Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a et b. * Répondre aux questions « Notion focus ». * Pour s’entraîner à l’expression l’expression écrite, répondre à une des questions c. Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a et b. * Répondre aux questions « Notion focus ». * Pour s’entraîner à l’expression l’expression écrite, répondre à une des questions c. a. Explain Lauren’s relationship with India. Lauren is passionate about India. She did not plan on going to India but once she arrived there, she never left. b. Pick out elements used by the narrator to show that the house is « interesting » (l.7) Typically Indian: haveli, residence of the nawab. Its flaws become charming elements: crumbling, stained, scuffed, threadbare. Meliorative adjectives : magnificent, lofty. c. Write the end of the scene, as the narrator visits the internal courtyard of the haveli. Example : Lauren guides me to the internal courtyard and it is even more interesting. Just like the rest of the house, the walls of the patio are decaying. Despite its state, you can feel the presence of former noble figures. It reminds me of a museum, with artworks decorating the walls. The room is warm even though the furniture is rusty and sparse.

Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a

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Page 1: Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a

Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a et b. * Répondre aux questions « Notion focus ». * Pour s’entraîner à l’expressionl’expression écrite, répondre à une des questions c.

Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a et b. * Répondre aux questions « Notion focus ». * Pour s’entraîner à l’expressionl’expression écrite, répondre à une des questions c.

a. Explain Lauren’s relationship with India. 

Lauren is passionate about India. She did not plan on going to India but once she arrived there, she never left.

b. Pick out elements used by the narrator to show that the house is «  interesting  » (l.7)Typically Indian: haveli, residence of the nawab. Its flaws become charming elements: crumbling, stained, scuffed, threadbare.Meliorative adjectives : magnificent, lofty.

c. Write  the  end  of  the  scene,  as  the  narrator  visits  the  internal courtyard of the haveli. Example : 

Lauren guides me to the internal courtyard and it is even more interesting. Just like the rest of the house, the walls of the patio are decaying. Despite its state, you can feel the presence of former noble figures. It reminds me of a museum, with artworks decorating the walls. The room is warm even though the furniture is rusty and sparse.

Page 2: Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a

a. Explain why Jim has come to India and the narrator’s reaction. 

Jim is used to coming to India to stay in an ashram in order to release thepressure he feels in his job back in the USA and to be more efficient whenhe returns home. The narrator is first surprised but he then realises thatcoming to an ashram is a way to put one’s stress aside, which can behelpful when going back to work.

b. Pick out the various techniques used to set the plot. 

Location: Taj Hotel, Mumbai; breakfast in coffee shop.

Character: well-dressed, good-looking, about my age, Jim Taylor.

Time markers: I was … when, immediately.

c. Ed then visits the ashram with Jim. Continue the story from themoment they get out the hotel to their entrance in the ashram.

Jim continued: “If you have a moment, you should come with me. I’mactually heading there, right now!” I hesitated but I was so intrigued thatI accepted.

After finishing our breakfast, Jim and I left the hotel. A young manwearing a traditional Indian outfit greeted us and Jim introduced him tome. “This is Arti, my Indian guide when I come here.” Afterwards, Artitook us to a rickety car. As he was driving, Jim and I had time to catch upfor what seemed like an eternity. Eventually, Arti stopped the car and Jimgot out.

Page 3: Consigne : * Lire les textes et répondre aux questions a

a. Sum up the plot and compare the narrator’s feelings in the past and today.

Four years earlier, the narrator had come to India and he had been surprisedby and almost scared of the crowd in the city. Today, the narrator is comingback to Bombay and he still seems shocked by the overpopulated city.

b. How does the narrator manage to share his feelings with the reader ?

Adjectives: terrifying, exhilarating / menacing, fearful / bewildered.

Feelings: hope and terror.

To show the large number of people: using synonyms → throng, crowdedstreets.

Reactions: staring out → curiosity / fresh sweat on my arms → almost fear,intimidation.

c. The narrator gets  off   the   train.  Continue   the   text  and  focus  on  hisfeelings.

The train stopped at the station and a wave of people started getting out. I foundmyself trapped in this crowd, unable to move. I could almost feel my heart beating through my chest. The city hadn’t changed; I was still filled with anxiety,yet curiosity. Once I got out of the train station, I thought I would be relieved to escape this overwhelming place. I was wrong since the street was even moreoppressive. The idea of having to find my way to the hotel made me nervous.

Notion focus :

1. What aspects of India are foreigners often attracted to ?  Foreigners are often attracted to the Indian culture, which is very rich and diverse. Thisculture is characterised by its specific way of life, with the importance of religion, a typical architecture and varied populations.

2.  What impression does India make on foreigners ? Whether they like it or not, India never leaves visitors indifferent. Some visitors feel a sort offascination for this country because of its mysterious aspect. Others come to find peace and calm through its tradition of meditation. However, someforeigners can feel overwhelmed (submergés) by the never-ending dynamism.3.3. Would you like to go to India ? Explain why. I would like to visit India because I think it is a completely new culture even though we feel like we knowthis country. It’s true that a lot of Indian cultural aspects have permeated our culture. For instance, it is easy to watch Bollywood films or to attend yogaclasses, everywhere in the world. However, I am sure that visiting the country would be a completely different experience. It is important to see the culturein its original setting rather than through the western lens.