BOUVIER BEEF STROGANOFF Healthy Whole Food Recipes For Your Dog


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This is an all season hearty meal that can be made with many different protein sources. This is a favorite for our being pet chefs and is perfect for a meal to use when switching a dog from kibble to a whole food diet.

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                                                   BOUVIER BEEF STROGANOFF                             Healthy Whole Food Recipes For Your Dog 



One of my favorite per-winter recipes is our beef. venison, boar or buffalo stroganoff made with strips of top sirloin that have been sauteed in garlic butter. In this old recipe several commenters offered their takes on our dish, including making it with ground beef instead of top sirloin strips. The main advantage of ground beef is clearly budget, it is easier for puppy or little dogs to digest and if worked properly you can also have wonderful flavor. First, get ground chuck or what ever meat you choose to use. Chuck is the shoulder cut of beef, the shoulder muscles being well worked from the grazing action of the steer. More muscle action equals more flavor, and a tougher cut of meat. Chuck is notoriously tough as a steak, but one of the most flavorful parts of the animal. Grinding the meat tenderizes it, but the flavor is still there. Second, take the time to properly saute the meat in a garlic butter till it is still pink in the middle. In other words, don't stir it! Just let it lightly cook, on relatively low heat, until it starts to turn brown. The light browning is what gives you the flavor. Use the cooking of the garlic to scrape up any of the browned bits, and deglaze the pan to get the rest. Experiment with the spices or healing herbs if you want. A little ground nutmeg can give it a lift, as well as tarragon. This recipe is a perfect for all of those dogs on a rotation raw diet. Specially the ones headed into winter and may need a little extra weight added to their bones to keep them warm. Make enough to feed for 7 to 10 days then you can switch to another recipe or protein source. Beef Stroganoff Recipe You can substitute the sour cream and beef stock for a cup of full-fat plain yogurt (room temperature). Do not allow to boil.         


    INGREDIENTS: Butter 2 lb ground chuck, strips of sirloin or your choose of meat Pepper 1 clove of garlic, chopped 8 ounces sliced bacon (cut into small pieces) 1/3 cup of beef stock 1/2 cup chopped parsley, loosely packed 1 1/4 cups sour cream (room temperature) 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon paprika or more to taste 8 ounces egg noodles INSTRUCTIONS 1. Put a large pot of salted water (1 teaspoon salt for every quart of water) on to heat, for the pasta. 2. Heat a large sauté pan on low to medium heat. Melt 1 teaspoon butter in the pan and swirl it around. Sprinkle the bottom of the pan generously with the chopped garlic. Working in batches as not to crowd the meat, break up the ground beef and add it to the pan. Sprinkle the meat with a little pepper. Stir the meat, as stirring will prevent to much browning. Once the meat is done on one side (a couple minutes, depending on how hot the pan), use tongs or a fork or a metal spatula to flip to the other side. Once that side is brown on the outside and you can still see pink on the inside, use a slotted spoon to remove from the pan and set aside. Continue to make the meat in batches, adding a teaspoon of butter to the pan with each batch if needed, pepper and garlic the pan and the meat. Remove meat from pan. Drain excess fat from pan. 3. Add the bacon to the pan. If you are working with very lean meat, you may not have any residual fat in the pan. If this is the case, you'll want to add in a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or butter to the pan. Cook the garlic, scraping up the bacon drippings, until soft, about 5 minutes. Remove bacon from the pan (add to the meat).


4. Depending on the cooking times of your particular brand of pasta, this is likely a good time to add the pasta to the (should be now) boiling, salted water. 5. While the pasta is cooking, add a tablespoon of butter to the pan, the heat should be low. Add the sliced bacon and meat. Add the beef stock. 6. Remove the pan from the heat. Mix in the sour cream and paprika until smooth. You may add a few tablespoons of beef stock to the mixture to thin it out a bit at any time. Stir in the lemon juice. Stir in the meat and bacon. Stir in the chopped parsley. Add more pepper, and/or paprika to taste. 7. Keep the stroganoff on warm heat until the noodles are done cooking. When the noodles are ready (al dente) drain. Serve the stroganoff on top of egg noodles. 8. place into individual tupperware containers and freeze for later meal use.

