早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 博士後期課程入試問題の訂正内容 <2019 年度博士後期課程一般・外国学生入試教育基礎学専攻> 【資料解読(教育学)】 .問題冊子 2 ページ 問題番号 1 本文 1 行目 (誤) (正) Theconcludingchapterofaddresses・ ・ Theconcluding-chaotf~r addresses .問題冊子 2ページ 問題番号 1 本文5 行目 (誤) (正) toberesolvedistheistheproper・ ・ ・ tobe resolved is theorooer .問題冊子 2ページ 問題番号 1 本文15 行目 (誤) (正) conditionIt is a product, ・ ・ r,onn it ion. It is a product, 以上

早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 博士後期課程入試問題の訂正内容 · 2019年度早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 博士後期課程一般@外国学生入学試験問題資料解読

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.問題冊子 2ページ 問題番号 1 本文1行目



The concluding chapter of addresses・ ・ •

The concluding-chaotf~r addresses・

.問題冊子 2ページ 問題番号 1 本文5行目



~to be resolved is the is the proper・ ・ ・

~to be resolved is the orooer・

.問題冊子 2ページ 問題番号 1 本文15行目



~condition It is a product, ・ ・

~r,onn it ion. It is a product, •


Page 2: 早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 博士後期課程入試問題の訂正内容 · 2019年度早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 博士後期課程一般@外国学生入学試験問題資料解読






1 .教育基礎学専攻の入学試験問題は、出願時に届け出た指導教員の欄に従い、下記の表の解答すべき問題を解答



必要解答用紙記入した 解答すべき問題、ページ

研究指導名 指導教員名枚数

教育学研究指導 藤井千春 設問 1CP.2)

教育学研究指導 湯川 次義 設問 2 (P.3)

教育学研究指導 坂倉裕治 設問 3 (P.4~5) 1枚

教育学研究指導 長島啓記 設問 4 (P.6~7)

教育学研究指導 小松茂久 設問 5 (P.8)

教育学研究指導 吉田 文

社会教育学研究指導 小林敦子 設問 1~設問 4 (P.9~P.1 2)

社会教育学研究指導 前田耕司1枚


社会教育学研究指導 矢口 徹也

教育心理学研究指導 上淵 寿

教育心理学研究指導 堀 正士

教育心理学研究指導 椎名 乾平設問(P.13) 1枚

教育心理学研究指導 坂爪 一幸

教育心理学研究指導 本田 恵子

教育心理学研究指導 梅永雄二

初等教育学研究指導 河村茂雄 設問1~設問2 (P.1 4~P.1 5) 1枚

初等教育学研究指導 佐藤降之 の中から 1問解答

2.解答の際には、設問番号を記入してから解答するとと。 (例「設問 1、設問」等)

3. 解答すべき問題以外を解答した場合、当該解答は「 O点」となり ます。

4.解答用紙の所定欄に研究指導名 ・指導教員名・受験番号 ・氏名を必ず記入すること。

5. 問題用紙は「 15枚」 (本ページ含む) 、解答用紙は「 1枚Jです。必ず枚数を確認すること。

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以 上

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2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解読(教育基礎学専攻)

【設問 1]この問題{ま、教育学研究指導(盤#予審)を志願する受験者が選択して解答

する問題である。 解答用語の宣言初に「殴問 1J、 T教育学研究指導(藤井千春) J と記入すること。


The concluding chapter of addresses two main issues: The Public and Its Problems

addresses two main issues: the nature and function of social inquiry, and the conditions

under which the public could utilize the result of such inquiry. As a prelude to the日rst

point, Dewey notes a principal obstacle to social inquiry: the persistent assumption

that the question to be resolved is the is the proper relation of the individual to socie匂r,

when "individual'’and “society”are conceived as antithetical to each other. He

declares that we still postulate a“ready-made and complete”individual existing

independency of society. Then the fundamental social problem is conceived as the

determination of a rule出atprescribes the sphere of activity for this atomistic

individual that shall be protected from social interference. The complement of this

individualism is the notion of society as a single undifferentiated aggregation of these

self『 completebeings.

The trouble with this theory is that the atomistic individual is sheer myth. Likewise it

is myth that socie匂ris single mass. Individual human nature is not a fixed and original

condition It is a product, an outcome, of the interaction of the organism and the

environment. As the environment, above all the social environment, varies, so too dose

human nature. Society, for its part, is not a single entity. It is composed of a great

plurality of groups. Individuals are not related to society as a whole. They are related to

a varie句fof groups, and groups have diverse interrelations. On Dewey's assumptions, it

is impossible to regard the individual as inherently antithetical to a social existence.

Theτe are conflicts, of course, but participation in associated life is a necessary

condition of any growth for the individual. The individualistic position, moreover,

seems to be oblivious to the values of shared experience.

(TheLarer野rorksof John Dew.のうVolume2,edited by Jo Ann Boydston,

Southern Illinois University Press, 1984. pp.xxx-xxxi.)

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2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解説(教育基礎学専攻)






出典:『昭和八年公文雑纂帝国議会七請願四一 巻三十五』国立公文書館蔵




問1. [資料A]は1933年の帝国議会衆議院に提出された請願に対する政府見解を示す文書の一部である。

_r請願ノ要旨Jをまとめるとともに、この請願が提出された背景を述べなさい 偽碑F用紙lこ「湯川間lJと


問2・ I資料A]を読み、請願に対する政府の意見をまとめるとともに、戦前の中等教育段階における男女

共学の状況を述べなさい C解客用紙に「湯川間2Jと記入してから解答すること)。

問3・ 1948年以降の日本の男女共学について、その根拠となった法規の意義と共学の普及状況について述べなさい。

間4. [資料BJの英文を読み、全文の概要を日本語に訳しなさい偵路用紙に「湯川問4Jと記入してから



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v;,.,,,,,~山崎,"'···;;唖Z白.........,,..~ .... ~,r;→悦可制州側姐剛W棚柵時停併崎榊僧"'胸躍母、根強制 約仰岬剛健肩関暗号... 誼邸州開岡崎蝉初、世帥 持、制咽圃幽陪帽情事事国弘,,..醐H ・-苦手邸宅Z祖国・...... 鍾油会詮誼禽議出血陣~圃匝富苦情掴~虚血色、~会抽""'醐曲圏直子"詰•ii:<'.mc:lli:同曲面詰説明耐ii~倫1帖,,;苧制九四由同嗣嗣e・戸W吊台前醐,·-開守訪日朝 一 町村

2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解説〈教育基礎学専攻)


る問題である。解答用紙の最初に r設問3、教育学研究指導(境倉裕治)Jと記入すること。




問題1 つぎの仏文を和訳しなさい。

Il faut avouer que de toutes les peines de l'education, aucune n'est comparable a

celle d百leverdes enfants qui manquent de sensibilite. Les naturels vifs et sensibles sont

capables de terribles egarements: les passions et la pr白omptionles entra1nent; mais

aussi ils ont de grandes ressources, et reviennent souvent de loin; 1’ins仕uctionest en eux

un germe cache, qui po凶 seet qui fructifie quelquefois, quand l’experience vient au secours de la raison, et que les passions s’attiedissent: au moins on sait p訂 0色onpeut

les rendre attentifs, reveiller leur curiosite; on a en eux de quoi les出話ress町込ce qu’on leぽ enseigne,et les piquer d’honneur; au lieu qu'on n'a aucune prise sur les naturels

indolents. Toutes les pensおsde ceux-ci sont des distractions; ils ne sont j組閣sou ils

doivent etre; on ne peut meme les toucher jusqu'au vif par les corrections; ils ecoutent

tout, et ne sentent rien. Cette indolence rend l'enfant negligent, et degofitるdetout ce

qu'il fait. C’est alors que la meilleure education court risque d’echouer, si 011 ne se hate

d'aller au-devant du mal des la premiere enfance. Beaucoup de gens, qui

n'approfondissent guere, concluent de ce mauvais succes, que c’est Ia nature qui血ittout

pour former des horn.mes de merite, et que !'education n'y peut rien: au lieu qu’il faudrait seulement conclure qu'il y a des naturels semblables aux terres ingrates, sur qui la

culture fait peu. C’est encore bien pire, quand ces educations si difficiles sont traversees,

ou negligees, ou mal reglees dans leurs commencements.

II faut encore observer qu'il y a des naturels d’enfants auxquels on se trompe beaucoup. Ils paraissent d’abord jolis, p紅白queles premiるresgraces de l’enfance ont un

lustre qui couvre tout; on y voit je ne sais quoi de tendre et d’aimable, q凶 empeche

d'examiner de pr色sle de句i1des仕出tsdu visage. Tout ce qu’on trouve d’esprit en eux surprend. p紅 cequ'on n'en attend point de cet age; toutes les fautes de jugement leur

sont permises, et ont la grace de l'ingenuite; on prend une certaine vivacite du co中s,qui

ne m組 quejamais de p訂aitredans les eぱ阻臼,pourcelle de !'esprit. De la vient que

l'enfance semble promettre tant, et qu'elle donne si peu.

σran~ois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon, De l’'education d白 /ii/es)

※Web公聞にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。la source: athena.u『1ige.ch


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2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解説(教育基礎学専攻)

問題2 つぎの英文を和訳しなさい。

To begin, with vice and virtue; which are the most obvious causes of these passions; it would be

entirely foreign to my present pu中oseto enter uponせ1econtroversy, which of late years h出 somuch

excited the curiosity of the publick. WHETHER THESE MORAL DISTINCTIONS BE FOUNDED ON


examination of this I reserve for the following book; and in the mean time I shall endeavour to show, that

my system maintains its ground upon either of these hypotheses; which will be a strong proof of its


For granting that morality had no foundation in nature, it must still be allowed, that vice and 羽rtue,

either from self-interest or the prejudices of education, produce in us a real pain and pleasure; and this we

may observe to be strenuously asserted by the defenders of that hypothesis. Every passion, habit, or tum

of character (say they) which has a tendency to our advantョgeor prejudice, gives a delight or uneasiness;

and it is仕omthence the approbation or disapprobation arises. We easily gain企om白書liberality of others,

but are always in danger of losing by their avarice: Courage defends us, but cowardice lays us open to

eve叩 attack:Justice is the support of society, but injustice, unless checked would quickly prove its ruin:

Humility exalts; but pride mortifies us. For these reasons the former qualities are esteemed virtues, and

the latter regarded as vices. Now since江isgranted there is a delight or uneasiness still attending merit or

demerit of every kind,由isis a11 that is requisite for my purpose.

But I go farther, and observe, that this moral hypothesis and my present system not only agree together,

but also that, allowing the forme1「tobe just, it is an absolute and invincible proof of出el甜er.For if all

morality be fo回 dedon the pain or pleasure, which arises企omthe prospect of any Joss or advantage, that

may result from our own characters, or from those of others, all the effects of morality must-be derived

仕omthe same pain or pleasure, and among the rest,出epassions of pride印 dhumility.百tevery essence

of virtue, according to this hypothesis, is to produce pleasure and that of vice to give pain. The virtue and

vice must be part of our character in order to excite pride or humility‘Whatぬrtherproof c組 wedesire

for the double relation of impressions and ideas?

The same unquestionable argument may be derived from the opinion of those, who maintain that

morality is something real, essential, and founded on nature. The most probable hypo出esis,which has

been advanced to explain the distinction betwixt vice and virtue, and the origin of moral rights姐 d

obligations, is, that 合omaprimruγconstitution of nature certain characters and passions, by the V釘yview

and contemplation, produce a pain, and o仕1ersin like manner excite a pleasure. The uneasiness and

satisfaction are not only inseparable合omvice and virtue, but constitute their veηnature and essence. To

approv巴ofa character is to feel an original delight upon its appe包溜1ce.To disapprove of it is to be

sensible of an uneasiness. The pain and pleas町 e,吐1erefore,being the primaηcauses of vice組 dvirtue,

must also be the causes of all their e狂ects,and consequently of pride and humility, which are the

unavoidable attendants of that distinction. (David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature)

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2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解説〈教育基礎学専攻)

[設問 4]この問題は、教育学研究指導(長島啓記)を志願する受験者が選択して解答する問題で




問題 1以下の英文( 1) (2)を、それぞれ全文和訳しなさい。

( 1 ) Countries see a successful education sy山 m as a ・Vi凶 elementof th位 socialand economic development. Human capital has long been identified as a key factor in battling unemployment and low pay and there is also robust evidence仕iatit is an important determinant of economic growth. Moreover, there is emerging evid巴neethat it is associated with a wide range of non『economicbenefits, includillg improvements in health, stronger civic and social engagement,相da greater sense of well-being.

The development of effective education po!ici巴S is therefore a priority for national govemmenお andthey are increasingly looking to the international arena to infonn and influence their policy reforms. As part of the drive to enhance the OECD’s contribution in this area, the OECD’s Directorョtefor Education and Skills devotes a m勾oreffort to the development and analysis of quantitative and qualiねtiveindicators, the results of which are published in the flagship annual publication Education at a Glance. These enable governments to analys昔 theireducation system in light of other coun甘ies’performances.Together with other OECD publications, the indicators are designed to support and review efforts which governments are making towar由 policyrefonn.

Indicators from Education at a印刷cereflect the progressive development of international comparisons in education that has taken p¥ac巴overthe last 25 years or so. Fundamental to this development is the quality of th巴underlyingdata which is itself driven by血edefinition of clear concepts, conventions and methodologies which underlie tl1日datacollections and the calculations of the indicators. This handbook draws toge出erall of these methodologies in a smg[e publication which is annually aligned to the re思liarco閃 indicatorsof Educationαt a Glance. In doing so, its aim is to facilitate a greater understanding of the statistics and indicators produced and hence allow for their effective use in policy analysis.

(出典: OECD(2018),OECD Handbook for Internationa.lly Comparative Statistics 201f/)

※Web公閣にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。OECD Handbook for Int巴「nationallyComparative Education Statistics 2018 Concepts, Standards, Definitions and Classifications by OECD Publishing. Reproduced with permission of OECD Publishing in the format Other Published Product via Copyright Clearance Center目

( 2 ) Teaching might now be considered one of也eglobal professionsぽ t.wellevels. First,

teachers now have to work wi白(andsome even move to other countries to do it) stu-

dents企omcoWitries all around白eworld. Second, globalization has impacted on how

education is perceived, delivered and measured、Theseare some of the outcomes:

0 there is a growing transnational migration of teachers; hardest hit being the devel-

oping countries e.g., South A合icanteachers going to the UK. Once again, this

凶 ndcan be seen as positive in也esense that such intemational experience provides

cultural and social exposぽ Gand learning to young people who would other・

wise continue to live isolated, mono-cultural lives; furthermore, in the South A企ican

case, many of these teachers re旬m home after 1-3 years. On the o也erhand, the

costs of producing a teacher in a developing coun町ris quite high if such talent is

immediately lost to a developed country-which actively recruits such young teach-

ers t加oughagencies set-up for白ispurpose. For now.,也epertinent point is that such

migration is a relatively new feaぬreof education under globali回 tion.

"' there is an eroding authority of national goals, priorities組 dpolicies in血巴faceof

international private higher education institutions e.g., International universities

offering programs in many developing countries.百1epresence of international

insti卸tionshave one positive effect,拍dthat is to provoke public universities out

of their complacency. But the effects on a newly emerging democracy;,合・eshout of

a long history under apartheid,卸 tolimit and undermine the building of new

national institutionsおcusedon the development goals of a country in search of identity. But there are other problems.

(出典: T.Townsend and R. Bates但ds.)(2007),Handbook of Teacher Education, Springer)


米W巴b公閣にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。L巴a「「1ingand Leading in a Globalized World: The Lessons from South Africa by Jonathan Jansen Reproduc巴dwith permission of Springer Nature via Copyright Clearanc定 Cent巴「,

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山山山 山 一戸 川

2 0 1 9年度


型旦盆 資料解読(教育基礎学専攻)

問題2 次の独文( 1) (2)を、それぞ、れ全文和訳しなさい。

( 1)

※乙の問題は、 著作権の関係により掲載ができません。

(出典: Autoreng1:uppeBildungsberichterstattung(2018), Bildung・ in Deutschland 2018, wbv Media)

( 2 ) Die tertiare Bildung in Deutschland befindet sich血畑町 阿佐eichenden

Wandel. Wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen, die demographische Entwicklung

und Veranderungen der Arbeitswelt ve1ursachen einen zunehmenden und ge-

wandelten Fachl<α拍 e-und Qualifikationsbedarf; berufliche Au危abenund Fra-

gestellungen werden immer komplexer und erfordern in vielen Berufen eine

sehr anspruchsvolle Aus-山1dWeiterbildung. Ferner streben mehr junge Men-

schen bei einer gleichzeitig heterogener werdenden Studierendensch且ftein

Hochschulstudium an. Zugleich gilt Besch総 i♂mgsfahigkeitals Ausbildungs-

ziel auch fur Hochschulen, von denen -alsτ・eilihres Bildungs孟u食rags-e註1e

Transferleistung von grundlagen-in anwendungsorientiertes Wissen erwartet

wird. In vielen Unternehmen besteht ein hoher Bedarf an Nachwuchskraften,

die einen solchen Transfer in die Praxis vollziehen konnen und sowohl theoreti-

sche Kompetenz組担rdie komplexeren Anforderungen als auch berufsprakti-

sche Erfahrungen mitbringen. Viele berufliche Tatigkeitsprofile bedurfen einεr

Methoden-und Sachkompetenz auf hoherem Niveau als泊 d町 Vergangenheit.

und in nahezu allen Bereichen ist eine lang合istigeLern-und Weiterbildungsfa.-

higkeit der Bescha丘igtenerforderlich, um flexibel auf neue Inhalte, Strukturen

und Stellenpro.file reagieren zu konnen. Nicht nur muss daher einem m凸gli-

chen Mangel an Fachkr総 enquantitativ begegnet werden; vielmehr muss die

Qualitat ihr巴rAusbildung dieser Entwicklung gerecht werden.

(出典 :Wissenschaftsrat(2013),Empiらiilungenzur Entwic.klung des dualen Studiums, Positopn伊 apiezう

※Web公開にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。CC BY 3.0: P.5, 2013, Empfehlungen zu「Entwicklungdes dualen Studiums, Positionspapier, wissenschaftsrat

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2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解読(教育基礎学専攻)

{設問 5]この問題は教育学研究指導(小松茂久)を志願する受験者が選択して解答する問題である。解答用紙の最初に「設問 5」、「教育学研究指導(小松茂久)」と記入すること。


※この問題は、著作権の関係によ り掲載ができません。

Source: David F. Labaree, "Public Schools for Private Gain." Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 100, Issue 3, 2018, pp.8-90

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叫 iれ日出 ,・iiii;r.コil!IKIW14'/I.-\\棚'""' 納閣情判明,品別棒読持注目匂噂,,,,-岨惜幽酬附輔酬州怜"'削拠点感今鳴る関同点同夜 e坤,'>≪榊州附.仲山崎町暢 帽問、マャ""骨 督府?町"'"帥 判例欄酬耐え働帽岡崎個刷出合何回X棺 掛川円出抑止j晴帽神丘、州同制開閉酬棒術蜘市、ff/~,' ,,~:(·'':,,.,.,;".鮎閣情相"l!'..... '."!U.品'~酬刷問刷ザ》,,,,川c;,,.i ;.;~,;,.:,:.,.:,-,今-岨阿佐岨柑叫

2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解読(教育基礎学専攻)

(教育学研究指導(吉田文)、社会教育学研究指導(小林敦子、前田耕司、 矢口徹也)忠願者)

問題 次の4つの設問のうちから 2聞を選択して答えなさい。答えは、別紙解答用紙に、


設問 I. 次の文を読んで、、下記の質問に答えなさい。

We should begin by noting that not all traditions in the sociology of education have pr回 upposed出e

sentiment of redemption. For example, a Parsonian account of education and society was fundamentally

concerned with social order and how it could be maintained (Gouldner:、197l ), and we have seen that neither

Bernstein nor indeed・ Ball in some of his work see redemptionぉ anunderlying factor in their work. 主hY_fu盟..,!)

hぉ itassumed such dominance amon巴manvsocioloεist of education?

One answer may be to do with the way education itself has been understood. Here we re加m to an

earlier point that, since the Enlightenment, educ出onh部 beenseen回 potentiallyliberating, hence仕切damand

autonomy have closely associated with it. In other words, it could be argued that there is an intimate

connection between education and a sociology which is guided by the heuristic of redemption: a relationship

which suggests that redemption is紙 theheart of the enterprise and will not easily be replaced. Here, the tum

towards a conflict approach in the domain assumptions of the discipline has meant山富teducational systems can

be seen部 requiringliberation from oppressive structures and discourses. Hence, the history of the discipline

we have outlined has provided a critique of current educational institutions and practices but it has taken

critique in the Marxian sense: it is about a critical analysis of the underlying structures of theories, ideologies or

propositions as a means of changing the world. That may be so but it suggests that education can be genuinely

liberating if only the proper fonns of釦 cess,pedagogy and curricula can be found.

However, against this dominant view it can be argued白紙 thefocus on ineoualities and the structures

that maintain them mav be a necessarv2) , but not su百icienta condition for a mo陀 inclusiveand enlightened

form of education. There are two points here that we want to mal匂司 The first is that we need to see how

educational systems are situated within the wider social forma ion; the second concerns the issuβof social


The history of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries suggests that we should examine where

education seems to have played a peripheral role or worse in restraining the brutality that humans have exerted

on one another. In both the cases we will refer to there is an issue not only about inequality and the damage it

can inflict on individuals but about the nature and content of education itsel五

Steiner (1971) posed the brutal paradox of Germen high culture during the Nazi era. He notes that

Hitler’s Death’s Head Division, which had responsibility for running the concentration camps, w出 ledby an

officer co叩sod who 22.3 per sent were graduates and 18.9 per cent held PhDs, at a time when only 2・3per cent

of the Germen population h笛 completeda university education‘

At best these shocking figures raise the question‘How was it possible for Hitler’s S S troops to carry

copies of Goethe’s poems in their back pockets as they went about their daily dark deeds? (Karier, 1990, pp.

49・SO). In tum, it prompts enquiry into the social conditions under which education can be involved in such盈

brutal oaradox3l .

(Source: Hugh Lauder, Phillip Brown and A.H. Halsey (2011)“The sociology of education as‘redemption’: a ¥ 米Web公開にあたり、著作権者の要請によりとH典追記しております。

critical history," Disciplines of Education, Oxford: Routledge, pp. 23・24.J Disciplines of educatio「1: their role in the future of education

間I. 下線 1)の質問文に対する著者の苦手答を要約して説明しなさい。

問2. 下線2)の文章の理由を説明しなさい。

問3. 下線3)はどのようなことを意味するか説明しなさい。

research by Furlong, John ; Lawn, Martin Reproduced with permission of Routledge in the format Other Published Product v旧CopyrightClearance Center

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2 0 1 9年度早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科博士後期課程入学試験問題

科目名 資料解説〈教育基礎学専攻)



Social and emotional skills develop progressively, building on skills formed during early childhood and mobilising new investments through innovative learning environments and interventions. The evidence suggests that investments in social and emotional skills should start early for everybody. Investing in出eseskills sufficiently early for disadvantaged children is an importむ 1tway to reduce socio-economic inequalities. Social and emotional skills are particularly malleable between early childhood and adolescence. Early development of social and emotional skills helps develop future cognitive as well as social and emotional skills.

Skills development must be holistic and coherent, meaning there are important roles for families, schools and communities to play in skills development, and出eyneed to be consistent to ensure the efforts made in each context are efficient. School-based practices can be improved incrementally by introducing real-life projects into existing curricular activities. Successful school progrむnmestend to be sequenced, active, focused and employ explicit learning practice. Existing programmes can be improved by p_romoting positive relationships between parents and children as well as between mentors and children. The evidence from intervention programmes targeted at disadvantaged groups provides similar conclusions. Interventions should start early, be targeted to all stakeholders including families and schools, and involve a strong training component for parents as well. Successful interventions also emphasise the importance of reliable and supportive relationships between mentors (parents and teachers) and children.

(Source: OECD(2015),“Sk.丘lsfor Social Progress: The Power of Social and Emotional Skills': OECD Skills Studies, OECD Publishing,p.90.)

※Web公聞にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております.Skills for Social Progress : The Power of Social and Emotional Skills by OECD Publishing ; OECD Reproduced with permission of OECD Publishing in the format Other Published Product via Copyright Clearance Center


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品四回日叫、w,司曲川判例,,,.,.,,..本丸町叫:T,}-帥働側楠岡山崎山榊悼a・.......... ち捕幽嗣剛桝加申尉耐剛叫附則様相怒る抗措網開畑岨醐幽醐刷柚叫州咽岡崎慎、-・吟鳩W噌愉仰向....,ぜ刷仰仰附伸偽幅帽膏晶司~.... 鶴岡岨蜘拘脚”・W姐叫柑駒田岬., .・s・.. 鍋耐抑制山叫幽脚”岬嗣晦揖圃叫崎幽困舗融制劇俳怖のW 酬酬幽曲山冊幽-網”“”刷、V糊帥’酬J同副酬紛ヂリ同時W凪醐・臥叫蝋削除..., .. (.'l,¥m州開...-,....

2 0 1 9年度


科ー且金 資料解説〈教育基礎学専攻)

設問 3 次の国連総会において採択された宣言文(の一節)を読んで以下の聞いに答えなさ

u、。τ"he General Assembly, Guidedby the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and good faith

in the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by States in accordanαwi也theCharter,

Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognizing the right

of all peoples to be di百erent,to consider themselves different,(!) And to respected as such,

AHirming also出atall peoples contribute to the diversity and richness of civilizations and

cultures, which constitute the common heritage of humankind,

A治加inglurtherthat all doctrines, policies and practices based on or advocating superiority

of peoples or individuals on the basis of national origin or racial, religious, ethnic or cultural

di妊erencesare racist, scienti日callyfalse, legally invalid, morally condemnable and soc泊]ly


( 2) Reaffirming that indigenous peoples, in the exercise of their rights, should be free from

discrimination of any kind,

Concemedthat indigenous peoples have su百eredfrom historic injustices as a result of, inter

alia, their colonization and dispossession of their lands, territories and resources,出.us

preventing them from 位 ercising,in particular, their right to development in accordance with

由eirown needs and interests,

( 3 ) Recognizing the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous

peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures,

spintual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to由eirlands, territories

and resources,

Recognizing_ also也eurgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples

affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States,

Welcomingthe fact that indigenous peoples are organizing themselves for political, economic,

social and cultural enhancement and in order to bring to an end all forms of discrimination and

oppre誌 ionwherever出eyoccur,

Source: U也:edN組。ins,United Nations Dedaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,

March 2008, pp.1・3.Retrieved December 20出,2018, ※下記に出奥を明記しております。

from https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf

問1下線部 (1)は具体的にどのようなことを意味するのか述べなさい。




l I ※Web公開にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。

From Resolution adopted by the general assembly, by United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, c2008 United Nations目 Reprintedwith the permission of the United Nations目

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2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解読(教育基礎学専攻)


In the wake of statistics following the pos七・2008economic crises, the child poverty

rate has rarely surfaced. “In a downturn,” says Sharon Goldfeld, National Director of

七heAustralian Early Development Index,“the first thing that happens is that children

drop off the policy agenda.”Yet it is arguable that the child poverty rate is one of the

most important of all indicators of a sοciety’s health and well-being. For the here and

now司 itis a measure of what is haunenine: to some of societv’s most vulnerable members.

For the vears to come. it is a nointer to the well司beine:and cohesion of societv as a


Previous reports in this series have presen七edthe evidence for the close association

between child poverty and a long list of individual and social risks - from impaired

cognitive development to increased behavioural di伍culties,from poorer physical health

to underachievement in school, from lowered skills and aspirations to higher risks of

welfare dependency,一台omthe greater likelihood of teenage p民 gnancyto the increased

probability of drug and alcohol abuse. That there are manv excentions - manv

children who erow uo in economicallv ooor families who do not fall into anv of these

catee:ories - does not alter the fa.ct that povertv in childhood is closelv and

consistentlv associated with measurable disadvantae-e both for individuals and for the

societies in which thev live(b).

A commitment to orotectine: children from novertv is therefore more than a sloe:an

or a routine inclusion in a nolitical manifes白; itis the hallmark of a civilized societv(c).

Source: Innocenti Research Centreョ TheUnited Nations Children’S Fund (2012)

Measuring child poverty - New league tables of child poverty in the world’s rich

countries ,p.4.




が考えられるか、 具体的な例をあげて論述しなさい。

l 2--

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ゐ仇嶋婦側砂-・・w ・一品制命。”“同時四山副凶静岡値崩制,....剛・自印刷・‘品目・”・帽.時叫情”暢胸間情”同制.....,..,.._.,同町岨暢同開肩融自制岬四回目・闘帥・8岬m-...-.卵細・・旨叫が,o嗣防~刷、匂必~・・}棺E鵬蝿田町僅制""網》咽圃舗回融附H・”・・・司酬仰A岬開園胃司関前

2 0 1 9年度


科目名 資料解蟻{教審議長纏挙運箪政}







According to the facial feedback hypothesis 鮮民〉,@潟subj邑凶veas戸<:tof emotion ste榔 伽 廊tfeelings engendered ~y (1) m。:veme鈎総ofthe伽 ialmu郎 u1ature仇’(2)ch組 gesin faci鵡側pぽ~附.;an凶d(‘gl組ふ1larrespon錦 s1侃 atedin the f詰ce”(Tomkins,1962). In o伽 rwords. emotion is the aw制時銭j

of proprioceptive feedback fromぬcialbehavior. Upon being iRtroduced to the町民悦re叫ermight be a bit skepticaJ-"C'm凶 e釘凶lingm邸ぎ'

you happy'!'’ But consider the !ollowittg seq邸前eofev拍 tsdepicめdin Figure 13.1ね und締ta掃,how sensations from曲eface f鵠 db民kto theeぽt.icalhrain to produce su制民tiveemotional ex戸長en偲(Izard,1991). As shown in Figぽe.13.l,exp制 retoan external (loud noise) or internal (memo.珍・.o~ being harmed) ~ent increases恥 rateof neural会ringquickly enough to activ鵬 asubcorticar~ emo泊onprogram such as fear (1 ). The subcortical枕ainstructure poss回S関脇emo綬on勧specificpr:J>-:: gram anatomically lo国 tedin the ?imbic system (2). When activat札 ぬeseprograms send加ipU凶to;:'the facial nerve to ge1徳 間tea specific facial expression (3). Within microseconds of the displayed :ti側 tf羽 .alexp陥 sion(4),めebrain intぽpretsthe proprioceptive s伽 ulation(which muscles contracte,d」which muscles rel畝 .ed.changes in blood flow, cha時esin skio tempe阻 ture,change in g!却dulat.-secretio郎)and sends恥 facialinfonnation to世leCαtical brain via the智igeminalnerve (.5). T悩下戸時ularpattem of facial f制同協corticallyi他伊ted一 蹴desense of-嚇伽叫ec恥 知1・;ing offear (6).αtly then does魚念会儲tallobe of the cαtex become aware of the開 iotio凶 ts泌総at::

~I 愉吋敏l, 'Rate of neural 邑話ng

6.Ctl必caliI官!Cgt拡iゆnof faci皐!kedbacl<lnl'arnlalion: e勾)Cne.浪偶

5.R舟ceii冗ofぬd皐t書ctimin食材校抽.tionln se郎 町yco,低X

1r1g副官lnalnerve αarua1 n宮内向EV


• Hypoめ必制2国• llasal ganglia


get¥et官飴dln mαorcote:exand sent to.flt~

ぬ.cialnen般α加 Jalnet判 vu

4. Th.dal Aclio見-α踊Z当Jesln hdal mus訓話arur者E• Ch凶野sin facial ten団関rature.α硲錦齢Iiinf証:cl:tl,i弘舗:L:i

Ff移n・e13,1 Sequenc喰 of治eEmotion-ActivatingEv飢餓 Accordingぬtheぬ.cialFeedback Hypo術的is

a conscious le刊 1.Quic.永Jytherea恥 thewhole body joins the facial加 db獄 ω民∞幽jnvolvedin amplifying and suぬiningthe activatedゐar倒 .peri釦 ce.

Fae必lfeedback does one job: emotion activation (Izard. 1989, 1994). 0加 e胡 emotioni冨acti-vated, lt is the 仰はionprogram, not the facial feedback, that recruits further co伊良iveand加dilyparticipation to maintainぬeemotional expぽience伊st也.efirst split嶋 condof time.百1epersοnthen becomes awar芭ofand monitor事nother facialたedback凶ther changes in be釘trate, respiration, muscle Z伺 us,posture, 組dso on.

Facial郁:tional印 chang同 braintemperature, such that facial movements associated with neg-柑veemoti叩(sadness)constrict breathing. r必sebrain temperature. and proおeen培ativefeeli略s,wh抑 asf旨.cialmovements associated with positive emotion伽,ppiness)叩hancebreathi昭. α対brain ten,叙atぽ湾、組dprodu碍 positivef注elings(McIntosh, 2.ajooc. Vig, & Emerick, 1997; Zajonc, Mぽ肉y,& Inglebart, 1989). To make sense of this, rnake a sad facial出 pressionand s悌 ift恥 fac凶action around the n凶 edoes not constrict your air韮owa bit. Also. make a joy f叫 ialexpr儲 sionand S舵 ifthat facial action (e..g., raising the cheeks) does nol encourage and open up nasal air fl側.The changing 加 in恰mp例制F部品ha切(mild)emotional conseq糊 C拡

’ 〈也氏Und~rstanding mo取材onand emotion? th .ED) ーゐ ※Web公開にあたり、著書作権者の妥誘{』より出典追認しております@

問1 全訳しなさい(図を含む入

Understanding Motivation and Emotion by Ree旬、JohnmarshallReproduced ith permission of Wiley in the format 0めerPublished Product via

Copytight Clearance Center.

問2 この英文のテーマと,あなたが博士後期課程で行おうとしている研究テーマとを結び

つけて論じなさい。 iろ

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2 0 1 9年度早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科博士後期課程入学試験問題

科目名 資料解説(教育基礎学専攻)

次の i設問iは、以「の捌ヲ百官導の,志願者を苅家とする。

初等教育学研究機尊(河キ立殻働 (佐劇逢之)


設問 1 次の資料文を読んで下まめ問いに、答えなさい

-.rhe .rn.osf:' po・'l'•e-...1·£ul s品目.l.tit1cn抽 thot.lis t1且e e.&.p町 hu由民.Exp副主主主主eu£.sp.i:<. .. vide t-he e町 ouge回宜 tes-ts of l:,,ypot.f.1eses 掴 boutc担司王宮f a.n.<l ex.feet:_ 'The investigator c孟重工efullycon-t-,:ols -con<.lit.ion,酔ー-often.ix1.坦 laboratory一一宮.ndtak制 rn邑a-suxe.n1euts i:o. orde1・ to discover the ca.-usal :a:ela.t:ions』1ips主是正X.l011.g-~,arlables . ./).. vs:riablie is something that can occur ・w.it:b. differeut values (see Co.r且ceptReviEnV Table)ーForex-:a.n.1.ple#制1e-.x:pe.d.i.nent .might恒車cplo.c-evvhethei: an1.own.t: of sleep causeヨi:; 1.uen.1.or}" changes ( does recall of childhood eve.n.防 decrease-with. lack of sleep?). If an eY~.P乱·u:nent~11.0『申8 t_h:;i.t:口n•·..rn.o.r.y per.foi:-n:zance cha.I!亙ge.ssys-te1.na.t:ic::a.lly -vviu.1 hol.u:s of sleep,. an orderly causal relation鍔h主p be-tween these t"vvo variables has be町 1.found.

Tl主eab.ilit:J’主oexercise p.recise control over a variable distil:且.gu.ishesth.e e:x:pe:d.lnl!"..nta.i meセhodfrom other met:h-ods of scientific obser,ration: For. example> if the hypoth-esis is that individuals・ャY"illperform bette平 ona 1.natl亙p.coble1.n. if t.:he1• a.re o££e.red z且orer.r且O瓜 eyfor a good per-for.:、.rnance,the experiment,剖・might ran.dontly assign _par-t:icipai.1.ts r.o one of t:h.ree conditions主 One g1~o"l.tp is told-t.hat:仁heア willb杷 paid$10-if they 9erlorrn -w芭11,th.e sec.・・ o.o.d group is pro.o::used $5, a.nd the third group u: not of-:fer剖;1any・広1oneryr.The experi.J.J.1ent邑zthen .t:n.ea.5iures and. cc,n""¥pA.J:'暗stニheperfo.c.tn.a.oce of a.11 three groups t:o see if, il:1. fact, .tl.lore :u1on.匂’(thehypot:hesized cause) p.roduc恒ebet:-・ te.t' pc.donn.泊.uce(tl.te hypot.hesi:z.ed effect).

bユthis也:xp色r..i.ment,t:he a.m.ou.nt of .tn.<u-1.ey offered i9 C:.he in.dependeut v・a.dable because it: fa a vaciia.ble位i.a主 主sJ・.1<lependent:0£ -w-ha.t: ・L'he pat:ticip包..nt:does ..工:1:1..fa.ct,. the in-dependent v・副:iableis unde1.・ the. complete co.nt:rol of t"he experi.J.n.en 阻止、 'W"hocreates it a.nd conセrolsics vadation. hi an exνe.a:.u:ne:u t~ the i主主depen4.entva..r.ia ble re _prese.nt:s tl1.e hJイpothesized"ca.use-” 1司hehy-,pot:hesi.zed ・" e:ffect:”iu an experin:i.e.ut is the dependent variable because it: is hy』

pothesiiz.ed to depend.玉語、..the value of the inde.f!宇nd回 itV 喧riable-I.n th.is experiment,. t:1-:te dependea.t variable i.: J)e.i:.foxn:回 aι::e or.1 the mad主 p.coblen主s.'The ex:perなロ包U1じ出ーJ阻 む iJpulatesthe independent v・ariable and observes the dependent va,1.・.iable t:o learn the outcome ef the ex.pe.ri-n:1en.t.. The dependent vari.able is a.b:n.ost al、町ays so主ne且.neas山 ・eo正theparticipants’behavior二 T.bephrase ”is a function of'~ ls often used to express the dependence of on・哩 -variableon anot:h包r-For t:his experiment.,, w-・e could say ti:且atthe pa:rticipants’perforlll.ance on the Ula.th p工ob-leu:.1.s is a function. of the ainoun:t of money offered‘ The groups出 a.t:a.re pa.id money -..voufd be the e~-per主lll.ε-.i-calgr<:>ups~ or 匡.coups in wh五cbthe hypo-th.esu.ed caus-e is p1:eseut.τ11e g.i:01.ip出 atwas no主pa.idwould be the cori-t・xol g1:unp, the g,:ou,p i-o.甲vh五r.:htl:J且ehypothesiョιed cause is 畠 bseuLIn general’ a corH;rol group serves as a 匂a.selio.eagah1.s I: -w h.l-ch e:x:pc:工irnentalgroups can be con:i.pared_

(出典 Edw.ぽdE.S:凶 h SusanNolen・Hoeksema , Bai蜘~LFred血主制 , GeoffRLoftus 2003 A仕泊蜘&回融rd'sIntroduction加 Psychology 141n F.dition Wads明地/功。mson.18.)

※Web公開にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追認しております。Page 18, Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology, 問1 資料の大意をまとめなさしL Wad側 orthPublishing,却凹

間2 資料の内容を踏まえて、あなた治渇慨する上で寝憶するべき点にっし、て論考せよ。


Page 16: 早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 博士後期課程入試問題の訂正内容 · 2019年度早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 博士後期課程一般@外国学生入学試験問題資料解読

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科目名 資料解読(教育基礎学専攻)

設問2 次の資料文を読んで下記の間いに、答えなさい


(出典 Diane Ravitch, Left Back: A Century of Failed School, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000, pp.


間 1. 全訳しなさい。

問2. 下線部について、そう主張される理由を説明しなさい。

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