Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013

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  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    Cap K – Starter Pack.....................................................................................................11NCs...........................................................................................................................2

    1NC – Cuba Terrorism Af......................................................................................31NC – Policy Afs..................................................................................................11

    Links.........................................................................................................................1Link !"t. – Cuba...................................................................................................2#Link !"t. – Anti$%mperialism................................................................................22Link – &e"ico........................................................................................................23Link – 'ene(uela...................................................................................................2)Link – Latin American !conomy..........................................................................2*Link – Sin+le %ssue ,ocus.....................................................................................2-

    %mpacts.....................................................................................................................2%mpact – !t/ics.....................................................................................................2%mpact – Nuclear 0ar...........................................................................................31%mpact – 0ar on Terror........................................................................................32%mpact – AT rot/.............................................................................................3*

     Alt.............................................................................................................................34 Alt Sol5es – Neolib 67 – Latin America..............................................................3 Alt Sol5es – Terrorism Af.....................................................................................)#

     Ansers to Ansers................................................................................................)2 AT Perm................................................................................................................)3 AT Pra+matism8Nee9 :lueprint..........................................................................)- AT Totali(in+........................................................................................................) AT Transition 0ars..............................................................................................)

     Af Ansers..............................................................................................................*#Perm – Terrorism Af............................................................................................*1Link – AT Cuba.....................................................................................................*2Link – AT ;e

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013



  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    1NC – Cuba Terrorism Af 

    Thesis: Capitalism is the hidden systemic backdrop to the 1AC’spolitics !espite their proclamations o" radical resistance# the

    afirmati$e is tradin% in the politics o" interpassi$ity# &here alltheir "renetic ener%y ser$es as an ideolo%ical screen to permitthe lo%ic o" capital to march on'i(ek )*>Pro

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    that &e li$e in a society o" "ree choices@ in /ic/ e /a5e to c/oose e5en our most Bnatural

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    /o e"perience intense se"ual en=oyment /ile e are /al

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    the restoration o" capitalism and >S domination =bama "ul8lled his campai+n promise to end e0istin% tra$el restrictions S liberali(ation in +rantin+ so$calle9 Bpeople to people licenses. 

    Ne$ertheless# so "ar# the =bama mo$es still are "ar "rom takin% us to &herethe policy on e0chan%es and licenses &as under Clinton an9 t/e Frst se5eral years o<t/e eor+e 0. :us/ A9ministration. These anore0ic measures# doled out &ith aneyedropper# are presented by =bama an9 Clinton as bold mo$es be%%in% "or aCuban response They are sayin% in essence 2 e’$e done our bit# no& you

    must basically commit suicide and end the ?e$olution in e0chan%e6

     And# their &eak criticism o" the ar on Terror stren%thenscapitalists by obscurin% class di$ision @ramin% imperialism assimply a matter o" chan%in% bad policies leads to bankruptcoalitions that co+opt true re$olutionary chan%e

    ;nternational Communist ea%ue *))

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    this end# they seek to "orm a 2coalition6 &ith the liberal &in% o" thecapitalist class# represented by a section o" the !emocratic Party Contraryto the preachin%s o" the re"ormist "ake socialists# the capitalist statecannot be &ielded by the e0ploited and the oppressed to ser$e theirinterests. %n or9er to 9e

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    but include Ethe est’ T/e U0estI operates not so muc/ as a particular set o< +eo+rap/ical locations@ or in9ee9 a speciFccollection o< locationally 9eFne9 peoples@ but is a 9iscursi5e space

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    necessary to t/e pro9uction o< li

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    and destroys li$elihoods by creatin% states o" e0ception  in many 9e5elopin+ re+ions ;n

    atin America @

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    actual may considerably de$iate rom the ideal# the "act remains that# "or a &hole %eneration# H"reedom#H Hsocialism#H and HliberationH are inseparable"rom @idel and Che and the %uerrillas +not because their re$olutionarystru%%le could "urnish the model "or the stru%%le in the metropoles# butbecause they ha$e recaptured the truth o" these ideas# in the day+to+day8%ht o" men and &omen "or a li"e as human bein%s: "or a ne& li"e hat

    kind o" li"eI e are still con"ronted &ith the demand to state the Hconcretealternati$eH The demand is meanin%less i" it asks "or a blueprint o" thespeci8c institutions and relationships &hich &ould be those o" the ne&society: they cannot be determined a priori/ they &ill de$elop# in trial anderror# as the ne& society de$elops ;" &e could "orm a concrete concept o"the alternati$e today# it &ould not be that o" an alternati$e/ thepossibilities o" the ne& society are suficiently Habstract#H ie# remo$ed"rom and incon%ruous &ith the established uni$erse to de"y any attempt toidenti"y them in terms o" this uni$erse Jo&e$er# the ,uestion cannot bebrushed aside by sayin% that &hat matters today is the destruction o" theold# o" the po&ers that be# makin% &ay "or the emer%ence o" the ne& Suchan ans&er ne%lects the essential "act that the old is not simply bad# that itdeli$ers the %oods# and that people ha$e a real stake in it There can besocieties &hich are much &orse – there are such societies today Thesystem o" corporate capitalism has the ri%ht to insist that those &ho &ork"or its replacement usti"y their action 3ut the demand to state theconcrete alternati$es is usti8ed "or yet another reason Ne%ati$e thinkin%dra&s &hate$er "orce it may ha$e "rom its empirical basis: the actualhuman condition in the %i$en society# and the H%i$enH possibilities totranscend this condition# to enlar%e the realm o" "reedom %n t/is sense@ ne%ati$ethinkin% is by $irtue o" its o&n internal concepts Hpositi$eH: orientedto&ard# and comprehendin% a "uture &hich is HcontainedH in the present And in this containment J/ic/ is an important aspect o< t/e +eneral containment policy pursue9 by t/e

    establis/e9 societies@ the "uture appears as possible liberation ;t is not the onlyalternati$e: the ad$ent o" a lon% period o" Hci$ili(edH barbarism# &ith or &ithout the nuclear destruction# is e,ually contained in the presentNe%ati$e thinkin%# and the pra0is %uided by it# is the positi$e and positin%efort to pre$ent this utter ne%ati$ity T/e concept o< t/e primary@ initial institutions o< liberation is

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    inno$ations and production relations# but &ith respect to the diferenthuman needs and the diferent human relationships in &orkin% "or thesatis"action o" these needs. T/ese ne relations/ips oul9 be t/e result o< a biolo+ical solidarity in &ork and purpose# e0pressi$e o" a true harmony bet&een social andindi$idual needs and %oals# bet&een reco%ni(ed necessity and "reede$elopment +the e0act opposite o" the administered and en"orced

    harmony or%ani(ed in the ad$anced capitalist Jan9 socialistR countries ;t is theima%e o" this solidarity as elemental# instinctual# creati$e "orce &hich the youn% radicals see in Cuba@ in t/e +uerrillas@ in t/e C/inese cultural re5olution. Soli9arity an9 cooperation notall t/eir

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    standardi(ation &hich does a&ay &ith spurious and parasitarianHpersonali(edH ser$ices rather than multiplyin% them and the %ad%ets andtokens o" e0ploitati$e afiuence %n terms o< t/e latter Jan9 only in terms o< t/e latter@ t/is oul9 certainlybe a re+ression $but

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    1NC – Policy Afs

    .conomic en%a%ement &ith atin America is a neoliberal ruse#desi%ned to dra& countries into the >nited States’ sphere o"

    economic inFuence in the name o" imperialism Oacobs@ Political Science Pro

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    issues ofers a suspicious 5ie o< t/e 6.S. role in promotin+ inte+ration@ ar+uin+ t/at in reality@ inte%ration ofers adeepenin% o" historical asymmetries o" po&er# t/e potential to create ne& usti8cations "or he%emonic inter$ention# and the

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    t/e /i+/est 9eat/ rate in t/e country. &ost o< t/ese 9eat/s are cause9 by curable 9iseases respiratory in

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    eforts a

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    t/e Uet/nic encla5esI t/at contain t/e seats/ops o< Ne ork@ Lon9on@ an9 Paris Jn+ 2##-. T/e American bran9 o<neoliberalism t/at seems to be embrace9 by t/e supranational institutions t/at +o5ern t/e +lobal economy an9 a9opte9 by se5eralcountries in t/e 9e5elopin+ orl9 represents a type o< Ura9icali(e9 capitalist imperialismI Jn+ 2##- 1 t/at is increasin%ly tied tomilitary action# o"ten in the name o" maintainin% Esecurity’. T/e imperial

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    allo&s death# it demands death be allo&ed by the so$erei%n po&er# as &ellas by those &ho sufer it. %n ot/er or9s@ it 9eman9s an9 reEuires t/e latter allo t/emsel5es to 9ie. T/us alon+si9e t/e F+ureo< /omo sacer@ t/e one /o may be kille9 it/ impunity@ is anot/er F+ure@ one /ose 9eat/ is no 9oubt less spectacular t/an t/e Frst an9 is t/e ob=ect o

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    atin America @

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ofer a 5ariety o< military relate9 ser5ices inclu9in+ combat operations@ strate+ic plannin+@ asset protection@ support@ an9 trainin+. P&,s /a5e beenacti5e in An+ola@ Hemocratic ;epublic o< Con+o@ !t/iopia@ Su9an@ Al+eria@ %5ory Coast@ Kenya@ 6+an9a@ Liberia@ Cameroon@ Ni+eria@ !Euatorial uinea@Con+o$:ra((a5ille@ Sene+al@ Somalia@ Namibia@ Sierra Leone@ Zambia@ Croatia@ :osnia@ Albania@ &ace9onia@ Koso5a@ ;ussia@ A(erbai=an@ Armenia@Ka(ak/stan@ C/ec/nia@ eor+ia@ Sau9i Arabia@ Kuait@ se5eral ot/er ul< states@ Papua Ne uinea@ t/e P/ilippines@ %n9onesia@ aiti@ Colombia@ an9se5eral Latin American countries JSin+er 2##). 0/ile t/ese re+ions@ many o< t/em

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    identi"y them in terms o" this uni$erse Jo&e$er# the ,uestion cannot bebrushed aside by sayin% that &hat matters today is the destruction o" theold# o" the po&ers that be# makin% &ay "or the emer%ence o" the ne& Suchan ans&er ne%lects the essential "act that the old is not simply bad# that itdeli$ers the %oods# and that people ha$e a real stake in it There can besocieties &hich are much &orse – there are such societies today The

    system o" corporate capitalism has the ri%ht to insist that those &ho &ork"or its replacement usti"y their action 3ut the demand to state theconcrete alternati$es is usti8ed "or yet another reason Ne%ati$e thinkin%dra&s &hate$er "orce it may ha$e "rom its empirical basis: the actualhuman condition in the %i$en society# and the H%i$enH possibilities totranscend this condition# to enlar%e the realm o" "reedom %n t/is sense@ ne%ati$ethinkin% is by $irtue o" its o&n internal concepts Hpositi$eH: orientedto&ard# and comprehendin% a "uture &hich is HcontainedH in the present And in this containment J/ic/ is an important aspect o< t/e +eneral containment policy pursue9 by t/eestablis/e9 societies@ the "uture appears as possible liberation ;t is not the onlyalternati$e: the ad$ent o" a lon% period o" Hci$ili(edH barbarism# &ith or &ithout the nuclear destruction# is e,ually contained in the presentNe%ati$e thinkin%# and the pra0is %uided by it# is the positi$e and positin%efort to pre$ent this utter ne%ati$ity T/e concept o< t/e primary@ initial institutions o< liberation is

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    must ha$e disappeared "rom this 8%ht: 

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    e0pression o" the liberated &ork instinct is cooperation# &hich# %roundedin solidarity# directs the or%ani(ation o" the realm o" necessity and thede$elopment o" the realm o" "reedom And there is an ans&er to the,uestion &hich troubles the minds o" so many men o" %ood &ill: &hat arethe people in a "ree society %oin% to doI The ans&er &hich# ; belie$e#strikes at the heart o" the matter &as %i$en by a youn% black %irl She said:

    "or the 8rst time in our li"e# &e shall be "ree to think about &hat &e are%oin% to do

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  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ink .0t – Cuba

    The af’s minor chan%e in Cuban policy simply %reases the &heels o" capitalism Jal"+measures that stop short o" li"tin%

    the embar%o empo&er capitalist industriesChase@ /istory 9octoral can9i9ate at N6@ *))G &ic/elle@ 9octoral can9i9ate int/e /istory 9epartment o< Ne ork 6ni5ersity@ BT/e :i++er Picture o< t/e Cuban!mbar+o an9 Tra5el :an@ April 2t/@ /ttp88nacla.or+8nes8bi++er$picture$cuban$embar+o$an9$tra5el$banD

    Last eek@ on t/e e5e o< t/e Summit o< t/e Americas /el9 in Trini9a9 an9 Toba+o@ Presi9ent :arack =bamaannounced ne& measures to permit unlimited Cuban+American tra$el an9remittances to t/e islan9. T/ese rela"ations imme9iately set of pre9ictions t/at t/e entire tra5el ban oul9 soon

    be li

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    The embar%o has ne$er been about "ully blockin% all mo$ement o" peopleand %oods ;nstead# it has sou%ht to de8ne &hich channels are le%itimate.oo9s 9istribute9 t/rou+/ in9i5i9uals@ a state9 aim o< t/ese same politicians. %ncomparison@ most 'ietnamese$Americans > /o also lost a ci5il ar to communists@ 1- years a lon+ a+oaccepte9 reality an9 supporte9 t/e 1) normali(ation o< relations it/ 'ietnam. T/e 6.S. burie9 t/e /atc/et an9 en+a+e9 acountry /ose /uman ri+/ts recor9@ like CubaIs > an9 C/inaIs > /as been 9isappointin+@ an9 it/ /om e ere actuallyin5ol5e9 in a ar t/at took t/e li5es o< more t/an *@### Americans. So /y not CubaR T/e S allies# it &ouldseem ad$anta%eous "or it to be a part o" the process# in order to helpensure there &ill not be another disastrous oil spill in the 4ul" o" Be0ico#not to mention the economic bene8ts it &ould recei$e "rom increasede0ports to the island The only &ay to do so is to take Cuba of the

    terrorism list

    Cuba &ould be pressured to oin 8nancial institutions like the orld 3ank BcKenna@ Pro

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    /ttp88t/ec/ronicle/eral9.ca8opinion811233*$cuba$lan+uis/es$on$terror$list$ /ic/ coul9 inclu9ea95ance9 me9ical eEuipment >

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    analy(e t/e lon+$term ne+ati5e conseEuences o< t/eir positions in terms o< t/e losses in social el

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ink – Be0ico

    ;ncreased economic en%a%ement &ith Be0ico empirically &reaks neoliberal de$astation and ine,uality The Be0ican elite

    ha$e and &ill sell out the $ast maority o" the country in thename o" >S interest?e%il# !"ecuti5e Hirector o< T/e Mus Semper lobal Alliance@ *)) `l5aro M. 9e;e+il@ BT/e Neo$Capitalist Assault in &e"ico Hemocracy 5is$$5is t/e lo+ic o< t/emarket Sustainable Economic Development ,ebruary 2##)/ttp88.=ussemper.or+8;esources8!conomicY2#Hata8;esources8Neo$capAssault&e"ico.p9

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    e"treme po5erty increase 33Y an9 23Y respecti5ely. T/us@ t/e poor become t/e ma=ority

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    ink – Dene(uela

    The afirmati$e is nothin% but a nostal%ic lon%in% "or the %lorydays o" >S domination o" Dene(uela and atin America# a

    neoliberal "antasy that &ould de$astate Dene(uelan popularclassesPetras@ pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    liberalism@ le9 0as/in+ton to totally misrea9 t/e ne realities. T/e resultin+ policy "ailures J

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ink – atin American .conomy 

    Their promise o" economic %ro&th is an abstraction that lea$esthe atin American poor behind Jistory demonstrates that

    neoliberal %ro&th has been uni"ormly disastrouse&is@ Pro

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    ink – Sin%le ;ssue @ocus

    The afirmati$e is only attackin% the symptom o" capitaldispossession e must re"use the call "or easy re"orm and

    dedicate oursel$es to the real task o" anti+capitalist mo$ementbuildin%Patrick ?einsborou%h *)) J/as been in5ol5e9 in campai+ns

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    acti$ism- the reco%nition that the roots o" the emer%in% crisis lie in the"undamental Fa&s o" the modern order and that our mo$ements "or chan%eneed to talk about re+desi%nin% the &hole %lobal system- no& Post+issueacti$ism is a dramatic di$er%ence "rom the slo& pro%ression o" sin%le+issuepolitics# narro& constituencies and band+aid solutions. Tra9itional sin+le$issue politics@9espite noble an9 pra+matic +oals@ is not =ust a strate+ic an9 +ra9ualist pat/ to t/e same +oal o< +lobal trans

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  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ;mpact – .thics

     Vou ha$e an ethical obli%ation to reect neoliberalism>tilitarian rationality cannot account "or the de%raded li"e

    chances o" billions because capital makes its $ictimsanonymous!aly *)) lyn. Lecturer in %nternational Stu9ies at t/e 6ni5ersity Colle+e Nort/ampton. Con5ersationsit/ idek. 1)$1

    ,or idek it is imperati$e that &e cut throu%h this 4ordian knot o< postmo9ern protocol andreco%ni(e that our ethico+political responsibility is to con"ront theconstituti$e $iolence o" todays %lobal capitalism and its obscenenaturali(ationManonymi(ation o" the millions &ho are subu%ated by itthrou%hout the &orld. A+ainst t/e stan9ar9i(e9 positions o< postmo9ern culture $ it/ all its pieties concernin+ ]multiculturalist]etiEuette $ idek is ar+uin+

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    +lobali(ation not less. 0/ere neo$liberals speak t/e lan+ua+e o<

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ;mpact – Nuclear ar 

    Capitalism results in a ne$er+endin% &ar on the poor and inter+state competition-impact is nuclear annihilation

    Callinicos *))  Ale"@ Hirector o< t/e Centre t/ese cast a shado& o$er the &hole o" humanity . Socialistre$olution is an imperati$e i" &e are to chan%e a &orld in the %rip o"economic depression and &ar "e$er# a &orld &here ) million rot on estern dole ,ueues and )) million %o hun%ry in the Third orld. To t/ate"tent@ &ar"Is i9eas are more rele5ant to9ay t/an t/ey ere 1## years a+o. Capitalism /as ti+/tene9 its +ripo< iron on e5ery portion o< t/e planet since 13@ an9 is rotten+ripe "or destruction# &hetherat its o&n hands throu%h nuclear &ar# or at the hands o" the &orkin% class.T/e c/oice is beteen orkersI poer or t/e Ucommon ruination o< t/e conten9in+ classesI>beteen socialism orbarbarism. &any people /o +enuinely is/ to 9o somet/in+ to reme9y t/e present state o< t/e orl9 belie5e t/att/is stress on t/e orkin+ class is muc/ too narro. T/e e"istence o< nuclear eapons t/reatens e5eryone@/et/er orkers or capitalists or /ate5er. S/oul9 not all classes be in5ol5e9 in reme9yin+ a problem /ic/

    afects t/em allR 0/at t/is i+nores is t/at /at !9ar9 T/ompson /as calle9 Ue"terminismI> the $ast andcompetin% military apparatuses &hich control the arms race-is anessential part o" the &orkin% o" capitalism today No sane capitalist desiresa nuclear &ar  Jalt/ou+/ some insane ones /o belie5e t/at suc/ a ar oul9 be t/e prelu9e to t/e Secon9Comin+ no /ol9 positions o< inOuence in 0as/in+ton9 3ut sane or insane# e$ery capitalist ispart o" an economic system &hich is bound up &ith military competitionbet&een nation+states. nly a class it/ t/e interest an9 poer to 9o aay it/ capitalism can /alt t/emarc/ to Arma+e99on. &ar" alays concei5e9 o< t/e orkin+ class as t/e class /ose on sel

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ;mpact – ar on Terror 

    The ar on Terror is only the latest item on the neoliberala%enda to ,uash labor solidarity

    a"er E eor+e@ political economist an9 is an Associate Pro

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    or+ani(ations t/at@ in a relati5ely s/ort timespan@ Oippe9 Los An+eles

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    The alt sol$es case but not $ice $ersa – The ar on Terror isonly a secondary contradiction o" capitalist economic interest –it co+opts their inte%rationist strate%y 4[ney \ 4]kcan ’1) JAylin@ Hept. o< PoliSci ? :ilkent 6.@ Ankara@ an9 ,ulya@ BT/e Ureater &i99le!astI as a U&o9ernI eopolitical %ma+ination in American ,orei+n Policy eopolitics@ 'ol. 1*@ pp. 2-$2

     Another inFuential prete0t &as the ne& >S strate%ic $ision that can betermed Einte%ration’ into a 0estern an9 American set o" $alues an9 mo9us operan9i.,ala/ an9 ,lint re

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    ;mpact – AT: 4ro&th

    Turn – Capitalist policies create ine,ualities that eopardi(elon%+term stable %ro&th

     Arri%hi E io5anni@ Pro

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  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Alt Sol$es – Neolib >^ – atin America

    The atin American tide is turnin% a%ainst neoliberalism – theonly ,uestion is &hether or not &e ali%n oursel$es &ith anti+

    capitalist stru%%le!ello 3uono@ Sociolo+y pro

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    outcome illustrates a %eneral ideolo%ical shi"t o" "ocus in anti+neoliberalsentiments to&ards re%ional+inte%rati$e strate%ies o" resistance@ somet/in+ t/attook place 9urin+ t/e 1#s an9 t/e Frst 9eca9e o< t/e 21st century. ;t is a decisi$ely si%ni8cantde$elopment. ;e+ional$inte+rati5e t/inkin+ ten9s to promote consoli9ate9 resistances at 5arious le5els@ en/ance t/ecapacity

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     Alt Sol$es – Terrorism Af 

    The alternati$e’s materialist method is superior to their emphasis ondiscourse and representation in the conte0t o" terrorism

     Ooseph@ Pro

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    t/e terrorism stu9ies Fel9 as a politically$embe99e9 9omain o< knole9+e@ an9 t/e t/eory an9 practice o< counterterrorism. %n ot/er or9s@

    applyin% historical materialist approaches and takin% materiality seriously#there is a need "or "urther e0ploration o" ho& counterterrorism "unctionsas a "orm o" ideolo%y – ho& it &orks to promote certain kinds o" materialand class interests# maintain political he%emony# and sustain dominanteconomic relationships. T/is means rootin+ critical analyses o< t/e t/eory an9 practice o< counterterrorism it/in t/eories o<class@ capitalism@ /e+emony@ an9 imperialism Jsee err in+@ 2##. JMackson et al. 2##b@ p. 22 oe5er@ t/e article by !ric errin+ J2##@ p. 1@

    /ic/ is mentione9 at t/e en9 o< t/is Euote@ is one o< t/e contributions concerne9 it/ e"actly t/e issue t/at CTS makes 5ery little mention o< &ar"@&ar"ism or /istorical materialism. errin+ J2##@ p. 1– 1 ri+/tly calls

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     AT: Perm

    The permutation’s coalitional strate%y "ails – the %oal o" classstru%%le is conFict and anta%onism# not cooperation or

    assimilation';'.K  2#)@ P;,!SS; , SC%L AT T! %NST%T6T! ,;SC%L AT LM6:LMANA 6N%'!;S%T@ SLA'M@ B!T%CAL SC%AL%S&R N@TANKS TTP88M6;NAL.T!LSP;!SS.C&8C%8;!P;%NT82##)8128 143D

     As to the 2rainbo& coalition6 moti"# the 8rst thin% to take not o" is the"undamental diference bet&een "eministManti+racistManti+se0ist etcstru%%le and class stru%%le: in the 8rst case# the %oal is to translateanta%onism into diference JBpeace

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    led not to collapse but to an e$olution o" the system that re8ned thestron%ly centrali(ed political mana%ement o" de$elopment alon% the lineso" the capitalist or%ani(ation o" labor This can be directed throu%hsocialist# bureaucratic# and centrali(ed means or in a more sociallydecentrali(ed &ay# %i$in% space and support to market "orces in the"rame&ork o" a uni8ed %lobal market that ofers pro8ts and competiti$e

    ad$anta%e "rom &a%e in e,ualities and poor labor conditions . T/e C/inese roa9 toneoliberalism is 9iferent it/ limite9 pri5ati(ation@ continuin+ state control@ t/e creation o<ne class 9i5isions it/ ne /ierarc/ies beteen urban an9 rural areas@ an9 so but no less efecti5e. %n retrospect@ t/ecurrent neoliberal re+ime in C/ina /elps us i9enti

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    o" the bureaucratic and economic straitacket o" the socialist state@ a re

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    social standing in favor of love, pleasure, play, and contemplation.$his eroticized being would be a product of an essentially new human reality, able to achieve the ultimate brea#, the turn of quantity into quality '())(, 83( and establish the

    realm of the irrational 9that: becomes the home of the really rationalof the ideas which may ;promote the art of life; '85*.This rupture

    must not fall into the trap of oppositional collaboration; rather it must counter the

    system's capacity for appropriating everything in its path with "the politically impotent

    form of the 'absolute negation; 'Marcuse ())(, 8

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     AT: Pra%matismMNeed 3lueprint

    The absence o" a practical roadmap is irrele$ant – the realre$olutionary act lies in the enactment o" ne%ati$ity to clear

    intellectual space "or authentic alternati$es Oohnston@ ASS%STANT P;,!SS; , P%LSP!;@ 2#)R AH;%AN@ %NT!;NAT%NAL M6;NAL ,Z%Z!K ST6H%!S@ 1.#@ PS. 23 $ 2)D /ttp88(i(ekstu9ies.or+8in9e".p/p8i=(s8article85ie882)

    Per/aps the absence o" a detailed practical roadmap in 'i(eks political &ritin%s isnt a maor shortcomin%. &aybe# at least "or the time bein%# themost important task is simply the ne%ati$ity o" the critical stru%%le# theefort to cure an intellectual constipation resultin% "rom capitalist ideolo%y and thereby truly to open up the space "or ima%inin% authentic alternati$esto the pre$ailin% state o" the situation. Anot/er 9eFnition o< materialism ofere9 by Zi(ek is t/at itamounts to acceptin+ t/e internal in/erence o< /at

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    Some 5ast proportion o< t/e money in circulation aroun9 t/e planet is bein+ automatically tra9e9 e5en as you rea9t/is. !n+ineers are no seriously t/inkin+ about tra9in+ at t/e spee9 o< li+/t. 0all Street in t/is abstract sensemeans our ne robot o5erlor9s@ only t/ey 9i9n]t come

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     AT: Totali(in%

    This is ;nterpassi$ity – 80ation on anti+do%matism conceals anindi$idualistic politics that "etishi(es diference and remains

    content &ith endless minor re"orms!ean ’11 Mo9i@ Pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    Their e0cessi$e anti+essentialism pre$ents actual opposition tocapitalism:arbara .pstein@ Pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     AT: Transition ars

    Transition &ars are limited and peace"ul and can’t resol$ecapital’s internal anta%onisms

    B_s(`ros *)) %st5Vn@ Pro< !meritus in P/ilosop/y an9 Political T/eory ? 6 o< Susse" T/e C/allen+ean9 :ur9en o< istorical Time@ 31#$311

    T/e secon9 blocke9 a5enue is e5en more important. %t concerns t/e remo5al o< t/e possibility o< sol5in+ t/esystemIs a++ra5atin+ problems t/rou+/ an all$out ar@ as it as tice attempte9 in t/e orl9 ars o< t/etentiet/ century. % rote at t/e time o< t/e onset o< capitalIs structural crisis@ toar9 t/e en9 o< t/e 'ietnam ar

    t/at Wthe system has been decapitated throu%h the remo$al o" its ultimatesanction: an all+out &ar on its real or potential ad$ersariesZ.0portin% $iolence is no lon%er possible on the re,uired massi$e scale Attempts atdoin% so on a limited scale-like t/e Dietnam 0ar34>not only are nosubstitutes "or the old mechanism but e$en accelerate the ine$itableinternal e0plosions o" the system Nor is it possible to %et a&ay inde8nitely &ith the ideolo%ical mysti8cation &hich represented the internal challen%e

    o" socialism t/e only possible solution to t/e present crisis@ as an e"ternal conare more t/an illin+ Bto t/ink t/e unt/inkable. :ut e$en such e0treme "orms o"irrationality cannot undo the "ar+reachin% implications o" this blockeda$enue. ,or the underlyin% issue is an insoluble contradiction &ithin thereproducti$e "rame&ork o" the capital system A contradiction mani"est# on

    the one hand# throu%h the on%oin% relentless concentration andcentrali(ation o" capital on a %lobal scale# and on the other# throu%h thestructurally imposed inability o" the capital system to produce the re,uiredpolitical stabili(ation on a %lobal scale .$en the most a%%ressi$e militaryinter$entions o" %lobal he%emonic imperialism>at present t/ose o< t/e 6nite9 States>indiferent parts o" the planet are bound to "ail in this respect Thedestructi$eness o" limited &ars# no matter ho& many# is $ery "ar "rom bein%enou%h "or imposin% e$ery&here on a lastin% basis the unchallen%eablerule o" a sin+le imperialist he%emon an9 its B+lobal +o5ernment>t/e only t/in+ t/at oul9 beFtt/e lo+ic o< capital. nly t/e socialist /e+emonic alternati5e can s/o a ay out o< t/is 9estructi5e contra9iction.T/at is@ an or+ani(ationally 5iable alternati5e t/at

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Af Ans&ers

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    Perm – Terrorism Af 

    The perm sol$es best – class analysis on its o&n is tooreductionist Combinin% both methods is best able to address

    the comple0ities o" the &ar on terrorJerrin%@ Pro 211D

    Those &ho Edo’ historical materialist analysis %enerally do not Edo’ securitystudies. T/is is mainly

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    9emocratic states on boar9 /ile en+a+in+ it/ t/e structural s/i

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ink – AT: Cuba

    Their link is incorrect – Cuba can be subect to %lobali(ation &ithout succumbin% to neoliberalism .$en i" industry

    in$estment increased# anti+neoliberal resistance &ould not bedoomedShre$e@ !"ecuti5e Articles !9itor at t/e %n9iana Mournal o< lobal Le+al Stu9ies@ *)1* eat/er@ .H.Can9i9ate@ 2#12@ %n9iana 6ni5ersity &aurer Sc/ool o< La@ Barmoni(ation@ :ut Not omo+eni(ationT/e Case

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ink – AT: ?e"ormism 3ad

    Their links are a "antasy Actual mo$ements a%ainstneoliberalism re,uire pra%matic issues to or%ani(e around# not

    abstract re$olutionsHa5i9 Jar$ey @ Pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ;mpact – AT: ?oot Cause – Terror Af 

    Challen%in% the politics and ontolo%y o" security out&ei%hsanti+capitalism The hostile relationship to =therness at the

    heart o" the ar on Terror cannot be "ully e0plained bycapitalism3urke@ Pro

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  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    o"ten dri$en less by the imperati$es o" capitalism  Jpresent t/ou+/ t/ey o

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    ;mpact – AT: ?oot Cause – 4eneral

    Capitalism is not the root cause o" &ar !andeker @ Pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    althou%h there is a stron% en9 pa+e )*D case in "a$our o" the $ie& that thede$elopment and triumph o" modern capitalism bene8ted "rom theconstant po&er stru%%le amon%st the emer%ent nation+states o" .uropeanci$ilisation Jall 1-G &ann 1. %n &ar"ist t/eory@ t/e rise o< nation$states /as been interprete9 as an early sta+e int/e political e"pression o< t/e uni5ersality o< t/e capitalist market@ an e"pression /ic/ ill c/an+e it/ t/e 9eman9s o< capitalaccumulation JSemmel 11 1--$43. A contemporary case in point oul9 be t/e current s/i

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    t/ose /o /a5e a lot to +ain

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    Cap 4ood – 4ro&thM.conomy 

    Cap key to %ro&thocke * J!9in A.@ Hean]s Pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    rephrase Karl Bar0: orkers o" the &orld unite "or  +lobal capitalism/ you ha$enothin% to lose but your po$erty .

    ;mpact is e0tinction'ey G J&ic/ael@ !"ecuti5e Hirector – !"pansionary %nstitute@ Pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    Cap 4ood – ar 

    Capitalism sol$es &ar 4art(ke R J!ric@ associate pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    the conict e!uation is larger in absolute alue than the correspondingalue in a simple probit analysis. $hus, the dozens of published articles that haeaddressed the endogeneity of trade by controlling or the years o peace  as irtuallyall hae done since $%%%  hae not oerstated the beneft ointerdependence . "dmittedly, our instrumental variables are not optimal. In some cases, for e!ample, in violation of the identification rule, thecreation or end of a ?$" may be a casus belli. More importantly, neither of our instruments e!plains a large amount of variance. $hus, future research should bedirected to identifying better instruments. Our confidence in the commercial peace does not depend entirely on the empirical evidence, however& it also rests on the

    logic of liberal theory. Our new simultaneous estimatesas well as our re-analyses of F?E and FEindicate that fatal disputes reduce trade. 0ven with e!tensive

    controls for on-going domestic conflict, militarized disputes with third parties, and e!pert estimates of the ris#s of such violence, interstate conflict has an adverse

    contemporaneous effect on bilateral trade. $his is hardly surpri sing '"nderton G 7arter, 8++(& Eeuveny, 8++(& 1i G /ac#o, 8++8& Oneal, Eussett G 6erbaum, 8++3&

    =lic# G $aylor, 8++

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    Cap 4ood – Status ^uo ;mpro$in%

    The status ,uo is structurally impro$in%%n9ur 4oklany 1)@ policy analyst

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    consumption o" materials# chemicals and ener%y# And this is one reason &hy the Neo+Balthusian $ision comes up short ;t d&ells on the increasesin risk that ne& technolo%ies may create or a%%ra$ate but o$erlooks thelar%er - and usually more certain - risks that they &ould also eliminate or reduce ;n other &ords# it "ocuses on the pi0els# but misses the lar%erpicture# despite pretensions to a holistic &orld$ie& .

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Alt @ails – Cede the Political – Terrorism Af 

    No alternati$e sol$ency – challen%in% the construction o"terrorism re,uires the creati$e use o" policy+rele$ant

    mechanisms 3lanket condemnations "ail Oackson et al.@ pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Alt @ails – Pra%matism Key 

    The alternati$e’s demand "or political purity only helpscapitalism .$en i" they &in some risk o" a link# &e ha$e to

    be%in &ith the &orld &e ha$e# not the one &e &ish &e had3ryant 1*>pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Alt @ails – ?eection Not .nou%h

    ack o" speci8c action means the alt &ill "ail*ones 11 Owen, Masters at O!ford, named one of the Daily $elegraph;s ;$op (++ Most Influential?eople on the 1eft; for 8+((, author of 7havsN $he Demonization of the Hor#ing 7lass, $he

    Independent, F, Owen PonesN ?rotest without politics will change nothing, 8+((,

    nothing-83*32(8.htmlToday, as #rotesters in nearly a thousand cities across the world follow thee(am#le set by  the %ccu#y  Hall /treet protests,it+s worth #ondering what ha##ened to theantiglobalisation movement. Its activists did not lack #assion or determination

    -ut they did lack a coherent alternati$e to the neoliberal #ro"ect  !ith no

    clear #olitical direction, the mo$ement &as easily s&ept a&ay  by  the "ingoismand turmoil that followed ./11,  %ust two months after =enoa. Don;t get me wrongN the Occupy movement is a glimmer of sanity amid today;seconomic madness. 6y descending on the Hest;s financial epicentres, it reminds us of how a crisis caused by the ban#s 'a sentence that needs to be repeated until it becomes a clichQ has been cynically transformed into a crisis of public spending. $he founding statement of Occupy 1ondon puts it succinctlyN He refuse to pay for the ban#s; crisis. $he Occupiers direct theirfire at the top ( per cent, and rightly so 4 as / billi onaire Harren 6uffett confessedN $here;s class warfare, all right, but it;s my class, the rich class, that;s ma#ing war, and we;re winning.$he Occupy movement has provo#ed fury from senior / Eepublicans such as ?residential contender @erman 7ain who 4 predictably 4 labelled it anti-"merican. $hey;re right to be

    worriedN those camping outside ban#s threaten to refocus attention on the real villains, and to act as a catalyst for wider dissent.-ut a coherent

    alternative to the tottering global economic order remains, it seems, as distant

    as e$er  &eoliberalism crashes around, halfdead, with noone to administerthe killer blow $here;s always a presumption that a crisis of capitalism is good news for the left. Ret in the =reat Depression, fascism consumed much of 0urope. $heeconomic crisis of the ()*+s did lead to a resurgence of radicalism on both left and right. 6ut, spearheaded by $hatcherism and Eeaganism, the ew Eight definitively crushed its

    opposition in the ()J+s.This time round, there d oesnt e$en seem to be an alternati$e "or 

    the ri%ht to de"eat . $hat;s not the fault of the protesters. In truth,the left has never recovered from being

     virtually smothered out o" e0istence . $t was the victim of a #erfect storm0 therise of the &ew ight neoliberal globalisation and the repeated defeats suffered bythe trade union movement  6ut, above all, it was the aftermath of the collapse of 7ommunism that did for the left s 45 neo

    conservative Midge

    6ecter trium#hantly #ut it0 7$t+s time to say0 !e+ve won8oodbye. Krom the 6ritish 1abour ?arty to the "frican ational 7ongress, left-wing movements across the world hurtled to the right in an almost s ynchronised fashion.$t was as though the left wing of the global #olitical s#ectrum had been sliced off

    That+s why , although we live in an age of revolt, there remains no le"t to %i$e it

    direction and purpose

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Alt @ails – Totalitarianism

    Bar0ism has historically led to %enocide Mefrey T. Kuhner @ assistant national e9itor@ T/e 0as/in+ton Times No5ember 3#@

    *))  T/e 2#t/ century ill be remembere9 as t/e bloo9iest century in /istory. A ma=or reason as t/e 114establis/ment by 'la9imir Lenin an9 /is :ols/e5iks o< a &ar"ist re+ime in ;ussia. T/e So5iet 6nion as t/eepicenter o< a communist empire t/at@ until its 9isinte+ration in 11@ sprea9 9octrines o< economic collecti5isman9 class stru++le to almost e5ery part o< t/e +lobe. ,rom !astern !urope to Atopianism leads to totalitarianism G t/e roa9 to 6topia +oes t/rou+/ ol+ot/a.  Themillions slau%htered by communist re%imes &ere not acci9ental bypro9ucts o<mis+ui9e9 policies@ but central to the Bar0ist proect .

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Alt @ails – Totali(in%

    Total reection o" capitalism "ra%ments resistance – the permsol$es best

     M.K. 4ibson+4raham@

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  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


     Alt – AT: Neolib >^

    Neoliberalism is not declinin% in atin America – ;t’sFourishin%

    Petras@ pro

  • 8/17/2019 Capitalism Kritik - UTNIF 2013


    "orei%n in$estors As in most Ulate an9 UlaterI 9e5elopin+ capitalist countries@ the state plays animportant role in mediatin% bet&een a%ro+mineral e0porters and industrialcapitalists Jnational an9