Book1_Handouts-Corrected 6-Sound Triliteral Verbs

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Book1_Handouts-Corrected 6-Sound Triliteral Verbs

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  • Sound Triliteral Verbs.doc Page 6

    Paradigm of the Unaugmented Triliteral Verb Group I - I Group I - A Group U - U Group A - A Group A - I Group A - U

    () () () () () () : : : : : :

    He thought He heard He became noble He opened He struck or hit He helped

    He inherited He understood He moved away He went He sat He wrote

    He played He became larger, bigger

    He bowed down

    He washed He entered

    He memorized,

    protected He approached He raised He returned He seeked

    He drank

    He did He descended He prostrated

    He laughed He searched He broke He killed

    He became happy

    He cut He knew He studied

    He rode

    He gathered He lied He lived

    He worked He prevented He was patient He thanked

    He knew

    He explained He triumphed ,

    overpowered He cooked

    He showed mercy upon

    He succeeded He carried He created

    He followed He benefited He looked

    He began He left

    He asked

    He attended

    He read

    He failed

    He provided ,

    bestowed or blessed

    He remembered or mentioned

    He worshipped

    He came out or exited

    He ordered

    He ate

    He took

  • Sound Triliteral Verbs.doc Page 7

    The Conjugation of the Past Tense - Please remember that in Arabic Verbs the doer of the action ( ) is ALWAYS present. Either attached or in its hidden form.


    He wrote NIL They (2 men) wrote Alif of Dual )( They (more than 2 men) wrote Waw of Plural )( She wrote

    Ta is the sign of


    They (2 women) wrote )( + They (more than 2 women) wrote

    Nun of the women


    You (man) wrote You (2 men) wrote You (more than 2 men) wrote You (woman) wrote You (2 women) wrote You (more than 2 women) wrote I (male or female) wrote We (male or female) wrote - hidden, implied, understood, tacit. - The subject, i.e., the doer of the action.

    The of the third form () is not pronounced, though it must be written. It is called (the alif of protection). It protects verbs like (they took) where the is not joined to the body of the verb and therefore may be mistaken for the conjunction meaning and. Out of the fourteen forms, in 12 forms the doer is attached ( ). Only in two forms, i.e., and it can be hidden or it comes after the verb in the sentence.