biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

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Contents No. 82 10 月號 ★ 課文朗讀 MP3 可於網路下載,請至 LiveABC 官方網站: http://www.liveabc.com『雜誌 MP3 下載區』上班族


The Smartphone Battle Heats Up 防「愛瘋」攻防戰 不讓蘋果的 iPhone 獨霸市場,眾家手機大廠卯足全力、火力全開,各推出外型酷炫與功能強大的


下?本專題讓您不僅學好英文,更加值充實 biz 職涯市場分析力。

12biz 嚴選 聚焦 194 國

Industry Focus 產業百態李焜耀的危機或轉機?十 進口車市買氣大爆發 十 超商搶市場 開始送貨到府⋯⋯


Getting in Touch with Videoconferencing跨國視訊不出糗會議英語1. 視訊速效必備:速效補足各種視訊會議狀況所需的詞彙與句子。

2. 情境模擬對話應用:萬全的準備 & 從容的會議


How Smart Are You?上班族變聰明什麼是「Groupon 經濟」? 十 力求成為「遊戲界 Google」的是哪家線上遊戲公司? 十 金融面向的 IPO 代表什麼?

21biz 嚴選 聚焦194國

Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇有情緒的機器人 開心時要抱抱 十 真空乾衣機 環保不傷衣物 十 藥丸內建晶片 提醒服藥


Eighteen Minutes to Change the WorldTED 風格――18 分鐘改變世界的魔力短短 18 分鐘的演說,世界因此得以改變。本文帶你深入了解 TED 如何推動世界改變的齒輪。

圖片提供:Aldebaran Robotics、flickr


TED Prize Winners’ Wishes TED 大獎得主改變世界願望精選跟著 TED 大獎得主的 One Wish to Change the World,我們也可以是改變世界的一份子。

Trend Focus 有情緒的機器人

Trend Focus趨勢哇哇哇 有情緒的機器人 開心時要抱抱 十 真空乾衣機 環保不傷衣物 十 藥丸內建晶片 提醒服藥

▏PAGE 21

Page 3: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

Gorillaz ─ On Melancholy Hill街頭霸王:〈憂鬱山丘〉



How to Write a Sales Letter 撰寫成功的促銷廣告信 寫作要點 十 速效措詞 十 1. 線上遊戲促銷廣告信 2. 信用卡促銷廣告信


Timbuktu, Mali 廷巴克圖,馬利共合國



61biz 英語本月鮮辭彙

Food Miles 食物里程


Have a Monster’s Ball This Halloween裝神弄鬼――萬聖節扮妝大



70 TOEIC Test 多益測驗模擬試題

79 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯

互動光碟收錄精采電影預告片及 MV:“Charlie St. Cloud”《生死情緣》

“My One and Only”《只愛多金男》


How to Communicate Effectively in the Office辦公室有效溝通 9 訣竅 文中九訣竅和速效應用英會話,讓你學好英語,



Office Chitchat 上班族熱問哈拉句說英語不要硬梆梆,本篇道地的美式、英式口語


36360 行‧運動員這一行

Taiwan Athletes Shine in Face of Difficulties 他們讓全球看見台灣本期「360 行」邀您分享運動員們用生命拼搏,用血汗譜寫出的那份「我來自台灣」的榮耀⋯⋯


Present Perfect! 商用英簡報力訓練營 Part Two3 堂課、8 步驟強化你對簡報的理解力第一課「核心概念篇」(上期九月號) 第二課「設計/製作篇」(本期十月號)


52職場風雲起 Points of Interest上班族大小事派遣勞工不得超過 3% 十 華語導遊證照夯 十「杜拉拉」現象席捲中國職場 十 日掀女強人潮⋯⋯

Eighteen Minutes to Change the World TED 風格――18 分鐘改變世界的魔力 ▏PAGE 22

Taiwan Athletes Shine in Face of Difficulties

他們讓全球看見台灣 ▏PAGE 36

Page 4: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

antitrust law 反托拉斯法 防止企業價格壟斷(price fixing)的法案稱為反





• fair-trade law 公平貿易法

• price maintenance 限制價格

• monopoly [m4`n3p4y6] 壟斷

Industry Focus 產業百態


PayEasy is making inroads into physical distribution channels. The online retailer is collaborating with Q Square to roll out Taiwan’s first cosmetics vending machine. Products will range from NT$180 to NT$299, about 30 percent lower than prices on the retailer’s official site.



Three of the top executives from Taiwanese flat-panel maker AUO have been slapped with overseas travel bans in the U.S. for al leged price f ixing. The corporation’s chairman Lee Kun-yao has long predicted such a move by U.S. courts and said he is fully prepared for a long legal battle.



Singapore’s fledgling gaming sector could challenge Las Vegas by 2012 according to analysts. The financial services group CLSA has forecast revenues of US$5.1 billion for 2011, while Las Vegas-based consultancy Galaviz & Company predicts figures of US$5.8 billion for Vegas. The industry in Singapore has exceeded expectations following the opening of two resorts earlier this year.



聚焦 194國嚴選biz

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中文翻譯請見 p. 79

強化英語競爭力,來自英國的 James Baron 主播時間不可錯過,快上 biz 部落收看! http://golive.liveabc.com/biz


Import car sales in Taiwan from January to August grew by 36 percent on the same period last year, according to government statistics. Sales of domestic brands were up 26 percent. Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen dealerships said that total car sales for the two franchises this year have grown by 80 percent.

of domestic brands were up 26 percent. Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen dealerships said that total car sales for

this year have grown

超商搶市場 開始送貨到府

Approximately 60 percent of 7-11 convenience stores in Taiwan are now offering home delivery services, while Hi-Life and OK stores are set to follow suit. FamilyMart is expected to launch a coffee delivery service this coming winter.

7-11 Hi-Life OK

店數 近 3,000 家 233 家 100 多家

訂購 門市訂購門市、電話、傳真訂購


金額 200~500 元以上 150 元以上 約 200 元以上


全球最大連鎖書店 邦諾求售

Shares in bookstore chain Barnes and Noble leaped 20 percent after the U.S.-based company announced it was considering putting itself up for sale. The chain — the largest bookseller in the U.S. —

has been struggling against competition from discount r e t a i l e r s a n d e - b o o k providers. Founder Leonard Riggio is considering a bid as part of a consortium.

• slap [sl1p] v. 對⋯⋯起訴

• alleged [4`l5d.d] adj. 被控告的

• collaborate [k4`l1b4%ret] v. 與⋯⋯合作

• fledgling [`fl5d.l6;] adj. 剛開始的

• franchise [`fr1n%t]a6z] n. 產品經銷權

• approximately [4`pr3ks4m6tl6] adv. 大約

• consortium [k4n`s7r]64m] n. 財團

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線



Page 6: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

中文翻譯請見 p. 80

有情緒的機器人 開心時要抱抱

European scientists have unveiled a robot that can detect and show

emotions. Nao, as the machine is known, uses cameras and sensors that record and memorize movement, helping it to interpret the body language of different

people. The robot can hunch its shoulders to express sadness and raise its arms

when it is happy.

藥丸內建晶片 提醒服藥

Patients need never forget to take their medicine again, following the creation of pills that remind you when it’s time for another dose.

T h e p i l l s , w h i c h were developed by U.S. researchers , contain microchips that activate a sensor a t t a c h e d to yo u r shoulder, letting you know when another pill needs to be taken.

真空乾衣機 環保不傷衣物

To help people save energy and avoid damage to clothes from excessive heat, a German designer has come up with a tumble dryer that employs new vacuum technology. In addition to its cutting-edge appearance, the dryer’s creator advertises the fact that it is accessible from a standing position.

Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇

• unveil [9n`vel] v. 使公諸於眾

• interpret [6n`t-pr6t] v. 領會

• excessive [6k`s5s6v] adj. 過多的 • cutting-edge [%k9t6;`5d.] adj. 先進的

• accessible [4k`s5s4by] adj. 可使用的

• activate [`1kt4%vet] v. 啟動

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

強化英語競爭力,來自英國的 James Baron 主播時間不可錯過,快上 biz 部落收看! http://golive.liveabc.com/biz


圖片提供:Aldebaran Robotics、Nico Klaber21

聚焦 194國嚴選biz

Page 7: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

Part II 第二課「設計/製作篇」

簡報製作 8 步驟

Step 1



Step 2



Step 3



Part I 第一課「核心概念篇」

Part III

Step 4



Step 6



Step 7



Step 8



4-1 Have one concept per slide

4-2 Keep phrasing consistent

4-3 Make data into graphics

5-1 Arrive early and dress appropriately

5-2 Ensure everything is in order

5-3 Adjust your tone and pitch

Step 5



Part II


Present Perfect! 商用英簡報力訓練營

3 堂課、8步驟強化你對簡報的理解力



第三課「臨場互動篇」(十一月號) 敬請期待






Page 8: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

Step 4. Slides: layout and consistency 投影片:版面與一致性

4-1 Have one concept per slide 每張簡報只放一個概念

Design/Production 簡報設計/製作特訓篇

Problem: too many concepts in one slide問題:一張投影片有太多東西要說

Solution: Spread information over more than one slide.

解決方法: 將資訊分置於多張投影片

Problem: complicated wording and structure not parallel


Solution: Use nouns and verbs and keep them in the same tense.

解決方法: 用名詞和動詞並使時態一致

Part II

4-2 Keep phrasing consistent 維持語法的一致性



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4-3 Make data into graphics 數據圖像化

Step 5. Rehearsal: practice makes perfect 演練:熟能生巧

5-1 Arrive early and dress appropriately 提早抵達,穿著得宜

5-2 Ensure everything is in order 確認一切皆井然有序

5-3 Adjust your tone and pitch 調整語氣和聲調


Part III Real Presentation 臨場互動篇

圖表類別大不同你 | 知 | 道 | 嗎?


Present Perfect!

Solution: Visualize data in charts or graphs.


Problem: hard to tell the change or difference問題:難以判讀變化或差別之處

line graph 折線圖多用來呈現總銷售量(total sales)、價格(price)、營收(revenue)和費用支出(expenditure)等的趨勢或走向。

bar chart 長條圖

常用來比較同性質(nature)但不同項目(category)、範圍(range)或時期(period of time)的數據差異。

pie chart 圓餅圖


Rehearsal Checklist 演練檢核表

□ computer and projector 電腦與投影機

□ lighting and temperature 燈光與溫度

□ supply of water and handouts 供水與講義

□ dress and appearance 衣著與外表

□ microphone or headset 麥克風或頭戴式耳機


10 20 30 40 50




A1 A2 A3 A4



10 50%

15% 15%20%


Page 10: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

長度 1分 27秒手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文http://golive.liveabc.com/biz

長度 1分 30秒手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文http://golive.liveabc.com/biz

互動版》正常 MP3 - 16 /慢速 MP3 - 44朗讀版》Audio CD - 1619

互動版》正常 MP3 - 17 /慢速 MP3 - 45朗讀版》Audio CD - 17 20

H Henry A Alex

H : Hi, Alex. Have you got a minute to answer a couple of questions about my PowerPoint presentation?

A : Sure. Fire away.

H : Well, firstly I’m wondering how many main ideas I should have on each slide.

A : You should have just one key concept per slide. You can add some extra bullet points expanding the idea but don’t overload the slides. It will overwhelm your audience.

H : OK, anything else?

A : Make sure your phrasing is consistent.1 Use nouns and verbs and keep them in the same tense. Your audience will appreciate this parallel structure. Try sticking to the eight by eight rule too: no more than eight lines per slide, with eight words to a line.

H Henry A Alex

H : OK, that’s the slideshow covered. I’m still pretty nervous though. Any suggestions for preparing?

H : I see. How many slides should I have in total?

A : Well, that depends on the length of the presentation but aim to go through one or two slides a minute. Bear in mind your style as a presenter. If you’re a talker who is likely to go into detail about each point, you’ll need fewer slides.

H : How about graphics? I want to use them but I’ve seen some terrible presentations where I couldn’t understand what the tables and graphs meant.

A : That’s always a danger, so it’s crucial to make sure they are clear and not too busy.



Slide Rules投影片製作

特訓重點● 簡報的 concept、phrasing、graphs● 簡報的 8 X 8 規則

Be Prepared準備與演練

特訓重點● 簡報環節確認:outfit、equipment、icebreaker● 調整你的 pitch and tone

Scene 1

Scene 2




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Present Perfect!

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. consistent [k4n`s6st4nt] adj. 前後一致的Murray was praised by the department director for his consistent performance.

2. engage [6n`ged.] v. 吸引住(注意力、興趣)The key to effective speaking is to engage your listeners at all times.

3. fl exible [`fl5ks4by] adj. 有彈性的Valerie loved her new job because the hours were flexible.

4. monotonous [m4`n3t4n4s] adj. 無抑揚頓挫的;無聊的Most kids these days can’t stand doing monotonous household chores.

5. accentuate [1k`s5nt]8%et] v. 強調The highlights in the model’s hair accentuated the color of her eyes.

6. dismissive [d6s`m6s6v] adj. 輕蔑的Manish really believed he would be rich some day, but his friends were dismissive of his chances.

7. optimum [`3pt4m4m] adj. 最理想的Shortly after takeoff, the pilot announced to the passengers that they would enjoy optimum flying conditions.

A : Well, having the basics in place to start with will help you relax. It goes without saying that you need to be dressed for success.

H : My Sunday best, eh?

A : Yep. Turn up well in advance and ensure everything is in order, like the seating arrangements, the lighting and the equipment. If your presentation is right after lunch, or late afternoon, you might want to try some icebreakers to keep your audience engaged.2

H : Good idea. I was planning a couple of brief activities anyway for a change of pace.

A : Good. But be flexible.3 If something isn’t working, try and adapt.

H : Speaking of adapting, I’m a bit worried about not being able to vary my tone enough. I don’t want to sound monotonous.4

A : Practice accentuating5 important words and avoid the standard newsreader-type patterns, you know, emphasizing syllables regularly regardless of their significance.

H : How about my pitch? I don’t want my voice going up and down or cracking in mid-sentence.

A : Try repeating “uh-huh” to yourself. (Henry

looks dismissive.)6 Seriously. Professional speakers have discovered this shows you your optimum7 speaking pitch. Got it?

H : Uh-huh!中文翻譯請見 p. 82

• Sunday best 最好的服裝 Employees at the Internet firm dressed casually but were required

to wear their Sunday best for important meetings. 這家網路公司的員工穿著休閒,但參加重要會議時被要求得做正式打扮。

• well in advance 及早

The doctor asked that patients notify her well in advance if they needed to cancel appointments.


• change of pace 改變節奏或步調

To keep the attention of young children in a classroom, a change of pace is often required.


hrase Focus / 片語威力通


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TED風格 18分鐘改變世界的魔力

Eighteen Minutes to Change the World


短短 18 分鐘的演說,世界因此得以改變── TED 這個全球最有力的論壇,透過知識、網路和語言三大力量,傳遞「值得被傳播的思想」,改變你我想法,進而改變世界。本文帶你深入了解 TED 如何推動世界改變的齒輪。



When was TED established? TED 何時成立

理察 ‧ 沃曼(Richard Saul Wurman)於一九八四年創立,二○○一年時改由媒體創投家克里斯‧安德生(Chris Anderson)旗下的種子基金會繼續經營。

TED Talk Video 線上觀賞 TED 演說

二○○六年起,網友無須註冊即可於 TED 官網上觀賞七百多支演說,並附字幕功能供


TED Prize TED 大獎 二○○五年開始頒發,每年有三名獲獎者,每位可獲得十萬美元獎金。二○一○年時則改為一名得獎者,除獎金外,得獎者還可在大會上許下ㄧ個願望, TED 竭力配合使之得以實踐。

What is TED? 何謂 TED TED 由科技(technology)、娛樂(entertainment)、設計(design)三字的首字母組成,為非營利機構,旨在建立跨界知識對話平台,以論壇演說形式傳遞足以改變世界且值得被傳播的思想。

TED Conference & TED Talk TED 大會 & TED 演說

TED 大會每年於加州長堤舉行,邀請各界精英進行十八分鐘的演說,分享最先進、


TEDx TEDx 計劃

TEDx 以城市為據點,讓全球的 TED 支持者在經 TED 授權後,自組類似 TED 大會的活動。台北的 TEDx 活動於今年七月在華山文化創意園區舉辦。

YOU apply to attend a conference but are

flatly1 rejected, even though the tickets are

US$6,000 a pop.h If this sounds absurd,2

remember: Only the crème de la crèmeh is

accepted at TED, a set of international

gatherings formed to change the world by

promoting “ideas worth spreading.” So popular

are TED events that applicants for the all-inclusive

passes are turned away in droves.

TED, wh ich s tands fo r Techno logy,

Entertainment, Design, is run by the nonprofit

Sapling Foundation. The most important of TED’s

annual events is held every spring and sees some

of the world’s top thinkers delivering keynote3

presentations. Speakers get 18 minutes to put

their idea across during the 4-day meet, held

互動版》正常 MP3 - 7 /慢速 MP3 - 35朗讀版》Audio CD - 77



Page 13: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

1. fl atly [`fl1tl6] adv. 斷然地

The governor flatly denied the charges of corruption.

2. absurd [4b`s-d] adj. 荒謬的

Farouk thought it was absurd that the company was taking on more staff when business was so bad.

3. keynote [`ki%not] n. 主題

The conference organizers rushed to find a replacement after the keynote speaker pulled out.

4. secure [s6`kj8r] v. 獲得

The garbage disposal company secured a contract with the city authorities.

h pop n. 每(張、個、片等)

h crème de la crème [`krem d4 l3 `krem] 精英

h headliner [`h5d%la6n0] n. 要角

h campaigner [k1m`pen0] n. 從事(政治或商業)活動的人

h obesity [o`bis4t6] n. 肥胖





• in droves 成群結隊

Fans turned up in droves to the famous author’s book signing. 成群粉絲出現在這個知名作家的簽書會上。

• put sth across 使(觀點、信仰等)被理解

Anke found public speaking difficult and always felt she could put her points across better in writing.


hrase Focus / 片語威力通

5. combat [`k3mb1t] v. 對抗

The education department announced a new policy to combat bullying in schools.

• with the aim of doing sth 以達成某事為目的

I’ll take the early train with the aim of getting to your house by 9 a.m.


• narrow sth down to sth 減少(可能性或選擇範圍)

From the original 20 candidates for the job, the employment agency narrowed the field down to just three.


Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線


▲ 今年 TED 大獎的得主為英國名廚暨社會運動家傑米‧奧立佛

中文翻譯請見 p. 80

in Long Beach, California. Previous headlinersh

include Bill Clinton, entrepreneur Richard Branson,

and even the rock star Bono.

It’s not just about showcasing ideas

either. In 2005, TED began awarding

a prize of US$100,000 to individuals

who have tried to get people to commit

to world-changing action. Winners

are asked to present their One Wish

to Change the World with the aim of securing4

support. Originally shared between three people,

the prize has now been narrowed

down to one candidate. This year’s

winner was British celebrity chef and

campaignerh Jamie Oliver. He wished

for help in creating a movement that

would educate people about healthy

eating and combat5 obesity.h

18分鐘演說為何只有 18 分鐘?克里斯 ‧ 安德生表示,

18 分鐘足以闡明一個複雜的觀點,長度也是一般

人注意力的極限,且 18 分鐘的演說片段長度足以



▲ TED 重要推手克里斯‧安德生(左)與《阿凡達》導演詹姆斯‧柯麥隆 (右) 於二○一○年二月的 TED 大會展開對談

Photo by afromusing Photo by afromusing


Eighteen Minutes to Change the World

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互動版》正常 MP3 - 8 /慢速 MP3 - 36朗讀版》Audio CD - 88

The speakers at TED come

from diverse1 backgrounds but

share something in common:

an ability to captivate2 their


There have been some

memorable performances. Bill

Gates made a big impact in

2009 by releasing a glassful of

mosquitoes into the audience, to

draw attention to malaria.h The

Microsoft founder has pledged

US$170 million towards the

development of a vaccineh

against the disease.

Another rousing3 delivery4

came in 2006 from Sir Ken

Robinson, a world-renowned

exper t on education. His

theme was that creativity

is as important as literacy.h

Robinson posed the question:

“Do schools kill creativity?” He

used the example of a little girl

in an art class who is asked by

the teacher what she is drawing.

When the girl answers that she 中文翻譯請見 p. 80

▲ 比爾‧蓋茲在倡導防治瘧疾的 TED演說現場,釋放了一瓶蚊子,成功喚起觀眾對瘧疾的關注

▲ 羅賓森爵士在二○○六的 TED 演說中提出「學校扼殺了創意嗎?」

▲ 二○○六年 TED 大獎得主之一的賴瑞‧布里恩博士在其演說中表述了一個防治全球傳染病的線上非政府系統

Photo by eschipul

Photo by Joi Ito

is drawing a picture of God, the

teacher points out that no one

knows what God looks like.

“They will in a minute,” replies

the girl. Robinson’s point is that

education systems condition

children to fear mistakes. The

speech is considered one of the

best in TED’s history.

TED talks are frequently

a call to arms, sometimes

to stunning5 effect. In 2006,

TED Prize winner Dr. Larry

Brilliant outlined6 an online

nongovernmental system to

fight global pandemics.h His

arguments were so persuasive

that Google founders Sergey

Brin and Larry Page were sold.

The pair hired Brilliant to head up

their US$1 billion philanthropic7

armh Google.org.

Photo by afromusing Photo by afromusing



Page 15: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

h malaria [m4`l5r64] n. 瘧疾

h vaccine [`v1ksin] n. 疫苗

h literacy [`l6t4r4s6] n. 識字

h pandemic [p1n`d5m6k] n. (於廣大地區蔓延的)流行病

h arm n. (機構的)部門

• condition sb to do sth(被影響而)養成(某習慣) Harrison’s lack of confidence throughout his childhood had

conditioned him to expect failure. 哈里森因童年時期缺乏信心,導致他養成預期失敗會發生的習慣。

• a call to arms 促使採取行動

The manager’s demand for improved results was seen as a call to arms.


• be sold on sth 看好(點子、計畫)

The journalist’s idea for a feature story was so convincing that the editor was instantly sold on it.


• head up 領導;擔任(⋯⋯的)主管

Lamont was thrilled when he was asked to head up our new R&D department.


hrase Focus / 片語威力通


1. diverse [da6`v-s] adj. 多樣的

Randall had a very diverse taste in music.

2. captivate [`k1pt4%vet] v. 使著迷

The producers were certain their new animated movie would captivate kids.

3. rousing [`ra8z6;] adj. 振奮人心的

The junior baseball team put on a rousing display at the competition.

4. delivery [d6`l6v4r6] n. 演講方式

Delivery is just as important as content for a good speech.

5. stunning [`st9n6;] adj. 驚人的

The share prices for the company took a stunning drop after the recall of the faulty goods.

6. outline [`a8t%la6n] v. 概述

This report outlines our goals for the organization over the next year.

7. philanthropic [%f6l4n`qr3p6k] adj. 慈善的

Bill Gates has given up running the day-to-day operations of Microsoft to concentrate on his philanthropic work.

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Uful 作字尾字尾 ful有「充滿某容器所需之量;滿把、口 ;充滿⋯⋯的地方」等義,前面接名詞,常見應用如下:

arm 手臂 = armful 一抱之量

hand 手 = handful 一把;少量

mouth 嘴 = mouthful 一口的份量

room 房間 = roomful 滿房間的人或物品

• Jake fi nally decided to clear out the roomful of junk at the back of the house.傑克終於決定清理屋子後方滿房間的廢棄舊物。

+ ful

Photo by afromusing Photo by afromusing


Eighteen Minutes to Change the WorldEighteen Minutes to Change the World

Page 16: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

Because speakers have only 18 minutes to

sell their big ideas, TED advises them to pay

heed to the TED Commandments.h

1 Dream big. Strive to create the best talk

you have ever given. Reveal something

never seen before. Do something the

audience will remember forever. Share an

idea that could change the world.

2 Show us the real you. Share your

passions, your dreams . . . and also your

fears. Be vulnerable.h Speak of failure as

well as success.

3 Make the complex plain. Don’t try

to dazzle1 intellectually. Don’t speak in

abstractions.h Explain! Give examples. Tell

stories. Be specific.

互動版》正常 MP3 - 9 /慢速 MP3 - 37朗讀版》Audio CD - 911

4 Connect with people’s emotions.

Make us laugh! Make us cry!

5 Don’t flaunt2 your ego. Don’t boast.

It’s the surest way to switch everyone off.3

6 No selling from the stage! Unless

we have specifically asked you to, do not

talk about your company or organization.

And don’t even think about pitchingh your

products or services or asking for funding

from stage.

7 Feel free to comment on other speakers’ talks, to praise or to criticize.

Controversy energizes! Enthusiastic

endorsementh is powerful!

Jeff Han 韓傑夫年份:2006 年

身分: 工程師

內容: 展示革命性的多點觸控電腦螢幕介面──該發明可能宣告僅用滑鼠點擊的


Arthur Benjamin 亞瑟 ‧ 班傑明

年份:2005 年

身分: 數學魔術師(mathemagician)

內容: 看人和計算機(calculator)何者能最快算出 3 位數的平方,以及解出一則困難的心算題。

(照片翻攝自 YouTube 網站)

Photo by jurvetson

biz 口碑再推薦

5 個 TED Talk



Page 17: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

h commandment [k4`m1ndm4nt] n. 戒律

h vulnerable [`v9ln4r4by] adj. 脆弱的

h abstraction [1b`str1k]4n] n. 抽象

h pitch [p6t]] v. 竭力推銷

h endorsement [6n`d7rsm4nt] n. 支持

h ramble [`r1mby] v. 漫談

h illuminati [6%lum4`n3ti] n. 睿智的人

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線


1. dazzle [`d1zy] v. (用智力、技能等)使讚嘆不已

The basketball player dazzled his opponents with his skillful moves.

2. fl aunt [fl7nt] v. 炫耀

The celebrity flaunted her new diamond necklace at the award ceremony.

3. switch off 不再聽;不再理睬My teacher is so boring! Every time he opens his mouth, I just switch off.

註:以上 TED Commandments 引用自 www.ted.com

8 Don’t read your talk. Notes are fine.

But if the choice is between reading or

rambling,h then read!

9 End your ta lk on t ime. Doing

otherwise is to steal time from the people

that follow you. We won’t allow it.

10 Rehearse your talk in front of a trusted

friend . . . for timing, for clarity, for impact.

Bearing these principles in mind, TED’s

illuminatih continue to deliver fresh, innovative

ideas aimed at changing the world. Sir Ken

Robinson pointed out that we don’t know what

the world will be like in five years. TED aims to

give us an idea.中文翻譯請見 p. 81

Blaise Aguera y Arcas 布雷斯‧雅克斯

年份:2007 年

身分: 微軟 Bing地圖架構師

內容: 示範驚人的「相片合成」技術(Photosynth)──該技術完全改變人們觀看數位影像的方式。

(照片翻攝自 YouTube 網站)

Jill Bolte Taylor 吉兒 ‧ 泰勒

年份:2008 年





Photo by jurvetson

Elizabeth Gilbert 伊莉莎白‧吉伯特

年份:2009 年

身分:“Eat, Pray, Love”《享受吧!一個人的旅行》一書作者






Photo by jurvetson




Photo by jurvetson







Eighteen Minutes to Change the World

Page 18: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

TH E S E a re exc i t i ng

t imes for sports in

Taiwan. While Major League

Baseball stars l ike Wang

Chien-ming and Kuo Hong-

chih often grab the headlines,

there are plenty of other

success stories.

互動版》正常 MP3 - 14 /慢速 MP3 - 42朗讀版》Audio CD - 1415

Keeping with baseball, Taiwan’s youngsters

recently scooped1 gold at the World Junior

Baseball Championship while Chung-Ching

Junior High School won the Junior League

World Series. There have also been smashing2

performances in racket sports. At Wimbledon

in June, tennis ace Lu Yen-hsun became

the first Asian male in 15 years to make the

quarterfinals of a Grand Slam. Former Junior

World Champion Yang Tsung-hua looks set to

follow in Lu’s footsteps. The 19-year-old helped

Taiwan’s Athletes Shine in Face of Diffi culties他們讓全球看見台灣拮据的經費、窘迫的場地與設備幾乎是全台灣運動選手共同面臨的困難,但再大的阻



Taiwan. While Major League

Baseball stars l ike Wang

Chien-ming and Kuo Hong-

chih often grab the headlines,

there are plenty of other

success stories.




▲ 羽球手鄭韶婕

▲ 舉重選手郭婞淳

▲ 重慶國中代表隊勇奪世界青少棒錦標賽首獎

Photo by SD Dirk



Page 19: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

▲ 西苑高中代表隊為台灣拿下睽違 27 年的世界青棒錦標賽冠軍

Taiwan’s Athletes Shine in Face of Di� culties

1. scoop [skup] v. 贏得(一大筆錢或豐厚的獎品)

The teenager scooped top prize in the writing competition.

2. smashing [`sm1]6;] adj. 極好的;了不起的

My favorite group has just released a smashing new album.

3. tip [t6p] v. 認為⋯⋯有希望(獲得成功或某職位)

The magazine review tipped the actress as a new star.

4. stardom [`st3rd4m] n. 明星的地位

When he was young, the TV presenter never dreamed of stardom.

5. jubilant [`d.uby4nt] adj. 歡欣鼓舞的

The students were jubilant at graduating from university.

6. division [d4`v6.4n] n. (運動比賽的)分級、分組

The team dropped down from the top league to a lower division.

7. inaugural [6n`7gj4r4l] adj. 創始的;就任的

The whole country tuned in to the news channel to hear the president’s inaugural speech.

h archery [`3rt]4r6] n. 射箭運動

h tourney [`t-n6] n. 錦標賽


Taiwan to a Davis Cup win over the Philippines

in July and is tipped3 for stardom.4 “He’s a

top 50 player for sure,” says coach Alan Ma. In

badminton, Cheng Shao-chieh fought off injury

to defend her Yonex Open Badminton title in

front of jubilant5 home fans in August.

Taiwanese competitors have shone in

diverse fields. Weightlifter Kuo Hsing-chun

recently grabbed the silver medal in the

women’s 53 kg division6 at the inaugural7 中文翻譯請見 p. 82

Youth Olympics in Singapore. Taiwan also

claimed medals in archeryh and table tennis. At

the Norway Cup — the world’s biggest youth

soccer tourneyh — a girl’s high school team

from Kaohsiung won in the under-19 category.

Perhaps most impressive this year was golfer

Yani Tseng’s victory at the Women’s British

Open, which made her the youngest-ever

3-time winner on the women’s tour.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

▲ 瑞祥高中女子足球隊奪得挪威盃青年足球錦標賽冠軍


Page 20: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

互動版》正常 MP3 - 15 /慢速 MP3 - 43朗讀版》Audio CD - 15 18

It’s not all milk and honey for

the budding1 athletes. For many

it has been a struggle to make it

to the top.

In tennis, in par ticular,

players and coaches have

complained about substandard

facilities. Taipei Mayor Hau

Lung-pin has promised an

international-standard stadium

by 2011, but there is fear that it

is political grandstanding.2 Lu

also says there is not enough

support for players. As most of

the tournaments are in Europe,

it is tough for young Taiwanese

players traveling alone around

the world, he says. “You have to

pay for a lot of flight tickets and

expenses. It’s this part that’s

most difficult. If you don’t find

a sponsor, your family has to

support you.”

Yani Tseng has also been

critical of the lack of government

backing for golfers. Her father

Tseng Mao-hsin revealed that

her request to President Ma

Ying-jeou to fund an LPGA

tournament was dismissed.3

Tseng Sr. said that his daughter

was even fined for excess

baggage when she returned

from a tournament win in 2009.

The extra weight was her clubs.

Athletes across the board

have been performing out of

their skins. To ensure success

in the future, public authorities

a n d p r i v a t e

sponsors will need

to get behind the

nat ion’s spor t ing

hopefuls. Only then can

Taiwan’s athletes continue

to compete with the world’s

best.i vity,

Ying-jeou to fund an LPGA


Tseng Sr. said that his daughter

was even fined for excess

baggage when she returned

from a tournament win in 2009.

The extra weight was her clubs.

across the board

out of

. To ensure success

in the future, public authorities

a n d p r i v a t e

sponsors will need

to get behind the

nat ion’s spor t ing

hopefuls. Only then can

Taiwan’s athletes continue

to compete with the world’s

best.i vity, 中文翻譯請見 p. 82

盧彥勳代言 adidas Clima365系列

▲ 在榮耀的背後,曾雅妮也曾經歷低潮與挫折,但強烈的求勝意志使她不放棄任何機會



Page 21: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

Taiwan’s Athletes Shine in Face of Di� culties

1. budding [`b9d6;] adj. 嶄露頭角的

Hattie felt her daughter was becoming a budding dancer.

2. grandstanding [`gr1nd%st1nd6;] n. (尤指政治、商業等方面)譁眾取寵

The coach claimed his team was unbeatable, but everyone knew it was just grandstanding.

3. dismiss [d6s`m6s] v. 不受理;摒棄

My father is always dismissing my point of view.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 台灣運動產業的窘境


• Lack of governmental support and commercial sponsorship

缺乏政府支持與商業贊助 台灣沒有設備完善的訓練場地(training


injury)醫師,防護員(athletic trainer)


• Undeveloped environment 發展不全的產業環境 常到全球各地征戰的選手、教練與防護











1. Develop an interest in sports培養對特一運動的興趣,再循序漸進


2. Practice and train hard運動員的實力來自不斷的練習,而紮


3. Gain family support家人的支持是運動員得以堅持不懈的


• milk and honey 多樣的享受;富饒

Although he was now a success, it had not all been milk and honey for the businessman as he was growing up.


• make it to the top 出人頭地

You’ll never make it to the top if you don’t work hard. 如果你不努力,你永遠無法出人頭地。

• be critical of 對⋯⋯表示不滿 The board of directors was critical of the company’s decision to move into other sectors. 董事會對公司決定將重心轉移至其他產業一事表示不滿。

• across the board 全體;全面地

With a change of leadership, the corporation’s fortunes improved across the board. 隨著領導高層的更替,這家企業的際遇獲得全面改善。

• out of one’s skin(某人)使盡全力 My brother can’t usually beat me at badminton, but yesterday he played out of his skin

and won. 我哥哥打羽球通常都輸我,但昨天他使盡全力打敗我。

• get behind 援助

We all need to get behind this financial project in order to get things back on track. 我們得全力支持這項財政計畫好讓一切重回軌道。

hrase Focus / 片語威力通

• milk and honey Although he was now a success, it had not all been milk and honey for the businessman

• make it to the top You’ll never make it to the top if you don’t work hard.

• be critical of The board of directors was critical of the company’s decision to move into other sectors.

• across the board With a change of leadership, the corporation’s fortunes improved across the board.

• out of one My brother can’t usually beat me at badminton, but yesterday he played out of his skin

• get behind We all need to get behind this financial project in order to get things back on track.

hrase Focus /


Page 22: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

Picture Dictionary: Play Ball 各式球類運動英語圖解速效應用


聽懂網球比賽術語 網球配件圖解



• best of five 五盤三勝制 • best of three 三盤兩勝制

• main draw 會內賽 • qualifying draw 會外賽

• quarterfinal 八強賽 • semifinal 四強賽;準決賽

• seeded player 種子球員 • unseeded player 非種子球員

q baseline 底線

w line judge 線審

e singles court 單打邊線

r center line 中線

t umpire [`9mpa6r] 主審

y ball boy 球童

u ad court 每邊球員左半邊的球場

i deuce court 每邊球員右半邊的球場

o alley/tramlines [`1l6] [`tr1m%la6nz] 單打邊線與雙打邊線的中間區域

a service line 發球線

s backcourt 後場

d doubles court 雙打邊線










網球配件圖解 visor [`va6z0] 遮陽帽tennis racket


wristband [`r6st%b1nd] 護腕

tennis dress網球洋裝

racket bag 網球球拍袋

Photo by Hulivili

love fifteen thirty forty deuce advantage game

零分 十五分 卅分 四十分 平分 領先 拿下局點




Page 23: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82

head cover 球桿套

Taiwan’s Athletes Shine in Face of Di� culties

visor [`va6z0] 遮陽帽

棒球 & 高爾夫球配件圖解

driver 一號開球木桿

iron 鐵桿

putter 推桿

golf bag 高爾夫球袋

golf bag stand 高爾夫球袋架

glove 手套

golf shoe 高爾夫球鞋

cleats/spikes (鞋底)防滑釘

sleevelet [`sliv%l4t] 袖套

sports bag 運動手提袋

baseball bats 棒球球棒

baseball glove 棒球手套

batting glove 打擊手套batting helmet 打擊頭盔 baseball cleat [klit] 棒球釘鞋

圖片提供:Mizuno、Yuchun Chang 41

Page 24: biz互動英語雜誌 No.82