civ pro MNT MR

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  • 7/25/2019 civ pro MNT MR


    RULE 37 - MNT, MR


    Grounds 1) FAME 2) Newly Discovered Evidence 1) Award of Excessive Damages

    Fraud which ordinary prudence -which the aggrieved party could not 2) Insufficiency of evidence to justify the decision

    Accident could not have guarded against and with reasonable diligence , or final order

    Misktake by reason of which have discovered or produced 3) Decision/ Final order is contrary to law

    Excus able Negli gence aggrieved party was prob ably impaired of his rights at the trialwhich would probably alter the result

    -extr insic or c ol la rera l - fortuitious ev ent,

    -refers to such acts that circumstances or REQS:

    prevents a party from -event happening 1) Evidence is discovered after trial

    having a trial/presnting without any human agency 2) such could not have been discovered and

    his case - is an event which under produced at the trial with reasonable diligence

    -refers to all kinds of the circumstances is 3) Evidence is material

    deception: unusual or unexpected -NOT cummulative

    insidious machination, by the person to whom corroborative, or

    manipulation it happens impeaching,

    co nce lm en t E X. Si ckn es s, an d i s o f s uch w ei gh t t hat , i f ad mi tt ed ,

    mirepresentation lack of notice -sent to could probably change the judgment

    that leads another party another address

    to error

    -does not include

    INTRINSIC fraud- acts ofa pary at trial that

    prevents fair detrmination

    (perjury, falsification)

    -unitentional -excusable

    a ct , omiss ion,or er ror omiss ion to do something

    arising from ignorance, which a reasonable man would do

    surprise, imposition, or guided by those considerations

    misplaced confidence which ordinairaly regulate the conduct of human affiants,

    - mi st ak e o f f act - o r t he re as on ab le d oi ng o f s ome th in g

    not of law which a prudent or reasonable man would not do

    Ex. Fa ilur e to a nswer - fa ilur e of par ty or counsel

    he believed it was EX. Non submission on time because of distance

    unnecssary bec. Of a travelled

    compromise agreementHo w fi le d: i n w ri ti ng

    C ontents sta ting the ground/s,

    written notice shall be served by movant on the adverse party

    -supported by affidavits of merit supported by - should point out specifically

    which may be rebutted by affidavits -affidavits of witnesses by whom such evidence the findings/ Conclusions not supported by evidence or contrary to law

    is expected to be given or - making express reference to tesitimonial/documentary evidence or

    -duly authenticated docs whicr are proposed to be provisions alleged to contrary to such findings or conclusions


    IF NOT :

    motion is consdiered PRO FORMA MOTION - it does not toll the regelementary period of appeal

    - motion w/o notice of hearing and proof of service ---> has the same effect

    Court may either : Court may


    MISTAKE Excusable Negligence

    IF MNT is filed, what ensues? If MR is filed, what ensues?

    IF MNT - FAME if MNT - NDE

    Motion for New Trial Motion for Reconsiderationmay be filed within the priod of taking an appeal

    if MR

  • 7/25/2019 civ pro MNT MR


    Amend its J/FO

    if denied, another motion be filed, Effects: -no 2nd MR is allowed of

    if it is based on a ground a) original order / judgment is vacated J/ FO

    NOT EXISTING NOR AVAILABLE b) action shall stand trial de novo - if subject is not J/FO

    when the first motion was filed c) recorded evidence, which does not dispose of the case completely

    -OMR - it should include all grounds the availabe, insofar as material or competent but leave something more to be done upon its merits,

    as those not included are deemed waived to establish the issues, 2nd MR may be allowed

    shall be used at the new trial -2nd MR is a prohibited pleading

    without need to retake them. does not toll running of regelemetary pd

    to file appeal

    Periods resolving the motion

    1) MTC/ RTC - 30 days from time it submitted for resolution

    2) CA - 60 days after it declare it submiitted for resolution

    3) SC - no period is prescribed


    deny grant a new trial (set aside the J/FO) deny