By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 TEST -- 01 Lower Intermediate Ciddi bir sınava hazırlanıyorsanız... Bu kitapta sunduğum sözcükleri ve bu düzeyde bir sözcük bilgisini gözardı etme lüksünüz yok... Bunlar, sınavlarda baş ve başaltıya güreşecek sözcükler... En önemli güçlüklerden birisi, karşılaştığınız yeni bir sözcüğün sizin için gerçekten gerekli ve yararlı olup olmadığına karar verebilmek... Herşeyi öğrenmeğe kalkışmak verimli bir yol değildir. İnsanın ayırabileceği belli bir zaman ve belli bir efor düzeyi var. İyi bir hoca ve verimi kanıtlanmış kurs serileri rehber olabilir... Bir başka verimli av alanı ise, kendi ilgi alanınız, kendi bilim dalınız olacaktır. Uyduruk sözlüklerle durumu geçiştirmeyiniz. Bu arada, "İngilizce'den İngilizce'ye" ve "İngilizce-Türkçe" sözlüklerden birlikte yararlanmak en iyisidir... Yeterki, nitelikleri kanıtlanmış yayınlar olsunlar. İnternet üzerinden sözlük hizmeti veren çok sayıda site gözardı edilmemeli. Kullandığınız sözlükte, sözcük tanımlarının örnek tümcelerle desteklenmiş olmasına önemle dikkat ediniz. Sözlükler kadar, THESAURUS = kavram dizinlerinden de yararlanma yolunu seçiniz. Eşanlamlı (synonyms) ve karşıtanlamlı (antonyms) sözcükleri birlikte öğrenmek, çağrışım kolaylığı sağlar. En iyisi hala ve hala "Roget's Thesaurus"... Üstelik Net'te de mevcut: Google'dan bu anahtar sözcüklerle arayınız. Yada, aynı kaynağa farklı ve çok işlevsel bir yaklaşım için şu linki tıklayınız: http://thesaurus.reference.com/ Sözcüğü, okunuşu, değişik anlamları, eş ve karşıt anlamlıları, girdiği çeşitli deyim ve deyişler, ve en önemlisi ÖRNEK TÜMCELER ile birlikte kaydetmeğe özen gösterin. Bu örnek tümceleri ezberlemeğe çalışın. Örnek tümceler için, sözlükler kadar, İnternet araştırma motorlarının da -- zahmetli bir çalışma da olsa -- son derece yararlı olacağına dikkatinizi çekerim. Ancak itibar edeceğiniz siteler, anadili İngilizce, fakat aynı zamanda eğitimli ve dili iyi kullanan kimselerin hazırladığı siteler olmalı... Özellikle ilk testlerde olmak üzere, sorularla ilgili notlar, açıklamalar ve genel öneriler ekledim. Bunlara önemle kulak verin, derim. Ne yapalım, ukalâlık hocalığın şanındandır... DİKKAT: Kullandığım fonetik simgeleri için lütfen anasayfadan özel fonoloji bölümüne bknz. HERE WE GO, FOLKS!!... HAYDİ BAKALIM İŞE KOYULALIM !!... Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question & deliberated on your own choice !! 01 Come to Turkey, and ............... all these places where history lives on. a. inform b. invent c. memorize d. mention e. discover

By Dream Cather [email protected] Sözcüğ u, de i ik ... fileBy Dream_Cather [email protected] _____ 1

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


TEST -- 01 Lower Intermediate Ciddi bir sınava hazırlanıyorsanız... Bu kitapta sunduğum sözcükleri ve bu düzeyde bir sözcük bilgisini gözardı etme lüksünüz yok... Bunlar, sınavlarda baş ve başaltıya güreşecek sözcükler... En önemli güçlüklerden birisi, karşılaştığınız yeni bir sözcüğün sizin için gerçekten gerekli ve yararlı olup olmadığına karar verebilmek... Herşeyi öğrenmeğe kalkışmak verimli bir yol değildir. İnsanın ayırabileceği belli bir zaman ve belli bir efor düzeyi var. İyi bir hoca ve verimi kanıtlanmış kurs serileri rehber olabilir... Bir başka verimli av alanı ise, kendi ilgi alanınız, kendi bilim dalınız olacaktır. Uyduruk sözlüklerle durumu geçiştirmeyiniz. Bu arada, "İngilizce'den İngilizce'ye" ve "İngilizce-Türkçe" sözlüklerden birlikte yararlanmak en iyisidir... Yeterki, nitelikleri kanıtlanmış yayınlar olsunlar. İnternet üzerinden sözlük hizmeti veren çok sayıda site gözardı edilmemeli. Kullandığınız sözlükte, sözcük tanımlarının örnek tümcelerle desteklenmiş olmasına önemle dikkat ediniz. Sözlükler kadar, THESAURUS = kavram dizinlerinden de yararlanma yolunu seçiniz. Eşanlamlı (synonyms) ve karşıtanlamlı (antonyms) sözcükleri birlikte öğrenmek, çağrışım kolaylığı sağlar. En iyisi hala ve hala "Roget's Thesaurus"... Üstelik Net'te de mevcut: Google'dan bu anahtar sözcüklerle arayınız. Yada, aynı kaynağa farklı ve çok işlevsel bir yaklaşım için şu linki tıklayınız: http://thesaurus.reference.com/

Sözcüğü, okunuşu, değişik anlamları, eş ve karşıt anlamlıları, girdiği çeşitli deyim ve deyişler, ve en önemlisi ÖRNEK TÜMCELER ile birlikte kaydetmeğe özen gösterin. Bu örnek tümceleri ezberlemeğe çalışın. Örnek tümceler için, sözlükler kadar, İnternet araştırma motorlarının da -- zahmetli bir çalışma da olsa -- son derece yararlı olacağına dikkatinizi çekerim. Ancak itibar edeceğiniz siteler, anadili İngilizce, fakat aynı zamanda eğitimli ve dili iyi kullanan kimselerin hazırladığı siteler olmalı... Özellikle ilk testlerde olmak üzere, sorularla ilgili notlar, açıklamalar ve genel öneriler ekledim. Bunlara önemle kulak verin, derim. Ne yapalım, ukalâlık hocalığın şanındandır... DİKKAT: Kullandığım fonetik simgeleri için lütfen anasayfadan özel fonoloji bölümüne bknz. HERE WE GO, FOLKS!!... HAYDİ BAKALIM İŞE KOYULALIM !!... Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question & deliberated on your own choice !! 01 Come to Turkey, and ............... all these places where history lives on. a. inform b. invent c. memorize d. mention e. discover

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


discover to live on = yaşamaya devam etmek... AÇIKLAMA: Genelde, fiilin arkasına eklenen "on" ile, sözkonusu eylem veya durumun sürdüğü, sürdürüldüğü anlamı eklenmiş olur: "He went on talking for another half an hour..." "Despite all these difficulties, we mustn't give up! We must fight on..." 02 -- I'm ............... an answer within a few days. a. expecting b. hoping c. excepting d. waiting e. accepting expecting AÇIKLAMA: Bu soruda yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz, bunun iki nedeni olabilir: 1) fiilinizin ilgeç alıp almadığı, veya hangi ilgeci alması gerektiği konusunda dikkatsiz davranmanız; veya, 2) kalburüstü bütün kaynaklarda ençok karıştırılanlar listesinde başa güreşen "expect - except - accept" üçlüsünü yine de karıştırmak... Bendenize ait üç "vecize" takdim ediyorum: You mustn't expect me to accept your excuse, except (veya, excepting) that part about losing your wallet. Some say, "Expect nothing; accept everything." I say, "Expect everything; accept nothing except love." I'd rather be a man who has absolutely nothing except love than be a man who has absolutely everything except love.

03 -- Keeping a diary is no doubt quite a useful personal ............... . a. custom b. usage /yu-zic/ c. tradition d. habit /hæ-bit/ e. institution habit diary da-yıri = günlük... to keep a diary = günlük tutmak... DİKKAT: dairy dey-ri = mandıra, süthane... 04 -- Excuse me. I'm a(n) ............... around here. Can you show me the way to the nearest post office, please? a. explorer b. foreigner /fo-rınır/ c. stranger d. alien /ey-liyın/ e. tourist stranger foreigner = DİKKAT: Okunuşu fo-rınır... "fo-rey-nır" şeklinde olduğunu iddia eden varsa, vurun: sevaba girersiniz. Böyle kimselerden özel ders filan almayın; paranıza yazık... 05 -- How much do I ............... you? a. buy from b. owe /ouw/ c. borrow d. own to /ouwn/ e. lend from owe DİKKAT: Bilmediğiniz her sözcüğü, lütfen sözlüğe ve "thesaurus"a bakıp sülalesi ile, eş-anlamlıları / karşıt-

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


anlamlıları ile, girdiği / kurduğu deyimler ve bütün bunları örnekleyen kısa tümceler ile birlikte kaydediniz, öğreniniz... Yaptığınız her test çalışması aynı zamanda yeni birşeyler öğrenmenize de vesile olmalıdır... 06 -- There are many more television ............... today than there used to be twenty years ago. a. passers-by (çoğul biçimine dikkat) b. onlookers c. spectators /spek-tey-tırz/ d. viewers e. sight-seers /sayt-siırz/ viewers 07 -- It's getting quite ............... . It's probably going to rain soon. a. breezy /bri:-zi/ b. windy c. chilly /çi-li/ d. foggy e. cloudy cloudy BAKINIZ, TEKRAR UYARIYORUM: Test çözme etkinliğine ayırdığınız zamanı, "Aaaa, başarıyorum -- ne mutlu bana!" veya, "Hay Allah, yine başaramadım -- n'apcam ben sınavda, mahfoldum!" gibi duygusal tepkilerle boşa harcamayınız. Size sorulan sözcükler, belli bir plana göre dikkatle seçilmiştir... Bunu bir öğrenme fırsatı olarak değerlendiriniz. Örneğin bu soruda, muhtemelen "breezy" ve "chilly" sözcüklerini bilmiyordunuz... Hemen sevgili sözlüklerinizi açıp, kaydediniz ve dağarcığınıza ekleyiniz...

08 -- Do be serious, please. This isn't a(n) ............... . a. joke b. funny c. puzzle d. comic e. humour /hyu-mı/ joke Do be... = Fiillerin emir kipindeki yalın hallerinin başına "Do" getirilerek, pekiştirilmiş, daha kuvvetli bir ifade elde edilir... DİKKAT = Sorunun mantığını irdelemek herzaman için yararlıdır... Örneğin burada, "a(n)" article'dan dolayı, bir sıfat kullanmanın yanlış olacağını irdeleyip saptamanız gerekirdi... Adlardan yana ise, anlamın uyup uymaması kadar "sayılabilir" olup olmadığına da dikkat etmelisiniz... 09 -- The ............... today is full of the news of the incident. a. publisher /pab-lişı/ b. journalism /jö-nılizm/ c. press d. reporter e. print press A QUESTION FOR YOU: What is the Turkish expression for "a press conference"?? incident /in-sidınt/ = olay, vak'a... Ad hali = incidence /in-sidıns/, "olma, vaki olma, vuku bulma" demektir... Nitekim, İngilizce ve Türkçe tıp dilinde kullanılan "insidans" (= sıklık) terimi de, "vuku buluşların sıklığı" kavramından kısaltmadır.

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


10 -- I'm going to take a(n) ............. abroad next summer. a. sightseeing /sayt-siiN/ b. travel c. vocation d. trip e. excursion trip DİKKAT... DİKKAT... "vacation" ve "vocation" iki ayrı sözcüktür. Lütfen sözlüğünüze danışınız... NOT: "abroad, asleep, aside" gibi başına "a" öneki getirilerek yapılan sözcükler, Türkçe'ye gerek "-e" hali, gerekse "-de" hali ile çeviri verebilir: abroad = yurtdışına, yurtdışında... Hangisinin geçerli olduğuna, tümcedeki fiilin hareket veya durum belirtiyor olmasını dikkate alarak karar veririz... 11 -- He was told by the doctors that he would need quite a long period of rest after such a serious ............... . a. epidemic b. disease c. recovery d. complaint e. illness answer illness AÇIKLAMA... Henüz doğru yanıta bakmadıysanız, "bu iki sözcükten birisi" şeklinde bir ipucu vermek istemiyorum, ama burada bir açıklama gerekiyor: "disease" ve "illness" kimi bağlamlarda birbirinin yerine kullanılabilirse de, birincisi genelde "hastalığın, illetin" kendisine atıfta bulunurken, ikincisi ise daha çok hastanın içinde bulunduğu hal ve durum ile ilgilidir...

12 -- I wouldn't say I am deeply in love with her; but I'm very ............... of her. a. keen b. friendly c. fond d. likeable e. romantic answer fond Açıklama için en alta bknz. 13 -- He just sits there and ............... television most of the time. a. stares b. observes c. glances d. gazes e. watches answer watches Açıklama için en alta bknz. 14 -- He's travelling by himself. In other words, he's on his ............... . a. single b. self c. alone d. own e. lonely answer own Bu bir deyimdir: "to be on one's ........ ". "one's" yerine bütün iyelik sıfatlarını yerleştirebilirsiniz. "on my, your, his, our, their ........ ". Bir başka kalıp ise şöyle: "by myself, by yourself, by himself, by herself, by ourselves, by themselves". Her ikisinin de anlamı: 1. Tekbaşına = yalnız, yanında başkası yok; 2. Tekbaşına = yardım

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


almaksızın... I am on my ........ ; I did it by myself... 15 -- This whole place needs a(n) ............... cleaning. It's in a terrible state. It's in a terrible mess. a. fully b. thorough c. infinite d. entirely e. valid answer thorough Açıklama için en alta bknz. mess / mes / = karışıklık, düzensizlik... mass / mæs / = kitle... 16 -- ............... of money prevented us from taking a holiday abroad this year. a. Inflation b. Presence /pre-zıns/ c. Lack d. Being absent e. Limit answer Lack 17 -- Sorry, it's much too expensive for me; I can't ............... it. a. effort b. comfort c. support d. import e. afford answer afford

18 -- The ............... of the play included a famous Turkish film star. a. playwright /pley-rayt/ b. scenery /si:-nıri/ c. cast d. stage e. acts answer cast 19 -- "We'll have to hold a more detailed examination to ............... the exact nature of the tumour," said the doctor. a. regulate b. mean c. determine /di-tö:-min/ d. develop /di-ve-lop/ e. reduce answer determine determine = DİKKAT: Okunuşu di-tör-min... "ditör-mayn" şeklinde olduğunu iddia eden varsa, vurun: sevaba girersiniz. Böyle kimselerden özel ders filan almayın; paranıza yazık... 20 -- The volcano is expected to ............... any day now. a. excite b. erupt /i-rapt/ c. kick d. expand e. stimulate answer erupt Buradaki doğru şık için bir alternatif, "to explode" fiili olurdu = patlamak... explosion = patlama... explosives = patlayıcı maddeler... an explosive situation = patlamağa hazır bir durum...

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


EK AÇIKLAMALAR 01 -- to be fond of... to be keen on... to be friendly with... Kullanılan ilgecin farklı olması yanında, ayrıca buradaki gibi "kalbi" bir konuda birinci deyim tercih edilecektir: I'm very fond of Madonna... He is very keen on pop music... 13 -- "stare, glance, gaze" fiilleri "at" ilgeci ile kullanılır. Ayrıca "the" article kullanımını da gerekli kılacaklardı. Oysa "to watch television" article kullanımı gerektirmeyen bir deyim ve kalıptır... "observe" ise anlam olarak uymuyor... 15 -- thorough = (sıfat) tam, sıkı ve titiz... Okunuşu: /Øara /... Bu sözcüğü, "through" ile karıştırmayınız. Ayrıca "throughout" (boydan boya, baştan başa) ile Türkçe'deki anlam benzerliğine karşın, bu ikincisinin bir ilgeç olduğuna dikkat ediniz: I made a thorough study of the book throughout that afternoon. = Bütün o gün öğleden sonra, kitabı iyice inceledim. WELL, WELL, WELL !! YABANCI DİL ÖĞRENMENİN AZ ÇABA - KOLAY İŞ OLDUĞUNU KİM SÖYLEMİŞSE YALAN SÖYLEMİŞ !! TEST -- 02 Intermediate Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the

question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- As a child, he used to be ............... of the dark. a. astonished /ıs-to-nişd/ b. frightened c. terrifying d. frightening e. escaping frightened İPUCU: It's surprising... I am surprised... DİKKAT: Bilmediğiniz her sözcüğü, lütfen sözlüğe ve "thesaurus"a bakıp sülalesi ile, eş-anlamlıları / karşıt-anlamlıları ile, girdiği / kurduğu deyimler ve bütün bunları örnekleyen kısa tümceler ile birlikte kaydediniz, öğreniniz... Yaptığınız her test çalışması aynı zamanda yeni birşeyler öğrenmenize de vesile olmalıdır... Fiillerinizi öğrenirken, karakteristik olarak, 1. ilgeç (preposition) alıp almadığı; 2. hangi ilgeçle birlikte kullanıldığı; 3. başka ilgeçlerle başka anlamlar verip vermediğini not etmenizde çok büyük yarar vardır... 02 -- I can't ............... to have a holiday abroad on my present salary. a. spend b. purchase /pö:-çis/ c. waste d. spare e. afford afford

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


03 -- His friends and associates had tried to ............... him of the risks involved in working with offshore banks, but he never listened to them. a. threaten b. urge c. warn d. accuse e. awaken warn ÇALIŞMA ÖNERİSİ: Fiillerinizi öğrenirken, geçişli (transitive) / geçişsiz (intransitive) olup olmadıkları, yani nesne alıp almadıklarını; ayrıca, ilgeç (preposition) kullanımının gerekli olup olmadığını mutlaka not ediniz. Birkaç kısa örnek tümce ezberlemeniz son derece yararlı olacaktır... AÇIKLAMA: Eğer bu fiillerinizi öğrenirken, birer kısa kullanım örneği ile birlikte öğrenmiş olsaydınız, şimdi böyle bir soru karşısında hiç güçlük çekmeyecektiniz: She threatened him with a knife... She urged him to leave at once... She warned him of/against the dangers of bungy jumping... She accused him of lazyness... (Yukardaki soruda bu fiilin anlamı tutmuyor)... She tried to awaken him to/against the dangers involved... 04 -- The winner of the competition will ............... a surprise prize, to be presented by the Minister himself. a. possess b. receive c. own d. reward e. contribute receive

05 -- People with no previous ............... need not apply. a. experiment b. experience c. inexperience d. experiments e. experimentation experience need not apply = Başvurmalarına gerek yoktur; boşuna başvurmasınlar... 06 -- One of the two German tourists who ............... in last week's plane crash on the Taurus Mountains has lost his life in a car accident in İstanbul yesterday. a. is survived b. had wounded c. were killed d. were injured e. had treated were injured Test çözerken, yanlış şıkların neden yanlış olduklarını irdelemekte de büyük yarar vardır. Özellikle, yapamadığınız veya yanıldığınız bir soruda, bu irdelemeyi mutlaka yapınız. Çözemiyorsanız, bendeniz bir e-mail mesafedeyim... 07 -- We were held up by a band of ............... just before we were to cross the river. a. burglars b. thieves c. pickpockets d. robbers e. trespassers robbers

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


This is a hold-up !! = Bu bir "eller-yukarı" dır !! thief = çoğulu "thieves"... a band of ----- = bir grup ------ ... Hazır, yasadışı (outlaw) kimselerden söz açılmışken, dolgun bir liste için en alta bakabilirsiniz. 08 -- Choosing a lawyer by the size of the ............... may not be a good idea. ............... , whether high or low, do not always indicate the competence of an attorney. a. price / Prices b. fare / Fares c. receipt / Receipts d. fee / Fees e. prize / Prizes fee / Fees DİKKAT... DİKKAT... "receipt" sözcüğünü okurken /t/ sesi söylenmez: /ri-si:t/... (Yani, ikinci hece vurgulu ve uzun) 09 -- I know of a website where you can find all the ............... you need about the hotels in that area. a. knowledge b. messages c. advertisement d. information e. promotion information Eğer size göre en mantıklı yanıt olan seçeneğin yanlış olduğunu görünce isyanları oynuyorsanız, daha da büyük bir hataya düşüyorsunuz demektir... Tavrınız, "Demek ki bunu böyle ifade ediyorlar, hemen not almalıyım," olmaktan öte gitmemeli...

10 -- Don't forget to let me know if anything unusual ............... on the way. a. seems b. presents c. happens d. acts e. prevent happens 11 -- It's a ............... to see him so completely ignored by his former friends and associates. a. shameful b. ashamed c. shame d. shameless e. shyness shame ÖDEV: "shame" ve "shy" köklerinden türetilmiş sözcükleri araştırınız. Türkçe'de her ikisinin de aynı kök sözcükle karşılandığına dikkat ediniz.. DİKKAT: Bilmediğiniz her sözcüğü, lütfen sözlüğe ve "thesaurus"a bakıp sülalesi ile, eş-anlamlıları / karşıt-anlamlıları ile, girdiği / kurduğu deyimler ve bütün bunları örnekleyen kısa tümceler ile birlikte kaydediniz, öğreniniz... Yaptığınız her test çalışması aynı zamanda yeni birşeyler öğrenmenize de vesile olmalıdır... 12 -- I'm ............... to hearing from you soon. a. waiting anxiously b. looking forward

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


c. getting disappointed d. expecting eagerly e. hoping cheerfull looking forward Deyimleri kalıp halinde, ilgeçleriyle birlikte ve kullanım özelliklerine dikkat ederek öğrenmenin önemine çok güzel bir örnek... Buradaki deyiminizin özelliği, kendisinden sonra Ving (gerund) kullanılması gerektiriyor olması... 13 -- Would you accept my ............... ? a. apologize b. advice c. devise d. practise e. advise advice DİKKAT: "advice, device, practice" ad durumu; "advise, devise, practise" fiil durumudur. "c"ler /s/ şeklinde; "s"ler ise /z/ şeklinde okunur... İSTİSNA: /præk-tis/ okunuşu gerek ad gerekse fiil durumu için değişmez... 14 -- You don't think you can ............... these facts from the public forever, do you? a. cover b. secret c. hide d. hinder e. prevent hide 15 -- "How many times must I repeat this? I'm late, because I had a(n) ...............

on our my way here. "Oh, yes? Are you quite sure it wasn't a mental ............... ?" a. falldown b. breakdown c. countdown d. downfall e. upside down breakdown 16 -- So far, some fifty people have ............... for the two vacancies we have. a. applied b. been appointed c. approved d. advertised e. addressed applied some fifty people = yaklaşık elli kişi... 17 -- Have you any idea as to who's going to ............... over the meeting? a. protect b. present c. provide d. preserve e. preside preside DİKKAT... DİKKAT... "as to", kolaylıkla gözden kaçan, ama atlanmaması gereken çok önemli bir yapıdır: "konusunda, ilişkin olarak" anlamına geliyor... 18 -- She ............... on the beach while her son splashed at the water's edge. a. laid

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b. lay c. lain d. lied e. was laying lay ÇALIŞMA ÖNERİSİ: "to lie" = "yatmak, uzanmak": geçişsiz fiildir. "to lay" = "yatırmak, uzatmak, sermek, yaymak, vs. vs." ise geçişli bir fiildir. Her ikisi de düzensiz çekimlidir. Düzenli bir fiil olan "to lie" fiili ise "yalan söylemek" anlamına gelir. Şimdi lütfen, sözlüğünüzden bu 3 önemli fiilin ayrıntılarını irdeleyiniz... Present, past ve past participle ile present participle Ving biçimlerinin yazılış benzerlik ve sorunlarına özel dikkat... EK AÇIKLAMA: Yukardaki şıklardan birisinin oluşturduğu "Oğlu suyun kenarında cıbı cıbı oynarken, kendisi plajda yalan söyledi" tümcesi, gramer olarak doğru, mantık açısından ise kabul edilemezdir. 19 -- When two ............... sit talking, their conversation soon becomes focused on women. a. spinsters b. fathers-in-law c. bachelors d. brothers-in-law e. brides bachelors AÇIKLAMA: Bir soruda, bütün şıklarla kurulan tümceler gramer olarak doğru; ve üstelik herbirisi belli açıdan mantıklı görünebilir. Ancak biz, "hiçbir şüpheye mahal bırakmayacak ölçüde doğru" veya "elimine edilemeyecek" şıkkı bulmalıyız...

20 -- When you are in Rome, you'll have to ................ yourself to the ways and customs of the Romans. a. adapt b. act c. imitate d. alter e. adopt adapt İPUCU: Bir piyesi "adapte" mi ederiz, "adopte" mi?? Peki, TCBMM bir önergeyi benimsediğinde hangi fiili kullanmamız gerekiyor? "To adapt" ve "to adopt": Bu iki sözcüğün değişik anlam boyutlarını sözlükten irdeleyiniz... Yukarda 7. soruda yasadışı (outlaw) kimselerden söz açılmıştı: Bu konudaki sözcük dağarcığınıza şu yasadışı veya gayrımeşru "meslek" sahiplerini de ekleyebilirsiniz: arsonist, blackmailer, bandit, briber, burglar, cheat, convict, crook, cutthroat, defaulter, desperado, embezzler, ex-con (ex-convict), felon, filcher, forger, fugitive, gangster, gunman, highwayman, hijacker, hoodlum, hooligan, housebreaker, juvenile delinquent, jailbird, knave, lawbreaker, miscreant, pickpocket, pilferer, pillager, pirate, plunderer, prowler, punk, racketeer, raider, robber, rogue, ruffian, saboteur, scoundrel, seditionist, slanderer, spy, swindler, terrorist, thief, thug, trickster... Ve eminim ki bu, daha listenin yarısı bile değildir... WELL, WELL, WELL !! YABANCI DİL ÖĞRENMENİN AZ ÇABA - KOLAY İŞ OLDUĞUNU KİM SÖYLEMİŞSE YALAN SÖYLEMİŞ !!

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TEST -- 03 Intermediate Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- Long gone are the days when foreigners were looked upon as creatures from outer space. Turkey has emerged as a leading ............... tourism and business destination in the last decade. The country is very much in vogue nowadays. a. national b. galactic c. international d. provincial e. local international long gone are the days when ------ = falan filan olduğu o günler çoktan geçti... DİKKAT: vogue vo:g = moda... vague veyg = belli belirsiz, müphem, eser kabilinden... to be the vogue of the day = günün gözde modası olmak... is very much in vogue = çok revaçta... destination = gidilecek yer, yolculuğun son noktası; burada "hedef ülke"... Vague sözcüğünü de örneklemek isterim: "This is a very vague statement." = Ne

denilmek istendiği açık açık söylenmemiş; doğru anladığımızdan emin olamayız... "You must avoid using such vague words if you want to express yourself precisely." bu tür müphem sözcükler... "He spoke in no vague terms." = Ne demek istediğini dobra dobra anlattı... 02 -- Do you really ............... to go there tonight? a. neglect b. admire c. ignore d. involve e. intend intend 03 -- You'll have to learn to control your ............... if you still want to work here with us. a. mind b. temper c. reason d. habit e. mentality temper ÇALIŞMA ÖNERİSİ: 1) Şu deyimleri sözlüğünüzden bularak ezberleyiniz: To keep / lose one's temper... to be in a good / bad temper... a good / bad-tempered man... to temper paint with water... temperate zones... 2) "mind", "reason" ve "logic" kavramlarını karşılaştırınız; girdikleri tipik yapı ve deyimleri tarayınız; rastlayacağınız örnek tümceleri kaydediniz... 04 -- You find millions of people are out of ............... in times of an economic

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depression. In other words, ............... would quickly rise to a record level. a. industry / industrious b. work / unemployment c. job / hard-working d. labour / strikes e. employment / business work / unemployment ÇALIŞMA ÖNERİSİ: 1) "industrious" sözcüğünün eşanlamlılarını (synonyms) bularak birlikte ezberleyiniz. 2) "unemployment" sözcüğünün Türkçe ekonomi terminolojisindeki karşılığı nedir? 3) "rise, raise, arise, arouse" ses benzeşimli fiil grubu için en alttaki notlara bknz... 05 -- Please ............... your papers in half before you hand them in. a. bend b. turn c. wrap d. crease e. fold fold DİKKAT: Bilmediğiniz her sözcüğü lütfen sözlükten bakıp, "sülalesi ile, müştemilatı ile birlikte" kaydedin, öğrenin. Yaptığınız her test çalışması aynı zamanda öğrenmeye vesile olmalıdır... Özellikle de, seçtiğiniz şık yanlış çıkarsa, hemen sözlüğünüze davranıp, anlamı, girdiği deyimler veya hangi ilgeçler (prepositions) ile kullanıldığı gibi noktaları araştırınız. Aynı yanlışa bir daha düşmeyeceğinizden emin olunuz... 06 -- Do you ............... in any sporting activities?

a. take place b. take a stand c. participate d. take position e. take apart participate DİKKAT: Biliyorsunuz, "do, make, get, come, go, put, take, turn" türü yaygın kullanılan bir dizi fiil, çeşitli ilgeç (preposition) ve belirteçler (adverb) ile birleşerek binlerce deyim, deyiş ve kalıp oluşturuyorlar... Çat pat turistik İngilizce birkaç ayda kotarılabilir, ama bir yabancı dili "hakkıyla öğrenmenin" kolay meslek olduğunu kim söylemiş ki? 07 -- Despite all his efforts in the final stages of the race, there wasn't in fact much ............... he could do to change the inevitable. a. finished b. forgotten c. left d. completed e. lost left there wasn't much ............... he could do = yapabileceği pek birşey kalmamıştı... to change the inevitable = kaçınılmazı değiştirmek... 08 -- He says he used to ............... much more than that in his previous job. a. inherit b. win c. gain d. earn e. acquire earn

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Değişik birkaç fiilin sözlükteki karşılığı aynı olabilir, ama önemli olan hangi bağlamda kullanıldıkları... Türkçe'de, "Maaşımı dün kazandım... Avantaj aldım..." der miyiz? 09 -- It was very ............... of him to leave you there all unprotected. a. noble /nou-bıl/ b. kind c. admirable /æd-mırıbıl/ d. polite /pı-layt/ e. inconsiderate /inkın-si-dırit/ inconsiderate Bu testlerdeki sözcükler, belli bir plana göre dikkatle seçilmiştir... Bunu bir öğrenme fırsatı olarak değerlendiriniz. Örneğin bu aşamada, muhtemelen "inconsiderate" sözcüğünün anlamını bilmiyorsunuz... Hemen sevgili sözlüklerinizi açıp, kaydediniz ve dağarcığınıza ekleyiniz... 10 -- There's a ............... here which says, "Beware of the dog!" a. notice /nou-tis/ b. flag /flæg/ c. label /ley-bıl/ d. billboard /bil-bo:d/ e. banner /bæ-nı notice 11 -- I didn't say I didn't like it. It just doesn't ............... my waist properly. a. fit b. match c. look good on

d. go well with e. suit fit ÖDEV: "match-maker" ve "tailor fitting" deyimlerinin anlamını araştırınız, irdeleyiniz. 12 -- Will you kindly not ............... me again till I've finished! a. interrupt b. interview c. interfere d. interpret e. intervene interrupt DİKKAT: "kindly" sözcüğü burada "lütfen" anlamı veriyor. Tabii, öfke ve serzeniş dolu bir "lütfen"... 13 -- What was all that ............... about? a. speak b. say c. tell d. talk e. inform talk İPUCU: Buradaki fiillerden yalnızca birisi aynı zamanda ad biçimidir. Diğerlerinin ad biçimi farklıdır. 14 -- I have some wonderful news to ............... you. a. speak b. inform c. tell

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d. talk e. communicate tell İPUCU: Buradaki fiillerden hangisi hangi ilgeci (preposition) alır? Hangisi hiç almaz? 15 -- Would you ............... my keeping the door ajar? a. agree b. intend c. obstruct d. close e. mind mind to keep the door ajar : Kapıyı aralık tutmak... İŞTE SİZE BİR PUZZLE: "When is a door is not a door?" YANIT: "When it is a jar" !! Peki, "jar" ne demek; onu da sözlükten bakınız artık... Kolay mı sınav geçmek şu KAVANOZ dipli dünyada !! 16 -- By the way, that ............... me something I was supposed to be doing this afternoon. a. reminds b. remembers c. memorizes d. remains e. repeats reminds 17 -- What do you do for recreation? Don't you have a ............. ? a. leisure

b. sport c. rest d. hobby e. creation hobby recreation / ri-kri-ey-şın / = boş zamanlarını aktif, yaratıcı bir uğraş ile değerlendirme.. Sözcüğün "yeniden yaratma" kavramından geldiğine dikkat ediniz... 18 -- The whole discussion was pointless. I got so ............... with their endless quarelling that I left the hall long before the meeting ended. a. bored b. borne c. reborn d. boring e. boredom bored pointless = boşuna, beyhude, bir yere varmıyor... ÇALIŞMA ÖNERİSİ: 1) "to bear" = çocuk taşımak, doğurmak fiili ile, "to bear" = taşımak, yükünü çekmek fiili arasında (her ikisi de düzensiz fiildir) past participle, yani V3 yazılış farkını not ediniz. "I was born" kök anlamı ile ne demektir?? 2) "to bore" fiilinin iki önemli değişik anlamını sözlüklerinizden saptayarak not ediniz... 19 -- Previous experience is certainly a(n) ............... when you're applying for a job. a. payment b. promotion c. advertisement d. profit

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e. advantage advantage 20 -- Life used to be ............... and gay for us, too! a. livelihood b. lifelong c. lively d. lifelike e. lifeless lively BİLGİ: "gay" sözcüğünün "eşcinsel" anlamı ile isim olarak kullanılması çok yakın bir geçmişe sahiptir. Sözcüğün asırlardır kullanım biçimi, bir sıfat olarak "neş'eli, şen" anlamı verir... RISE, RAISE, ARISE, AROUSE rise - rose - risen : yükselmek, kalkmak, artmak (yukarı doğru hareket) raise - raised - raised : yükseltmek, arttırmak (yukardakinin geçişli hali) arise - arose - arisen : meydana gelmek, ortaya çıkmak (oluşum) arouse - aroused - aroused : duygu, heyecan vb. uyarmak ÖRNEKLER: Food prices rose by 3% in July... The sun rises in the east... Get up, will you? The sun has long risen (çoktan yükseldi)... She slowly rose from the bed and went into the bathroom... In July, OPEC countries raised the price of their oil sharply... She smiled back at him with a mischievous grin and slowly raised

the pillow (yaramaz bir gülücükle baktı ve yastığı kabarttı)... (Wow!!) A completely new situation has arisen following last week's events... Yeni bir durum meydana gelmiş, ortaya çıkmış bulunuyor... Her explanation aroused my curiosity (= merakımı kabarttı)... A recent study has revealed that women are sexually aroused (= cinsel olarak uyarılıyorlar) by the odours given off by breastfeeding mothers and newborn babies... TEST -- 04 Intermediate Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- I'm now going to give you 10 ............... tips for running a really successful web site. a. invaluable b. valueless c. worthless d. unworthy

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e. unprofitable invaluable DİKKAT: Bu soruyu yanlış yanıtladıysanız, lütfen sözlüğünüzü açıp "invaluable" sözcüğünün, beklentimize aykırı düşen ilginç anlamını dikkatle not ediniz.... Yine benzer kategoriden, "infamous" ve "indifferent" sözcüklerinin de anlamını öğrenip önemle not ediniz. DİKKAT: "to run a business, to run a shop, to run a school, to run a competition," türü deyimlerde, "run" fiilinin "işletmek, yönetmek" anlamını dikkatle not ediniz... "It's quite expensive to run a sports car." = sahibi olmak, kullanmak... tip = tiyö, ipucu... (Ama "polisiye" anlamda ipucu = clue /klu:/ Çalışma önerisi: 1) "tip" sözcüğünün diğer anlamlarını sözlükten bulunuz... 2) Lütfen not ediniz: "I don't have a clue what he's talking about" şeklindeki bir kullanımın anlamı ise: "En küçük bir fikrim bile yok..." 02 -- Well, they were both in perfect running order only this morning, but this one is now definitely out of ............... . You'll have to use the other one. a. order b. business /biz-nis/ c. work d. employment e. job order DİKKAT... DİKKAT... "business" sözcüğünün okunuşu = /biz-nis/. Üç hece filan okuyanları vurun; sevaba girersiniz...

only this morning = (burada) daha bu sabah... Şöyle de diyebilirdik: "Well, they both were supposed to be in perfect running order..." = Her ikisinin de iyi çalışır durumda olmaları gerekiyordu; her ikisini de çalışıyordur sanıyordum... to be supposed + mastar = Bir şeyi yapması kendisinden bekleniliyor olmak; bu yönde kendisine bir direktif verilmiş olmak, zorunluluk; varsayılmak, farzolunmak: I really wasn't expecting it to break down so soon. It is supposed to be one of the best brands in the country... I am supposed to go and meet her this afternoon, but I don't really want to. 03 -- The doctors tried everything they could to ............ the patient's blood pressure. a. produce b. reduce c. clarify d. hasten /hey-sın/ e. climb reduce 04 -- His new appointment takes ............. from the beginning of next month. a. place b. effect c. post d. part e. position effect

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05 -- It needed the collective genius of mankind to ............ the wheel. a. discover b. constitute c. find d. perform e. invent invent 06 -- Further research is needed to find out what side ................ this pill has on a person's digestive system. a. affects b. defects c. suspects d. effects e. reflects effects 07 -- I noticed that there were two buttons ................ from his coat. a. falling b. losing c. departing d. dropping e. missing missing 08 -- The main road through Turgutlu and Salihli was blocked all day yesterday due to an accident ............... two lorries (trucks). a. containing b. fastening /fa:-sın/ c. involving d. including e. combining

involving kamyon = lorry (U.K.); truck (U.S.A.)... Buradaki "an accident ---------two lorries" ifadesi, Türkçe'ye "iki kamyonun karıştığı" şeklinde çevrilir... to fasten /fa:-sın/; /t/ okunmaz... 09 -- As he hated every minute of his life in the army, it is no wonder that he decided one day to ............. his unit. a. dessert b. descend c. avoid d. desert e. deserve desert ÖDEV = verb: to desert /di-zö:t/... noun: desert /de-zıt/... noun: dessert /di-zö:t/ sözcüklerinin anlamına sözlüğünüzden bknz. 10 -- He was dismissed from the service for his insistent ............. b. alertness /ı-lö:t-nis/ b. nobility /nı-bi-liti/ c. disobedience /disı-bi:-diyıns/ d. caution /ko:-şın/ e. alliance /ı-la-yıns/ disobedience the service = Yani, askerlik hizmeti... Noble, nobility: okunuşları: /nou-bıl/... /nı-bi-liti/...

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11 -- It is no injustice to say that the sense of ............. a person has is closely bound up with his cultural background. a. harbour /ha-bı/ b. rumour /ru-mı/ c. tumour /çyu-mı/ d. labour /ley-bı/ e. humour /hyu-mı/ humour It is no injustice to say that --------- = (---------) olduğunu söylemek haksızlık teşkil etmez... to be bound up with: ---- ile içiçe olmak, bağlı olmak, kaderleri birbirine bağlanmış olmak... 12 -- I love you. I can't ................ the thought of ever losing you. a. support b. bear c. think of d. hold e. carry bear 13 -- You seem to have developed a number of extra-curricular interests which ............... you from your studies. a. distract /dis-trækt/ b. obstruct c. arrest d. inhibit /in-hi-bit/ e. encourage /in-ka-ric/ distract a number of extra-curricular interests: bir dizi ders dışı ilgi alanı...

14 -- It was a good piece of land. They got quite ............ by using it to cultivate the much-needed industrial plants. a. tranquil /træn-kuil/ b. peaceful c. responsible /ris-p�n-sibıl/ d. hostile /hos-tayl/, /hos-til/ (U.S.A.) e. prosperous /pros-pırıs/ prosperous 15 -- I don't think that was a very ............ decision. The people are bound to rise up against it in arms. a. enormous /i-no:-mıs/ b. tremendous /tri-men-dıs/ c. intellectual /intı-lek-çuıl/ d. malignant /mı-lig-nınt/ e. wise /wayz/ wise are bound to rise up against it (to be bound + mastar) : ona karşı ayaklanmaları kaçınılmazdır... in arms : silahlı olarak... 16 -- These figures should give you a rough idea as to the cost of ............. a sports car. a. maintenance b. accessories c. repairing d. license plate e. running running DİKKAT... DİKKAT... : "as to" : Yabancılar için metin içinde tanınması çok zor olan bu yapıyı mutlaka not ediniz. Türkçe'ye "konusunda, ilişkin olarak" anlamı ile çevireceksiniz. Yani, "relating, pertaining to" demektir...

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17 -- Grandma has no authority over the children and lets them do anything they like. They're completely .............. , as a result. a. spoilt (veya, spoiled) b. damaged /dæ-micd/ c. humorous /hyu-mırıs/ d. scornful e. impulsive /im-pal-siv/ spoilt (spoiled) Açıklama için en alta bknz. 18 -- I tried to ............... the car, but I couldn't see very well what was behind me. a. reveal b. react c. reverse d. restore e. repair reverse 19 -- Later models were slightly ............... , but the original design remained the same on the whole. a. elevated /eli-veytid/ b. emphasized /em-fisayzd/ c. modified /mo-difayd/ d. evaluated /i-vel-yueytid/ e. discarded /dis-ka:-did/ modified on the whole = genelde...

20 -- Like all empires, the Ottomans went through their periods of rise, decline and fall, finally leaving the stage to the young Turkish ............... , founded under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on Oct. 29, 1923. a. Constitution b. Reform c. Secularism /sek-yulırizm/ d. Independence e. Republic Republic AÇIKLAMALAR 17 -- to spoil (spoilt - spoilt), veya (spoiled - spoiled -- düzenli çekim): 1. Bozmak, berbat etmek... (Örnek: Don't spoil the fun now...) 2. Şımartmak... İşte bu ikinci anlamıyla kullanıldığında, istatistiksel olarak, "You are terribly spoilt," demek şansımız daha yüksek iken, sözcüğü doğrudan öncül sıfat (attributive) olarak kullandığımızda ise, "spoiled children" biçimine daha çok rastlanacaktır. Ama, birisinin yerine, diğerinin kullanılması ile kıyamet de kopmaz. TEST -- 05 Upper Intermediate Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !!

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01 -- He had travelled only twenty miles into the desert when his vehicle developed engine trouble. There was no immediate help available and he had to .............. from the race. a. retreat b. detour c. deviate d. defeat e. withdraw withdraw 02 -- ............. ocean-liners offer their voyagers a great variety of civilized comforts. a. Vulgar /val-gı/ b. Competent /k�m-pıtınt/ c. Prospective /pros-pek-tiv/ d. Contemporary /kın-tem-pırıri/ e. Diligent /dil-icınt/ Contemporary 03 -- Aggressiveness, which we may think of as the violent expression of extreme selfishness, is relatively simple to explain in evolutionary ............... . a. texts b. books c. words d. lectures e. terms terms relatively simple = nisbeten basit, oldukça kolay... DİKKAT: "Oldukça" sözcüğüne

günümüz BBG evi "Türkçe"sinde yüklenen "çok, olabilecek en yüksek derecede" anlamı tüylerimi ürpertiyor: "Hamlet, Juliet'i oldukça seviyor," gibi... Oldukça değil, çok üzülüyorum, ama bir güzel ve yararlı Türkçe sözcüğün daha katledilişine tanık oluyoruz. 04 -- I'm ............... of seeing your stupid face around all the time. a. sick and tired b. loving and fond c. jealous and angry d. displeased and disappointed e. bored and bothered sick and tired Açıklama için en alta bknz. 05 -- They say a woman might forgive an insult; but she would never forgive being ............... . a. sacrificed /sæk-rifaysd/ b. persuaded /pö-syudeydid/ c. ignored /ig-no:d/ d. praised e. prohibited /pro-hi-bitid/ ignored 06 -- These results seem to ............... that calcium and vitamin D supplementation may also prevent tooth loss from gum disease. a. define b. imply /imp-lay/ c. refer d. infer /in-fö/ e. describe

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imply 07 -- He would have been ............... if the President's pardon hadn't arrived just in the nick of time. a. made a hangman b. elevated /e-iveytid/ c. executed /ek-sekyutid/ d. released e. hung executed DİKKAT: Açıklama için en alta bknz. just in the nick of time = "at the eleventh hour" = tam zamanında, son anda... 08 -- He is a rather timid person on the whole. But, when he has had a few drinks, he becomes quite .............. . a. impressive /imp-pres-iv/ b. permissive /pö-mi-siv/ c. aggressive d. intensive e. comprehensive /kımpre-hen-siv/ aggressive 09 -- The generation ............... seems to be getting bigger and bigger in our day and age. a. division b. partition c. gap d. separation e. isolation gap

"bigger and bigger", "better and better", "more and more crowded", "more and more beautiful" şeklindeki kalıpları Türkçe'ye, "gitgide daha büyük, iyi, kalabalık, güzel," vb. şeklinde çeviririz.. DİKKAT: "separation" sözcüğünü, ikinci ünlüyü "e" şeklinde yanlış yazmayınız. 10 -- Am I to ............... from your last remarks that my services are no longer required here? a. distrust b. refer c. infer d. imply e. misunderstand infer ÇEVİRİSİ : Bu son sözlerinizden, hizmetlerimin artık burada istenmediği sonucunu mu çıkarmalıyım? (Yani, İşime son mu veriyorsunuz? Beni kovuyor musunuz? ) Buradaki yapı: to be + infinitive (mastar) yapısıdır ve, 1) Gelecek zaman bildirmekte; 2) Mecburiyet belirtmekte kullanılabilir. LÜTFEN ANAKİTAP'ta mastarlar (the infinitive) ile ilgili bölüme bknz. 11 -- I'm going to ask you a number of questions, and I want ............... answers from you. a. reluctant /ri-lak-tınt/ b. obstinate /obs-tinid/ c. straight d. remarkable /ri-ma-kıbl/ e. objectionable /ıb-cek-şınıbl/ straight

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12 -- I ............... you my bottom dollar that they'll manage to get here anyway. a. offer b. risk to c. receive from d. hand over to e. bet bet my bottom dollar = cebimde kalan son para... 13 -- He told his audience the ............... and fantastic story of his narrow escapes. a. indecent /in-di:-sınt/ b. incredible /ri-kre-dibl/ c. inexperienced /iniks-pi:-riınsıd/ d. indispensable /indis-pen-sıbl/ e. individual /indi-vi-cuıl/ incredible a narrow escape = kıl payı kurtulma, ucu ucuna yakayı sıyırma... 14 -- The king's speech ............... his followers with renewed hope and determination. a. perspired b. expired c. conspired d. despaired e. inspired inspired renewed hope and determination = "yenilenmiş" umut ve kararlılık... "to renew" /ri-nyu/ fiilinden.... "to expire" ve "to inspire" fiillerinin çeşitli anlamlarını sözlüğünüzden bulunuz.

15 -- The book is a best-seller. But the real identity of its author still remains quite ............... . a. transparent /træns-pæ-rınt/ b. obscure c. opaque /ou-peyk/ d. crystal clear e. translucent /træns-lyu-sınt/ obscure to remain = 1. geride kalmak, gitmemek... 2. Olmakta devam etmek... (Burada, ikinci anlamda) 16 -- It is .............. that he is currently working on a science fiction novel. a. rumoured b. censored c. humoured d. censured e. camouflaged /kæ-mıflaycd/ rumoured ÇALIŞMA ÖNERİSİ = "to censure" ve "to censor" fiillerini karşılaştırmalı olarak, birlikte öğreniniz. 17 -- First of all, we'll need some chemical that is not ............... to light. a. sensual b. senseless c. sensational d. sensitive /sen-sitiv/ e. sensible /sen-sibıl/ sensitive ÇALIŞMA ÖNERİSİ = "sense" sözcüğünün (1. anlam; 2. duyu...)

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şeklindeki iki değişik anlam kategorisine ayrılan türevlerini sözlüğünüze danışarak. mutlaka öğreniniz... 18 -- The news of a new and more serious breach of the ceasefire received here last night has now been ............... . a. consented b. observed c. nodded d. confirmed e. accomplished confirmed 19 -- Actors have to ............... a play before they give a public performance. a. practice b. represent c. repeat d. reproduce e. rehearse /ri-hö:s/ rehearse 20 -- Love, hate, joy, grief, fear are all ............... . a. considerations /kınsidı-rey-şınz/ b. indications c. suppositions /sıp�-zi-şınz/ d. suggestions /sı-ces-çınz/ e. emotions /i-mou-şınz/ emotions AÇIKLAMALAR 04 -- to be sick and tired of + gerund = bıkmış usanmış olmak... Diğer şıkların

kimisi anlamca eleniyor; kimisi de "+ gerund" yapısına uymuyor... 07 -- "to hang" = 1. asmak, (duvara resim asmaktan, çamaşır asmaya kadar hertürlü "asmak" eylemi için -- düzensiz çekimlidir: hang - hung - hung)... 2. "adam asmak, idam etmek" anlamında ise, düzenli fiildir: hang - hanged - hanged)... SİZİ SIKMAK PAHASINA, TEKRAR EDİYORUM: Buradaki test çözme etkinliğini yalnızca "Aaaa, başarıyorum -- ne mutlu bana!" veya, "Hay Allah, yine başaramadım -- n'apcam ben sınavda, mahfoldum!" gibi duygusal tepkilerle boşa harcamayın. Sunulan sözcükler, belli bir plana göre dikkatle seçilmiştir... Bunu bir öğrenme fırsatı olarak değerlendiriniz. TEST -- 06 Upper Intermediate Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- It seems to me that they never gave a thought to ............... future problems when the plans were being laid down five years ago. a. unbelievable

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b. untrustworthy c. probable d. unreasonable e. impossible probable DİKKAT: Soruyu çok fazla ilgilendirmemekle birlikte, şu noktaları da irdelerseniz zararlı çıkmazsınız: 1. İkinci tümcelikteki fiil için hangi "tense" kullanılmıştır? 2. Etken veya edilgen çatıda mıdır? 02 -- My ............... objection to neurotics is that they are difficult to live with. a. primarily b. principle /prin-sipıl/ c. priority d. privileged e. principal /prin-sipıl/ -- yani, okunuş aynı... principal 03 -- Every substance has a melting point and a boiling point. The former is the temperature at which it changes from solid to liquid. The ............... is the temperature at which it changes. from liquid to gas. a. later b. latest c. late d. last e. latter latter Daha önce sözünü etmiş olduğumuz iki şeyden birincisine "the former", ikincisine de buradaki "the .............. " kalıbı ile gönderimde (atıfta) bulunuruz...

Bu arada, yukardaki soruyu pek ilgilendirmemekle birlikte, "late" sözcüğünün ilginç bir kullanım boyutuna dikkatinizi çekmek isterim: "the late Mr. Brown" dediğimizde, "müteveffa... şu yakınlarda vefat etmiş olan Bay Brown" demiş oluruz... 04 -- You could ............ being a little bit more friendly, couldn't you? a. effort b. comfort c. support d. please e. afford afford "You could ............ , couldn't you?" yapısı, Türkçe'de en iyi "Elinden gelir, yapabilirsin, olabilirsin, öyle değil mi?" şeklindeki bir serzeniş tümcesi ile çeviri verir... Örneğin burada: "Bana biraz daha dostane davranabilirsin, öyle değil mi? Bu kadar olumsuz davranmasan kıyamet mi kopar?" 05 -- People become quite ............ when it comes to discussing the differences between the sexes. a. illogical b. illiterate c. illegible d. illegal e. illegitimate illogical logical, literate, legible, legal, legitimate... Eğer bilmediğiniz sözcükler var ve siz bunları sözlüğünüze davranıp danışmadan atlıyorsanız, walla vebali boynunuza...

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06 -- I think it was a gross ............. to condemn her. a. impartiality b. injustice c. fairness d. penalty e. invasiveness injustice "a gross ..............." = büyük bir adaletsizlik... "partial" sözcüğünün iki farklı anlamına dikkaty ediniz: 1. kısmi, bütünü içermeyen... 2. yan tutan, taraf tutan, tarafgir, adil olmayan... Şu eşanlamlı sözcükler dizisini ezberleyiniz: just, fair, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, nondiscriminatory... Ve tabii, karşıt-anlamlılarını da: unjust, unfair, partial, biased, prejudiced, discriminatory... 07 -- I resent your last remarks and certainly demand an apology. Sir, we're running a ............... business here! a. remarkable b. reciprocal c. reluctant d. respectable e. representative respectable I resent your last remarks... Bu son sözlerinize teessüf ederim... Tekrar ediyorum: Sözcükler belli bir plan dahilinde seçilmişlerdir. Lütfen bilmediklerinizi öğrenmeden geçmeyiniz... Çalışma Önerisi: "reciprocal" ve "mutual" sözcüklerinin örtüşen ve örtüşmeyen anlamlarını sözlüğünüzden saptayınız.

Neden, "He is our mutual friend," diyebiliyoruz, ama "our reciproal friend" diyemiyoruz? 08 -- Both countries have declined to .............. the treaty on nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, partly out of concern for the other's supposed intentions. a. praise b. assess c. avoid d. endorse e. advocate endorse treaty = andlaşma, muahede... nonproliferation = yayılmaması, yayılmasının önlenmesi... out of concern for --- = --- endişesiyle... to decline = 1. aşağı doğru meyilli olmak... ("the decline of the Ottoman Empire" = Osmanlı İmparatorlupu'nun gerilemesi... "her declining beauty" = artık "inişe geçmiş" olan güzelliği)... 2. reddetmek ("I declined their offer." = tekliflerini reddettim.) Sözcüğün bu iki kelalâka anlamını not ediniz. 09 -- Precautions of this sort are necessary, for it is next to impossible to .............. the exact nature of the difficulties which will confront us. a. forewarn b. forbid c. forsake d. fortify e. foretell foretell next to impossible = hemen hemen imkansız...

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10 -- She is very ............. ; you just couldn't make her walk past under a ladder. a. credulous b. religious c. supernatural d. deformed e. superstitious superstitious 11 -- In the medical profession, men ............. women by two to one. a. outlive b. outdo c. outshine d. outnumber e. outclass outnumber Demek ki neymiş? Fiillerin başına "out" getirilerek, "o açıdan daha falan filan olmak" şeklinde yeni anlamlar elde ediliyormuş... İşte bir örnek daha: "Expected rewards clearly outweigh the risks involved in such a venture." = Böyle bir girişimden beklenen ödüller açık bir şekilde risklerden daha ağır basıyor... 12 -- Severe difficulties must be .............. before cloning can be done with mammals and humans. a. concluded b. overcome c. aggravated d. endangered e. guaranteed overcome

13 -- He was quite contented; he led a(n) ............... life. a. miserable b. prosperously c. happily d. orderly e. improper orderly AMAN DİKKAT: Olağan türetme ekleri ile uyumlu olmayan sıfat ve belirteçlere herzaman denk gelebilirsiniz... "b" ve "c" şıkları birer belirteç (zarf) diğerleri ise sıfattır. 14 -- The bridge is so immensely long that the shape of the earth had to be ............... by its designer as an essential part of the project. a. taken into account b. given an account of c. given approval to d. caught up with e. kept in touch with taken into account Mutlaka bilmeniz gereken sık kullanılan "orta-boy" deyimlere örnekler: to take into account, to give an account of, to give one's approval to, to catch up with, to keep in touch with... İngilizce'nin tuzu biberi gibidirler... Şu eşanlamlı sözcükler dizisini ezberleyiniz: vast, immense, huge, enormous, colossal, gigantic... very large, very big... Ve tabii, karşıt-anlamlılarını da: tiny, minute (/may-nyut/), miniature, diminutive, negligible... very small, very little...

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15 -- Despite these overwhelmingly difficult trading conditions, the company has ............... produced outstanding results. a. therefore b. accordingly c. nevertheless d. consequently e. otherwise nevertheless overwhelmingly = karşı durulmaz derecede... to overwhelm = pesperişan yere sermek, karşı duramaz hale getirmek... to feel overwhelmed = kendisini başa çıkamaz, üstesinden gelemez durumda hissetmek; artık çaba gösteremeyecek, karşı koyamayacak durumda olmak... Örnek tümce: Most freshmen (= first-year university students) feel truly overwhelmed by the workload in their college courses; and, as a result, they usually spend more time socializing than studying. 16 -- It suddenly ............... to me that Mr. İzbul was the greatest dramatist ever who had never written a play!! a. occurred b. dawned c. predicted d. presented e. happened occurred DİKKAT: "occurred --- me" ve "dawned --- me" deyimlerinin hangi ilgeçleri (= preposition) aldığını not ediniz. "------------- ever" türü ifade, "bugüne değin, tarihteki en --------------" anlamı taşırlar. Örneğin burada, "bugüne değin

yaşamış (ama hiç piyes yazmamış) en büyük dramatist" demiş oluyoruz... HADİ SİZLERE BİR İYİLİK DAHA YAPAYIM (Unuttunuz mu? Ukalalık hocalığın şanındandır!!) : "dawned ------ me" deyimindeki "missing" (kayıp) ilgeci en kolay nasıl buluruz? Bakınız, tekrar ediyorum: Yanımızda www.google.com gibi bir büyük dost varken bilmemek ve öğrenmemek çok ayıp... Goggle'ı açınız. Anahtar sözcük olarak, tırnak içinde "dawned * me" yazınız. Yani eksik sözcük yerine bir yıldız işareti koyunuz. Yanıtınız anında hazır... 17 -- Scientists admit they are still ................ by the new disease which is, superficially, not so different from so many other respiratory ailments. a. slandered b. massacred c. bribed d. checked e. intrigued intrigued 18 -- After visiting the Archaelogical Museum in the morning, the İzbuls kindly ............... us to lunch at a local shish-kebab restaurant. a. threatened b. approved c. thrilled d. treated e. rewarded

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treated "------------ smb to sth" birisine birşey ısmarlamak, birşeyin zevkini ve mutluluğunu yaşatmak: "They ----------ed us to some special Turkish sweets." "The band ------------ed us to some beautiful songs of Latin American origin." 19 -- I've listened to your argument. It's neither here nor there. In other words, it's quite ............... . a. irrelevant b. resentful c. rebellious d. scornful e. enormous irrelevant argument = tez, savunulan tez... It's neither here nor there. = Havada kalıyor. Hiçbir sonuca varmıyor. Kelalâka... 20 -- "Have you anything to ............... ?" said the young customs officer, looking straight at me in the eye. a. declare b. identify c. remember d. confirm e. hide declare Çünkü, gümrükte karşılaşacağınız standart soru budur...

TEST -- 07 ADVANCED ÖNEMLİ BİR AÇIKLAMA: Bu testten başlayarak, kuşkusuz çok zor testler sunuyorum sizlere... Ama, sınav salonlarında şok geçirmektense, öğrenme olanağını şimdi değerlendirmek çok daha AKILCI... Çetin sınavlara gireceksiniz... Basit şeyleri tekrarlayarak kendi kendinizi aldatmayın; aldatmalarına da izin vermeyin. Kendinizi zorlayın; hocalarınızı da... 01 -- Gone -- but ............... forgotten. a. by all means b. by everyone c. by fate d. by no means e. by common consent by no means 02 -- It has been ............... that at present there may well be over 2 billion web documents, with over 1 million web sites added daily. a. outlined b. constructed /kıns-trakt-id/ c. estimated /es-timeytid/ d. constrained /kıns-treynd/ e. persuaded /pö-sueydid/

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estimated there may well be... = pekala mevcut (var) olabilir... with = ------mak üzere... (= hergün de 1 milyonu aşkın yeni site eklenmek üzere, eklenirken...) Her iki yapıya başka örnekler de vereyim: "There may well be other intelligent beings in the universe, but there is insufficient evidence to believe that they have ever visited Earth... There may well be a connection between the two (Belki de aralarında bir bağlantı vardır, olması imkansız değil)... There could well develop a situation in which all banks close down their provincial branches and concentrate on their offshore activities...( Öyle bir durum pekala gelişebilir ki, ...) Ahmet got there first, with Mehmet arriving closely after... Ahmet suddenly rushed for the exit, with Mehmet following close (closely) behind. Ama, "There are well over 60 people here." = Kesinlikle 60'ın çok üstünde... Rahatlıkla üstünde... 03 -- Producing quality fertilizers begins with reliable, low-cost supply of ............... materials, such as natural gas, phosphate rock, and elemental sulphur... a. rude b. raw /ro:/ c. scrap d. crude e. vulgar /val-gı/ raw 04 -- Fadime and her husband Hüsam lived in the ............... secluded village of

Minikköy on the Taurus Mountains in southern Anatolia. a. agricultural b. tiny /tay-ni/ c. enormous /i-no:-mıs/ d. tidy /tay-di/ e. local /lou-kıl/ tiny 05 -- Being considered a hardened criminal, I failed to find any character witness to testify on my behalf. The jury simply believed that I could never be ............... by any such feelings of guilt. a. investigated b. imprisoned c. empowered d. compensated e. troubled troubled AÇIKLAMA: Tümcenin "Being... etc" ile başlayan ilk bölümü = "Kaşarlanmış bir suçlu addedildiğim için"... Buradaki gramer yapısı için, "Essential English" Kitabımızdaki "Participles" (Chapter 12) Bölümünde yer alan "Kısaltılmış Zarf Tümcelikleri" Konusuna bknz. 06 -- Chinese internet censors were reported in yesterday's press as ............... their grip on foreign political websites. As for the local ones, well, nobody dares start one anyway... a. loosening b. unlocking c. hacking d. disordering e. downloading loosening

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He was reported as saying that... = --- dediği bildirildi. (Gazetecilik dilinden bir anlatım kalıbı)... as for ---- = ------e gelince... "I'm going to send all your friends home. As for you, you will stay here and help me with this..." (Sana gelinceee...) "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! (Patrick Henry) ÖDEV = 1) "censor" ve "censure" sözcükleri için sözlük çalışması yapınız... 2) "to lose" ve "to loosen" fiillerini birlikte irdeleyiniz. 07 -- Don't mumble. Don't swallow your words. Don't talk in a monotone. Don't use jargon or undefined terms. Avoid mannerisms which will distract your audience from what you are saying. In a word, please stop speaking ............... . a. unintelligibly /anin-te-licibli/ b. vividly c. humorously d. explicitly e. rashly unintelligibly to mumble = mırıldanmak, kendi işiteceği kadar ve başkalarının anlayamayacağı tarzda konuşmak...to swallow one's words = sözcüklerini "yutmak"... jargon /ca:-gın/ = belli bir meslek veya küçük alt-kültür grup üyelerinin kendi arasında kullandığı dil... in a word = tek kelimeyle söyleyecek olursak, kısacası... 08 -- Gold prospecting is entirely a lottery: there are myriad examples of industrious, persevering, .......... men, working hard for years and years; but

ending up poorer than they had ever been before. a. extravagant b. spendthrift c. wasteful d. thrifty e. happy-go-lucky thrifty gold prospecting = altın arayıcılığı... myriad = pekçok sayıda... 09 -- When he died at the age of eighty, the townsfolk gave him a ............... funeral and had an enormous statue of him on his horse erected in front of the town hall. a. relevant b. swift c. huge d. focal e. worn-out huge 10 -- There are myriad examples of grotesque injustices, including the sentencing of innocent defendants to death, the deliberate ............... of evidence, and the routine misuse of so-called expert testimony. a. protection b. falsification c. inclusion d. confirmation e. exploitation falsification

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11 -- The security forces knew it would not prove difficult to ................ the culprits in such a small village. a. witness to b. rush into c. trace down d. refrain from e. conjure up trace down DİKKAT = "Prove" fiilinin her karşılaştığınız yerde "kanıtlamak" anlamına gelmeyeceğine, çoğu zaman doğrudan "be" fiili yerine kullanıldığına önemle dikkatinizi çekerim... 12 -- "Transsexual" is a term applied to any individual who exhibits, to varying ............... , the appearance, behavioral characteristics and feelings associated with the opposite sex. a. heights b. states c. terms d. weights e. degrees degrees 13 -- Radio telescopes have one big advantage over ............... ones in that they can operate in all weather conditions. They can also pick up signals coming from very distant stars. a. vigorous b. remote c. graduated d. condescending e. conventional conventional

Umarım, "in that" bağlacını kaçırmadınız. Türkçe'ye "şu açıdan ki" şeklinde çeviri verir... 14 -- Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to ............... the attention of millions of people in many novel ways. a. inhibit b. capture c. acquaint d. surrender e. inhabit capture ÖDEV: "novel, novelty, to innovate, innovation" sözcüklerinin anlamını araştırınız... 15 -- The Turkish Human ............... Foundation, funding as it does programs and projects that promote human rights, equal treatment and tolerance, aims at achieving and safeguarding social justice for all. a. Sanity b. Antagonism c. Maturity d. Notoriety e. Dignity Dignity 16 -- Can we say that the soul is the " ............... " of our inner world? Can we believe in its immortality? a. infidel b. putrefication c. inhibition d. exhibitionist

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e. inhabitant inhabitant 17 -- Suspended from the ceiling, these spheres had been ................ , so that they attracted or repelled one another all the time. a. pressurized b. crystallized c. juxtaposed d. suspended e. magnetized magnetized 18 -- In the normal brain a large number of substances were .............. that were later found to be abnormal in quantity or metabolism in a substantial variety of neurological disorders. a. identified b. deviated c. overtaken d. appointed e. experimented identified 19 -- No ............... journalist would ever stoop to fabricating or distorting his news for political or financial gain. a. self-conscious b. self-respecting c. self-indulgent d. self-sacrificing e. self-governing self-respecting

"self-conscious" deyimini bilmiyorsanız, tahmin yoluyla kendi kendinizi yanıltacak bir çıkarsamaya gitmeyiniz; lütfen sözlüğünüze danışıp, özel nüansını öğreniniz... "ever" sözcüğünün tümceye "hiçbir zaman, asla" anlamını eklediğine dikkat ediniz... "stoop to" = çok sevdiğim, ama zor bir fiil. Açıkça söyleyeyim: Sınavlarda çıkmayacağına dair bahse girerim. Ama, "üstün İngilizce" öğrenmek istiyorsanız, dağarcığınıza bu tür sözcükleri de almak zorundasınız... Burada, "condescend; lower oneself; debase oneself morally; act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way" anlamında kullandım... 20 -- An area of gradual transition from marsh to firm ground is generally known as a(n) ............... or seasonal marsh. The edge is ................ and the vegetation is similar to that of the surrounding ground. a. unfamiliar b. infernal c. indistinct d. intensified e. stimulated indistinct NOT: "the vegetation" yerine kullanabileceğiniz bir başka önemli sözcük: "the flora"... Bir çevrede yaşayan, çeşitli türlerden oluşan bitki topluluğu anlamına gelen bu sözcüğün hayvanlar alemindeki karşılığı ise: "the fauna": ÖRNEK: Because of the different physical features and climate of the five main regions of Turkey, the flora and the fauna found in each region also differ.

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


TEST -- 08 Advanced Bu Testte, İnternet Sitemdeki Vocabulary Bölümünden Seçtiğim 20 Soru Yer Alıyor. Sitedeki Soruları Topluca Gözden Geçirmek İçin Aşağıdaki Linki Tıklayınız: http://www.oursworld.net/ingilizce-ders/sozcuk-testleri/sozcuk-testleri.htm 01 -- In a speech he made today, the President of Passagonia advocated the .............. of nuclear arms and said that his country was ready for "urgent and effective measures to .............. the arms race." a. expansion / hinder b. propulsion / end c. escalation / curtail d. acceleration / stop e. elimination / curb elimination / curb 02 -- The traditional bonds that exist between the two countries, as well as the mutual respect they hold for one another, will ............. a firm basis for further development of their economic ties. a. compromise b. compensate c. contribute d. constitute

e. capitulate constitute 03 -- Naim Süleymanoğlu, born of Turkish descent and one of the world's top weight-lifters then, .............. to Turkey some twenty years ago while he was competing in Australia. a. immigrated b. interrogated c. defected d. conspired e. emigrated defected 04 -- If you can do without the few .............. pleasures of the country, you will find the city can provide you with the best that life has to offer. a. rational b. pastoral c. humorous d. scornful e. satiric pastoral 05 -- They were, in fact, having such a good time on their little desert island that -- when a passing tanker rescued them a few days later -- both men were ............... sorry that they had to leave. a. outwardly b. repulsively c. reluctantly d. ambiguously e. genuinely genuinely

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


06 -- Inviting the fire-brigade to put out an imaginary, non-existent fire is a crude form of deception which no .............. person would ever indulge in. a. self-conscious b. self-respecting c. self-indulgent d. self-sacrificing e. self-confident self-respecting 07 -- He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in ............... in 1993. a. rags and riches b. severity and pain c. wealth and health d. rigidity and fear e. poverty and obscurity poverty and obscurity 08 -- City born and city bred, I have always ............... the country as something you look at through a train window, as somewhere you occasionally visit during a weekend. a. derived from b. dominated c. evacuated d. regarded e. concerned regarded 09 -- These sentimentalists fail to mention the long and friendless winter

evenings which are only interrupted by a(n) ............... visit to the local cinema -- virtually the sole form of entertainment. a. occasional b. sophisticated c. steady d. retrospective e. apathetic occasional 10 -- Three days after the disappearance of their ever so precious little dog, the family received a(n) ............... note, stating that it was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if a ransom of a zillion liras was paid. a. authentic b. anomalous c. illiterate d. anonymous e. illegible anonymous ever so precious = son derece aziz ve kıymetli tuttukları... Bu deyimi, insanların tutumunu hafif alaya alarak da kullanmak mümkün... 11 -- In the 1960's, certain cults imported from the Far East ............... great popularity and had great numbers of followers especially among the young. a. enjoyed b. represented c. obeyed d. reproduced e. sheltered enjoyed

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


DİKKAT, ÖNEMLİ : Doğru şıkkı oluşturan fiil, alışılmış bildik anlamı dışında, "sahip olmak, nimetlerinden yararlanmak" anlamını da taşımaktadır. Örneğin: "She ------------ed good health to the very last of her days". = Ömrünün son günlerine değin son derece sağlıklıydı... 12 -- She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a .............. with her husband. a. political party b. search party c. third party d. fancy dress party e. firing party (= firing squad) fancy dress party 13 -- We often read in novels how a(n) .............. respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years: it is often called "a skeleton in the cupboard". a. seemingly b. improperly c. improbably d. instinctively e. suspiciously seemingly 14 -- People become quite ............... when it comes to discussing what can be eaten and what cannot. a. illogical b. illiterate c. illegible d. illegal e. illegitimate

illogical 15 -- Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a(n) .............. influence on us. a. subtle /sa-tıl/, yani /b/ sesi yok... b. hostile c. contradictory d. invaluable /in-væl-yubıl/ e. indifferent subtle MUCH AS : "hernekadar"... 16 -- In their efforts to ............... us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. a. proclaim b. persuade c. publicize d. pursue e. praise persuade 17 -- ............... it may be just possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services that people perform for us. a. In spite of b. Accordingly c. However d. While e. Nevertheless While

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18 -- He has ............... chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the possible consequences. a. pitifully b. deliberately c. eternally d. unknowingly e. impotently deliberately 19 -- Some ............... "modern" pieces of sculpture have been on display in public places for at least a hundred years. a. heroic b. self-conscious c. so-called d. incredible e. unfounded so-called 20 -- One would expect an actor to know his part ............... and never make a mistake with his lines. Yet, this is not always the case. a. by luck b. on purpose c. by heart d. under obligation e. by design by heart

TEST -- 09 Advanced Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- All heavy vehicle drivers must participate in training courses on the safe transportation of ............... materials, dangerous goods, solids and wastes. a. satiric b. hazardous c. mediocre d. blasphemous e. laconic hazardous 02 -- Precautions of this sort are necessary, for it is impossible to ............... the exact nature of the difficulties which will confront us. a. forewarn b. forego c. foretell d. forbid e. foreshadow foretell

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


03 -- This is a(n) ............... book in which he further expands his innovative approach, challenging traditional theories of supply and demand. a. plausible b. sacred c. contradictory d. taciturn e. provocative provocative 04 -- The book contains some excellent libel / ............... law information for individuals and small businesses, all told in easy-to-understand legal terms. a. complacency b. hostility c. blunder d. banality e. slander slander 05 -- Newspapers and magazines offered him huge sums of money for the ............... rights to publish his story. a. exclusive b. compulsory c. fascinating d. humiliating e. imperative exclusive 06 -- To lead normal lives -- it is an impossible dream existence all victims of commercialization must perforce ...............

as long as their names carry a market value. a. reproach b. validate c. exasperate d. abandon e. disintegrate abandon 07 -- There will come a day when this country will be the envy of all nations for her ............... social policies. a. enlightened b. conscripted c. crooked d. heinous e. submissive enlightened 08 -- As long ago as 1930s, the Turkish Parliament ............... and passed some crucial legislation to advance and safeguard women's social and political rights. a. illuminated b. interpreted c. incited d. introduced e. inflicted introduced 09 -- There is nothing in the records to show that the allegations are ............... , as one senior police officer was quick to point out. a. perceptible b. justified

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


c. ornamental d. reprehensible e. incomprehensible justified 10 -- The newcomers were ............... if they didn't fit in, had property that others wanted, or disagreed with neighbours. a. ascertained b. persecuted c. condescended d. repealed e. trespassed persecuted 11 -- In democratic countries, any efforts to restrict the freedom of the Press are rightly ............... . a. relegated b. astonished c. victimized d. retrieved e. condemned condemned 12 -- The guest who arrives half an hour too soon is the greatest ............... . Some people never seem to be able to cure themselves of that irritating habit all through their lives. a. proximity b. pretence c. anachronism d. nuisance e. lottery nuisance

13 -- Even in ............... poverty the family did not sacrifice its self-respect. a. abject b. delirious c. imaginary d. indulgent e. deceptive abject 14 -- There is every reason to suppose that ............... must be an extremely degrading way of making a living for a woman. I daresay no self-respecting woman would do it willingly. Or, am I being too naive in my assessment of human nature?! a. embezzlement b. sedition c. prostitution d. trickery e. arson prostitution 15 -- To ............... slavery on its own is meaningless; freedom from want is the real thing. a. accomplish b. alternate c. abolish d. augment e. desiccate abolish want = gereksinim, ihtiyaç... Şimdi hemen sözlüklerinizi açıp, veya İnternet'teki araştırma motorlarını kullanarak, sözcüğün bu anlamını içeren ÖRNEK TÜMCELER toplamağa çalışınız... on its own = kendi

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başına, tek başına, kendi içinde... freedom from want = gereksinimlerin giderilmiş olması, muhtaç durumda olmamak... 16 -- Are you acquainted with the new theories pertaining to this area? You need some knowledge of nuclear physics to understand the ............... mechanisms involved in this project. a. ostensible b. deplorable c. meticulous d. intricate e. ascetic intricate 17 -- Students will define their own learning objectives and thus come to better appreciate the ................ of their own role in shaping their educational endeavors. a. significance b. suppression c. sensuality d. suspension e. senselessness significance 18 -- Beauty in itself is a rather ............... quality... a. tangible b. phlegmatic c. abstract d. repulsive e. commonplace abstract

19 -- That he would get himself involved in this sort of a situation was ............... from the very beginning. a. improbable b. impossible c. unexpected d. inevitable e. unfamiliar inevitable 20 -- She was fined for ............... . a. abusive language b. being garrulous c. loquaciousness d. verbosity e. lisping abusive language TEST -- 10 Advanced DİKKAT: Aşina olmadığınız her sözcük için, lütfen sözlüğe ve bir kavramlar dizinine başvurarak türevleri, eş ve karşıt anlamlıları, girdiği / kurduğu deyimler ile birlikte bir kavramlar öbeği oluşturunuz... Kısa örnek tümceler herzaman için son derece yararlıdır... Sizin için yeni olan her sözcüğün okunuşunu, özellikle de hece vurgusunu not etmeyi de ihmal etmeyiniz...

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Yaptığınız her test çalışması aynı zamanda yeni birşeyler öğrenmenize de vesile olmalıdır... 01 -- Even more ............... conditions of hygiene became apparent as the siege tightened. ( /si:c/ ) a. zealous /ze-lıs/ b. sparkling c. disparaging /dis-pa-rıcin/ d. deplorable /di-plo-rıbıl/ e. petty /pe-ti/ deplorable 02 -- You mustn't ............... the role of oil prices for the Russian economy. a. predispose b. hinder c. belittle d. eclipse e. apprehend belittle 03 -- He was himself a former slave who later in life became a(n) ............... opponent of the slave trade. a. retrospective b. impenetrable /im-pe-nıtribıl/ c. generous d. ambiguous /æm-big-yuwıs/ e. outspoken outspoken

04 -- On August 25, 1992, the Serbian army began shelling the National Library of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Sarajevo. Their goal was the eradication of a people and all evidence of that people's culture and existence. Within no more than six months, gone was almost all ............... evidence of over 500 years of intercultural / interreligious life in Bosnia. a. incongruous /in-k� ng-rıwıs/ b. pompous /p� m-pıs/ c. lamentable /lı-men-tıbıl/ d. palpable /pæl-pıbıl/ e. ostentatious /ostın-tey-şıs/ palpable 05 -- Even after listening for an hour and a half to evidence – ............... evidence – of a concerted effort on Iraq's part to delay and deceive the UN weapons inspectors, the response of France, Russia, and China was that inspections must continue. a. affectionate b. irrefutable /ir-ref-yutıbıl/ c. disparaging d. spurious e. malodorous /mæ-lo-dırıs/ irrefutable 06 -- The saline waters of the Tuzla Kuş Cenneti nearby the city of İzmir provide a ............... for large numbers of flamingos and other migrating water birds. a. dungeon /dan-cın/ b. ghetto c. dormitory /do:-mitıri/ d. gymnasium e. sanctuary /sænk-çuıri/ sanctuary

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07 -- The day before the ............... body of the victim was found in a suitcase near the central station, he had called his girlfriend and had told her he would be catching the 9:15 train. a. dismembered /dis-mem-bırd/ b. intrinsic /in-trin-zik/ c. inoccuous /i-n� k-yuıs/ d. desolate /de-sılit/ e. ridiculous /ri-dik-yılıs/ dismembered 08 -- Legal experts point out that any move by either side to ............... the treaty would fly in the face of international law. a. aggravate b. acclaim c. abrogate /æb-rıgeyt/ d. surpass /sö-pa:s/ e. disparage /dis-pæ-ric/ abrogate 09 -- Please note that articles containing gross ............... and/or indecency will not be approved. a. dereliction b. vivaciousness /vi-vey-şısnıs/ c. lethargy /le-Øıci/ d. profanity /pro-fæ-niti/ e. clergy /klö:-ci/ profanity 10 -- Extreme depression and extreme ............... caused by the stigma associated with HIV positive result, even though false, may reduce immunity drastically and

cause AIDS and early death in the affected persons. a. fraudulence b. dejection c. indolence /in-dılıns/ d. discretion /dis-kre-şın/ e. pomposity /p�m-p�-siti / dejection 11 -- A(n) ............... reason is the apparent, exhibited, declared, avowed or professed reason and the concept is normally used to denote that it is not in fact the real or actual reason, motive or aim. a. random /ræn-dım/ b. laconic /lı-k� -nik/ c. miraculous /mi-ræk-yulıs/ d. ostensible /ıs-ten-sıbl/ e. epicurean /epi-kyu-riyın/ ostensible 12 -- All of these ............... and aggressive speeches made by Bush, Rumsfeld and Powell provide excellent examples of US sabre rattling -- a witness to their intention to spread the fight to other countries. a. submissive b. belligerent /bel-li-cırınt/ c. taciturn /tæ-sitö:n/ d. prudent e. ambidexterous /æmbi-deks-tırıs/ belligerent 13 -- The idea that the victors have a perfect right to bring the ............... to trial is not new.

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a. ambushed /æm-buşd/ b. pillaged c. vanquished d. plagiarized e. abominated vanquished 14 -- I would like to urge the traffic police or the department concerned with the traffic signs and rules to ensure that all signs on the road are ............... and that they are functional. a. malevolent b. conspicuous /kıns-pik-yuwıs/ c. appalling /ı-p�-liN/ d. contemptible /kın-tempt-ibıl/ e. diminutive /di-min-yıtiv/ conspicuous 15 -- Speaking of sibling relationships, one study in 1998 found that 95 percent of the participants had either intimate, loyal, and ............... relationships, while the remaining 5 percent were apathetic. a. congenital /kın-ce-nitıl/ b. incongruous c. obligatory d. congenial /kın-ci:-niyıl/ e. venomous /ve-nımıs/ congenial 16 -- Too busy enjoying the colourful life of a handsome young officer, he remained ............... to politics through the 1980s and '90s. a. aloof /ı-lu:f-/ b. hostile c. bigoted /bi-gıtid/

d. inimical /i-ni-mikıl/ e. pious /pa:-yıs/ aloof 17 -- Economic globalization will face ............... hindrances during the course of de-regulation, privatization and direct foreign investment -- unless the legislative bodies and juridical structures lend their support to it in every nation-state. a. self-revelatory b. fragrant c. dilapidated /di-læp-ideytid/ d. expository e. formidable /f� -midıbıl/ formidable 18 -- Other changes that have impacted the working world are an ............... stream of technological advancements and the ensuing enhancements, steady employee turnover and a business world that not only moves fast forward but is in constant flux as well. a. busybodyish b. sublime /sıb-laym/ c. vagrant d. incessant /in-se-sınt/ e. reverent /re-vırınt/ incessant 19 -- Based on 25 years of ............... research, this method has proven to be extremely effective in helping young children learn to resolve interpersonal problems and prevent antisocial behaviors. a. aberrant b. meticulous /mı-tik-yılıs/

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c. calamitious /kælı-mi-şıs/ d. overbearing e. courteous meticulous Pekos Bill'in sevgilisi Calamity Jane'i hatırlıyor musunuz? Felaket Jane !! 20 -- It is my ............... that love, friendship, hope, kindness, responsibility, knowledge are eternal, and so there probably will be some day an interdisciplinary field of study, comprising science, humanities, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, history, and all... a. replenishment b. aptitude /æp-tiçuyd/ c. complacency d. endorsement e. conjecture /kın-cek-çı/ conjecture WELL, WELL, WELL !! YABANCI DİL ÖĞRENMENİN AZ ÇABA - KOLAY İŞ OLDUĞUNU KİM SÖYLEMİŞSE YALAN SÖYLEMİŞ !! EŞANLAMLI SÖZCÜKLER (01) SYNONYMS ADVANCED LEVEL

Ciddi bir sınava hazırlanıyorsanız... Bu ve bunu izleyen iki testte sunduğum sözcükleri ve bu düzeyde bir sözcük bilgisini gözardı etme lüksünüz yok... En önemli güçlüklerden birisi, karşılaştığınız yeni bir sözcüğün sizin için gerçekten gerekli ve yararlı olup olmadığına karar verebilmek. Herşeyi öğrenmeğe kalkışmak verimli bir yol değildir. Sonunda, insanın ayırabileceği belli bir zaman ve belli bir efor düzeyi var. İyi bir hoca ve verimi kanıtlanmış kurs serileri rehber olabilir... Bir başka verimli av alanı ise, kendi ilgi alanınız, kendi bilim dalınız olacaktır. Uyduruk sözlüklerle durumu geçiştirmeyin. "İngilizce'den İngilizce'ye" ve "İngilizce-Türkçe" sözlüklerden birlikte yararlanmak en iyisi. Yeterki nitelikleri kanıtlanmış yayınlar olsunlar. İnternet üzerinden sözlük hizmeti veren çok sayıda site gözardı edilmemeli. Sözlükler kadar, "kavram dizinleri" nin de (özellikle, Roget's Thesaurus) yararlı olduklarını unutmayınız. Sözcüğü, okunuşu, değişik anlamları, eş ve karşıt anlamlıları, girdiği çeşitli deyim ve deyişler, ve en önemlisi ÖRNEK TÜMCELER ile birlikte kaydetmeğe özen gösterin. Bu örnek tümceleri ezberlemeğe çalışın. Örnek tümceler için, sözlükler kadar, İnternet araştırma motorlarının da -- zahmetli de olsa -- son derece yararlı olacağına dikkatinizi çekerim. Ancak itibar edeceğiniz siteler, anadili İngilizce, fakat aynı zamanda eğitimli, dili iyi kullanan kimselerin hazırladığı siteler olmalı... Giderek zenginleşen bu kaynağa zaman zaman dönerek belleğinizi tazeleyin, eklemeler yapmaya çalışın. Bütün bunları fihrist şeklinde düzenlenmiş bir defterde yapmanız büyük kolaylık sağlayacaktır.

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Sözcükler özenle seçilmiştir. Buradaki 10 soru için yoğun örnekler vereceğim. İzleyen iki testteki yirmişer soruda benzer bir çalışma yapmanızı öneriyorum. Bu çalışmanız size, İngilizce'de "başaltı'ya güreşecek" nitelikte 200 dolayında önemli sözcük kazandıracaktır. 01 -- To abolish slavery on its own is meaningless; freedom from want is the real thing. /ı-bo-liş/ a. approve of b. speak against c. neglect d. put an end to e. turn a deaf ear to put an end to want = gereksinim, ihtiyaç... Şimdi hemen sözlüklerinizi açıp, veya İnternet'teki araştırma motorlarını kullanarak, sözcüğün bu anlamını içeren ÖRNEK TÜMCELER toplamağa çalışınız... on its own = kendi başına, tek başına, kendi içinde... freedom from want = gereksinimlerin giderilmiş olması, muhtaç durumda olmamak... 02 -- You need some knowledge of nuclear physics to understand the intricate mechanisms involved in this project. /in-trikit/ a. complex and complicated b. imperfect and defective c. incisive, penetrating and probing d. insane, mad, crazy e. flawless and perfect complex and complicated

intricate ne kadar da intrigue sözcüğüne benziyor... Türkçe'deki "entrika" sözcüğü nereden geliyor dersiniz? 03 -- That model, I'm afraid, is now considered obselete. /�bsı-li:t/ a. impartial, unbiased, fair, just b. immortal, undying, deathless c. moderate, reasonable, within sensible limits d. immoral, sinful, wicked; unchaste e. outdated, superseded, disused, discontinued outdated & etc. ÇOK ÖNEMLİ: Sözcüklerinizi öğrenirken, SYNONYMS = eşanlamlılarını da yanına sıralarsanız büyük yararını görürsünüz. Bu iş için sözlük değil bir THESAURUS (kavramlar dizini) kullanın. En iyisi hala ve hala "Roget's Thesaurus". Üstelik Net'te mevcut: Google'dan bu anahtar sözcüklerle arayınız. 04 -- Poor health prevented him from accomplishing the great task he had started. /ı-k�mp-liş/ a. getting rid of b. leaving undone c. giving up in despair d. finishing with success e. employing an expert to do finishing with success poor health = sağlığının kötü olması... to accomplish: achieve, attain, reach a goal or objective, realize... to quit : to cease trying to accomplish or continue: abandon, discontinue, give up, leave off, relinquish, remit, stop...

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05 -- I'm afraid I've completely missed the significance of his last remarks. /sig-ni-fikıns/ a. meaning and importance b. effect and relevance c. feelings and emotions d. logic and rationality e. sense and signature meaning and importance his last remarks = söylediği son sözler... (örneğin çıkmadan önce veya bir konuşma sırasında)... effect = aslında "sonuç, netice" demektir (örnek: cause and effect = sebep ve sonuç); ama Türkçe'ye çoğunlukla "etki" kavramı ile çeviri veriyor... sense = 1. duyu örn: our five senses; 2. anlam = meaning, örn: What you're saying makes no sense. = Söylediğin şey/şeyler anlamsız)... Dolayısıyla: sensitive = duyarlı... Ama, senseless = anlamsız... Örn: a senseless act of violence = anlamsız bir şiddet hareketi... 06 -- I don't quite follow what you're getting at. Will you further clarify your position on this issue? /klæ-rifay/ a. re-consider, re-evaluate b. make obscure, nebulous, ambiguous c. make (crystal) clear d. classify, categorize e. purify, remove the impurities of make (crystal) clear İlk tümcenin çevirisi : Sözü nereye getirdiğinizi anlayamıyorum... nebulous: uzaydaki "nebula" lar birer "cloud" değil mi? clear = açık, berrak; crystal clear = apaçık, besberrak...

07 -- Holding the door open for a moment for the person coming right behind you is the conventional thing to do. /kın-ven-şınıl/ a. customs b. customer c. custody d. customary e. custodian customary customs = 1. adetler, görenekler; 2. gümrük... customs duty = gümrük vergisi... custodian = koruyucu, muhafız, bakıcı, emanetine bırakılan kişi, tutan, saklayan... to take into custody = GÖZALTINA almak ("gözlem altına almak" diyen bütün cahil TV metin yazarı ve spikerlerini vurun!) 08 -- One may ask if it is fair to attempt to inhibit a person's natural impulses. But such is our cultural milieu... /in-hi-bit/ a. alter and change b. condition, mold and modify c. express (to say and speak publicly) d. curb and restrain e. endanger, imperil, jeopardize curb and restrain But such is our cultural milieu... = Ama kültürel ortamımız işte böyle... Okunuşu: mil-yö... Çoğulu: milieus, veya milieux... conditioned reflex = şartlı (yani şartlandırılmış) refleks... to mold = şekillendirmek ("kalıba dökmek" kavramından)... Polis arabanızı durdurunca ne der? "Pull up by the curb, please." = Arabanızı kenara (kaldırımın kenarına) çekiniz. Çünkü "curb", yolu "sınırlayan" şey, yani kaldırımdır... self-restraint = kendini firenleme, nefsine hakim olma... to endanger, to imperil, to jeopardize için ad durumları (isim halleri): danger, peril, jeopardy... Okunuşu: ce-pıdi... Bu gruba hazard sözcüğünü

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


ekleyin... Sıfat durumları: dangerous, perilous... Bu kapasitede "jeopardy" i unutun, onun yerine hazardous 'u listeleyin... 09 -- It's high time we all went aboard the ship. a. out of b. near c. alongside d. on e. away from on It's high time we + past tense (anlamı:present veya future) : SUBJUNCTIVE yapıya dikkat. Çevirisi: Haydi arkadaşlar, gemiye çıkma zamanımız geldi geçiyor... aboard = nasılki asleep uykuda, uykuya anlamı veriyor, bu da "tahtada, tahtaya" yani, "güvertede, güverteye, yani GEMİDE, GEMİYE anlamını veriyor. İngilizce'de bunun gibi başına "a-" getirilerek yapılmış çok sayıda sözcük var. Ama bunları "yok, -sız" anlamına gelen "a-" öneki ile karıştırmayınız: apathy = herhangi bir duygusal tepki yokluğu (sympathy, antipathy veya empathy'den farklı olarak). Ancak bu tür sözcüklerden bazıları farklı nüans da kazanabilir: amoral = 1) ahlak konularını ilgilendirmeyen; 2. ahlak dışı dolayısıyla da "ahlaksız"... 10 -- You are beautiful, but I must say beauty in itself is a rather abstract quality... /æbs-trækt/ a. intangible b. difficult to define c. indescribable d. heavenly e. repulsive

intangible Antonym, yani karşıt anlamlısı = concrete = somut (ki aynı zamanda "beton" anlamına da geliyor). Reinforced concrete = betonarme... to reinforce = pekiştirme... indescribable = that cannot be described, surpassing description, beyond description = tarif edilmez / edilemez... ŞİMDİ LÜTFEN doğru sözcüğü, sözlükleriniz ce theasurus'unuzu tarayarak, komple sülalesi ve örnek tümceler ile birlikte FİHRİST DEFTERİNİZE kaydediniz. YABANCI DİL ÖĞRENMENİN AZ ÇABA - KOLAY İŞ OLDUĞUNU KİM SÖYLERSE YALAN SÖYLER !! İLK DİLİMİZİ ÖĞRENMEK, BİRİLERİNİN BİZİMLE SÜREKLİ İLGİLENDİKLERİ BEBEKLİK VE İLK ÇOCUKLUK DÖNEMİNDE KAÇ YILIMIZI ALMIŞTI, UNUTTUNUZ MU ? EŞANLAMLI SÖZCÜKLER (02) SYNONYMS ADVANCED LEVEL Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !!

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


01 -- That he would get himself involved in some accident in the end was inevitable from the very beginning. a. improbable b. impossible c. unexpected d. inescapable e. unfamiliar inescapable 02 -- She vaguely reminds me of my first wife, and this is certainly a great disadvantage on her part! a. hatefully b. joyfully c. stupidly d. slightly e. carelessly slightly 03 -- She was fined for abusive language. a. swearing b. useful expressions c. needless words d. excellent speech e. a foreign accent swearing 04 -- This is a complete edition; it is not abridged. a. censored b. unfinished c. shortened d. in manuscript form e. censured shortened

05 -- His doctor recommended that he abstain from alcohol. a. drink more and more b. stay away from c. hate without reason d. consume enormous quantities of e. sell and make a profit from stay away from BİRİNCİ NOT: To MY mind, "the good doctor" -- so the saying goes -- should recommend "a" or "d"... :)) İKİNCİ NOT: Buradaki "recommended that he + DO" yapısı, TÜRKLER İÇİN İLERİ PRATİK İNGİLİZCE başlıklı elektronik kitabımın Bölüm 7 (ad-tümcelikler) "emir tümcesinden ad-tümcelik" konusunda ele alınmaktadır. Kitap hakkında bilgi için, sitemiz anasayfasına bknz. 06 -- The captain wouldn't abandon the sinking ship until the very last moment. a. stay on and go down with b. save and sail c. mend, repair and fix d. inspect and report e. quit and leave quit and leave 07 -- You might borrow money from a friend, but not from an ordinary acquaintance. a. royal personage b. old age pensioner c. enemy agent d. member of the family

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


e. somebody you happen to know smb you happen to know 08 -- He wrote a remarkable book towards the end of his life. a. illegible b. unintelligible c. noteworthy d. inconsiderate e. illegitimate noteworthy 09 -- Everyone says that Ali and Güneş resemble their father, both in nature and nurture. a. eulogize b. imitate c. take after d. perceive e. pretend take after NATURE encompasses such concepts as "congenital, by birth, through genetic make-up"... NURTURE encompasses such concepts as "upbringing, education, environmental influences"... 10 -- The Social Democrats are going to appeal to the Supreme Court for the repealing of the new police laws. a. confirmation b. transformation c. cancellation d. approval e. applause

cancellation 11 -- The girl-scouts were marching three abreast. a. side by side b. harmoniously c. in a tandem fashion d. in unison e. one after the other side by side Aleep, aboard, aside... etc. yapısındaki sözcüklerinizi hatırlayınız... 12 -- Your excuses are all beside the point. a. disrespectful b. relative c. irrelevant d. indifferent e. omnivorous irrelevant INDIFFERENT : Lütfen sözlüğü açıp anlamına bakınız. ÇOK ŞAŞIRACAKSINIZ... Bu dediğim, "infamous" ve "invaluable" için de geçerli... OMNIVOROUS : İki kardeş sözcüğü de ben söyleyivereyim: "carnivorous" ve "herbivorous"... Birincisi için ipucu: "carnal pleasures"... İkincisi için ipucu : "herbal tea"... 13 -- I can see that you've terribly neglected your husband all through these years. a. refused and removed

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


b. forgotten and disremembered c. not cared enough for d. accused and blamed e. obstructed and distracted not cared enough for 14 -- Most people hate and are disgusted by cruelty to defenceless animals. a. disprove b. overlook c. approve of d. detest e. abolish detest 15 -- Corrupt political elites in the developing world, working hand-in-hand with greedy business people and unscrupulous investors, are putting private gain before the welfare of citizens and the economic development of their countries. a. patriotic and humanitarian b. industrious, diligent, hard-working c. truthful, honest, sincere d. conscientious, high-principled e. dishonest, crooked, degenerate and depraved dishonest & the rest of it all 16 -- There're very few left now of the Australian aborigines still following their traditional way of life. a. veterans b. archetypes c. natives d. primitives e. prototypes

natives 17 -- I will not accept his services as a go-between. He has been ever so biased all through this case. a. prejudiced b. impartial c. bigoted d. mindful e. bad-tempered prejudiced ever so + sıfat = very much so... 18 -- Do I have to stay here and witness all this absurdity? a. great drama b. nonsense and foolishness c. tragic event d. memorable occasion e. incredible mystery nonsense and foolishness 19 -- I want you to give me an accurate account of what really happened there. a. erroneous b. suitable c. insincere d. harmonious e. correct correct 20 -- Charity begins at home. a. Being considerate and helpful b. Bringing up children alone

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


c. Callousness and wickedness d. Reciprocal violence e. Indifference to others' miseries Being considerate and helpful EŞANLAMLI SÖZCÜKLER (03) SYNONYMS ADVANCED LEVEL Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- I can't quite pin down your general attitude on this issue. It's so ambivalent. a. ambitious and aspiring b. ambiguous, vague and equivocal c. emphatic but not empathic or empathetic d. amphibian e. amorous ambiguous & etc. to pin down = to understand and classify, to categorize... 02 -- He wasn't alone in this. He had two accomplices. a. armed robberies b. partners-in-crime c. men of law

d. high-ranking officials e. bands of outlaws partners-in-crime 03 -- Send for the doctor at once! It's urgent! a. an emergence b. superfluous c. an anomaly d. unusually sporadic e. an emergency an emergency 04 -- The word "February" is often abbreviated to "Feb". a. shortened to b. subsituted for c. changed into d. preferred to e. translated into shortened to 05 -- He was considerate enough to stand by her when she found herself in that terrible fix. a. passionate b. callous c. consistent d. thoughtful e. cowardly thoughtful in a terrible fix = in a very difficult position or situation...

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


06 -- Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to put off the meeting to some future date. a. reflect upon b. cancel c. get rid of d. convene e. postpone postpone 07 -- Thus the mystery was solved and he was found not guilty. a. arrested for the crime b. absolved from blame c. condemned without evidence d. not taken into custody e. held responsible for the deed absolved from blame DİKKAT: "Ama şu şık da geçerli" itirazı geçersiz: Testimizin konusu EŞANLAMLILAR... 08 -- If you could do a little repairing around the house, we wouldn't have needed to call in a plumber in the first place. a. mending b. replacing c. constructing d. furnishing e. unfixing mending in the first place = daha işin başında, zaten daha en başta...

09 -- They ran round the corner and then simply vanished out of sight. a. decayed b. disappeared c. blurred d. deteriorated e. reappeared disappeared 10 -- He was acclaimed by all as the new world champion. a. refused and dismissed b. accepted and recorded c. cheered and applauded d. envied and antagonized e. deceived and agonized cheered and applauded 11 -- This is only a tentative arrangement. We'll decide on a permanent course of action later on. a. inexperienced b. temporary c. consecutive d. elaborate e. disappointing temporary 12 -- You'll have to accustom yourself to their strange ways of life. a. pay the penalty for b. look forward to c. get used to d. ask yourself about e. make yourself absent from get used to

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


13 -- Why should anyone have any respect for him? He's so unbelievably rude to everyone else himself, isn't he? a. impolite b. inconsiderate c. wicked d. insincere e. edifying impolite 14 -- You're not going to release him, are you? He is a dangerous criminal. a. idolize b. execute c. approve of d. condemn e. set free set him free 15 -- A pretentious person is neither liked nor respected -- nor, indeed, tolerated. a. miserly b. reticent c. talkative d. showy e. hideous showy 16 -- He was much disliked for his belligerent ways even as a child. a. hostile and aggressive b. weird and frightening c. self-confident, but also self-centred d. repulsive, but still pushy

e. smug and affected hostile and aggressive Ludimus effigiem belli. = Satrançsever Üyelerimizin oyuna otururken söyleyebilecekleri ünlü Latince tümce: We are playing an "effigy" of war / battle... (= benzeri, modeli, kopyası) 17 -- After two hours of intensive search, the police began to suspect that it all had been a hoax. a. divine intervention b. chance happening c. sporadic behaviour d. deceitfully false alarm e. surprise development deceitfully false alarm 18 -- I must say she's quite odd in her ways. a. disgusting b. punctual c. eccentric d. pitiful e. incredible eccentric in her ways = davranışlarında... Lütfen "pitiful" için sözlüğe bknz. = Genelde ters değerlendiriliyor... 19 -- His younger sister is married to a well-known architect. a. notorious b. famous c. infamous d. noble

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


e. atrocious famous infamous = Lütfen sözlüğe danışınız; tıpkı "indifferent" ve "invaluable" gibi sizleri şaşırtacaktır. 20 -- She may be naive, but you'd be wrong to think that she's stupid in any sense of the word. a. sophisticated and cosmopolitan b. willing and enthusiastic c. inexperienced and quite credulous d. young and juvenile e. kind and compassionate inexperienced & etc. VERBS THAT WON'T FAIL YOU SİZİ ASLA YAYA BIRAKMAYACAK FİİLLER (01) LOWER TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE

Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- We"ll need to make some new tests to ............... the exact nature of the tumour. a. regulate b. deter c. determine d. develop e. object to determine 02 -- No one has been able to discover the place where the pirates are supposed to have ............... the king's treasure. a. informed b. hidden c. mentioned d. contacted e. memorized hidden 03 -- The police have started to ............... the case, but they don't expect any quick results. a. oppose b. employ c. investigate d. search e. seek investigate 04 -- But first, we must try and ............... the patient's blood pressure. a. produce b. purify c. nurse

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


d. reduce e. confuse reduce 05 -- It needed the collective genius of mankind to ............... the wheel. a. discover b. perform c. come across d. encounter e. invent invent 06 -- Breaking up with her boyfriend has quite ............... her. a. upset b. distorted c. recovered d. displayed e. demonstrated upset 07 -- He was .............. from service for his insistent disobedience. a. hastened b. menaced c. threatened d. dismissed e. ruined dismissed 08 -- Dirt has begun to .............. again on the windowsills. a. nourish b. decay and rot c. deteriorate d. accumulate e. slide and spill

accumulate 09 -- I must have lost my joy in living. Nothing seems to .............. imagination. a. steer b. stir c. simulate d. obey e. combat stir 10 -- A funny thing .............. me on my way here. a. provided b. misused c. happened to d. misunderstood e. disused happened to 11 -- Perhaps the truly unhappiest man is he who .............. any sort of courage: he .............. the courage to live, and he .............. the courage to die. a. obtains b. lacks c. prevents d. leaks e. eliminates lacks 12 -- All applicants are .............. to fill in this form before proceeding to see the Director himself. a. neglected b. attributed c. indicated d. requested e. approved requested

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


13 -- I'm afraid we'll have to .............. the meeting altogether. [DİKKAT: "altogether" burada "tümüyle, tamamen" anlamı verir.] a. postpone b. cancel c. cease d. mumble e. participate cancel 14 -- We were terribly disappointed that evening as we'd thought we would be .............. to some soft and quiet romantic music. a. treated b. encouraged c. thrilled d. threatened e. satisfied treated 15 -- Why don't you try and .............. your terms first of all. We might be able to follow you better then. a. measure b. recommend c. define d. describe e. suspect define 16 -- The hot-humid climate of the island .............. his precarious health. a. ripened b. fried c. roasted d. affected e. scolded

affected 17 -- They just .............. a few greetings and then everyone went on his own way. a. ridiculed b. consulted c. magnified d. insulted e. exchanged exchanged 18 -- I think we can safely say that he has .............. his will and courage even under these most adverse circumstances. a. managed b. notified c. displayed d. persisted e. defeated displayed 19 -- She .............. that we get there at least half an hour before the concert was due to begin. a. visualized b. confirmed c. conquered d. considered e. suggested suggested 20 -- He personally .............. his success to hard work. a. mourns b. overthrows c. attributes d. prays e. contributes

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


attributes VERBS THAT WON'T FAIL YOU SİZİ ASLA YAYA BIRAKMAYACAK FİİLLER (02) LOWER TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- The discussion was mainly on the subject of the number of the workers to be .............. . a. installed b. nodded in c. constituted d. employed e. demonstrated employed 02 -- The news of a new and more serious breach of the ceasefire received here last night has now been .............. . a. confirmed b. multiplied c. informed d. contacted e. mentioned confirmed

03 -- The tube is then .............. into its place and secured with clips. a. relieved b. deceived c. matured d. inserted e. accomplished inserted 04 -- Would to God you would .............. yourself of your disgusting habit of chain smoking. a. revenge b. oppose c. nurse d. reduce e. cure cure 05 -- It'll take him a long time yet to fully .............. from the terrible blow he has received. a. reappear b. recover c. improve d. revise e. develop recover 06 -- There was one final command he had hoped to give his soldiers all through his fighting years:".............. fire!" a. Remove b. Melt c. Drop d. Cease e. Miss Cease

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07 -- We .............. many a danger and difficulty on the way, but we managed to overcome them all in the end. a. encouraged b. enforced c. endangered d. encountered e. embarrassed encountered 08 -- .............. two spoonfulls of sugar in a large cup half filled with water. Then add one spoonful of lemon juice. a. Nourish b. Dissolve c. Involve d. Slide e. maintain Dıssolve 09 -- He .............. his car in a head-on collision with a lorry, but came off it quite unhurt. a. crawled b. prevented c. crashed d. craved e. cracked crashed 10 -- Don't forget to .............. my name in your letter. a. endure b. embrace c. repent d. regret e. mention mention

11 -- The roof was .............. . I had to call in a repairman. a. leaking b. rubbing c. dropping d. smashing e. destroying leaking 12 -- Don't you ever care about the .............. masses? Don't you know that some 842 million people -- 13% of the world's population -- don't have enough food to eat each day. a. feeding b. reporting c. donating d. starving e. planting starving 13 -- I couldn't understand what had happened and when I apologised to him explaining how I couldn't hear him, he .............. me and rode off. a. argued b. swore at c. pledged d. woved to e. witnessed swore at 14 -- One of my frinds at work actually came up to me yesterday and asked if I had lost some weight. It's so nice when someone .............. -- especially when it happens to be a beautiful girl! a. notices b. criticizes c. assesses d. maltreats e. condemns notices

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15 -- She's a very nice lady, slightly older than myself and happily .............. with two kids. a. engaged b. burdened c. married d. admired e. appreciated married 16 -- That was the first time I had ever had to .............. a puncture. a. blame b. provoke c. repair d. offend e. overreact to repair 17 -- Several countries so far have offered to .............. between the two warring sides. a. mediate b. manipulate c. emigrate d. meditate e. immigrate mediate 18 -- In some cultures, when two people cut themselves to .............. their blood together, they become "blood brothers". a. mingle b. refund c. abuse d. shiver e. sweat mingle

19 -- The nation is .............. the loss of its great leader. a. praising b. mourning c. revolting d. voting e. rehearsing mourning 20 -- We'll be .............. the ninetieth anniversary of the Republic in the coming year. a. challenging b. manufacturing c. compensating d. celebrating e. congratulating celebrating VERBS THAT WON'T FAIL YOU SİZİ ASLA YAYA BIRAKMAYACAK FİİLLER (03) LOWER TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !!

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01 -- He .............. his speech by pointing out that his ideas were always open to discussion. a. concluded b. confessed c. included d. concealed e. governed concluded 02 -- I was terribly .............. by his strange behaviour. a. demonstrated b. massacred c. cursed d. slandered e. baffled baffled 03 -- I .............. hard and purchased it for five hundred in the end. a. behaved b. trusted c. begged d. bargained e. influenced bargained 04 -- Let's take an oath to fight on till the bitter end! We'll never .............. the city! a. smuggle b. surround c. surrender d. defeat e. conquer surrender

05 -- It suddenly .............. on me that this really was the sort of website I had always hoped to come across on the Internet. a. occured b. presented c. dawned d. visualized e. mattered dawned 06 -- What would .............. if somebody pushed the button by mistake? a. attempt b. represent c. increase d. happen e. prevent happen 07 -- There's no doubt that learning a foreign language .............. a lot of determination and hard work. a. includes b. withdraws c. involves d. contributes e. concludes involves 08 -- You ought to have known you couldn't .............. many secrets for long in such a small village. a. withdraw b. conceal c. avoid d. contract e. conceive conceal

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09 -- It's outrageous! They .............. me fifty thousand for an ordinary meal! a. crushed b. teased c. crashed d. snatched e. charged charged 10 -- How dare you .............. me! Who do you think you are? a. snore b. threaten c. charm d. murder e. tame threaten 11 -- I tried to .............. the car, but I couldn't see very well what was behind me. a. reveal b. revenge c. restore d. repair e. reverse reverse 12 -- The huge crowd of spectators were quite .............. by the fast pace of the game. a. thrilled b. reacted c. trapped d. tickled e. transcended thrilled 13 -- They .............. him a huge piece of chocolate on condition that he would not tell on them.

a. offended b. obstructed c. offered d. instructed e. sacrificed offered 14 -- One of my frinds at work actually came up to me yesterday and asked if I had lost some weight. It's so nice when someone .............. -- especially when that someone happens to be a beautiful girl! a. notices b. overlooks c. passes by d. condescends e. rebukes notices 15 -- Later models were slightly .............. , but the original design remained the same on the whole. a. elevated b. evaluated c. disappointed d. modified e. emphasized modified 16 -- His paintings are now going to be .............. in the National Gallery -- almost two years after his untimely death. a. inhibited b. negotiated c. exhibited d. predicted e. prohibited exhibited

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17 -- As a travel agency, we .............. in Aegean cruises and tours. a. monopolize b. penalize c. hypothesize d. specialize e. generalize specialize 18 -- The blast occurred at about 03.00 .............. the windows of the building. a. clashing b. contesting c. defying d. assaulting e. shattering shattering 19 -- British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw gave the good news that the negotiations could be .............. at the first half of 2005. a. punched b. lunched c. plunged d. launched e. crunched launched 20 -- Intelligence is an evolutionary advantage because it enables us to evaluate and .............. reality. a. fantasize b. manipulate c. praise d. believe in e. aggravate manipulate

TEST -- 17 Advanced This test is somewhat different from the earlier ones in that it presupposes certain conceptual mastery over the subjects covered. Bu test, kapsadığı konularda belli bir kavramsal hakimiyet varsaymakla, öncekilerden farklı bir yaklaşım içermektedir... Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- The .............. "biological revolution" happens to have come along at precisely the same moment we are all caught up in what has been called a "crisis in values". a. deliberate b. punctual c. current d. continuous e. disapproved current

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


02 -- What values should guide the biologist's explorations into the nature of human life or the physician's treatment of the .............. ill? a. finally b. assumingly c. recurrently d. deadly e. terminally terminally 03 -- The .............. over recombining genes to produce new life forms is only one of the knotty ethical, philosophical and even religious questions raised by the current "biological revolution". a. controversy b. aptitude c. contradiction d. pretense e. acknowledgement controversy 04 -- Other scientists are quick to point out that we need not only better maps of genes, but a better understanding of the .............. between genes as well. a. definitions b. substitutes c. confirmations d. conquests e. connections connections 05 -- It has been said that we live in a period of the greatest change ever .............. by humankind -- a change that is powered by the engine of science and technology. a. endangered b. interchanged c. domesticated

d. experienced e. recommended experienced 06 -- There is a rich and attractive opportunity for the world's scientific and technological community to institutionalize and perfect a(n) .............. of interlinked centres addressing their problems. a. paradox b. network c. catalogue d. detachment e. omission network 07 -- Our times call for a(n) .............. rethinking of the relationship of science and technology with society. a. shallow b. unconscious c. glamorous d. profound e. inexpensive profound 08 -- During the 1960's, some developing countries became .............. concerned about negative impacts of technology transfer involving multinational corporations. a. improbably b. increasingly c. instantaneously d. reciprocally e. gigantically increasingly

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


09 -- The new international economic order should, in the developing countries, mean measures to help the poor become more productive and to .............. minimum human needs for food and nutrition, health care (including family planning services), education, skills, and productive jobs. a. crush b. pollute c. overlook d. satisfy e. exploit satisfy 10 -- We need new international efforts to help all countries move from almost total reliance on shrinking sources of nonrenewable energy to the greatest .............. reliance on renewable sources. a. feasible b. significant c. liberal d. generous e. gradual feasible 11 -- As nonrenewable sources, specifically petroleum and natural gas, become scarcer and more expensive, new attention is being focused on green plants as a(n) .............. energy supply. a. alternative b. luminous c. affectionate d. slippery e. deliberate alternative 12 -- We must come up with a new .............. to the old debate about nature versus nurture, or genetic make-up versus environmental influences.

a. deception b. approach c. fidelity d. donation e. interruption approach 13 -- One scheme for genetic engineering which has attracted wide interest is the cure of genetic .............. in man. a. optimism b. brutality c. pessimism d. dilemma e. deficiencies deficiencies 14 -- Mankind as we know it today probably could not have evolved or .............. withoud tools. a. elevated b. survived c. revolved d. exited e. suffocated survived 15 -- It is not surprising, therefore, that some anthropologists define the human .............. on the basis of tool-using and tool-making, or to be more exact, tool-dependency. a. snobbery b. suitability c. representation d. species e. emphasis species

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


16 -- Only over the past few decades have we come to understand how surprisingly much of what we do may be .............. by the kind of creatures we are and especially by the information stored in our genes. a. swollen b. influenced c. avoided d. enlarged e. gestured influenced 17 -- Scientists have become increasingly .............. with the fact that genes not only govern physical characteristics but they also play a large role in behaviour. a. critical b. impressed c. indistinct d. specialized e. generalized impressed 18 -- Most biologists now recognize that it is virtually impossible to separate the .............. genetic from the .............. environmental influences. a. purely b. regrettably c. malignantly d. popularly e. majestically purely 19 -- In the normal brain a large number of substances were .............. that were later found to be abnormal in quantity or metabolism in a substantial variety of neurological disorders.

a. overtaken b. butchered c. identified d. launched e. undertaken identified 20 -- Severe difficulties must be .............. before cloning can be done with mammals and humans. a. alerted b. intensified c. concluded d. carved e. overcome overcome TEST -- 18 Advanced This test is somewhat different from the earlier ones in that it presupposes certain conceptual mastery over the subjects covered. Bu test, kapsadığı konularda belli bir kavramsal hakimiyet varsaymakla, öncekilerden farklı bir yaklaşım içermektedir... Please do not click the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


question and deliberated on your own choice !! 01 -- .............. population growth in less developed countries is widely regarded as a major obstacle to their material progress and a major global economic and political problem. a. Timely b. Hasty c. Leisurely d. Rapid e. Retarded Rapid 02 -- The recent rapid increase in population in less developed countries reflects a .............. fall in mortality. a. steep b. superficial c. shrewd d. tight e. tame steep 03 -- Thomas Malthus predicted in the late 18th century that world population would inevitably rise above the ability of the land to nourish it, and that the result would be mass .............. and war. a. controversy b. avoidance c. starvation d. pollution e. sarcasm starvation

04 -- The population problem has global .............. , but action to cope with it is mainly a national responsibility. a. penalties b. attitudes c. diameters d. legends e. dimensions dimensions 05 -- Providing structures, facilities and services, and coping with unemployment, pollution, congestion, crime and social alienation are formidable .............. . a. treasures b. triumphs c. festivities d. challenges e. satisfactions challenges 06 -- The Ministry of Agriculture experts cannot .............. when the new technology will arrive or how it will affect international commerce in foodstuffs. a. predict b. combat c. delay d. admit e. offend predict 07 -- In the last 40 years alone, modern farming methods have .............. or even tripled yields per land unit for major food grains such as wheat, rice and corn. a. aroused b. multiplied c. quadrupled d. doubled e. saluted doubled

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


08 -- To many people in industrialized countries, with their incomparably more .............. populations, food is something that comes from the supermarket; agriculture is a dusty and mysterious process of interest only to a group of people known as farmers. a. affluent b. impoverished c. imperfect d. inferior e. modest affluent 09 -- In some cases the more prosperous groups have been relatively recent immigrants, who mostly came in empty-handed but were .............. , ambitious, energetic, and resourceful. a. tangible b. industrious c. exaggerated d. talkative e. feeble industrious 10 -- Another development has been the scientific-technological industrial revolution which has since World War II changed social and environmental .............. so rapidly that many persons have lost their traditional role in society. a. settlements b. impressions c. penetrations d. prayers e. conditions conditions

11 -- Biology has much to tell us about our nature and our origins -- though, admittedly, not too much about the reasons for our .............. . a. occurence b. guaranties c. existence d. contentment e. unwillingness existence 12 -- This is legitimate investigation of reproductive biology, indispensible for birth control on the one hand and treatment of infertility on the other, with a more .............. possibility that it can contribute to efforts to prevent genetic defects. a. ancestral b. insane c. exhaustible d. remote e. hysterical remote 13 -- To shy back in .............. from knowledge when we are at the threshold of knowing so much more would, in my view, be tragic. a. fear b. toil c. sweat d. joy e. temper fear 14 -- Evolution, along with other theories and discoveries in biology, seems to .............. the materialist position. a. humiliate b. accumulate c. degrade

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By Dream_Cather [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________


d. reinforce e. suffocate reinforce 15 -- The building blocks of living molecules have been produced in the laboratory by subjecting .............. materials to the simulated conditions presumed to have existed in the earth's early atmosphere. a. shabby b. inanimate c. false d. convertible e. ventilated inanimate 16 -- Chemical companies are speculating that the next .............. of chemicals will come, not from petroleum, but from genetically engineered plants. a. contractions b. contamination c. generation d. confrontation e. shortage generation 17 -- The days when the farmer produced almost everything the farm needed from potatoes to pork, kept what was .............. and sold the rest, are long gone. a. necessary b. necessarily c. needy d. necessity e. needless necessary

18 -- Even with the recent succession of better-than-average harvests, world food reserves today .............. only 19 percent of annual world consumption. a. mediate b. purchase c. frustrate d. cancel e. equal equal 19 -- Developing countries are becoming increasingly .............. on food imports from two countries - the United States and Canada. a. negligible b. conventional c. impartial d. dependent e. near-sighted dependent 20 -- Present and foreseeable increases in world population will call for increases in materials and energy unlikely to be .............. if present practices, policies and lifestyles persist. a. conceived b. concealed c. met d. trusted e. convinced met