今年是第二次世界大戰結束70週年,進入下半 年各種活動開始啟動了。世界華人保釣聯盟藉開 年會,舉辦一個座談會及戶外圖片展。 今年一個比較不尋常的活動,就是在河北保定舉辦的保釣書畫展,把保 釣運動結合書畫展覽綁在一起推廣出去。這次在現場看到的情況超乎想 像,原來中國到處有書畫會。這次參加的人超過300人,各省市地區的團 體不下30個,大家像趕廟會似的 興高采烈,熱鬧非凡,比起一般的抗戰 或保釣乾巴巴的展覽,簡直不可同日而語。這種方式的活動應該鼓勵,應 該推廣。 中國南海局勢愈來愈複雜。主要是美國插手,日菲越攪局, 對各國不同的心態做了分析。 時間真快,中美論壇完成第100期,即將進入第二個百期,期盼讀者繼 續鞭策,繼續支持。 Dr. Wordman 陳憲中, e-mail: [email protected] h 100 保釣運動及亞太事務專刊 社務委員:劉 冰 張紹遷 周友道 傅建烈 水秉和 張一飛 陳立家 陳憲中 馬在莊 佟秉宇 張文基 范湘濤 兼社長 文稿言論不代表本報立場,文責自負。 ◎李義強 2015614日至615日世界華 人保釣聯盟在福建廈門召開兩天的 紀念抗日勝利七十周年民間保釣運 動發展研討,及世界華人保釣聯盟 年會,並在年會結束後全體參會人 員一起在廈門書法廣場舉辦了一場 戶外圖片宣傳展。 開幕式由世界華人保釣聯盟秘書 長李義強主持, 首先進行的是紀念 抗戰勝利七十周年圖片展及座談 會。大家分別就70年來抗戰和保釣 之間的關聯做了一個論述。 日本戰 敗後,未落實《開羅宣言》及《波 茨坦公告》的條款,釣魚島爭端是 二戰遺留問題。與會的美國分會顧 問姚會元女士認為,二戰已經結束 七十年了,但還有很多遺留問題沒 有解決,時間不等人了,我們應該 更積極的投入遺留問題的解決,我 們必須要求日本正式承認戰爭罪 責,並對罪行提出道歉及賠償。 這次座談會上首次有美國友人參 加並發言:他回顧二戰中美兩國並 肩作戰,為二戰勝利奠定基礎的歷 史,並肯定了釣魚島屬於中國的事 實。 座談會有幸邀請到著名的國際海 洋法專家傅成教授作主講嘉賓。 傅教授長期關注民間保釣運動,支 持民間保釣運動,傅教授生於臺 灣,上世紀九十年代曾經在臺灣啟 動釣魚島漂流瓶行動,用實際行動 實踐了保衛釣魚島的理念。 他在百忙中接受了我們的邀請, 到場後,即席發表演說,首先對民 間保釣運動在保衛釣魚島的作用給 予肯定,他從國際法學角度,闡述 了民間保釣長期在釣魚島海域抗爭 的行為,為解決釣魚島問題贏得了 時間和空間。之後傅教授還和與會 人員進行了互動,大家爭先提出各 種法學問題,包括領土爭端有無時 效問題,中國為何不參加國際仲 裁,琉球獨立會不會影響釣魚島領 土爭端,《開羅宣言》及《波茨坦 公告》有沒有條約效力……等等問 題,傅教授都一一耐心解答,使會 場氣氛空前活躍。 這次活動的會場就設在戶外,六 月的廈門天氣特別炎熱,所有參會 人員都沒有怨言。下午三點會議正 常進行,進入第二個議題:民間保 釣運動發展的現狀及前景。 首先由世界華人保釣聯盟會長黃 錫麟做會前發言。黃會長參與民間 保釣運動近二十年,對民間保釣運 動的發展過程深有體會,他從切身 經驗談了民間保釣運動的看法。香 港、澳門、大陸及美國等地的與會 者都談了對民間保釣運動發展的看 法,基本歸納如下: 第一:民間保釣運動目前的現 狀。 民間保釣運動發展從四十年前的 街頭抗議,及文宣筆伐到90年代的 出海抗爭一直延續到2012年,因政 2人、美國:4人、大陸16人 這次年會除世保成員外,還邀請 了大陸愛國陣線的朋友一起參與了 這次活動 。 世界華人保釣聯盟秘書長李義強 供稿。2015年6月29日 府直接出手釣魚島問題,使民間保釣 運動處於一個轉型階段。 第二:如何重新定位民間保釣運 動。 以前的抗爭是推動政府解決釣魚島 問題,目前政府已經站在釣魚島問題 的第一線,民間保釣應該注重輔助性 及宣傳性。 第三:民間保釣運動和政府之間的 關係。 政府之前壓制民間保釣活動,到目 前開始默許保釣運動,民間和政府之 間關係及互動出現了微妙轉變。 第四:探索如何發揮民間保釣運動 的作用和功能。 發揮好民間保釣運動在解決釣魚島 過程中的作用,輔助政府做不足及不 方便的地方,積極提醒和督促政府完 善釣魚島問題的相關事情。 第五:民間保釣運動和整個愛國運 動之間的關聯。 民間保釣運動是整個愛國運動中的 重要組成部分, 與民間其它愛國運 動力量,應多溝通聯繫。 615日早上,世界華人保釣聯盟 年會正式召開,首先由黃錫麟會長做 年度工作總結報告,之後分別由,陳 憲中副會長對世保工作的報告,香港 陳妙德副會長做香港工作報告,、澳 門伍錫堯副會長做澳門工作報告、美 國分會秘書長吳軍做美國分會工作報 告、大陸分會做工作報告,最後由秘 書長做今年度工作計畫,並進行審 議。大家對加大推動教育部實施關於 教科書裡關於釣魚島內容的增補科 目、完善內容、修正言辭等的議題進 行討論,一致通過將繼續上書教育 部,參會者簽名一併上呈教育部。 15號下午,在廈門海邊的書法廣場 舉行《紀念抗戰勝利七十周年及釣魚 島圖片展》。所有與會人員一起參與 了一場戶外宣傳活動, 現場還發放 了宣傳單,並與參觀者交流互動。 今年是《世界華人保釣聯盟》四周 年,這次參加會議的人數及涵蓋的地 域都有所增加。各地參加人員如下: 臺灣:6人、香港:5人、澳門: 2015617日,河北省保定市博 物館前,人頭攢動。來自全國各地 的五百多名書畫名家和各界名流聚 集于此,為了參加由世界華人保釣 聯盟大陸分會舉辦的"紀念抗戰勝利 七十周年暨保釣書畫展"把抗戰勝利紀念活動和保釣活動 放在一起來辦,在中國大陸尚屬首 次。以書畫展的形式來展示保釣和 抗戰主題,這也是首次。創造這兩 個首次的人,是個敦實的冀北漢 ——陳福樂。他還有兩個身份: 世界華人保釣聯盟理事、大陸分會 會長,全國首家保釣實體店的店 長。 民間保釣在中國大陸已經有十多 年的歷史,而真正為民眾所廣泛知 道是從2005年開始。在更長的時間 裡,中國民間保釣一直在一個低水 準的狀態下艱難進行。艱難的原因 有很多,具體的表現就是出海宣示 主權被壓制,大型活動無法舉辦。 2012年日本政府演出購島鬧劇,8月 15日世界華人保釣聯盟從香港出海 ,並成功登陸釣魚島。政府的介入 使事情出現了轉機,有關釣魚島的 新聞開始頻繁出現在各種媒體,民 間保釣的生存空間逐漸改善。如何 利用這個時機,提高和改善中國民 間保釣運動的地位和形象,是許多 保釣有志之士的一個重要課題。 保釣書畫展就是這個新形勢下的 產物。 事情的開始是艱難的,因為之前 從來沒有人這樣做過,陳福樂也是 非富非貴的平頭老百姓。但中國人 的血是熱的,只要是為國家、為民 族,每個人都願意盡自己所能做些 事情。於是參與進來的人越來愈 多。保定市群藝館、方正書畫院、 河南毛體書法協會、景文書畫院、 中國書畫院、世保商貿有限公司陸 續加入並全力支持此次活動。更多 的人加入進來:書法家、政府官 員、學者、教授、退役軍官、影視 製片人.....每一個加入者都激情澎 湃,豪情萬丈。都有一個共同的信 "紀念抗戰偉大勝利,保衛神聖國 土釣魚島"一切都在有條不紊的進行。高藝 術水準的作品不斷彙集到書畫展籌備 組。現年102歲的王定國女士,中國 社會活動家、革命家謝覺哉的夫人。 不顧年高體邁,仍然奮筆疾書,在五 月寫下"抗戰勝利"大字,送給書畫 展。中國毛體書法協會主席、毛澤東 主席的侄孫毛世霖,周恩來總理的侄 孫周秉和也寄來了書法作品.....等,不勝枚舉。各地書畫名家、社會 名流陸續以各種方式積極參與此次活 動。 場地!當越來越多的高品質作品 彙集此次書畫展,展館場地就顯得緊 張起來。2015年是抗戰勝利七十周 年,計畫內場地-保定博物館,因為 要隨時準備各種紀念活動,場地原則 不對外出租。經過熱心人士協調,博 物館在收取一定費用的情況下提供場 地。但場地還是不夠,這時方正書畫 院主動為這次書畫展提供第二場館。 617日,保釣書畫展在保定博物 館順利開幕。五百多位書畫名家、社 會名流出席開幕式並剪綵。世界華人 保釣聯盟會長黃錫麟先生為此次書畫 展致辭。下午,"紀念抗戰勝利七十 周年暨保釣"座談會在書畫展第二展 館方正書畫院成功舉行,愛國志士踴 躍發言,各抒己見。"愛國、保釣、 國家利益至上、民族利益至上、為祖 國多盡一份心、多盡一份力"貫穿始 終,達成共識。 在接下來的時間裡,書畫展舉辦 方緊扣愛國主義的主題,安排大家參 觀了保定軍校、直隸總督府、冉莊地 道戰遺址等風景名 勝。18日晚的答謝 晚宴上,世界華人 保釣聯盟副會長陳 憲中老先生這樣說 道:"本人參與保釣 四十餘年,此次盛 會在中國大陸不敢 說絕後,但絕對空 前!"後記: 其實,中國民間 保釣的道路還很曲 折,雖然此次書畫 展空前成功,但鄰 In a previous column, the terms of "Harmony", "Hegemony" and "Quasi-Hegemony" were used to broadly describe the strategic approaches a great nation, such as the U.S., Russia or China, adopts to gain global influence and leadership. The harmony approach relies on a nation's soft power (culture, trade, diplomacy, and even marriage) and the hegemony approach simply depends on a nation's military and economical strength. What I did not specifically state in my previous article was that the deviations from the two approaches actually define a spectrum of foreign policies extending from harmony to quasi-harmony to quasi-hegemony to hegemony. Not surprisingly, a reader queried me specific world events and how they may fit in the above spectrum of policies. This query is timely since such an exercise using specific examples will definitely clarify the above strategies practiced by global leaders. Today's column is a response to the reader's request. As we know, the ending of WW II terminated Germany's and Japan's Fascism and their imperialistic ambitions. Clearly both Germany and Japan practiced a hegemony strategy with the intent to conquer half of the world. The post-war world, despite of the effort of establishing the United Nation, evolved unfortunately into two camps centered on two ideologies, capitalism versus communism, led by the U.S. and the Soviet Union respectively. The two nations each was vying for global leadership. The Soviet Union, was essentially practicing "hegemony" till her collapse , caused mainly by her crushing economy not military weakness. Her collapse in 1990 is a testimony to the fact that the hegemony practice is unsustainable. Hegemony requires a forever sustained strong economy, comparable to or greater than the economy of the rest of the world, to succeed. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia seems to be adopting a quasi- hegemony strategy attempting to use her natural resources as her soft power. On the other hand, the U.S., the organizer of NATO, had been essentially practicing 'quasi-hegemony' using her soft power and military might to offer economic as well as military aid to other nations to gain global influence. The U.S. did attain her superpower and world leader status; however, the world is still far from being in order. The Middle East turmoil, the reaction to the expansion of NATO and especially the consequence of Pivot to Asia all seem to challenge the U.S. and her foreign policies. Should the U.S. tune her foreign policy in the hegemony-harmony spectrum? Before we answer the above question in view of the current events such as the rising tension in the South China Sea, let us use the Vietnam War and Sino-Vietnam-U.S. relations to clarify the notion of harmony to hegemony as a spectrum of foreign policies. During and Post WW II, France fought the first Indochina war resisting the revolutionary force Viet Minh which was supported by China (both Kuomintang (KMT) and later Chinese Communist Party (CCP)) and the Soviet Union. There were significant number of Chinese (soldiers and merchants retreated from China as Japan was advancing into China) - Vietnamese (local citizens) marriages that had alarmed the French. Although the international-marriages were not consummated under official policy but in reality it resembled the ancient Chinese “harmony” approach towards neighboring states. The French were eventually defeated in 1954. Then the U.S. stepped in to counter the spread of communism in Indochina by aiding the South Vietnam government against the communist Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). The US involvement eventually turned into the Vietnam War (1955-1975). The United States initially provided aids and assistance to South Vietnam (which was consistent with a quasi-harmony foreign policy) to resist North Vietnam supported by the Soviet and China. The U.S. did not learn from the experience of the Korean War (another quasi-hegemony policy) and decided to engage in the Vietnam War with US military forces (a switch from a quasi-harmony to a quasi-hegemony policy). The 20 year Vietnam War was very bitter and controversial and the U.S. eventually withdrew from the war without any gain. North Vietnam finally united with the South. In 1949, the CCP successfully took control of Mainland China from the KMT and was a member of the Soviet block with a treaty of alliances signed by Stalin and Mao. Initially, China was an ally of the communist Viet Cong and NVA supporting their revolution to gain independence. As time went on, the CCP experienced the failures of communism herself eventually splitting from the Soviet block in 1960s (reaction to the Soviet's hegemony behavior). Then Vietnam switched her reliance on China to the Soviet during the US-Vietnam war (The Soviet was conducting a quasi-hegemony policy regarding Vietnam). As the war was dragging on without a clear end, the U.S. gradually understood the pivoting role China could play in her quest fighting the Soviet Union. She then adopted a harmony approach toward China (from economic sanction to rapprochement). Nixon's visit to China in 1972 till formal recognition of China in 1979 and letting China into the West Economy with the purpose of aligning with China against the Soviet are the crux of the 'Harmony' policy. China did play a role in helping ending the US-Vietnam war. Eventually, the U.S. pulled out of South Vietnam and North Vietnam successfully united with the South. This result basically concluded that neither the U.S. nor the Soviet quasi-hegemony approach in Indochina was successful. The Sino-Vietnam relation goes back several hundred years BC. Chinese domination over Indochina was through 'harmony' approach which had been adopted by almost all Chinese dynasties towards her small neighbors. In the early history, the states in Indochina essentially maintained a suzerainty relation with China, that is, they make tributes (often token since they receive back more gifts from Chinese emperors) to China to get China's recognition and protection. However, the Chinese influence in Indochina ended in 1884 when she lost a war to France and was forced to sign a treaty ceding the domination of Vietnam and other Indochinese nations \ to France. Although during and post-WW II, China did lend support (a quasi-harmony approach) to Vietnam's revolution to gain independence from France, her later split from Soviet Union induced the Soviet to replace China by engaging a quasi- hegemony policy towards the communist North Vietnam, but in the end, without being able to control Vietnam. Vietnam historically had territory dispute with neighboring states including China over their borders and over the islands in the South China Sea. In 1958, North Vietnam accepted China's claim over the Paracel Islands. In 1974, a battle over the Paracels with South Vietnam ended with China's total control of the Paracels, but today Vietnam still has disputes with China over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. Even a small country like Vietnam may adopt a hegemony policy towards neighbors as seen from the Cambodia war and invasion into Laos by the Vietnamese. Perhaps inflamed by their success in winning two major wars against France and the U.S. and emboldened by witnessing the devastating turmoil of the Cultural Revolution in China, Vietnam began instigating border incidences and capturing border territory. However, in February 1979, China, under the leadership of Deng Xiao-ping, launched an offensive in response to Vietnam's 1978 invasion and occupation of Cambodia (which ended the rule of the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge). The '29 day war' was China's carefully orchestrated punitive mission against Vietnam's hegemony act towards Cambodia, Laos and China. China won the battles, recovered some strategic border areas occupied by the Vietnamese and smartly withdrew and ended the war before the weather became a disadvantage to the Chinese army. The war quenched the ambition of Vietnam though it failed to dispel the Vietnamese from occupying Cambodia. The border conflicts persisted till 1990 when the Soviet Union was collapsing; Vietnam withdrew from Cambodia and then the Sino-Vietnam relation gradually returned to normal. The current US pivot to Asia Pacific policy (a quasi hegemony policy) stirred up a new round of tension in South China Sea not only between Vietnam and China but also among all Asian nations. In the previous column, we warned that the U.S. seems to be shifting her AP policy from quasi-hegemony to hegemony by revising military treaty with Japan and encouraging arms race in Asia against China. We hope the above case analysis of the Vietnam War and the related consequences will provide food for thought – shifting from hegemony to harmony has better chance to succeed than the other direction. Ifay Chang. Ph.D. Producer/Host, Community Education - Scrammble Game Show, Weekly TV Columnist, www.us-chinaforum.org . Trustee, Somers Central School District ! US-Vietnam War, Sino-Vietnam-US Relations and South China Sea Mainstream and Organic Dr. Wordman 活動記實 世界華人保釣聯盟在廈門書法廣場舉辦了一場紀念抗日七十周年及民間保 釣運動圖片宣傳展。 世界華人保釣聯盟在福建廈門召開,秘書長李義強作工作報告。 近開展也遇到了莫名的阻力,後果 是主要贊助商毀約、一些有社會地 位和影響力的朋友無法正常出席。 最終堅持下來贊助聊聊無幾:一畝 泉酒業有限公司(156瓶白酒)、保 定浙江商會(RMB10000元)、澳門 運 輸 及 金 屬 有 限 公 司 ( RMB20000 元)、保釣網友張宗博(RMB5000 元)、世保商貿有限公司(全力支 持)。導致此次書畫展出現巨額虧 空。錢是虧空了,但活動還是很成 功的。 鑒於當前的國際環境,釣魚島回 歸中國的道路還很漫長。只要釣魚 島一日不回,民間保釣的仁人志士 都會矢志不渝。 梁智(本名 謝少杰),1980年生 於河南長葛。社會公益活動實踐 者。世界華人保釣聯盟大陸分會理 事。長葛市禁毒協會副會長。 紀念抗戰勝利七十周年暨保釣書畫展側記 ◎梁 智 觀百年歷史 我們從屈辱中走出 謀民族振興 我們從拼搏中走來 《紀念抗戰勝利七十周年暨保釣書畫展》在河北省 保定市博物館隆重揭幕。 陳福樂是本次《紀念抗戰勝利七 十周年暨保釣書畫展》的推手。

紀念抗戰勝利七十周年暨保釣書畫展側記 · 抗戰勝利七十周年圖片展及座談 會。大家分別就70年來抗戰和保釣 之間的關聯做了一個論述。

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Page 1: 紀念抗戰勝利七十周年暨保釣書畫展側記 · 抗戰勝利七十周年圖片展及座談 會。大家分別就70年來抗戰和保釣 之間的關聯做了一個論述。


今年一個比較不尋常的活動,就是在河北保定舉辦的保釣書畫展,把保釣運動結合書畫展覽綁在一起推廣出去。這次在現場看到的情況超乎想像,原來中國到處有書畫會。這次參加的人超過300人,各省市地區的團體不下30個,大家像趕廟會似的 興高采烈,熱鬧非凡,比起一般的抗戰或保釣乾巴巴的展覽,簡直不可同日而語。這種方式的活動應該鼓勵,應該推廣。



Dr. Wordman

陳憲中, e-mail: [email protected]


公平,良心知識分子的園地,歡迎來稿投書和回響,作者文責自負,請留真實姓名,地址,電話,不改稿,不退稿,不付稿 酬 , 所 有 稿 件 及 信 函 , 請 email至 [email protected]




社務委員:劉 冰 張紹遷 周友道 傅建烈 水秉和 張一飛 陳立家 陳憲中 馬在莊 佟秉宇 張文基 范湘濤 兼社長




開幕式由世界華人保釣聯盟秘書長李義強主持, 首先進行的是紀念抗戰勝利七十周年圖片展及座談會。大家分別就70年來抗戰和保釣之間的關聯做了一個論述。 日本戰敗後,未落實《開羅宣言》及《波茨坦公告》的條款,釣魚島爭端是二戰遺留問題。與會的美國分會顧問姚會元女士認為,二戰已經結束七十年了,但還有很多遺留問題沒有解決,時間不等人了,我們應該更積極的投入遺留問題的解決,我們必須要求日本正式承認戰爭罪責,並對罪行提出道歉及賠償。











了大陸愛國陣線的朋友一起參與了這次活動 。

世界華人保釣聯盟秘書長李義強 供稿。2015年6月29日









民間保釣運動是整個愛國運動中的重要組成部分, 與民間其它愛國運動力量,應多溝通聯繫。


15號下午,在廈門海邊的書法廣場舉行《紀念抗戰勝利七十周年及釣魚島圖片展》。所有與會人員一起參與了一場戶外宣傳活動, 現場還發放了宣傳單,並與參觀者交流互動。





民間保釣在中國大陸已經有十多年的歷史,而真正為民眾所廣泛知道是從2005年開始。在更長的時間裡,中國民間保釣一直在一個低水準的狀態下艱難進行。艱難的原因有很多,具體的表現就是出海宣示主權被壓制,大型活動無法舉辦。2012年日本政府演出購島鬧劇,8月15日世界華人保釣聯盟從香港出海 ,並成功登陸釣魚島。政府的介入使事情出現了轉機,有關釣魚島的新聞開始頻繁出現在各種媒體,民間保釣的生存空間逐漸改善。如何利用這個時機,提高和改善中國民間保釣運動的地位和形象,是許多保釣有志之士的一個重要課題。










In a previous column, the terms of "Harmony", "Hegemony" and "Quasi-Hegemony" were used to broadly describe the strategic approaches a great nation, such as the U.S., Russia or China, adopts to gain global influence and leadership. The harmony approach relies on a nation's soft power (culture, trade, diplomacy, and even marriage) and the hegemony approach simply depends on a nation's military and economical strength. What I did not specifically state in my previous article was that the deviations from the two approaches actually define a spectrum of foreign policies extending from harmony to quasi-harmony to quasi-hegemony to hegemony. Not surprisingly, a reader queried me specific world events and how they may fit in the above spectrum of policies. This query is timely since such an exercise using specific examples will definitely clarify the above strategies practiced by global leaders. Today's column is a response to the reader's request.

As we know, the ending of WW II terminated Germany's and Japan's Fascism and their imperialistic ambitions. Clearly both Germany and Japan practiced a hegemony strategy with the intent to conquer half of the world. The post-war world, despite of the effort of establishing the United Nation, evolved unfortunately into two camps centered on two ideologies, capitalism versus communism, led by the U.S. and the Soviet Union respectively. The two nations each was vying for global leadership. The Soviet Union, was essentially practicing "hegemony" till her collapse , caused mainly by her crushing economy not military weakness. Her collapse in 1990 is a testimony to the fact that the hegemony practice is unsustainable. Hegemony requires a forever sustained strong economy, comparable to or greater than the economy of the rest of the world, to succeed. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia seems to be adopting a quasi-hegemony strategy attempting to use her natural resources as her soft power. On the other hand, the U.S., the organizer of NATO, had been essentially practicing 'quasi-hegemony' using her soft power and military might to offer economic as well as military aid to other nations to gain global influence. The U.S. did attain her superpower and world leader status; however, the world is still far from being in order. The Middle East turmoil, the reaction to the expansion of NATO and especially the consequence of Pivot to Asia all seem to challenge the U.S. and her foreign policies. Should the U.S. tune her foreign policy in the hegemony-harmony spectrum?

Before we answer the above question in view of the current events such as the rising tension in the South China Sea, let us use the Vietnam War and Sino-Vietnam-U.S. relations to clarify the notion of harmony to hegemony as a spectrum of foreign policies.

During and Post WW II, France fought the first Indochina war resisting the revolutionary force Viet Minh which was supported by China (both Kuomintang (KMT) and later Chinese Communist Party (CCP)) and the Soviet Union. There were significant number of Chinese (soldiers and merchants retreated from China as Japan was advancing into China) - Vietnamese (local citizens) marriages that had alarmed the French. Although the international-marriages were not consummated under official policy but in reality it resembled the ancient Chinese “harmony” approach towards neighboring states. The French were eventually defeated in 1954. Then the U.S. stepped in to counter the spread of communism in Indochina by aiding the South Vietnam government against the communist Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). The US involvement eventually turned into the Vietnam War (1955-1975). The United States initially provided aids and assistance to South Vietnam (which was consistent with a quasi-harmony foreign policy) to resist North Vietnam supported by the Soviet and China. The U.S. did not learn from the experience of the Korean War (another quasi-hegemony policy) and decided to engage in the Vietnam War with US military forces (a switch from a quasi-harmony to a quasi-hegemony policy). The 20 year Vietnam War was very bitter and controversial and the U.S. eventually withdrew from the war without any gain. North Vietnam finally united with the South.

In 1949, the CCP successfully took control of Mainland China from the KMT and was a member of the Soviet block with a treaty of alliances signed by Stalin and Mao. Initially, China was an ally of the communist Viet Cong and NVA supporting their revolution to gain independence. As time went on, the CCP experienced the failures of communism herself eventually splitting from the Soviet block in 1960s (reaction to the Soviet's hegemony behavior). Then Vietnam switched her reliance on China to the Soviet during the US-Vietnam war (The Soviet was conducting a quasi-hegemony policy regarding Vietnam). As the war was dragging on without a clear end, the U.S. gradually understood the pivoting role China could play in her quest fighting the Soviet Union. She then adopted a harmony approach toward China (from economic sanction to rapprochement). Nixon's visit to China in 1972 till formal recognition of China in 1979 and letting China into the West Economy with the purpose of aligning with China against the Soviet are the crux of the 'Harmony' policy. China did play a role in helping ending the US-Vietnam war. Eventually, the U.S. pulled out of South Vietnam and North Vietnam successfully united with the South. This result basically concluded that

neither the U.S. nor the Soviet quasi-hegemony approach in Indochina was successful.The Sino-Vietnam relation goes back several hundred years BC. Chinese

domination over Indochina was through 'harmony' approach which had been adopted by almost all Chinese dynasties towards her small neighbors. In the early history, the states in Indochina essentially maintained a suzerainty relation with China, that is, they make tributes (often token since they receive back more gifts from Chinese emperors) to China to get China's recognition and protection. However, the Chinese influence in Indochina ended in 1884 when she lost a war to France and was forced to sign a treaty ceding the domination of Vietnam and other Indochinese nations \ to France. Although during and post-WW II, China did lend support (a quasi-harmony approach) to Vietnam's revolution to gain independence from France, her later split from Soviet Union induced the Soviet to replace China by engaging a quasi-hegemony policy towards the communist North Vietnam, but in the end, without being able to control Vietnam.

Vietnam historically had territory dispute with neighboring states including China over their borders and over the islands in the South China Sea. In 1958, North Vietnam accepted China's claim over the Paracel Islands. In 1974, a battle over the Paracels with South Vietnam ended with China's total control of the Paracels, but today Vietnam still has disputes with China over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. Even a small country like Vietnam may adopt a hegemony policy towards neighbors as seen from the Cambodia war and invasion into Laos by the Vietnamese. Perhaps inflamed by their success in winning two major wars against France and the U.S. and emboldened by witnessing the devastating turmoil of the Cultural Revolution in China, Vietnam began instigating border incidences and capturing border territory. However, in February 1979, China, under the leadership of Deng Xiao-ping, launched an offensive in response to Vietnam's 1978 invasion and occupation of Cambodia (which ended the rule of the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge). The '29 day war' was China's carefully orchestrated punitive mission against Vietnam's hegemony act towards Cambodia, Laos and China. China won the battles, recovered some strategic border areas occupied by the Vietnamese and smartly withdrew and ended the war before the weather became a disadvantage to the Chinese army. The war quenched the ambition of Vietnam though it failed to dispel the Vietnamese from occupying Cambodia. The border conflicts persisted till 1990 when the Soviet Union was collapsing; Vietnam withdrew from Cambodia and then the Sino-Vietnam relation gradually returned to normal.

The current US pivot to Asia Pacific policy (a quasi hegemony policy) stirred up a new round of tension in South China Sea not only between Vietnam and China but also among all Asian nations. In the previous column, we warned that the U.S. seems to be shifting her AP policy from quasi-hegemony to hegemony by revising military treaty with Japan and encouraging arms race in Asia against China. We hope the above case analysis of the Vietnam War and the related consequences will provide food for thought – shifting from hegemony to harmony has better chance to succeed than the other direction.Ifay Chang. Ph.D. Producer/Host, Community Education - Scrammble Game Show, Weekly TV Columnist, www.us-chinaforum.org . Trustee, Somers Central School District


US-Vietnam War, Sino-Vietnam-US Relations and South China Sea Mainstream and Organic

Dr. Wordman


















附圖: (2008年 8月 17日沖繩《沖繩時




徐 勇



梁智(本名 謝少杰),1980年生於河南長葛。社會公益活動實踐者。世界華人保釣聯盟大陸分會理事。長葛市禁毒協會副會長。

徐 勇

紀念抗戰勝利七十周年暨保釣書畫展側記◎梁 智觀百年歷史 我們從屈辱中走出

謀民族振興 我們從拼搏中走來

