by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY Hagyd, kérlek, hadd fusson le a fájl magától. A zene a következő képnél kezdődik

by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

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Milyen csodaszép világ. by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY Hagyd, kérlek, hadd fusson le a fájl magától . A zene a következő képnél kezdődik . Zöld fákat látok ,. és piros rózsákat is. Látom, hogy neked és nekem virágoznak. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of



Hagyd, kérlek, hadd fusson le a fájl magától.A zene a következő képnél kezdődik

Page 2: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Zöld fákat látok,

Page 3: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

és piros rózsákat is

Page 4: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Látom, hogy neked és nekem virágoznak

Page 5: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

és azt gondolom magamban,

Page 6: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Milyen szép a világ.

Page 7: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Kék eget látok

Page 8: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

És fehér felhőket

Page 9: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Az áldott, fényes nappalt,

Page 10: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

A sötét, szent éjjelt

Page 11: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

És azt gondolom magamban,

Page 12: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Milyen szép a világ.

Page 13: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY
Page 14: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY
Page 15: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY
Page 16: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY
Page 17: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY
Page 18: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

A szivárvány színei,A szivárvány színei

Page 19: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Oly szépek az égen

Page 20: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

És az emberek arcán is

Page 21: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

ott ragyog

Page 22: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Látok kezet fogó embereket,

Page 23: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Amint kérdik „Hogy vagy?"

Page 24: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Valójában azt mondják: „Szeretlek”

Page 25: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Babasírást hallok,

Page 26: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Látom őket felnőni

Page 27: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Többet tanulnak majd,

Page 28: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Mint én valaha tudni fogok

Page 29: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

És azt gondolom magamban,

Page 30: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Milyen szép a világ.

Page 31: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Igen, azt gondolom magamban,

Page 32: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Milyen szép a világ.

Page 33: by Louis Armstrong and Kenny G from the album Classics in the Key of G ENJOY

Legyen szép heted egy csodaszép világban!!

Legyen szép heted egy csodaszép világban!!