世界自然基金會 香港分會年度報告 WWF-HONG KONG ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 老虎的末日還是黎明?答案在你手 Dusk or dawn for the tigers? Your call. 生態足印 Footprint 保育 Conservation 教育 Education

世界自然基金會 香港分會年度報告 - Pandaawsassets.wwfhk.panda.org/.../wwf_2010_annualreview_full.pdfANNUAL REVIEW 2010 page 4 ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 page 5 去年是充滿機遇和挑戰的一年。中國已經取代日本成

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Page 1: 世界自然基金會 香港分會年度報告 - Pandaawsassets.wwfhk.panda.org/.../wwf_2010_annualreview_full.pdfANNUAL REVIEW 2010 page 4 ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 page 5 去年是充滿機遇和挑戰的一年。中國已經取代日本成

世界自然基金會香港分會年度報告 WWF-HONG KONG ANNU AL REVIEW 2 0 1 0老虎的末日還是黎明?答案在你手Dusk or dawn for the tigers? Your call.

生態足印 Footprint 保育 Conservation 教育 Education

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 page 2

1個人改變微小的生活習慣,加起來就能扭轉氣候變化危機person making small lifestyle changes is all it takes to make a difference in combating climate change

290位區內的濕地經理和保護區職員受惠於本會的濕地管理培訓計劃和考察團wetland managers and reserve staff from the region benefited from our wetland training programmes and study tours

583 間公司/機構支持本會的工作corporations and organisations supported our work

21,208是本會義工和實習人士貢獻給保育和教育工作的時數service hours donated by volunteers and interns

24,234 人到訪本會管理的米埔自然保護區people visited Mai Po Nature Reserve, managed by WWF

34,275 名個人捐款者 individual financial supporters

65,000 名學生受惠於本會的外展和中心教育項目students benefited from WWF’s outreach and centre-based education programmes

124,149 名支持者提供協助individual non-financial supporters

2,500,000名香港人參與地球一小時,表達他們對氣候變化的關注people in Hong Kong showed concern for climate change by participating in Earth Hour


WWF-Hong Kong had a busy year, successfully hitting a number of conservation targets, and enjoying growth in various areas. The following figures showcase a few of the year’s highlights.


WWF By tHE NUmBERsContent主席的話 message from the Chairman 4

行政總裁的話 message from the CEO 5

世界自然基金會2009-2010年度大事表 WWF 2009-2010 Highlights 6

界定我們的影響力 Defining Our Impact 8

生態足印 Footprint 10-25鯊魚保育計劃 Shark Fin Campaign 12

地球一小時 Earth Hour 2010 16

低碳辦公室計劃 Low-carbon Office Operation Programme (LOOP) 20

低碳製造計劃 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) 22

項目重點 Highlights 24

保育 Conservation 26-31濕地和生物多樣性 Wetlands and Biodiversity 28

項目重點 Highlights 30

教育 Education 32-37透過教育保護未來 Protecting the Future Through Education 32

項目重點 Highlights 36

財務資料 Financials 38-42

員工管理 staff management 43

機構管治 Corporate Governance 43

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 44-47

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This past year has been full of opportunities and challenges. The opportunities arise because

China has now surpassed Japan as the world’s second largest economy. Simultaneously there is a global shift where Asia has driven itself out of recession, while the rest of the world seems to be continuing to struggle to regain the path to growth.






WWF-Hong Kong has benefited from this change with increased donations and support from most sectors of our community. But the improving economy is not the only reason why our financial circumstances have improved.

During the financial crisis, we undertook a thorough review of our activities to improve the focus of our programmes and to enhance the quality of outcomes. This emphasis on quality placed WWF at the forefront of conservation in Hong Kong and South China.

Our impact on government policy is now apparent. The government adopted the low-carbon city theme in the Chief Executive’s policy address. Our climate change programmes have gained greater traction with the relevant sectors of our society and with the Guangdong authorities. Our sustainable seafood work is now bearing results with school caterers sourcing seafood-based lunches using our seafood guide. Under WWF’s influence and guidance, scores of restaurants, hotels and businesses have stopped promoting and serving shark fin and bluefin tuna. We have also been active in shaping Hong Kong’s land development policy. This is hard work and is only made possible through the generosity and support of our donors.

In the opening sentence I also mentioned challenges. As the economic wellbeing of developing societies such as China and India expand, the demands on our planet’s resources are escalating beyond its capacity to replenish those resources. The developed world perceives eliminating wasteful habits and improving efficiency as a threat to their lifestyles. The developing world seems to accept waste and inefficiency as an inalienable right of development.

What is lacking is the sense of responsibility to ensure complex ecosystems are properly maintained to provide opportunities for future generations to enjoy both the beauty and bounty of nature. We, as individuals, in corporations and in government, must work together to institute best practices to conserve this planet of ours. We have an obligation to our children.


Over the past year, WWF-Hong Kong has been carefully laying out the Strategic Plan for the next five years. We have spent much time both reflecting on the past and looking to the future. We have overcome challenges, enjoyed success and growth, and have continued to develop mutually beneficial relationships with key stakeholders in Hong Kong for the benefit of conservation.






It is our future, not our past, that drives us. Our success in recent years provides a firm foundation upon which to continue leveraging conservation gains. Climate change and ecological footprint are areas where Hong Kong has the potential to take a leading role, not just in Hong Kong, but also in influencing other key players in the region.

WWF-Hong Kong’s wetland and marine conservation efforts continue to develop and grow, drawing attention to the beauty of Hong Kong’s rich yet threatened biodiversity. Numerous challenges still exist, and new threats will arise. We remain vigilant in our work to protect and monitor Hong Kong’s ecologically sensitive areas, and we continue to play an important watchdog role for developments in the region. We keep working with the regional wetlands network to promote and educate the public on the importance of these sites, as well as investing in the training of wetland managers to ensure the effective management of these important sites.

Our field centres at Mai Po and Hoi Ha Wan have taken on more important roles to both facilitate conservation action and function as Hong Kong’s most renowned environmental education centres, providing hands on, experiential learning opportunities for Hong Kong’s young people.

WWF has initiated a switch to low-carbon living in our everyday business operations. Not only will this make a positive impact on our own ecological footprint – we also hope it will inspire other businesses to make the switch and follow our lead. Rest assured, this is a real path to effective change.

With the success we have enjoyed over the last year, we look forward with great excitement to rolling out our wide-reaching strategy over the next few years.

行政總裁的話mEssAGE FROm tHE CEO


龐毅理 Eric Bohm

行政總裁 CEO

楊子信 T.C.H. Yang

主席 Chairman

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世界自然基金會2009-2010年度大事表 WWF 2009-2010 HIGHLIGHts

● 綠魚兒計劃的首批生態魚在市面出售,廣受歡迎 The first batch of eco-fish raised from the Eco-fish Farming Scheme was well received by the market


● 水牛濕地管理研究計劃進入第二階段,第二隻水牛(名為「禾木」) 被引入米埔自然保護區 Phase two of the Buffalo Wetland Management Research project began, with a second buffalo (named Woo Muk) joining the Mai Po Reserve


● 舉行公司會員計劃(CMP)會籍頒授典禮,表揚超過80間企業對保育行動的支持和努力 The Corporate Membership Programme (CMP) Award Presentation Ceremony 2009 acknowledged over 80 companies’ commitment to conservation


● 發表《氣候施政報告》,提供將香港打造成低碳城市的藍圖 The release of WWF-Hong Kong’s Climate Policy Address – a road map to transform Hong Kong into a low-carbon city – was presented

● 低碳辦公室計劃(LOOP)得到商界的熱烈支持,推出時已有30間公司參與 Low-carbon Office Operation Programme (LOOP) received overwhelming support from the corporate sector and was launched with 30 participating companies


● 一年一度的慈善步行籌款活動「步走大自然@米埔」吸引了3,000名參加者,一起走出可持續未來 Annual charity outreach and fundraising event Walk for Nature@Mai Po attracted 3,000 participants to walk together for a sustainable future

● 氣候正能量大使體驗計劃吸引了200名青少年及公眾人士參與,一起實踐低碳生活 Climateers Ambassador Experiential Programme engaged 200 young people and members of the public to adopt low-carbon living

● 10間小學參與剛推出的可持續海鮮午餐飯盒計劃 Sustainable Seafood School programme started with 10 participating primary schools


● 香港對抗氣候變化聯盟(CCCC)支持全球行動日,舉辦「留住冬天減碳行」 Walk for our Winter event organised by Combat Climate Change Coalition (CCCC) in support of Global Day of Action

● 本會派出「氣候Tracker」出席在哥本哈根舉行的氣候會議,表達香港人的聲音,並分享在會議中的得著 WWF-Hong Kong’s Climate Tracker attended UN Copenhagen climate summit, voicing the opinions and concerns of Hong Kong people


Jan ● 藍鰭吞拿救星計劃鼓勵市民承諾不再食用藍鰭吞拿魚,並促請食肆停止出售與該物種有關的菜式 Bluefin Saver campaign solicited individual pledges and urged restaurants not to serve or consume bluefin tuna

● 在米埔自然保護區及后海灣一帶錄得462頭黑臉琵鷺,較去年增加19% 462 Black-faced spoonbills were observed at Mai Po Nature Reserve and the Deep Bay area, a 19 percent increase over the previous year

Feb ● 一年一度的「香港觀鳥大賽」籌得逾一百萬港元,支持米埔的保育工作 Annual Big Bird Race raised more than HK$1 million in support of conservation work at Mai Po

● 本會向香港市民呈獻,全球首部揭露過度捕魚毀滅性影響的紀錄片-《魚不該絕》 WWF organised a Hong Kong premiere of movie The End of the Line, the world’s first major documentary about the devastating effects of overfishing

mar ● 地球一小時在香港得到廣泛支持,有250萬名港人、超過2,500座大廈及公司、230間學校及青年組織參與,和全球128個國家、4,500個城市的人民攜手響應這個世界性的熄燈行動 WWF’s Earth Hour in Hong Kong drew 2.5 million individuals, over 2,500 companies and buildings and 230 schools and youth organisations to support the global lights-off campaign, joining 128 countries and 4,500 cities around the world

Apr ● 網上相片分享平台面世,為中國野生老虎保育工作籌款 Hong Kong’s first-ever tiger photo sharing portal was created to support WWF’s Save the Tiger campaign

● 與香港科學館聯合主辦「香江生態」展覽,展覽期由四月至八月 In collaboration with the Hong Kong Science Museum, the “Hong Kong Biodiversity” exhibition was held from April to August

may ● 推出無翅宴會菜單選擇計劃,開始時得到12間餐廳和酒店支持 With the support of 12 restaurants and hotels, the Alternative Shark-free Menu programme was launched and announced to public

Jun ● 在世界環境日舉行「為地球打氣」活動,呼籲市民減低生態足印 Boost Earth’s Vitality campaign kicked off on World Environment Day, asking the public to reduce their individual ecological footprint

2009 2010

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界定我們的影響力 DEFINING OUR ImpACt在2009-2010年度,世界自然基金會香港分會的保育工作成效顯著,不但成功達成多項保育目標,並動員更多不同界別的持分者,同為環保出一分力。今年本會繼續成長,並加強與世界自然基金會全球網絡的聯繫。透過深入交流專業知識和新構思,讓機構能更清晰地與多項全球計劃目標銜接,統一發聲。

WWF-Hong Kong continued to score conservation gains in 2009-2010, successfully meeting goals while engaging stakeholders from different sectors. During the year we strengthened links within WWF’s global network, exchanging expertise and innovative ideas with offices in other countries. WWF’s conservation message remains clear and consistent across our wide range of programmes.

保育 CONsERVAtION本會致力保育香港的海洋和淡水環境、本地生物多樣性及生境地管理。鮮為人知的是,雖然香港環境稠密,卻棲息著大量的野生生物、植物和不少地方性熱帶生物。透過在香港及鄰近區域的活動,本會的保育計劃密切留意著香港豐富而脆弱的自然環境,以及所面對的威脅。今年在米埔自然保護區增建的遷徙水鳥漲潮棲息地,為本會最大型的一項基圍重整工程畫上圓滿句號。

WWF’s conservation work helps protect Hong Kong’s marine and freshwater environments. It also addresses issues pertaining to local biodiversity and habitat management. Hong Kong is home to an extensive range of wildlife, flora and other endemic tropic life. Through activities in Hong Kong and the surrounding region, WWF’s conservation programmes monitor the status and threats to Hong Kong’s rich yet vulnerable natural environment. This past year, the addition of a high-tide roost for waterbirds at WWF’s Mai Po Nature Reserve marked the completion of our organisation’s largest-ever gei wai habitat improvement initiative.

生態足印 FOOtpRINt氣候變化帶來的全球威脅,令世界各地的人、企業和政府都重新檢視其高消耗的行為模式,我們必須尋找一個可持續的生活方式。利用我們在區內的影響力,本會正積極推動香港成為區域領導,推廣、呼籲和實施各項環保倡議,從而減低區內的生態足印和碳排放量。本會去年的重點工作,包括進一步擴展低碳辦公室計劃 (LOOP)和低碳製造計劃(LCMP),及推出「無翅宴會菜單選擇計劃」;地球一小時亦再得到廣泛支持。

Climate change is a threat to the entire planet. In light of this, individuals, businesses and governments around the world are re-examining high-consumption behaviours. It’s essential to find methods to achieve sustainable lifestyles. WWF is driving Hong Kong to become a leader in reducing the region’s ecological footprint and carbon emissions, with a focus on promoting, developing and implementing new initiatives. During the last year, WWF-Hong Kong further developed the Low-carbon Office Operations Programme (LOOP) and Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP). We also launched the Alternative Shark-free Menu Programme, and staged another successful Earth Hour.

教育 EDUCAtION本會推行的可持續發展教育(ESD)計劃內容廣泛,由課室活動擴展至實地考察本地具重要生態價值的濕地和海洋。透過親身體驗和有趣的活動,本會的教育計劃期望借助年青一代的影響力,令更多人投入保護環境和可持續生活。

WWF’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) programmes range from classroom projects to field work in some of Hong Kong’s most ecologically important wetland and marine sites. Through real-world engagement and fun activities, our education programmes harness the power of the youth community to promote greater commitment to environmental protection and sustainable living.

© naturepl.com

/ Ingo Arndt/ W


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F-Hong K


帶領香港邁向可持續生活LEADING HONG KONG tOWARDs sUstAINABLE LIVING 世界自然基金會香港分會積極推廣、呼籲和實施各項環保倡議,務求減少香港的生態足印。除了在香港樹立榜樣外,我們更努力打造香港成為減少生態足印的區域領袖。本會重點推廣氣候變化的計劃和倡議,並積極提倡天然資源(如海鮮)的可持續使用和消耗。

WWF-Hong Kong is a leader in promoting, developing and implementing initiatives to reduce the city’s ecological footprint. In addition to setting a good example for sustainable living, we are also urging Hong Kong to become a regional leader in reducing its ecological footprint. Our efforts focus on projects and initiatives that address climate change and encourage the sustainable use and consumption of natural resources, such as seafood.

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節節上升 ON tHE RIsE


The number of corporations and other organisations that have pledged not to feature shark fin on the menu during their corporate activities continues to grow.

© WWF-Hong Kong

面對日益增加的威脅,鯊魚瀕臨絶種的危機迫在眉睫。不幸的是,在海洋生態系統的層面上,至今仍沒有任何合乎可持續發展原則的鯊魚漁業管理措施。這些威脅及其他因素導致愈來愈多鯊魚品種被列入世界自然保護聯盟(IUCN) 的紅色名錄,或列入《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》(CITES)中。在1995年,全球只有15種鯊魚品種被列為受威脅物種;到2008年卻增加至126種,於13年間大幅上升了8倍。



Shark species are facing an increasing number of threats, making their extinction an imminent possibility. Unfortunately, there are no ecologically sustainable shark fisheries. The result? An alarming number of shark species has been listed on The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List or in the Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). In 1995, 15 shark species were listed as threatened with extinction, but by 2008, the number had increased to 126, an eight-fold increase within 13 years.

WWF has a history of educating the public about sustainable seafood. We remain committed to promoting this cause. This past year, in May, we launched the Alternative Shark-free Menu Programme, in which we counselled Hong Kong caterers to take shark fin soup off their menus and advised corporations not to select the dish for company events. By the end of June, just two months later, 38 hotels and restaurants signed on to provide shark-free banquet menus. The number of corporations and other organisations which have pledged not to feature shark fin on the menu during their corporate activities continues to grow, with more than 70 participating in our programme.

鯊魚保育計劃sHARK FIN CAmpAIGN濫捕鯊魚和魚翅食用的問題對香港人並不陌生。其實,香港絕對有潛力改變本地及區內對此議題的態度。以不合乎可持續發展原則的方式得來得鯊魚製品(如魚翅), 一直是全球關注的問題,香港更堪稱是魚翅之都─每年,全球的魚翅貿易約有50%於香港進行。

Though Hong Kong is a major contributor to the problems associated with shark fishing and shark fin consumption, the city has the potential to take an influential leading role in changing attitudes both locally and regionally. The lack of sustainability in consuming shark products, such as shark fin, has long been of global concern. Hong Kong remains the shark fin capital of the world, accounting for about 50 percent of global trade. It’s time for the city to make changes in its shark consumption.

© Jürgen Freund/ W



生態足印 Footprint

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生態足印 Footprint

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ong Kong

新婚夫婦陣唯中和李麗明Newlyweds John Chan and Ming Lee

海洋愛好者的大喜訊:香港政府終於立法禁止拖網捕魚 tHE HONG KONG GOVERNmENt FINALLy BANs tRAWLING: A sWEEt sUCCEss FOR OCEAN LOVERs在香港,拖網捕魚是對環境造成最大破壞的捕魚方法。拖網捕魚除了令海床遭受巨大破壞外,更導致海洋生物數量大幅下降,對其造成持久傷害。本會早在2004年推出「SOS – 拯救海洋大行動」,促請政府立法禁止拖網捕魚,立法闢建更多海洋禁捕區,並為有意轉行的本地漁民提供轉型機會。

終於,在2010年10月13日,香港特別行政區政府宣布多項保護海洋資源和生態環境的措施,包括在香港水域禁止拖網捕魚、立法恢復海洋生境地,並推出拖網漁船自願回購計劃。這些措施均是本會「SOS – 拯救海洋大行動」的直接成果,我們鼓勵以簡單而有效的措施恢復海洋環境。本會將繼續支持協助漁民轉型,及以合適措施制定以生態系統為基礎的管理方式。

Trawling is the most environmentally damaging of all destructive fishing practices. In addition to wreaking havoc upon the seabed, trawling causes declines in sea creature populations and has lasting effects on marine biodiversity. Since 2004, WWF’s SOS “Save Our Seas” campaign has been calling for more no-take zones in the surrounding waters, as well as legislation to ban trawling in Hong Kong and the establishment of alternative livelihoods for local fishermen.

On 13 October 2010, the Hong Kong Government announced the implementation of measures to protect our precious marine resources and ecology. These include banning trawling in Hong Kong waters, legislation to restore marine habitats, and the launch of a voluntary trawler buyout scheme for eligible fishermen. These measures are a direct result of the Save Our Seas campaign, which encourages simple but impactful measures to facilitate the recovery of the marine environment. WWF will continue advocating for effective alternative livelihoods and additional controls with the goal of an ecosystem-based management regime.






For their wedding, John Chan and Ming Lee decided to go green. As they planned their celebration, they chose options that had the least impact on the environment. In the hope of slowing the decline of shark populations, the couple opted not to serve shark fin as part of their wedding banquet.

“When there is no demand for shark fin, then no supply will be needed,” the couple note. “Moreover, shark fin does not provide any unique nutrients that we require, so we think people should support the initiative.”

Chan and Lee discovered that removing shark fin from the menu caused little controversy. Both sets of parents share their views on consuming shark fin, and supported their decision.

They also found other effective ways to host a greener wedding.

“We printed our invitation cards on recycled paper, using the minimum order from the supplier,” says the couple. “We also requested our hall decorations supplier to collect and reuse the materials.”

婚宴的主角,應該是一對新人,並不需要透過食用受威脅物種去錦上添花。 「無翅宴會」能讓一眾親朋戚友在分享喜悅時也能兼顧保育。A wedding banquet should be about the couple, not about serving shark fin soup. The “Alternative Shark-free Menu” allows family and friends to share in the newlyweds’ joy, while being mindful of conservation needs at the same time.

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2010年3月27日晚上8時半,有超過250萬名香港人、2,500座大廈、公司及機構、230間學校及全港所有大學熄燈一小時,表達他們對實踐低碳生活的決心。全球七大洲有達128個國家、4,500個城市響應「地球一小時2010 」。世界各地的著名地標,如倫敦大笨鐘、巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔和北京故宮等,也在當晚熄燈。


WWF organised the first Earth Hour in 2007. Over the years, millions of people around the globe have participated in the event. Citizens of a number of countries have used Earth Hour as a starting point to voice their concerns about climate change.

At 8:30pm on 27 March 2010 in Hong Kong, over 2.5 million individuals, 2,500 companies, organisations and buildings, 230 schools, and all universities took part in Earth Hour. People switched off their lights for one hour to demonstrate their commitment to low-carbon living. Around the world, 4,500 cities in 128 countries across seven continents took part in Earth Hour 2010. Iconic global sites such as Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower and The Forbidden City went dark for 60 minutes.

This was the second year that Hong Kong took part in the global Earth Hour campaign. Once again, there was great enthusiasm and support for the event. As Earth Hour continues to gain momentum each year, we hope to encourage individuals to make more changes in order to achieve a sustainable low-carbon future.

地球一小時EARtH HOUR 2010 地球一小時要傳遞一個簡單的訊息:個人的小改變,結集起來就能造成很大的影響。這項運動把氣候變化的問題帶進人們的生活當中,鼓勵他們實踐低碳生活,減少對環境的影響。

Earth Hour allows people around the world to come together, take a simple action and make a big impact. The event raises awareness about climate change, inspiring people to make personal changes in their lives, with the goal of lowering their carbon footprint.

每年3月最後一個星期六晚上8:30全球同步展開,熄燈一小時。 The global lights out event is held each year on the last Saturday in March at 8:30pm.

生態足印 Footprint

© Ringo Ma/ WWF-Hong Kong

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生態足印 Footprint

香港「地球一小時2010」以低碳生活為重點,相信在日常生活中作出小小的改變,就能對環境帶來影響。本會提出五項低碳行動,包括:拒絕備用電器、 關掉非必要電燈、少用即棄餐具、縮短洗澡時間,以及多菜少肉。



WWF-Hong Kong’s Earth Hour 2010 campaign focused in particular on low-carbon living. In daily life, one small action can make a difference. We recommended five low-carbon actions: not leaving appliances on standby; switching off non-essential lights; using less disposable dining utensils; reducing shower time; and eating less meat.

According to the results of a survey conducted after this past year’s Earth Hour, if all participants of the event followed these five low-carbon actions every day, over 800,000 tonnes of carbon emissions could be eliminated each year in Hong Kong. It would take over two million trees more than 40 years to absorb this amount of carbon dioxide.

Earth Hour is a firm platform that we can build upon in the future. WWF continues to encourage Hong Kong people to make simple adjustments to their everyday behaviour. The goal is to transform attitudes so that we live every single day with the same mindfulness with which we approach Earth Hour.

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香港天文台台長李本瀅博士Dr Lee Boon-ying, Director of the Hong Kong Observatory


“Climate change causes rising temperatures and erratic rainfall. Over the past century, the temperature of Hong Kong seawater has increased 0.5°C. This will lead to thermal expansion and a rise in sea levels. The catastrophic Typhoon Hagupit that flooded Tai O in 2008 used to be an event that only happened once in 50 years, but by the middle of this century, it will happen once every nine years and then by the end of this century, once in two years if climate change continues. We need to change our lifestyle and practice low-carbon living to prevent the crisis from happening.”

簡單改變sImpLE ADJUstmENts


According to survey results, if all participants follow five low-carbon actions every day, over 800,000 tonnes of carbon emissions could be eliminated each year in Hong Kong

拒絕備用電器Not leaving appliances on standby

關掉非必要電燈Switching off non-essential lights

少用即棄餐具Using less disposable dining utensils

縮短洗澡時間Reducing shower time

多菜少肉Eating less meat

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商界也能為緩減氣候變化出一分力。透過調整公司的管理模式及採用更環保的營運方案,對減少香港整體的碳足印有關鍵性的影響,並有助打造香港成為低碳城市。 The commercial sector can help alleviate climate change. Businesses in Hong Kong can exert a significant impact by adapting their business management practices and adopting more climate friendly operational processes. It’s a chance for organisations to seize green opportunities, and transform Hong Kong into a low-carbon city.

低碳辦公室計劃(LOOP) 於2009年6月推出,是專為香港企業而設的低碳項目。透過計劃,參與的公司和機構能夠減少營運操作的溫室氣體排放量。

In June 2009, WWF launched the Low-carbon Office Operation Programme (LOOP), an initiative tailor-made for Hong Kong businesses. We equip the companies and

organisations participating in LOOP with the knowledge they need to take effective action and reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from office operations.




We advise businesses to adopt managerial and technological best practices and staff behavioural adaptations. In addition, we introduced a labelling scheme that provides participating companies or organisations with a tool-kit that measures and analyses an office’s carbon performance, formulates emissions reduction strategies and reports on improved carbon performance.

During the past year, we organised a series of activities, including workshops and competitions, to encourage LOOP companies to reduce carbon emissions, share best practices and develop action plans to combat climate change.

LOOP has enjoyed an enthusiastic response from several companies and organisations since its launch. As of the end of June 2010, 48 offices have joined the programme, and four companies are now qualified to provide third-party verification services for LOOP.



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生態足印 Footprint生態足印 Footprint


WWF-Hong Kong created the Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) to reduce carbon emissions generated by manufacturing facilities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), as well as to develop environmental social

governance for those manufacturers.






The PRD has the world’s highest concentration of manufacturing infrastructure, producing about 30 percent of the total value of China’s exports. According to research conducted by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries in 2007, there were 55,000 Hong Kong-owned factories in the PRD.

The LCMP is the first initiative of its kind in China. It consists of a carbon accounting and labelling system for PRD factories, as well as tools that measure a manufacturer’s effectiveness in reducing carbon emissions. The programme equips each factory with best practices in greenhouse gas management.

Companies participating in the LCMP gain numerous benefits for themselves as well as for the environment in which they operate. The programme provides tools and guidelines for factories to reduce their carbon emissions, while increasing energy efficiencies and reducing operating costs.

Another six factories, since 2009, have successfully participated in the pilot phase of LCMP, implementing roadmaps to reduce their emissions. The greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions achieved by the first three pilot factories indicate that if LCMP measures were taken in all 55,000 Hong Kong-invested factories in the PRD, there is the possibility of achieving a reduction of 74 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. This GHG mitigation potential is globally significant, and comparable to most Nordic countries’ total national GHG emissions.

During 2009 and 2010, 14 additional factories joined the LCMP at a preparatory level. We are continuing to give seminars introducing LCMP to factory managers. WWF has also been working with the private sector to support LCMP: We have trained 31 verifiers for carbon management and 32 verifiers for industry specific energy efficiency best practices. These companies are now qualified to provide third-party verification services.


pROGRAmmE (LCmp)

晶苑集團主席羅樂風先生Mr Kenneth Lo Lok-fung, Chairman of the Crystal Group



In 2009, Zhongshan Yida Apparel Limited, a subsidiary of the Crystal Group, took part in LCMP. The company has since earned the LCMP’s Gold Label, which is awarded to organisations “that have implemented a good greenhouse gas management system and are achieving some best-practice energy efficiency levels in their activities.” So far, Zhongshan Yida has achieved a 17 percent reduction in carbon emissions and an increase in electricity savings. Measures adopted by the company include the use of solar energy for water heating, and recycling treated water in the washing plant 80 percent of the treated water is reused in the garment washing process and 20 percent is reused for plant irrigation and flushing toilets. Future measures to be implemented include the use of solar energy for both the washing process and heating throughout the factory.

“Before we joined LCMP, we had little understanding about carbon emissions. The previous energy-saving measures we adopted were mainly for cost reduction. The greatest benefit from joining LCMP isn’t just the costs we save, but something intangible, which is better relationships and communication with workers.”


74 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent reduction per year is potentially achievable if the LCMP best practices are extrapolated to all 55,000 Hong Kong invested factories in the PRD.

74m tONNEs OFCO2


Pearl River Delta factories have joined LCMP.

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生態足印 Footprint生態足印 Footprint

• 氣候正能量計劃踏入第三年,參加人數由6,000人大幅增加至逾15,000人。全體的氣候正能量參加者承諾減少共21,722公噸二氧化碳,相等於需要54,305株成熟樹木、花四十年時間始能吸收的碳排放量。氣候正能量大使更承諾努力減少他們的碳足印達10%。

• The Climateers programme entered its third year. Participation surged from 6,000 people to over 15,000, a record-breaking number. Collectively, the Climateers community is pledging to reduce 21,722 tonnes of carbon dioxide, an amount that would otherwise take 54,305 mature trees 40 years to absorb. Nearly 1,000 Climateers Ambassadors have taken a further step, endeavouring to reduce their personal carbon footprint by 10 percent.

本年度生態足印項目重點FOOtpRINt HIGHLIGHts OF tHE yEAR

• 20 Pearl River Delta factories have joined LCMP. Reports from the three pilot factories indicate that if the 55,000 Hong Kong invested factories in the region followed best practices it is possible to reduce the equivalent of 74 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

• 48 offices have joined LOOP since its inception in 2008.

• The event “Boost Earth’s Vitality” launched on World Environment Day (5 June), spreading awareness about the concept of ecological footprint.

• In Hong Kong, WWF screened The End of the Line, the world’s first major documentary about the devastating effects of overfishing.

• WWF launched the “Green Spring Dinner” Initiative, calling for companies to organise their dining activities with reference to the WWF Seafood Guide. In 2009-2010, 16 companies joined the programme, allowing approximately 5,000 employees to enjoy a green feast.

• WWF-Hong Kong engaged 38 hotels and restaurants to provide shark-free banquet menus within two months of the launch of the “Alternative Shark-free Menu Programme,” which began in May 2010. The number of corporations and other organisations which have pledged not to sell or buy shark fin soup as part of their corporate activities has reached 70 and continues to grow.

• A large number of NGOs, including WWF-Hong Kong, Greenpeace China, Oxfam Hong Kong and twelve other local NGOs, joined together to form the Combat Climate Change Coalition (CCCC), which will focus on advocacy on climate policy. The combined NGOs represent a supporter base of more than 500,000 people in Hong Kong.

• 超過250萬名香港人參與「地球一小時2010」,表達他們對實踐低碳生活的決心。2,500座大廈及公司、逾230間學校及青年組織,以及全港所有大學都響應這個全球性運動,共同扭轉氣候變化的危機。

• 作為「藍鰭吞拿救星計劃」的一部分,23間酒店及餐廳已承諾不再供應藍鰭吞拿魚菜式;超過8,100位市民及食客已成為「藍鰭吞拿救星」,承諾不再食用藍鰭吞拿魚;超過5,000位市民及食客要求部分餐廳從菜單中剔除藍鰭吞拿魚菜式。牠們如今已被世界自然保護聯盟紅色名錄列為「極度瀕危」物種。

• 已有20間珠三角地區廠房加入低碳製造計劃(LCMP),首三間先導工廠顯示,若55,000間港資製造廠皆實行計劃的最佳措施,區內每年有能力可減排7,400萬公噸二氧化碳。

• 自2008年推出以來,共有48個辦公室參與低碳辦公室計劃(LOOP)。

• 在世界環境日舉行「為地球打氣」活動,提升市民對生態足印的認識。

• 世界自然基金會為香港巿民呈獻全球首部揭露過度捕魚毀滅性影響的紀錄片《魚不該絕》。

• 本會推出「綠色春茗」,呼籲企業在籌辦晚宴時參照世界自然基金會的海鮮選擇指引,選用環保海鮮。在2009-2010年度,共有16間公司參加這項計劃,讓近5,000員工享受綠色盛宴。

• 無翅宴會菜單選擇計劃自2010年5月推出以來,短短兩個月間已得到38間餐廳和酒店的支持,為消費者提供無翅宴會選擇。承諾在其公司活動中不會出售或購買魚翅的公司及機構亦持續上升,至今已有超過70間。

• 世界自然基金會香港分會、綠色和平及樂施會,聯同12個本地民間組織組成香港對抗氣候變化聯盟(CCCC),要求政府盡快公佈對抗氣候變化的政策。合計已有逾50萬名支持者。

• Over 2.5 million Hong Kong people showed their commitment to low-carbon living by participating in Earth Hour 2010. 2,500 buildings and companies, over 230 schools and youth groups, and all Hong Kong universities took part in the global movement to take action against climate change.

• As part of the Bluefin Savers initiative, 23 hotels and restaurants pledged not to serve bluefin tuna and over 8,100 members of the public signed up, promising not to eat the species. Over 5,000 people expressed their desire for several other restaurants to take the fish off the menu. Bluefin tuna is currently listed as “Critically Endangered” on the IUCN Red List.

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保育香港的濕地和生物多樣性CONsERVING HONG KONG’s WEtLANDs AND BIODIVERsIty 米埔自然保護區自1983年開始由世界自然基金會香港分會管理,至今已成為香港以至亞洲區最重要的濕地和保育地區之一。米埔是濕地生物多樣性的保育、研究、教育,培訓和提高公眾關注的中心。它在東亞─澳大利亞飛行航道中佔有重要位置,每年米埔及后海灣一帶都為約60,000隻遷徙水鳥,以及豐富多樣的野生生物提供棲息地。

The Mai Po Nature Reserve continues to be Hong Kong’s – and one of Asia’s – most important wetland and conservation sites. Managed by WWF since 1983, Mai Po continues to raise public awareness on a number of issues, and is a centre for wetland biodiversity conservation, research, education and training. Mai Po and the surrounding Deep Bay area occupy an important position on the East Asian Australasian Flyway, and each year supports around 60,000 migratory waterbirds as well as an amazingly diverse range of other wildlife.

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The new high-tide roost presents new options for gei wai management for waterbirds at different times of the year.

保育 Conservation保育 Conservation

WWF’s South China Wetland Conservation work also continued through the year.

At our partner site Zhangjiangkou National Mangrove Nature Reserve, the high-tide roost became operational in accordance with the annual water level control plan. Twenty species were recorded, compared with 15 species before the roost was functional; 727 birds were observed using the site in a single sighting, marking a six-fold increase over the previous year. Cormorants, egrets, ducks, coots, and a large number of waders were seen visiting the location.

本會將「基圍#21」全面翻新成一個漲潮棲息地。這個計劃斥資150萬港元,是米埔自成立以來最大型的一項基圍 (傳統蝦塘)重整工程,大大提高了管理保護區的彈性。








During the year, gei wai #21 was fully converted into a high-tide roost. The HK$1.5 million project is the largest single gei wai (traditional shrimp pond) habitat improvement initiative at Mai Po, providing considerably more flexibility in managing the nature reserve.

The project involved large-scale vegetation removal, de-silting, the creation of a 1.3km ditch network, and construction of 12 islands of varying shapes and heights to accommodate different waterbird species.

The roost’s design is based on international models, and also takes into account the known ecological requirements of waterbirds, as well as WWF-Hong Kong’s 25 years of management experience at Mai Po.

The new high-tide roost presents new options for gei wai management for waterbirds at different times of the year. The roost is expected to attract large numbers of migratory waterbirds – shorebirds during the core spring and autumn migration periods – as well as egrets, herons and globally endangered Black-faced spoonbills during winter.

Since 1991, Mai Po has also served as the training base for the WWF Wetland Management Programme, which has become the leading programme of its kind in Asia.

The HSBC Wetland Management Training Programme uses Mai Po Nature Reserve as a living case study. It educates and trains wetland conservation practitioners from across Asia, including mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Korea and Thailand. During their time at Mai Po, these practitioners learn about formulating regulations and policy, habitat management and monitoring and education. When their study is complete, they are equipped with new skills and expertise, and are able to implement what they have learned from Mai Po at their own sites.

Mai Po Nature Reserve also continues to serve as an outstanding field centre for education. During the past year, over 20,000 students and teachers took part in our Mai Po Education Programme, which provides a unique and ideal platform for hands-on, real life, experiential learning in Hong Kong.

13歲的觀鳥愛好者郭子祈 Kwok Tsz-Ki, 13-year-old birdwatching enthusiast


“When I first got into birdwatching I discovered many birds I hadn’t seen before. When I found a new species for myself I felt overjoyed. Some birds are very colourful, and I became very interested in them. The wetlands in Mai Po are important for Hong Kong. Many birds come to Mai Po every winter, and maybe even some new species of bird for Hong Kong. The changes at Mai Po over the past years have benefited the birds and birdwatchers, but I’d like to encourage more young birdwatchers or other children to take part.”

© WWF-Hong Kong


students and teachers took part in our Mai Po Education Programme

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• 24,234 visitors explored the Mai Po Nature Reserve during the year.

• 本年度有24,234人參觀米埔自然保護區。

保育 Conservation 保育 Conservation


• Over 73,000 wintering waterbirds were recorded at Mai Po Nature Reserve, the second highest total ever recorded. The highest number, 90,132 birds, was recorded in January 2008.

• 462 Black-faced spoonbills were recorded at Deep Bay, marking a 19 percent increase over the previous year.

• Installation of the new HK$1.5 million high-tide roost for waterbirds at the Mai Po Nature Reserve.

• The final phase of the innovative Eco-fish Farming Scheme, which provides the public with healthy fish from local freshwater fishpond farmers, was completed. There was a yield of around 10,000 mullet during the year, doubling the previous year’s numbers. Sponsors for 2010 were UBS and the Rotary Club of Wan Chai.

• A new buffalo (named Woo Muk) joined Mai Po Nature Reserve for phase two of the Buffalo Wetland Management Research project.

• Between July 2009 and June 2010, ten wetland management training courses, one training workshop and 12 study tours were organised for a total of 290 participants. All training courses and study tours were organised in Hong Kong and the workshop was conducted in Chongqing. Participants were primarily from China, along with individuals from Taiwan and Korea.

• The Wai Yin Association funded an upgrading of facilities at Mai Po Nature Reserve and the Visit Programme for People with Disability. This resulted in remarkable improvements to disabled facilities at the Mai Po Education Centre, including the installation of ramps, new footpaths, and newly planted shrubs that visually impaired visitors can enjoy through smell and touch. The Wai Yin Association also committed to funding guided tours for 400 disabled people and their families starting in late 2010.

• 本會積極監察香港的可持續發展,以基礎建設和保育政策為重點,本會根據環境評估、城市規劃條例及其他相關法例,檢視了95個計劃發展項目。

• 截止2010年6月,My Baby Tree計劃賣出了超過10,400棵babytree,意味著在印尼種植了相當於13個足球場的面積的樹林。

• 野鴨衛星追蹤計劃繼續追縱野鴨的遷徙路線,遠至在內蒙古及俄羅斯遠東地區的終點站。其中最遠的北遷路線屬一隻針尾鴨,到遠距香港逾6,000公里的西伯利亞北岸。

• 世界自然基金會的老虎保育行動,目標是在2022年前令野生老虎的數目增加一倍。為了響應該項運動,本會香港分會透過銷售和網上活動籌款,連同會員的捐助,支持在中國的野生老虎保育工作。現時野生老虎僅剩約3,200隻。

• 由歐珀萊贊助的「中華白海豚保護項目」繼續支持在珠三角地區的中華白海豚保育工作,同時提高大眾對它們所面對的困境之認識。

• 在米埔自然保護區錄得逾73,000隻冬季水鳥,為歷年第二高紀錄。最高紀錄是在2008年1月錄得的90,132隻雀鳥。

• 在后海灣一帶錄得462頭黑臉琵鷺,較去年增加19%。

• 在米埔自然保護區斥資150萬港元進行的基圍重整工程,為水鳥提供一個新的漲潮棲息地。

• 綠魚兒計劃的最後階段圓滿結束。本年養殖出的烏頭數目約有10,000條,是去年魚穫的兩倍。計劃今年由瑞士銀行UBS和灣仔扶輪社贊助,目的是由本地養漁戶為市場提供健康的魚類。

• 水牛濕地管理研究計劃的第二階段,引入一頭新的水牛(名為「禾木」)到米埔自然保護區。

• 由2009年7月至2010年6月,本會共舉辦了10個濕地管理培訓課程、一個培訓工作坊和12個考察團,共有290人參與。所有培訓課程和考察團皆在香港進行,而工作坊則在重慶舉辦。參加者主要來自中國,也有來自台灣和韓國的個別參加者。

• 米埔自然保護區獲慧妍雅集資助,進行無障礙通道改善工程及導賞活動。這大大改善米埔教育中心為殘障人士而設的設施,包括鋪設無障礙通道和新的路徑;新種植的灌木,讓失明人士能透過氣味和觸覺,享受參觀過程。慧妍雅集並承諾資助400名殘障人士及其家人,於2010年底開始參加體驗米埔導賞團。

• WWF-Hong Kong maintains a key watchdog role for sustainable development in Hong Kong. With a focus on infrastructure and conservation policy, WWF reviewed 95 proposed developments under the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Town Planning Ordinances and other relevant laws.

• By June 2010, more than 10,400 trees had been sold in the My Baby Tree initiative, resulting in the planting of a forest area equivalent to the size of 13 football fields in Indonesia.

• The Duck Satellite Tracking Project continued to monitor the migratory patterns of ducks, covering final destinations in Inner Mongolia and Far East Russia. The furthest migration tracked was a Northern pintail over 6,000km away on the north coast of Siberia.

• To echo WWF-international’s TX2 campaign – which aims to double the number of wild tigers by the next Year of the Tiger in 2022 – WWF-Hong Kong raised funds to support tiger conservation work in China through merchandising and online initiatives, as well as donations from our members.

• The Chinese white dolphin conservation project continued with the support of Aupres, assisting conservation efforts for the species in the Pearl River Delta, as well as increasing public awareness for the plight the dolphins are facing.

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ong Kong

透過教育保護未來pROtECtING tHE FUtURE tHROUGH EDUCAtION 自1981年起,本會一直致力推動本地環境教育。要保護我們的地球並推動可持續生活,我們深明向年青一代提供相關知識和技巧的重要性。

Since 1981, WWF-Hong Kong has been a driving force behind environmental education. We recognise the importance of providing knowledge and skills to young people in order to protect our world and to live sustainably.

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教育 Education教育 Education


可持續生活模式教育計劃(STEP) 為課堂裏的學生提供重要的教育資料,教導他們如何以可持續的生活方式過每一天,藉以減低年輕人的碳排收。今年,超過12,000名小學生參與了此計劃,承諾實踐可持續的生活模式。





WWF organises a wide range of educational programmes that engage today’s youth with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) programme objectives. These programmes promote a stronger commitment to conservation through fun activities, community engagement and real life experience.

The STEP programme continues to reach students in the classroom, imparting important educational information on how to live a sustainable lifestyle every day, with the primary aim of reducing young people’s carbon emissions. This past year, more than 12,000 primary students joined STEP and pledged to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.

In November 2009, WWF launched Hong Kong’s first Sustainable Seafood School Catering Programme, to provide students, teachers and caterers with sustainably sourced seafood options, emphasising the important role consumption plays in reducing one’s ecological footprint. The programme is funded by the Sustainable Development Fund.

The programme encourages schools and their caterers to follow WWF’s Seafood Guide, and provides information about “Recommended” seafood options. This promotes the important message of ocean protection to students – the inheritors of the future – as well as to their parents.

Through our school and outreach education programmes and teacher training programmes, we provide learning opportunities in the classroom and in the field, with centre-based classes at some of Hong Kong’s most ecologically important sites like the Mai Po Nature Reserve and the Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre.

Over six months, 200 primary school teachers participated in the Mai Po Mobile Technology Training Scheme, where they learned how to organise their own environmental educational programmes for their schools. The main focus of the training was the use of mobile technology, from netbooks to digital cameras and Internet resources, in the nature reserve to assist and inspire teachers and students to learn about environmental issues.

Due to this programme, teachers and students can receive a real-world, hands-on experience, and gain a rare opportunity to learn about the environment firsthand, with the expert guidance of WWF staff.

It’s important to note that education doesn’t stop outside the classroom. WWF-Hong Kong believes in fostering life-long attitude changes, and you can never be too young or too old to learn. We believe that harnessing community power is an effective way to engage both youngsters and adults, while spreading our conservation message.

By changing attitudes of the wider community through fun, exciting and informative initiatives, we can encourage more and more people to commit to sustainable living and environmental protection.

樂善堂楊仲明學校六年級學生許善祺Candy Hui, primary six school student from

Lok Sin Tong Yeung Chung Ming Primary School


“I think the STEP carbon calculator is very simple to use! The instructions are clear and there are pictures for guidance. According to the calculator, my carbon footprint over the past year stood at five tonnes, higher than the world average! This revelation led me to live a greener lifestyle and encourage my family to do the same, such as avoiding using the air conditioner until the weather is hotter than 28 degrees and even then, only turning it on for a while and switching to the fan when the rooms are cool enough!”

© Nadja Auerbach/ WWF-Hong Kong

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• WWF outreach and centre-based education programmes reached more than 65,000 students.

• 30 companies took part in the first Green Enterprise Award presentation ceremony, co-organised by Capital Entrepreneur magazine, and in which WWF was a judge. The event was held to inspire companies to adopt a green business model, and to recognise their efforts.

• 200 primary school teachers took part in the Mai Po Mobile Technology Training Scheme, which promotes the effectiveness of teaching in a natural environment.

教育 Education 教育 Education


• 來自29間小學,超過12,000名學生參與了可持續生活模式教育計劃(STEP),承諾實踐可持續的生活模式。計劃由太古發起,世界自然基金會負責執行。

• 本會與香港科學館、漁農自然護理署、嘉道理農場暨植物園於今年攜手呈獻「香江生態」展覽,表達對「國際生物多樣性年」的支持。

• 來自10間小學約8,000名學生和9個膳食供應商參加了「可持續海鮮午餐飯盒計劃」,計劃由可持續發展基金贊助。

• 超過3,000人和85間公司參與本會一年一度的慈善步行籌款活動「步走大自然@米埔2009」。藉著參加在米埔自然保護區舉行的步行籌款活動,公眾人士可以加深對保育議題的認識,共同為環保出力。

• 65,000名學生參與本會的外展和中心教育項目。

• 30間公司參與首屆「資本企業家綠色企業獎2010」,獎項由世界自然基金會作為評審,《資本企業家》雜誌合辦,目的是鼓勵並表揚成為綠色企業模範的公司。

• 200名小學教師參與在米埔自然保護區舉行的流動技術應用課程,以後教育環保議題就更得心應手。

• 29 primary schools, with more than 12,000 primary students, joined STEP and pledged to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. The programme is initiated by the Swire Group and administered by WWF-Hong Kong.

• WWF collaborated with the Hong Kong Science Museum; Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department; and Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Gardens to present the Hong Kong Biodiversity Exhibition, held in support of the International Year of Biodiversity.

• 10 primary schools, around 8,000 students, and nine catering companies joined the Sustainable Seafood Programme.This project is funded by the Sustainable Development Fund.

• More than 3,000 individuals and 85 companies took part in WWF’s Walk for Nature @ Mai Po 2009, our annual fundraising and public outreach event. During the walkathon in the Mai Po Nature Reserve, participants learned about conservation issues and how they can be part of the solution.

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財務資料 Financials







There are many similarities in the operations and management of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and corporations. There are differences, and it is important to understand where and how they differ. The managerial challenges of an NGO can be quite different than those faced in the business sector. Environmental NGOs in particular deal with intangible processes with conservation outcomes taking a long time. Preventative conservation often goes unrecognised by the general public; this can be discouraging at times. There is an expectation, particularly in the media, that results should be both exactly quantifiable and achieved quickly. To compound the potential frustration, positive conservation results sometimes reveal additional ecological problems.

In the sphere of operations, NGOs must adhere to the same financial disciplines as the business world. NGOs require similar budgeting, control and reporting processes. We need to be cost effective, while ensuring that support costs are proportionate to the outcomes being generated.

NGOs face a range of financial challenges, which become exacerbated by misconceptions. One common misconception is that the cost of raising donations should be negligible. It does cost money to raise money. Another misconception is the theory that NGOs should not have any administrative costs. Without salaries, human resources, administration and other costs, it is not possible to deliver conservation and education programmes in an effective and efficient manner. NGOs, like companies, have an obligation to their respective stakeholders to be cost conscious and cost effective, but also realistic in terms of ensuring the true costs of delivering conservation are recognised.

This is the foundation that keeps WWF-Hong Kong ahead of other NGOs. We are viewed as one of the best – if not the best – administered offices within the WWF Network. Hong Kong is becoming a regional hub for various global conservation initiatives, and we are in a position to take a leading role in the region. The support of our donors is what makes this possible.

WWF-Hong Kong follows a simple principle. We are a conservation organisation, and every function within this organisation supports conservation. Education, Information Technology (IT), administration, fund-raising, communications and all other functions are vital and intrinsic elements supporting our mission to protect the environment and provide solutions for a living planet.

The principle includes our aim to keep our costs down to a reasonable level. This is done by setting benchmarks, such as analysis of the cost of recruiting a donor for fund-raising activities. We also use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as the percentage of our administration or fund-raising costs in relation to our total expenses or total income. We also do comparative analysis with commercial standards as well as within the NGO community.

© naturepl.com

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保育的真正代價tHE tRUE COst OF CONsERVAtION世界自然基金會香港分會致力以最符合成本效益的方法,達成高質素的保育和教育成果。

WWF-Hong Kong is determined to achieve high quality conservation and education outcomes in the most cost effective manner possible.

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財務資料 Financials財務資料 Financials


The following highlights provide a managerial analysis of the financial statements of WWF-Hong Kong, which have been audited by Grant Thornton. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. The full financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2010 are published in our audited annual accounts.


會員及個人捐款Membership and donations from individuals HK$24,525K

公司捐款及贊助 Corporate donations and sponsorshipHK$15,450K

基金、信託Trusts and foundations


政府撥款Government grants


籌款活動Fundraising events


賺取收入及其他Earned income and others


世界自然基金會網絡 WWF NetworkHK$3,337K

保育項目Conservation programmes HK$29,745K

社區教育 Community education HK$7,491K

會籍管理Membership management







銷售成本Trading costHK$3,152K

世界自然基金會網絡WWF NetworkHK$2,103K






4% 6.4%

5.1% 3.4%









2009至2010財政年度的經費來源:6,185.7萬港元SOURCE OF INCOME FINANCIAL YEAR (FY) 2010: HK$61.857 MILLION

2009至2010財政年度的支出分配:6,132萬港元EXPENDITURE ALLOCATION FOR FINANCIAL YEAR (FY) 2010: HK$61.32 MILLION

會員及個人捐款Membership and donations from individuals HK$24,525K

公司捐款及贊助 Corporate donations and sponsorshipHK$15,450K

基金、信託Trusts and foundations


政府撥款Government grants


籌款活動Fundraising events


賺取收入及其他Earned income and others


世界自然基金會網絡 WWF NetworkHK$3,337K

保育項目Conservation programmes HK$29,745K

社區教育 Community education HK$7,491K

會籍管理Membership management







銷售成本Trading costHK$3,152K

世界自然基金會網絡WWF NetworkHK$2,103K






4% 6.4%

5.1% 3.4%









2009至2010財政年度的經費來源:6,185.7萬港元SOURCE OF INCOME FINANCIAL YEAR (FY) 2010: HK$61.857 MILLION

2009至2010財政年度的支出分配:6,132萬港元EXPENDITURE ALLOCATION FOR FINANCIAL YEAR (FY) 2010: HK$61.32 MILLION



公司捐款為本會的第二大收入來源,總額為$1,550萬港元。來自本會公司會員計劃($700萬港元) 的公司捐款,佔公司捐款總額60%,是無限制用途捐款的一大來源。


在本會多個籌款活動中,「步走大自然」為世界自然基金會籌得主要的無限制用途捐款。這個一年一度的盛事在2010年財政年度再次取得成功,共籌得逾$200萬港元 (包括個人及公司捐款) 。



Total income in FY 2010 was HK$61.9 million, which was an increase of 13.0 percent compared to FY 2009. Both individual and corporate donations continued to be our major sources of income, contributions being 39.6 percent and 25.0 percent respectively.Our total individual donations were HK$24.5 million, of which individual membership contributed 93.5 percent (HK$22.9 million, growing 11.4 percent in the last year) while other general donations stood at 6.5 percent (HK$1.6 million).Corporate donations were the second largest revenue component at HK$15.5 million. 60.0 percent of corporate donations came from our Corporate Membership Programme (HK$7 million), a substantial source of unrestricted donations. The remaining 40.0 percent was given in the form of restricted corporate donations and sponsorship (HK$6.2 million) for particular conservation and education programmes, such as the HSBC/ WWF South China Wetlands Project (from the Hongkong Bank Foundation) and the technical support on Chinese white dolphin (from Shiseido).Among our fundraising events, Walk for Nature contributed significant unrestricted funds to WWF. This major annual event continued to be a success in FY 2010 with over HK$2 million raised (from both individuals and corporations).

We continued to receive significant donations from several trusts and foundations, such as the Swire Group Charitable Trust and the Fidelity Foundation.

Total spending for the year was HK$61.3 million. Similar to last year, our investment in conservation was approximately 48.6 percent of the total expenditure reflecting our focus on developing and implementing climate programmes and wetlands management (HK$27.4 million). We also invested HK$7.5 million in community education through our Mai Po and Hoi Ha Wan centres and significant community engagement campaigns such as Earth Hour. The Earth Hour campaign in Hong Kong attracted more than 2.5 million participants, who showed strong support in the fight against climate change. Membership management expenditure is our next major investment. This is an essential component for extending our messages to supporters, as an informed supporter is an avid conservationist. We continued our investment in community education in line with our goal of educating our next generation. As in previous years, we contributed a percentage of our total donated income to achieve WWF’s global objectives.

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財務資料 Financials 員工管理 Staff Management | 機構管治 Corporate Governance

2009及2010年回顧REVIEW OF 2009 AND 2010收入 INCOmE 2009 2010

IN HK$'000 IN HK$'000 % CHANGE會員及個人捐款 Membership and donations from individuals 22,475 24,525 9.1%

公司捐款及贊助 Corporate donations and sponsorship 17,074 15,450 -9.5%

基金、信託 Trusts and foundations 3,553 5,063 42.5%

政府撥款 Government grants 3,808 3,630 -4.7%

籌款活動 Fundraising events 2,264 3,945 74.3%

賺取收入及其他 Earned income and others 3,121 5,907 89.3%

世界自然基金會網絡 WWF Network 2,452 3,337 36.1%

54,747 61,857 13.0%

支出 ExpENDItURE 2009 2010

IN HK$'000 IN HK$'000 % CHANGE保育項目 Conservation programmes 32,751 29,745 -9.2%

社區教育 Community education 7,526 7,491 -0.5%

會籍管理 Membership management 8,858 7,783 -12.1%

公關傳訊 Communications 4,000 4,664 16.6%

行政 Administration 2,684 2,447 -8.8%

基金籌募 Fundraising 3,451 3,935 14.0%

銷售成本 Trading cost 1,994 3,152 58.1%

世界自然基金會網絡 WWF Network 5,476 2,103 -61.6%

66,740 61,320 -8.1%





In 2010, our total income grew by 13.0 percent. The biggest contribution came from individual membership donations amounting to HK$22.9 million. It represents an increase of over HK$2 million (9.1 percent) compared to last year.

The total expenditure decreased by 8.1 percent. The decreased conservation spend mainly related to a decrease in spending around the Earth Hour campaign and some delay in climate programmes expenditures.

We have successfully turned from last year’s deficit to a HK$0.5 million surplus this year by focusing the activities of our conservation and education programmes and instituting steps to improve efficiency and productivity.

In coming years, we will continue our mission with a well defined strategic direction. With a strong team of experts in the organisation, we have confidence to be a leading environmental organisation in Hong Kong, and our region.


In 2010, we added additional headcount in both conservation and education to cope with the expanded scope of our programmes and the wider focus on footprint issues rather than purely marine. With the growing use of IT in delivering conservation and education programmes, we increased resources in IT and made it an independently managed unit. The post of Finance Manager was upgraded to Chief Financial Officer as a response to the donor community’s requirement for enhanced reporting and transparency.

員工數目 Number of staff 2007 2008 2009 2010

行政總裁 CEO 1 1 1 1

公關傳訊 Communications 4 4 6 6

保育 Conservation 33 36 37 39

教育 Education 21 21 24 25

市場推廣及基金籌募 Marketing and Fundraising 7 10 10 11

營運 (財務及行政部) Operations (Finance and administrative functions) 16 21 20 22

總數 Total 82 93 98 104



The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of WWF-Hong Kong is held annually, usually during November, at which trustee members may attend. Executive Council members are elected by trustee members at the AGM. The term of appointment is three years and there is a rotation of members so that one-third of the members retire each year, but are eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies may be filled by co-option but the member in question is subject to election at the next AGM. The Executive Council, which meets five times per year, is the main governing body and is responsible for setting strategic direction, approving the annual budget, conservation programmes and regularly reviewing the operations of the organisation. They are assisted in this work by various sub-committees, the chairpersons of which sit on the Executive Council.


All members serve on a voluntary basis. The members are:

主席 Chairman

楊子信先生 Mr Trevor Yang

董事委員會 Executive Council

楊子信先生 ─ 主席 Mr Trevor Yang – Chairman

白丹尼先生 (義務法律顧問)

Mr Daniel Bradshaw (Hon. Legal Advisor)

張肇昌醫生 Dr Steve Cheung

范文志先生 Mr William W. Flanz

龍德先生 Mr Frederick J. Long

麥榮恩先生 (義務司庫)

Mr Iain J. Mackay (Hon. Treasurer)

黃永光先生 Mr Daryl W.K. Ng

彭敬慈博士 Dr K.C. Pang

薛綺雯博士 Professor Yvonne Sadovy

唐裕年先生 Mr Martin Tang

唐立賢先生 Mr Tony Turner

吳宗權先生 Mr Douglas Woo

胡棣周先生 Mr Wu Tai Chow

員工管理stAFF mANAGEmENt


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鳴謝 Acknowledgements鳴謝 Acknowledgements


惟本會仍希望藉此機會,答謝我們的公司會員,以及其他曾在去年給予本會重大支持的個人和機構 。

Promoting sustainable lifestyles and preserving the natural environment in Hong Kong and beyond takes hard work, dedication and ... money. Without it we would not be able to do our job. We have thousands of individual members and many corporate, trust and foundation supporters, and we would love to name you all. Sadly we cannot, but you know who you are, and we thank you.

However, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our corporate members, individuals and corporations who have made important contribution to our works.


捷成集團 Jebsen Group

嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited


新濠集團 Melco Group

捷成馬國際有限公司 MF Jebsen International Ltd.

兆亞投資集團 Search Investment Group

渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Ltd

瑞銀集團 UBS

九龍倉集團有限公司 The Wharf (Holdings) Limited

鑽石會員 DIAmOND mEmBERs佳能香港有限公司 Canon Hongkong Company


國泰航空公司 Cathay Pacific Airways Limited

中華電力有限公司 CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

清水灣鄉村俱樂部 The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club

香港電燈集團有限公司 The Hongkong Electric Holdings Ltd

廣興置業集團 KHI Management Limited

Noble Group Noble Group

Pacific Tiger Group Limited

Pacific Tiger Group Limited

邵氏父子有限公司 Shaw & Sons Limited

黃金會員 GOLD mEmBERs凱達環球有限公司 AEDAS

永旺(香港)百貨有限公司 AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited

第一電業有限公司 Alpha Appliances Limited

恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank

九龍建業有限公司 Kowloon Development Company Limited

Linklaters Linklaters

歷峯亞太有限公司 Richemont Asia Pacific Ltd.

The Robert Burns Hotel Group

The Robert Burns Hotel Group

信和集團 Sino Group

太古飲料 Swire Beverages

太古地產 Swire Properties Limited

擇善基金 ZeShan Foundation

珍珠會員 pEARL mEmBERs普利司通飛機輪胎(亞洲)有限公司

Bridgestone Aircraft Tire Company (Asia) Limited


Clariden Leu Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited

晶苑集團 Crystal Group

環球資源 Global Sources

香港國際機場 Hong Kong International Airport

利奧紙品集團(香港)有限公司 Leo Paper Group (Hong Kong) Limited

利豐(1906)慈善基金有限公司 Li & Fung (1906) Foundation Limited


Lloyd George Management (Hong Kong) Limited

Nearly Friday Nearly Friday

興華拓展有限公司 Schmidt Marketing (H.K.) Ltd.

瑞安建業有限公司 Shui On Construction and Materials Limited

新瑪德集團 Simatelex Group

瑞士再保險公司 Swiss Reinsurance Company

德永佳集團 Texwinca Holdings Limited


香港航煤營運有限公司 AFSC Operations Ltd.

洪紡(香港)有限公司 Aldertex (Hong Kong) Limited

安理國際律師事務所 Allen & Overy


Amway Hong Kong Limited

安樂工程集團有限公司 Analogue Holdings Ltd.

泛亞飲食有限公司 - 活力午餐 Asia Pacific Catering Corporation Ltd - Luncheon Star

亞洲衛星有限公司 Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

國衛保險有限公司 AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited

The Body Shop The Body Shop

兄弟國際(香港)有限公司 Brother International (Hong Kong) Limited

佳飛有限公司 Carthy Limited

時富投資集團有限公司 Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Limited

祥華實業有限公司 Cheung Wah Development Co Ltd.

中遠國際控股有限公司 COSCO International Holdings Limited

科銳香港有限公司 CREE Hong Kong Limited

鱷魚恤有限公司 Crocodile Garments Ltd.

禾大香港 Croda Hong Kong Company Limited

皇冠汽車有限公司 Crown Motors Limited

嘉栢環球有限公司 Crown Records Management

大昌行集團有限公司 Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd.

emoi 基本生活 emoi

The Euro Suisse Foundation

The Euro Suisse Foundation

豪馬(香港)有限公司 Hallmark Cards (HK) Limited


Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited

香港中華煤氣有限公司 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

香港上海大酒店有限公司 The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited

香港賽馬會 The Hong Kong Jockey Club

希慎興業有限公司 Hysan Development Company Limited

日本城(香港)有限公司 Japan Home Centre (HK) Ltd

莊信萬豐貴金屬香港有限公司 Johnson Matthey Hong Kong Ltd

利記集團 Lee Kee Group

元暉光電有限公司 Light Engine Limited

領先工業有限公司 Linkz Industries Limited

能益有限公司 Long Data Technology Limited

樂庭國際有限公司 LTK International Ltd.

宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司 Manulife (International) Limited


Megaman (HK) Electrical & Lighting Ltd

三菱電機香港集團有限公司 Mitsubishi Electric Hong Kong Group Limited

現代貨箱碼頭有限公司 Modern Terminals Limited

港鐵公司 MTR Corporation

南華精機製品有限公司 Nam Wah Precision Product Ltd

新世界發展有限公司 New World Development Company Limited

日郵物流(香港)有限公司 NYK Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited

Olympus Capital/ Asia Environmental Partners

Olympus Capital/ Asia Environmental Partners

東方海外貨櫃航運有限公司 Orient Overseas Container Line Limited

Outblaze Limited Outblaze Limited

太平洋航運集團有限公司 Pacific Basin Shipping Limited

科譽(香港)有限公司 POSH Office Systems (HK) Ltd.

專業鎖類中心有限公司 The PLC Group

莎莎國際控股有限公司 Sa Sa International Holdings Ltd

索迪斯(香港)有限公司 Sodexo (Hong Kong) Limited

新昌管理服務有限公司 Synergis Management Services Ltd

思緯市場資訊有限公司 Synovate Limited

捷榮國際控股有限公司 Tsit Wing International Holdings Limited

Ward Ferry Management Ltd.

Ward Ferry Management Ltd.

WElabel Limited WElabel Limited

衷心致謝OUR tHANKs

世界自然基金會香港分會公司會員2009-2010WWF-HONG KONG CORpORAtE mEmBERs 2009-2010

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 page 46 ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 page 47

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 鳴謝 Acknowledgements

機構 CORpORAtEADM Capital Foundation

ADM Capital Foundation

Allo Online Solution Allo Online Solution

安樂工程集團 Analogue Group of Companies

Apple Daily Limited Apple Daily Limited

水族天地 Aqua Zone

雅仕維廣告媒體 Asiaray Advertising Media Limited

亞洲電視 ATV


Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited

AWTC (Lo & Lam) Consultancies Ltd.

AWTC (Lo & Lam) Consultancies Ltd.

中國銀行(香港) 有限公司 Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

交通銀行 Bank of Communications Co. Ltd.

寶馬汽車(香港)有限公司 BMW Concessionaires (HK) Limited

英國駐香港總領事館 British Consulate-General HONG KONG

Buspak Advertising (Hong Kong) Limited

Buspak Advertising (Hong Kong) Limited

有線電視 Cable TV

長江實業(集團)有限公司 Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited

華潤物業有限公司 China Resources Property Limited

創興銀行 Chong Hing Bank Ltd

CODY Advertising (Hong Kong) Limited

CODY Advertising (Hong Kong) Limited

Corbis Corbis

DediPower (Asia) Limited

DediPower (Asia) Limited

德勤‧關黃陳會計師行 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

DFS Hong Kong Limited DFS Hong Kong Limited

利銘澤黃瑤璧慈善基金 Drs. Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation

Edelman Hong Kong Edelman Hong Kong

教育局課程發展處 Education Bureau - Curriculum Development Institute

FIL Foundation FIL Foundation

Focus TV Focus TV

福臨門魚翅海鮮酒家 Fook Lam Moon Restaurant Ltd.

Fox International Channels Asia

Fox International Channels Asia

Gammon Construction Limited

Gammon Construction Limited

General Mills Hong Kong Limited

General Mills Hong Kong Limited

Getty Images Getty Images

亮志服裝(香港)有限公司 Gloss Mind Apparel (Hong Kong) Limited

Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC

Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC

海港城 Harbour City

夏利文物業管理有限公司 Harriman Property Management

Hatch Collective Limited Hatch Collective Limited

恒基兆業地產有限公司 Henderson Land Development Company Limited

家悅 Home Retail Group (Asia) Limited

香港有線新聞速遞有限公司 Hong Kong Cable News Express Limited

香港流動通訊有限公司 Hong Kong CSL Limited

新報 Hong Kong Daily News

香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society

香港電車有限公司 Hong Kong Tramways Limited


和記電訊(香港)有限公司 Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited

I.T. Apparels Limited I.T. Apparels Limited

政府新聞處 Information Services Department

Jade Knitting & Garment Factory Limtied

Jade Knitting & Garment Factory Limtied

JM Network Limited JM Network Limited

香港太古集團有限公司 John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd.

Kadoorie Group Kadoorie Group

翹高有限公司 Kegral Company Ltd

嘉里物流 Kerry Logistics Network Limited

Knight Frank Petty Limited

Knight Frank Petty Limited

利希慎基金 Lee Hysan Foundation

禮頓建築(亞洲)有限公司 Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limited

Leo Burnett Limited Leo Burnett Limited

叙福樓餐飲有限公司 LHG Catering Limited

澳門有線電視 Macau Cable TV Limited

新濠國際發展有限公司 Melco International Development Limited

Microsoft 香港有限公司 Microsoft Hong Kong Limited

無印良品(香港)有限公司 MUJI (Hong Kong) Company Limited

南生圍發展有限公司 Nam Sang Wai Development Co Ltd

香港採購辦事處 Next Sourcing Limited

NOW TV (Infotainment) NOW TV (Infotainment)

Operation Santa Claus Operation Santa Claus

奧的亮照明國際有限公司 Optiled Lighting International Limited

Pacific Coffee Company Limited

Pacific Coffee Company Limited

POAD Group Limited POAD Group Limited

警察公共關係科 Police Public Relations Branch

盛世傳播有限公司 Prime Communications Limited

RoadShow Media Limited

RoadShow Media Limited

上海商業銀行 Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd.

資生堂麗源化妝品有限公司 Shiseido Liyuan Cosmetics Co., Ltd

信興教育及慈善基金 Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Ltd

新浪網香港 Sina.com HK

信和集團 Sino Group

Sompo Japan Insurance (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd

Sompo Japan Insurance (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd

Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited

Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited

新力愛立信移動通信公司 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication International AB

渣打香港150週年慈善基金 Standard Chartered Hong Kong 150th Anniversary Community Foundation

Starcom Worldwide - Hong Kong

Starcom Worldwide - Hong Kong

新鴻基地產發展有限公司 Sun Hung Kai Properties

可持續發展基金 Sustainable Development Fund

施華洛世奇香港有限公司 Swarovski Hong Kong Limited

太古集團慈善信託基金 Swire Group Charitable Trust

生活區報 ( 香港經濟日報成員)

Take me Home - a member of HKET Ltd

Tanner De Witt Tanner De Witt

天星小輪有限公司 The "Star" Ferry Company Limited

香港中華煤氣有限公司 The Hong Kong & China Gas Company Limited

香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

滙豐銀行慈善基金 The Hongkong Bank Foundation

蘇格蘭皇家銀行 The Royal Bank of Scotland

時代廣場有限公司 Times Square Limited

黛安芬國際(香港)有限公司 Triumph International (Hong Kong) Ltd

United Italian Corporation (H.K.) Ltd

United Italian Corporation (H.K.) Ltd

慧妍雅集 Wai Yin Association

屈臣氏蒸餾水 Watsons Water

WWF總部 WWF International

WWF Schweiz WWF Schweiz

特步國際控股有限公司 Xtep International Holdings Limited

個人 INDIVIDUAL陳鑑清先生 Mr Chan Kam Ching

Dr Choi Kam Yee Samuel Dr Choi Kam Yee Samuel

白丹尼先生 Mr Daniel Bradshaw

Mr James Hughes Hallett

Mr James Hughes Hallett

Ms Janice Chia Ms Janice Chia

Miss Janny Cockell Miss Janny Cockell

Mr John Raymond Witt Mr John Raymond Witt

Mr Lai Chi Cheong Mr Lai Chi Cheong

Lim Seng Bee Lim Seng Bee

Mr Lo See Wing Mr Lo See Wing

邵在德先生 Mr Markus Shaw

Mr Wong Hon Kwong Rocky

Mr Wong Hon Kwong Rocky

Wong Kwai Huen Wong Kwai Huen

Dr Wong Wai Kwong Dr Wong Wai Kwong

Mr Wong Wing Hong Albert

Mr Wong Wing Hong Albert

胡棣周先生 Mr Wu Tai Chow

Wyman Li Wyman Li

本會感謝以下曾於2009-2010年,以多種方式支持本會的公司和個別人士:WE WOULD ALsO LIKE tO tHANK tHE FOLLOWING FOR tHEIR CONtRIBUtIONs:

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.S. D


世界自然基金會 WWF






WWF-Hong Kong has been working since 1981 to deliver solutions for a living planet through conservation, footprint and education programmes.


Operating for nearly fifty years, WWF has forged unprecedented global partnerships with governments, other NGOs and the private sector, and has inspired individuals to take action and make a difference. With a global perspective and network, WWF is determined to identify and implement solutions to achieve success, working with others to achieve our goals.


WWF is the world’s leading conservation organisation, with a global network active in more then 100 counitries. WWF’s mission is to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. Founded in 1961, WWF’s headquarters are based in Switzerland.



We now have over 34,000 individual financial supporters.

With your support we can all play a part in delivering solutions for a living planet.

· ANNUAL REVIEW · 2009 - 2010