Critical Study of Architecture Language

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) (Critical Study of Architecture language )(Modernism & post modernism era : / . . / . - .

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:ABSTRACTAn argument about the nature of architecture communication has been existed since mid sixties. Some suggest its relevance to the natural language; it has vocabulary, structure and syntax. And it obeys sign systems rules in its significance of meaning, and obeys .communication system in its codifying rules through social contraction This paper discusses, through analysis and comparison, how to apply a formulation of set of dimensions from both semiotics model and Schulz model on both modern and post modern architecture language. These dimensions would be applied to measure, both the success .and failure of architectural language, in its dealing with urban context and social structure

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: . . . . . .Schemata

: :"A systematic means of communicating ideas or feeling by the use of 2"conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings Susanne Langer : "A vocabulary of words and syntax used to combine them into meaningful 3."propositions . 1 ) :(semiology . .Ibid 3 Langer, Susanne. Philosophy in a new key: a study in the symbolism of reason, rite and art. Cambridge: Harvard .1591 ,University Press2

words syntax .

: : 4 . 5 ) ( .. semantic . Daniel chandler .pragmatic :

: syntactic 1- .6""Recognition of the sign

: semantic 2- .7""Comprehension of the intended meaning of the sign

: 3- .8""Interpretation of the sign in term of relevance, agreementetc

: : : 1- . 2- . 3- .


. ) ( .4 Bathes Surssure . Nesbitt, k., 1996, Theorizing Anew Agenda For Architectural Design An Anthology Of Architectural Theory .5991-5691 6 Chandler, D. (1995 ), Semiotics for Beginners, encoding & decoding )( 7 .Ibid 8 .Ibid5

. . Jacques Lacon Ronald Barthes Jacques Derrida 6691 . . " " . 9. . . hallmark , .01 . . . )( . 11. . . "The conventionalized "word" for Auditorium in modern architecture 21".obscures actual functions behind overall patterns

9 : (Diana agrest & Mario gandelson) semiotics and architects (Geoffrey Broadbent) a plain man's guide to the theory of signs in architecture 01 : Charles Jencks 9691 meaning in Architecture Ropert venture 2791 .learning from Las Vegas ,theory of signs and symbols11


.Ibid 2002 ,Jencks, C., The New Paradigm in Architecture, The Language of Post-Modernism



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7.Mc lead, m. and others, architecture criticism ideology, Princeton architectural press, New Jersey, pg

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: IDEOLOGIECAL 1- : . . . . ) ( 51 .


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41 51 7891 ,William J R Curtis , Modern architecture since 1900, oxford




. . . : 1. . 61 :indexical sign : iconical sign . 2. indexical iconic . . 3. . . ) 1( . . .


2002 ,Jencks, C., The New Paradigm in Architecture, The Language of Post-Modernism

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: . . Two Party System -Late Modernism versus Post . Modernism .

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Ron champ Over coded . , , . , . . , . The Language Of Post Modern .

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References.1991 ,Goessel, B., Architecture in the Twentieth Century, Gabriele Teuthauser 5791 ,Jencks, C., "Modern Movement in architecture", Academy Editions, Britain 3991 ,Jencks, C., "Architecture Today", Academy Editions, Britain .8791 ,Jencks, C., "The Language of Post Modernism Arch. "Academy Editions, London Nesbitt, k., 1996, Theorizing Anew Agenda For Architectural Design An Anthology Of .5991-5691 Architectural Theory .5691 ,Schulz, C., Intentions in Architecture, Massachusetts, the 6891 ,Schulz, c., The Demand For A Contemporary Language For Architecture .6691 ,Venturi, R., Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture .7791,Zevi, B., The Modern Language of Architecture .6791,Blake P., Form Follows Fiasco



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28- Jencks