COINS Gildo Bavcevic

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Page 2: COINS Gildo Bavcevic

“Novac je krupna stvar koja ljude čini sitnima.” – ustvrdio je još prije nekoliko stoljeća William Shakespeare, točno i izravno detektirajući problem društva koji se do danas toliko produbio da je kroz stoljeća dubkom promjenio i društvo samo te u potpunosti zavladao njime.

Gildo Bavčević u svom umjetničkom radu uzima njegovu najmanju jedinicu nacionalne valute, 1 lipu, te gradi nekoliko simbolički i semantički vrlo jasnih i izravnih umjetničkih radova koji govore o odnosu današnjeg društva i novca. Simptomatično je da je prvi rad iz ciklusa nastao upravo na ulici, ulici koja je danas više nego ikad postala simbolom pobune građana protiv vladajućih koji pod krinkom demokracije provode ekonomski genocid stanovništva. Nakon javne akcije na splitskoj Pjaci 2011., gdje je umjetnik kovanicama ispisao SITNIŠ, a prolaznici su s poda sakupljali kovanice, samim time postavši dio akcije i njezin svojevrsni statement, Bavčević se počinje studiozno baviti sitnišem kao medijem umjetničkog izražaja, promatrajući ga kao umjetnički materijal kojim stvara, ali i kao simbol današnjeg društva i njegove problematike. Tako nastaje animacija MARŠ gdje paradigmom stupanja u vrsti (vojničkom poveznicom) vrlo uspješno oslikava današnji robovlasnički odnos čovjeka i novca, u koju kasnije integrira audiovizualnu instalaciju ZDENAC, gdje povezuje stari običaj bacanja kovanica u zdenac za sreću i auditivnu komponentu zveckanja kovanica kojom upotpunjuje cjelokupni rad.

Prostorna instalacija KUGLA donijela je jednu novu dimenziju cijelom ciklusu, koji se do tad bavi isključivo detektiranjem društvenog problema i istraživanjem mogućnosti umjetničkog tretiranja kovanica. Izradom disko kugle od kovanica, na kojoj su drugom bojom kovanica istaknuti kontinenti, autor kao da se želi odmoriti od kompleksne i teške problematike koju obrađuje, pa ovim radom, osim što nam daje jasnu asocijaciju na izreku „Money makes the world go round“, ipak i poziva na odmor od surove realnosti današnjice, i na ples.


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Umjetničkom akcijom PROFIT vs. DOBROBIT, čin kovanja novca dovodi do apsurda jer velikim fizičkim naporom opetovano udara u kovanicu na nakovnju dok ona ne postane samo neprepoznatljiva mrlja metala, dakle on ne izrađuje, ne kuje, nego uništava, dovodi kovanicu koja ima svoju vrijednost do bezvrijedne neugledne mrlje, želeći tako vlastitom akcijom uništiti vrijednost i moć novca, ali i podsjetiti da su kovanice samo sitni metali koji ne bi smjeli upravljati ljudima. Ovom akcijom također upozorava na bijes i destrukciju koju u ekstremnim situacijama stvara odnos čovjeka i novca, toliko kompleksan i duboko ukorijenjen u čovječanstvu.

Radom POVRAĆANJE SREDSTAVA opet se vraća auditivnoj komponenti kovanica, kojoj ovaj put dodaje i drugu auditivnu sliku, opet direktno asocirajući na odbojnost i odvratnost koju sam (ali i generacijski) osjeća prema novcu, dok u performansu ODUVIJEK i sam izvodi radnju povraćanja kovanica te izrađuje razne ideološke simbole današnjeg društva na tlu, u prašini.

U performansu ŠUŠKA LI TI TU NEŠTO? umjetnik zveckajući kovanicama stvara novi umjetnički prostor putem rasipanja, sakupljanja a pritom i zveckanja kovanica, vraća na početnu paradigmu da smo svi sitniš u rukama moćnika i poziva na osobnu i društvenu odgovornost i kolektivni čin svojevrsnog izbavljenja.

Ovaj ciklus umjetničkih radova, osim što je bolno aktualan u današnjem globalnom društvu te nas tjera da se zamislimo nad svojom sudbinom i sudbinom čovječanstva, donosi i zanimljivu i lijepo razrađenu zrelost razvijanja umjetničkog koncepta, rada s jednim materijalom u različitim medijima i na različite načine. Mnogi umjetnici već su radili s novcem problematizirajući ga i formalno i semantički, u novijoj povijesti najpoznatiji takvi radovi su oni Andy Warhola, no ciklusom „Sitniš“ Gildo Bavčević vrlo čisto i jasno detektira pravo pitanje današnjice: Hoćemo li dozvoliti da svi plešemo u ritmu novca?

Natasha Kadin

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„Money is a large thing that makes people small.“- claimed a couple of centuries ago William Shakespeare, accurately and directly detecting the problem of the society which deepend that much until today that it completely governs it.

Gildo Bavčević in his artwork takes the smallest unit of the national currency, 1 lipa, and builds a couple of symbolically and semantically very clear and direct works of art which talk about the relation between the todays society and money. It is symptomatic that the first work of the cycle was created right on the street which has today, more than ever, become a symbol of the rebellion of the citizen against the governing who under cover of democracy pursue economic genocide of the people. After a public action on the main square of Split, Pjaca, in 2011. when the artist wrote „small change“ in coins, and the by passers collected coins off the ground becoming in that way a part of the action and its so called statement, Bavčević starts to studiously deal with change as a medium of the artistic expression, observing it as an artistic material in which he creates, but also as a symbol of the todays society and its issues. That s how the animation MARCH where he using a paradigm of marching in a line (military link)very successfully shows todays slavery of man towards money in which he later integrates audio- visual component of coin clinking WELL, where he connects the old custom of dropping the coins in the well for luck and auditive component of coin clinking which completes the entire work.Installation in space ORB brought a new dimension to the entire cycle, which until then only deals with detecting the social issue and exploring the possibilities of the artistic treatment of the coins. When making a disco ball out of coins, on which the continents are distinguished in coins of different colours, as if the author wants to rest from the complex and hard issues he works in, and by this work, besides giving a straight association on the saying „Money makes the world go round“, he also calls for a break out of rough reality of today, and for dance.


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In his artistic action PROFIT VS. BENEFIT, the act of minting goes up to apsurde because he uses great physical effort to repeatedly beat a coin on an envil until it becomes only an unreckonable blur out of metal. He doesn t build, he doesn t mint, he destructs, brings a coin and its value to the point of a worthless seamy stain, wanting to in that way annihilate the value and power of money but also to remind that the coins aren t nothing but tiny pieces of metal which shouldn t control the people. By doing this he also alarms on the anger and destruction which in extreme situations creates relation between man and money, so complex and deeply ingrained in the society.

With his work, TAKING BACK THE SOURCES he again returns to the auditive component of coins to which he this time also adds another auditive image, again directly associating to dourness and disgust which he himself (but also as a part of his generation) feels towards the money while in his performance ALWAYS, he performs the act of throwing up of the coins himself and makes all kinds of ideological symbols of todays society on the ground, in the dust. In the performance COINS BEAT the artist by clinking the coins, creates a brand new artistic space, which by dissipating, collecting and clinking of the coins, brings us back to the basic paradigm that we are all only small change in the hands of those in power and calls out to the personal and social responsibility and a collective act of so called deliverance.

This artwork cycle, besides being painfully actual in todays global society, makes us reflect over our destiny and the destiny of mankind, brings an interesting and nicely elaborated mature development of an artistic concept of work with one material in different media and in different manners. Many artists have already worked with money by problematizing it both formally and semantically. In the newer history most famous works of that kind were those of Andy Warhol, but in the cycle COINS Gildo Bavčević very purely and clearly detects the real question of today: Will we allow us all to dance in the rythm of money?

Natasha Kadin

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Svaki čovjek bez duga, imovine i novca ravnopravan je svakom čovjeku bez duga, imovine inovca.

Any man with no depts, possesions or money is equal to any man with no depts, possesions or money.


Multimedijska instalacija

(videoanimacija, kovanice, zvučnik)

Multimedia installation

(video animation, coins, speakers)

Sve brojniji prosvjednici stvaraju zajednički prostor dijaloga, kako u javnom tako i virtualno-medijskom prostoru, a prosvjedi postaju ikonografijom današnjice. Tek kad nas je mnogo, vrijedimo nešto.

Countless protesters create a common space for dialogue in public as in virtual- media space, and protests become an iconography of today. Only if many, we worth something.



(zvučnik, kovanice)


(speaker, coins)

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Suptilan, nadrealan, neuhvatljiv, tiho cirkulira planetom dosad nepamćenim brzinama, esencija je života suvremenog čovjeka - novac. Plešemo li svi u njegovom ritmu?

Subtle, surreal, elusive, it silently circulates the planet in until now unknown speed, the essence of life of a modern man- money. Do we all dance in its rhytm?


Multimedijska instalacija

(video, kovanice, plastična kugla)

Multimedia installation

(video, coins, plasticball)

Kovanje zarade i dobrobiti postaje uzaludno, jednako kao i pokušaji da se iscrpnim udarcima teškim čekićem uništi, dematerijalizira i demistificira kuna, simbol nacionalne valute.

Mintage of profit and welfare becomes pointless, same as the attempts to destruct, dematerialise and demistify kuna, symbol of a national currency,by exhaustive beats of a hammer.



(1 kuna, čekić, nakovanj)


(1 kuna, hammer, anvil)

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Goleme količine kapitala slijevaju se prema malom broju pojedinaca, elite, koja njime upravljana stječe još veći profit ne obazirući se pritom na potpunu devastaciju čovjeka, prirode i društva.Sve se plaća, no dali se sve i vraća?

Enormous amount of capital melts towards a small number of individuals, elite, which by governing it gains even more profit, not considering the complete devastation of man, nature and society. It goes around, but does it come around?


Multimedijska instalacija

(video, kovanice, plastična kugla)

Video installation

Postali smo sitiniš u rukama moćnika, odbačene i ostavljene kovanice na trgu.

We have become small change in the hands of those in power. Discarded and left coins on a square.


Dokumentacija performansa

(kovanice 1, 2, 5 lipa)

Documentation of a performance

(coins of 1,2, 5 lipa)

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I kad novac sitno zveči, svi slušaju.

Even when money clinks quietly, everybody listens.






Materijalizam i moć oduvijek su kružili zemljom kao neraskidivi dio njezine prirode.

Materialism and power have always circled throught the Earth as anunbreakable part of its nature.


Dokumentacija performansa


Documentation of a performance


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Gildo Bavčević (Split, 1979) multimedijalni je umjetnik, student završne godine master studija medijskih umjetnosti na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Splitu. Radi u različitim medijima (performans, video, film, umjetničke akcije, multimedijske instalacije, audio projekti itd) a njegov rad uvijek je društveno i socijalno angažiran. Sudjelovao je na mnogo grupnih izložbi i projekcija u zemlji i inozemstvu, kao što su: Removed Together ST-LJ galerija Ljubljana, Tu Smo 3 MSUI, Pula, Revolution now and forever, Novomedijska galerija, galerije SC i VN, Zagreb, Re:Referendum, Novomedijska galerija, gradska vijećnica Split, Revija Hrvatskog Filmskog i video stvaralaštva, Max art fest, i druge. Od 2007. aktivno sudjeluje u organizaciji Split Film Festivala, jedan je od pokretača i stalni suradnik na festivalu performansa DOPUST, član performativnog elektro pank sastava Ilija i Zrno Žita, a aktivno se bavi i glazbenom produkcijom i dizajnom zvuka. Ovo je njegova prva samostalna izložba.

Gildo Bavčević (Split, 1979) is an artist in the field of multimedia, student of the final year of MA in media art on the Academy of fine arts Split. He works in different media (performance, video, film, artistic action, multimedia installation, audio projects…) and his work is mostly socially engaged. He took part in many group exhibitions such as: Removed Together ST-LJ galerija Ljubljana, Tu Smo 3 MSUI, Pula, Revolution now and forever, Novomedijska galerija, galerije SC i VN, Zagreb, Re:Referendum, Novomedijska galerija, gradska vijećnica Split, Revija Hrvatskog Filmskog i video stvaralaštva, Maxart festandothers. Since 2007. he actively takes part in organizing Split Film Festival and is one of the founders and permanent associates on the festival of performance art DOPUST, member of an alternative electro punk band Ilija i zrno žita and works in music production and sound design. This is hisfirst solo exhibition.

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MavenaNew Media GalleryKUMMinistarstvo kulture RHHAVCZaklada Kultura novaGrad ZadarNatasha KadinNatasha Kadin, Gildo BavčevićSandra SterleSaša PocrnićArijana Lekić FridrihGrafex d.o.o. Split200 primjeraka

Produkcija / Production

Donatori / Donors

Kustosica / CuratorPostav / Setup

Mentorica / MentorDizajn / Design

Prijevod / TranslationTisak


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