilon . Although the weather was at a meeting of the team, Carl mon y was to be rai 'ed he stated by player capabl very un favorahle, a good sized crowd 1I10eller of Relnbecl<, Jowa, was that a great deal would depend upon all ot its ftc t. r solution to slate how th chang ot bringing out ot time ot m tine bad Injur d th Ir nttendnncr. On Friday att('rnoon attended, and was rewarded by hear- chosen captain of the five. 1110 Her the success ot the lectJre li'eb. 10 by "It Is sar to say that wllh Bueh til II d i hi h a xpr d dl- ing six great orations del1vered by has ha mJch expel' ence on g Dr. W. A. Bryan on " Fire Mount- artists as Mr. Cox, . 11'. n lehton, the pick of the orators in the Uni- school and athletic club teams. He ain." " This lectu re wllJ be one of Mr. P ck, 1I11 s8 D.llr), and Ire. Co ent\stactlon with th prl nt condl- versi ty, who had put in months ot is already well known bere tor his tbe best tbat has ever been o1rer d handling tb dlff rent Instrument lions In thrlr ocll ly beau of the training and work upon their Pro work as' h member of the Liberal i ill b d chang. -.. to tho people of Iowa," sa id Prot . such a r nd l' ng w c secure . Th r luUons wlll be d ti A t d t t t bi h pr sent d to th uc on s. r s epar men eam, w c won Nutting, "and If tbe people only rn- On or two concerts ot thla am nat. Tbe first speaker of tha evening tbe inter-department championship allze what it is the place will h music were given la st year, admls- Thl8 a lion on th parl ot two ot was H. C. Langland, of Irving 1n- this year. He Is very fast and sllp- pacl<ed. Th Island volcano of KIl- slon being by Invitation and tbo.(\ thf' , olllen's lit rary socl tI com sUtute. The subject of his oration pery, and seems to play tbe wbole auea is tbe larg st in the world, Its who hard them were loud In pra1!\(> as a lurprl e to tbole wbo thoucht was "Peter Cooper." He was fol- floor. He has been handicapped for t hill " that the ""omen'. soc I U wero not crater heing seven mlJes across. 0 t e r exe ence. " lowed by Chas. B. Kaufman of Phi- the past two weeks by an a1rlictlon Many nttenpls have b en lDad to The first ot tbls series wlll concern d In tb qu ·sUon. The lomathian society who spu-ke upon of the knee, but has almost entirely take moving pictures ot the lava given next Wednesday, F b. 3rd. m mb rll or th(' ocl U s, howev r, tbe subject, " The Common of recovered. rams ot vo lcanoes up to the npr a v ry much America." The third speil- ker , H. H. present time the only succe stu l set Hc\,. Jout' Before Y. . A. ronCE:rned. On m mb r In ap akln( Smlth, of Zetagathian, bad an ora- Baconinn 01ub )leets. of films are those which wlIl be used R v. J. T. Jone wlll addr s the of tbls said: "Our att nd n tbJ! tion entitled " The ,Crimina!." The The Baconian club held its regular by Dr. Bryan. Pictures have been Y. 'M. C. A. at Close nail today at tall and winter, since changln, our foutth oration, "A Plea for Justice," meeting Friday nIght In the pbysics taken ot smoke and ashes spouting 2: 30 p. m. His subject will be" time of m tlng from Saturday nJght was delivered by Joseph A. Kyle of lecture room. The chlet feature of forth but this Is the only one that Personal Interview With Jesus has beeh very mall. W Impo I) a Zetagathifll· He was followed by the program was a paper on "Meth- really shows the acl.lon of the vol- Cbrist." Last Sanday about two very memb r who f. ab- Carl R. Byolr, unattached, who ods of Lumbering In the Northwest," spoke on " Th e Eternal Quest." by Prof. F. G. Higbee. Mr. Corey, the winner of the con- cano, these views alone wlll take bundred men turned out and listened ent from a 8e 810n, hut lat Iy we twenty minutes to show." to a flne address by J. C. Proll. For bave fall n into tb cUltom ot not Dr. Bryan Is greatly interested in today Rev. Jones r quested permis- counting a girl absent, If she com s test, was the last speaker of the Laysnn Island Scheme Notice. Prot. Nutting's project for repro- sion to speak on the above Bubjec up to society just to r spond to roll evening. His oration, entitled "A The varsity football team requests duclng Laysan Island, having se- tbat he has specially prepared. call, and then I aves Immediately, Living Issue," dealt with the child the presence of all Its friends (and cured permiSSion from the owner ____ thereby missing tbo program. In labor probl em MI ' Corey's appear thJs way she sa,'e8 herself from be- . . - otbers) at the lecture on "Fire moun- for the party to land and secure Po tIlOD t. Patrick' Program. ance throughout was one of the best tains" to be dellvered by Pres. W. A. specimens and also donating his lec- The St. Patrick's program sched- Ing tin d. Sometlm 8 almost one- ever made at Iowa. He had a finely Bryan of Honolula in the Natural tJre to the cause. ·Prot. Nutting ul d tor tonight will b po tpon d on halt ot those present have thus I ft. constructed oration, his gestures Science auditorium, Feb . 10th. attributes it to his ntbuslasm tor Ilccount ot examinations until SJn- even b tore the program b gan. You and manner on the fioor were easy simply cannot xp ct tbe members Kllauea, the biggest crater on the cause ot science but It has de- day, Feb. 7. and graceful, and bls d'elivery could eart h, and the entire foothall team veloped later tbat the lectur r feels to attend our programs when th y occur In the mlddl ot the week. bardly have been excelled. He has will be seen in active eruption on himself und r great per onal obll- Pre Ideut' }lOll , e mpl ted. a line voice, whlcb gives him great that occasion. General admission gations to Iowa's able SCientist tor It is ('xp cted that tbe pr sldent's Tbey don't feel fre to attend. Many natural ahility. 50 cents; Children 25 cents; Infants valuable help given bim and Is aDX- new bouse wlll be accepted at th In addition to the honor of repre- $1.00. Tbe invItation is signed by lous to do anything in bls power to next meeting of the Executive Com- senting Iowa at the annual N. O. L. C. N. Kirk. chairman. aid the plans. mittee of the Board ot Regents, Feb. Dr. Wm. A. Bryan is president of 15. The bullding Is practlcally com- have b avy cia sea, or library r ad- Ing to prppare tor the ne t day, and conseqJ ntly on tb pr edlng da,- hey do not want to sp nd any time New Interne Appointed. In tho literary 1I0el ty. 1t Is quite the Pacillc Scientific InStitutlon of plete now and will brady tor oc- contest, the winner of the annual preliminary receives the MacLean prize of Twenty-live dollars. This was presented to Mr. Corey hy Pres. Honolulu wblch bas undertaken the cupancy Immediately atter the con- Mr. Paul E. Allen of Washington, true tbat we bave no visitors th e days." Iowa, and Mr. Roy A. Becker of Cler- MacLean immediately atter the de- mont, Iowa, bal'e been chosen in- cision of the judges was announced. ternes at the Homeopathic bospital. C. A. Corey Is a memb er of Zeta- gatbian society, in which he has stupendous task of making an orin- lhological and etbnologlcal survey of Oceanica, a project Whlcb will lions of dollars. He is also lntere t- tractor's work bas been accepted. Pm'c)u Win , From )OWII. (Sp cial to the Dally Iowan) LafaYette, Jnd., Jan. 30.-Purdu ThIll qu Uon whlcb I 0 "ltal 0 th literary 0 leU 18 a question tbat wllJ not stay down. It elr ts the 33 active member of the Ilt- been prominent throJghout his col- Notice to Fresluuen. ed In other scientillc work bam'" d feated Iowa her e tonight in an ex- erary societies and th som 200 In- lege course. He is at present a jun- The freshman athletic association been commissioned at one time by citing ba ketbaJl game by a active m mber In tbe nlv l' Ity, ior in the Co ll ege of 'Llberal Arts. will meet Monday evening at p. m. the United States government to 17 to 11. Tbe contest wa close Rnd ho till bav an Int r t In tho 10- H . dl tift th h' I bi I I I 1 tb H finish. cleUes and occa Ionaily want to vIsIt e graduated from the Reinbeck Imme a e y a er e yglene ec- make a 0 og ca survey 0 e a- hard tought from start to high school with the class of 1906. ture. All freshmen are urged to at- wallan Jslands, and tor years be has Captain Lewis starred for Purdue. them. While tbere he did lllllch oratorical tend. and debating work, being president of the hlgb school lit erary society durin g his senior year. Since com- ing to Io wa he has been pronUnent In all Hn es of llterary activity, In Hejuzman on Trip. Secretary H. L. Heinzmau left Friday night for a trip through bls fr es bman year he took second in Kansas. He wllI visit Lawrence and Topel<9. before his return next (Continued on page 3) Wednesday. made a special study of volcanoes. Purdue lined up a follows: Lew- At the next regular meeUng of the He was engaged In this line ot work Is and Bowman, forwards; Charter.' Senate, Feburary 3, the society wlll when Prot. Nattlng met him on tbe center; and Knox and Westover, be represented by a committee of islands In 1902. I guards. {members elected by the different so- ___ Iowa line-up was as follow s: Stew'! cletles. This committee already has Notil' to Edda So i ty. art and Ryden, forwards; ByJand, Its plans ot pre entaUon prepared, Edda society wlll not meet on Feb. Center, and Brown and Perrin e, and rno t or th facts and data col- 2, as announce d. gaards. Jected.

Bijou THE-BAlDY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1909/di1909-01-31.pdf · 2012-09-05 · labor problem MI' Corey's appear thJs way she sa,'e8 herself from be-. . - otbers) at the

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Page 1: Bijou THE-BAlDY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1909/di1909-01-31.pdf · 2012-09-05 · labor problem MI' Corey's appear thJs way she sa,'e8 herself from be-. . - otbers) at the


Dd 9 :00 p. m.










11 Act.


.eels of Pi

ARDT IE :TIONER p lates Our Speci ies Home-made. e in All Shapes for "Parties and

st Drinks


Ed! tor-In-QhJel

o ~:O O P. M. Dall

16 L. A.

ery" Profits

g Superb re



Goods and

IVsdeaIers, and

, some of that

money, pleas­

lew customers


aUd, who pas­

lossible custo­

cingly put up

t of you, from

things at the

I me to great­ion to this it t in regard to ENRY J. ST.

a good seUer, ,]jclted praise 'uggist, Balti-

from present kind of goods l already."­tsburg, Pa.

lot a dissatls-1e and makes ., Drugs, Etc.

nts. It is a :Jers."-L. A. one tbe most








Volume 8 IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1909 Number 86










High ScJlool There Postpone

-Leader Ohoscn.

arne ~




"LE.\ E LO AL ~tt' I W\ ,l( •

Fir t of rl Wlll be

Febru ry 3.

The scheduled game with Musca- ON "FrnE lUOUNTAlN .".... On or the b t treate

tine high school, which the fresh- b n olrer d to tho music-loving pub-Prof. Nutting Talk or Lay an 1 land

Winner ~Inkes Fine Appearance-- man basketball team was to have IIc of Iowa elty Is tho s rl of E'1Ied!tion-Promln ut Lee-

Other Oontestnnts Good-Bvoir played at that place on Friday even- hamoor Music r cltals which will J turer BCl'O on Fcb. 10.

Takes Second, Smith TWrd. ing, was postponed by the Musca- be given under the aUBpic·s or th

tine management. The freshmen "It wllJ take a great deal of mon y Y. W. C. A.


W MEX' ' IETlE L 0

onE TLY llTE D.

Ht' l)erillll aud 0 tlU· how ~IUfh

Deaea ttt'udauc&-Ua

Tried blUlg of Igbt.

Th ninth stalem nt or th fom-

of the lit r ry 10 I tI 011

Last Thursday atlernoon tb

Cbester A. Corey of Iowa City were ready for the trip, which was and time but we can do It it we g t cIa 8 of music a promin nt musl al

won the annual prelimlnary to the to have been the first of the season the money to tart the expedition." autbority delln 8 It as "adapt d to a

IInal Northern Oratorical League for them. Many other games are In TWs was th remark of Prot. small room by r ason ot itll d Ilcat

cootest Friday night in what many process of arrangement, however, Nutting yest rday afternoon in aft puallty." "It Is wrltt n for play r t j d b t th ti t ill I k tave Tban t lit rary compe ent u ges termed the es and e rs year men w not ac interview on the plan for reproduc- ot masterly ablllty, Bolo players on soci ty ap­

up contest of this kind ever held here in for contests. \'ery In trum nt," h to draw ing a scene of Laysan Island. In re-

the memory of the present genera- Tbursday evening, after practice, sponse to an Inquiry a to bow the Instrum nt ill suppo

Ilon. Although the weather was at a meeting of the team, Carl mon y was to be rai 'ed he stated by player capabl

very unfavorahle, a good sized crowd 1I10eller of Relnbecl<, Jowa, was that a great deal would depend upon all ot its ftc t.

r solution to slate how th chang

ot bringing out ot time ot m tine bad Injur d th Ir nttendnncr. On Friday att('rnoon

attended, and was rewarded by hear- chosen captain of the five. 1110 Her the success ot the lectJre li'eb. 10 by "It Is sar to say that wllh Bueh til II d i hi h a r(>~oIJtlon xpr


dl-ing six great orations del1vered by has ha mJch expel' ence on g Dr. W. A. Bryan on " Fire Mount- artists as Mr. Cox, . 11'. n lehton,

the pick of the orators in the Uni- school and athletic club teams. He ain." " This lectu re wllJ be one of Mr. P ck, 1I11 s8 D.llr), and Ire. Co ent\stactlon with th prl nt condl-

versity, who had put in months ot is a lready well known bere tor his tbe best tbat has ever been o1rer d handling tb dlff rent Instrument lions In thrlr ocll ly beau of the

training and work upon their Pro work as' h member of the Liberal i ill b d chang. -.. to tho people of Iowa," said Prot. such a r nd l' ng w c secure . Th r luUons wlll be

d ti A t d t t t bi h pr sent d to th uc ons. r s epar men eam, w c won Nutting, "and If tbe people only rn- On or two concerts ot thla am nat.

Tbe first speaker of tha evening tbe inter-department championship allze what it is the place will h music were given last year, admls- Thl8 a lion on th parl ot two ot was H. C. Langland, of Irving 1n- this year. He Is very fast and sllp- pacl<ed. Th Island volcano of KIl- slon being by Invitation and tbo.(\ thf' , olllen's lit rary socl tI com

sUtute. The subject of his oration pery, and seems to play tbe wbole auea is tbe larg st in the world, Its who hard them were loud In pra1!\(> as a lurprl e to tbole wbo thoucht

was "Peter Cooper." He was fol- floor. He has been handicapped for t hill " that the ""omen'. soc I U wero not crater heing seven mlJes across. 0 t e r exe ence. " lowed by Chas. B. Kaufman of Phi- the past two weeks by an a1rlictlon Many nttenpls have b en lDad to The first ot tbls series wlll concern d In tb qu ·sUon. The

lomathian society who spu-ke upon of the knee, but has almost entirely take moving pictures ot the lava given next Wednesday, F b. 3rd. m mb rll or th(' ocl U s, howev r,

tbe subject, " The Common P~Qple of recovered. rams ot volcanoes b~t up to the • npr a v ry much

America." The third speil-ker, H. H. present time the only succe stu l set Hc\,. Jout' Before Y. ~J . . A. ronCE:rned. On m mb r In ap akln(

Smlth, of Zetagathian, bad an ora- Baconinn 01ub )leets. of films are those which wlIl be used R v. J. T. Jone wlll addr s the of tbls said: "Our att nd n tbJ!

tion entitled " The ,Crimina!." The The Baconian club held its regular by Dr. Bryan. Pictures have been Y. 'M. C. A. at Close nail today at tall and winter, since changln, our

foutth oration, "A Plea for Justice," meeting Friday nIght In the pbysics taken ot smoke and ashes spouting 2: 30 p. m. His subject will be" time of m tlng from Saturday nJght

was delivered by Joseph A. Kyle of lecture room. The chlet feature of forth but this Is the only one that Personal Interview With Jesus has beeh very mall. W Impo I) a Zetagathifll· He was followed by the program was a paper on "Meth- really shows the acl.lon of the vol- Cbrist." Last Sanday about two very memb r who f. ab­Carl R. Byolr, unattached, who ods of Lumbering In the Northwest,"

spoke on "The Eternal Quest." by Prof. F. G. Higbee.

Mr. Corey, the winner of the con-

cano, these views alone wlll take bundred men turned out and listened ent from a 8e 810n, hut lat Iy we

twenty minutes to show." to a flne address by J. C. Proll. For bave fall n into tb cUltom ot not

Dr. Bryan Is greatly interested in today Rev. Jones r quested permis- counting a girl absent, If she com s

test, was the last speaker of the Laysnn Island Scheme Notice. Prot. Nutting's project for repro- sion to speak on the above Bubjec up to society just to r spond to roll

evening. His oration, entitled "A The varsity football team requests duclng Laysan Island, having se- tbat he has specially prepared. call, and then I aves Immediately,

Living Issue," dealt with the child the presence of a ll Its friends (and cured permiSSion from the owner ____ thereby missing tbo program. In labor problem MI' Corey's appear thJs way she sa,'e8 herself from be-. . - otbers) at the lecture on "Fire moun- for the party to land and secure Po tIlOD t. Patrick' Program.

ance throughout was one of the best tains" to be dellvered by Pres. W. A. specimens and also donating his lec- The St. Patrick's program sched- Ing tin d. Sometlm 8 almost one-

ever made at Iowa. He had a finely Bryan of Honolula in the Natural tJre to the cause. ·Prot. Nutting ul d tor tonight will b po tpon d on halt ot those present have thus I ft.

constructed oration, his gestures Science auditorium, Feb. 10th. attributes it to his ntbuslasm tor Ilccount ot examinations until SJn- even b tore the program b gan. You and manner on the fioor were easy simply cannot xp ct tbe members Kllauea, the biggest crater on the cause ot science but It has de- day, Feb. 7.

and graceful, and bls d'elivery could earth, and the entire foothall team veloped later tbat the lectur r feels to attend our programs when th y

occur In the mlddl ot the week. bardly have been excelled. He has will be seen in active eruption on himself und r great per onal obll- Pre Ideut' }lOll, e mpl ted.

a line voice, whlcb gives him great that occasion. General admission gations to Iowa's able SCientist tor It is ('xp cted that tbe pr sldent's Tbey don't feel fre to attend. Many natural ahility. 50 cents; Children 25 cents; Infants valuable help given bim and Is aDX- new bouse wlll be accepted at th

In addition to the honor of repre- $1.00. Tbe invItation is signed by lous to do anything in bls power to next meeting of the Executive Com-

senting Iowa at the annual N. O. L. C. N. Kirk. chairman. aid the plans. mittee of the Board ot Regents, Feb.

Dr. Wm. A. Bryan is president of 15. The bullding Is practlcally com-

have b avy cia sea, or library r ad­

Ing to prppare tor the ne t day, and

conseqJ ntly on tb pr edlng da,­

hey do not want to sp nd any time

New Interne Appointed. In tho literary 1I0el ty. 1t Is quite

the Pacillc Scientific InStitutlon of plete now and will brady tor oc-

contest, the winner of the annual

preliminary receives the MacLean

prize of Twenty-live dollars. This

was presented to Mr. Corey hy Pres. Honolulu wblch bas undertaken the cupancy Immediately atter the con­

Mr. Paul E. Allen of Washington, true tbat we bave no visitors th e

days." Iowa, and Mr. Roy A. Becker of Cler­

MacLean immediately atter the de-mont, Iowa, bal'e been chosen in­

cision of the judges was announced. ternes at the Homeopathic bospital.

C. A. Corey Is a member of Zeta-

gatbian society, in which he has

stupendous task of making an orin­

lhological and etb nologl cal survey

of Oceanica, a project Whlcb will

lions of dollars. He is also lntere t-

tractor's work bas been accepted.

Pm'c)u Win, From )OWII.

(Sp cial to the Dally Iowan)

LafaYette, Jnd., Jan. 30.-Purdu

ThIll qu Uon whlcb I 0 "ltal 0

th literary 0 leU 18 a question

tbat wllJ not stay down. It elr ts

the 33 active member of the Ilt-

been prominent throJghout his col- Notice to Fresluuen. ed In other scientillc work bam'" d feated Iowa here tonight in an ex- erary societies and th som 200 In-

lege course. He is at present a jun- The freshman athletic association been commissioned at one time by citing ba ketbaJl game by a active m mber In tbe nlv l' Ity,

ior in the College of 'Llberal Arts. will meet Monday evening at p. m. the United States government to 17 to 11. Tbe contest wa close Rnd ho till bav an Int r t In tho 10-

H . dl tift th h' I bi I I I 1 tb H finish . cleUes and occa Ionaily want to vIsIt e graduated from the Reinbeck Imme a e y a er e yglene ec- make a 0 og ca survey 0 e a- hard tought from start to

high school with the class of 1906. ture. All freshmen are urged to at- wallan Jslands, and tor years be has Captain Lewis starred for Purdue. them.

While tbere he did lllllch oratorical tend.

and debating work, being president

of the hlgb school literary society

during his senior year. Since com­

ing to Iowa he has been pronUnent

In all Hnes of llterary activity, In

Hejuzman on Trip.

Secretary H. L. Heinzmau left

Friday night for a trip through

bls fresbman year he took second in Kansas. He wllI visit Lawrence and Topel<9. before his return next

(Continued on page 3) Wednesday.

made a special study of volcanoes. Purdue lined up a follows: Lew- At the next regular meeUng of the

He was engaged In this line ot work Is and Bowman, forwards; Charter.' Senate, Feburary 3, the society wlll

when Prot. Nattlng met him on tbe center; and Knox and Westover, be represented by a committee of islands In 1902. I

guards. {members elected by the different so-

___ ~ Iowa line-up was as follows: Stew'! cletles. This committee already has

Notil' to Edda So i ty. art and Ryden, forwards; ByJand, Its plans ot pre entaUon prepared,

Edda society wlll not meet on Feb. Center, and Brown and Perrine, and rno t or th facts and data col-

2, as announced. gaards. Jected.

Page 2: Bijou THE-BAlDY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1909/di1909-01-31.pdf · 2012-09-05 · labor problem MI' Corey's appear thJs way she sa,'e8 herself from be-. . - otbers) at the


.\. ('ordlng to bl quart rly

r port 3!1I1

D ct rlologlcal

tb past quart r

mlnatlons wer ru

tb c rr pondlng Quart r

nmln tions

• It III b not d that th r

TIE\' . J. T. JONE 'C'w Pn.,tor of tit ngrcgatJon.

81 II wm Address 1'n.l-

Tb next I ture to tb men and

:..-B_us_in_es_s_Lo_caI_s---,11 Business Directory I FOR RENT:-Two modern rooms.

for ladles only. Price low. board In


desired. beglnwng

12 East Pren-


Carson's QuAlIty Sbop-that' aU.


Physicians DR. OHARLES 8. GRANT

Physician and Surgeon.

Omce 17% Dubuque St.

Residence 229 Summit 8t.

Botb Phones

DR. J. G. MUELLER C. Bothell makes loans on all kinds Physician and Surgeon

of personal property. Office over 124 % E. College St. Both pbon.

Citizen Savings and Trust Co. Bank. DRS. DEAN It BOILER

FOR RENT:-l!urte of Illodern. Practice limited to Dlse8i6es ot the

furnished rooms to ladles. No 4 E. Eye. Ear. Nose and Tbroat .

B. D. Sidwell's milk and Ice cream

factory 15 W. College. tf

For good rigs pbone Murphy. tbe

liveryman. tt

Attractlv dnlg tor For

Both phones.

F. L. LOVE, ~L D.

Diseases of the Eye. Ear. No.., aDQ


Omce with J. P. Mullin. M. D.


.E. Iowa. trong current of trnd . Physician and Surgeon.

E tablLshed. El'J)ense IIght.-In- Dlseaae ot the Eye. Ear. Nose. Throet

voice about $u,OOO. Pro pectivt' and Chest.

Proprl tor ready to buy only need ",omen In the gen ·ral cours on hy- apply. Addre ca re ot the Dn.lly

gllme for IT('sbm u will b given by Iowan. 2-2-09

omce 117% S. Dubuque St. Boun

IH2 A. M., 2-5 P. M .• Sunday 9-11

Both phones. Dr. W. R. \ hitels on "First Aid to

tate Lhl' lnJure<I' tomorrow ev nlng. at LOST:-A non-Ieakable tounlaln

7: 00 In th a8S(-01bly room of the p n b tween RepubUcan office and fell('r

of Hall of Ub ral Arta. Liberal Arts Bldg. Leave at till

Dentists DR. JOHN VOS~. D. D. S.

220 IJi E. College St .•

"The lecture will not b repeated =o=ffi=ce=.===========!=f. Both phones. Iowa City. 10" • . Ity ac ordlng to which and both m n and women ot the

1~lexn r 's .\nllnwulngHls Serum. dls- I~ ••••• _" ____ •• class lIIust bl' pr sent al th above

I<'lexner'a nlimeolngills rum-d18-tim ." r ada tbe notice.

coy r d a 1Il1l ' over a year ago. aod ============:=c= Ware In r c Ipt of a colle 110n or th us ot which has reduc d th

po illS ('ntilled "LlndE.<n Blo soms." mortality of erebro-Splnal ~!enln­

by Jeffrey IIrb k. The book Is got- gHls from about 70 to 29 p r c nl-

Unitarian Church IOWA AVE.

t n out by th publlslll'rB of

Torch Pr 8S r l'dar Rapids.

the wlll b s ot tree or charg to any

physician of the state as soon as a Rev. R. S. Loring, Minister As a gr at many slud 'nls will ra- llactE:rlologlcal dlagno. is of tho dis-

m mb r. fr. Hrb k graduM d In ('a has Ill' n made In the labora-

Jun 1 07 frolll lh 011 ge of Llb- tory.

ral Art ot thl Unlv rill'. and wa

Immediately appointed to lh chair

of Slavonic at tb nlv rslty ot N braska. It was whll th r. at

work with a\1 the z al and nergy

I From Other Colleges

ded to the curriculum at tbe Unlver­which was so cbara t rl Ic of blm at 10 ·a. tbat h IU umb -d to ty- alty of Washington. Tbe lectures,

phol4 fever ' on D mber 4. 1907. which for the most part. will be on

By his untimely death the alumni social pols, taste In dres and tab I

ranks of this InstltuUon were robb d etiquette. will be given In the gym­

of one of Jts most promising mem- na urn. Tbey will be open only to

bers. under-class women.

An Inspiring biographical sketch Professor Jam s Hamilton, hend

of this young g roull. togeth r Ith worker of the unlv rslty settlement

a tor word by Prot or C. S. An~ at Ne York and a noted so 1010-

I y and fi tlng words ot tribute by gJ t. Is now ethically married to Miss

oth r In tra tor and (rlends. both

Morning ermon at 11.

SnbJert, "Th Briugs to th

SUI)I)Ort H IJglon lnul \'Iuua!."

"It fortifies my soul to know Th l. tho' I p rlsb. Truth Is so: I sleadler sl p when I recall Tbat. If 1 slip, Thou dost not faIL"

-A. H. Clough.

Youna Peoples Society at 7.

Freedom - Fellowship - Progress Character-In kellglon.

Safes, Typewriters Supplies and

Office Specialties Elta Brodaj<', a public school teach- COKE. weighed on the City acales.

h r and at 'ebraska. occupy the at ~5.76 per too, delivered within the er and co-worker. The bride Is a ...

tront page. Th coil lion In ludes city limits. Russian Jewess of unusual charm torty- ven of his po m • among the

mo t notable of Which mlghl band t n y ars a reBid nt ot that city.

III -nlloned, 'Tb Doh mlan eme- ProCe or and lIIrs. Hamilton are w. F. Wyman

Tron t r IUId wrage. n ·... "Alma lat r,. d -ulcation now on an ethical honeymoon. Phonel;: Bell 93 lit; J. C. 586.

po m of the Hawkeye, cia. of I' 01. The ethical marriage was per- 129* College St. Second Floor.

nnd "Tbe W aver." his cIa poem. formed by John L. Elliot of tbe ,'ew

Th r adlng of th latter which oc- York SOciety of Ethical Culture and

curred on la~s Day In Jun . 1907, head work('r of the lIud on guild

'111 not oon b tor ott n by hi house.

cIa mates and Crl nds who

pre ent. The book al~o ('ontain One h:lDdred and thlrty-tlv<' co-

cds at WI consln have reported fot twenty-fiv of hi tran lallon from

ba ketball practice of which ther the German of Go th 's po ms and

hi pro work. "Th DIu Rose." are se\'ente n seniors. sixteen jun-

lors, thirty sophomores. and yenty­a faSCinating tale of his anc stral

ountry. elgbt freshm('n.

Be bad contributed his elections The four hundred and Ixty-nlne

to many prominent magazines. coli g . In the nlted States publish

Thougb he h d rec Ived mnny re- fourteen hundred and sc\'en perlod­

que ts trom friends to have his po- Icals annually.

ms published In book form. In a

plrl t of modesty he had always ra- Tbe I('glslature of 1909 numbers

fused. 'ow that he has passed among Its members twenty gradu­

from among us, we can do no Ie. ates of the Uroverslty of Wisconsin.

tban voice tbe general sentiment of even being In tbe scnate and thlr­

fa.vorable consideration which 'We teen In the as embly. All of thf'

are sure Is due this valuable collee- former and all except one of the

'!on. lattl'r r.re lawyers.

Time Table of Cedar Rapids and Iowa City

Electric Railway Leal' Iowa Jty

Dn.lly *5:00 a. m.

**6:00 a. m. *6:30 a. m.

7:30 a. m. :30 a. m.

9:30 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 12:30 p. m.

1:30 p. m. 2:30 p. Ill. 3:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m.

:30 p. m. 9: 30 p. m.

10:30 p. m.

Len,'e edar Hal)­ids Dally

*0:00 a. tn. 6:00 a. 01. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m.

10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 12: 00 p. m.

1:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m.

10:00 p. m. 11:30 p. m.

-Dally except Sunday. --Sunday only. All other trains dally. ;\liIeage book (value ,6.60) for $5.00. Single trl p tickets sold at stations or on cars. Round trip and special tickets sold at stations only. Baggage (150 Ibs) carried free on each full ticket. Cedar Rapids station. 31 7 Soutb 2nd street. Iowa City station. corner of Clinton and College streets.


Old Capitol Barber Shop 18 S. Clinton St.

Fresh Oysters

In the Shell at


Olympian Ladies' and Gents' First

Class Shining Parlor Tan Shoes Colored any Color

129 East College Street

'Barth, Schuppert & Bostwick

are aitll at their old stand with a

More Attractive and Complete


GROCERIES If you appr clate QUALITY and COURTEOUS TREATl\lE T. we are positive that we can please you. Free deUvery to all .parts of the city. Both Phones.

6 and 8 South Dubuque St.

Osteopaths DUS. WASHllURN & WMoJiUUIlN

B. E. Washburn. D. O.

Evelyn S. Washburn. D. O.

OMce and residence. 102 S. Linn St.,

Iowa City. Iowa. Both phones.

Real Estate SALE AND RENT:-Large list of

city residences. vacant lots. and

farms. Also stocks of merchan­


c. Ma RENO 110 *' WashIngton St.





No. 528 N. Dubuque St.



Modern and Antique Binding

130 Dubuque Street


C.II. Auswored DAy Or Nlghl HeadqUArter. at BIISler Brown'.

BOTH PHONES Residtncf Phone}. U .• ¥61 Iowa 21-X

Jowa \aUy, Jo".


Cloaks, Slits Rnd Skirts

AU New and Up-to-date-Iarge stock,

P1'Ices are HIght

otograp FOR

and Grou

,Buys the Best Lamps

use. Money entirely

Take one nn

Have our wagon your laundry. satisfy you. perienr.ed ployed.

Univ Book

o o o o II 000000000

Page 3: Bijou THE-BAlDY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1909/di1909-01-31.pdf · 2012-09-05 · labor problem MI' Corey's appear thJs way she sa,'e8 herself from be-. . - otbers) at the

ue St. Houn

• Sunday 9-11

tographer FOR

Junior Pictures

and Groups

MAKING A LIVING !JIT way you look at it. it Is an

and a serious problem. you wllI get something prac­

In the untverslty that will help earn a living. but no matter

TOU do. a bUSiness education &WId you In good stead. Write oar free catalogue. It contains


OOLLEGE. Des ~[oiDes, Iowa.

,Suys the Best Electric Lamps for Stu­

dents use. Money refunded iflDot entirely satisfactory.

Take one nn trial. lOW A elTY EL'ECTRIC


GEM LAUNDRY Have our wagon call for your laundry. We will satisfy you. Only_­perienced workmen em­ployed,

Coming Events I (ORfY WINS N. O. L. Jan. 31. Y. lIf. C. A., 2:30. Rev. IN A 6RfAT (ONTfST

Jones of the Congregational church

at Close Hall.

Feb. 2. Iowa-Haskell basket ball


Feb. 3 "Darwin Day" at the 10

o'clock assembly.

(Contlnued trom page 1)

the freshman oratorical contest. and

represented Zet In the annual con­

test with Irving. Last year Mr.

Corey took part In the Sophomore

contest. and wa a member of the Feb. 3. Chamber Music recital Zetagathlan sophomore debating

In atural Science auditorium at team wblch met In-Ing In tbe aD-

8: 00. nual debate. He has been elected a

Feb. 6. Semester examinations member ot the Zetagathlan junior

occur in all the colleges. debating team.

Feb. 8. State Normal students ot The annual • -onn rn Oratorical

tho University hold banq uet. contest. In wblcb • fr. or y will r p-

Feb. 6. Iowa-Grinnell basket ball resent Iowa. wl1l take place this year

game. at Urbana, IIllnols. about tbe flrst of

Feb. 6. Freshman Pan-Hellenic May. .Tbls contest Is tbe blgge t

dance at Majestic hall. thing of Its kind In the we t. Th

Feb. 10 Lecture by Dr. Wm. A. different unlversltl s forming tb

Artistic Footwear The College Pattern

A COlLbination of

Beauty, Excellence and Style At Price You Can Afford

to Pay, at

MORTON'S I Comer Clinton II Washington Streets.

Bryan of Honolulu on "Fire il)unt- league are: Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, :::~===========~========:::-~=--""":;;;:::::;;:;==== ains; a Visit to the Crater ot Kil- Michigan, Northwestern, Oberlin and

auea." N. S. auditorium 8: 00, Ben- Wisconsin.

eflt of Laysan Islan exhibit. Much pra! e tor the showing mad

Feb. 12. Cadet Hop in armory. I by Mr. or y Friday evening Is glv­

Feb. 12. Exercises In commemo- cn Mr. Phil West, a graduate of the

ration of Lincoln's birthday at 10 'ortbwest rn School ot Oratory,

o'clock assembly. Address by Re- who trained him. Mr. W st Is at

gent Charles A. Clarke of Cedar present a senior In th Colleg of Rapids. Law, and he ba a uniformly su -

cessful r cord as an In trJ tor In Feb. 19. The Junior Prom In the

oratory. armory.

Feb. 22. University convocation.

Address by Senator A. V. Proudfoot. TwHJght Must('ul PI('u<,('. AudlenC'('.

Feb. 22. Marshall Law dance at The Twmght lualcal which was

Majestic hall. given yesterday aft rnoon at the Methodist church was greatly en­

Feb. 27. Owl and Keys dance In

The above combined with really quick and courteou treatment the facts on which we ba our reque tl for your I undry ork. Cart: in handling of your article -together with a thoroughly equipped plant gUlIrantee you no frayed edges, corched work etc. A trial solicited.

The C. O. D. Steam Laundry Ow rd'. C .... ~·:h p~!~m low. An.

Redmen hall. joyed by an appr clatlve audl nce. =====~:E:::~==:================~ Tbough the severe cold k pt many -- -

11arch 10. Dean W. G. Weld will away who would otherwise

address the University assembly. been present, th re was a good at-

March 17. Henry F. Cope, gen- tendance, and thoa wbo braved the

eral secretary of the Religious Edu- cold were well repaid by the x 1-

cational Association wi1l speak be- . fore the weekly University assembly: I and Messrs. Lawton and Cox ren-


STUDEN T S' SUPPLIES Text Book for all Colleges, STORE Fancy Good, Larg ·t Stock,Lowest Prila

U Yashinrtoo Strut John T. R.its

dered tbe following program: ~1~---";ioo;;;c.--c--o--m-b'-"-t-1\-h-ot""O--tlt-a-p"":'he-t-••• """"~, I

Engineer Lo e to Dents. Evening song-Stevens, 1r. Lawto·n. ~ ~ ~ .r' • 'tJ

Strub & Rittenmeyer, With a furious ouslaugbt in one For All Eternity-Mascheronl, (With I Has made all the Athletic Piclurta lor 9 lDubuque $ t 115 Iowa Ave. Props. inning, In which they piled up eleven violin oblllgato) Miss Hope Moler. the last ten years. We cater elpecially •

to th~ 5tudent trade. . ~ • • runs, tbe Dents defeated the Engln- Adalgo from Mendelsohn's violin :-_ _________ ~.~~~~~--...:_;.;.;.;.--....:;;.;;..;,;.;:....-......o:

~ eers' indoor baseball team yesterday. concerto.

ot content with this, the dentlsta The Swan-Saint Sa nB, Miss Estber



continued to score until tbey had Duley. Natures Own Remedy totaled twenty-two runs. The final Nlgbt-Landon Ronald, Miss Hope


On The Corner

Text Books for All C011eges All School Supplies

Waterman Fountain Pens


Our Prices Al ways Right

0000 80000000000000

score was twenty-two to eight. The



c. Nelson

p. Hanlon

lb. McMurray

2nd. Phelps

3rd. Myers

1s. Newman


rI. H. Phelps

If. loon

Will }'ubJi. II • tlltemcnt.

Owing to the fact that several

people bave asked members of tbe

Greater University committee what

it intends to do with all the money

made at the dinner, the committee

intends to publish an itemized ac­

cOJnt of all the receipts for tbe din­

ner and also tbe expenditures. AI­

tbough the commIttee is not yet able

to give the exact results of tbe din­

ner. yet the members are sure that

tbe receipts wlll not completely cover

all expenses.. "In spite of this fact,

however, the committ e feels tllank-

o EVERY BODY ELSE BUYS 0 ful tbat every thing went 01I so well

o STOVES AND TINWARE 0 and that everyone went away feel-o of 0 o MILLER & l\ULLER 0 ing that be had received a little more

o 23 S. Dubuque 0 of the Iowa spirit," said a member o WHY NOT YO U? 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of the committee yesterday.


Serenade for violin, cello, and organ

-Dleterhot, Miss Esth r Duley,

I\1r. Lawton, and Mr. Cox.

Song from Madam Butterfly.

Largo from New World Symphony­

Dvoralr, Mr Lawton.

In bottle or Jugs. Shipped only by D. C. Fry & Co. from the Original Fry Mineral Springs located at Colfax, Iowa. Henry Loui , Druggist and the J. W. tiller Bottling Work, Agents fOl" Iowa City have the Water Ir h from the Spring alwayson hand and will fill all order promptly.

Early Showing of Spring Styles The splE'ndid progress of our Big Clel1ring Sale which do es w ith the

end of next week has enabled us to put on exhibition a fairly complete showing of Spring Goods. ~very man is interested in w hat is to ~ worn this spring. We invite you in to see.

College Brand Suits We feel that the only annOJnce­

ment needed in regard to our new suits Is simply that the College Brand styles are bere In detall. The pat­terns are enough to xclt the entbus­iasm ot every good dresser and it is with much pride that we extend the invitation to see tb m.

f15.00 to 20.00


New Piece Goods

To the men who are In the habit of waring tal\or mad garment the el gant and very complete ShOwing of new piece goods will be most Inter sting. See tb stock whJle full.


Knapp-Felt Hats Th pa y ar demon Lra d to oar

allsfactlon tbat tbe popularity of

the Knapp-Felt bat tor young men i. ba ed on Its merits and not alone on the aggre Ive advert! Ing of the Knapp-Felt people. This spring'. styles are the handsom t we have ver een In both sott and slUr styles.

.00 aDd .00

Page 4: Bijou THE-BAlDY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1909/di1909-01-31.pdf · 2012-09-05 · labor problem MI' Corey's appear thJs way she sa,'e8 herself from be-. . - otbers) at the

Personal and Social ~1an1 In! tJOIlS From Grm Floor. ExamlnatJon otJce.

The Bijo \ ord was receIved here y terd y Th 1100r of the armory III agaIn Entrance examlnatlona and ax-

ct the d th of a prominent alum­

DIl , Dr. wm O. L1l11brldg at lou

cau 11Ig trouble a It did last year, amlnaUons for the removal of en­Ir. Carl Byolr Is spendIng Sun-

wh n a number of men receIved In- trance condItions, will be given dur­ Vaudeville day at hIs hom In D<!I .Ioines. Fall, SoJth D kota, FrIday. Dr. juri ranging from apraln d ankles Ing the period including Thurs!!ay.

Ll1l1brldge had b n III for ome Ella ort I is ap ndlng Sun- to blood poIsoning. Th rA 18 evt- Friday and Saturday, February ~ to THREE TIME8 DAILY

3:00, 7:415, and 9:00 p. IlL time ",Ith typhoId fe, er but hll con- day at h r hom In Ced r RapIds. d ntly ome pol onous February 6 lnclush"e, without tce.

dltlon "a not thought to be 8 rloul. MI·8 Or ne Is spending the w k- catt red 0'- r the 1100r, for .A 11 stud('nta who de Ire to take such

H "as recov ring rapldl)' and hl8 eod at her hom In Mt. V roon. men r port dangerous Infections enmln:tUons should notify the Uul-

!phy Iclanll con Id r d hIm pa t a\1 !lee hd of D venport spent comIng from cula or bruises rec Ived vers.lty examIner at bls office, rl)om

dang r until Friday, '\Vb ye terday "\11th hl.'r lIt r, Irma. wblle playIng ba ketball or w 219 In the Hall of Liberal Art; at

f r d a Buddf'n relap c

!thin a t w hOUri.

Misl Kathl.'rln Buxb um p nt ling In the gymna lum. Some

\th fI "s L na lIe,e that the fault lies with the

once, and not later than Tue <laf,

February 2. Specifying each subject

Dr. UlUartl raduat In wblch 18 spr ad upon the Hoor at- In which examInation Is desired.

011 ge of D ntlltry In 1 9

alne that Um ha l'njoy II a ood

netic In low and

B waa alao prominent In lit rary

elrcl a, baYing wrItten ev ral ell

larl Rog r w nt to Orln- Notice w\ll be mall d to each per·

Another OJrc of dang r como son desIring examination, Indicating

trom th gr at llabllIty of ta\llng or the hour and the place of t3.i('11 ex­

beIng pU8h d Into tb lockers or the amlnatlon In whIch he II Int~l' sted.

Singing and Dancing

JAY PAIGE Clay Modeler

nown bookl, auch as "B n Blair,"

and "Where th Trail Dlvld 8." 1118

lat t work, "The Qu t

ta an IP clally good pi c

ature. Mr.

III Iowa City and Is known h r as

• young man ot character and gr at abJllty.

radiators while playlog basketball,

b cauco of th slippery condItion Qf

Tbla 18 a rough game at

II times, and especIally so whun Or gory and Pro­

play d, 1\8 most ot tho games In the .1rl. H. C. Horack ch p-

armory are, without any officIal. party.

the cold "II' ather there

W 8 a good aU ndanc at the cadel

hop h ld last nIght In th University

FollowIng ar a few of tho cases

of Injury that have b n reported

within th p t thr e weeks: J. W.

rump, h ad ut and ) g brul cd; B.

H. C. DORCA'3,

UnIversIty Examiner.

A. G. Spalding & Bros.



Evenln~ 100 and 200; any seat 10c.

REICHARDT HIs fun ral will b b Id today at armory. The tloor was In fln con­

Sioux Falls. II Is .urvlv d by hIs dillon and thE' first of th s Informal

mlth, shou ld r Injured; Dan Sh - The Large.J1 Manufacturers In the

han, ankl spraIn d; P. Shaw, ankle World 01 (!)ffldal AtlJletlc Supplies


wUe. parti('s was BIIC<' rully given. Th cas 9 ar only a

ntl/'/.lIrd !-.\\('('I) 1111I1)U.

Th LIb ral Arts Indoor has ball The most ae'"l.'r blizzard In year.

the mor I rlou8 ones tbat

n r port d. Practically all

have been caus d by th t am d feated tho Laws In the Int r- Sw pt th nh" ralty campus Friday

d partm nt I agJ Y Blerday by a and th r w r se n of commotion

IIp1> ry surfa of the lIoor.

or of 11 to 8. Tbe game was fast b tw en tbe class periods. It was O. 10.:. S. Club Ell' ts.

and hard fought, beIng one of the on tbo Inside The Unlv rslty O. E. S. club

exhIbitions yet given in the looking out to wat('h the stud nts, In regular busIness meeting Thurs-

The teams lined up a8 101- and csp<'clally tile "co-cds," racing day afternoon and elected the fol­

:lows: campus art r bats and lowing ornc rs: president, Mrs.

Lib ral Arts. Laws. note books. ]n the afternoon th HaW Rob rts; vice pre Ident, MIss


Ull r

ard II


burg r

Osmund on




c. Schramm

n. Keefe

p. Collins

1b Lane

2nd. Comley

3rd Holman






Wall on

French Olub otic.

Le erele Francais will meet at

PblIo hall Tuesday venlng at 7: 30

for a short hUllness meeting. All

who wlsb to belong to the club w111

please b pr sent, hy order of a com­


Rperl D Program.

The tollowlng program wlll be

ven tomorrow evening by the



glr18 of the Helperian so-

"'llecltatlon, Esther Brllnnen.

Speecb, Henel Caward, " Frelhman

Impres lona ot an Upp r Class--


Debate, "Resolved, That the fresh­

man party should be open to up-

per classmen." Amrmatlve, Flor-

• ence Klrkendahl, Wilma Laurence.

students generally staid In their Grace Wood; secretary, Miss Cam­

rooms and lhe IIbrarle8 and reading l1Ia Moell r; treasurer, Miss Nellie

rooms wer dl.' rt d. The socIal and Jones.

literary funcUoos ot the evening ============== were Interfer d with. Are You Interested

Order your COAL and · Petroleum Coke ofJ.R.THOMAS

525 E. WASHINGTON ST. BeU PhooeJJ2 TobolOD Couoly 24

People's Theatre

Changed to

Rollaway For a Short Time

Open Tuesday, Thursday, Sat­

urday Evenings and Saturday

Afternoons until Further No-

in Something Goo d

to Eat ... Groceries Fre h Fruits Canned Goods Eaco Flour Chase & Sanborn Coffee


Both Phones


Steam Laundry Negative, Edna Cooper, Grace Da- tiee. vtdson. -Beene, Vernlce Kearney, Hazel Ranck

and Louise Rhyno.

Impersonation , ue McKee.


-otice to Gmdullt tud n •

Graduate students are asked to

register for the second semester be­

fore February 8th, by Dean C. E.


Before registerIng, all candidates

for degrees In the Graduate College

II e4uZ I Town & Cou~ry I

Shirts Fit every oc ~on. afield or &Boat. 1.50 up. OLUB'rl', PEABODY .. CO., llaket'!l

ahould consult the professor In. ============== ebarge of the major wIth reference

to the fulfillment of all requirements

for the degree, according to the


Felts, Pennants, Cushions aufl RJbbon, OoUege 0010"

See our Une.

H. A. SmUB A 00 tf

Domestic or

Gloss Work -C. J. TOMS

COrDer Iowa Avenue and

Linn Streets

Iowa City, Iowa


Palmetto Chocolates Our Speci­alty. All Candies Home-made. Ice Cream made in All Shapes and furnished for Parties and HOCKEY Athletic


I Receptions. Golf

GymnasIum Apparatus

Spalding's handsomely Illustrated catalogu!: all sporn contains numerous suggestion.

Mailed free anywhere

A. G, Spaulding & Bros.

AIl Latest Drinks


Earl Stewart, Edltor·in·OhIet

Office hours 4:00 to 5:00 P. M.

New York • Ohlcago • Oleveland. Room 316 L. A.

IOWA QAFE Caters especially to lady boarders. Regular 20e, 25c, and 30e meals. Short orders at all hours. Give us a trial and become convinced of the excellency of "our home cooking.

Und~r New Management


The Cabaret Dairy Lunch

Tickets $2.00 Quick, Wholesome, Eco1lomical



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