Chapter 11 Section 3

Chapter 11 Section 3. Archipelago Shinto Prince Shotoku Lady Murasaki Shikibu Koryo Dynasty

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Chapter 11 Section 3

Archipelago Shinto Prince Shotoku Lady Murasaki Shikibu Koryo Dynasty

Nippon- land of the rising sun

Sits on western edge of the Pacific Ocean.

Thousands of islands Hokkaido, Honshu,

Shikoku, Kyushu Archipelago- large

island chain Stretches 1500 miles Lie on the Ring of

Fire• Zone of volcanoes

and earthquakes

Tsunamis- monster waves

Typhoons in late summer early autumn

Terrain is rugged Small part suitable

for farming Most people live in

river valleys and coastal plains

Sea for food and transportation

Protected and isolated the island

Korea 100 miles away

China 400 miles away

Japan never invaded until World War II

Migrated from Asian mainland

Hunters and gatherers

Ainu- one of Japan’s earliest cultures

Clans and extended families ruled villages

Kami- natural spirits people worshipped

Shinto- religion is the way of the Kami

Everything in nature has a Kami (spirit)

No sacred text or structure

People build shrines to Kami

Torii-red gateway marks entrance

Amatrerasu- most revered Kami

Japan’s first emperor was a grandson of the sun goddess

The emperor belonged to the Yamato clan

Other clans gained power , emperor stayed

Korean Influences Most originated in

China Korean scribes

introduced Chinese writing

Japanese did not have a written language

Adopted Chinese writing

Chinese Influences Prince Shokotu

- helped spread Buddhism to Japan

Shokotu- admired China

Sent scholars to learn from China

200 years missionaries went to China under the Tang dynasty

Chinese fashions, foods, and tea were popular

Japanese adopted Confucian ideas about family

Adopted Tang ideas • Strong bureaucracy• Code of law• Japan resisted civil


Japan resisted civil service

Nobles held high offices

Tang dynasty declines Japan stops mission to China

Used what they learned to create their own unique culture and society

749 capitol moved to Heian (Kyoto)

794-1185 Nobles lived in

beautiful palaces Gardening, art,

poetry Nobles “dwellers

among the clouds”

Rules of etiquette for court, behavior, and dress

Women 12 layer gowns

Writing letters was an art form

Women enjoyed writing and reading

Women produced literature

Lady Murasaki Shikibu• 1100 wrote Tale of

Genji• World’s first length


This family controlled Japan during Heian

Rich landowners challenged them

Peninsula south of Asian mainland

Open to invasion Both

China and Korea would dominate over time

Geography• Rugged mountains • Little agriculture

Nomads Formed clans China influenced

culture Han dynasty

colonized part of Korea

Confucianism Chinese writing Buddhism


Silla allied with China for control

Silla then defeated China in Korea

Silla’s rulers paid tribute to China

Silla• Promoted Buddhism• Created central


Basis for the word Korea

Lasted until 1392 Adopted Chinese

ideas But maintained

distinct features Koryo adopted civil

service Only for nobles

Culture thrived Celadon- blue green

glaze on pottery Carved 80,000 wooded

blocks for printing Koreans created

movable metal type 1200 Mongols invade 1392 found a new
