Carta Recomendacion David Barcenerevisada

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Lettre de recommandation/Letter of recommendation

Lettre de recommandation / Letter of recommendationcole normale suprieure Slection internationale 2014

Service Admissions et tudes 45 rue dUlm - 75230 Paris Cedex 05Lettre confidentielle / Confidential letter remplir par lenseignant auteur de la recommandation et envoyer au plus tard le 10 fvrier 2015/ to be completed and sent by the referee before February 10, 2015. Un modle tlcharger se trouve ladresse/a model can be downloaded at the following address:

Le professeur recommandant doit envoyer directement sa lettre par mail ladresse suivante: [email protected] en prcisant dans la case objet du message le nom patronymique du candidat et les initiales du professeur, sous format Pdf. / The referee has to send the letter directly to the ENS to the following address: [email protected], and specify the candidates name and referees initials in subject preferably in pdf format. dfaut, sous format papier. Les lettres doivent tre confidentielles, sous pli cachet, signes au dos, et sont envoyes directement ladresse suivante, par courrier ladresse ci-dessus/ in paper format; the letters must be confidential, sent in a sealed envelope with the referees signature on the back, be sent directly to the address mentionned above.NOM de famille du candidat (crire en capitales)/ LAST NAME of applicant (write only in capital letters): BARCENE

Prnoms/ First Names: DAVID ELMER

Discipline / field:


1. A quel titre avez-vous connu le candidat (enseignant, tuteur, etc.)/ ? In what capacity have you known the applicant (teacher, supervisor, etc.)?Co- Assessor2. Depuis quand? / For how many years/months?

2 YEAR3. Veuillez, dans le tableau ci-dessous, valuer le candidat par rapport tous les tudiants que vous avez connus dans votre carrire. / In the table below, assess the candidates skills in comparison with all the students you have known during your career.

Cochez une case et une seule par ligne horizontale / Tick only one box on each horizontal line :Premiers

2% */Top 2%Premiers


/Top 5%Premiers


/Top 10%Premiers


/ Top 25%Premiers


/ Top 50%Derniers


/Bottom 50%Observation savrant impossible /No opportunity to observe

Rsultats scolaires / Academic achievement+

Formation antrieure / Education+

Expression orale, crite/ Oral & written communication+

Puissance de travail/ Capacity for work+

Aptitude pour la recherche / Research skills+

Aptitude linterdisciplinarit /Interdisciplinary skills+

Jugement, sens critique / Judgement, critical sense+

Originalit / Originality+

Adaptabilit/ Adaptability+

Aptitude communiquer

/ Communication skills+

valuation globale / Overall evaluation+

4. Selon vous, est-ce que le (la) candidat(e) a les qualits ncessaires pour entreprendre le programme dtudes et de recherche/ In your opinion does the candidate have the necessary skills to attend the academic and research programme ? Certainement / Certainly

Suffisamment / Adequately

Insuffisamment / InadequatelyLETTRE DE RECOMMANDATION DUN PROFESSEUR (suite)/ Professors recommendation letter (next)NOM de famille du candidat (crire en capitales)/ Last name of applicant (write only in capital letters):BARCENE

Prnoms/ First Names: DAVID ELEMER

5. Veuillez expliciter, de faon circonstancie, en une quinzaine de lignes minimum, votre valuation globale des aptitudes du (de la) candidat(e). / Please explain in detail your overall evaluation of the candidates abilities in at least fifteeen lines. Nhsitez pas vous servir dune feuille supplmentaire. / Do not hesitate to use another sheet.It gives me great pleasure to recommend David Barcene for admission to graduate school. I belong to a research group working on porous aluminum oxide films at Pierre and Marie Curie Material Science Laboratory. This laboratory is a research lab at the Universidad Tecnolgica de Panam. I met David about two year ago when he decided to do his undergraduate thesis at the lab on porous aluminum oxide films. He has studied the effect of anodizing parameter (voltage, concentration, etc.) on the formation of ordered nanostructure. This meant a lot literature research and reading on topics not normally studied on pre graduate physics courses. This experience has shown his capacity to open to new knowledge (anodizing) and to apply it to his research with enthusiasm, responsibility and originality. He has shown good judgment and understanding when he has met with expert in the topic; in learning new techniques and applying it to his results (electron microscopy, image analysis, and impedance analysis). David has always shown respect to his mentors and fellows students, sharing his experiences and willing to participate in other project, beside his and cultural activities we carry on at the lab. He recently participates at a poster session at APANAC (Panamas Association for the Advance of Science) 2014 congress where he presented his results. His poster reflects in a clear and coherent way the knowledge he has acquired and his contribution to the progress of the project. This achievement is an evidence of his increasing maturity as young scientist. For this reason, I considered he will be an excellent candidate for graduate school.Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________

Nom du professeur / Last name of referee: BethancourtTitre / Current position: Chemistry professor at Universidad Tecnolgica de PanamAdresse/Address: X Street, Alto de Cerro Viento, Panam, Repblica de Panam_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Tlphone / Telephone number: 395-2267; cell phone: 6633-5120

Adresse lectronique/ E-mail address:

|G|R|I|C|E|Q|M|@|H|O|T|M|A|I|L|.|C|O|M|(Une case pour chaque signe: lettres crites en capitales, points ou tirets. / (Only one sign in each box; write only in capital letters, dots, hyphens or dashes.)Slection internationale, Service des Admissions et des tudes, cole normale suprieure, 45 rue dUlm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05


[email protected],+

* Une croix dans cette case signifie que le candidat ou la candidate fait partie des 2% meilleurs tudiants que vous ayez rencontrs. / Tick this box if the candidate is among the best 2 percent of students you have ever met.
