香港贸发局香港国际茶展 2015 HKTDC Hong Kong International Tea Fair 2015 精选展品 Highlighted Products 资料由参展商提供 Product information or quotes are provided by exhibitors 图片下载 Download high resolution photos at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0r532n7xqjclkfu/Tea%20Fair%202015_Product%20Photos_0727.zip?dl=0 产品照片 Product Photo 简介 Description 1. 新星茶庄 Sun Sing Tea Booth no. : 5G-C19 Country/Region: Hong Kong Website: http://www.sunsingtea.com 1950红印铁饼 1950年代生产的「50铁饼」制作时间比具 代表性兼有「普洱之王」称号的「红印圆茶」 还要早,比较由石质人手压制的茶饼,以铁 制模具压制的铁饼结实硬挺,茶味比圆茶香 以全红色包装纸「50铁饼」(红印铁饼)现在 市场极为罕见,估计是当年生产量稀少,故 在旧普洱中弥足珍贵 1950 Red Label Iron Teacake The 1950s machine pressed teacakes launched before the popular stone molding teacakes. The teacakes are much harder in shape with a more concentrated flavor. With the red packaging, people named the machine pressed teacakes as the “Red Label Metal Teacake”. Due to a small production of the “Red Label Metal Teacake”, it is rare and precious among the old Pu’er tea. 2. Dragon Tea House (H.K.) 龙茶庄 (香港) Booth no. : 5G-C26 Country/Region: Hong Kong 2015野生普洱茶 (国有林) 国有林为国家保护区域,位于云南西双版纳 的茶山过去两年禁止采茶,今年再度开放, 产量稀少 茶师于春季亲赴西双版纳,从百年以上属大 叶种的野生古树采摘茶菁 以自然阳光晒菁及以传统手工石磨工序压 制而成,比机器压制的茶饼内藏较多空气, 有利发酵 茶味甘甜爽滑,有层次感 Wild Pu’erh Tea 2015 The national protected forest located in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province is re-open after 2 years of tea-picking prohibition The tea masters travelled to Xishuangbanna in Spring to collect fresh tea 资料由参展商提供 Product information or quotes are provided by exhibitors (资料更新 Updated: July 27) Page 1 of 7

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香港贸发局香港国际茶展 2015 HKTDC Hong Kong International Tea Fair 2015 精选展品 Highlighted Products

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产品照片 Product Photo 简介 Description 1.

新星茶庄 Sun Sing Tea

Booth no. : 5G-C19 Country/Region: Hong Kong

Website: http://www.sunsingtea.com

1950年 红印铁饼 • 于1950年代生产的「50铁饼」制作时间比具


• 以全红色包装纸「50铁饼」(红印铁饼)现在市场极为罕见,估计是当年生产量稀少,故在旧普洱中弥足珍贵

1950 Red Label Iron Teacake • The 1950s machine pressed teacakes

launched before the popular stone molding teacakes. The teacakes are much harder in shape with a more concentrated flavor.

• With the red packaging, people named the machine pressed teacakes as the “Red Label Metal Teacake”.

• Due to a small production of the “Red Label Metal Teacake”, it is rare and precious among the old Pu’er tea.


Dragon Tea House (H.K.) 龙茶庄 (香港)

Booth no. : 5G-C26 Country/Region: Hong Kong

2015野生普洱茶 (国有林) • 国有林为国家保护区域,位于云南西双版纳


• 茶师于春季亲赴西双版纳,从百年以上属大叶种的野生古树采摘茶菁

• 以自然阳光晒菁及以传统手工石磨工序压制而成,比机器压制的茶饼内藏较多空气,有利发酵

• 茶味甘甜爽滑,有层次感

Wild Pu’erh Tea 2015 • The national protected forest located in

Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province is re-open after 2 years of tea-picking prohibition

• The tea masters travelled to Xishuangbanna in Spring to collect fresh tea

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buds from Puerh tea trees of more than 100 years old.

• With the traditional tea processing method, in which the tea cakes were dried up by natural sun light and then compressed to be a round cake shape by stone, more air is allowed in the tea cakes for better fermentation.

• The tea delivers enchanting sweetness and smoothness with hierarchical tastes.


Teanologies Company Limited 天乐茶方

Booth no. : 5G-C05 Country/Region: Hong Kong

Website: http://www.teanologies.com/

古树白茶 • 采用云南300年以上的茶树作原材料,并无


• 一般白茶属凉性,但此茶的茶菁源自数百年树龄的古树,因此可消暑而不寒凉

• 茶汤色明亮,味道清新优雅,香甜回甘,余韵悠长,使人有安宁舒适之感

White Tea – From Aged Arbor Tea Tree • The white tea is made from tea leaves

collected from aged arbor tea trees which are aged over 300 years old. No pesticides and artificial fertilizers are used. The leaves are allowed to wither and dry under natural sunlight.

• Made from the old tree leaves, the tea can slightly reduce bodyheat but not overdo it.

• The tea is fresh and reviving, with subtle and delicate flavor. The long-lasting pleasant taste will give a cozy sensation.


金艺国际有限公司 Gold Tactic International Ltd

Booth no. : 5G-C24 Country/Region: Hong Kong

Website: http://www.goldtactic.com

QRSTea • 品牌名字QRSTea是三个英文字母及茶的缩


• 系列中GABA乌龙茶(即Gama-aminobutyric acid γ-氨基丁酸,简称GABA),在真空无氧条件下发酵,可使茶叶产生较多GABA;GABA可助人体中枢神经放松休息,补充GABA 与调节压力和睡眠机制息息相关

QRSTea • Using the alphabets Q, R and S to describe

the key attributes of the tea philosophy, the brand QRS Tea represents “Quality”, “Relax” and “Simple”.

• Its “GABA Oolong Tea” is manufactured under anaerobic conditions, such that it contains a larger amount of r-amino butyric acid – GABA which is an important chemical messenger to calm the nerves. The tea

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serves to calm the mood and soothes emotions.


天然茶行 The Natural Tea Company (H.K.) Ltd

Booth no. : 5G-C11 Country/Region: Hong Kong



Florte礼品套装 • Florte礼品套装以调制混合意想不到的花、


• 部份口味属独家口味,例如「朝阳绿茶」便是以绿茶为基底,混和金盏菊花瓣和橘子的提神香气,最适合作为晨早第一杯饮料;「荔枝红茶」加入香茅和豆蔻,更加提升荔枝这盛夏水果的甜美

• 以独家配方精心调制的花果茶,提供分属5大类的30多种口味,而5大类包括水果茶、花茶、绿茶、红茶及草本茶,原材料按季节从不同国家挑选,包括中国内地、德国、埃及、摩洛哥等

Florte Gift Set • Florte Gift Set promises a concoction of

floral and fruit flavours that are out of the world.

• Choose from Sunrise Green Tea (a blend of marigold petals and mandarin orange) to uplift your mood in the morning as the sunrise itself; Lychee Mix to sweeten your afternoon with the delicious summer sensation heighted by a hint of lemongrass and cardamon; or other 30 flavors in 5 categories, including fruit, floral, green, black and herbal teas source from various countries including Chinese mainland, Germany, Eygpt and Morocco.


Takeda International Trading Limited 竹田国际贸易有限公司

Booth no. : 5G-B26 Country/Region: Hong Kong

Website: http://www.nittoh-s.jp

铃子烤漆罐 • 铃子烤漆罐在澳洲、美国及新加坡等地得到


• 结合 500 多年前江户时代的传统工艺,由日本工匠利用「本金莳绘」的技术,以 24K纯金粉精心描绘出各种图案

• 为了确保漆罐盛载食物安全,原料采用日本纯正优质钢板、日本油墨及防锈涂料, 再经过日本制环保漆均匀喷制及适时烘烤,品质优良

Suzuko Paint round tins • Suzuko Paint round tins has received “Cans

of the Year Awards” in Australia, the US and Singapore.

• Experienced Japanese artisan adopts “Nittoh Style” where a pattern drawn in lacquer is sprinked with 24K gold flakes to present the highest quality of Japanese

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lacquer work from Edo period dates back to 5 centries ago.

• The can is also made for safe food storage - with excellent paint technology, the tin is made from the high quality Japan made steel plate and paint, followed by antirust coating. Onlyenvironmental friendly paint is used to ensure the best quality


Antique House 怀古楼茶具文物馆

Booth no. : 5G-B12 Country/Region: Hong Kong

Website: http://antiquehouse.com.hk

清代乾隆青花地广彩开光人物茶具 • 清朝乾隆时代产自景德镇的广彩作品,以青


• 茶具以蓝白色为主调,对比鲜明,蓝色的青花背景独特而沉实

• 绘图线条精致细腻,人物的神情和动作皆清晰可见

• 估值约港币两万元

Kwon-glazed Blue-and-white Porcelain Tea Set with Paintings of People (Qianlong era of Qing dynasty) • The tea set is a kwon-glazed porcelain

produced in Jingdezhen in Qianlong era of Qing dynasty with an underglazed blue-and-white design. People’s daily live is painted on the round panels.

• The tea set features a sharp contrast of blue and white colours as the main tone with a unique background of blue colour.

• The drawings are fine - facial expressions and actions of people can be seen clearly.

• An estimated value of $20,000.


张家界茅岩莓有限公司 Zhang Jia Jie Moyeam Co.,Ltd.

Booth no. : 5G-D14 Country/Region: Chinese mainland

Website: www.moyeam.com

茅岩莓茶 • 源自生长于张家界特殊红砂岩土质的茶树,


• 茅岩莓干茶满批白霜,是其含有的黄酮化合物附着在表面,此物质有助强化心血管机能

• 入口味道丰富,神奇地由酸涩转甘甜,回旋甘甜持久润喉

Moyeam Tea • Moyeam is a precious tea bush growing on

the particular red sandstone soil in the famous Chinese mountain Zhang Jia jie which is rich in nutients and is isolated from contamination.

• The finished tea is rendered “white frost”, which are the flavonoids that help boost

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cardiovascular function.

• Its taste is rich, delivering a taste of sourness and bitterness first and sweetness later, with a enduring sweet and refreshing aftertaste.


普洱市天下普洱茶国有限公司 Puer Universal Puernation Co.,Ltd

Booth no. : 5F-C08 Country/Region: Chinese mainland

「茶马史诗」普洱晒红 • 普洱晒红选用云南大叶种茶鲜叶为原料,通


• 有别于传统滇红茶进行的是高温烘焙,晒红




Epic Pu’er • Pu’er Sai Hong is the tea made from Yunnan

Dayezhong (Big leaf species) which undergoes the process of wilting, rolling, fermentation and sunlight drying.

• Different from the high-temperature drying process of making traditional red tea, this tea undergoes natural sunlight drying so that more active substances can be retained to prolong the quality guarantee period which is 2 to 3 years for red tea in general.


HVA Foods PLC Booth no. : 5G-B13

Country/Region: Sri Lanka

Website: http://www.heladiv.com

Helativ浓缩冰茶 • Helativ浓缩冰茶是由100%纯锡兰茶制成,


• 浓缩冰茶饮用方便,以1份茶比6-10份矿泉水或苏打水稀释即可饮用

• 5种口味可供选择,包括杂莓、草莓、苹果、绿茶及柠檬

Helativ Ice Tea Concentrate • Helativ Ice Tea Concentrate is made from

100% Pure Ceylon tea. By a unique methodology, the natural taste and properties of tea are retained.

• The tea concentrate is ready to dilute and drink. It can be diluted at the ratio of 1 portion to 6 – 10 portions of mineral water or soda water.

• 5 exciting flavours are available, including mixedberry, strawberry, apple, green tea and lemon.

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Henta Seicha Co.,ltd. Booth no. : 5G-C14

Country/Region: Japan

Website: http://www.henta.jp/

黒茶糖 • 日本展商Henta Seicha屡获殊荣,其产品获


• 黑茶糖是Henta Seicha的独有产品,将荣获「农林水产大臣赏」的鹿儿岛县「雾岛绿茶」精制而成的粉末与喜界岛特产的黑糖融合,带出丰富而清新的甜味

• 加入热水、冷水或牛奶即可饮用,亦可将其加在雪糕等甜点上享用

Kurochatou (Green Tea Powder with Brown Sugar) • Japanese exhibitor, Henta Seicha Co.,ltd. is

bestowed with the Minister's Prize by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan as well as the Monde Selection Gold Quality Award.

• The product is a mix of the best from Kagoshima’s Kirishima (green tea) and Kikai (brown sugar). The product delivers a rich and refreshing sweet flavor.

• It can be served instantly by mixing with either hot or cold water, or even milk. It can also be served with dessert like ice-cream.


Hankook Tea Co. Booth no. : 5G-E18

Country/Region: Korea

Website: http://www.hankooktea.co.kr

桑果叶茶 • Hankook是韩国历史最悠久的茶行之一,五


• 桑果叶茶芳淳而带丝丝微甘,入口温滑

• 桑果叶中有高含量的芸香苷和γ-氨基丁酸,


Mulberry Leaf Tea • Hankook is one of the oldest tea companies

in Korea and have been producing quality tea since the 1950s.

• Mulberry Leaf Tea is mellow with a hint of sweetness. It delivers an enchanting taste of smoothness and warmth.

• The mulberry leaves have a high content of rutin and gaba, which are helpful in strengthening capillary vessels and lowering blood pressure respectively.

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Culture Workshop of Zhunan Snake Kiln 竹南蛇窑文化工作室

Booth no. : 5CON-055 Country/Region: Taiwan

高温柴烧茶具 • 「蛇窑」为台湾早期烧制日用陶所使用的

窑炉。以前的窑炉因沿山坡砌筑,远望宛如一条火龙,称之为「龙窑」, 在清代闽南移民引进台湾后,皆称之为「蛇窑」

• 以 1400 度以上的高温柴烧,让土矿产生质变,经过高温的锻炼,烧出有近乎天然宝石矿玉般自然釉质感的柴烧陶

• 质变矿化的陶能将茶汤口感转化更加甘润,彰显茶的喉韵与香气

Wood Firing Ceramic High Temperature Tea Set • Pottery for daily uses were made in snake

kilns in early Taiwan. The kilns were built along the hillslope, resembling a ‘fire dragon’ and therefore they were called ‘dragon kilns’. They were then called ‘snake kilns’ after people in Southern Fujian immigrated to Taiwan.

• Wood-fired over 1400℃, the clay-body changed ,enabling the pottery to have a natural gemstone-like and jade-like texture.

• Serving tea with the pottery makes the tea sweeter, while the aftertaste and fragrance are also better and stronger.

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