CLASSIFICATION Prior Knowledge What is a species? Why are dogs and cats in different species? Group Activity: paper and pencil –Go to your lab group. –Take

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  • CLASSIFICATION Prior Knowledge What is a species? Why are dogs and cats in different species? Group Activity: paper and pencil Go to your lab group. Take off one of your shoes. Group shoes according to characteristics. ex. athletic, dress
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  • CLASSIFICATION SHOES Athletic DressCasual Every shoe should be described individually with the persons name it belongs to.
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  • SHOE CLASSIFICATION How did you first classify the shoes? As the groups got bigger, did the divisions change? What are some other things that are categorized or organized into classes or groups? ex. grocery stores
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  • How Living Things Are Classified START VIDEO (20 min.)
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  • Naming Organisms Why do we need to name organisms? What is the name of this organism? Why do scientist not want to use common names?
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  • The common name of many animals can be misleading. Ceylon frogmouth (Batrachostomus moniliger) is a bird. Killer whales (Orcinus orca ) are not whales, but dolphins.
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  • Flying fish (Parezocoetus mesogaster) do not fly, but glide. Galliwasp (Diploglassus lessorae) is not a wasp but a lizard.
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  • Why do scientist not use common names? Confusing more than one common name Misleading starfish is not a fish Why use a scientific name? There is only one scientific name Felis concolor Classifying Living Things NOTES:
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  • Read pg. 300 - 304 What language is used for the scientific naming? Latin ex. "E Pluribus Unum = one out of many or of many, oneE Pluribus Unum Since 1873, the law requires that this motto appear on one side of every United States coin that is minted. What are the 2 parts of the scientific name? Genus (Latin for group) species general description exact kind organisms share a major only 1 kind of organism characteristicwithin a genus Scientific Name
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  • Species name = describes the appearance or distribution of an organism. Taxonomy : Science of the naming and classifying organisms.
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  • Recognizing Relationships Tell me something about each of these organisms. Carnegiea gigantea Nymphaea odorata Canis familiaris Peromyscus californicus Viola tricolor giant saguaro cactus fragrant water lily domestic dog common California mouse three color pansy
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  • Genus + species names should be used when referring to an organism. Species name alone is not enough. Drosophila melanogaster is a fruit fly. Thamnophis melanogaster is a garter snake.
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  • What is the correct way to write the scientific name? drosophila melanogaster Drosophila melanogaster D. melanogaster Why are scientific names in Latin? 1.The language does not change. 2.Its tradition. Universal 3.Dont have to rename millions of species. Read pg. 301 * Always capitalize the Genus and not the species.
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  • He improved the system of naming plants and animals by a two word name to identify the genus and species. binomial nomenclature Carolus Linnaeus (1707 1778), a Swedish botanist whose original name was Carl von Linne.
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  • Matter of Fact: How many species are there ? No one really knows how many species exist. Estimates of the total number of species vary from 3 - 30 million to 10 100 million, depending on the source. Taxonomists estimate that only 1.5 to 1.8 million species have been identified, but there are no central archives. Sea creatures found after 2005 Tsunami hit.
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  • Worksheet: Writing the Scientific Names of Animals WorksheetWorksheet and KeyKey
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  • Read pg. 302 Classifying Organisms Today taxonomist classify organisms based on: physical similarities genetic similarities biochemical similarities behavioral similarities Kingdom - Phylum - Class - Order - Family - Genus Species - continent country state county city street house 7 Classification Groups rKids/classification/classification.htm
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  • K ing P hillip C ried O ut F or G ood S oup K ingdom P hylum C lass O rder F amily G enus S pecies To help you remember the seven classification groups in order, remember this sentence:
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  • Notice how 1 Kingdom will have many phyla. A phylum will have many classes One Kingdom will have 1000s of species in it.
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  • From the chart below, fill in the missing classifications.
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  • Mammalia Plantae Primata FelidaeCanidae Homo sapiens Homo sapien Panthera
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  • Read pg. 305 - SPECIES What is the definition of a biological species? A group of natural populations that are interbreeding or that could interbreed, and that are reproductively isolated from other such groups. Hybrids result of interbreeding by individuals of different species usually infertile. * Usually artificially brought about. mare + male donkey = mule Bengal cat = domesticated cat + Asian Leopard cat
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  • Liger = lion + tiger female male Wolfdog = German shepherd + Wolf Zebroid